PAGE FOUB The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturtlaj filomin-, Juat 19, 1937 S3sYaBasBeBS MM . No Favor Sways XJs; No Fear Shall Awf i From First Statesman. March 28, 151 Charles A Spbagub - - Editor and Publisher - THE STATESMAN PUBUSHING CO. Charles A. Sprague. Pres. - . .. Sheldon F. Sackett, Secy. 'Member of the Associated Press I Tl-e Associated Press U exclusively entitled to the as tor publica tion et all news dispatches) credited to tt er boC etberwise credited la this paper. Bits for Breakfast ; By R. J. HENDRICKS Oregon Road Reconstruction WE used to think that before long the state could shave its j eras tSx a cent and still have enough money to carry out its road construction and maintenance. Gas consump tion steadily increases, which gives an increasing sum for highway revenues. . Traveling over the roads of Oregon however will con vince one that more, not less money is needed.) The state is pretty well served with improved highways, that is true ; but for the most part these roads need to be completely recon- st rue ted so rapid have been the changes in vehicles and so crest t.h inrrpasA in volume nf traffic ; .-. i There are still many sections of road needing to be com- , pleted, the Santiam highway, long stretches of road in east ern Oregon. There are new roads like the two beach roads from Portland to the sea. The Columbia river highway needs reouiiaing irom jrozxiana 10 me uaues. j ( Besides these major items of work and of expense other reconstruction jobs are necessary to bring Oregon roads up to approved modern standards. A beginning has been made in R. A. Harris, Salem, t-l-ST care to the Oregon state library 'Stars and Stripes," J now worth a thousand dollars: , V (Concluding from yesterday: The men who had the matter for the book all In a Jumble went to the head of the T. M. C. A. forces In Paris, asking if he knew a man In Europe capable of getting all the Jumble in order, and taking it through the intricate processes of making a big book of it. . -. ; "Yes. I know one man," was the answer. "He is Harris, with the. T. M. C. A. forces. But he wants to go home. He is your man. If you can Induce him to stay." The upshot of It was that Harris remained in P a r i s and saw the first copies of the book through the presses and out of the hands of the binders. The story of the . interallied games of Paris at the Pershing stadium In that city, the latter a present of the American army We Thought This Umpire Had Ruled Out the Bean-Ball rebuilding the Pacific highway, east and west, and up the Sis- ww . , lit 1 a a I eV w Kiyous. neavy worK neeas to oe aone irom iOttage urove to forces to the government of Grants Pass. Then the coast highway is a crooked lane which France-one of the finest stadiums will need a great deal of work to accommodate satisfactorily ,n the tworld ses back to the the travel that is coming with completion of the coast bridges uncV aTtime? iai,iavw vis iiamiia. 1 I KlvArnl J Rrnwn In tn wear cal director of the American T. M. C. A. at Manila. At that time, little was known of Ameri can games among the Filipinos. And no one had ever thought of getting the Filipinos. Japan. The maintenance factor is a heavy item too, because the went to the Philippines, as physi- greater the mileage the greater the expense. There is no per manent" road, because the action of the elements and the grind of heavy traffic cause wear and damage requiring con tinuous repairs. I We are not dealing with figures, but with impressions havH nn travel over manv rtnnrirprl mil pa nf flrprnn hiorhwava this year. The early roads simply are antiquated in this day iVuc eonteu BaTh hatS uE of speedy motor cars, heavy freight trucks and stages, and other too intensely for any such passenger cars and trailers which are a new traffic problem cooperation. s from a safety standpoint. ! Bat Eiwood Brown succeeded Road building is going to be a never-ending task. We eredi . "oiop" must build our program of construction, maintenance and fi- a spirit of sportsmanship among nancing on the basis of continuous operation. There is no rest those oriental peoples that may ahead for the highway organization or for the payers of gas J Je a nowerrui aid in world peace. taxes, who however are the ones directly benefitted. : I ttattoin ! w - wen, Eiwood Brown was in Paris, at the head of the denart- THE city council has before it an ordinance which would El?'0' t"eUcs of the y.m.c., :l 4.V. .--i.--.: r ..v, 111 1818' d on October IS of that pciiuib me wuiiuci tiaiuttiiua ui uic suuwwsi, wiuct ui year he directed a long letter to Twelfth and Court streets. The change was approved by the American army's general the zoning commission. Since then some property owners in headquarters, opening it with the area affected have become aroused and protest vigorous- tQ?f words: j 3y any change in zone, desiring to keep the district in its pres- mr monSm ent residential classification. The state capitol reconstruction now, should find us in a state of commission has requested the city council to preserve pres- preparedness against the lnev- ent zone boundaries, condemning the commercialization of Pe" or relaxation that the fringes of the capitol tract. lew e a m... . ...x .. , "T"'"'"?' I ... K ; Beyer Again Head Of Alt Angel ILU MT. ANQEL, June II. -The local court of the Knights of Co- lamhu again elected John Bar er as grand knight at its annual lection Wednesday. This la his third successive term aa head of the organisation. Other officers elected are: Deputy grand knight, John Gaf- ke: ebancellor. Alexander scnar bach: recorder,. William Beyer; treasurer, loa D. Hauth; adro- cate. Ed B. BtoUt: warden. Law rence Oerlite: inside guard, rod- ert LieDoux; outside guard, John Frank; trustee for three years, Eugene Hoffer. Installation of newly-elected officers will take place at the next meeting. The need of a club room to be used for meetings of the society has become rather lmperatire and the Knights met the altua- tlon br YOtine a sum of f 800 for the purpose of remodeling one of the basement rooms or St. Mary s school Into a meeting room. District Deputy W. Douglas Harris announced' that July SS will be Catholic day at Champoeg and urged Mt Angel Knights to giro their hearty support to th erent. Local Knights are also fnnted to attend the Initiation at Sub limity at 12: SO p.m. next sun Taking it Home i John Waller's faith In human na ture Isnt extensiTe. - Every dav. when he leaTas his work as build. m llMrt at Hamntim AwwISm day. J-he Mt. Angel degree team h7 shoulders his 80-pound i whee!: will hare charge of glring the v.. Mf. nn M. wfCl -tTTT wok uu I mill ml i hi f t h i luiii. 11H iduvwuii cuiuiuuwa nnntntA1 (n.imnn for refresh- ments at the next meeting: Lou-1 p1frlfkrnl Airl for a v a . I. Tf...t.- an1 I - - -m-w A Joseph Gafke. WCd Life Asked Fathers' Service Set at Nazarene Zoning Change WASHINGTON, June 18-WV-A group of senators has proposed federal aid to states in wild life restoration work. Senators Pittman (D.. Ner.). Bailey (D.;. N. C). Clark (D.. Mo.), McNary (R., Ore.), and White (R., Me.), Joined in spon soring the MIL. States meeting standards fixed by the secretary of agriculture would be eligible for aid for ap proved wild life projects. The measure stipulates that states re ceiving federal funds must not divert license fees. no state couia receive more than $1,500,000 in one year. must be cease. met when hostiUtiea I Two million men are i tEBTTH BAY innimi The Statesman has consistently opposed degrading of J now engaged in the strenuous I J?1?. dTS"i;f c"- . otm- cau; games and nlav. Informal and competitive, -will be the an- ! swer." m V it s a long story. A big 600 page ooox and - pictures galore cannot be compressed into these space can be itf." I . E. Nirm7T, minister. Sabbath MkoL SatUrdlT. 9:45 a k Uimil.. n. J a ecrnoi oy taa paator. warn DT ti ehoir. "GaUa U O Thorn jmotm." zooms PU' inr :30 p.m. Suadar aieht at T:5. a ehurch baildinr rally. Prayar atMtia I n wnu l .ma p.m. OAI.TAST BAPTIST CHURCH . rrry "d Sooth - Hick atreota. Bar. Arno U. Wenirer. naator. Cbnroh kil 9 :45 .m. Dr. K. K. Adama anot. Morn. residential districts for commercial rjurnosea. While the tract same of beating the Hun- in question is not large, and its value for residential purposes ?,hysi XJ' nearly all of i ia rncoH V.v V,o f . .alm. 1at, Trf I ll" NV nen tnia la suddenly taken I J ...ww c vw away, no menUl, moral or so- the change would mark an invasion of Court street long held ciai program . . . will meet the strictly a residential section. Let the breach be made, and need. Physical action win be the where will the end be" i ; , The applicant for the change, Wallace Bonesfeele, has followed the proper procedure; but it seems to us the zoning commission erred in not giving notice by 'mail to every prop erty owner in the area affected so that its hearing might have ui-cu j.uii auu (.uuijJicic uciuie mo iuaiicr vveut lu me city I few linen rnl council. If the zoning law is to have value the classifications spared to say it was done, and trUQ p'oto Friday y. must be fully protected or else the whole scheme will come to Tery weu done, and let it xo at I mutv kiptt TJaUffht. I I that. I Oomar Marios and North Liberty I l'Thl BfP" of BehaTara.1' Tne: - . . abwcvw k ox. x ioia i . j , . - . . . . r mw tm,, achool B;45 mA Montiar worahi and I Pridr biblo atady. area with relation to the whole capitol project keeping in knows a column rule from an sund.y Mw turMent up."g,? luiiiu uuil Liiexta is ueiiitr niannpn tot- nx pm n pivir rpnrpr ny uuau mua ajiu w it la anma i --r . -- - . y.ia, ivui t j.- j v,- A.. T,.:"-";: r ; : I Diait hn h. i. -... I zrv i nlo :o p.m.. toPje, "Th. be served but itol tract or the reasons seem sufficient to justify rejection of the proposed t7v ot PreM change. in worahip 11 o'clock, aarraoa aabjoet, "A. Baiider's Faith." iTeainr worahlv 7:45 o'clock, unaoa Inni. TA ann. latiTa Salration." Sonior yoong paoplo's maatiag Monday vaaing- 7:10 p.m. Mid wook aarriea Wadaaaday T:80. Daaaea. Hra. B. r. Shoemaker, aapt. MonaUs woraMp aad obaerraaca of the Lord' Hup per at 10:45. Vocal dnet by Abo meaen and Mra. iannlaon. Moaiafe, "SalTatwa: Aa Zxcurtlom or a Jonr- yt" Ereninf aerrtco and Chriatiam En doavor at T:45. Special moaie by young people' ehoir. Meaaaca, "Hldlar from HIai in Aar errice to Men." All day mootias of the charch woaaea Wednea y- Midweek aerrica in the Bongalow. Thuraday at T:i0. , VKaXXlAX AND MISSZOVABT AlilAHca W.O.T.TX. kail. South Coramerelal aad Perry atreota. Rl W. Breaalar, pastor. Biblo achool 0:45 a.m. Moraine worahip 11 a.m., theeaa, "The Marks of Con- aeeration." Toons people's aarriea :4 p.m. x.Teainc serrice 7:45 p.m.. theme. ouu ucauijr. iiusiucm 19 llCvCdoai jr HIIU IXiUSl I . A "I jwuo m uuutita ilia. it should not be allowed to encroach on the can- Ym;: ""m' E eu. r,Jr"iZ'. effect of the planning will be impaired. These statesman office has two ot that u ,h That concern operates , OSBJCAIT BAPTIST CHT7SOH nana iottin mmA n t m uuuer I cm toon, aaater. Bible achool at A -ax at the Univer se name OX bOCiete Anonyms de I m m- Saaaael Behlrmaa aapt. Mornins " '""n" c iu irauisiaie), i aen er uebnft erfahresi kann." "How taa trota ot taa BibI by Xx means the society of ceneral rier iodical publications, at 13 Qua! Voltaire, Paris, meaning Vol- ZZiVf'l?- Bwl rrie oTer station RTVrjJT. Portland. S:30-4 1S lf..j. i! u. in, aormon oy toe itor. A. Hrinrr. ETeninf serrira ia English at 7:30. Gospel aiesssga. BibU study Wed assdar at 8 Sumaiar kibla achl "7 morning except aatmrday. nnsT emiSTiAir OHrmcH riKST C ONOXB O ATI ONAXi C VOUCH Liberty aad Centex strssts. J. B, 8im- onas, miBtster. Sunday school 9:45. Mornins worship 11. Mnsio solo "Open tho Oatos of tha Teaapla." by Mra. Erael aiauifar. aara. Aonaeta Kick, organist XNTOHT MEMOBTAI. OOITUBXQATIOa'AI. . ltk aad ferry- L C CKTr, minis tar. Morning aarriea at 11. Sermon, "Tha Romance of a Oardea." ntham. "Tk. Word Is Like a Garden, Wilaoa. Solo. txttmrnm. uo lor UTBin, ITOlKlOCO, Doet. 'Ia the Garden," Anatin Miles. ooaiaay scaoot as iv a-m., Kor Harbsnd, supt. cmrlatiaa Endearor at T p.m. N oToaiatg serrice. OKiraoR or the roras quake GOSPEIi 19th ass Bray man streets, oaa block soaia oi center, mindsy school 9:45 Morning worsMp at 11. Tha subject, "Templea." Yoonar aaoola'a urtin a.i i KvangetiaUa aarriea at T:45; aobjecfc Wed Half -Way on Road O PEAKING at the commencement exercisea O sity of Michigan Chester RowelL editor of the San Fran cisco Chronicle, declared the country was half way on the taire quay or wharf. road to dictatorship. When the legislative arm fails to func- On December tt, 1919, Louis tionsatisfactorily invariably the strong arm of the dictator I V: ;on1n formerly a mem takes hold. The country has gone far toward, dictatorial rule. tbea!tl!? i ,f-!.had- . . . . -aa.waa.aa7a AU1CI XV.aS.aA WX.IV-t:i II 1 1 1 1 Sa 1 W I m - i Hi as, n ana penamg legislation wouia maice it go nearly the whole forces, and then em mo hV t. vSu"LrlmrrZm'. "r1--nadwm4.g upC wan. o: road. A considerable part of the fault is with the congress at priBtia. concern, wrote ' r:io.i;i SSa? rYuVZil -which fails to legislate heroically in the interest of the people LXearecUUm t0 Mf' K;flW s'tU1 2K EZf&dK a a wnoie. Just now senators and congressmen are running to the president about the strikes. They have a way to cure the specifications for this book, when aerrica it s Vii ret by wain wnoie Dusiness without delay: act themselves to clarify the Wagner act, make it a real magna charta for labor and a sren- uine chart for business. There is more than a grain of truth the officers who prepared the de in the charge of the Hitlers and Mussolinis that parliaments In tor th book, i wish to take degenerate into debating societies. j J?uJppI?rtu.nity ot J-oatuiat- ub mi. iuuiio uyuu toe resource fulness With which ha a a rr1of Ant New Slimmer Resort ; I tne execution of the book after "Grant Mind." SO children' orco. Esther Miller, co- ! JO" Schmidt, "Soma Glad. , Bormoa. ijlfe'a Sflf1 Cotrnter." Midweek aarriea- on COTTBT ST. OBTTaOK OF OHBIST vomrt aad 17 th stroeta. D. W. Paa- lai. pastor, cioie acaoot at t:45 with J.J CJC TMirvor- rrxr.Ti'na. mr-a f,UA rifK .rrJcr- I th0 A"nJr lU" nd KOne, and du- " niuiauivu5ureuw m g, period of final editlnr of where to go for your summer vacation. Alaska, Yellow-1 which presented many technical i "! T T1 - 1 1 rf-V .. I -- . . . 1 MM wuc, vxcsuii, iicn ciuaiouu, iuuuicsuui, vcucuec re aui i vvuu aawk osn toe moaern lanruasres denart. pumicuing ineir aiiraciions. a paper conuuneo an advertise-1 .""h1j Xti i , . I ent 01 wmamette nntrersity - .uiutiuui I iur twelve s years died suddenly ment the other day of a "new" summer resort It has several which ha. T' V.2 grand canyons; its summer temperature never averages over book a harmonious whoie and a T4 degrees. It has 13 miles of good, sandy beaches, nearly tangible tribute to his labors and Qfi Ortrt mrrotw nf mnnAoA narlro 9f ntKl,. OAA I abilities." nia courts, 129 horseshoe-pitchirur courts. 11 lakes for boat-LaVX? AfirflJf.'A t.ti?n- 4 - J 1 :I . . wucera, Dlf Da announced aa srradn-l Cnma Maria. ..d Hdmu. ' c" Vru BW.mifniI1 t may DC reacnea Dy ana- written carefully in long ate students at the UnlTersitr of ri Cafapbeii, mSrisW. slV- at pa hv T-nil hv.atrfri Kw airnlana i . I hand. I r.. .... . . ' w I dar vkMl at aS m. lk. n.i eea, by rail, by auto, by airplane. Where is it? New York City. Relief Day for Guards pastors. TOT OHUSGH AT SAXJEM 197 H Booth Commercial street. J. AI. onso Banders, minister. Sunder ehnrch school 10. worship 11:15, TJ.f. :45. awaftniua m. iiaaatf btoJo stady 8. TZBST OMU1GH OT Ofln Hood .and Oottaaa atraaaa. lfn-ilt y Hooker, pastor. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. rreacning arm co 11 a.m., aabjoet, "Js lytnmc isarot ta tha Kcw Testamantt" Bar. H. A. WooUnan apaaking. Choir re- nearsai T p.m. Kraagellstte serrice at Kingwood aad Second, West Sale at. No miawooai wroyor aemce at tha chnrch tats weac armces each nia-ht axeant .. araay with Bar. Woolmsn in West Saiaia. laocAKxrEi, rrru, oosxxx lassroH xaw jrara aaii, earner Soath 12th aad Lieslie srets. npstairs. D. W. Ltdir. aator. Bnaaar aehoal a IA m tm Vr ivuusiu, neari, aiulCK last nia-ht. I mwla,v craogsuiaue at a. jKiwek " I nraiaa aa,ta Warfsu.w rr. . - .. ... Ma.u J. HUU nr.ii... r-Mm. r . I frr";" -7 '. Aenry an " "-u wriiiiLa ana Mm I OkMtra MeCemau ntanJ aricuon oi saiem ana rrndn. I vuaa, apssa amnaay niabt. ates of Willamette nnivAmir t . ). 1.. m i M.euei, Ten Years Ago fine 19, 1927 Prof. G u tar Kbsen. head of The order was for the printing Oregon for the coming year. :45 BJB.. John Behreaa aapt. Memiag worahip at 11 w clock. Ser- A Vhmr -raanmoBy.' Senior high Mr. and Mra.. C. A ir.Tl. ..4 Jaaal aai Taut amlt'i Wu. a.u and binding of 2000 copies of the J daughter Frances will return! KL1'1. T",Usti rrca at T:'so. BOOK. IUnaa not bdor Dlentlfn 1 WadnMdar s. ... : I .T- .s ot- .t that m. u.I " TOl wb wej mam. bidM anay TBaraoay 7:80 p as. at that time. But Mr. Harris, be lieving a greater number would I conferences for T.M.C.A Mr. Kens has been is regrettable that the emergency board did not approve be wanted, had all the "forms- and Tisiting friends. jl icucsw j.ui Biuiiueui luuus 10 mre jse ven ; more men ai "v. uicsvums m iu type the state penitentiary to allow present guards! to have a fltSJf1 Tih9ZtZlT9 tne weekly rest day. Under present conditions the men have only SSSSL' CP WM one day off in a month, and that may be cancelled if emer- a copy had no sooner reached gency exists. The working hours are long, and while much of John Mott, head of the inter- the work is not onerous, the men are required to be at atten- f,"0"1 YzrK-S' A" than ne ca tion At nil timPA'Tlit. rvrr? of r-nnfrl ia ,mM. ?led New Tork for the print- . tng ot another edition ot attending Twenty Years Ago 6000 g m . . a 1 Ails ui auuiucr vol lng of men for relief duty, but the emergency, board rejected copies of the book. tne request for the additional f unds required.! la The afatp. it. soomi atill of it nnm afni)i a l I Also, what was not' contem- ThAr nA mow r.t Kn -t ,r;rtio;rt v xir. I Plated generally, but was not un- June 19. 191T i Announcement is being made that George F. Rogers of Salem wfU establish in Astoria a ship building plant of large proportions. expected by Mr. Harris, the au thorities nf Vania nriforst h. A man in cnblic life in Russia mnst find that foh-hnl dinar ntm nn i hnnv .. . his nerres. There is Jnrenjeff, late soYlet ambassador to Japan. It I French edition printed. was reportea ne caa been arrested for treason. The report was false. I Mr. Harris, upon arriTal home Walter C. Wlnslow and E. T. Barnes were elected members of the Salem school board' at the school election yesterday. BVAjroaxiOAi. awp bxtokmzq cuukch Vorth Caoitol lad Matriaat itroti Fi. win Herstmaa. pastor. Snadar artwml in a.m. Worship 11 a.m.. "A Bens of What la gxedleat." Mala qaartet, 'I Sought xjom, ay Aasms. HKTEXAirn rniBirDs Btrhland anaii and Chorrh iirui. T. Clio Brown, paator. Snadar achaal at 10. Preaching at 11. C.E. meetiag at T. RransTliatie aerrica at S. Pnm Hrwj iBuiwij at a SOUTH SALEM FStEXDS Boath Commercial at WaaliirA ler H. and Hase! K. Porter, psstora. Rihla seaooi 19 a.m. jsoratng worship 11 a.m. Christian Eadearor 7 a.m. Ereninr mart. ing S p.m. Prayer meetiag, Thursday. AJCEBICAV UTTHEKAIf OHOBOH Chnrch street hotweoa Chemaketa and Center streets. Bar. P. W. Erikeeo, pas tor. 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. Dr. A. S. J onsen, snpt. 11 a.m., morning worship, sermon, "Tha Ideal of Mercy and tha Sin of Judgment." Special mnaie ar ranged by Prof. E. W. Hobaoa; Mi nnta Btaica, organist. S:30 p.m., young paopia a aerrica conducted by taa Luther Leffn. J- Manning Nelson, president Chnrch council S Monday at tha church. Special . Fathers ' day ' services will be held at 11 o'clock Sun day morning at the First Church ot the Nasarene, Center at 13th street, announces Rer. Leo . W. Collar, pastor. The program will include reading by Warren Davis, response by. W. B. Hardy, vocal duet by Misses June and Pearl Overby of Aberdeen, S.D.; offer tory by Neal Cashion and; orch estra; sold, Mrs. Carol Emel of Burns; song by choir directed by T IPriAnAn- Mrs. e. e. Martin, minister I Cannery men Glum Over irom Foruana, will deliver the sermon. A section will be reserv ed for fathers Sunday morning. At the- 8 p.m. service, Rer. Charles Thompson of Alberta. Canada, and Rev. -M. Clark of Scotfend. soloist, win conclude their spiritual life conference. They will return directly to Can ada when their campaign . here closes. . Damaged Cherry Crops 25 Greet Visiting . - . . a amn - rn ta w aw a atJaa wm aw a an an a KeOeKail JJlffnitarV Qlt of tho showers, growers re o J sorted. Local cannerymen were gloomy today as the result of continued hard rains which have damaged Royal Ann cherries and other crops. Some orchardlsts reported as high as 20 per cent damage to their cherries. This was particu larly true In the hilly sections ot the county. Strawberries also have suf fered material damage as CHBIST IOTHESAJf CHTTKCH 18th and State streets. Rer. Amos X. Minaamaan. A.M.. pastor. German 0 :30 a.m subject, ''Do not Wait for a Mora uoarenieet Time.' English 11 a.m a I confimatir commuaioa serrice for adults ta DO reeeired lata tha church. Subject, j "H That T. .r nJ T..k n.J1- ' Word." Sunday school 0:tO a.m. Mrs.; waeoa rox, supt. ST. JOHY EVAJTOBLJCAX. Z.TJTHZXAJT tanssuail Synod) 18th aad A atraata. H. W. Grose, paa tor. Sunday school aad bibla class t -a MmHi at IV inTWOTtTaw tTwrravACT turner North Winter aad Market rae. air, u. a. tsokajpaa day aeaool :4S. Ohauoh a-aeahio 11 a-aa. aer. and Mra. B. U SUra, missianariee from (Thin a will aneak TP n.i.. r SmngelisUc aerrica T:4I. Midweek prar- aaeeiing x Bursa sr a p.m. F. J. Rupert for the past sev- --he had been named ambassador to Germany. It must be Jittery not gave a copy of the book In Enz-l KnZZZT SaIem knowing whether the messenger who 1. entering, bring, him a com- fish to tne'c-regSS "5S bra4 juxssto. or. promotion or nouce ot dismissal. preUmlnary to the firing and one to the Salem public li- ment. of tto stato todwtiEi ac a ciuenL tommiRs nn JXHOTAB'S wmrEsszs Fraternal temnle. Cantav tr..t . .... Liberty. Sundar afternoon t t.u a bibla atady identifying the "Other Sheep" of John 10:16. XATTES DAT BAZKTS Corner of Cottare ana Chemaketa. R. day school 10 ia Ereninr aerrieea fi.-SO P-sa. A. C Hawkins, president. MXTBXU3TAT wwraflAWAV. JMata aaa .1... T m "". aaratatac. jaaltfrod llartha4maw. airaetar ot ronmsr Paoola'a aw.tiritiaa- Robert M. Oatka. tint .ln.,k . ..1...I . . . ' 1 . ...W J monrmg won nip li oelook. Bar. T. M. 'yao, raconuy ratoravaai Iraaa China, wiu vraacn. arauac woramaj a vm a. "Uataaiar la fiAa- kr Tr wn. Ugaa. High school league at :!. Kw- worth Leans for all abora hirh memnnl at :I0. "Spiritaal Wandering, Worship ing la Hawaii" hy Martha Jaaa HetteL 'ASOIT Lin MKaSOnTAI. ICS. OHUXOH norta wtnior, jatiersoa, Fairgrounds Road. Lrnn A. Wood, aiiniii., rM..w achaol 9:43 a.m. H. B. Carpenter, aapt. . . & , L . . ... -a r -"'"j woramp it a.m. UDiiarea say program. Tha baglaaer, primary aad unior aevartmenta anil mnit mnMK. Tha eaneistdiag aamher oa tho program wiu be Da east "Thm,k th. timtmm Baaatiful" by Ormal B. Trwk andsr tha direcUon of Misa Baulsm Graham. Ip worth Leagues S:S0 p.m. E renin g sar nca T:S0 p.m, theme. "Dependability." USUI MHHODTS flunami Soath Cajaaaaaivial m.m M. Toaa 0. Paindextar. aalni.tar seheo! :45 aja. Morning worship II a.m. Senoam. "Br This Shall AM M.. wnm, Tha leagues will meet at T p.m. Erening aarriea S p.m. Message by Robert Lews. PIKST CHTJKCB OP TUB XAXASEHB Center street at 18th. Leo W. Collar, pastor. 6 ta, Chriatiaa workers prayer a- awit scnoei, rrana XittwH. lsr. aupt; 11, spaeial Father's day see- I; i. ana song, aermaa. Her. Mm. E. K. MarUn of Parties. S:A5 . and Hi-N.V. Pieaeare. Bar. M. Clack mt r LrTl. "cotiana. wilt addresa the sew ig X-T.8. tTo. S p.m., R,r. Charles Thompson of Alberta. Canada, aad his singer. Bar. K. dark ad Sestlsmd, wtU conduct thair ataalnv , mmrwi . .v-i spirrtaal Ufa conference here. PEHTZOOSTAX. CHUBOH OP OOO 1S North Commercial. Suadar aa. t Bible arhaat a n m rtai.v wil.u p. irarotioa serrtce S pja., eraagel laUe serrice 7:45 naa. Tirf Tt. rayer aad pssviee 1:45 p.m. Thursday aight aerriee 7:45 pjn. Satarday night aiMKinii slMIIlLMIT aVtIl fftWAaak a special music. A, J. Jtenaen. pastor. m PBXSBTTKWTjur CMUBCH W later and ChemakaSa a Birtchet. DJ nail., d.. n- . ".,,tcwr mnaie aad yoaag peo ple a Aettritiea. Pwf. V r. r.-'Al7 organist S:3 js, church aehom direct ZZZC- i' ,l"as. li a.m.. morning .. um aeries en the good new of the e f Qod. "Tha oeuerer a ueaedtag Ktghteaasnaaa ia ;w sua xniags ot tha World " i-L ".J0 p,..7 Twi worship, aer. yri. aauwn, . W eieeaaa SweetOraea (My). Solo by Mra. r!i ? Bick). . i-., oioie study. '' FZXST CHTTKCH OP CHBIST SCIEJITIST Cheasakeu aad Uberty streets. Sua oay scaAoi at :45 aad 11 aja. Serriean t U asa. sad S .Ms. Subject, "Is tha Cntrerse. Including Man. rolred iw Atomic Poeeof Tortimoa 8 p.m Wadaaaday. R.l.., i? tJ. Y pn ii a.m. ta p a.m ported. J B I I a ft 8 U , UM : II. n . n. w n , Thirtv-fiva Rebekaha were nre. "CT IlWWmca ent at : the meeting Tuesday night By Cfiurcfc or 11th Year nf Iff Jfaffar-ann DatuVih Initn I when Mrs. May Jonas ot Prine- Tine, president ot tne RODekah Th eonrreratfon of tha vircr assembly of Oregon, made her ot- United Brathrea chnrch ih nt flclal visit to this lodge. Mrs. Hal-1 Miaaloa tre.t ha w.- H -of -Corvallls. secreUry A. s. Henderson as pastor for the ot. us nosenu stssmoiy, was at- I 11th conseeuttva rosr so preswi, ivegree wora, captain ed by Miss Laura Thomas, was exemplified and Mrs. Dan Korb and Mrs. Seatt Hawk were admit ted to membership. Mrs. Jonaa gave a short talk on Rebekah ideals and work ot the order. Mrs. Ingle also spoke. Following the talks. Mrs. Jon as was presented a gift from ML Jefferson Rebekah lodge. Barbara's Tax Shy WASHINGTON. June 1S-OPV- The hoard of tax appeals decided Thursday Barbara Haugwits-Rev-entlow, tho former Barbara Hut ton, Mdiviant, was 142.931 defi cient in her ltJX and 1ISS in come taxes. Radio Programs KOAO--sUTX7XrAT--50 X. .0 Hnmsmakers' hoar. "Making tha Menu," Jaaa March. 10:00 Weather forecast. i 10:30 Story hour for adults. . 11:30 What tha educators are doing. 1J:S0 Kewa. . 12:40 Market and crop reportj); weather aorncaaa. . . 1:15 Variety. I S : 04-4:80 NCAA track snoot 4:30 Stories far boys aad girls. 6:15 News.. - i :45 Market and erop reports; weather loreeast. -T:45 Science news of tha week. '? i - KOXbT SATTO&AT 040-Ke. 6:30 Clock. 8 News. 6:15 Sons at Pioaeers. s:so HaU orch. . t:15 BhieLtl's rerua :I0 TJoWtcops v;w wri mosic. 10:15 Adreatare. 16:10 Leaf, organ, 10:45 Tears ia tone. Iown by Herman' a. 1S:00 Kewa. la:S Daaeepatora. , 1:00 Priaeeton track meet. 1:15 Mary Cullea. . 1:0 Priacetea track-meet. 1:45 News. : PeartrelU arch. 6 :0 Commbia eaaeert. d:0O Maurice areh. 4 : JO Trace arch. 6 Orace Moore. 6:45 PatU Chapia. aia. :00 Brriga. 7 : IS Draws. 1:90 Johnny . Presents, rerled. . 6 Pradeaaor Qvtx. -: r Sewat wrogTam. 6:45 Gray area. 2:0 "?,,ni a cspella singers. :0 Fuber areh. 10:10 Leo orch. 110 Pasadena cirie orch. I1-.S0-1S Hsmiltoa areh. ., e - xaw bUlttbbat s x. J:f Earning melodies (ETK T:S0 Peita mmslcala (ET). VioeZMfef!'" Eiu I'll Wfcl-r eaaemhla. 1:30 Campus capers. - Ti-UUV 8u" l t?4I a m. Mrs. f.n" Wolcett, aupt. Morning warship Theme, "Wearing Patched 2J?t .DmL,,'". Kaae'af aiu wa." Junto church . lo-SQ tilrmmmjt V. M- C. BilUChrietfcaar' EnTenr 7 STLM rr-. -. tapie. "A "imwa,. jaieweek bible atud aad prayer eerrrc. Wednesday 745 p!m' 10:30 Goldaa melodies. 13:00 Michael Arenstein, cellist. 1:15 News. . 1:30 Haruik oreh. S:O0 Top Hatters, arch. S:S0 News. 1:85 Ahna KitchelL aing. 1:45 Religion is tha news. S :00 Spanish rerue. S:S0 Hampton inst it ate stagers. 4:00 Jamboree. - 4:45 Piano sorp rises. - 6:S0 Muaieal momenta (ET). 6:45 Dentch prch. 7 Sterns or oh. 8:00 Hollywood eatrs. S:90 PUylsnd Casino orch. :00 erra. 0:80 La3slle orch. 0:4S Hnaader arch. 10:00 BUtaaere orch. 10:3Ci Laelajid'.orch. " " 11:80 Uptown arch. 11:00 Weather reports. a a XEX SATtTBDAT 1H0 Xs. 6:10 Musical Clock (ET). T:80 Magie of Speech. 8:00 Cell ta Youth. i 6:15 Throe Baacheroa. - ' :S?--Bibla broadcast. Dr. Brock. :0 Heme institute. Safety raik. Mrs. M. Lammond. ;9 "tieaal farm and heme. 103O News. 11:30 Kicardo Caballerea. 1 :00 Princetoa Uack meet. 1 :0 Jtaws. 1 :5 Mscklia If arrow concert. J :4 BaaebaU, Portland OskUnd. a:Oo Neva. :0 Haerragten'e muaie. J:?2 gP-t of aporta. Concert paHy. 6:30 KBO. 25 Natioasl Bans Daaca. rsried. :--w- 6:45 Ambaaaador tcsh. Terranca arch. 10:00 Kimball Mk. n :ee Xewa. 11:45 Paal Caraa. ..... U :00 Weethar. , ZIBST TJSTZTKD IEETHUV rrnn.n I 12a aa MUslaa stroeta. Piutar. A. Si "55 MiST trewl: 7,, Weanes day at 7:10V w .OtTT-OP-TOWW OHXTBCHZS Walaavala Eron-wUeal lav , oa week day, ereept .k Wedaeaday the J aad Umd., J .k M.'t0' VDifie "k!P closing time is 7:W. , I efco0' '" t 10 a.m.. I wbjeet,. " Praises to Ott" oi.j-.i- ' ..a neorast streets. B. C. Mass, "Caefml Wisdosi." P " u't - ' -n-ice i:sp Christian En. and eaniaw HEAR "TIIE- MESSAGE OF THE BIRDS' REV. IRVXNfj A. FOX First Baptist : Church (Where the young people flock to church.) Cor. N. Uberty & Marion Sunday 7:30 p.m. A Capital Service for a Capital City Orchestra, Choir, Gospel Soncjs