- PAGE TWO TZinslowBank Now Objective Amelia and Aide Are on . Land if Radio Signals V'Sent, General Vier : (Con tinned from page 1) ' He said he had determined def initely that the plane would not bare been able to send signals if 'down In the water. , Lieut. Frank Johnson of the ! coast guard In San Francisco -recommended extension of the : search of the Phoenix island area after conferring with Putnam. The lost flier's husband ex pressed appreciation of the naval iand coast guard efforts, which 'included the sending of the big aircraft carrier Lexington and three destroyers from San Diego to participate In the search, r . "They, hate done everything possible," said JPutnara, "and I am grateful for their extensive effort." j President Roosevelt expressed concern for tbe safety of Miss j Earhart and said he was reced ing frequent reports on. the res cue efforts. He said the searchers bad been ordered to cover as much territory as possible. - Despite the unprecedented mo bilization of naral forces for the htant, the nary department said it . was Impossible . to estimate whether It involred 'coats in addi tion . to regular operating , ex panses. - .- . I ; Officers said the normal daily , operating cost of fire naral ves sels involved was about $13,750 but pointed out this expense had to be borne regularly whether the ships were In port or under way. : The revised schedule followed a 24-hour period checking numer ous reports of messages or other slngals from the missing plane, - none of which produced an ac ceptable clue. First ' reports of the - revised plans did not state what would be - done with the Itasca, which had been awaiting the Colorado's ar rival north of Howland with the expectation of replenishing its fuel and water supplies. The Moorby, which had been .assisting the Itasca and tbe Swan, decided to proceed to its next port of call. . ' Belief that Miss Earhart and Koonan might bare fallen short of Howland Instead of orershooting it followed navigators reports in dicating they may have been buck ing brisk headwinds. Reported Flares Prove Otherwise Hopes were raised but quickly ' dashed early today when the Itas ca sighted lights it at first believ ed were flares but which officers later concluded were meteors or .., heat lightning. ' "Sighted flares, proceeding to ward them," the cutter radioed at ' 3:46 a. m. (EST). "We can see your flares;, are coming toward you," it messaged in an attempt to contact the miss ing plane. But after a tense wait, listeners heard the Itasca report: "Objects sighted were apparent- - ly meteors as Howland reported same effect." - It would have been Impossible for the Itasca and Howland island, more than 280 miles apart, to have seen the same flares. San Francisco coast guard an thorities Investigated without comment the report of Radio Am ateur Charles Miguel of Oakland that he heard a woman's voice at f : 3 S a. m. . (EST) call "SOS," give the signature of Miss Earhart's plane and mention a position 281 miles north of Howland. The area was searched In vain previously by the Itasca seeking the source of a similar message Nd . other stations reported the call Miguel said he heard. Atlantic Spanned By two big Ships (Continued from Page I) Capt, Harold E. Gray of the Clipper was not much better. "It was a pleasant, enjoyable trip, he said. But to those thousands who massed at Botwood and Foynes to watch two groups of fliers asher in a new era in transporta tion, the occasion has portents! which warranted cheers. - jThey yelled their enthusiasms as the two silver-hulled, four-en-glned winged boats -settled on the water at either side of the Atlan tic and the crews clambered out to receive their welcomes. . . iThe flights, for survey purposes, began at Southampton, England, . and Port Washington, N. T and there they will end. The Caledo nia is due at the little Long Is land community Friday and the Clipper at Southampton Thurs- day. - . I In all, the Clipper will fly some 3.409 miles to link Great Britain " with the United States. The Cale donia will fly .3,560, veering to Montreal before proceeding down to Port Washington. Captain Wilcockson and his trew of three alighted on Can der's lake at 2:06 a. m. (PST) having maintained a speed of 133 miles an hour en" route. Captain Gray and .his crew of six came down on the River Shannon at 10:51 a. m., British summer time (1:50 a, m. PST), for an average speed of 151 miles an hour. . Regular transatlantic service by air probably will be established next spring by Imperial Airways and Pan American Airways. French and German transport companies also are planning es tablishment of transatlantic air lervlces in the near future. l - ; j Train-Hopping Attempt J Fatal to Albany Boy . A L B A N T, July- l.-MVPau Banks, 13, whose leg was severed beneath a Southern Pacific train Saturday, -died last night : '.The lad told trainmen who pull' ed him from beneath the wheels that he would never again try to Eli Rice and t- i Jf ""fr1 1 'f ' Eli Rice and his noted eastern ation Contest Feature Arrival of Ships Entered in This Event, Part of Show, on Thursday I Two score fast sports - planes. from trim low-wing monoplanes to, elaborate cabin ships, will flash across finish lines at each airport on the 1937 Oregon air tour as the fleet competing in the special nav igation contest for a grand prise of 1 500 and the Union Oil tro phy, according to Allan D. Green wood, tour director. i Arrival of the navigation' eon- test pilots will be part of the spec tacular air show which will be presented at the Salem airport at : 00. July s, with the three-hour sky circus and the flying aircraft exhibition as the other features. The 19 3r Oregon air tour is a three-ring aeronautical circus with these three features. At each airport will be a long white line across the runway, which is the finish line for the pi lots in the navigation contest: for that stop. Each win be accurately timed In order to make records complete. ... - 1 Captain Warren Carey, director of aviation of Union Oil company, and veteran supervisor of naviga tion contests, will handle this af fair. He directed the Ruth Chat terton transcontinental air derby for sportsmen pilots last year with the finish at the national air races at Los Angeles. Problem is Given In flying the course, each pi lot takes off from the start with card showing a conspicuous spot on the way to the next city. This card is given him Just as he takes off. He must navigate to that landmark on a correct compass course at his cruising speed. ; When he reaches that landmark, he will see ' a large number written on" the ground. He refers to his card again and notes the compass course oppo site the number then he navi gates on that compass course to his stop, where he flashes across the finish line for the judges to time, circles and lands. The pilot who turns in the best record for the entire, course, with the nearest perfect naviga tion and the nearest arrival times on the basis of -the cruising speed of his ship will win the beauti ful silver trophy and the cash award. These navigation contests have been used many times In smaller air tours and aviation events and have proved to be as exciting for the crowds as well as pilots. A pilot may pile up points one day with good navigation and lose them the next so the winner is in doubt until the end. Three sportsman pilots organ izations have made the 137 Oregon Air Tour, an "Official" aviation event Los Angeles' Av iation Country club, San Fran cisco Aviation Country club,! and the Sportsman Pilots of Oregon. The three groups will enter their best navigators and fliers in the contest. Drunk Driving Is Charged to Peck A. S. Peck, 2380 Fairgrounds road,, waF arrested by police 'yes terday on drunk driving charges when stopped in his. car near his home. Mrs. Peck, who was with him, was taken into custody on drunk and disorderly charges. and C. G. - Mackey,- on drank charges. Mrs. .Peck was released later at the police station, Peck, unable to furnish 3500 ball, was placed ta the city JalL Macaey was auo jaiiea Drunken Driving 7 Charge Dropped Drunken' drtrlng eharges ! pre ferred against Daniel Plowman last May 10 were dismissed in municipal court yesterday on the recommendation of City Attorney Paul.IL Hendricks and Chief of Police Frank A. Minto for lack of sufficient eridence. Plowman pleaded guilty to a substitute charge of reckless drtrlng and paid a 3109 fine. : . Clallie Is Popular RHODODENDRON, July CflV-Nearly 1500 fishermen and 400 automobiles reached the Olal- Ue lake area over the three-day holiday. Game officials said the anglers left the high Cascade country with fine catches. ' xNavig America's Dancing Stars Fred Astalre Ginger Rogers "SWUNG -TIME" . Added Comedy and News . The OREGON Band at Mellow Moon Tonight 14-plece dance band which comes The Call Board CAPITOL Today Double bill, Glenda Farrell in "Fly Away Baby" and Bill Boyd In "North of the Bio Grande." ELSIXORE Today D osbla Bill, Bcb Burns in "Mountain Mu sic" and Preston Foster in "You Can't Jeat Lore." Thursday D o u b 1-e Bill "History Is Made At Night" with Charles Bor er and George O'Brien In "Hollywood Cowboy." HOLLYWOOD Today F red Astalre and . Ginger Rogers In "Swing Time." Friday J o h n n I e ; Mack Brown In "Trail of Ven- gence" and "Circus Girl" with June Travis and Bob : Livingston. GRAND Today Harold Bell Wright's "It Happened Out West" with Paul Kelly. Saturday W a r n er Baxter and Wallace Beery In "Slave Ship." STATE ! Today "Nancy Steele Is Missing" and "Clarence." Friday Eastern circuit vau- derille and Charles Ruggles In "Mind Your Own Bust- ness." Tex Rankin U. S. Stunt Champion Tex Rankin, who will be the main thrill at the Sky Circus tf appear Thursday afternoon at the Salem airport is officially the In ternational champion acrobat when it comes to air flying. He was awarded this title a few weeks ago at the international airplane stunt show held in St Louis, j At the Salem airport, Tex will fly in the . same metal airplane that he used at St. Louis. More than that, he will perform exactly the same thrilling and dangerous stunts that brought him the award as the greatest stunt flier in the world. In the Sky Circus at the Salem airport July 8, Tex will do the figure eight upside down. He will do the falling leaf where he ap parently loses control of the plane when 1Z00 feet above earth. And for a special thrill. Rankin will soom straight up for 1000 feet at the rate of 200 miles an hour and then let the plane fall on Its side and drop to earth until 150 feet from the ground. Fleet Weeks Are Opened, Portland Oregon "fleet weeks" began Tuesday under proclamation of Governor Martin, the "time of festivity" to extend until July 29 while naval vessels will be in Portland. Asserting Portland has the distinction of being the finest liberty port on the coast, the governor said: "As these fleet weeks continue the navr will gain more knowledge . of our great Columbia river and learn of the necessity for adequate naval defense stations at the mouth of this Important naviga ble stream. . , ? "Insincerely trust the people of -this state wia cooperate with the fleet weeks committee by go ing to ortland sometime between July and 29 and visiting this great armada at anchor in the finest fresh water port In the world. Younces Are Visitors VICTOR POINT. July . Mrs. Tounce and family and Mrs. R. A. Tounce of Portland are visit ing at the home of W. G. Win; sr., and his daughter Miss Claud la Winn. Today and Thursday Double Dill i KcU2IX TCPS S X the r.FC7nr I Victor tfcUGliSn WitarCCSSCLLY I NttrieiKE A STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, -1 to the Mellow Moon tonight. Steel Mills Open without Disorder (Continued From Page 1) I xwo were auiea ana more tnani two score injured. The reopenlna of Renubllc's I Clereland mills, carried out under the protection of 1000 Ohio na- tionla guardsmen, left only two steel plants still shut down in the Great Lakes strike area extend-1 lng from Johnstown, Pa., to in-1 street. No other beer license ap diana Harbor, Ind. v plications were aeted upon. Toungstown Sheet & Tube's mills at Indiana harbor, employ- lng 7000 workers, remained "pad- An estimated 3000 pickets na-1 trolled Sheet ft Tube's East Chi- cago plant tonight to prevent any I attempt at reopening as state and I union omciais predicted settle- ment of the strike there "within the next day or two." All other strike-affected mills in ine aispute between John L. Lewis C. I. O.. and "little steel" tiepuuuc, ueimenem, inaiana, ana Toungstown Sheet & Tube claimed they were speeding opera- uons oacs: to near-peak produc-l"on tion once more. : Strike chieftains charged that Republic Steel was importing "strikebreakers" from as far away as Alabama. Illegal Shooting uraws renames : Mere youngsters a ad mature citizens of Salem alike appeared before Police Judge A. Warren Jones In a steady stream yester day as Justice dealt with the 50 Fourth of July celebrants who shot fireworks in the restricted downtown area. ! About half of the rather sheep ish list of offenders had received hearings and paid a fine of a dollar last night. Others forfeited bail by not appearing at all. The Judge said police hoped, J by the crackdown this year, to show they really mean business about the ordinance concerning lire zone. Not only Is the fire danger great, he added, but per sons going about their business downtown have been inconveni enced, and in cases, badly fright ened by explosions too near them for comfort. Jairl Held Upon Marijuana Count Henry Jairl, arrested Saturday night on charges of possession of marijuana, yesterday pleaded guilty in Justice court and was bound over to the grand Jury. He was given Into custory of the county sheriff last night, having failed to provide S500 ball. The prisongewas found to be carrying: the drn when hrmitht into the police station by Officer estate regarding the pioneer mon Lou Burgess on drunk charges. I nment provided for under Moores' He was not apprehended in at- tempting to sell the drug, but po lice had been watching him and acted on a tip. School Official Dies HILLS BO RO, July -(P)-I'nn-eral services will be held Wed- V2. upertnTendenY ot"mS: boro grade schools, who died' of a heart attack at his home here Monday. sT nY II SrsurSi5 I VI11IAM dovd I L Wednesday Morning, July 7, New Purchase Officials . may Bid, Hare ; no Yote oxi 'Accepting . ; Offers Is Policy ' (Continued from page 1) Building Trades council that ' the city employ, a j onion contractor to patch paving, sidewalks and curb- ings and permit bidding- by pri vate 'contractors on new paving Jobs was' referred to the street commtttes. I Hrl-.J; ; : Common Laborer To Get Higher Pay City" department Common lab orers who have been receiving ML cents an hour will hereafter ! be paid 50 cents, the highest rate being paid within the city gov ernment,, under provisions of a 1 resolution introduced by Alder men Goodenough and Marshall and adopted. The Increase .will be retroactive to Jnly 1. The . first defeat of a pavtna- project by the remonstrance route occured when the street commit- tee reported a property owner rote of S2.4 ner cent azalnat th improrement of an alley in block eight, Southwest addition. Despite a "no recommendation" report from the license commlt- tee, the council granted E. A. Folsom Its endorsemen of an ap- plication for a retail beer license at nis new location, aT state "'..V?" A . tnr ... TW?r.aCci!!!!-?s'i"- - I uiu v, icnycvtueij, were a lucaeu. ' I i v v. tti -1 nn th miinnoAd sit atrt hru,. 0rer Shelton ditch, and Olga Schmidt, who claimed inlnriea from a fall over a piece of street equipment.:' Revision of the city building code to conform to the 1937 uni- form Pacific coast code was start- a on its way m ordinance iorm. m Special hills allowed included "r iy the 12th street trunk water main, 1898.29 for traffic signal installa- worn, ana io.v ior mo i French Threaten, Withdraw Patrol Foposals: declared our reaamess 10 consiaer any otner proposals that are Just and fair." From Rome- came the announce ment, fitting into the General pic ture of European uneasiness and rearmament, that 60 new airports are under construction in Italy most of them for military pur- .poses The war front developments included taeser Madrid's defense command an nounced a 'very hard" battle was going on daring the evening about IB miles west of Madrid. Insurgents were reported mass- lng 'on the Teruel front, north west of the government seat of Valencia. Gen. Francisco Franco's men, moving toward Santander on the North coast, were said to have captured two Important peaks and four government trench lines. Insurgent soldiers who had crossed Into French territory mov ed back into Spain when It was agreed original boundary markers were correct. Mooreg Beqaest Given Attention A special city council commit tee consisting of Mayor V. BL Kuhn and Alderman David O'- Hara, Gertrude F. Lobdell and James H. Nicholson was appoint ed last night to confer with the I executor of the Carroll L. Moores wuu A er xrom ine Moores estate attorneys stated that ap proximately 116,000 would be available for erection of the mon ument after the death of Mrs. Charles E. Elgin and Ross H. Moores, beneficiaries under the will. ! The' monument will be erected on a site designated by the city. The late donor was for many the . V 2 BOG FEAIPIULlEd 1937 Australia V SlMil Martin -Selected as the "most beautiful- girl in Australia, MUs Sheila Martin. 2L of Warn, New South Wales, waves a cheery greeting upon arrival In New York from London where she attended coro nation as representative of her country. No-Hitter Hurled At Semi-Pro Meet rrnntinni Vmm pm is amette TaneT fans SeTeral other present and former Salem players wiu perform Wednesday night, pacific Fruit ... 4" 5 3 Hop Gola j 9 4 Reisbeck and Messenger; Gate- hall, Fenter and Beard. Consolidated Freight-5 0 Southern Pacific 0 0 2 McFadden and Naubert; St, Martin and Fleskes. Last Times Today mm AXD HIT NO. 2 Preston Foster "You Can't Beat Love" Starts Thursday 2 Feature Charles BOYERi Lean ARTHUR MISJXfltYa NIGHT LEO CARILLO COLIN CLIVI, And No. 2 Bergen , L Short Pins j ' . a 1 1 Land Purchase Is Next Detail Relief -PWAB01 Assures Acceptance of Program . Here, Bloody Sutes (Contlnned from pace 1) ported Moody. "Senator McNary, as minority leader, had the choice of the, minority member of the conference committee and ap pointed ' Sen.' Steiwer- who with Sen. Hayden,' - author of the amendment, successfully steered the legislation through the confer ence committee. ' To handle the house members Rep. Mott conferred. with the re publican side and got them to fol low SteiwerV lead." Rep. Pierce got his days for the Roosevelt pic nic switched so he cooid see some democrats on the matter and Mrs. Honeymaa did what she couia." on Bill Is Launched (Continued From Page 1) procedure were forgotten. The day .began what many ex pect to prove the longest "legisia tive day" In the senate's history. The senate .has a way of making the calendar stand. stilL By re cessing after each day's session the senate will still be in "the leg islative day of July 6" a week, a month or two months hence. The point is that an : obscure senate rule says no senator shall make more than two speeches on any one day. There are prece dents, built up mainly during the Huey Long filibusters, interpret lng this to mean legislative day. Administration leaders are count ing on it as one weapon to be used against the threatened filibuster, Robinson devoted- a portion of his speech to the Question of the retirement of aging judges. It Is not contended, he assert ed, "that Judges, lose their reas oning powers at 75, but those who have passed, beyond 75 usually are in a state of mental and phy sical decline." A THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS HAVE AGREED TO CLOSE AT 4:30 P. M. THAT THEIR EM PLOYES MIGHT HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE ocacl AEEl CEHHC US OFFICIAL OPENING. Shreder Grocery Orwig Market Western Food Walker's Grocery , Ben's Market Sears-Roebark Piggly Wiggly Columbia Food Hoffman Blarket : Cooke Stationery Benson's Bakery Fred Meyer Model Food Bnsick's Harry Pierson Safeway Table Supply Miller's Worth's Bishop's Penney's Adams, florist The Cherrians Ask the Cooperation of Merchants Not Listed N FEATTJRIXa ill I I I 'wtl ' n . ' e wno a ally runt rTne .Frantic Airantict.thtAr Urt to make the . . : mlw limn mmtm. ww m 1TEX RANICIN World Champion Etunter . .1, ana. iseanurnl - BERNADINE KING The Dmrlng Darling of MoUon Picture Fame Children Under 12 Xrs. Accompanied ' by ParenU ' - -FREE ; Unaccompanied Children ADULTS 50c Bna Serrice From Corner owe na Commercial 5T W 14-Piece Band ; O Hated by Critics as One MELLO Admission 40c - 35c Dyer Indicted ase Conviction Before Hemp Execution Goes out of Use, one Aim (Contlnned from page 1) : "He said he was sure he could be of assistance in me searcn. she said. "He was insistent I go with him but I leu unequal iw the long walk. ' ' She said her nusoana ie weir home but that she does not know where he went. "Is my'husbana trying 10 - -ii.t. ma in this crime 7" sne asked the reporters. Told that he had not, she saia: i mow noia- ing about it. I'm aurprisea ana Mrspyer Is held In Jan for her own protection. Sky Grcus Later; Stores Cooperate (Continued From Page 1) Warrv. H. Welnsteln has been placed in charge of ticket sellers on ell roads approacning me sa IPTTI alrnort. A. C. Burk. sheriff. with the help of state and county police will keep traiiic moving so there will De no aeiays on me roads ' and entrance to , the air- Port- "Those who saw ine wonaerrui stunts of Tex Rankin with his stunt plane and the women fliers stunt fliers is really the greatest at Bend state that this show of ever put on in the northwest," said Gueffroy. More than 100 people accom pany the Sky Circus. Telegrams were received yesterday by the chamber of commerce, asking that hotel accommodations be arrang ed for this number. At Bend more than 50 planes were assembled on the airport, .After the planes reach Salem about 12 o'clock or :a little later Thursday, they will ! be open for Inspection. During the early part of the afternoon Thursday, there will be special entertainment be fore the real1 Sky Circus begins its three-hour program at 5 o'clock. ssa Paramoant Market Imperial Fnrniture Willamette Loan Co. Will's Music Store Tom Hill Confectionery Commercial Book Store Keedham's Book Store Olson's, florist Breithanpt, florist Montgomery Ward Others to be contacted V STARTS Tomorrow Soleinm i?tt CHERRIANS sky show: "-' and AIR CIRCUS With 75 Thrill-Mad Men of the Skyways Test Pilots Stunt of E EI IT 0 Blarnmoth Floor Show of ths. Rest Eastern Bands MOON 3 oa Mm Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. hop" a train. . - : . ,, -