lib The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; Thursday Morning, Jul j 151937 PAGE ELK YEN" ay: to Finl WMat oh fa listed in the flassifted : . " 1 : ; - 1 - "- - - - - - .:---- ! if Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Slasle Insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20e Six Insertions per line S0c One month per line ' f i Q() Minimum ehir-..'- g Copy for this par accepted antQ 6:20 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time wtU be run under the heading. Too Late to Clas sify." r: , ,. - The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In lie columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. ' : The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. ; i Farmers' Exchange Livestock and Poultry ! DRESSED HENS for canning and refrigerated lockers. Special prices in dozen lots. Buy now while cheap. Phone 1IIF2. Lee's Hatchery. ! HATCHING EGOS wanted foe sum mer and fall. Barred Rocks: Reds and New Hampshire. Make arrangements I now lor early deliveries, write to daymake etra profits. Phone 133F2, Lee s Hatchery, Salem. Oregon. ( Hop Pickers Wanted WANT HOP pickers, free tents. stoves, wood, water, lights. K. Olilkuo rvopyard, independence, ore. . ATTENTION HOP-PICKERS We are registering pickers for Mitoma, Curtis, and Durbin yards. Durbln A- Cornoyer over J. C. Penney Store . N. Liberty Street Help Wanted I 1 CHERRY PICKERS the 600 reg istered pickers for R. W. Clarke orch ard report for picking Monday morn ing, July 12th. Information by tele phone not available. - . v, TTj FTZrm I I Help Wantecl -remaie 1 WANTED MIDDLE aged woman for housekeeper, object matrimony. Ad dress Box 357, Statesman. A. A. A, Ai A Mt, SALESLADIES FOR Salem. Address 149 Statesman St- GIRL FOR housework. 1270 Hoyt. MTnm.r AGED woman for house work and care of children two after noons a week. Tel. 354. FULL TIME hswk. 1510 N. Summer. piPtnr R WOMAN or srtrl for light housework and care of Invalid. Box . 75. Statesman. 1 Situations Wanted 1 EXP. DR SM-KR. Mrs. Adaltt 0440. 1 n nnnni-ii-iri-i- - 25 00 WILL BE paid for lnforma- . . , t . . JAK 7ra,nv man book- I Tion mams w j"" . ; keeper, typist or anything permanent i Box 3, care Biaiei. ! WANTED-TO -work for room and i board, two school gtris. vu For Sale-Miscellaneous I TENT. 7x. Complete, floor. Phone' 1483. '-" : Ejuumrw in- -i- 1 ' ' ' " " CASH OR trade tor used nirniiurw ht.r. radios, machinery Ii. t. Woodrr and Woodry. ' tieneem, phone -J-l-. - i r in Hollywood. 1 lLl .-I -I -I-- .n.n,Kt- uirmNm. rash regis- tetyprtureld. rtsPP Expert repair --rT.-.;.-.-iv Roen xypewriwr - z - - - n iiii-rirr " VffiRTILIZER. RIVEH silt garden 9. LMCVJ'- -, l wwi 1 1 ire I PIE CHERRIES, youngberrfea. 7irx. I .x.i. .i in n i -nrtlon. I T.FGHORN HENS, to production. Carefullr selected. TeL i 133". m I PIK CHERRIES, Bo 57J, Auourn Road. .lhouse. TeL 9J3S. 48 a. commercial. GD. WATCH dog. 2055 & Summer. iiimiihiiwimk , , . i COO STOVE. COlieu! iv I n i i i 'i-f... . i . I MIMEOGRArn . . ! and automatic feed. A-l: condition, zn 1 N Commercial. t I 1 .itrTvir nana --'-." !' """""'T SALE GOOD ngalopiano.. rricw PhonV 4047. 744 N. Cottage. V'bv x ' 1 00-lb." Ice-box. $8. uwu 175 S. -ljth. r 'a' STRINO BASS "viol or bull fiddle, good tonerSeU cheap. 1894 N. Com 1. go"" w , , . . .(iritiii iii-ir ii ii - ' V rT7SE TRAILERS with. many i K7i in features. $165.00, and 194 N. Com! I """ - i.iWwmm. -MAJESTIC RADIO it 71 t-tubo Majestic, like new. Bal- .n'' due 1.50. Terms $3 mowmy. OEO. q"wlLL MUSIC STORE """ " .ruTTti TtADIO 15 50 li7 H-tube 4-band -wv ment, piped furnace, paved street, good $l5J . s months. Balance duel, option. Priced for a short time at fit so Terms S month. 8 MrJaw. $?irJTOTTT. vriTStn STORE GH.U. . . . - nffllVTTITWh . . . n. L.v.rl dlnlna - A' "? Koi. flood daven- Tl .i overstuffed chairs. Side teni -l lltrt floor. Several cots. -M. a nia n iiu . i" .ir.Purnlture Store, 439 Court St. Upstairs rurnuorg , -Vt-vot.k. 14.00. 1820 Ferry. i . . n n I i 1 1 rn-i i "ilnUE COOKED lunches quickly HOMp ..tractive lunch- m at MacV Shl Nation at Hub ITrd Or4on Midway between Salem and Portland. - - "Trade Miscellaneous 1 qit.B OR trade, lusurlous new eus- . 11. r tnr larm or ur- lom 1. airport. frefiOUtatesmau ADVERTISING Western AdertUln Representatltei renter-HaU Co Ltd. - " TtZkZS Los Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertiaine; Sa Representu ss.-vsrsa"-. w". Boston. Atlanta SUBSCRIPTION, RATES MU So Dan7 and Sunday. I Mo. 6 J a 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere u UJ Me er $ $ for 1 year to I BUP"V $ cent Newt advance. Per Standi gfttor, 43 cenU month. 'Wanted Miscellaneous 1 1 For SaleReal Estate For Sale Used CarTlll WALNUT iru-i-r. , "fcell. any Quantity, state CafctertaJ -ii r n i ' !- fRJCBWE Mrk r,m AmA .- less horses, nn. hn t.i mt i - 1 I - - - ' ' ' .ip PRICES paid for live horses and towg tor fox feed. Phone 113$, WHEAT WANTED Immediately; Tel. 133 Ft. riLBKKTH AND meat State Cafe WANTKD 1t no a mon dan. 836 Breys Ave. WANTED T-T lxroTrTTfi-ixT ' -i Hinnnnnnnnf 5?Via,,non Bsach, Saturday. 17th. Aei. a7Z. . WANTED sntEKrwn k.w w. chest of drawers. nnt sire price, box Is 5 care Statesman. WE BUY and sell Iron, metal, nine. bark, all kinds marhlurv fit Ma chinery A Junk Co.. 185 Cbemeketa ou, xei afsi. Miscellaneous THE LUNCHROOM is now opened at Mac's Shell station, on nighway at Hubbard, Oregon. For Rent Rooms RM3, ladles, 60S N. Cottage. BIT I Room and Board I I VERT CLOSE In. Tel. 8001. . BOARD, RE, very close" in. 6482. 645 a COMMERCIAL. Tel. 3833. ICE. ROOM with fireplace. Excell ent food. Ret. furnished. Tel. 3634. NEAR STATE House. 270 N. IJth. SLEEPING RMS. 770 N. Front For KentApartments ( SMAIJ. TORN. apt . 250 a Cottage. FURS, 2211 HAZEL, TeL 7664j IL, BATH. GAR. 2005 N.' Capitol. APTS. $8 AND up. 355 Bellvue. 2 RMS.. ALL furn., private bath, hot and cold water, lights furn. 148 S. Com'L ONE ROOM furnished apt. Clean and comfortable. Adults only. S45 Ferry RM. FURN. apt, ilghU, wat( $2.50 week. 1200 oak st. Tel. 527$, 4-RM. FURN. apt- 20. 398 N. 21st. 3-ROOM APT. 818 N. Liberty. For Rent Honses X R. MOD. FURN Ml N. Uthi T R. FURN., 1295 "D" St Tel. 4574 J R. FURN. house, adults. 8840. fiOM 9R Pf m?n'. 5 -ROOM FULLY modern country home, basement fireplace, good floors, S 25 per month. F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel ehalrs to rent H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. COTTAGE AT Yachats. Tel. 47F2. Wanted to Rent COUPLE WANTS 4 or 5 rm. house. unfurn. Box 259. Statesman. WANTED 5 or -room house. Fur nar. Near bus. Not over 820. Answer before noon Friday. I J. care Statesman. I For Sale Real Estate i-ltnou PLASTERED home, t bed rooms, large corner lot 1450; 1400 down. ! ' Modern 4-room furnished home. Fireplace and furnace. Engle wood dis trict szsee; ssee oown. 4-room bungalow. N. Liberty. 160 aSAft ilmm 7-room noma w i i n out m rroun1 Run, down to rlver on 7-room noma wim one acre ui river roaa. jrrice si; ivo oown. ARTHUR MADSEN 65M . 881 Court St j,,, (or larg, ,nd roonilng j nnnnnr m , 1 - BY OWNER 5-room house. lawn, snruoDery. ruuiw shrubbery. Phone 8483. S. Salem. wwwwwwwwwwww MR. BU1LDEK - . . . WE HAVE 1 large corner ion, mm paved paid, good 5 room bung- alow with basement and room for two more houses. Located close to Leslie Jun,OP HiBh. For quck sale only $2500. SRR MrsL Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 ruxfvirti-iriiv-M-,-ii-i i-i- i -1-1 - - RIGHT DOWN TOWN WELL BUILT t room home, base- mttit. furnace, fireplace, corner tot . 10tt f, jy 2 blocks from, new state Capitol building. Its a real buy at 300. Can to see it SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS 4k MILLER, Realtors 44 state St Phone 6.08 FOR SALE by owner, 5 rm. house. 565 S. 14th or Ph. 7905. I a n MODERN house, large base- $3250. Terms. ti .or.. Rrand Island 4 r. hou j h chicken coop. 3 acres alfalfa. wmii '.vchanee clear for eaulty in house 1 i ' -rr atook ranch to exchange for i Salem. What have you We are finishing 4 i . house, mod- i ern. except basement 1 w,t.ofl. Prip-1 $ on paved st. location. Priced $2975. Terms, VOSBURGH-GRANT - ' ' Masonic Bldg. mo onirK aaia. r(11 sacririce R. house by owner at 847 Saginaw St . ATrrr vrIT inf.r.sted In a. new lot? Almost V. acre. 2 blocks west, off Liberty road. Salem Heights avenue. Call evenings. Mnarea . rruu. - n nrrtratfiiJ'MMl m .a a. a. a a IF YOU want a good east front lot In nice residence district with Paved street and concrete walk cheap 24tn .rr 1375. terms : pnone i soat owner. j . - - 4 A. THE best of soil, 1H mUes out from Independence. Full equipped and fm.hA rnmnletelv. 8-roorn duplex house. 1 fireplace a, wired for electric equipment. All -farm tools. Big electric r ... At a mm t t f Mi A A water system, au xor omy ! T. H. WEIR, J 18 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 41L sSsesWSaeeaeaeajefcasasJSiesswaSfcaesaeahaSasaasa 700 H A, 2-ROOM cabin, $75 down and 115 ner month. ?50 5 A. all in cultivation. Good house, 50 down." WHl trade for - house in Salem. $3800 31 A 1 in cultivation. -room " house, barn. Terms or will trade -for home in Salem. DICK DARNIELLE. Real Estate 1988 N. Capitol St Phone 3511 LOT BARGAINS i $375.00 will buy this 50x100 ft lot located in N. Salem, paved street In fast growing section. New homes all around." See this lot before it goes. Creek lot located on paved street in very good location. Price S60.00. See G. H. Grabenhorst jr.. ! with W. H. GRABENHORST 4c CO. Realtors 134 & Liberty SC Phone $46$ - - . I . t HOME OF i rooms and garage, pav ed streets, cement walks, near bus and school, close In, f 250.00 cash. JttaL $26.0 monthly. Price 11400.00. KRUEGER . 147 ff. Com'L St. " Phone 4728 hTsT modern nouse, moaerni FOR SALE $ room conveniences. 6 acres on Garden Road. Some walnuts. Call at 735 N. High St. city er phone 6463. v . HAVE PROPERTY to sell. Well located modern house, full price $2500. will be glad to take in vacant lot for down payment or small house and lot. This property is clear of encumbrance and you can pay the balance out at lis per month and interest at t. F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411. NEW (-ROOM all modern. -Near hew high school. Can be shown by ap pointment only. Nice bouse on Saginaw street- New ly painted. Can be . bought on easy terms. House and lot on S. 20th street can be had for 31900, with reasonable terms. CARL. ETON E. LANE. Real Estate 333 State Street Phone 8S22 A BARGAIN MAKE AN OFFER S rooms, 4 bedrooms, large well built home in a wonderful location, beauti ful lot, furnace, double garage. Lees than 93000. Small down payment KUBEHT r . BUD ROW. Real Estate 13 Jadd Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 GOOD ACRE buildinc tracts. S5.00 I down, 85.00 per month or you Dur- enase the material, owner will con struct Dtuiaings to your order, with reasonable monthly payments. See me for building: tracts, house in town. or farms. H. C. Shields. Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. 4 H ACREs" WALNUT, cherries berl ries. new 4-room house full modern. 2 two-story chicken houses, brooder I nouses, room tor 1600 chickens. Fully equipped. Everything for 17700. Terms or traae. Mdern 7-room house In Vancouver. worth 92500; for quick sale $100. 4-room house nd hiv int. 11 (ton- $300 down. Three lots north Salem. Priced to I sell. New house full modern, lot 50x186, $4250; $1500 down, $30 a month. v , fwvv uuwn, (lu a monin. I 105 acres, mostly bottom land. E0 1 cuii.iva.tea, zvv.vuv it. or saw . v.vvv w w.iw. IUJU UUli. f IV 1 an acre. Some terms. Rm. 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 For Sale Farms A REAL VALUE 6$ acre farm. Willamette anil ftr buildings, located near Lake Labish. Price 985.00 per acre. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L St Phone 4728 70 ACRES ON new hurhwav' I 'aeres hop& Improved and equipped. Terms. R. J. Tucker. 1 mile N.W. Aurora. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a close in farm. 5 miles out on Market road. 80 acres- with about 20 acres cultivated, small set buildings. apnng a wen water. Price 93500, part terms, baL easv. SEE Mr. Childs with CHILDS ac MILLER. Realtors -344 State St. Phone 6708 Acreage 7 ACREAGE BARGAINS M A. of ground with rood six-room house located one mile from city lim its, near store, school and bus. Electric water system and some fruit Price $2500 ; 8100 down, $25 per month. - Well improved 10 A. located with in 5 miles from Salem. 7-room house with fireplace, plumbing, electricity, barn, garage, chicken house. Price $2800. A good buy at this price. Well improved 10 A. located east on penitentiary road. 4-room house, elec tric water system, 5 A. of three-year old filberts, 20 bearing Royal Anne cnerry trees and is bearing English wainuis. nam ana large cMcken house. Price 92850. See G. H. Grabenhorst Jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street ,. . Phone C458 Wanted Real Estate 1 HOMES EEKERS NOW on their way here want city homes from $1000 to $3500. Some have cash, soma will want easy terms. If you have a home I for sale list it in our catalog. No I charge. W. V. HOMESEEKERS AOENCT Oregon Bldg. 494 Stat St. Ph. 4497 CALTFORNIANS COMING here arel inquiring about cherry ranches. If you want to sell a cherry ranch let us I catalog it. No charge. W. V. HOMESEEKERS AGENCT Oregon Bldg. 494 State St. Ph. 447 WANTED WE have buvara for houses, lots, and farms. List with us now. DICK DARNIELLE, Real Estate 1988 N. Capitol Tel. 3511 Business Opportunities f WELL LOCATED Salem beer nar- lor, shows good Income. Box 35 3, ewcesman. GOOD PAYING GROCERY LOCATED IN good coast town, do ing beter than $50 per day business. Fine location. Price only S1500 cash. Tou can't beat- this for business. Bee my .agent - ' JAS. U. SEARS, Realtor 76 Court St. -.- .Phone $466 .......... ..,-,-,.,-,-,rin nj-uirLrxru-Ln CHANCE TO go into business for yourself with very little money. Men's second hand clothing. 1694 N. Com'L mm . m .---- - . --M"irMWWXn'.nj SMALL APARTMENT bouse, three blocks from business center. Income $70 Sf.MmK.'?in' J rZ lnLea , 3500 ?"h will buy it. Inquire of owner. 1064 Uak St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT GROCERY, meat merchandise and service station busi ness In thriving valley town. .Located on Hlway 99E. Owing to illness owner must sen Duiidings. equipment and stock. Includes good living apartment mce sic.ove. Might take small borne or farm for part see Mr. VJter with . CHILDS A MILLER. . Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6703 Money to Loan j COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS A VACATION IS not a luxury it la an investment In health and happiness. We can lend yea -up to $300 for youra. Repay in small amounts on any plan you select Come in. - t Second Floor New Bligh Bldg. Rm. Ill 616 State St. at Hurh Phone 311 Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co, - of Salem Ucense 8-133. M-16I - CON SOU DATS TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM aa independently owned and operated Salem eempany there rour nroblaais will receive per sonal consideration both before and after the loan is made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 13$ S. Commercial Phone $161 . Bt Salem. Or. ; Ua Ne 8-133 FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build-1 refinance homes, business prop. Rates, i Abrama A ElUe, Ine, Mavioale BUS. OTTO J . TO THE USED CAR BUYER THIS OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE nnin i-urn pip ivn H1UB THE pmm; vntT wisct rr pit i 1930 HUDSON DeLuxe C Touring Sedan. side and out Just like new. equipped with electric gear shift , 1)3( OLDS DeLuxe Sedan. Built-in turret top. This car is finished in a beautlnil shade of gray. A real buy at 1931 OLDSMOBILE DeLuxe Coupe. Radio, heater, electric clock and many , ether extras. Low m, FORD DeLuxe Coupe., Driven only 1930 FORD DeLuxe Tudor Sedan. Trunk. , radio. ether extras 193C FORD DeLuxe Tudor Sedan. Driven only 11,000 miles .. . L v 1935 HUDSON DeLuxe Coupe. Low mileage. Elec tric gepr shift . 1934 PONTIAC DeLuxe Sedan. Driven only 20,000 miles. This car Is just like new, both Inside end out - , 1933 BUICK Series C7 Sedan. 0-wheel Sedan. C-wheel trunk. A dandy 1933 BUICK Series (7 trunk rack 193S BUICK Sedies 57 Sedan. Formerly i prominent local people. This car hat care and is far above average .. 1935 GRAHAM 4-Door Touring Sedan. All hydraulic brakes . .; 1932 DeSOTO DeLuxe Sedan. This car erly owned by one of our own mechanics and is in perfect condition 1931 1930 BUICK Small Series Coupe. Spotless in every way . i FORD Sport Coupe. Just overhauled in our shop , ... " MANY OTHERS TO No Reasonable Offer Refused on OTTO X. BUICK SALES 3S and 3S8 North Commercial VWMWVMWWIWNWWWMW j Special Bargains r m rrtrt lllnrr C LiAL tt MUUttljS A An Chevrolet Master 2-Door Sedan, 15,000 miles, beautiful condition. 36 Dodge Sedan, low mileage and like new. 36j Dodge Coupe, very low mileage and excellent con l dition. 36 , Oldsmobile Sedan, DeLuxe, color black, only i 12,000 miles. 35 Dodge Sedan, DeLuxe, - I beautiful condition. 35 Terraplane 2-Door. Sedan, excellent condition, j radio and heater. 35T Terraplane 2-Door Sedan. Oldsmohile's Used Car LOWER PRICES 351 NORTH LIBERTY Frank DoolMle -'. Pontiac Dealer GOOD WILL VSED CARS 1 lilt PONTIAC COUPE, has original brown finish, mohair upholstering, all steel body, turret top, hydraullo brakes, original tires, actual mileage 13,000.' See It today : 1(3$ FORD' DeLUXE 4-DR. SEDAN, trunk, mohair upholstering, dark best of condition; has complete 1184 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN, this car ha hydraulic brakes, all steel body, dark gun metaL finish, new tires. Interior very clean, mech- . ! anlcally in the best of conditio PONTIAC S i DooMWe Motors N: Com'L at Center St 1 1 1 Money to Loan AMPLE FUNDS, Benjamin Frank lin loan. Also private money to build, modernise or refinance on homes and suburban property. Lowest sate, quick service. See F. G. Delano, 290 North Church street $$$$ FOR TOUR Immediate needs, see us for small loans. Any amount up to $300. i CHILDS MILLER, INC. Lie No. S-204 344 State St Salem, Oregon MONET TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un der the F. IL A, plan, long term loans with low monthly payments, no com- mission. Rofinanei er build a new 1 BanU heme. W. H, GRABENHORST ft CO. ! REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. . Phone 6466 MONEY TO LOAN i IF .TOU want Immediate action, see us for farm, city and improved acre age loan a CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phone 670$ Auto Loans. 1 CONTRACTS REFINANCED 1 MONET TO bur naw or need ears. Private money at eery low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 m on the te repay. j Roy H. Simmons 136 8. Commercial St, Salem, Or. Pnone 016 . Lie. No. M-153 Loans Wanted i LOANS WANTED en farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins at Roberts. Financial WE HAVE never paid less than this rate : on savings ff ana invesaneuu. xosurva iw W SSOOO. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass'n Phone 4944 143 B. Ubetry Bu 1 For Sale Wood OOlRtNTEED DRt WOOD COal TeL $000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. . - -f.-.r--- ! NO. 1 DRY wood. Reasonable, TeL 33S4. - ' , LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. 137F3. Lost and Found LOST LADrS fount pen. Ph. 711$. LOST, WHITE collie dog. TeL 6394. For Sale Used Cars ill WILS ON OFFERS ' 1 ! I -1 Our Price ' Your Offer Finish in 1745 ? $735 . ? 3733 ! ' ? 9585 ? $1S T $595 t 9565 I $515 ? $535 ? S51S ? $535 ? $495 ? 9395 T 34 r $215 ? trunk, steel "io,"ooo"miles equipped, equipped. owned, by had good steel body, , . was form CHOOSE FROM ' Any Car We Have In Stock WILSOM AND SERVICE Phone 5451 Sa lem. Ore. WW - - - -irij-ii-ii-u-lTLruWVWUl LOWER PRICES trunk, radio and heater, ains EASIER TERMS THE USED CAR STORE $725 this one has nice roomy built-in gray finish, mechanically in the new reconditioned motor. A buy for $496 and LOOK. Only $450 Phone 6266 Business Cards 1b this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: f 1 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek, $7$ ' South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 & Com'L Ph. 4616. Brushes FULLER'S. Ph.; 6734. 2766 Brook St Carpentering BUILDING. PAINTING, repairing. 441 State. Phone 6066. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4460. R. E. Northnesa. Chiropractors DR. O L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. $66 N. High. Tet, Res.v7$$ Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Bal menu dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for le. Salem, Sand and Gravel Ct, Phune $401 f. Florists Brelthaupt's. 447 Court. Ph. $$04. r 3 Furs DuBAIN FUR Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. $ A s, MUler Bldg, ? Honse Moving 1 HOUSE MOVING. Bldaa bought sold. P. 774$, H Lammers. 730 N. Ub. r Laundries ' THE NEW 'SALEM LAUNDRT' THK WETTDEH LAUNDRY S63 S. High i . TeL 0I$6 Lawn Sprinklers CALL C & Whltcomb. Ph. 431$, For SaleUsed Cars M1 We Mean 1 Regardless of the price you value that rnoney can buy. fair prices rnake your used 1936 Chevrolet Master Coupe, nearly new six-ply tires, oversize, original frosty green finish, air horns and other extras truly a beautiful car if you are in the market for a coupe you cannot afford to pass this one at , - -.... $625 1937 Chevrolet Master Four-Door Spt.. Sedan -Very cannot be told from to move at once 1935 Chevrolet Four-Door and other extras, oversize tires, motor is perfect only .......I. - .... 1936 Chevrolet Sport Sedan Original finish, low tras cannot be told from new ar in perfect condition through out, carries the famous "O.K. Tag" now ..$695 1936 Chevrolet Master Town Sedan Less than 15,000 miles original finish, tires, upholstery show no wear This is a car you will be proud to own and drive guaranteed $645 Many Others to Choose From McKAY CHEVROLET CO.' ' 333 Center Good Buys IN.'. Used Cars 1935 Chevrolet 2-dr. Touring Se- dan 34S0 1934 Chevrolet 2-dr. Touring Se dan 1931 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan 3265 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1235 1929 Chevrolet Coupe . 015 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan $ 45 1932 Chevrolet Truck 250 Valley Motor Co. OPEN KVENINOS AND WEEK DATS CLOSED 8UMUAI3 THREE LOTS Center at Liberty Hollywood Marlon Liberty 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuie Coupe, $415. A-l shape. 1071 Second St West i Salem. 135 DeLUXE PLYMOUTH Sedan, A-l condition, new ruber.. E. P. Httt. no Division. DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN LATE DEC. 34 model. 6 wheel, or iginal finish, heater, radio, trunk, car Is better than average cond. $555. $275 cash, bat $32.20 per mo., by owner. phone 7184. 29 WHIPPET, good condition. 2496 N. Broadway. Personal - I FREE! IF excess acid causes you stomach ulcers, gas pains, indigestion. heartburn, get free sample doctors prescription, Udga, at Capital and Perry's Drug Stores. Directory Mattresses SALEM ' FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; Carpet cleaning, siz ing: fluff rug weaving. S. IJth Wil bur. TeL 644L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4060. Painting-Papertianging HERBERT E. WOOD. T. 6926. Parking PARK t HOURS. 10c Court at Front Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 14T N CommerclaL TeL $3$7, Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards. Damph- lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 316 & commercial, tele phone 0101. Private Detective Newell Will la ma. Boa 127. TeL - S719. Stoves and Fence WE REPAIR stoves and circulators, make water beaters, carry wire fence. fence posts. 8alem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Cbemeketa Street R R. Fleming. Transfer- FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner eu. call $1$L Larmer Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co-226 State St TeL TI7$. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. CITY TRANSFER A delivery service. Phone 6616. Moving, hauling and ship ping at reduced rates. . " Well Drilling & A. WEST, Rt A 446. T. 110FA For Sale Used Cars EsacUy What "::----at:'-f.-;,; pay, the use d car you buy at McKay's is the best Honest finance charges, fair trade allowances and car puchase here a sound investment always. new and carries a new car ,. ll Sedan -New paint, upholstery like new; radio CLOSED SUNDAYS Phone 3189 31 CHEV. L. W. B. truck. Lloyd Hake. Rte. 4. mil. south of Liberty. 29 FORD LIGHT delivery A-l shape. Just the thing for fruit hauling. Bargain. Klngsley s Ice, 480 Center. Sundborgs Make Trip To Deschutes Country Over Santiam Highway BETHEL. July 14 Virgil Sundborg and his mother Mrs. A. L. Sundborg, have returned from a trip into the Deschutes Nation al Forest by way; of the new North Santiam highway, They report that the road Is in very good shape with; exception of about three miles. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haln and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Creech bare been on a camping and fishing trip to Odell lake. They were met by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham mer (Harriet Wolfe) of Klamath Falls, and the group - vacationed together. They were able to catch all the fish that they were al lowed.' Cross Word Puzzle 15 16 l!l Il!ll!li!!ZIIII 3fJ ""333W353T I" II 53 5?" 55 " 1 11 wt 1 1 irl 1 By EUGENE HOKIZONTAL 6 FsclsmaHen ef eiagest 4 So be it 0 Dsrtaat It Tr a( the lower Nicnr 13 Who wrete Te Yssn Safere the Mast-I- 14 Tbsae U What dty asr PiiUai. K. I, b eae af the sa4 laahiaaatU awe lamlaT 17 Approach te a Boddka tangle It Wiaged parts It Baraard CeOegs Is part af what aajver- ettyl tl Rodent ' M Biidenea of aa acclatltla . -24 Bpaasra prwt . 6 Prepeaitioa 27 Soveraigsty hi India . to Bovine euadmped St Om W the Caroll Ishada S Driak ia imill . 10 Mamhw of aa ladsoesiaa tribe 47 Seashadss . 60 Jacket U Itaitatoca tt Highwmj aw si : 67 Solitary 61 Eskimo 66 Pertaining te a perplisb-rai pigment 60 Ones mere . 61 Mortal dipead Is Hqaid j. TEKTICAI, " 1 The pineapple 1 Sna at Adaa -. $ WW pkyod Boaate 0s Nora JaiictT , . 4 Foas 6 Want b tWIrat aaaM of fho draaMKUst wao nnoto Taa fcraaa fsslatst" t T Brmaol for toanns S Minato partfelas 0 WW mtau tW aovaL 19 Moaataiaa ss TarkoaUa 11 TW true . IS What tsnlsfi By of win was r It rirlaiaatUai $7 Tootlike part . Priatar's SMaanre - 41 Bilmlwiiss 4S The eaas rofamd to For Sale Used Cars We Say low milage, this one guarantee priced $885 fully guaranteed - .. ...,..$585 mileage and many ex- 430 N. Commercial . Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that , the undersigned has filed fn the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar- ion. his duly yerif led final ac count, as the Executor of the last will and testament and es- , tate of Elizabeth D. Proctor, de- -ceased, and -that said Court has ., fixed Tuesday, the 3rd day of August, 1937. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court Housa : at Salem, la Marion County, . Oregon, as the place tor hearing said final account and all ob- tl. jectlons ; thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st day of Jnly, U37. EARL D. PROCTOR, Executor of the last will ' . and testament and Es tate of Eliza beta D. Proc tor, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKItf. j Attorney for Executor, ; j Salem, Oregon. Jly. 1-8-1 5-2 3-2 Sv- SHEFFER 20 Plaaat $ 21 Beet aeo 1' . 1 24 Explosive soaa4 26 Chopping tool . g !- ' 2t WW was tW Irat CkM Jastke of tW U.B.T . 1 tt epaaiah 4eua 64 MasmHne aaaas tt An apoatlo tt Vela r - 40 WWt Aawrfcaa Baaaciar aa seen son rotary of tW Titssaiy eaior three 42 Provincial (peach 44 WWt wao tW Sfst Of ttM SMgt 46 Wont - ' 47 Become tastetass te the sppeUte it Harbor of SanHat 4S Maatauy 1 66 ttoiatare spponrisg en phmti IT Mote ef tW seals Herewith ts the solution to y ester day's poxzle. 1 ; . - I KISS I l h ApWfrfU n'a wmZ. A NBSAmiEIND EIR A R ERplE jQAtRE