The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1937, Page 7, Image 7

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Formidable Duos Collide in -Team Wrestling Match Tonight
Meanifts Dmiv
Semifro Raw
Giants Battle
But Phils Win
Big Davis Cup Problem
CO 7 o - 7
By Shutout Over Radio Softballers
Jhe OREGON. STATESMAN, Sakaa, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. July 13 lSttl-
... - ' : . ' ' V .; -.. v - : 1
Moran and McDougall Will
Jnst Bust 'em; Other
Side Divides Work !
"Wrestling Tonight
Main event Team wrestling,
Otis Cltngman and Tetsura Hi
gami tb. Sandy McDougall and
bailor Moran. i
Semi-final Danny Russo vs.
Wild Bill MandelL ;
Opener Andy Tremaine I vs.
Ace Abott.
The nary meets the nary on
even terms tonight, and the bal
ance of power lies in the allies!
: of either side the one a ! red
headed Scitchman, tough but
blunt, the other an almond-eyed
Japanese, expert in stealth and
torture. !.
. In what shapes up . as the
most formidable team battle
ever staged on the local armory
mat H Promoter Herb Owen' will
send Tetsura' Higami, the Jap
anese bouncing ball, and Otis
CUngman. considered here to be
the world's second ranking mid-1
uiewelght. In against Sailor Mor
an and Sandy McDougall, ! ril
lalny artists.
Strategy of the two meanies
remains a mystery. except for
a brief statement by McDonald.
"Strategy?" the Scot demanded.
'.Nuts. We don't need strategy.
Moranll bust 'em oyer the heart,
and I'll bust 'em wherever I
get a chance and in about 10
minutes we'll hare to pick 'em
op to hit em!"
Map Defense. Too
CUngman and Higami, realis
ing the punchlng-power of their
opponents, hare mapped out a
definite compaign. Otis will be
the spearhead of the attack, with
Higami following to nail on his
deadly oriental jia jltsa para
lyser holds.
.On defense. Higami is : ex
pected to extricate both arap
plers from - dangerous position
w ith his neTre-pressures. When
aha man tin hurt dlfrooaed of.
CUngman hopes to hold the
other while Hlgaml works the
Promoter Owen has booked
two red-hot preliminaries. In
the SO-minute semi-final. Dan
ny Russo. the flashy New York
Italian Is scheduled to mix with
Wild Bill MandelL - cousin of
Sammy Mandell, the old light
weight champion, and a dang
erous hitter in bis own right.
The 30-minute opener will
match Andy j Tremaine, sensa
tional Tucson. Arizona, mangier
against Ace Abbott, former hall-
back for the Southern Methodist I
The bouts begin at 8:30.
Savant Analyzes
World Problems
International Peace Seen
From Three Angles by
j Dr. Clierrington
Dr. Ben Cherrington, director
of the foundation for advance-1
ment of social science at the
University of Denver, spoke on
the subject of international af-
fairs before a crowd of over 500
people at Sunday's Willson park I
open air meeting, sponsored by
the local ministerial association
and the T. M. C. A.
There are three schools or
thought in jlhe international
field. Dr. Cherrington indicated,
classifying them" as favoring" re-
epectively, policies of isolation.
cooperation, ana counterfeit isw-1
An isolation DOllcy would ne-1
cessltate the cancellation of all
foreign debts and keeping for-
irn trade at a minimum. It
would result in either state cap-1
ittitam or socialism. Dr. Cher-
rlneton predicted. '
Exponents OI cooperation sees, an s uue ana rsea juukck. r on
to abolish the present form of land, annexed the boys' singles.
International anarchy by. . the The San Francisco duo. Amark
membership ot all nations in the and Jack Lundy, defeated the
International bank, the League of Portland pair, Sam Lee and Don
Nations, the world court, and Lewis for the men's ! doubles,
nn mber less similar agencies. while Mrs. Gross teamed with
. i i
Economic cooperation Deiween
nations would be a part or tne
program, taking care of the lack
of raw materials in some coun-
tries by International snaring ui
- . I alth
The third no imw cwi -
unit counterieu omuu,
volves the idea that a nation can
have all the worm h
wishes and still retain
of security, i - , .
hi. nian ! would necessitate a
ui; . .
..rnn n in nunc. x. vuw
rlngtoa staiea, anu
Its weakness. Economic actm-
T T. Gwat
tics, lS?7eTr Moaomle
tection la essential to wcmomic
ii... a to rf rnar noum
Dr. Bruce ti.
. .n university. WUl
OI cT,rt-r' meeUns
m vontb topic. iiw
u . .2 l (hA
Riem youth council.4 -
b ViS- it,.op Salem choral
Atrmrtnr who directed a chorus
J!f 69 voices at last Sunday's
J Ti nian to enlarge it to
V Airea next Sunday. He In-
-it young people mterestea
Tlies . xrmrtie session
at the T. M. C. A. next Sunday
"f.-rnoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Berner and Beck
a ITinnlc
Am V c;
f "
Berner. : ,. Mv reach.
rnrmcr ucm - -
c2a Tinai. of t State public
fi w T championship fcera Sunday.!
wrner advanced at tn expanse
n.t.a former city cham -
, ' -lle Beck asfeated Louial
pIon J. finals wifl be plajed
tyr. .--
:-. iftlti m pr- f .
'ITH the crucial inter-zone
finals of the Davis Cup
series coming up this week
end, the U. S. officials are still won
dering about their No. 2 singles
When the American raequeteers
turned back the Australians 5-to-0,
it was thought that the best possible
U. S. singles lineup had been discov
ered in Budge and Grant. ;
State Net Honors
Are Well Divided
PORTLANDr July 12-p)-
Portland and California stars
shared In championship honors
in the finals of the 39th annual
Oregon tennis tournament end-
ing here last night.
Sam Lee. bespectacled Port-
land pre-tournament favorite,
blasted his way to the men's
singles championship by defeat-
lng youthful Darrell Kelly of
It was a great day for the
Canning family ot Alameda, .ual..
when Patsy Canning won tne
women a single crown j from llt-
tie Cecllo Miner of Long Beach,
and paired with her i brother,
Bill Canning, to win the mixed
ooudics uiie agaiuni veiemu
Mrs. Goida Mayer uross ana
Amark of San Francisco. Tnen
Bill Canning won the junior ti-
tie by defeating Jack Gurley of
C. I? Grimm of Portland up-
set top-seeded CatUn Wolfgard
also of Portland, for the veter-
i 4 i a w v w a
i uecuo Miner to taice tne wom-
en's aouoies cnampionsmp irom
Hazel Schenck and Ruth Roland
of Portland. '
IVf-V NtrAAt 11 fill.
juut ts-avva- jiauui
Plans Announced
. . . i
l i ae new aaiu sireet water uiiu
be Uld irom three to four
nnderground and wherever
possible, in the parking strip, it
waa reported yesterday as a WPA
k ,
"" 0- . . - -
j m extend nortn from RUr.i are-
mile, north te the city
llmlti. Its route will be annroxl
r: V T
I maieij iuui. i
From Rural avenue along east
I ----
.Ma of T7t1i t Marinn ,nnth tlA
of Marlon to Capitol, east aide ot
I Capitol to D, south side of D to
alley, along alley to Market, south
side of Market to McCoy, west
side of McCoy, to Hunt, north side
of McCoy to Capitol, east aide ot
Capitol to Tile road. Fairgrounds
I -. .t v. At-mt.A
j Highland. Pacific highway (side
to be , determined) to ; Gregson
At Gregson street the new main
will connect with an elrht-lnch
pipe laid unedr he new, highway
undererossing. The city system ex
1 tends on north to Highway ave-
ontslde the city limits.
Timber Wolf I. Busy
i fjp-sheepmea of Ashwood and
1 l Pine areas reDorted serious
damage to flocks from a huge
timber wolf, the first seen la
'this section la several yeara,
However, recent happenings at
Wimbledon have caused a lot of the
experts to weaken on Bitsy as the
logical No. 2 player.
Grant was far from himself in
the all-England classic. Handi
capped by a cold and sore back
muscles, the mighty mite aggra
vated his ailments by playing in the
cold, damp British weather. It re
mains to be seen whether he can
shake off the effects of this inauspi
cious start.
League Baseball
W. L. Pet.
Chicago ...45 27 .625
New York 46 29 .08
Pittsburgh 40 32 .556
St. Louis 39 3J .542
Boston 33 40 .452
Brooklyn ........30 40 .429
Cincinnati 2S 43 .394
Philadelphia 29 45 .392
Sunday's Results
New York 10-4; Brooklyn 4-1.
Philadelphia 10-0; Boston 4-1.
Pittsburgh 8, Chicago 2. '
Cincinnati 6-7; St. Louis 0-0.
W. L. Pet.
Yakima 4
Vancouver 4
Tacoma 2
Wenatchee ......... 2
Lewiston 2
Spokane ........... 2
Sunday's Results
"Vancouver 10-2, Yakima 2-7.
Spokane 8-5, Tacoma 7-4.
Wenatchee 6, Lewiston 2.
W. L. Pet.
Sacramento ...... 62
San Francisco ....61
San Diego 61
Los Angeles ..... 52
Portland 50
Seattle 45
Oakland .41
Mission .....39
Sunday's Results
Missions 10-2. San Diego 2-5.
Seattle 13-1, Sacramento 7-6.
Los Angeles 8-4, San Francisco
Portland 2-3, Oakland 1-2.
Series This Week
Portland at San Francisco.
Seattle at Oakland.
Los Angeles at Sacramento.,
Mission at San Diego.
W. L. Pet.
New York ........47 22 .681
Chicago 43 30 .589
Detroit .....42 29 .592
Boston ..........40 28 .588
Cleveland 33 34 .493
Washington ......SO 38 .441
St. Louis 22 47 .31
Philadelphia .....20 49 .290
Sunday's Results
New York 4-5. Washington 3-5.
Boston 9-8, Philadelphia 4-2.
Detroit 3, Cleveland 2.
St, Louis 4-3, Chicago 1-4.
BoslerV Defeats
Restaurant Team
Hosier' sottball team put over
S runs In a hectic first Inning
and went on -to take a 10 to 2
victory over the Golden Pheasants
in a . Junior league game played
last night,
Smithers, ' electric shop hurler,
did not issue a walk, and held his
opponents to three hits, two ot
which were from the bat of B.
Lars en.
Golden Pheasants . . 2 2 t
Hosier's 10 S
K. Larsen'. and B. Laraea;
Smithers and. Medley, Taylor.
'Siff j ' 1 ii ' " - v-"w- J
Meanwhile, Frank Parker, rated
one notch above Grant in our Na
tional ranking, has come on like a
house afire to dispute 611878 right
to the second singles assignment.
Parker amazed the net public by
reaching the semi-finals at Wimble
don, beating Germany's No. 2 man,
Henkel, on the way. Frank was
magnificent against ths all-conquering
Budge, taking one set and put
ting up a terrific Dattle all the way.
CocnUbl HIT. by Klac tmUum Sradleafe Im.
Swanson in Race
For Grid All-Star
PORTLAND, July 12 -(vP)-
Northwest football fans who last
year rallied to place Johnny Ora-
vec of Willamette university and
Chuck Mucha of Washington on
the nation's all-star squad, will
have another chance to name their
choice for the collegiate eleven to
play at Chicago, September 1.
- The Oregonian announced today
its fourth annual poll to select
the ail-American team to play the
Green Bay Packers, world's pro
fessional champions. Last year's
poll drew 1,767,961 votes.
The honor of drawing the first
votes in this sector went to Oregon
State's Tommy Swanson, star half
back from Hood River who cut a
wide swath in collegiate grid cir
cles. He received three votes from
his home town, accompanied by a
letter that he would have the solid
backing of Hood River sports fol
Farmer Ties for
Second in Medal
PORTLAND, July 12.-(PHEd
Bates of Corvallis took the medal
1st trophy in the boys division In
the qualifying round of the. tenth
annual state Junior golf tourna
ment which opened on the River
side Golf and Country club course
today when he cracked out a 79,
to top 55 starters.
Bates went out In 42 but stead
ied on the second nine to come
through with a 37.
Walter Bennett, another Cor
vallis threat, and Ray Farmer of
Salem tied for second place with
cards of 80. i
In the Junior division for boys
16 to 18 years, Raymond Carl
son, Columbia -Edge water, paced
the field with a two over, par
round of 76.
Horseshoe Squad
Ties Portlanders
A team of 31 Salem horseshoe
pitchers: west to Portland over
the weekend and ended even
Stephen In a match with the
Vaughn street club. Salem, which
won the singles, 10 matches to
S. tied with the- Portlanders In
the doubles at the end of regular
play, bet lost in the playoff.
A royal time was accorded to
the local players while they were
guests of ths Vaughn streeters la
the rose city It was said. The
Portland team will journey here
tor return match August.!.
Estacada District Champ
PORTLAND, : July 12-P-Es-tacada
won the district 1 Ameri
can Legion Junior baseball title
with two victories over Gresham,
T to ? and 7 ta 2. Pitcher Oras-
weil allowed but two hits in tne
second -game.
Reliable Shoe Is Favored
as Only Undefeated
Team Remaining
Sunday's Results
1 Cornelius 5. Portland Woolen S.
Pacific Frmlt 5. Woodburn 0.
.Reliable Shoe 24. Silrerton 8.
Consolidated 2, Toledo 0.
SILVERTON. Jiully 12 The
Tace for Oregon's semi-pro "base
ball championship was narrowed
to six teams Sunday with two more
scheduled ta fall by the wayside
tonight Reliable Shoe of Portland
emerged fas the farorite and the
only undefeated .team when it de
feated SUverton 24 to 8 here Sun
day night.
The others left in the running
with one defeat each were Silver
ton. Cornelias, Pacific Fruit, Con
solidated Freight, Sellwood and St.
Silrerton fans were chagrined
when the bleeest crowd of -the
session. In excess of 2500, turned
out Sunday night only to see the
two Mar- n county teams humbled.
but th' took consolation from
the fact that only one of the regn
lar pitchers figured in the slaugh
ter, leering both Burch and Wil
son fresh far further competition
Bobbles Start Boot -
After Jerry Gastineau, upset by
unfortunate bobbles behind him at
the start, failed to hold the Shoe-
men in the ; first inning. Arland
Schwab was called In from the
outfield to bear the brunt of the
t e t e r a n : Portlanders attack.
Schwab hurled with fair success
and his mates then Joined in the
slugfest to hold the visitors fairly
even the rest of the way.
Woodburn was eliminated by
Pacific Fruit 5 to , 0 when the
Portlanders got to Fallin for six
hits and f oratr runs in the second
and scored again in the seventh.
Andy Peterson put In his bo
ated appearance to pitch for To
ledo and it wasn't his fault that
Consolidated: Freight held the Lin
coln county team scoreless and
won 2 to 0. Don McFadden held
Toledo to four hits.
Woodburn Juniors
Turn in two Wins
Dallas Defeated 14-0 but
Hillsboro Is Tough,
Nosed Out 2-1
WOODBURN, July 12-(Spe-
cial)-One easy victor and one
that took some hard battling
were scored . by the Woodburn
American Legion junior baseball
team here Sunday in a double
header that: opened Its participa
tion In the district playoffs.
In the opener the Woodburn
team defeated Dallas 14 to 0,
collecting IS hits while Krupicka
and Croisan pitched effective
ball to shut out the visitors.
Hlllsboro's wide-awake team
was a different story. Love,
Hillsboro pitcher, held Wood
burn to five hits, but the home
boys collected a run in the third
inning and another in the sev
enth to win to 1, Hillsboro
getting a tally' In the eighth.
Has Good Support
Jell permitted the Washing
ton county boys nine hits but
kept them well scattered and
had exceptional support," espe
cially' from Reed, catcher, who
nipped three men off the bases
at strategic moments.
Jell also fanned nine men,
several of them at moments
when Hillsboro .threatened. One
such occassion was in the sixth
when the bases fwere loaded.
Woodburn's run in the third
came when Halter led off with
a single, stole second and came
in on an overthrow at first base
on Gant's grounder. In the sev
enth Krupicka beat out a hit to
the third baseman, stole and
scored when the Hillsboro short
stop could only knock down
Stetter's hard-hit grounder. La
Porte's double and Schlagel's
single accounted for Hiilsboro'i
Vancouver Whips
Corvallis Netmen
CORVALLIS. July 12 Corval
lis netmen entered in the Columbia-Willamette
tennis league
went down to their s e c o n d
straight ; defeat yesterday when
x . . .... . . I.4J
lae nara nming racaei wieiuei
from Vancouver smashed their
way to a 6 to 1 triumph on the
local courts. Corvallis clubbers
dropped j their first start, two
Weeks ago to the Eugene tennis
club. .,' - .
Gene Relsh, Corvallis high
school basketball and tennis
star, registered the only Cor
vallis win when he came back
after dropping the first set to
defeat Holmes - 1-6. 7-5. 8-6.
Holmes i had everything his way
the first set but the anglar Cor
vallis netter returned in the sec-,
ond and third cantos to win in
successive duece sets.
Outside of the Reish-Holmes
match, the Eugene club swept
to straight-set wins la all the
singles matches.
Second Victim of
v Smoke Passes on
PORTLAND, July 12-ff)-The
second victim ot smoke that
filled a North Bonneville home
Saturday, Jack Hnetka. 4-month-old
son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. EL
Hnetka died at a hospital here
last Bight' 1 -
His 18-month-old s l t e r ,
Tyonae. idled Saturday. Smoke
overcame the ' children when aa
electric iron burned through ths
ironing board and the xtoor.
LOREN Kitchen did not issue a base on balls until the
eighth, which is one reason why Wait's trounced Hogg
Bros., first round champions;
Sweetland field last night Another is that his mates got over
making errors after the first
play with all the precision of
Hoggs mighty bats wereo
cheeked for once, only one double-
by Serdots and five scattered sin
gles being the total for the eve-(
ning. The victors did little better
at the plate, with a lone double
by Salstrom being their best blow.
but bunching them where they
counted put them ahead 2 to 0
in the first, and there they stayed.
Wait's started things early,
when Kitchen, first up. singled.
Glrod also singled and Scales
drove them In before Hogg's set
tled down and ended the splurge.
In the opener, Man's Shop
downed Square Deal 7 to 0 in a
seven-inning tilt that was marked
by little hitting from either side.
A small crowd viewed the games
as a lower than usual tempera
ture brought out' overcoats on a
July night.
There will be no games played
tonight, but tomorrow night Mon
day's winners. Wait's and Man s
Shop will clash, and the Eagles
will meet the Papermakers.
Wait's S 8 2
Hogg Bros. 2 6 3
Klchen and Beard; Roth and
Square Deal :j. 0 4 5
Man's Shop I 1 1 2
Jackson and Singer; Gilmore
and Girod.
Salem Loses Out
On Oswego links
But Wins on Season Score
Basis; Players Praise
"Mountain" Course
Members of the Salem Golf
club's 19-man team found them
selves sufficiently handicapped by
the mountainous though perfectly-
groomed fairways of the Lake
Oswego Country club Sunday that
they lost the team match to the
Oswego players 42 to 15. How
ever, on a home-and-home basis
the Salem club won for the sea
son, 69 to 57, having won the
home match 57 to 15 early In
The Salem players were unani
mous in their praise of the Oswego
layout, admirably designed to take
advantage of the varied terrain.
Unusual features include one hole
on which a sliced or short tee
shot drops several hundred feet
down the mountainside. From that
same tee an excellent view of the
Willamette river, Portland and
the Cascade peaks is provided. An
other novelty Is the ancient auto
mobile transformed into a cable
car to transport players to an ele
vated teeing ground.
Roy Wiggins of the Oswego
team scored a 32, Including one
"double slip" on the more moun
tainous nine. Summary
dinger 1
Hendrie H
Skelley 0
Flanery 0
Kitimiller H
Day 0
Mapes I
Victor 0
Higgins 0
Lynch 2
Nash 3
Pekar 0
Bonesteele 0
Staoey 2
Sels 2
Venator IVt
Gotthardt S
Van Buren 2
Belford IV
Ellis 2
Eklund 2tt
Salem Boys Fight
In CMTC Tourney
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 12-()-Bob
Powell, 158 pounder of
Prlneville, won a decision In three
rounds over Wayne McPaul, 153.
Echo, in the feature event of the
C.M.T.C. elimination bouts here
Lloyd McCullough, 134 Sa
lem, lost a decision to Lorens,
McDuffee, 135, in the semi-wind-up.
Other : results Included:
135-pounds Edgar Berlin, Sa
lem, won by Technical knockout
orer Elmer Collier, Portland.
Its-pounds Thil Kerns. Van
couver, decision over Ben Schlen-
feld, Corvallis.
Mad Money Wins
Arlington Race
W - 1 v i
oney, from the Lemar stock
farm stable, at Lexington, Ky..
qualified impressively for the
$55,000 Arlington futurity by
winning the $4009 Hyde Park
stakes before 20.000 sweltering
spectators at Arlington Park to
day. Mad Money, two-year-old son
of North Star 3rd-Knockout, raced
to a head victory over Mountain
Ridge! and theheavily played fav
orite, jC-Note, which ran third.
Mountain Ridge and C-Note ran
as aa entry tor Mrs. Ethel V. Mars
of Chicago. - ,.
Stuart First to Arrive
For Knight Convention
: MIAMI, Fla..Jnly 12--Cor-
vanis sent the nrst ae legate to
the 4 Ota triennial conclave of the
Knights Templar here today.
D. Brace Stuart, dean of the
electrical engineering college mo
tored leisurely oa the trip across
the nation. The conclave opens
Saturday, ending" Jnly 23.
6 to 2 in a softball game on
two innings, then went on to
a world series ball club.
Cotton Gets Lead
In Match Contest
Shute Holds Him Even for
33 Holes but Driver
Fails Him Later
(AT-Henry cotton. Great Brit-
tain's "modern Harry Vardou." !
beat par by fire shots today to
take a two hole lead over Otnny
Shute, American P. G. A. cham
pion, at the halfway point of
their 72-hole match for the
world's match slay golf cham
pionship and xz.&OO. -
Cotton and Shute: together
with the rain, reported at Wal
ton Heath's first tee this morn
ing, solemnly shook hands and
never spoke again until they
reached the 36th green where
Denny conjured a 25-footer into
the cup and then walked over
and shook hands again.
Down two holes at the 11th
and again at the 23rd and never
up until the 33rd, Cotton, newly-crowned
British open cham
pion, took' advantage of one of
penny's inevitable driving lapses
to win the 33rd and 34th to gain
his two-up. margin t the end of
the first 36 holes.
Up until then it had been an
Shute. Outdriven from the tee
and bothered a little by a slight
hook on his long irons. Shute
chipped and putted superbly and
looitea capable of recovering
from any mistake until wild
drives overtook him near the
With SO London "Bobbles
holding back the crow of 7.000,
Cotton, looking as if he were
busy hating someone, came home
m 34, four under par, for an af.
ternoon round of TO end a total
for the day of 141.
StoUe to Manage
Softball Tossers
MT. ANGEL, July 12. E. B.
Stolle was elected manager of the
Mt. Angel all-star softball team
at a meeting of the players, held
at the Hotel Fountain Friday
night after the games. Stolle will
appoint his own assistants. The
meeting was presided " over by
Alois Keber, presidnt of the local
softball association.
. In Friday night's games the
Sodality downed North Howell
to 2. May struck out eight men
Kaser six.
Batteries : Sodality, May and
Beyer; North Howell, H. Kaser
and Nys.
In the second game the Fores
ters ran away from Monitor with
a 12 to 2 score. Zerr brought in
a home run for winners.
Batteries: Foresters, M. Koser
and TJselman;, Monitor, R. Con
yne and Norton.
Salem Ball Team
Loses by 67 Runs
In Game Long Ago
project .workers uncovered re
ports showing one ot the first inter-city
baseball games in Oregon
was played between Salem and
Portland back in the late 60's.
The Salem team was that of the
Dysodia Babeball club, "A society
organized for the development of
muscles. The game was played
at the etate fair grounds. Score:
Portland 92, Salem 25.
'The workers also revealed that
in IS 67 ; Sunday baseball was
frowned upon to such aa extent
by Oregon pioneers that baseball
clubs legislated against It them
selves. ,
A resolution printed in the Ore
gon City Enterprise August S of
that year stated:
The practice of playing ball on
Sunday la not only very immoral,
but disturbs ths peace and euiet
of th enefghborhood where It Is
practiced. Names of dub
members will be erased : from
books if they use the grounds or
any Implements belonging to the
club on Sunday. !
Salem Armoiy Tonlglit 0:30
Lowe Floor 60c, Balcony 40c, Reserved Seats 75e (Ne Tax)
Btadeats SSe, Ladles 25c j
Ticket, Cttrt Parker's and LyUes Anplcee Amerteaa Legio
Herb Owes, Matchmaker
Triple Play Engineered by
Losers and Boss Terry
Chased From Park
While the Giants tarnished much
of the excitement today with a
first-inning triple play and Mgr. ,
Bill Terry's ninth-inning ejection,,
ths Phillies combined three hits
with an error, four bases on balls .
and a sacrifice to score six rant
In the seventh and whip the New
Yorkers. to 2.
Orvllle Jorgens was pitching is
the ninth when Terry was thrown
out ot the game, the first time that
has happened to him In his career. -The
Giants' pilot objected to e
strike called on Mel Ott by Umpire
Bill Klem. j
Klem ended a long argument
by ordering Terry out of the dug-
out. ' :
Make Triple Killing ' .
The Terrymen, who had beaten
the Phils six out of their last nine -
games and were seeking to gals
ground on the leading Cubs,
turned back their rivals' first
threat in the opening inning by.
executing the second triple play ol
the National league season. ' i ,
Norris, Martin and John Moore
led off with successive hits to fill
the bases. Then Arnovlch lofted a
short fly Into right. Ott came tear
ing in. Just managed to snare it.
and tossed to Mancuso. Norris,
thinking the ball had fallen safe.
was over the plate and an easy -
out. Mancuso then tossed to Bar- -
tell, who in turn threw to Chiozza
to retire Martin.
New York 2 "7 1
Philadelphia .. 11 1
Schumacher, Smith, Gumpert
and Mancuso; Lamaster, Jorgens
and Atwood.
Cards Win on Rally
two-run rally in the eighth inning
gave the St. Louis Cardinals a C
to 6 victory over the Pirates today
in the opener of a two-game series.
Arguments between the Gas
House Gang and Umpires Moran
and Parker became heated and
two Cards, Leo Durocher and
Johnny Mize, were sent to the
St. Louis t 11 1
Pittsburgh . S IX 1
Wetland and Ogrodowskl, Ow
en; Weaver. Bauers, Brown and
Errors Give Win
To Lebanon Nine
In Corvallis Tilt
CORVALLIS, July It. W 1 1 b
both chuckers allowing only five
hits and striking out ten men, the
Corvallis baseball school nine
dropped Its first encounter of the
season this weekend at Lebanon
when four Corvallis errors at criti
cal times allowed the Berry' Pick
er diamond aggregation to end p
with a 6 to 1 victory.
The game, a pitchers' duel be
tween Lefty Saunders of Corvallis
and Tom Morgan of Lebanon, was
a slated seven inning affair bat
was called at the end of the sixth
on account of darkness.
Three ot the quartet of fumbles
charged to the Corvallis squad
were credited to first baseman
Carlson who, playing ' his first
game on the Initial sack, allowed
a trio of throws to go through
him and bring in Lebanon runs.
- Batteries: . Corvallis, Saunders
and Carpenter; Lebanon, Morgan
and Miller.
Kellogg Win Honor in
Portland Casting Event
PORTLAND, July I2.-fl-Bulli
of casting honors went to A. C
Kellogg, northwest fishing vet
eran, at the Portland tournament
Kellogg made s cast of 138 feet
to capture the distance fly events.
He also won first places in the
accuracy fly, five-eighths ounce
end three-eighths ounce events.
The Indians
Had a Name
Team Match i
moran and
; , . - 43 Hinatee
SO Miami
I For It ... ? I