PAGE TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Jnly 18, .1937 Oregon Hops Continue Dull Only 98 Bales Ousters Are -Sold at 26-28 Cents; no Contracting Oregon markets continued ver dull during the past two weeks. Sales by growers were confined to only 98 bales of 1936 crop Clusters which netted 26c to 28c per pound to producers. No In terest was apparent In hops of older growths and no new eon tracts were reported written In this state during the period un der review. Lack-of any contract transactions and sies of older growths of hops has made ' the obtaining of accurate quotation very difficult and such values are nominal at this time. Weather during the past two weeks has been variable in Ore gon producing districts but gen erally favorable and crop pros pects have Improved during re cent weeks. Demand - for spot hops was very slow in Oiegon markets but growers yere gen erally not pressing their small remaining stocks of 1936 hops for sale which tended to check price declines on that growth. The general market situation shows very quiet and somewhat Irregular as the period closes with both producers and consum ers Indicating a tendency to await more definite market develop ments before making further j commitments. California hop markets turned V y v vL 1 rMnwmnaijiuugimmiuiiiiiiijiiiiiijiHmHmHnniMMM 89 iTitfriiinroiinrnHniiiiYMinnrii ! l eS! 853 somewhat weaker during the first half of July largely Influenced by Improved new crop prospects and the slow demand fori larger offerings " of .old crop stocks. There was no trading either In 1936 or older growths but prices were quoted lower than in other recent weeks as growers showed increased anxiety to move sup plies before the new crop be came available. The market on 1936 hops war quoted nominally 22e-2 5c per lb. net growers, with variation depending on quality. This price level compared with previous ranges of 25c-30c per lb. While high temperatures stimulated beer consumption in eastern parts of the country, do mestic brewers and dealers were securing i current hops require ments from previously accumu lated stocks or buying. only small quantities to tide over until th1 new crop becomes available. Improved crop prospects as compared with earlier season ex pectations were partly responsi ble for the increased offerings of old crop hops. Hail Storm Cause Of Walnut Damage A hailstorm which swept through Buena VJsta, Sunnyside, Turner, Central Howell and the Mt. Angel district a few . weeks ago appears now to have caused more damage than the usual siege of blight, S. H. VanTrump, county horticultural inspector, reported yesterday. On every walnut hit by a hailstone, a black spot has 'de veloped and In many instances the damage has penetrated to the ker nel, he said. o On ifi-rrnrnit- t lnninnyi'n'urrtrrnr inftrrrnrinnnrisitwimTsiiriiiiafisinnnnsiiiiiini i riiiinftwfiiM in n mi iiriflmswswsw Disting uished EDITORIAL PRESTIGE! ... One of the oldest papers in the northwest, founded 1851, a powerful, constructive force in northwest developments for 86 years. i ( NEWS COVERAGE! j . . . Associated Press full leased wire, State Huaj news. Valley news from 80 correspondents, City news by trained and alert reporters. j ' - ' ! PICTURES! ... Supplied by the nation-wide International News Service, pioneer in news pictures, using Sound-photo to speed dispatch. FEATURES! . . . Carefully -selected features, local and national. Best comics, pungent columnists, informative articles j on current topics. TYPOGR APHY! ... Attractively-printed ; a winner in nation-wide typo- grapnicai contest. Bcsair tarn Braal tteGpapbi? Serving the central Willamette valley and the city of v Salem, fresh as your morning coffee . . . and as in- -dispensable. The Statesman is YOUR newspaper, one for you to t read and enjoy and "swear by.' It's part of the life 4 of this valleya "good neighbor0 making a friendly morning call. 1 Join the Growing EjQQifc MBE Quotations moDVCB tCH-OfGB PORTLAND. Ort., July 17 AP)r Produce exchange: Butter Extras staedarda 31; prior firsts St; tinu 28; butterfst 844-85. ; Egg Lars extra 24; large sta.V arda 82; medium extra 23; incd'am itsndardi 20.' . Cheese Triplet IT; loaf IS. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or., July 17 (AP) Wheat; Open High Low- Close Jnly 1.1- 1.18 K 1.14 1.11 Sept. l.lltt 1.12 1.11 1.11 Cah wheat: Big Bend bluettem, hw. 12 pet 1.13; dark hard winter 13 pet 1.30; 13 pet 1.21; 11 pet 1.15; soft white, westers white and weitera red, 1.13; hard winter 1.12. . Oata. So. , white 31.00. Barley, So, 2 45 1b. B.W. 33.50. Cm. Argentine 42.00. Millrun standard 2850. Today' .car receipt: Wheat 10; floor 4; eat 1. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., July 17 JAP) ySDA) Bog: For week 4135, com pared ne week ago, market aboot ; 25 lower bat active; bulk 163-215 lb. drive in. 11.75, load lot up to 12.00; 223 380 lbi. 11.00-1 1.35, few to 11.50; light light and slaughter pig 10.75-11.25, few to 11.50; packing sew largely 8.00, few to 8.25;. feeder pig mainly 10.75, few ap to 11.00. -..'. Cattle: Saturday 100, including 01 di rect, calves for - week 710; compared one week ago, market mostly steady, in taneea strong to 25 higher on bet of ferings, weak to shade lower on tn between kinds; bulk grass fat tseers 9.00 9.75, one load 1,002 lbs. 8.85, common grades 6.00 8.00, cotters down to 5.00; stockera 5.00-6:50; grass heifers 5.50 8.00; low cotter and cotter cow 3.50 4 25, few fat dairy type eowa to 5.25, common to medians beef cow 5.00 6.00. rood yonng cow 6.25-8.50; bolls 5.50 6.25, enilrn down to 4.50: .good to choice vealer early 8.00-9.00. .late sale ep to 9.50, common to mediam grades 5.50-7 50. calves 4.50-6 50. i -Sheep: Saturday 250, for week 5760; or ... . t Statesman Family AND ORDER A at Portland compared one week ago, spring - lamb around 75 lower, other classes steady; early top (.25 for Washington lamb, early bulk truck-in 8.50 down, closing bulk 8.00 down with one good to choice load Oregon: 9.00 late; common to med ium lambs 6.00-8.00 ; yearlings 5.00 6.00; medium to good ewes 2.50-3.50, common down to 1.50. Portland Produce h PORTLAND, Ore., July; 17 (AP) Butter Prints, A grade, i 35e lb. in parchment wrappers; in cartons, 3Ce; B grade, 84 in parchment wrappers; B5 in cartons. : Butterfat (Portlar.4 delivery, baying price) A grade, 34-34 e lb.; country Stations; A grade, 33-32 Vie; B grade 1H cants less; C grade. 6 cents less, i B grad cream for market Price paid producer. Butterfst fcest 55.2e lb.; milk, 67.7e lb.; surplus, 45-e. Price paid milk board, 67. lb. I Eggs Buying price by J wholesalers: Extras, 21e; standard, 18e; medium 17e; medium firsts, 16c; .ndergrades. 14e dox. j Cheese Oregon triplets, 17e; Oreeoa loaf, 18e. Broker will pay Vis below quotation. I Country meata Selling, Tries to re tailer: Country killed hogs, best botch er, onder 160 lbs.. 15-15 Vie; vealers, 14c; light and thin, 1012c; heavy, 10 lle; eanner cows, 7-8c; cutters, 15 17c; bulls 10-lle; spring lambs, 15-16; year lings ( ) ; ewea 5-7c Live poultry baying price by whole salers: Colored hens, 4-5 lbs. 15c lb.; over 5 lbs., 14c lb.; Leghorn hens under SVi lbi., ll-12c lb.; over SVi lbs., 12-13e lb.; colored springs ever 3Vi lbs, 18 19e lb.; 2 to SVi lbs.. 17 18e lb.; Leghorn broilers 16-17e lb.; roosters 6-7e lb. ' Cantaloupea Delano, Jumbo, 45s, 83.50-8 75; standards, 45s, 93.50; jumbo. 36s. 83.50. i PoUtoea Deschutes, 91.75; Klamath Me. 1. 92; Yakima, Mo. 1( ) cental: lo cal, 9150 cental. New crop Takima White Rose, 9L75 eenUl; local, $1.15 1.25 orange box. Onions Oregon, old crop. Ko. l,v 15 lb. bag. 0 per 50-lh. bag. Kew crop, Calif,, red ifn rrrwfiwrrinnnn rt nrtrrffn'nnfi'rii rtn rann nrn'sf n i m i . " I START SSo-91 per SO lb.; CoehaUt, 85-91 !$ low. 8L50. 100 lb. bag. - - Wool 1831 nominal; Willamette Tal ler, medium SSe lb.; coarse and braids, 33e lb.; aasura Oregon, 28-28 lb.; crossbred. 82-33a lb.; medium 31-S3e lb. Hay Selling price (a retailers: Alfal fa N a. 1. 918 ton; oata and vetch. 911; clover ( ) ton; timothy, eastern Oregon, f 20 50 ton; do valley, 916.16.50 ton. Portland. ; Hops Nominal. 1936, 26 28c. Cascarm bark Buying price, 1937 peel. 5e lb. ' - - Sugar Berry or fruit, 100. 85.90; bales, 95.45; beet 95.20, cental. Domestic flour belling price, city de livery, 5 to 25 bbl. lot: family patents. 98s, 97.15-7-55; bakers' bard wheat, 96.358.55; baker' bluestem, $8.03 C..5: blended hard wheat, 96.30-7.50: graham. 95.85-6.35; whole wheat, 86.55 6.75 barrel Wool in Boston BOSTON, 9nly 17 AP) (USDA) Scattered trading in wool on the Boston market the past week comprised sV few spot sale and noma wool held at jeonn try point. Most business waa oa I wool held in the country and offered through Boston houses. J - Bayers were ' interested in purchasing only when prices sked appeared more favorable than asking on spot offerings. Quotations generally were .steady' to firm Combing Ohio fleeces 'were offered at 40-42eents in the grease for fine de laine. 42-48 rent for' staple combing half bloods, 43-44 cents for three-eighths bloods and 42-43 cents for quarter bloods. Cannery Will Buy Prunes, Code Rate Hunt Bros. Announcement Becomes First Made by big Concern Announcement yesterday from Hunt Bros, cannery that it will enter the market for green prunes at the code prices, was believed to be the first open statement of that Intention made by any large bayer, although buying has been going on at code prices. Since the Oregon Prune Con trol board's prices of 132.50. on green prunes IS and larger to the pound, and 527.50 on green prunes 17 and smaller, the, mar keting situation has been. myster ious, with more talk going the rounds, and less being said than usual. At least two .large canneries are known to be holdouts against the code prices. The control board itself is not stepping down on the price adopted, believing that the situation Justifies it. Just what result Hunt Bros.' announcement will ' have on the situation cannot now be told, but It is believed by observers that de velopments may be near .as the first half of the canning season closes. Hunt Bros, officials also said yesterday that they will probably press some prne Juice this fail in addition to the canning opera tions. The presses have been used thus far for loganberry juice. It is believed that in view of the growing popularity of fruit Juices in the country, Salem may ,welt become a center for the pro duct Some experimetlng with prune and berry pressing for Juices was made last year, and the 1937 pack will not be large. Cherry Juice Is another product that may be taken up as an in dustry. Previous Cains in Wheat Nearly Lost 4 Cent Advance for Week Are in Jeopardy When Prices React CHICAGO. July 17-(-Wheat Dareiy mainiamea tne week s 4 to S cents advance tnrfav Prices rose a cent a bushel at me opening but later reacted and closed a shade lower. Th ing advance was partly in Bym pathy with a three cents upturn at Liverpool reflecting yesterday's acuon oi portn American mar kets. Wheat here closed M nn tn m .lower compared with yesterday's nnisn. juiy J1.Z8; Sept. ,1.274, 28. Dec. tl.HU.-K. The market to some extent re- iiected uncertainty among , many traders as to e r n n mniKtiAm, largely because of the unpre dictable extent of damage pos sible as a result, of rust Infection in spring wneao ..Estimates of in jury ran as high as 50 per cent in sections of the United States belt. If you earn &2sotf per, year trs equwafeni- to rift, m r op In Words, uour Hi pso.ooof?.. r uoupfamu WHAT IS IT INSURED FOl jaM-m- ,v0 -m roMMiihYiKits 3 Salem Market Quotations Grade B raw- 4 per cent milk. Salem basic pool price 12.10 per hundred. . " Co-op Grade A hutterfat price, F.O.B. Salem 3 4c. (Miik tfased en semi-montblj antterfat aeerasa-) ' , DLstributOT price, $2J14. A grade butterfsit Deliv ered, 34c; B grade deliv ered 82 He A grade print, 85c; B grade, 84c Prices paial te trovers by Salens buyers. (The p lire below supplied by a local 'grocer are indicative at the daily market but- are not guarantees' by The Siatee raorxs (Baying Prices I Apples, Newtowns S.IS 2.6S 06 H .08 S75 -4.25 .14 Winesaps. bn extra fancy. Bananas, lb, oa stalk band Cantaloupes, crate -Grapefruit, Calif.. Sanktat, crate Uatrs, frith, in. , , Cnrranta. crate 1.50 . 3.00 .6 50 to 7.75 .3.50 to 5 75 1.15 08 1.80 Urapes, . seedling, lug. Lamona, crate ' Orangee, Valenciaa Laxaaberrles. crate ' Peaebea. local, lb. Plums, Califs crate Strawberries, Etterburg, crate Kaspberriea. crate Blackcaps. . crate 2.50 1.75 1.75 .05 .07 H .08 - 1.75 2.00 Pie cherries, lb. Royal lanes, lb. Lambert cherries, lb. Tonngberriea, crate Wild blackberries, crate VEOrTABLXS - (Baying Prices) Apricots, The bsllei. crate .67 to Asparagus, Calif., crate 83 1.00 .45 .05 .02 .45 1.25 .55 Eeets. local, doa. Beans, green and wax, lb Cabbage, lb.' - ' ,' Carrots, local, dps Cauliflower. Calif, crate Cucumbers, local, bothonse. doa. Celery, erale , 2 Z5 U 2.85 Utah 3.01 Local hearts, doa. , Lettuce, local crate, dry pack 1.50 1.10 , .35 1.25 .35 .15 .05 .90 unions, green, .dox. Onions No' L cwt. Radishes dox. Peppers, green. Calif lb . Peas. Iocs I. lb. New Potatoes, 60 lb. bag . Potatoes, local. No. 1. ewt 1.65 no. z. ewi., bag 1 80 to 1.50 Rhubarb, local, per lb .02 ttadishes. doa. .25 Spinach, local, orange box. Summer Squash, lb. 8weet corn, doa Tomatoes, 20 lb. crste -Field crown. Calif. .65 .08 60 8.00 1.90 .65 .02 14 Turnips, dox. Watermelons, Calif retail STOTS Wainuta lb 11 te Kilberta .1938 crop, ib 16 to Walnut meats, pieces, lb. Walnut nests, light halves, lb. HOPS (Buying Prces) Clusters, 1936, lb. 28 to f uggles nominal WOOI, AND MOHAIR. (Buying Prices) .1SH .10S .29 .32 .29 Mohair .55 .33 .31 .07 .02 Vi Medium wool Coarse wool . CASCABA BABE Dry, Ib. Green.. Ib. EGOS AND POTJLTBT (Buying Price of Axtdresens) vt hite extras . Brown, extras . Medium extrss .21 .21 .19 .19 .17 .12 .14 .13 .10 Large standards Medium standarda Pullets Hesty hens. Ib. Colored mediums, lb . Medium Leghorns, lb. Gardeners and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 17-(P)-Prices on the Qardeners' and Ranchers' market were steady to day despite a weak demand, as re ceipts were only light. The apricot and berry markets have been very active, with de mand exceeding supply for straw berries. Blackcaps sold at $2.35 to $2.50 for crates of 24. Potatoes showed a slight down ward tendency. Shipments of peas from Seattle are supplying the local market at 4 and ii cents a pound. Apples "Washington Winessps, extra tancy.; trangparents, 4 ft -5c a pound. Asparagus Oregon, 80-lb. crates. 8 3.10-2 35. Avoeadoi Summer, 83.23-3.75; green 89. ou list. Beans Local, 4 -5c lb. Beets Per sack, Oregon, $1.85. Broccoli Crate! 82.25-2.35. Brussels Sprouts California, one (ourta drums, 82.75. Berries Strawberries, Oregon, 24s, ..u-s-; raspDerries, s.lo-'-.-.; cur rants, $2.10-2.25; loganberries. 81.83- 82; blackcaps, 82.35-2.s0; youngberries, a i.B3-a. Cabbage 100 lb. crates. 81.25-1.50 Cantaloupes California. Imneriai Val ley jumbo, 45s, 83.50-3.75; 36s, 83.50 Carrots Oregon, 4e per lb. ; Calif, bunched, 55-COe dox. Cauliflower 81.00-1.15. Celery Oregon, 4s, $3.50-3.75. Cherries Eings, Lamberts, 6-7e Ib. pie, 5-6e lb. Cora $1.40-1.75 for 6-7 dox. Cucumbers Oregon and Washington aoinouse, oos., BU-woc. Eggplant Calif., lug, 1215c lb. GarUe New. 9-10e lb.; Oregon, 7-8e. GrapesThomTioB, seedleii, $2.50 Lettuee Oregon, dry, 3-4 dox.. 75e- Mnsbrooma One pound cartons. 40- Onions 50 lb. lacks, U. & No. 1, ysl low, 85-90c; Wash., 75-85e. Parsley Per doa. bunches, $1.25-1.15 Paranino Per inc. 85-40e. - Peaches California Triumphs, 90e-$l; uregon, flat $1. : Paaa Oregon. 4U-5a Ib. Peppers California Bells. vl2-15c; uregon. crate. 1.0O-1.10. Plums California. 4 basket crates. IL20-1.85. ... Potatoes U. 8. Ko. I, 100 lbs.. Oregoa ritHU.-- I2-1.J5; Washington rasseta. local,-$--..; White Hoee, U. 8. No. 1, $1.50-1.65. EMinbarb 30-lb. boxes S0-65e. Ratabac-aWaabineton. - 100-lb. sarka. Spinach Local, . 20 lb.. 73-SSe. Turnips Dov baaekes. 60-75e. . Tomatoes Oregon hothouse. 10-16 IK per pound; Mexico, $3.50 $5. - Hqnsin uregon, crates, 73-eoc. Turnips Oreron hothouse, 50-00c. - Tomatoes Orea-oat hethonso. 18-14e per lb. - . : Wstemielons California. Si-2 Ib. $1.75-2.00 awt, ' - Stoclcs & Bonds (Complied by t snoot ated Press ) ' July IT STOCK AYXKAGES tCeanpiled by the Aaaeetated Press) 80 -15 15 40 ladusb Bails . 92.6 102.8 .CtiL - 97.0 97.0 97.6 102.8 102.8 95.8 103.1 99.8 Stocks Toiay Prev. day. 72.6 92.7 102.8 102.T 103.5 104.4 102.2 104.4 10L.S f 72.7 72.6 69.9 74.7 70.5 73.0 - 67.6 Mont- 2.t 93.8 99.0. 90.9 8.8 -88.9 Tear aa 1937 bigh 193T Iow 1938 high 1938 low BOBS AVXBAGS ' - -88 ?. 10 t; 18 16 Rails ladaat. OtiL for 'fa Today , l 84.7 89.7 42.1 87.6 Prer. day 94.5 39.7 42.2 67.5 Moatb ' ago 89.8 ' 39.8 . 40.5 64.4 Tear age. 89.1 38.3 51.8 67.0 1937 kigh 101.6 - 49.5 64-0 75.3 1937 low87.9 86.1 . 89.1 . 62.6 1936 hlgh 99.8 43.5 58.7 ' 72.8 1989. ;ev 18.4 30Ji AS- Aa.7 Stage. It White Leghorn, fry Old roosteis, " JOi .13 . .. JOi as Colored springs MARION CKEAMERT Buying Prices Butterfst. A grade .34 a grade .32 .1$ J3 J6 Jl .09 .14 JDS .06 LIt poultry. No t alack1 -Colored hens, nodes a H lbs.. Colored hens, ever 4V4 lbs. Colored fryers Leghorn bens, heavy Leghorn kens, l:gh Leghorn broilers -Boosters ' " Rejects market vain Stags, lb. Ko. 2 gradea, 3 cents lesa. . Eggs ' Candled and graded Largo extras , . -., .. Mediant -" , r Large standards Medium standarda , , Undergrade , ..' , .... , -Pallets Dirty extras J4 LITtSTOCB, (Buying Prices) 1937 spring Iambs, Ib. 07H o .074 Tearlinga. lb. 04 to .046 Ewea , 3 00 to S.50 Hogs, top, 150-210 lbs. . 11.50 30 150 lbs. .11.00 to 11.25 210-230 11.00 8.00 .3.50 to 4.73 .6 00 to 7 00 .5.75 t 6.50 .6.00 to 7.00 .7.50 to 8.00 Jl . .18 Sows Dairy type eow Reef rows .. Bulls Heifer - Tap veal Dreased veaL "b. Dressed bogs.' lb. - GRAIS AKD HAT Wheat, white. No. l... .98 .98 wheat, western red Barley, brewing, ton Peed, barley, ton Oats, milling, ton .82.00 29.00 .27.00 .23.00 re-, ten Hay baying prices Alfalfa, valley . Oat and eeteu. ton . .15.00 . 9 00 9.00 Clover, ton Cards la this directory ran ' oa a . monthly basis only. Rate: f f per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Pa nek. 275 ' South Commercial. Bicycles BICTCLKS, NEW reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. H 7 S. Com'l. Ph. 4516. Brushes njl.l.ER'3. Ph. 4724. 1785 Brook St Carpentering BUILDING. PAINTING, repairing. 441 Stat. Phone 6066. Chimney Sweep 1 TEl.EPHONR 4450. R E. Northnesa Chiropractors DR. O U SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 75 N. High. Tel. Res. 8752. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Snlem Sand and Gravel Co Phone 9408. Florists' Brelthaupt'a, 447 Court. Ph. 6904. Furs DuBAIN FUR Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. 16. Miller Bldg. House Moving HOUSE MOVING. Bldga, bought sold. P. 7748, H. Lammera, 730 N. 1,1b Laundries THE NEW SAI.KM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT 263 S. High -Tel. 9125 Lawn. Sprinklers CAM, C. S. Whiteomb. Ph. 4395. Business Directory : ' ' : 1 1 Lross Word ruzzle 1 I2 I3 Is I6 1" YAK i o In L 11 WH is 16, ZTi "io ii!i:iif" !ll!l.l!l.ll H 1 1 H-l 1 1 Wrr By EUGENE SHEttER HORIZONTAL 1 carity 4 ended 8 firm - 12 -coIlection of sayings 13 open- space ' 14 winged parts 15 a crutch - 17 emperor of - -' Russia 19 at home " 20 note io Goido's scale Zlr Siamese coin (pi.) , 22 beveraee 29 bitter vetch 24 base 26 cloud .. 26 article 27 heed 28 alcoholic . Liquor . - - 29 alcove . -1 21 poisoned by sas-ftunes 84 part of , -tobe ST vehicle 26 perform v 7.1 a action , ?9 mascxiline . 49 peruke , 41 Hinda eymbalf f ! .12 deciuia . 43 nterweaT 44 eorrsla . . tive of either - 45 direction . 46 nelody . , 48 part of tha - v. face. -50 lacerated - . 52 also 63 feminine .name - 64 a two masted , r vessel 55 conclude - Herewith is th4f solution to Satur day's puzzle. UQDMTTcEHHa PE PEIS Dp UN IP T ISlLiyflLlgyl fE35lIEioPifi bk,lAWigbfrY Trading Slow as Ascends Stocks Move Up Feebly; More Losses Tallied Than Gains NEW YORK, July n-VPt-Vtith Mercury the temperature high and vitality low, traders in today's brief stock market session i merely made feeble motions. j While a few steels, rails, cop pers and specialties managed- to creep forward sufficiently to put the Associated Press average: ahead .1 of a point at C7.C, there actually were 183 losers at the close as against II) advances. Only 605 Issues changed hands and 153 of these ended unchanged. It was the second slowest day of the year, 248,340 shares pass ing over the crawling ticker tape. Transfers last Saturday totaled 297.500. -Boardrooms sweltered in a new heat wave and numerous custo mers, simply stayed away. Those who put in appearance showed little disposition to take a position either way. , . j Aside from the. weather, brok ers said the buying urge was re tarded principally by doubts as to the outcome of the new court bill fight at Washington, tension over the far eastern war flare-up and a new French financial crisis. Li me GOLD, HIXJ. agricultural lime, tat tested, (8 calcium carbonate. Boll tested free. ALSO farm loan a Broadway or 129 Oregon Bldg. Mattresses SALEM FLUKF-RUO and Mattreaa Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order.-old remade: carpet cleaning, ail ing; fluff rug weaving. S. ISth Wil bur. Tel 84 4 V OTTO F. ZW1CKER, Est. 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phon 06. Painting-Paperhanging HERBERT E.iWOOD. T. 592. Photo Engraving j SALEM PHOTO engraving. Ul N. Commercial Tel. 1887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, carda. pamph lets, programs, hooka or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 211 S. Commercial. Tele phone 8101. . . 1 Private Detective Newell Willlama, Boa 187. Tel. 1719. Stoves and Fence WE REPAIR stoves and circulators, make water heaters, carry wire fence, fence posts. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 262 Cbemeketa Street. R. R. Fleming. Transfer CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 22 warding and storage our specialty. (?et State St. Tel 777, Distributing for our rates. CITT TRANSFER A delivery service. Phone 6616. Moving, hauling and ship ping at reduced rn tea. FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oil. call S131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. Well Drilling R. A. WEST. RL 6, Bx. 445. T. 110F2. VERTICAL - 1 precedence Zr-advanced medical student . . ' S appendages 4 strike jrently . fr-land -measure - fix 7 flavor 8- t-remot - 8 Indian mul- - berry . 10 navigates 11 dogma 16 musical . ' oota 18 like 21 ventilate 22 directs . 23 sense organ 24 urn-like -' vessel 25 be obliged to 27 wax 28 precious 30 shout v 31 wind storm 82 issue 33 hound 85 assign to -Quarters 37 rock 38 brother of ' Moses - S3 upright . poles f derrick scjuander 42 pronoun ' 43 Greek letter : - 45 marry 46 European . r sea-gull 47 fih 49 river in ' China 51 interna- ?" v ? tional t- ' Janguags. V