Easy; to .Find. What W6u Want listed the.' Classified ( - Statesman i Classified Ads - -Call 9101 ; ; Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 1 Oe ; Three Insertions per line 20c .Six Insertions per line 30e One month per line, I.OO Minimum charge - ,2Sc Copy for this page accepted until r39 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after thla time will be run under the heading, "Too Late to Clas sify." : The Statesman aasumea no finan cial responsibility for error whtch may appear In advertisement pub . lished in Us columns, and In cases where this paper is at fault will re - print that part of an advertisement Ma which the typographical mistake occurs. - - . .' The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable ad vertiainav It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. Farmers' Exchange Livestock and Poultry DRESSED HENS for canning and refrigerated lockers. Special prices In dozen lots. Buy now while cheap. Phone 1J3F2, Lee's Hatchery. - . . .... , t . HATCHING EGGS wanted for sum ' mer and fall. Barred Rocks; Reds and New Hampshire. Make arrangements row for early dellveriesr Write ' to- day make etra profits. Phone 133F2, Lee's. Hatchery, Salem, Oregon. , 1 Help Wanted WANTED PASTRT cook. The Spa, I C HERRI PICKERS the 600 reg ' lstered pickers for R. W. Clarke orch !" rd report for picking Monday morn Ing, July , 12th. Information by tele . phone not available. , CHERRY PICKERS. Call 1475 N. Liberty. . i Help Wanted Male"""" - WANTED S LOGGING trucks and .10 men to cut pUing. J. A. Neal, Scio, Oregon, i :;1 Help Wanted -Female !! WANTED MIDDLE aged woman ' for housekeeper, object matrimony. Ad dress Box 367, Statesman. i SALESLADIES FOR Salem. Address 549 Statesman St. Situations Wanted DRESSMAKING EXP. TeL S339. EXP. DR'SITKR. Mrs. Adsltt. 9446. CHILDREN CARED for. 2815 Haxel. . WIDOW, WITH son. wishes house keeping In motherless home. 1490 Saginaw, 15.00 WILL BE paid for informa tion leading to a Job. Young man book keeper, typist, or anything permanent. Box 3 if, care Statesman. I For Sale-Miscellaneous TENT, 7x9. Complete, floor. Phone S483. I TLTmnrnrir. i-J-i-i-i --j...... . rn nK trails for naed rnmltu ranges, beaters, . radios, machinery, tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 5-1-1-0. 1110 N. Sum mer in Houywooa. ADDING MACHINES, cah regis ters, typewrlUrs sold, rented, swapped Expert repair service, moderate price Roea Typewriter Exch. 420 Court.- urtnn rniiirn ...... tittv iiuai'irpg anil RAW! . Several bedroom suites at extremely low--prices, invmisaieinnw - UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 42 Court St. Salem, Ore. FERTILIZER, RIVER silt, garden rock, TeL 1800. Lacey. ' PIE CHERRIES, youngberrles. 77F2. t TrnxiriW tiitVR In i production. Carefully selected. Tel. 133F2. Lee's hatchery - - - 5 GOOD USED davenport and chair suites. Low prices., upstairs u store, 439 vjourt street, rout-ririvn WINDOWS, lumber. late doors. buUt-ina Jack Henningsen, 1107 S. Commercial. PIE CHERRIES, Box 578, Auburn Road. -- -Ln,!! n n i"w".ir....M.-ii . . mm mm TTDCTirao TTTTfVTTTTR'R STORE 43 Court Street Salem, Ore. gon. American Orientars, Wil tons, heavy Axmms.r. BUY UPTAIRS AND SAVE FINEST BLACKCAPS aad red rasp . . . Trrii . aiiMT it erate. Phone your orders to S2F1S or call at corner uien. creea ro way Drive. - ' - wwwwwhw w m w w SHETLAND PONT. 17 COOK BTOVJS, coueu. n " - st la fVrfi 1. 29 CHEV. TRUCK. goc4 condition. w A w ajmi saw BHW raeL goo; plana, st.. one semi-trailer, at a bargain. Bo Bros., Turner. : ; n . t vr. um.ia1(1 ffnrnxtore. 130 N. 18th street. Fhone 5055 MIMEOGRAPH MACoVn and automaUc feed. A-l condition, in v fnmiMavmei. , , ,aAn.-- BxrunfxrsorsTsCi ,- S AI-GCWD bncRaio p.-- - 850.00. Phone 4i. i MONTMORENCY CHERRIES lor sale. tn, it Wanted Miscellaneous WHEAT WANTED Immediately. Tel. 13313. FILBERTS AND Western Advertlslns BepresenUtlteg . rsnger-HaJl Co . Lt- 8aa Francisco. Los Ange seatue Eastern Adtertlslnf Beprani"- Brya t ChU ant. nrfc Ditrolt. hlcago. New fJ"vm Boston. Atlanta . nnnrmM SITES! ... n BnttaerTDUOIl , r: . nam aad anw. -w,tn.'? Tf iis?si.Sis M 8t ii : Mai,M Saf 5 yr S4 S4- Cl-whe a Me. - i mr ia SO cents VZ7J T ta. Nows advance. rv " tici"crlei 4g t. a aaonth. " w i. advance. Wanted MigceUanr.rT .JT.!?T. ' or i walnuts la riT- uniit7 state Cafeteria. leCiSWB PU nd worta- irmnwoo... .. TOP Winfs !., . , i "r uti norses rr '"f wi leea. Phone 1133 nra tit ' w.ww,iiw h.rir ... t, ?a "on. metal, ptpe, kinds machinery. City 14a- SC? Tel tTnUO,Cl C" 8S ' Chemeketa 1 For Rent Rooms RM3- ladies, (tl N. Cottage, 847 8. NICE ROOM tiniir. ct r tage. iaa ri VyyVXlXiXft BLEEPING R.. I5T N., 16th. Room aad Board I BOARTV RV r r . o. . UVM U4. IIOA. nrrr tnnu . , , . " uu uuaru lu private " uamea woman. rnoM 43? a. 545 S. COMMFTRn AT. Tl SB . LOR ROOM with fireplace. Exeell- ' "wo. er. rurnisned. Tel. 3624. NEAR STATE House, 370 N. 13th. For Kent Apartments APT. FOR rent. 2(5 a Cotn'L MOD. 3 RM. f urn.. 1553 State. .4 RM. PARTLY funu, 1820 Ferry. SMALL FURfr. apt. 250 S. CotUge. FURN., 2261 HAZEL. TeL 76S4. 2-RM. KITCH, turn. &5 Saginaw. mm a j. ciriftnrinirinn nnnnnnr 2-RM. FURN. apt. 674 N; Church. 2-RM. APT. lift N 1th 2-RM. FURN. apt 2164 Maple. 3 R, BATH, GAR. 2006 N. Capitol. APTS. 8 AND up. 355 Bellvue. LOW RATES. Mfr S R. nrlvate oatn. 1940 N. Capitol st 3 RMS.. ALL turn- nrivate bath hot and cold water, lights furn. 148 S. Com l. 3 RM. APT., water, light, furn. Adults only. 7 US N. ijberty. 1 ROOM PULLMAN kitchen apt. nicely furn. Girls only. 1118 Oak. MODERN FURNISHED 4 -room. Frigidaire, garage. 2380 Fairgrounds road. Phone 7532, 2-ROOM FURN. apt First floor. garage. 1047 S. Commercial. FURNISHED APT., complete. 1125 Edgewater St Edgewater Lunch, West Salem, ONE ROOM furnished apt- Clean and comfortable. Adults only, 645 Ferry. For Rent Houses 7 R. MOD. FURN. 862 N. 16th. aasaaaaaaaVaVaaMMMaSaWM FOR SALE or rent, 6 nit mod. house cheap, by owner. Tel. 4320. .7 R. FURN 1295 D" St Tel. 4574 2 R. FURN. house, adults. 8840. FURN. HOUSE. 735 N. Commercial. ROOM HOUSE 515 Belmont 5-RM. FURNISHED house. $30. Call 710 N. High. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. $30 MODERN BUNGALOW, five rooms. $10 S-room apartment Adults. $35 Bungalow, 5 rooms. 830 Honae. S rooms, basement $12 Apartment, 2 rooms. Lights and water. BEC HTEL-CRASHER. 341 State 8t For Sale Real Estate -ROOM PLASTERED home. 3 bed rooms, large corner lot : 1650 ; $400 down. . Modern 4 -room furnished home. Fireplace and furnace. Englewood dis trict $2800 ; SaOO down. 4 -room bungalow. N. Lioerty. skbu SSOS down. 7 -room noma w 1 1 n one acre oi ground. Run down to river on river road. Irtce 3l&: iiuoo aown. ARTHUR MAUSKiN Phone 5580 83 Court St VAOTO VAST nlkfnf distance .Im KmA with frmn)rt bwmnL furnace. In very good condition. Only $3150 with terms, socoroisay oe boo. First National Bank Biag. CREEK LOT Close to all schools. easy walking distance. Only $800. Dial Walter Socolofsky at 7307 day, evenings. ; S-ROOM HOME WITH ; NOOK, hardwood floors throughout, I complete baths, shower, large lot Ready to occupy. Ja50Q, terms. SOCOLOFSKY 4V SON First National Bank Bldg. RM. HOUSE, close in. $3200. $400 down. baL like rent Cottage Realty Co., 263 No. Cottage, GOOD RM. ptaatered house. Small basement BulU-tns, electric pump. is par acnooi at do a. acre, good sou. $2650 with terms. KOBKKT F. BUDROW, Real Estate i IS Ladd A Bsh Bids. ' Ph. tf (5 I R H. a 20th St Lot 96x101 nrica 8l0e easy terms, i R. H. Saginaw 8U Lot 75x150 price 1700 terma. New f room bouse In West Salem, all modern with large garage, 1 acre of land. Terma. . Nice moderai home on; D St, one year old. hi at like new,; $500 down; $36 per menin. 833 State St 1U ACRES AND new 6 na. modern house, garage, chicken house, family Irult Dtgn ciass onrnex. !. WINNIE PETTYJOHN.: REALTOR : FOR SALE By owner,: S rm. house. S6& S. 16th or Ph. lo. . ifvv-ttri-iiri-i'rrrriifVnnn SALE OR wiQ consider ' lease. Fur nishings for large board land rooming house, xet. siio. & ; commercial. A-. 3 R house and furniture. Good well, garaen. rnce a asce.ee down. baL S7.oe mo. iA,l R. hoose. Best ef soil, abun dance of fruit Price $2700.00. Terms. $ A. ON Highway , mod. 5 R. bouse, good soti. fruit and nuts, 2 pump service station garage, $4200.00. Easy terms. ! lA., 5R. mod. honse. Near new high echooL Fruit and ahrnba, $4250.00. Terms. TL A. FORKNER Lake It MacKenaie 1853 N. Capitol 4 R. HOUSE m W. 8alem. S big lots. Immediate poaseesion. FuU price 81300.00. $100.00 down. $10.00 per mo. 6 R. HOUSE close in. Lots of shrub bery and lawn. Priced to sell. $250.00 $ li.ee per ma. F. H. WEIR 111 Ore. Bldg. i Phone $411 r - -- i v--.ri non BY OWNER 6-room house, lawn, hrubbery. Phone $483. S. Salem. BO..' H S. Winter. VERT CLOSE In. Tel. BOOL. - - - - . . For Sale Real Estate 1 4 A. THE best of aolL 1U ml. ont from Independence. Fully equipped ana rurnishea completely, s R. duplex nonse. z nrepiaees, wired for elec. equipment All farm toola, Big- elec. water system. All for only $3090.00. T. H. WEIR 21s Ore. Bldg. Phone fill HOME! . i ROOMS, well located to state buildings, new high school and walk ing distance business district. Base ment automatic sawdust burner fur nace, large lot, beautiful shade trees and shrubbery, nuts and fruit Flower gardens. Just a dandy home for some one. Owner leaving. Priced at $2950, include part ot winters fuel, also some furnishings. .. SEE Mr. Walter with ,-CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St . Phone J708 7-ROOM SEMI-MODERN house. 800 block - N. Winter street Phoae 7871. FOR QUICK sale, will sacrifice 5 R. house by owner at 84T Saginaw St SPECIAL ! FINE 6 ROOM modern home, nice lot with beautiful lawn, shrubs and ornamental trees. House entirely re conditioned and ready to move Into. Its a buy at $1250. Terms In reason. Call to see Jt SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 5 ACRES. 6-ROOM house. Just out of city limits. Good sou, on paving. Family orchard. A nice home for 83500. Terma 5 -room, strictly modern In every way. Nice location, near new nign school. Price S3700. 00 acres, good land. Two sets ei buildings, for $7500. V OS BURGH-GRANT : Masonic Bldg. Exchange- Real Estate FARM FOR ACREAGE OWNER OF 30 acres highly Im proved must exchange for small tract on account or Hi neaitn. arra im Droved with modern home, good barn and outbuildings, two wells, electric service, fine oak grove, about IS acres prunes and other fruits, uooa location. Will give some one good deal. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 TRADE FIVE room plastered house In Salem, clear, for small acre age with house not over four miles out Box 351, Statesman. - For Sale Farms 140 A. RANCH: 10 A. In crop, fine soil, good Mdgs., Market rd., can di vide, win sen stock, x. n: McnoDen, Scotts Mills. Oregon. FOR SALE 30 acres. 8 miles from Salem on Pacific highway. Address, rt 5, box 46, Salem, Ore. WORTH THE MONEY 10 ACRES ALL under plow, S room home, basement and bath, double ga rage, hog house, large barn, flowers and shrubbery. Priced to sell at iiuu. includes the crop. SEE Mr. Walter with PHILDS A MILLER Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708. 50 A. ON the pavement good crops. modern house, some equipment ; owner past 75. sell on easy terms, take small place In or near saiem. immeaiaio possession. 14 ml. rrom saiem. n. u Shields, Oregon Bldg, TeL 8902. Acreage SPECIAL 1S0O CASH WILL buy 8 acres good soil. well, lots of wood, house 10x24 woodshed, located In the noted bean district L J. CRITTENDEN, 172 S. Liberty 5 OR 10 ACRES. 4 miles north of Salem, in bruah and timber. Uooa sou. Macadam road. is per acre... r.ay terms. 8. A. 5 miles from courthouse. I room house, bath, lights, electric pump. barn, orchard, creek. $1975; cash. 147 A. 30 m crop, zu more ciearea. 5 -room house, larae barn. Brood well. creek. Estimated 5000 cords of wood. 2 miles from railroad. Money to Loan at MTCT.VIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St Phone 1728 Wanted Real Estate wiwt TTlBJI r-lnoA tn Salam. 10 acres with creek. Pay $500 ; down. f none taya WANTED. GOOD value In City or small acreage home. Cash. E. Ogden, 212 S. Cottage. HOMESEEKEH8 NOW on their way here want city homes from $1000 to 13500. some have casn. some win want easy terms. If you have a home for sale list it In our catalog. No charge. , Oregon Bldg. 494 State St Ph. 4497 gSaasOasaaaasaiNaassssSt WANTED LISTINGS on homes. $5,000 to $10.00. Let me talk tt over with you. Walter Bocoioisay, r irmx National Bank Bldg. JaaaaSaaaaaaa,aaaaa riT TrriRVTAKa POMINC1 hero axo f siii14TCar ahnnt rtfrrT lJlChOat. If TOM auvfhu uassj w . - " - want to sell a cherry ranch let as catalog It. No cnarge. w v wrwrpsETnK-TirRS AGENCY Oregon Bldg. 494 State St Ph. 4497 CASH BUYER for apartment. Good ra4 fnr another. List now. Reasoner (certainly) 565 N. High St aaaaaaaMaaa WAVT Trt hnv fnr cMmh. E or I wsvtn wvIam Vwvma In tinrtri RaIaRa. priced from $2500 to $3000. Must be in gooa conaiuon. uive iuu jri.Tuw. Postomc Box 122. i WE HAVE S clients that want about a 0 room modern house. Will pay up to 69000.00. List your places wltn na. P. H. Bell, 42$ Ore. Bldg., Phone S12L ( Business Opportnnities WANTED 33000 18 PARTNERSHIP IN placer mine. Money Invested to be returned in full on first cleanup. Independent Income for IS yrs. Will pass any in vestigation, box 354, Statesman. WELL LOCATED Satem bur nar- lor, shows good Income. Box 353, siaiesman. i - . - - - rNCOME PROPERTY Mod. ' apts. iz.eoo.eo. part trade. Box 352, Statesman. - . wwi ii - - -it r "i i.i'i.rT.n-i-Lru-ij-u-LrL FOR SALE or lease Garage and 111 ing station. Two pumps and good repair business with It acres of the finest fruit and berry land. Planted to gooseberries, strawberries, black caps, peaches, filberts and other fruits. wm more una par lor tne place. See Jack FarreTl at Lebanon. FOR SALR-Tmfitn service station, fully equipped. Located a iwn unnini uisincx. UTttg quar ters tn rear of store. Doing a business of $40 per day. Stock, equipment and Ions: laaaa for tiooe tf paying business Investigate this one. i ------- i -rrmnrwuuijvii i m n FOR SALS: Furniture and lease of apartment nouse. small . Investment o. iiia street. - RESTAURANT AND fountain for sale, $800. Business district Good bast Bess. Leas on htilldlnr Twlm,M reason for selling. Cottage Realty Co, t PUMP FILLING statloa 0 $9 tugnway lor lease by the year. . I r . ex. n run 1213 Ore. Bids. Phone 9411 For Sale Used Cars Good Buys IN Used Cars 1936 Ford Tudor, color blue $560 1935 Ford Delux Touring Sedan, completely recondi 1 1 o n e d, new caint , , '. 498 1914 Ford Sedan, special wheels, comnletelv reconditioned 415 1933 Ford Coach, a real car 345 1930 Ford Delux Sedan, a dandy car - . . - 160 1931 Ford A Coupe, good shape . 84$ 1029 Reo Sedan.. Wolverine... ,. - 145 1930 WUlys Coupe Hs 1936 Ford Pickun. low mileaee 496 1935 Ford Pickup, a real buy 445 1934 Ford Picknn. comoletetr re conditioned ' - 17 ALSO TRUCKS PRICED AS LOW AS $225 . Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS AND WEES DATS CLOSED SUNDAYS THREE LOTS Center at Liberty Hollywood Marlon a u Deity SALEM AUTO ICO. YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER OFFERS 1936 CHEVROLET Master Opa. Low mlleajre. Heater. Radio. etc. A BARGAIN , $650 1935 CHRYSLER 4-Door Sedan Low mileaee. Trunk. Special color. TODAY . 885 LATE 1931 FORD 4-Door Sedan. Beautiful maroon color. Trunk. A RARE BUY 395 193$ PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan, This car is 85 new. SEE it today . 695 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM - - ALSO A Complete Line of NEW Plymouth Pickups at Our Show Room. SALEM AUTO CO. TWO LOCATIONS Court A Church 435 N. Commercial Money to Loan COLD CASH FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS A VACATION IS not a luxury It is an Investment In health and happiness.. We can lend you up to $300 for your. Repay in small amounts on any plan yon select Come in. Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 513 State St at Hign Phone 3191 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-122. M-16S CON SOLID ATH YOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before and after the loan la made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 13$ & . Commercial EC Salem. Or. Phone $168 Ua No. 8-138 BALE OR will consider lease. Fur nishlngs for large board and rooming house. Tel. 9330. 485 S. Commercial. AMPLE FUNDS. Benlamln Frank lin loan. Also private money to build. modernize or refinance on homes and suburban property. Lowest rate, quick service. See r. a. Delano, ie Mortn Church street $$$$ FOR YOUR Immediate needs, see us for small loans. Any amount up to $300. CHILDS MILLER, INC Lie. No. 8-204 . $44 State St Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property on- der the F. H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments. No com mission. Refinance or build a new home. W. tt ORABENHORST A CO REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phone 646$ FEDERAL HOUSING loan, build, re finance home, business prop. Rates.. A brain a A Ellis, Inc. Ma-ionle Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU want Immediate action, see us for farm, city and Improved acre- CHILDS A MILLER. Mtsre. Loans 344 8tat St Phone 670$ Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used ears. Privata money at very sow rate. No red tape 1 to 80 month to repay. Roy H. Simmons 138 a Commercial St. Salem. Or. Phone 9168 Ua. Na M-1S3. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ea tana and sfty property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts, 3 Financial 4 ON SAVINGS Insured To 1500$ Salens Federal Savings A Loan Ass's. lie seats uoeny ou V( R A VIC Bnecnald leas than this rats en savings fr and investments, unuw i t&aes Mutual Federal Savings Loan Ass's. Phone 4144 141 B UBtur o. For Sale Wood 1 GUARANTEED DRT WOOD coat rL (000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade aad Cottage. Na l DRY wood. Reasonable. TeL 3354. 800 CORDS 4 -foot Or for quick sale, $3.00 cord. Ball Broa, Turner. Lost and Found - ' ) LOST BILLFOLD containing cash and driver's license. Reward. 1498 Marlon. LOST LADY'S fount pen. Ph. 7118. r Personal FREE! If excess add causes yt Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, Indiges tion, HEARTBURN. GET free sample Oocs prescription. Udga, at Capital attlsl PWl ST rants C3-,.. 1 Wanted Used Cars "1 WANTED lte nit te mnn s. dan. $3$ Breye Ave. yaley For Sale Used Cars Look at for Top 3$ DODGE DELUXE TURING SEDAN, original ocean blue finish; upnotatery spotless : render wen: safety- glass; hydraulic brakes; only 31 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN; original gun metal finish; upholstery spotless; built-in trunk; steel body; safety glass; hydraulic brakes: heater: knee action: why buy new one: only $000 miles ; 31 FORD DeLUXE COUPE ; original has heater: steel body: safety glass: milea ,: : - 35 HTUJQCBAKER DICTATOR SEDAN ; reflnlshed acorn tan finish; upholstery Bootless: burtt-tn-trunk: steel body: safety glass: 90 tire; heater; atealdraallc brakes; 34 (uSu i TWO-DOOR VICT. SEDAN ; reflnlshed navy blue; interior clean as pin; luggage space; radio; heater; 90 tires; very low mileage: has safety class: steel body: this car la In the best of shape j, If they are so good how did we get them! Ansiver- I J They were traded on 1937 Pochards State Motors inc. HIGH AT CHEMEKETA OPEN EVENINGS 31 CHEV". L. W. B. truck. Lloyd Hake, Rte. 4. mil. south of Liberty. AAsnWsB4VaaasgBaatxtaaMssal 29 FORD LIGHT delivery A-l shape. Just the thing for fruit hauling. Bargain. Klngslcrs Ice, 480 Center. Farewell Party Is Given for Dunns WOODBURN. July 12. Mri and Mrs. B. W. Dunn, who with their two daughters, are leaving next week for Coqullle, were hon ored Friday night with a fare well party given at the Masonic temple by Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star of which bother have been active members while residing in Wood burn the past four years. Dunn has accepted the position of superintendent ot the Coquille public schools.1 A socIaL evening was held with games and contests directed by Mrs. Hiram Overton and Mrs. A. E. Lytle. An electric clock was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Dunn in behalf of the chapter, by Mrs. F. W. Setttemler. Dunn Is worthy patron of the chapter and Mrs. Dunn holds the office of Adah. Blarjorie Hanson Returns For Missionary Labors CORVALLIS, July 1 J Follow ing g e r e n years of missionary work in Syenchung, Korea, Miss Marjoiie Hanson returned to Cor vallls today on a one-year fur lough. She was met In Seattle by her brother, J. A. Hanson, well known Paclflo coast poultry breeder, and her sister, Mrs. M. H. Allen, also of Corvallls. Plans for her year's furlough include a trip U the eastern part ot the United States to visit friends and relatives. TRADEMARK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on June 12 th. 1937, Blackstone Products Co., Ins., of 443 Fourth Avenue, New York, New York, filed Its trade-mark consisting of the word "ASPERTONE with the Secretary of State of Ore gon, to be applied to and placed upon chemicals, medicines and pharmaceutical preparations and particularly for a, preparation in tablet form for relieving pain and discomfort caused' by mild headaches, simple neuralgia and muscular pains. J. 29; Jlr. 6-1J. Business (Tarda ia this directory rum am m monthly basis, only. Rate; 1 per line per month. Anlo Brakes Mike Paaek. 371 South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com! Ph. 46 i. Brushes rumors. Ph. 734. 1?$S Brook St. Carpentering BUILDING. PAINTTNQ. repairing, 441 State. Phon $0CC Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4419. a E. Northness. Chiropractors 1 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 31$ NT Blgh. TeL Res. $713. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinda . Base meats Sac. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Ce. Phoae 4$. Florists Brelthanpfs, 44T Court. Ph. 1194. Furs DuBAXM FUR Co. Master furriers aad aseJcaera. Rm. $ A (. Miner Bldg. I Honse Bloving HOUSS MOVTNa Bides, bonsht A sold. P. 174$. H. Lammera, 13$ N. Lib, Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THS WEIDKR LAUNDRY 3$$ & High TeL $139 j Lawn Sprinklers " CALL C & Wbltcomb. Ph. 4395. For Sale Used Cars ' Tlhiese large nuut-in trans:: steel ooay : 11,000 mile ; $775.00 ,,-,:,:.,' $7K.0 black finish ; upholstery spotless ; 95 tires: run less than lz.ooe ; $565.00 gets 18 miles to gal of gas $595.00 . $445.00 CLOSED SUNDAYS . PHONE 8400 Improvement Glib Pkns Year's Job GATES, July 12. The Im provement club met Thursday af ternoon at the club room with Mrs. A. B. Carey in charge of the business meeting and Mrs. Harry Reiser, Mrs. F. Klutke and Mrs, Jack Doyle as hostesses. Mrs. Roy Taylor, budget chair man, stated that the budget would require nearly $180 for maintaining the cemetery grounds and the soup project for the school. The ways and means com mittee will provide and suggest ways of raising the budget. A bazaar to be held in December under the direction of Mrs. El mer Asche will provide most of the funds. - A community picnic will be held on August 1, at Moor's grove near the school grounds. A history of the Declaration of Independence, written by Mrs. Al bert Milsap, was read by Mrs Russell Lake. Mrs. Ruby Winters won the prize In the penny drill. Hearing on Dried Prune Grade Slated July 26 By State Department Prune growers and packers throughout Oregon will attend a department of agriculture hear ing here July 26 to discuss pro posed grades and standards for dried prunes. Frank McKennon, chief of the division of plant Industry, said the grades, made possible by at 1937 law, would be permissive rather than compulsory. Strawberry Harvest Is Nearly at End in Falls Region; Last Picking on SILVER FALLS, July 12 The strawberry harvest Is nearly end ed in this vicinity. Most growers expect one picking this week. The rains at the beginning of the sea' son damaged the crops heavily, Berries have been taken to Al bany, Salem and the Jory Pack ing Co., at Union Hill. Mrs. Elbert Neal and twin sons, Gary Dean and and Jerry Gene, returned home Friday from the Sllverton hospital. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade : carpet cleaning, six. Ing; luff rug wearing. & 13th A Wil bur. TeL S4L OTTO F. 2WICKER. Est. 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4849. Painting-Paperhanging HERBERT B WOOD. T. 1921 Parkins PARK t HOURS, 18c Court at Front Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 14T N. Commercial. TeL I33T. Printing FOB STATIONERY, carda, pamph lets, piaai atna, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, til & Commercial. Tele phone 9191. Private DetectiTC Newell Wftllama, Boa 1 37. TeL 9719. I Stoves and Fence WE REPAIR stoves and circulator make water heaters, carry wire fence, fence posts, Salem Fence and Store Works, 343 Chemeketa Street R. R. Fleming. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor sc. burner on. eall S1SL Larmer Transfer Co. Tracks te PDrtiaad dally. CAPITAL Crrr Transfer C 339 Stat St. TeL TTT8. DistribotlnaV for warding and steraga ear specialty. Oct oar rates, - CTTT TRANSFER A delivery eerrtea. Phone SSie. 3svta. baallas and ship ping at reduced rates. Veil Drilling Rr A. WEST. Rt t. 3U.s. rt. nam Boys For Sale Used Can Hi Quality Used Cars at 1928 1929 1929 1930 1932 1936 Ford Sedan, air wheels Ford Sport Roadster, air wheels Plymouth Coupe, new paint .... Ford Sedan . . Chevrolet Sport Coupe -J. .... Chevrolet -Master Coupe Chevrolet Town Sedan : .... Chevrolet Sport Sedan . . Chevrolet L. W. B. Truck ... 1936 1936 1934 1935 Chevrolet L. W. Bi McKAY CHEVROLET , CO. CLOSED SUNDAYS Phone 3139 333 Center ARGAI Special Prices Special Terms '36 Oldsmobile Sedans '36 Oldsmobile Coupes '36 Dodge Sedans '36 Dodge Coupes '36 Plymouths '36 Ford VS's OldsmoM USED CAR STORE 3SC NORTH LIBERTY STREET Scholeman Head Of Legion Post CORVALLIS. July It Carl W. Scholeman, will head the Corvallls post of the American Legion for the coming year. Scholeman, who served as rice-commander last year, will take over his new post as com mander August 17, along with the rest of the officers who will be installed by Carl Moser, state adjutant. VA 12 3 16 Id 21 2 27 28 2f 32 3H 36 37 3a 37 HO l6 HI H& 34? S3 5H By EUGENE OKBOKTAX. tka efctetleas aaTal farces afakaM kUbOe la Jaaaarr. UMI Cf WIm tova ia the HaBaa FteaaMat at eteS fee Ma wtoaiT IS Wcmser ef tae C Ii race tt WW at ae ataaaac part ef ef the fssseaa iairins peatt -Car- as the mi 84. U What Praach eH sate ef the Tth Tlisalsissf t9 Seettiah cap ttlteal?the relsn ef whet Peps was Ike IT Native ef oae ef the states . tt-What is the eapttal ef Tthatf Al What Itaikta la kaclaA shV .h. mt LaaeeaaCs Laaa ta w! te vaUb awv fci i it gskepss aair -4S-Saert weelea fahrfs er shawl ee-Osef Xelabei St Mew Zaalaaa paraat ' tl- IWrper ef AraMa -S Steak TKKTICAL 1 Vpbebtersiseat s Wlaced. Cross Word Puzzle VXXXA 1 S Persies peek Healey a Oataiaed II Qapta ( AmMic aiaawaal M Cat eat taia aUeai reoaus IV-CMaetei serial u-Tum avataioa , S Siaewy . North i Marina sbB S Urseea -S taalaaeefai f gara aiaL ' ' For Sale Used Cars I and Low Prices .$135.00 . 160.00 .16000 . 185.00 . 325.00 . 625.00 . 645.00 . 695.00 . 450.00 Truck, 4 new tires 525.00 430 N. Commerda; Other men elected Include R. D. Fuller, first vice-commander; Joe Chamberlin, second ' vice commander; Charles Wllley,. ad jutant; Chet Crockett, sergeant at-arms; C. D. Winston, finanee officer, and Rev. John Burns, chaplain. Wllley was elected fat his second term. Appointments made last night included Rlney Paulson, member of the ways and means commit tee, and William McFarland building committee. - - B. K. Martin, present com mander, Scholeman, F r a n e 1 s Ziegler and Marvin Jorday wID represent the Corvallls organisa tion at the state convention. lO n 20 23 2H 25 3t 33 HI H2 3 HH 5S SHEF EH IS WW ai a sty ef Asia Ummr fiwais the m part ef tae TarUak BepaaOst te ActafsWs-eat kt Thiasiialav 34 D at hue f i J ft Maoala IS CroaaUr ehtr eeperik :- 37 a ta sheftaraa ease 11 Mlaaral apriaa St Ptaeai ef staaiew 39 What is ta chant 43 Ilas SToap kt Irslaad UTolarate U UaiU If I (Hot Ti-.Afrlaan eateiop 4; Hlsres Herewith Is the solution to ye&ter day's puxxle. ' ; MS YA I 39 What Fiasis eaperar was ten 9a Caraicar tt Japaaaaa rise pasts 1 Oaa iM Mi1 ranaasak IMt. ay klat fmiii SfSilana, aa 1 5.00 J"" -