f f ImVj OREGON STATESMAN, Salexrw Oregon Wednesday Morning, Jnly 21, 1937': PAGE NINE and QiMity Feature Used Car Offeri: 1 - Variety Digs -J if -1 t Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified AdTertlslng Single Insertion per Una lOe Three Insertions per line 20c Six insertions per tin 30c One. month per line 1.00 Minim om chars 15c Copy for thta pags accepted until 6: JO the evanlng bafor publication for clrosincmUon. Copy received : after this time win be rum under the heading.; "Too , Late to Clas sify." j .': -v - ."...v. -. ; The Statesman assumes no flnan- etal responsibility for errors whteh may appear la advertisements pub lished In its 'columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reset-res the right to reject Questionable advertising. TeL It further reserves the right X , place all advertising under tbav proper classification. 1 1 Hop Pickers Wanted ! WANT HOP pickers, free tents, stoves, wood, water, lights. K. Chikus hopyard. Independence, ore. ATTENTION HOP-PICKERS We are registertng pickers for Mltoma, Curtis, and Durbin yards. imrnm t uomojer over J. C. Penney Store N. Liberty Street I Help Wanted Male WOOD CUTTERS, 500 cord old growth fir, $2.25; white fir, 12.50; second growth, $1.75. TeL 780. 445 Ford street. ' 4 ONE MAN over 30 will be selected from this city to represent our firm in i .in. . l College graduate or medlcaUy train- ed men preferred. Training, equipment ft clients furnished ; no investment re- , quired, good pay assured to the rignt man. Tour hours will be from p.m. to 10 p.m. only, present occupation ' may be retained. Call at our office, telephone' or write jar. u. m. jacpos, 304 Orpheum Bldg., Portlaad, Oregon. I Help Wanted Female :: . - T.A.TW FOR ltffrit hnusework and I -1 - - i nt .molt e-irl On home nixhts. I 1 Inquire 1120 S. 12th. Phone 8036 WOMAN TO assist in general house- work on farm. Box 368, Statesman. woman uuuii on iarm. raooe i : SF1L A. J. Egan, Brooks, Ore. i GIRL OR woman for care of invalid and light housework. Give age and ' phone. Box 776 Statesman. GIRL FOR hwk. 1510 N. , Summer. J - Situations Wanted EXP. DR'Sir KR. Mrs. Adsttt. 9446. EXP. PAINTER wants work, con- tract, hour or- wt,K. MntMMAr- 1 SKII I - i Bellevue. M. E. Langdon. .INFANTS AND small children car ed for in my home. Reasonable. Doc tor's ref. 2605 Maple. For Sale-Miscellaneous CASH OR trade tor osed fumltui ranees, beaters, radios, machinery tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry. aue- tlooeers, phone 6-l-i-e. nit n. sum mer In Hollywood, A DDI NO MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped, j Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter isxcn. n uju". FERTILIZER. RIVER Silt, garden rock. TeL 3800. Lacey. 1 ,'l-'" LEGHOKN ttcixa, in proaucuuu. Carefully selected. Tel. us?. J-ee s hatchery. i Mrf'wMiiwwa I , VETCH AND oata, hay. $8 in the l t.i. u mii aratth . of Dattla Creek I Bchoolhouse. Wm. Mlckenham, sTAVniBT) SIZE srain and spud v. nac TS,r.T mail Phona 7173.1 Tj-LnLrLn.in.i.nnrir.-11-iriiriiirnrii-iii-ii-iri-ii i--i I vfot ZENITH auto radio. 3 wks. old arial turn. $40. Ralph Rusch, 254 1 iu rv.,.n.h rvii av I . Tlll--li ' 1 - M........ I TWO CHINESE CHOW puppies six 1 months old. also girl s bicycle lute new. Vri? - ZENITH ALL-WAVE radio, 9-tube console model, $59.95. Terms. Salem Appliance Co., 453 Court St. . OASOLINE COOKSTOVE. 4 burner. $9.60. Salem Appliance Co, 453 Court St. ruui.oiiriririr-i-i ii"- "-i-i-i-i- MALE PQODLE pups, electric cook er, Belcrest lota Tel. 8840. anjan.n.rirviiii-i'-iJ-"i-ii- . . . UPRIGHT LUDWIG piano, velour living room drapes- leaving town. Sacrifice sale. Tel. im. n.i'irini'wjrtww-M-wii-.-iii-M-M-'-i-i-i'-i'- - -i-i - xvt salk Nlna-nleca dinlna- set. Cost $179.50. selling 87B.60. ixu rug. ca vn 119.E0. Radraom fur-1 . . " C a uV.v. - i . . . .... nrniirpii. nmiM . . . . t . a njuwtn. -i -i- -- HOUSE TRAILER, new, meaern, -...miirif Sacrifice, sell for 44 or-1 1 ii.li. Mat xerma or iraae. noon , tss w j-ruirw-Li-ii-i - -- -- -- - FOR SALE complete Una of camping miinnwiiL new and used plpa In all ..... Nw ft used nlumbinx of. all kinda; No. 1 wheat sacks, oat sacks ft amid sacks, also buy all kinds of metal, chittum oarx m niaes, tipiun un a rnln Co. 146 Center St ivutruu'inririi-ii-i-i-i-i-ii-i-ii- -i i"i . i v-AKcrr HILL, crown Roval Anne and Lambert cherries all this weex, $c per lb. puritan ewer worxs, west Salem, fa. fz. GERMAN ROLLERS and Unit sing ers. $3.60. R. 6, B. 257. P. 1389. JUGHT TRAILER. 336 S. 18ttt Bt j Trade Miscellaneous j I EQUITY IN 2 creek lots for good tised car. What have you? Phona $439. ! LOT for car or truck. Phone 4946. ADVERTISING Western Advertising - Representatives renaer-HaU Osw. Ltd, Saa Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant Griffith A Branson. lac Chicago, New Tork, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta gatervd at IA Peetsfiee at galam.1 OreffO. coa-vtas mwwr. rwm lltlud rstry mri9 scvt Honda Bin ttU S 7""retai Slrvei. - RDBbUttiruwn uan Subscription Rata ta Advance. 'Within Oregon: Daily an Sunday 1 , Witmn " Mo. $1.26 ; t Mo. $2 i ; ZZ . . . aj aa - ia Vants per Mo., er $- tot 1 T ' ivdwiace. P' Copy 3 eents. News Me. Ic'.nds 8 eents. nJcity Carrier t 48 cents a month. $. a year ta advance Wanted Misccllaneona j k WHEAT ' WANTED Immediately. lllFL FILBERTS AND meat Stat Cat WE BUT and sell Iron, metal, pipe, I to au nnu tnacznnery. vrey aw i cbOtery A Jank Co. 115 Chemeketa I St, Tel 3737. 1 u TRrVT5 TO Bismarck. N. IX. Aug. 1.1 Want naa passenger. Reference. Box I , statesman. I WAwnjT heats , r waiaats m kwH. aay uamltx State Cafeteria. rUtC-WB tote uo Bead and worth less horses, eowa. sheep Tel. 4949- "TOP PRICKS paid, for live horses I and cows for fox feed. Phone 11X8, For Rent Rooms 1 RMS, ladles, 9 N. Cottage. 6171 WELL, FTTKN. sleep, rm. tit Center. SLEEP. RM. $75 E St. Phone 73(7. beo. 95fi Belmont. Ph. 7772. SLEEPING ROOMS. 435 Chemeketa. 1 HOUSEKEE-piNa RM. 7b. 8840. sleeping room. 477 center. ' MOD. R. girls only. 1577 Court. Room and Board 1 BOARD. BK, very close In. S418, STNGLE-TDOUBLE walk. dis. 9342. CLOSE IN. Ph. 501. 815 BeUevue. cokmiseci mom int. LeT f iacTh-and "cld water, jrooa excellent, rnone so. For Kent Apartments . - . -swA gm t.st. I apt. . o. 1 MODERN APT 3. ft rooms. Inquire I o . xr,h rufiMnl I i -u-. xwiui I and TU- Road, S RS., BATH, refrig. 110 N. 14th. VACANCY. 639 Center. 5-RM. FURN. apt. Close In. Adulta 404 N. Church street: Phone 7745. LGE. FR. 2-rm. 250 S. Cottage, t UPSTAIRS FURN. apts. Hot! and .M t .V.inr Trohlno Summer LlTT. " . . J ... ,r t I nnr,&. II, B II II m i ann lie. I Liu j u u lu u u j fC I i floor, newly decorated, fireplace, nace beat, garage, $25. 674 N. Church. T.ARR fTT.FAN hampnt hskn. roomg. Light, water, garage. Reason- able. 790 N. Commercial. 1 AND 2 R. APTS. 2183 State. 2 RMS. FURN. bath. 1470 Waller. I VACANCY, ROBERTS APTS. FURN. 3 R. apt. 640 Marion. 2 RMS. FURN. 255 Division St. fn PI'DV n TT.T-af. K, th I "r .,7 n vii i wxivr Mull h.ii : i ic h ii in i n. " I For Rent Houses T R. MOD. FURN. 862 N. 16th, 4-ROOM .HOUSE Phone 21F5. ' 6 ROOM HOUSE, $25.00. Ph. 8121. i For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rant. Ii- U. Stiff Furniture Co. COTTAGE AT Yachats. TeL 47F2. Wanted to Rent " WANTED TO RENT HOUSE, not ies. than 6 rooms, by August 1st, Need not be strictly modern. North of State street preferred. References rumts&ea on request, call or write su orui summer St, -wias , WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished noaae. Box 269 Statesman. I For Salr Rril Fntatc MR. HOMES EEKER Improved properties listed In our catalog range from acre to 420 acres, priced from $500 to $48,000 with down payments from $150 up. Unimproved properties from $3.50 per acre up. Let us help you to find the rigni piace quicxiy. W. V. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY I Oregon Bldg. 494 State St. Ph. 4497 WOULD YOU like to own a charm- In a- home In beautiful Cap! tola? i A small down payment and just rent fori the balance will do it. Let us snow you bow easy it la ASCHIM ft THOMAS Phone Real Estate ' 3311 260 N. High St, Salem A BUILDING site ta the country with all city conveniences as low as 17 cents a day. Let us show you. I AoV. rr l An ixxkjblao I Phone Real .Estate I n . jruga oi., iai"ii I PC A TflM WFI . C t .1v iiia Pn,. Illsh type heme. Large lot. 3 blka from j a .a w w . .k. u j uavw n i I Englewood schooL Oa bus line. $3oo, i pnone isse. i . auuuui nuua iiuuaw bmuj I furnished. Fireplace rurnace, m I . . . i ...a. .rnA Hnyi.wiuvi U1SL. f.ovu. iwn favu. I Phone 6o. I ' t A. courLK of very moaera T-room I homes in Salem's best location. North t Summer and Winter St $6500. Easy inv xu. . I r nAyv,, untn a . - - I I . xu.TVA near uiixivi u xrouw. iwo I lots. 1 buc from Englewood school, a i nouse anyone- snouio oe proua 01. iwuu gown, rn. a VTt rnrrT. is iii;; east of Salem, start cutting and haul - lag. $1700 $soo down. Ph. 6680. V "B'uYs"":r:" f7oTr the Hollywood theatre. w. o. krleoer 147 N. Conf L St Phone 4728 aaaaaaaaaaaNaaaaiaaaaaaaa. home BARGAIN Owner will sell 6-room home, close la locaUon.fme gardens and shrub- T,, . . i,iiiiiitk auuiw box IK4. rare statesman. wvwvMwavwwvv - - 204 ACRE FARM near Aumsvllle. Sf"5 Lb h!?: h we"S - -v.- . N. Church St. large corner lot Just I fabric, and yard ruffling. II rlxht for an apartment court Price I in trrwt tAn.ivt, un. in. . . a Mom nntiaa on Wllann Kf an raw decorated Inside. Very easy terms. CARLETON E. LANE, Real Estate 813 State St Phona 8622 IF YOU want something nice we have a new 6 R. house, modern in every way. Til drain boards, corner lot This Is a good buy at $4200, terms. r. house, close in on N. Cottage. Priced tor a short time at $2300. terms. a t , t , .i ; paving and walks in and paid. Price 1 33250. terms. - ; w of land'all rulUvated for $60.00 per acre, 1 VOSBURGH-GRANT. Masonic Bldg. FOR SALE NICE ACRE erase to Salem (east). I WiU sell at a bargain r trade on small home lit Salem. Pay cash difference. I rr, aara. jiajis wita v : CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors ' 314 State St. Phone SIM For Sale Real Estate j , FOR SALE by owner. I no. house. t(S S. lth or Ph. 730$. ; IV. A. SNAP BRAND NEW $100 cash 6 rm. unfinished house on Aj close city, with fine view. For a few days only, a real pay ax sizee. I ROBERT F. BUDROW. Real Eest&tel Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 69661 E T? MOD. honse. 1 Uk. from Bush achooL $600.00 down. Inquire 1110 Lee. LOT near statehouse. 1689 Center. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WELL. BUILT ( room modern bouse, like new, beautiful oak floors, fireplace, I bedroom and bath on 1st floor, 2 nice I wlth fiowerln,. trees and shrub., I lily pond, etc This Is a real bargain at 4Ztf. lltMral terms. : . SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 244 State St. - Phone T08 taeeseWWs'aWe BEAUTIFUL HOME ! .twt T7cjTTv-es'v.yre . u11 his modern Salem home. Excellent o- cation, rooms, Deautnui sun-ounamgs. i lot. Lltet.fPrlCed 1 at only 17500 with terms to suit. SEE Mr. Walter with v . CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors tZZXZ stm I rnone 70 I 144 state St. Exchange Real Estate ) 5-ROOM HOUSE, well located. WU1 sell on rental payments. i Small tracts for building sights, 16 per montu. - i F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411. i f ACRES CLEAR of Incumbrance. I WiU trad for town property and as sume. ron Bld- Phon Fo Sale Farmi tt Anrrn txti TTjr a tt . ii vnVAOAU. SWWi PEACHES : Packing shed. Fenced. 45 .1 i ',17. rv I rrrrrr' . . S250U.00) Price 89600.00. river bottom" Far iu'im, uuxxuiu, fwiu ui ii :. 1 , 7 . " V. 7 V; ' , .:;,;:.r a nit uu4iuiocu Iks u jusxfw as v caiica.uax7a 2500 cords wood. 8 mL from city. Price $11,000.00. ( CROP ft FURNITURE: 23 ae. mod ern 5 rm. hse. Barn, garage, chicken hse. Water system, young orchard. 13 ac. in crop. Good living stream with timber, everything goes. $5000.00, ' I " - I iwwwwmwwiww. I in aiui iaiui, t nines cast oi I .rv . -m r-i .-.I Salem. 5 room house and barnj would fur-i. t7oa 7r KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L St Phone 472S Acreage SMALL ACREAGE tracts, dose to I small buildings, mile from cityj north east. Owner. 637 N. 20th street. Wanted Real Estate WANTED A $1000 property for 2 elderly couple. Will buy outright or I .lirr.. nMn.w I. .r. .BP. I T'J " 'u v" rv imifiriiiir, an a?.. I - ' F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 By ANNE ADAMS There's such a clever combina tion of charm and youthful dig nity in this slim-o-llne frock that vau 1I find It a real nofennftv J " ' "- - V ' ior. your . at ,uuui3 wiruruu; Topping its bodice axe trim 1 yoke, and flared sleeves, while a I flaterinr surplice line contributes .fl"ery. And don't you I ii xe ue aaiuty, ieminine n o i e i that's added bv the narrow, crisn 1 frlllt RerlnnAr and oxnorlnncAd I . I seamstress alike will Cnd it easy I fun to Stitch UD pattern 4384. tor this model boasts but few,! simple ., nloKo. Trlaat It, I a------ a-"- v. j reus. , t. .an a a ,. l xaneni 484 is avanaDie I mtasea and women's sizes 1 6 ho, 4. 3. as, 40. 42, 44 and Sl2e jaj uke, , yards s inch I BtrtiMfATia in1niAl I w,-k- Band riTTXEir CISTS (ISc) la seias ar ataavps ceiaa pzafexrad) far this Aaae Aaaau pattara. ' Write plainly 81ZE, KAME, ADDRESS and STYLE KUMBER. - Sanrmer ehle yoaral Seed far enr ew ANNE ADAMS PATTS&N BOOK ad see how easily yea eaa (titrh op the aewett, tmartsit eotiitt from the tasiast patterns ever scaa I Ne Batter how iaevperiaaced at sawing, roe riU wsat ta make these lovely attersees rreeks, party styles, morning models I Variety end flattary for greariaiMrp aai grewa apt BOOK FIFTEEN CgJrrS. PATTERN FIFTEEK CENTS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOK BOTH WHEN ORDERED TOGETH ER, ij,- Bead year ardsr te Tha Stttenasa. Psttera Department, Salem, Oreteav I Pattern - For Sale Used Cars llj OVER 20 YEARS OF SQUARE DEALING r , , . 1 U7t are nt terms several Of ' t " . ' our 1937 F-5 Sedan Cour tesy Cars at a great savings ore price. Ask the sales- men. SOME UUTbTAnUllSlr VALUES IN USED CARS Hit Ford Tudor with trunk IC0 Its Ford Tudor - 1!S rhvrnlf fit A fnsrh SB ncH orv .w rInt. good S" 12 OldsJ 4-dr. Sedan, new paint f 118 1934 Ford Pickup J 37 1934 Ford 'Panel Delivery Tord. Panel Delivery . xi. Early 1934 Ford Pickup S34S Valley Motor Co. open EVENINGS AND WEEK SATS CLOSED SUNDAYS THREE LOTS Center at Liberty Hallywood Marian ft Liberty . 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe, 3495. A-l shape. 1073 Second St. West Salem. TTVT CATV. 1M1 fMOt good urea inquire at lz nirw. tVMl D IT P f Wt m.m!t n. kA. T ,TAn ijr T ti,,n ac valley Motor Co. '27 OAKLAND $15.00. 1185 Leslie. Wanted Real Estate 1 WANTED WE have buyers far I houses, lots, and farms. List with us now. uahau,!, ,f,, iveai 1988 N. CaPttOl TeL 8611 mmw'ivv LIST YOUR apartment house, NOW. Have customer to $9000. Also a trade. Reasoner (certainly) 665 N. High St. I CASH BUYER for modern house In oa.ieiu , urcicr wm ul iuiut ltoi. KememDcr ail casn. H. C Shields, Oregon Bldg., TeL 8902 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 946 a. izin street. COMPLETE PLUMBINO tools and business. Only plumber In town. In-1 qulre Monmouth Hdw Co., Monmouth, uregon, Money to Loan COLD CASH FOR S TSfW TTV ATM?! TUVWTiC tlUI W tAL tltutX IMtjtiUO A vacation is not a luxury it Is an investment In health and happiness. We can lend you up to $300 for yours. Repay In small amounts on any plan you select Come in. Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 61 S Stats St. at Hlgb Phone 3191 Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-122. M-163 ? CON SOU DAT W TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive per- sonal consideration both before and after the loan Is made. Interest on unpaid balances no rees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 12$ 8. Commercial Phone 9168 St. Salem. Or. Lie. No. S-129 AMPLE FUNDS. Benjamin Frank - 3M 5e S44S lln loan. Also private money to build, Willard Tompkins who is enjoy modernhte or refinance on homes and , SO-dav tMn of ahstoncA Is i suburban property. Lowest rate, quick mg 8 v-?f7 leave or aosence, is service. See F. u. JJelano, Zo xsonn Church street FOR YOUR Immediate needs, sea us tor small loans. Any amount up to $200. CHILDS MILLER. INC ; Lie. No. 8-204 ' 344 State St Salem, Oregon MONET TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property tin der the r. H. A. plan, long term loans I witn low mommy paymenta. mo com- m I salon. Bail nance er build a new home. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phona $46$ ajajaaWaaaaaaMaaWMMaaiaVaaaaajai MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU want immediate action, see us for farm, city and Improved acre age loana, CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phona $798 FEDERAL HOUSING loana build. refinance homes, business prop. Ratsa Abrams A Ellis. lac. Ma ion to Bldg. Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED: MONEY TO buy new or used car I money ai vary, svw raw-. I rea tape 1 to 20 month U repay, Roy H. Simmons 13$ & Commercial St, Salem, ! Or. Phona $168 Ue Na M-162. Loans Wanted 1 LOANS WANTED an earn and atty property. Before borrewtng. Inquire at Hawkins ft Roberta, I Financial - WE HAVE never paid tees than this rate en savings and investments. Insured te Ii6ML i Mutual Federal Savings ft Lean Ass's. Phona 4944 148 & Llbetry t For Sale Wood i"T GUARANTCED DRt WOOD coal TeL 6406L, Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. Na 1 DRY wood. Reasonable. TaL 8354. LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. 187F8. lt-nccH mill block and old fir, Fred E. Wells, 1060 M11L Phone $833. Lost and Found I LOST FOX terrier. Nam -Dot" Reward. Phone $718. LOST ' GLASSES in Thompson ft I Gluten cam Reward, Phone .359 $ LOST BLACK and white fox terrier name Jimmie, Weight 15 lba. Reward. TeL 774S. 730 N. UbertV Rt, ; For Sale Used Cars l OTTO J- .Triple Checked Used Cars TODAY'S SPECIAL 1M1 GRAHAM 4-DR. SKDAK MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM For Better Cars Prlces-Terms ft Service SEE OTTO J. J BU1CK SALES 8(1 and 188 North Commercial - Fraimk DdoliMe PONTIAC . i GOODWILL 193$ PONTIAC C Coupe This car has upnoistermg, all steel booy, turret top, nyarauuc nraxea rnis car has been thoroughly checked by" our service manager and found te be in perfect condition throughout. Special ,, $726 1920 GRAHAM f 4 -Dr. Sedan This very clean, extra good tires, nyarauuc braxes, exceptionally gooo mechanically. A nice looking car WE HAVE MANY MORE OF EQUAL VALUE TO CHOOSE FROM 6-PONT1AC-8 : DoolitHe Motors North Commercial at Center Street Phone 2S( " : V1 I)WWWWWWW,WW)WWW '30 FORD ROADSTER. Good shape mechanically, good rubber. $185 cash. Phone 6070. 976 Norway. Wanted Used Cars WANT LIGHT 4 -door sedan that 1300 rash, full rrle will hn. No I dealers. E. M. Sanders. 262 N. Cot. i laae. ILeL 9907, Transportation 0 TOung men wish ride to Chl- I Will tafaare exnensea Dial lis. eaU May Seed Cover Crops in August I Af..a..J wrtuttlu or crwpa snouia oa seeded during the last August, and In prune orchards seeding should bev done before picking begins, according to a report from the county agent a office, Fall seedings of vetch and oats for hay next year or in orchards 1 as & cover crop will enable farm' ers to collect 1937 agricultural conservation payments, the. re port said. The only restriction is that ' the vetch and oats seeding payment can not be made on land that has earned some other pay ment during 1937. However, ad ditional lime and super phosphate I payments may be earned on the I same land. Marine Is Visitor At Grand Island 1 GRAND ISLAND, July 20 .itcuuiub u iaiauuu si uib noma Business Cards In this directory run oa m monthly basis only. Bate; SI per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panax. 373 South CommercUL Bicycles BICYCLES. ' NEW' ft reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 14T & Com'L Ph. 461$. Brushes FULLER'S. Ph. 8724. 3736 Brook St Carpentering BUILDING. PAINTING, repairing. 441 State. Phone $06$. . 1 j Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4460. R. , E. Northness. Chiropractors 1 1 DRj O, L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 25$ N. High. TeL Res, $763. j ExcaTating EXCAVATING OF aQ kinda, Bass men ta dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for aale. Salem Sand and Gravel Ca. Phone 940$. .. ". .. j FlorisU Bralthaupt'a, 447 Court Ph. 6904. Furs D DuBAXN FUR Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. SAC. Miller Bldg. 1 ! Honse Moving i t nbuSBl MOFING. Bidgtv bought A soldi P. 7748. H. Lammera, 730 N. Lib, Laundries THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LAUNDRY 268 S- High TeL , 9126 Lawn Sprinklers CALL C a Whltcomtv Ph. 4398. For Sale Used Car 1 1 WILSON COMFLETELT OVERHAUXJCD TOILSOM AND SERVICE - Phone 6451 -. Salem, Ore.' DEALER ! ! USED CARS original frosty green finish, mohair car has new black finish, interior for only -$235 ! of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tompkins. Willard is a member of the U. S. marines and has been stationed In Hawaii. On his re - turn he expects to be stationed at Bremerton, wash. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Will ac- companied by the former's par- ems, jar. ana airs. Leonara wm oi Jennings lxxige lert Sunday morning on a vacation trip to aiiowa LAke. wayne Leiiey, son or Mr. and Mrs. Jii. A, Lefley has gone to iviamain aiis wnere ne is em - pioyea oy a logging company. j. a. jaoinorn ana sister, Mrs. w a S A 1 a. I J. N.i Robertson of Salem and tneir cousins Mr. ana Mrs. Perry moinorn ana nis sister Mrs., wai- ters, an oi Heaidshurg, Calif., were guests baturoay in the home of the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. I Rockhill and family. I Notice to Creditors that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court OI IDA IKTAt nr nTocnn fni- lTtti. Ion County, Oregon, as adminis trator of the Estate of Martha A. Bellinger, deceased. All per sons j having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the under signed at the office of Dwight Lear, 202 Oregon Building, Sa lem, i Oregon, attorney for eaid estate, within six months from the date of the first publication W w W.VQVa, aVV HSi ' first! publication of this notice is Jaly 14, 1937, and the last publication will be August 11, 1937, CLIFFORD J. BELLINGER. Administrator of the Estate i of Martha A. Bellinger, de ceased. DWIGHT LEAR. Attorney for said Estate, 202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. Jly. 14-21-28; Aug. 4-11. Directory Lime GOLD HILL agricultural Ume. state tested, 98 calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. ALSO farm loana 1070 Broadway or 129 Oregon Bldg. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sis- tag; fluff rug weaving. S. 13th ft Wil bur. Tel. C441. OTTO F. ZW1CKEK Est 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pboa 4049. Pamting-Paperhanf HERBERT B. WOOD T. 892$. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 147 CommercIaL TeL 8887. : N. Printing FOR STATIONER T. cards, pamph lets, programs; books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 816 S. CommercIaL Tele phone 9101. I Private Detective Newell Williams, Bos 137. TeL $719.1 Stoves and Fence WK REPAIR stoves and circulators, make water heatera, carry wtre feacs, fence posta. Salem Fence and Stove worka 262 Chemeketa street h. it Fleming. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Transfer C 2$ arardtne and atom err apedaltyi Gat Stat St TeL 777$. ptstributlns.' for- our ratea. CITY TRANSFER ft delivery aervtce.1 ncM f tii. Moving, nauimg and anip ptng at ireauced ratea i FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oO,. call 2111, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to' Portland dally. Well Drilling R. A. WEST. Rt . Bx. 446. T. II0F2. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, blackxmlthing. Pnone J5ZJ. tze N. tJommerciaj. ; For Sale Used Cars BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT, MdKay$ 1927 Pontiac Sedan ... 1928 Buick Coupe .......... 1929 Studebakcr'Sedan .. 1928 Ford Sedan, air wheels 1 ... 135.00 1928 Ford Sport Coupe, air wheels .... 140.00 1930 Chevrolet Coach ..... 195.00 1935 Chevrolet Standard Coupe 475.00 1935 Chevrolet Master Coupe ... ... 545.00 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan.............. . 645.00 1936 Chevrolet Sport Sedan .. . .... 695.00 McKAY CHEVROLET CO. CLOSED Phone 333 Center Final Rites Held For Mrs. A. Taylor LEBANON, July 20 Mrs. Arilla Taylor, 67, prominent in church, club and community' work in Lebanon the past SO years, passed away at her home July 18, following a long illness. Funeral services in charge of the Harry C. Howe funeral home were conducted at the Methodist church Tuesday at 3:30 p. m., by i Rer. Lynn A. Wood of the Jason Lee Memorial church of Salem. Burial win be at the Masonic I cemetery. 1 She was a danehter of Alhort I and Susanna Snyder and was born near BloomfielcL Ind.. January 3. i70. On March 12. 1891 she was united in marriage with Luther nj, Connet at Concordia. Kansas. Tn 1905 they came with their family to Lebanon where she has since lived and whr. Mr. fnnnnt died in 1922. In 1924 she was married to E. E. Tavlor of Leb- 1 anon. she was an active member of the Methodist church for 20 years, and a member of the Re- bekah lodge, Royal Neighbors and Sunshine club. She is survived by her widower. E. E. Taylor: three Bona. Fred r trinvri sonnet, an or Lenanon; one daughter, Mrs. Ralph D. Hannah of Portland; 11 grandchildren and three sisters, Mht Doolittle rs Bacon of Indianapolis. Ind- nd Mrs- Topliss of Mont I vuiu. NOTICE OP HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY. COURT OF MARION COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth R. Harris. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Account of Victor H. Morris, administratrix of the ceaaed. filed with the Cross Word Puzzle v7 a. 12 13 'A S 16 IT 'A 21 22 26 27 2 30 31 32 3 37 38 HZ H7 -W5 S3 Bj EUGENE SHKFFER 37-7-cure M Italian HORIZONTAL 1 esvJty tv -dissolve Burmese sprite . 12 Russian tsar 11 declare 14 Hawaiian enwfisa 15 musteline mammal IT allowed -dearly . U fragrant - oleoresin 20 Himalayan kingdom .21 arargical ' . instrument . tJ food 28 printer'a measure , 28 downcast -t raise with . exertion . JO Aluirgish- 33 epriU 41 thin out 43 jform of the fanon 4 three- pronged spear . 48 merchand ise 49 bring iorta 50 prevari catea 52 beverages 53 urge on Herewith is terday's puxzle. T-tl i - j a M Mmp E p mopE s HA I KpcdLfTMvEx E G (MiEW Tpf? I G L A cjffirfc WVAP E P NE ArTr- jciAJElN; R'e P - SS-indosure for eattle . 84 rich part of mflk ia comrade 35 note of the INtl For Sale Used Cars ... $ 75.00 95.00 . 125.00 SUNDAYS 2139 430 N. Commercial County Clerk la. the County Court of Marten County, Oregon, and that the 19th day of -August. 1937. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the court house of said County has been appointed ' fcj said court as the time for hearing of objections. If any there be, to said Final Account, at which time any persons interested in said es tate may appear and file objec tions thereto in writing and coa- test the same. Dated at Salem, Oregon, Jab 20, 1937. VICTOR H. MORRIS. Administratrix of the Estate ef Elizabeth R, Harris. Deceased. FRED A. WILLIAMS, Attorney for Administratrix. TJ. S. National Bank Bldg., Salem Oregon. Jly 21-28 A. 4-11-18. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 0391 IN THE COUNTY COURT Oi THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES R. BROWN, ' deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an or der of the County Court of Mar ion County, State of Oregon, dnl made and entered on the 24th day of June, A. D 1937, was ap pointed Administrator . of the Estate of Charles R. Brown, de ceased; That he has duly qual ified as such. All persons having claim against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law, at tb office of the undersigned's at torney, R. H. Bassett, 410 Guard ian Building, In' the city of Sale. Marion County, Oregon, . within six months from the date of this notice, to-wit: June 30th. 1937. Date ot first publication, Jane 30, 1937. Date of last publication, Jul; 28, 1937. GEORGE E. BROWN Administrator of the Estate of Charles R. Brown, U ceased. R. H. BASSETT Attorney for Administrator 410 Guardian Building Salem, Ore. J. 30-Jly 7-14-21-28 to II 17 Id 20 23 2H 25 2 33 3S 36 3? HO H3 HH H5 HQ 52 55 made level 7 bar used ta exert force S Journey ir consisting of a core 10 beverage corns H5 Anglo Saxon do mestic ser vant VERTICAL 1 contract for H-8 ""TZ? onunator --eaiaP 22-4ilor 8 ttilky 24 guaranty fluid 25 tissue 4 foe : 26 produce d (mother signs oa metal the solutioa to yes- 27 geater ouantity 29 not solid 81 gathering crops 82 lost color S3 vehicle 85 railroad ; employee 88 attendant . 1 spirits 89 angry 1 40 nostrils 42 relate . 44 incline 45 actual ' - being -48 golf mound 47 Uttered .- cloth 61 eymbol for selesdum VA