i i PAGE TWENTY The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 4, 1937 Annie Kruml Estate Is Appraised at $2471, all In Personal Properties of Scio has been appointed exec utor of - the estate of the late Annie Kruml, who died . In the Larwood community 10 miles southeast of Sclo. Appraisal of the estate was made Tuesday by SCIO, June 3 Riley Shelton E. D. Myers. Joe Novak and Jos. Boyanovsky, the returns showing 92471.19. all personal property. Lebanon 7, Sclo S, waa the rec ord made In the cam at the strawberry city Monday, IhtoIy Ins high school nines. HH2 Because of the backward season and the heavy expense of re modeling my store I am forced to sacrifice my large stock of suiting to meet my obligations, i : This sale includes my entire stock of woolens, every pattern new and up-to-date. Woolens that have been in the house less than two weeks including all my fine Imported woolens, Wool- ens that carry the Manufacturer's Unconditional Guarantee. : !:.: that have always sold at S 60 S65 $70 go in this gale Tailored to vour In dividual measurements at No two suit patterns alike so come early to assure a complete selection. A 1 In order that all may take advantage of this money-saving event I am re peating the sale of a few weeks ago that Mas1 so popular FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY You can buy an all-wool Tailored to Order Suit at Z.3 This will probably be the last chance to buy tailored to order suits at this price as all prices for fall will advance from $5.00 to ; $10.00 over spring prices owing to advance in manufacturing cost and the advance in woolens. Take Advantage of This Sale and Save All Suits Ready for July 4 DD IE TTT) 474 Court Street Pupils Presented In Piano Recital Mill City Program Offered by Bin. Schroeder; Banquet Staged MILL CITY, June 3 Mrs Robert Schroeder presented some of her pupils In 4 piano recital at the Church of -Christ Tuesday night. s Those taking part were Elsie Taylor. Mrs. Schroeder, Edna Swift, Margaret Carter, Martha and Helen Podrabsky, Beulth Lewis, Grace Golden, Phyllis Mer rill. Lucille Lewis, Margaret Pad dock. Dorothy Higdon, Betty Jean Bodeker, Leland Bressler, Lucille Lewis. Marjorle Schroeder, Mar ian Swift, Donola Swan, Carlton Mead, Virginia Mason, Phyllis Merrill. Betty Daly and Constance Bodeker. Mrs. A. P. Catherwood, Mr. f pi myim "Jffm S.VV Jk. AjcJtHA.WtdL 1CU4 tnc INSURE TULLY .tit- 4W ibjwmM ana and Mrs. John Swan, Miss Velma Downing and Everett Doherty at tended the graduation exercises of Lebanon high Tuesday night when Miss Mary Elizabeth Lor- ett, a former Mill City gin. was one of the graduates. Juniors Banquet Seniors The junior and senior banquet of the Mill City high achool was held In the I.O.O.F. banquet room Tuesday night. Miss : Constance Bodeker was toastmistress. Vel ma Downing welcomed the guests and response was byi Lawrence La Benze. Miss Carolyn Rada gave the class history, Nancy Jane Faust the will; and Helen Bodeker the prophesy. Those serving were Belie Faust, Alice Marie Swan, Violet Wutman, Maxlne Downing, Alta Jackson and Emma Angles;, A gift was presented to the class advisor; Miss Marie ! Hildeman who Is leaving the school.. . An exhibit of the work done by the home economics depart ment will be held in the high school Friday to which all are in vited. : , I Two Suits for Divorce Filed in Polk Circuit Court During Past Week DALLAS, June 3 A suit for divorce was filed in the circuit court of Polk county recently by Cora Marie Stark against John Lindsay Stark. They were mar ried at Eugene in Jtie, 1914. They have one child. The plain tiff alleges " that the defendant deserted her in March, 1936. Suit was also filed by Lester Hanna in which he alleges that the defendant, Velma Hanna. de serted him In December, 1935 There are no' children or no prop erty rights involved in the case. He asks that her maiden name of Velma Robinson be ! restored. They were married at Las Vegas. Nevada in May, 1930.J ! Farmer's Union . : News TALROT. June 2. i-Th regu lar meeting of Siiney-Talbot Farmers union was held Friday night in the Talbot school house with President Jake Gilmour in charge. Delmer Davidson and E. B. Cochran of the dairy commit tee gave reports and p. E.- Turn idge gave a report on the flood control situation. Mrs. Jake Gil mour, G. W. Potts and Jake Gil mour gave splendid reports on the state convention held at Clatskanie. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. John Bostract were given the obligation and made members of this local. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart of the Marion local gave short talks. Joint Graduation Is Held at Turner Qoverdale, Crawford and Pleasant Point Also Represented PARK and CHOP! AT YOUEl LEIGUEIE i i (.. i Plenty of Parking Space Stto 1230 State St. AT THE NEW Phone 9127 The ever-increasing popularity of our market is con clusive proof that honest prices and courteous service combine to make shopping a pleasure. Parking is not a problem in this district. We are out of the" congested traf fic zone. We have our own free delivery and C.O.D. service. Phone 9127. I PRICES FOR FRIDAY THROUGH MONDAY dJEDLIL Original 6 FLAVORS RITZ CRACKERS )Pkg- : r- ti : K i-Ef 25 - i Cheese - Pflwto 17c "eld S I ICE COLD FHUIT JUICES Dole Pineapple Juice, No. 2 tin J. . . . . . .14c; 6 for 82c Grapefruit Juice, No. 2 tin . ; . . j . . ... . . .13c; 6 for 73c Grapefruit Juice, 46-oz. tin . . . . . ...... . I. . . 25c Pineapple Juice, 46-oz. tin. . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . 28c Prune Juice, No. 1 tin 10c; 3 for 27c 1 . . -. : ... ,: - . ...... H FRUIT AND VEGETABLE! DEPARTMENT I OlirVlfVU California 4 A T CT-n UJlJ - Shaffpr WhitP All lh IL lT Also strictly No." 1 New Potatoes at 10 lbs. 25c Ba. All new crop Doz. FQESEI PEAS 0 EE3 Lh. go MEAT DEPARTMENT Pracre (Scountmcil BeeS Lb. 2G)G DA(5rJ SQUARES ECs C forSG PUJEiE 1LAEH2) Etou3Eat'c HD0HH PSsMeo large Assortment of Lunch Meats Salads Asli About tiio rjonoggaca 'fray Pool Vatth Cupcr Cud 100 Count PAPER NAPKHNS Us Pkg. Son fSSJG 10 3 ib 100-lb. bag OOHQJtD 2 for Med. Tins Regular 15c Fig Bars Whole Wheat lb. Pineapple N"2si"""n 16c PIMENT&-SW1SS-AMERICAN (5EIEESE 4-lb. pkg. Gold Dust-SSE? 15c Powder Pecn JJeflU 2 Pkgs. For Making Jellies i ' Ernes saiy 3 f.r aso ; 5-Sew Brown Straw ! Holly (SHeaiaGeg 250 (5o03ee S"0.1," ago (5E1N 2N,L2 25 ' Raymal Whole Kernel . ; Free Rogers Salad Fork with two bottles S ' KeHoggs Corn Flakes 3P 23c Watch for the $54,000 contest. TURNER, Juno 3 A full house attended the eighth grade grad uation exercises at the school auditorium Tuesday night, for a class of 21 graduates from Tur ner, Cloverdale, Crawford and Pleasant Point schools. The teachers are Mrs. Blanche Wil liams, Arthur Bestvater, Mrs. Cora Clark and Mr. Richards, re spectively. The program numbers were: Instrumental, Eccassias" by Bee thoven, Betty Peetz; Invocation, H. S. Bond; welcome, s Robert Ball; duet by LeSylva and Han ley, Grace Dement and Dorrell Bonney; ' reading, James Mickey; reading, Maxine Versteeg; violin solo, Kenneth Barber; reading. Betty Cheney; chorus, Turner class; "The Superstructure of Learning," Fernel Gilstrap; In strumental, Dorothy Schifferer; "Introduction" Prof. L. J. Uhr lammer. . Mrs. Fulkerson Speaks The main address and presen tation of diplomas was by Mrs, Mary L. Fulkerson, county super intendent. Clans roll: Turner, Darrell Bonny, Hs lei Bower, Grace Dennent, Fernal Oil strap, Jennie Gine, Vers Mae Jlendren. Wilma Larnon, Marearet Mortimer, Hazel Peterson, Robert Ball, Kenneth Barber, Howard Ensor, Llojd Grim. Cloverdale, Opal Bowers, Dorothy Schifferer, Stewart WATCHES CLEANED $1.00 to $1.50 All Work Guaranteed CLAUDE MIX Busfck's Market - 470 N. Com! Claaon. Jamea Mickey. Crawford. Connia Hanaen, Maxin Tarateca;. Pleasant Point, Betty Cheney, Pan! Bet-era. , Columbia Claims 2 Young Victims PORTLAND, June 3 -()-Two young swimmers drowned In the Columbia river Wednesday. Ralph McMinds, 12, while wading at Sand Island, and Jack Penney, 16, while swimming In Scappoose bay near St. Helens. The McMinds youth fell Into a hole, the surging flood water carrying him away. Young Penney cried for help, but disappeared before anyone could reach him. 4-M Club to Meet MACLEAY, June 3 Mrs. J. P. C. Tekenburg will be hostes at her home all day Tuesday to members of the 4-M club. STANDARD FEED CO. 228 Ferry St. Phone 6858 Do Buyers of Feed read the feed advertisements in the newspapers? We would like to know, "and we are willing to spend some money to find out. Fill in tlie coupon below, bring it in to the store and you will be credited with 25c on a pur--chase of $2.50 or more. Tliis offer expires at 6 p.m., Thursday, June 10th. I 25S VALUABLE COUPON STANDARD FEED CO. 228 Ferry St. Salem, Ore., Phone 6S5 This coupon etc., ts worth 25c on a-purchase of S2.50 or more. Void after Jane 10. .Limit 1 coupon to customer. name: . ADDRESS Check the kind of. stock you are feeding. ( ) POULTRY ( ) DAIRY COWS ( ) TURKEYS ( ) HOGS I N O W! ma n s We are going to sell pianos to mak to raise cash. Our prices have bee a wise buyer you will take advantag During this sale yon will be able to bay N prices of roo1 used pianos. Our reason pianos on the lower market and in the f buy now and save money ... real money tomer gets more value for- his " money th take advantage of it now. e room for stock already bought and n drastically lowered, and if you are e of this sale. ew Pianos at prices that compare with is easy to figure, and true . .We bought ace of fast rising prices we advise ou to i This sale is really one where the cus an otherwise. It is your opportunity, so You? Old Piano Taken in Your old piano taken in exchange, a reason able deposit will be ac cepted and terms ar ranged to suit your convenience. Buy your Piano now ... Protect yourself against higher prices ... Our se lection is unusually large. ' FSacac We have a large selection of Spinet styles by all the famous manufacturers. They are the latest creations and are very suitable and at tractive for every home. - Priced as Low as $265. r 4 ijjg.,.d$J w w w nun For the Next Three Days We Will Sell These Guaranteed Used Uprights at the Follouing Prices: CONOVER formerly sold for $625. A snap. See this at once Will j. 6rfC sell for only.;.. vUw Adam Schaaf formerly $610, a small size, which must be seen and heard tol be appreciated, goes for only.. VJ RADLE A beautf ul . ; piano, plain case, ref iriished and worth twice as much. Formerly $545. IT..., $70 HENSEL A piano' that ia and looks like new, for merly sold for $565. Goes at this f!tl sale for .......... ?CJ il BYRNE Formerly sold for $495. This piano' is absolutely guaranteed and must be seen and heard to determine its value. Goes at the price of ..... V 3 NEW GRAND PIANOS at SECOND-HAND PRICES Beautiful 0445 Grand Only a Few to Sell at This: Price Beautiful 0405 Grand Only Few to Sell at This Price These Reductions are for a Few Days Only. Many other grands at like reductions, including such famous makes as Chicfc ering, Knabc, Stinert, Bauer Bros., Hardman, Lindeman, Fischer, Regent and others are offered at this time ... Come in and look them over. il 469 State St. Salem Phone 5707