Hie UKEGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jane 19, 1937' Easy to .Find at Yon Want Mstedl in : tlfe Oassffiedl WM Statesman Classified Ads : Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 1 Oc Three insertions per line 2oc Six insertions per line .30c One month per line fi on Hint mam charge 25c Copy for tMa pare accepted until 9:39 the evening before publication (or classification. Copy received after this time will be run under the heeding. Too Leu te GUa aify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In its columns, and In cases where thla paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the tight to- reject questionable advertlainc It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. - , Fanners Exchange Livestock and Poultry - SALE-WEAKER pigs. Tel. S8F3. FOR SALE Guernsey and Jersey heifers, all ages, tested. Phone 8-8 Aumsville. Koute 6, Box 75, Salem, Oregon. uauv I'HICKS is varieties dav old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries, pullets now ready. TeL 133F3. Le- Hstffhery- . COLOR. FRYERS. Resa TeL 3354 A-1 JERSEY COW 7 yrs. old. giv ing 6 gal. milk day. S. A. LaRaut, Rt. 1. Box 17, Glenn Creek Rd. NEW HSE. trailer, 2 Jersey cows, heavy milkers. Route 6. Box 120. Pen Road. Auctions ' AUCTION SAT. 1 :30 p. m. at the F. N. Wood ry Auction market: 100 sacks of A-l Burbank seed potatoes: cat. good wagon, harness, plows, gas-engines, cream separator, furniture, linoleum, rugs, etc. Woodry and Woodry, auc tioneers and commission merchants. Ph. 5110. 1 Help Wanted Male WOOD CUTTERS. $1.50 cord. 25c bonus. 75 cords or more. Call 9703. tv-vt vntlNfi rnnn with bookkeep ing experience. Box 500. Statesman. . . WANTED MARRIED man capable f doing some milking and gen. farm work. Tel. 3822 or 3435 evenings. . . vTrn vt a J rnrlnil in lap idary work. Local. Reply, details and "salary. Box 329, Statesman. ;( Salesmen Wanted ) SALESMAN WITH personality, to sell qualified securities of a trust di . rected by outstanding, reputable Oregon business men. Excellent opportunity for . large earnings. i .. -Car .asset though not essential. ' Maximum commission. Good If ad 3 ; supplied and full cooperation. Call " 515. First Nat'l- Bank B'd-' i ; . WANTED MAN with car, to sell ' real estate. Box 328, Statesman. 1 Situations Wanted ) RAMSEY ER TRUCK service. 3354 DRESSMAKING EXP. Tel. 3339. irnvfiM PYP in restaurant work wants position. Box 323. Statesman.' EXPERIENCED T O UlN G in a n wants farm work. Gilbert Spicker. Box 894. Independence, tregon. - - BOT OF IS wants work, any kind. 1173 H. 15th St f f ' WET WASH, 1191 Sixth. W. Salem. WANT PLACE to work for room and board or small wages. 308 Bush. For Sale-Miscellaneous 1 - picu on iniU ear used furnltu ranges, heaters, radios, machinery tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 6-1-1-0. !! N. Sum mer in Honywooo. fcjt a c tt i wfs -uiti reals . -- , ters. typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices. Rnen Typewriter Bxch. 420 Court. FERTILIZER, RIVER silt, garden rock. TeL 1800 Laccy. TENNIS SHOES, boys and men". 49c GreenhaunVs. 240 N. Commercial OATS AND vetch. 310. Straw, $4.50. Mrs. Wright, 4 mL Wallace Road. SPECIAL P O U L T R T fertiliser sacked with peat moss, 25c per sack st hatchery. Bring sacks. TeL 133F2. Lee s Hatchery. USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. $ cu. ft. Good condition. 969.50 terms. bairm Appliance MN, - ..-- A . f T.. X nwilinUtfl. grown non-lrrlgated Burbank seed po tatoes: excells all others as crop producer when planted on a lower ele vation. Whv not plant the beat! PURITAN CIDER WORKS mtnnit-C! C TVVWa nIA Slne Mtl tor children. Reasonable. 215 S. 3ira. 250 LB. SAFE fireproof 925.00. 1585 Jefferson. ?n CREDIT ON 1937 model electric refrigerator for $ If. Must.be used by July 1st. 407 S. 18th. FRYERS. 25c ea. 1758 S. 13th. rui.ri rtni-w-..-.-.- fc . -- SMALL WOOD range, 333 Water St. SALE, TRAILER house, 332 Water. mn stl.P Service station equip ment, electrical parish trailer house and trailer. 1285 WaMer. Salem. SMALL RANGE, heating stoves. Cheap. Call 800 N. CapitoL . ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives ' Fenger-Hall Co.. Ltd. San Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith Brunson. Inc.. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Entered ml the I'vetufftce at Salem. Oregon, os Second - Clnss Mailer. Pub llmhed every morning except Uondap BuMintf office 8 South Cummertnal Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES:. Mall Subset ipllon Rates. In Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, I lift. cents; S Mo. $1.25; Mo I2I&: Mo. $3.0 : 1 year 94 00 Elsewhere 99 rents per Mo, or f5.09 for 1 year in advance. Per Copy 3 cents. News Stands 6 eenta - By City Cairler: 49 cents a meats. . f5.40 a year la advance. For Sale Used CarTH 1 ' R & G USED CARS 1936 Ford V-8 Deluxe Coupe, low mileage......$575 1936 Ford Tudor, black paint, radio, heater, an excellent' car ......,..'........... 560 1935 Foird Deluxe Touring Tudor. 485 1933 Ford Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. 395 5 SQUARE DEAL VALUES 1933 Nash Sedan, original owner, an excellent . family car ............... .....l...J....l.....i........$375 1931 Pontiac 6 Sedan U::..l..i. 245 1932 Chevrolet Sport edan, new paint, clean, ; runs like new .... . ..... ...... . j 345 TRUCKS 1935 V-8 L. W. B. Truck............. 1931 Chevrolet L. W. B.. ............ 1926 Model T Truck .... 1936 V-8 Pickup, R. & G............ 1935 V-8 Pickup, Square Deal...... 1934 V-8 Ford Pickup VALLEY MOTOR ! CO. Open Evenings and Week Days Closed Sundays THREE LOTS . ; Center Liberty Hollywood Marion A Liberty FRANK DOOUTTLE PONTIAC DEALER i I 1939 PONTIAC Sport Coupe , 1934 CHEVROLET Master Coupe 19-35 CHEVROLET Master Sport Sedan 1936 FORD Tudor Sedan With Trunk 1932 DeSOTO Coupe 1930 BUICK Sport Coupe 1930 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan 1928 CHEVROLET Coupe WE HAVE MORE GOOD BUTS TO CHOOSE FROM ! j Home of Good Will Used Cars I 6-PONTIAC-Sl : Doolifcfcle; Motors N.j COMMERCIAL and CENTER STS. - - - PHONE 6266. For SalN-Mr9rdIaeous l GOOD CLOVER bay In field not cut. A. J. Sharp, R. 7. v . Trade Miscellaneous "t OUTBOARD MOTOR "or boat as part down payment on" new Willys Se dan. ' ' 1 : V.'- " ANDERSON AUTO CO. 340 S. High AVanled Miscellaneous I KltKE WE pick up dvad snd worth ma horses, rows, ahrep Tet 4369. WAIJUT' WHEATS or walnut In hell. any qaanrUy Stats Cafeteria. ssgayfcySsaySayaasafcsawwsassawwa WHEAT ! WANTED " ! Immedtetely. TeL 133F2. I 'II.KKRTJ AND meats 8 tats Cafe DISCARDED JEWELRY, highest price paid for gold and silver. 211 N Commercial, i WANTED- GOOD ' semi-trailer for cash. Bail Broi. Turner. I For RentRooms NICE SLEEPING rm, 658 Center. NICH SLEEPING room, in private home, close In. 433 Union St. RMS., ladies. 66 N. Cottage. 667S. NICE RM, and gar. 523 N. Cottage. Itnom and Board j BOARD AND room. 2 men. prlv. home. Very close In. TeL 5482. KM, BD 545 S. Coral . Ph. 3835. VERT CLOSE In. TeL 9901. FRONT ROOM. 151 N. 13th. Enn i OR i larsre room, also closed in sleeping porch. 254 N. Church. For Rent Apartments 2 ROOM FURNISHED apt.. lights, wster, $2.59 week. ; 129 Oak. TeL 5279. . . .- - 2 RM. FURN.. 41S N. 21st. miHV APT. Rverrthlnc furnished Garage. 2261 HaxeL TeL 7664. easxeaewaswsewwawsesawwswaw 1 - Bit KITCHENETTE. 259 8 Cottage. t UNFURNISHED. ADULTS. Haw thorne Court. 10O0 N. CapltoL ROOMS AND modern spartmenta fnauire Tip Top cafe, comer North Capitol and Tile roaa. TjtjxinitJ'J'tiusrri riraOrsJsa'i''s''i,r MOD. FURN. with priv. bath, lights, water: gar. Aduits. 2455 Stste. S ROOMS PARTLT furnished, 918. Adults. Hollywood dist. 1905 N. 22nd Street. I X R. FURN. APT. TeL S5. 3 RM. FURN. Adults. TeL 8230. APTS. FOR rent. 245 S. Commercial. NICELY FURN. 3 room apt., heat, water, private bath, garage. 1932 Che- meketa. Phone-8883. -- - 3 RMS, KITCH, furn. 985 Saginaw. 3 R. DOWNSTAIRS, UN FURN. apt, shower. Also sleep. R. 640 Chemeketa. ROOMS. AND apt, 197 H S. Com'L KJCV.t.-Y klTBV lam 1 rm flat ter furn. Adults. Tel. 7803 or call 1(03 N. Com'L i FURN. APT, adults. 292 N. Sum mer St. i 1 AND 2 R. fam. apts, clean. cooL ground floor. Adults. 645 Ferry. For Rrnl Houses I FURN. HOUSE. 769 S. ConwnerciaL 7 ROOM FURNISHED or unfurnish ed house. Tel. 4854. ; . i 1 m"ii iifnOi n.rri i r,n MODERN 7 RM. furn. house at 1528 N. CapitoL 842.50. TeL 4389. A. GOOD HOUSE. TeL 6JF13. 1 For Sale Used Cars $525 170 : 45 495 445 375 -9725 -9650 -9650 -9625 -9395 -8345 -9195 -9 95 For Kent Houses 5" R. MODERN HOUSE,' 927.50. 939 Shipping. k ; , I, ,-n mnnnnn n.ru.nrtri .XICE LARGE home, 691 Union. ' SMALL FURNISHED cottage au tomatic heat G. E, refrigeration 332.50. Couple only. 835 N. Com'L i I FURNITURE AND lease for large board and room house. 593 S. Commer cial. TeL '9330. MODERN- HOUSE, TeL 4320. i HOUSE PARTLT furnished. CaU 1675 Saginaw. ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM home. Fair mount Hill. - . IVAN G. MARTIN f Phone 4419 or 4817.1 FURN. HOUSE, 2075 Center 825. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. t ' OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 381 State St. TeL 37J3. r I Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent, stock ranch to take care of 15 cows and several hund red sheep. Let me hear. L. P. Zubrod, Brooks,' Oregon, Brookside. For Sale Real Estate ! 9 ROOM HOUSE, DOUBLE PLUM BING. 1 apt. on second floor & room for another. 5 rm. apt. downstairs. All newly refinished. New roof. Big fruit trees. :60 for a short time. Imme diate possession. ROBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate 12 Ladd Sc. Bush Bids. Ph. 5965 5 ROOM large wosdshed, small cabin, ' chicken house, rabbit hutch, nice shade and some fruit. Lot 108x200. Total price $2200. 8200 down, balance monthly. . 91800. 4 room bouse, nook, fire place, excellent location. Small down payment. Immediate possession. i P. IL BELL , : : 429 Ore. Bldg. - Phone 912L sseajaejoysfcyfcfcs FOR SALE cheap 91250. $130 down. S R. house newly papered. 2 large lota with garden A fruit trees. Call evenings 940 S. 20th St. sasawaMaSfcssssss NICE ATTRACTIVE HOME f NICE 4-R. PLASTERED home. LIv tmr room, large kitchen, (built-lns), X nice bedrooms, screened in back porch, woodshed and garage combined, fine lot. price for few days $1650 why pay rent? $1000 down, price 93000 buys a dan dy 5-R. house, basement, furnace, ga rage, good lot and fine location on N. Summer St. BEAUTIFUL HOME on Fairmount Hill, large living room, dining room, fine built-in kitchen with tile drain boards, basement, furnace and every thing modern, at a sacrificed price. If vou want a nice home In fine location, here it la See JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR Cbas. Sanders or Cliff Harold 476 Court St. Phone 9446. $1660. 2 HOUSES, ONB 6 rooms. FIREPLACE, bath, garage, one 3 rooms, toilet, lights, garage, ' 2 lots, Income 922.50 per mo. 9 509. down, 8 room English type home, well located to school St :t bus, basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, 93509.' $ 700. Cash. 3 room bouse in good condition, toilet, lights, garage, ' Income $19 per-mo. MONEY TO LOAN. MELV1N JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St. Ph. 3728. THIS .IS not the best bouse ta Sa lem. It should appeal to the thrifty buyer, who wishes to save rent. 4 nna. semi-modern, corner lot 50x120, pave ment in, east front, could rent for 925 per mo. Price 92259, $259 down and $29 per mo. ' S rm. house, basement, furnace, fire place, corner iot on the hill, out ef town owner will sacrifice, $2400, $309 down. 925 per mo. 10 A, basement, rurnace. about A. strawberries, will trade for city property. You. can make a 11 ring on this place. , For good buys and trades see. H. C Shields. Oregon Bids. TeL 9993. MODERN HOUSE. 4 rms. -and bath. lot of bttill-ias, shrebs. frutt trees, a. jard. Reaa lnq. owner. 939 Electric. t For Sale -Used Cart OlosmooEle USED CAR STORE 359 N. LIBERTY Of ferine: the Finest Selection 38 Auburn Sedan , ....... 36 Plymouth Tr. Sedan 36 Olds Bus. Coupe . 39 Ford Tudor Sedan -9775 9725 -9745 -8596 .9729 -9695 -$645 -9585 9465 -$495 35 Olds Sedan 35 Dodge Tr. Sedan , 35 Stude Die. Sedaa . 35 Terraplane Coach 34 Chev. Std. Coach . 34 Olds Bua Coupe 8EVERAL MORE FROM TERMS TRADES ' 41 , Boell - Griunrisoirii Mfers- USED CAR STORE . 359 N. Liberty - - . Phone $$ ':: wihon ale on all ,- ; . f y - USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1926 1928 1927 1927 1929 1929 1927 1925 1928 1929 1929 1931 1933 1935 1935 1936 1936 Model T Coupe . Overland Coach Nash Coupe Essex Sedan Chrysler Sedan . Gardner Sedan . Nash Sedan -3 15 -$ 25 -9 35 - $ .$ 45 -3 75 -$ 5 .4 55 Dodge Sedan Olds Coupe. A reel car $145 Cher. Coach : : $165 Pontiac Cabriolet $169 Ford Coupe $23$ Ford V-8 Sedan. Completely reconditioned $399 Ford V-8 Tudor , 875 ; Graham Sedan $555 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe -965 Dodge 4-D. Tr. Sedan $785 PICKUPS &. PANELS Model T Pickup 9 15 Chev. Sed. DeL 9 85 Dodge Panel $175 Dodge Pickup - $565 TRUCKS Ford 1-ton Truck chassis. L. W. B. Single wheels $145 Dodge 2-ton Truck. Excel lent Rubber. ; A-l mechan ically : 8365 1928 1930 1936 1931 1929 Heripall-O "DEPENDABILITY 'The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks' DODGE PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. ' 235 S. Commercial Phone 3769 ' OPEN EVEXTNGS CLOSED SUNDAYS v . ; - "New Used Car Park : Church St. Across From the State Theatre ? " v WE LIKE TO SELL CARS f . WB ARE SELLING CARS CONSEQUENTLY WE ARB HAPPY YOU WILL BE HAPPY TOO, YOU ' To buy or sell your car. -'" 355 CHEMEKETA STREET We have "B. O." For Sale Real Estate I SPECIALS IN HOUSES FOR SALE New 6-room modern, except iire .t.u 9itn cinnA 7-mom house in good 'location, no furnace, 32300. And other bargains Decs use oi ciuuutcu I have considerable money to loan from various private sources. E. C. HOLLA DA X , ZZS ure. oiu. 10 A. MOSTLY In prunes. Cheap r nm.r 74 T.ihertv. LJ J V .IV. . ... ... 8 RMS.. CAN be arranged for apts. Bbl. plumbing, case., xurnacc, s ,-A CA nwn 4 RMS., water system, gar., barn, faro orchard, basement, septic tank. Gar hi rinu in. Sub. line. Near school. Trsde for house near Dea coness hospital. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE ... c?.-.- Ph. 7113 OWNER LEAVING SALEM - - -r vs.- i" uavM - ... Sr BAAir UrMTOV tnAr1ni - tifMOt basement. A-l condition. Z lota, best . . . . . r . - .11 of sou. tTicea low bk " 7 ' down, baL $29 per month. Immediate possession. - - . SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDH MILLER, Real tors 144 State St. Phone 8749. sasssesSsawMaarfawaawaaasaawajwaww FOR QUICK sale, will eacrifice R. bouse by owner at '847 Saginaw St. rinrunjnjjur rwiwsissrs-'i - - -'e eaisai WHAT A KITCHEN! TWOULD GRACE a $10,909 borne. 3 rooms, good neighborhood, tiled bath, large garage. Equity cash, then 312.6 monthly. Where is such a bouse for 82250 Reasoner (certainly) 333 N. Hlh St Mxn.rxn cm-m-,-1 A REAL SACRIFICE at 92199.00, T rooms, good residential district on N. Winter 6t- Plast, basement, furnace, fireplace, one or two-fruit trees. $250 down. $20.09 per mo. to Include int at 8. . C room house In good condition, wen t-.. K im a vnrwl hur at 92500.00. 9250.00 down and 925.00 per mo. to include. inc. ac - S room hous In fair condition, good location, big Jot Can be changed into apartments or duplex. Money can be made on this home. Price $1600.00 cash. See O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. W. H. GRABENHORST t CO., HP.AT.TORS 134 8. Liberty Street Phone $433 oaeeiwatw'ewrfweeierf3ws NICE 6 ROOM home.. 3 bedrooms, beautiful back yard, one block off North CapitoL 32100, 3300 down, 325 monthly. Ph. 5539. Hollywood HOME. 5 roonuk fire place, furnace hardwood floors, f 8, 500. 8359 down. Ph. 5580. BRICK APT. house 'furnished and an hardwood floors, oil burner, etc Income about 9150.99 month. Month ly payments. 935.99. North Salem. 813,909. Will consider some clear Sa lem prop, in trade. Ph. 5580. FTm RALE. v owner, new 3 rm. home. Fine place, built-lns, garden, 2 lota Special price tor uick sale 41999. 535 a 29th St. -FYYR HA.T.V. rwI1lnr 259 N. 23rd St- 92250 cMti. Ladd Bush Trust Company. l For Sales Used Cars PHONE 9984 of USED CARS in Salem! 33 Otds 3 Sedan 88 Plymouth Spt. Ceupe 88 Chev. Master Coupe -9495 -9445 -9395 -9226 -$295 -911$ $185 -914S -91 -9 96 si Kuiclc 40 Sedan 31 Chev. Sport . Roadster 29 Olds Sedan 29 Dodge Sedan . 29 Hudson Sedan . , 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach $1$ 0P TO SELECT FROM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL If, It 1924 195 1927 1923 1923 1926 192 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1931 1933 1935 1936 .Dodge Roadster . Dodge Coupe Chevrolet Coupe -3 25 -$ $5 -9 35 -$ Essex Sedan Chevrolet Touring Oakland Sedan Chev. Coach. As is Chevrolet Coupe -3 49 -$ 5 .$ 35 -9 95 Ford Coupe -$165 -3185 -3185 Chevrolet Coupe Nash Adv. 3 Sedan . Chrysler Coupe Studebaker Coupe, pletely overhauled Chevrolet Coupe .$225 Com- .3325 ..$385 Dodge Sedan -9645 Terraplane Coupe. Electric ' hand . ...3685 TRUCKS Chev. 1-ton Truck . : $ 45 Dodge 14 -ton Truck, as is 9 90 Reo 1-ton Truck . $100 Fageol 2-ton Truck. Excel lent condition $365 Ford 1-ton. L. W. B. $476 Chev. L. W. B. Excellent rubber $685 1928 1929 1928 1930 1934 1938 wens Go. PHONE T928 (bargains only) - I For Salt; Real Estate BUY FROM OWNER CLOSE IN east frontage on 39 hwy. Also one with email house worth the price. C. B. JOHNSON. R. T. Box 243 - 114 Ml. N. on 99 . 3 A. 3 MI. NORTH. 1 A. in cherries and family orchard. Mod. bouse. Essy terms. 2 A., mod. house, 1 mL east of town. C E. LANE. REAL ESTATE Pen 4 Corners TeL 4075 SPECIAL RESTRICTED DISTRICT GOOD DARK soil, creek and view tracts, city water. Your last chance to get desirable suburban home acre age. V mile city limlta. Price sseo np. VALLEY LAND CO, 370 State Exchange Real Estate I 8 ROOM MODERN home In Silver ton, located on highway. Trade for a home in Salem., Will assume some. Price 93700, Ph. 5580. - , t . For Sale Farms ' NEW MODERN I room home- t lots, beautiful with shrubbery, Engle wood dist. 1955 Virginia St $3950 9ieee down. Jen. ssso. A FURNISHED MODERN 4 room home Just off Garden road, Englewood disL, cor. lot fireplace and furnace. 92809. 9809 down. Ph. 5580. HOUSE t LOT. 2233 Trade St. LARGE FREE list ef country homes and farms. All sizes and prices. W. V. HOMKSEEKERS AGENCY Oregon Bldg. 494 State St Ph. 4497. BUILDINGS WORTH MORE THAN PRICE 10 ACRES LEVEL land near town oa paved road, few acres youngberries, electric lights. Only $2309 Including crop. Get this If you want a bargain. VALLEY LAND CO, 379 State FOR SALE 79 acres of land on Pacific highway north of Salem. All in cultivation. All in crop. Price $5250, terms, DICK DARNIELLE 1938 N. Capitol St TeL 351L HOW ABOUT A GOOD FARM? 50-A. FINE SOIL. aU In crop. Good 7-R. house, bath, barn A garage. I can recommend this place as being A-L For cash. 35000. (North.) - STOCKED 4k EQUIPPED 45 acres about 30 A. In crop St It is good. BaL In fine pasture. Good 4-R. bouse, barn. silo, machine shed Sc P. H fine garden, fruit nice trout stream. 10 -cows, s-helfere, . bull. team, poul try end all mschlnery ell ready to go. Located on paved road 9 miles oat. A snap Cor 95509 32769 down. If it is a farsa yon want, see. as. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR Chas. Sanders or Cliff Harold 47$ Court St Phone 9469 aVVMAsMMAwaaeaaasWaBfassaaswkaMassskss i ACRES 9 R. HOUSE, barn, chick en house, family orchard, price 91259. We nave 23. acres, well Improved, on pavement near Salem to exchange for larger farm. - Nice 9 R. bouse, good lot Paring paHL bargain at 92199. 9359 cash. be Is nee Use rent , 90 acre stock ranch to exchange for Salem.. VOSBURGU-GRANT, Masonic . Bldg. Foces 1 For Sale Used Car See - Tlicco W ecliend - " "m - - at ' . - ' . . ....... j- M 1929 ESSEX SEDAN, GOOD HUBBEFL, ONLY ..... ..T.......$ 60.00 1928 CHEVROLET COACH, VERY GOOD RUNNING CAR . 6OJ00 1928 vTlS-l 135.00 1929 FORD COUPE, SEE THIS BEFORE. YOU 1929 PLYMOUTH COUPE, NEW PAINT, GOOD TIRES ........... 165.00 193V CHEVROLET SEDAN, NEW PAINT, 6 WHEELS .. ....... 295.00 1932 CHEVROLET COUPE AT THE LOW PRICE OF ONLY .... 325.00 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN, SAFETY GLASS, NEW PAINT, RECONDITIONED. COME IN AND SEE THIS CAR ....... 375.00 1934 CHEVROLET L. W. B. TRUCK, A-l CONDITION 1931 CHEVROLET TRUCK, PLATFORM BODY McKay CMewoleit Co 430 N. Com'L Acreage SPECIAL ACREAGE BARGAIN 13 ACRE TRACT, 4 room house, barn, garage. 9 acres in . cultivation. baL timber and pasture. Close to school and In a good neighborhood. Price $3500 with $1500 down, baL 930 per month. Call to see It. CH1LDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. ABOUT 3000 CORDS of large fir timber on 37 acres close to Salem. Sell land and all for $1700, terms. Ph. 5580. 1 A NICE HOME, 3 bedrooms, bath, lights, garage, -one mL' from city, 31800. 9800 cash. 11 A. 1 mL from Salem, 8 A. timber, I hi A. orchard, house, 3 large rooms,- lights, basement, good soli, paved road. 83500. $400 down. I A. all in cultivation. 2 mL from city, good soil, $850, $150 down. MONEY TO LOAN. MELVIN-JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St. Phone 3723 Suburban BEAUTTFUL SUBURBAN HOME ' 9 ROOM MODERN house, electric water system, highly developed acre of ground, paved street and easy waia ins distance to bus. city school dis trict Be Sore to see this. Price $5&oe. SEE Mrs. Ellis, with ' . CHILDS St MILLER. Realtors f44 State St. . . ' Phone 4709 Wan led Real - Estate WANTED, 'SMALL .acreage with house near Salem, on terms, 449 S. Cottage. - Resort Property RENT, COTTAGE at Ys chat a. Phone 47F3. I Bumnesa Opportunities I RESIDENT ' MANAGER. ' Perman ent connection. Income reasonably 9! 500 yearly, $1509 cash required, -se cured, returnable. Address box sis. Statesman. . Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON 8A1.EM residential property un der the F. H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments, no com mission. Refinance or build' a new home.. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., ' REALTORS 134 & Liberty St. ' Phone 3433 . Q1VB YOURSELF A BREAK NOT A BREAK-DOWN AVOID A LOT of grief by getting a loan from us to take care of old bills and new expenses. All we require Is that you are able to make email reg ular payments on the loan plan you select Come In and und out now quca ly St privately you can get the cash. Loans 919 to 9500 Air Plans Second Floor New BUgh Bldg. Rm. 119 519 Stste St at High St Phone 3191 ' ' Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance.Co. , . of Salem License S-122. M-143 A SOUND INVESTMENT for your savings. First mortgage loans on real estate. We now have a number of mortgages in amounts of 9309 to 45. 009 to net Investors 5 to 6 semi annually. City or farm loans. Examine the security yourself, we service tne loan for vou If desired. CHILDS A MILLER. Mortgage Loans 344 State St. Phone 70S. CONSOL1DATB TOUR OEBTJi : BORRROW FROM en Independently owned and operated Salem company t. bere your problem r will receive per- sonal consideration both before and after the loan Is made. Interest oa unpaid balances Ne fees Quick, courteous service, WE SOIJC1T TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 139 & Commercial Bt Salem. Or Phone 9168 Lie No S-138 FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build refinance homes, business prop' Rates A brain A Rills. Inc.. Ma onle lUdg. Auto Loans ' CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used ears Privets money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to ze monlbs te repay. - Roy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial St, Salem, Or: Phone 9188 Lie. No 11 1! J Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins Roberta. Financial 4 ON 8AVING8 Insured Te $5099 Salem Federal Savings St Loan Assn 139 South Liberty SL For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. $5 39. TeL 8334. OOARANTKKD DRT WOOD - coal fet. 3049. tie tees Fuel Co Trade end Cottage, DRY WOOD, Pbooe 3793. For Sale Used Cam 333 Center' a- ' - -- - - 1 i i , , i 1 1 , . M.MM.'W - OTTO. J. WILSON - - '. . . .-FOR Better Cars - - - Prices - - - Terms and Service 1938 i938 1934 1939 1935 1938 1933 193$ 1932 1930 1931 1930 BUICK Two Door Touring Sedan . ' , ' OLDS 8 SEDAN Built-in trunk. A buy at'- OLDS DeLUXE COUPE Radio, heater. Other extras FORD TUDOR SEDAN Driven only 10.000 miles PONTIAC 4 -door TOURING SEDAN - ' HUDSON 3 COUPE Electric gear shift BCICK SEDAN 6-wheel equipped. Trunk. GRAHAM TOURING SEDAN . , , DeSOTO SEDAN - ' BUICK SEDAN , HUP SEDANS FORD COUPE Overhauled MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS FROM $25.00 UP . -... SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY - - - OTTO J; WELSOBJ Buick Sales 339 33$ N. Commercial GRVAL'S 1931 CHEV. Sedan 1931 CHEV. Spt. Coupe -$285 .$265 .9135 .3 75 .9 35 .3385 .$38$ 1929 CHEV. Sedan 1928- CHEV. Coupe 1929 CHEV. Sedan .. 1932 GRAHAM Sedan' 1933 TERRAPLANE Sedan Center and Church Sts.rPh. 4702 OPEN EVENINGS - - - CttOSED SUNDAYS 3aWajhiiasaaasaMaaayaMVMrfi TRIPLE SAFETY .... . . Used Gars HERE IS REAL TRANSPORTATION FOR A SMALL AMOUNT OF - MONEY. 935.00 VALUES 28 Dodge Sedan 28 Butok Coupe 28 Chev. Sedan 23 Star Touring rune good 27 Nash Sedan . $75:90 28 Ford Coupe 25.00 95.00 145.00 ,165.00 125.00 145.00 195.00 3 15.00 465.00 49S.90 23 Ford Cab. Coupe (2) out" pick, for 29 Ford Cab. Coupe 29 Graham Sedan 29 Ford Truck, dual wheels 30 Cher. Truck , , 29 Buick Sedan ' , , , 31 Model A Tudor 35 Ford Tudor .. . ,. 35 Plymouth Tudor SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUTS'TO . CHOOSE FROM. CARTER MOTOR CO. Nash LaFayette . Dealer - ' 865 N. Com'L Phone ,3734 - USED" CAR CENTER 349 Center St. Phone 3421. 1933 CHEV. PICKUP. H Like new. Reasonable. .-!. i C E. LANE, Pea 4 -Corners - -. TEL. 4075 ' 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE Coupe, fine condition, terms, $525.00. 1099 Third SL W. Salem. ; ( Wanted Used Cars ) CAR WANTED, light 4 -door Sedan. best 9259 or 9300 will buy. No dealers. 262 N. Cottage. - TeL 9507 or tes. 6437. . SALE 1930 MODEL A town Sedan, privately owned, 2119 N. Church St Automobiles -J ; V-9 INFORMATION New Used . Prices' - - . Financing ... Etc. -- See STANFORD C. SPARKS Salesman for VAI.I.KT MOTOR COMPANY. Salem Phone 3158- - Home Phone 9731 I - For Sale Wood OLD MOUNTAIN fir 18 In.. 95 $0 I ft. $4$0 Prompt del. Tel 6619 DRY. 16" OLD fir , $6.50. Tel. 9466. Wood Sawing FOR WOOD-SAWING phone 9330. Lost and Found WILL .PERSON -who found brown striped hslo hat please phone 8881. LOST 9-TEAR old 4r - mare. weight about 1359. Branded H. B. Re ward. R. E. McCaw, Rt 2. Monmouth, Oregon. " 1 Personal MEDIUM HEADINGS MRS. F A L M E R . NATIONALLY KNOWN MEDIUM ADVISOR. ONE WHO HAS PROVED HER ABILITY TO MOST SKEPTICAL PERSONS. TRUE ADVICE ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. READINGS DAILY. NO READINGS) SUN DAT. 949 CHEMEK -HI For Sale Used dlr7l Specials' v . BUY . 135.00 ..... 475.00 .... 150.00 Ph . 3189 -"-' i- ..-.-. Mi . .1 1 IjXX ..98TB -$735 .9766 ..9593 .9665 -$566 .$535 .3493 339$ -8225 -3293 -$246 & Service Phone $459 USED CARS- 1929 FORD Sedan 1930 FORD Coach - 1923 FORD Coach -1928 FORD Coupe 1928 FORD Pickup 1928 FORD Touring , ; 1930 DeSOTO Sedan .$365 Motorcycles HARLET DAVIDSON motorcycle, "33 modeL good shape. '29 Essex. .se dan. $150. Equity In WiHvs 77. '85 modal. Paul Parker, 343 Chemsketa. TeL- 4093. , W THR CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF MARION Department No. t. ' SUMMONS ALBERT F. JAIRL, PUntlff T9. " FRANCIS A. JAIRL,. Defendant To Francis A. Jalrl, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled salt on or before the 10th day of July. 1937. said date being, the last day of four weeks from' the first date of pub lication of this summons and said period of four weeks being; the time prescribed for publication hereof; and It yon fall to answer said complaint, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will take a decree against yon disolving the bonds of . matrimony existing between plain tiff and defendant herein; and for such ether and further relief .as to the Court may seem meet and proper. - - -This summons Is published by order of the Honorable L. H. Mo Mahan. Judge of the Third Judi cial District of Oregon, made and entered in said Court and cause on the 11th day of June, 1937. pre scribing that this summons be served by publication thereof, once each week for four consecutive weeks , in the Oregon Statesman, a weekly newspaper published In Marion County, Oregon. The date of. the first publica tion of this summons Is June 12, 1937, and the date of the last publication of this summons Is July 10. 19 J7. B. S. MARTIN. Attorney for Plaintiff. J. 12-1 9-2 6-Jly.3-rv. Hesitancy Noted In Retail Trad PORTLAND. June l-(-Du.n and Bradstreet's ' weekly .review said today . unfavorable weatber conditions depressed local retail trade the past week and actlvltly barely exceeded that for the cor responding period, a year ago. There is a hesitancy on the part of retail traders to place; large orders due to advancing prices of most commodities. Struc tural steel demand and ; heavy hardware was reported greater than usual despite .a slump in building. New and used automobile sales were reported brisk.