The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 21, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning; July 211937
1 1
! 1
Jefferson Pastor
Goes to Conclave
Rev. Dayton at Jennings
r Lodge for Assembly,
i Others Attending
A reception and pantry shower j
was riven Rev. and Mrs. Jasper
Haven last Thursday at tne cnns
tlan church. A short program of
music and readings was present-
oil, followed bv a social hour. At
the close of the evening reiresn-
menta were served. About 50
were present for the occasion.
ttmpvttbroN- Julv 20 Rev.
nA tin. A. P. Layton left Mon
isv tor Jennines Lodge. They
will attend the summer assembly
nt tWm Oreron-Washlngton confer-
khm which convenes July 25 to
August 1. Mrs. J. T. Jones, dele
gate from the local woman's mis
sionary society will attend the
missionary convention , Thursday
and Friday.
There will be no preaching ser
vices at the local - church during
the pastor's absence; however a
gospel team will have charge of
the Sunday morning services at
11 o'clock A Very : interesting
and helpful program will be pre
sented. . '
- Twenty-one ' members and
friends of the Evangelical Chris
' tlan Endeavor motored to Thomas
creek last - Thursday for their
monthly - business' meeting and
marsh mallow roast.- After swim
ming And .visiting, the president,
George Kihs conducted the busi
ness meeting. The meeting closed
with prayer and the C. E. bene
diction. In the group were;Rev.
and Mrs. A. P. Layton, George
and John Kihs. Virgil, , Edith,
Mary and Clarence. .Wilson. Ber
nlca and Betty Myers, Alleen and
Betty Chilton, Mrs. Nettie Reeves.
Naomi Austin. Mildred McNeal,
Gertrude, Anna .Mae, Lawrence,
Francis and Orval Rehfeld, ana
Miss Helen Hini.
E. Clark, vice president of the
Jefferson Sunday school district
announces that the convention
will be held at Talbot Sunday, be
ginning with a basket dinner, as
Boon after noon as Sunday school
groups can gather after services
at - their various churches. The
Talbot school will furnish coffee
The afternoon program begins at
2:30 o'clock.
A rare, treaf is in store as Miss
Helen Cammack of Rosedale,
returned mlsisonary from Bolivia
will be guest speaker. A busi
ness meeting and awarding of
banners will be featured. The
schools in Jefferson, Marion and
Talbot are Included in the Jeffer
son district.
Miss Doris Sandifer of Van
eouver, Wash., and 'Donald Steph
enson of St. Johns, are guests at
the home of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stephenson.
Willard Hornschuch of Labish
was a guest Sunday afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Jones. He was "guest soloist at
the Christian Endeavor meeting
at the Evangelical church Sunday
Bedford Smith of Yamhill, is a
guest at the home of his parents
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Smith.
'Mrs. Sidney Beck and daughter
Miss Joan Beck and friend Jim
Kizer of Portland, were Sunday
guests of the J. H. and Guy Ro-
. land families.
Lebanon People at
Family Reunions
Several Gatherings From
Entire State Attract
Many Residents
Wanpafls (Brpoaitt Anagimsd:
Setting New
LEBANON. July 2 Mr. and
Mrs. HE. Blackburn and family
of Lebanon , with their two sons
of Eugene;-Mrs, . Jennie Nichols
with -her son - Elmer ana HU
daughter Pollyanna of Lebanon
Mr. and. Mrs. John Blackbourn,
Mr. '- and Mrs. George Ransom,
Burl and Ralph Nichols and their
families, and Mr.: and .Mrs. Jonn
Gorman of Rock Hill joined rela
tives from different places In the
state in a family reunion at Bry
ant's park . at Albany , Sunday.
Following a dinner ana infor
mal talks by W. L. Jackson and
other members of the clan, organ
ization of, the Blackburn-Jackson
. . vsr
groun . was enectea wun Mrs.
Jennie Nichols of Lebanon, presi
dent and Mrs. Idell Gorman of-
Rock Hill, secretary. Next year's
meet will be held at the home of
Willie Blackburn of Monroe.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turnldge
and Mrs. Docia Hardin of Lacomb
and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turnldge
of , the Albany road attended the
annual reunion of the Turnldge
clan at Dallas Sunday, when 43,
the smallest group in many years.
assembled for a picnic dinner.
A pair of futria, fur bearing an
imals native to South America,
where they are known as swamp
beavers; were taken to the gather
ing by W. J. Turnldge and creat
ed much interest. Mr. Turnldge
who bought his first pair in Port
land has been very successful in
raising them and has sold several
pairs.1 Mr. Turnldge is also rais
ing mink for the fur market.
John Turnidge of Lacomb is
president of the clan and Mrs.
Rhoa Syron of Estacada, secre
tary. Plans are started for a
large group gathering neit year.
Complimenting Miss June Cal-
ahan of Los Angeles, guest of her
mother Mrs. J. M. Ogden, a fam
ily reunion was held Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Daley of Scio.
Present from Lebanon were
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ogden: Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Calahan and chil
dren, Floreine, Lynn and Kyle;
Wiida Calahan and son Billy, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Smith and family
of the Albany road; Fred Van
Loh, June Calahan, and Mart
Burkholder, a guest from Burr
Oak, Kans. They were joined by
former neighbors Will, Frank and
Glenn Schumaker and their fami
lies of Sclo.
1 . fldDno tfflne fflaDmm
, Simper Specials ini
i ii ill 1 1
ftp &3 if u hM, p: 1 1
Records ior
Setting few Recprdfor Sales!
RHissionefte Panels
Sensationally low pnced! Firmly
twisted yarns . . . give long wear !
Deep 3-in. rayon fnngel Each
panel 39' x 2tf -yd. In popular
Curtain Material
Figured grenadine and
marquisette. 36 in.
wide. UOf
Yard :
Washable Shades
Pique stripe fp Q
fiber! Plaintllei)
hemtl 36"x6'. toefc
vWOTJWWKWWWffiT ' .-111
T is
5 1"- -
i? S -Sii . ., Ik
I I lMO V L M Wit -W -:a::;:i':::,
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mini in, in iiuiuMmiiii. i w ..iWiiiwfluiMMiM-, i" . V- . I JTL frvftyQrD l
M T :v)gv?,ll'l'',: yjf ': ! 184. - I f , . v
' IL trSL ' ,v -
r. iiaawtM
Compare 100 OUTFITS
jgjjfcs Bay at Wards Sale!
l i I i li frvi
Only Wards and World Famous
Makers could bring you such
amazing quality at this price!
Compare a Nationally
Advertised $14.75 Mattress
All the restful comfort of an inherspring mattress at ordinary
cotton mattress prices! The maker's name is a household word
wherever fine bedding; is used! . . We can't use
this sale price is so low ! Read the comfort features
Wards NOW '. ?. buy innerspring comtort tor
All Standard si?e.
S2 POWN, SS Monthly, Plus Carrying diarg
his name because
rush to
only $2 DOWN!
272 Comtort Coils, deeply upholstered in layers of softest
felted cotton! Thick sisal .pads I In smart new ticking!
t2.50 DOWN, S3 Monthly, Hut Carrying Charge
Beg. $12.95 Platform Spring
Double deck, double comfort coils 90 of them, made of best
Premier wire I Scientific construction prevents sidesway!
EIGHT pieces of the newest, modern
furniture on the market! Big modern
davenport and chair upholstered in
fine, heavy combination tapestry!
Buy a rug with what you save and
"move in" I Rush to Wards now I .
Back to Regular After This
Sole! Here's What You Get:
1 Modern Davenport 2 Big
Lounge S Occasional Table 4
Coffee Table 5 Modern End Ta
ble 6 Modern Lamp Table ' 7
Pottery Table i Lamp 8 Floor
Items similar to Illustrations.
$8 DOWN. $8 Monthly.
Plot Small Carrying Charge
the Pr.ce
All the Latest Rug Styles!
Widest Selection of Enamel
Surfaced Floor Coverings!
Saw UJtp it 12 IPeii0 -UBdoj
Regularly' $5.45. Easy-to-Clean 9x12
The finest itandard weight, felt-base ruga, .
Cay Moderns, colorful Florals, new random
and spot Tiles 1 A damp mop keepa the glos- v
sy enamel surface spotless. Waterproof v
felt base lies flat on floor. Many "patterns.
. . .. ,. . ' - -
9x10 $40; tM9, f98; x9, f2.44.
Sole! 6 and 9 Ft. Wardoleum
Regularly 39c! A real
bargain in colorful,
easy-to-dean . seamless
floors! Wide selection!
i -
f 7.45 Saper Service Wardoleum Rugs
50c Saper Service Wardoleum 45e q. Td-
Rag Border: 24 In. wide 9 ft-
3o in. 1
$3j.95 to $39.95 Quality Seamless 9x12
S4 DOWN, Pius
Carrying Chaw
'- - -
Gloriously colorful Moderns with new tex
tured effects, copies of antique Hooked Rugs
aid rich Orientals I Woven, 'aeameks by
one of America'a greatest weavers! 56 row
"of thick, 'springy Imported wool pile per
foot count them. Compare! ' .' . ,
4mm It K--
1 00 Angora Mohair
Bought bef ore the price rise to give you sensational
sale value 1 Newest mohair style with English club
style lines! .Massive arm panel carvings and heavy,
carved feet f 80 inch davenport! Extended baso
means you get EXTRA seat comfort ! : i
- - Similar to niostratioa.
' l&DOWN, $8 Monthly, Plus Carrying Charge
$49.95 Quality Axminstcrs
Extra heavy give 46
more wear than most !
Axminsters m Aor
price range by Test! ;
I- r- i:i
I t; 7 I
Luxurious Axminster scatter
rugs. Fringed, wool pile,
non-slip backs. 22x40".
S. jL-Jt You'd expect to pay 125! Metal
L&t bed Is full size with chip-proof
. ,1 brown enamel finish! 45 lb.
' . i . l cotton matttess! 90 toil spring!
r.ioriTGor.iEnY ward
TdepW 319195
155 8n V&i-