The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1937, Page 16, Image 16

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 4, 1937
Commercial Glib
Holds Last Meet
Rapiers Used to Decide School Dispute
Arlene Gregory
7ins on Poster
JIM ITT, Jon S. The Amity
Commercial dab held Its last
meeting until fall Wednesday
noon In the parlor of the Baptist
church with the president, H. W.
Torbet, presiding- A resume of
the year's work was siren.
Through the efforts of the club
an afternoon mail from Portland
through Amity became effectire
this spring and various other proj
ects for the benefit of the town
hare been carried out.
The annual picnic for the Com
mercial and Women's Civic Im
provement clubs will be arranged
later In the month.
Mrs. W. E. Yarnes was hostess
to the women of the D.A.R. at a
luncheon serred In the parlors
of the Baptist church Wednesday
Miss Verda Crooks of the Am
ity grade school faculty left
, Thursday for Monmouth, where
she will spend the summer with
her parents, Mrs. J. A. Breeding-
Martin Explains
His Labor Policy
We cannot hare collective
bargaining and above all we can
not hare strikes among state of
ficials and employes." Governor
Charles H. Martin told employes
of the state utility commission at
their annual conference here
Thursday. f-
Governor Martin said he was
not opposed to state employes be
coming members of a onion.
"That is your business," the gov
ernor said.
The governor complimented the
staff on its loyalty to both Frank
McColIoch and N. G. Wallace.
MeColloch resigned as state util
ity commissioner recently and
was succeeded by Wallace.
1 1 1
in 4 minutes
Nationally Known
Backed by users the
country over for out
standing and everlasting
wear are sold by us with
the same guarantees as
elsewhere. They are
storm-proof and weather-proof.
Come in differ
ent designs and cost less
per square foot.
R. L Elf strom
Formerly Nelson Bros.
Roof a ad Paint Dept.
361 Chemeketa Salem
Phone 6550
- r .'v .-' . j. . -' - -.
... , ! " - '' ' -
- V-V : .
" ' . - ,,
ii in . i i i i ii
Climaxing am argument OTer their place on the school's fencing team, Robert Oouslneap and Harold
Bauer, of Los Angles Junior college, are shown ma they decided the matter recently with foils.
Couslneap, at right, nicked Bauer's arm and drew first blood. After the meeting on the field of
honor, Comslneap helped dress his opponent's wound. The dnel was arranged by John Tatnm, fenc
ing conch, and sanctioned by college nnthorities International mnstrated News photo.
Queen Carol Crowned as Lebanon
Gets Ready to Welcome Throng for
Opening of Berry Festival Today
LEBANON, June 3 The 28th
annual Strawberry fair of Leb
anon . opened tonight In the high
school auditorium where SO Roy
al Rosarians of Portland conduct
ed coronation ceremonies, crown
ing Carol Dirrett as Queen to
reign oyer the two days' festival
Friday and Saturday. Following
the . 4 5-minute coronation cere
mony a musical program arrang
ed by Miss Lena Medler received
applause of the full house. Rec
ord crowds are expected tomor
row and Saturday.
The complete program for the
festival follows: t ;
Friday ErenU
0:30 Band and dram eorpa.
10:00 Parade. i
12rO0 Set-ring ahortcake.
1:00 Band concert by Albany high
1:30 Baseball, HaUey vs. Hsrrisbnrg.
2:00 Program, Brownsville talent.
2:30 Program, Sweet Home talent.
3 :0O Pro (cram, Lebanon talent.
S :30 Baseball. Lebanon Ta. Albany.
8:30 Calapooia roemdop.
4:00 Street a pert a.
5:00 Strong man acta by the Yakima
- Kid. . j i
5:30 Drum eorpa. I
7:00 Program. Albany talent.
8:00 100 piece man band.
9:00 Dance.
Saturday Program
0:30 Band and drum eorpa.
10:30 Baby parade.) ,
1:00 Tlie Dizney arrobata.
1 :30 Baaeball, consolation.
1:30 F-oater harmonica band.
2:00 Community program.
3:00 Band concert, Lebanon.
3:30 Baseball finale. , -
4 :00 Street aporta.
8:00 Strong mas seta Tey the Taklma
5 :80 Dram eorpa.
7:00 Fiddlera' ' eonteat. .
8:00 The Disney acrobat.
8:00 Daneea.
9:80 Fireworka. .
Many Exhibiting Berries
Many are Joining In the berry
exhibit which will bring high
prizes. Amateurs are especially
encouraged in this feature of the
fair. In the sports, fat men of all
ages may enter and - boys and
girls not over 15 will join in the
races for which prizes totalling
20 are offered.
The Santiam post of the Ameri
can Legion will sponsor two
dances each evening. Hap South
ard, chairman, says the two floors
will accommodate 500 couples.
- The city officials have given
warning that gambling will not
be tolerated in the city during the
The Young Jewelry store has
offered a wedding ring of newest
design to any couple who will be
married at a public ceremony
during the fair.
Last of Potatoes Sold
KLAMATH FALLS, June 3.-(P)-The
last of Klamath basin's
bumper potato crop left the dis
trict today. County Agent C. A.
Henderson said the region ship
ped 6750 cars, j
Salem's Leading Market
PHONE 8757 171 S. COML ST.
A Safe Place to Trade
...daring warm weather. This modern market with its T
meat cutters and modern equipment assures yon of complete
satisfaction. I
Half or Whole
BccS Pot Roact
Prime Oib Roll
HamljUrCCl? or Ground Beef HC
Dacoti Squares age &7c
I?tmi?e ILai?(l
Mutton fan Veal ft
Stew L: . 3 Stew .... . A"afta
Pork Back Bones, C Pnre rork ")
Pig Feet 3V ' Baggage
Heavy Bacon 18c & 20c
Drop In. folks, and do your trading at this modern, home,
owned market. We will be glad to see you and yon will be
pleased, we know.
Open Until 7 P. M. Saturday
E. II.. Bingenlieimer, Prop.
Dealers in Poultry and Dairy Feeds
294 N. COM'L. ST. r- PHONE 3527
Mr. Irish and E. H. Bingenheimer haying sold their grocery store to Mr.
Pearson, who will conduct It as the Pearson Cash Store. Mr. Bingenheimer,
better known as "Bing," has purchased the interest and name of the Irish
Bing Co will hereafter conduct the Irish Bing Co. under his own super
vision and ownership. Mr. W. A. Biles,1 manager of Poultry and Dairy
Feeds, will be retained by the firm in his present position!
Irisli-Bing Co. Are Dealers in Hodgen Brewster
Poultry and Dairy Feeds
Turkey Starter
Turkey Developers
- Turkey Scratch
Turkey Guts
Turkey Guts in Mash or
Pellet Form
Chick Mash Yeast
Chick Mash Milk
Chick Dev. Mash Yeast
Chick Dev. Mash Milk
Chick Scratch
Chick Dev. Scratch
Dairy Rations
T3imax Dairy ;
Climax Chops
Mill Run
Bran Corn
We Have What You Need in Feeds
Scio Woman Critically
IB, Result of What
Appears to Be Stroke
; SCIO, Jane S Scio relatives
and friends of Mrs. John Jlroch
are alarmed over Illness with
which she became afflicted a few
days ago. She is past 70 and is
suffering from what is thought
to be a paralytic stroke.
; Guests at the Joe Lytle home
are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fox of
northern Wyoming, who are re
turning north from a winter spent
in the south. The families were
neighbors on the Wyoming fron
tier. Fox was a surveyor and
land locator for years, bat for
the last several years has owned
and conducted a funeral chapel
in his home town, Gillette, Wy
oming. Santiam Central Farm union
discussed formation of a flood
control unit, at the meeting Wed
nesday night.
Wright Services
Today, Portland
Funeral services for the late
Harvey L. Wright, former resi
dent of Salem, who died in Phoe
nix, Ore., Tuesday, will be held
this morning at 10: SO at the Port
land crematorium. Wright was a
native of Illinois but grew up in
Salem, attending public schools
here. He was for a long time a
representative of a Portland mill
ing company.
Wright Is survived by his wid
ow, Mrs. Hattie Wright of Phoe
nix; a son, Jrvln of Buhl, Idaho;
a daughter, Emma of Corvallls;
also four brothers, Perry of Sa
lem, A. S. of Phoenix, Dr. C. C.
of Renton, Wash., and V. F. of
BUYER. Jon S Mrs. Fred
Stump left Friday for West Vir
ginia where she will rislt a sis
ter this summer.
Hiss Arlene Gregory of this
community won' a dollar as first
prise last week In a Poppy Pos
ter contest sponsored by the Mon
mouth American Legion.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Flickinger
and Mr. and Mrs. Clares Powell
of Monmouth made a fishing trip
to East Lake over the week-end.
John Smith and Ivan .DeArmond
also fished there Sunday. Both
parties returned with the limit of
The barn dance given Satur
day by Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Rock
and family was well attended.
Lester Haight, Orrllle and Willis
Allen furnished the music.
Bill Rock, who has been visit
ing at the F. N. Rock home the
past three weeks left for his
home in Seattle Monday.
Children's Book League
Requirements Are Made
By Many Rickey Pupils
. R I C KMT, June Pupils
completing the required reading
of the Children's Book league
VirfU Haraa. Jiaaaax BekUekar, Laoa
rd Shaw, Orril Molt, Trna ShalSoa,
Varly BwrlafftoB, Till! Ltunlntar,
Laraba Horner, Fraders Liar, alaac
Oourtaiar, Cslvis Oaurtaler, Mavis Lar
aoa, Bobbi Mahrt. Anftiat jfaart, Imarj
Haodricksoa, Doria Brawm, Ota Bin afar.
Jack Horner, Patricia Kaaay, Lois atax
flald, Dalorea Waaar, Kmalia La ai afar,
Roderick Handrickaoa, Enroae Oourtaiar,
Leonard PerHea, Jaaa Browa, Karl Baas,
Beverly Karaten. Xarioa Oordea, Batty
Buhler. Bath Toft. Nellie Holm an, Wal
ter Reinbard, Robert Gilbert, KeUie
. . m
aW2aaaflt 1
MI used to think all com
flakes were alike but I
found out my mistake when
I got a snhatltnte brand in
stead of KeUogg'sr
For real value, yotx can't
beat Kenogs Corn Flakes.
They're mads better. Packed
better. Tasts better. The pat
ented waxtitb inner bag
keep8themoyen-freshr ready
to eat with milk or cream.
Many crisp, delicious serr-
lngs zor a few
cents. Made by
Kellogg in
Battle Creek, :
you toy "CORN fUKEJ"
5ocEa cesQcsr
-s" m- to.-.. -4 ,
r ".- "' '
Harry I. Pearson, Successor to
King's Cash Store
2y2 Size
To say I am pleased to
be back in Salem is pat
ting: it rather mild. I'd
say as after all one's
biggest enjoyment is his
friends and it seems my
friends here include the
major part of Lane Co.
Ill be seeing you. Harry.
For Every Purpose
Kitchen Queen
Hard Wheat
49 lb. bag
Irish Special
Hard Wheat
49 lb. bag
2 bottles
Salad Fork FREE with
Purchase of Two Bottles
Pnre Can
3 ib. Hjc
Salad Dressing
Dinner Bell eT
Tall Cans
Jf cans 23c
Oregon cans
Yt Gal. Size
Wax Paper
Handy Cutter Edge
125 ft. roll
10tt.r.n 7Q
3 cans 27C
Our Two-Hour Parking Space Is
Convenient for You ;
if iTA,n n j n n
given aviav absolutely FMIEIE
vifh ffhe ptirchaoo oQ 2 bottles otr
This spedal afFr mod to acquaint more) women
Wtth CE2TO, the pvre fruit pectin that makes
mil fruit n perfectly with only 3$ minute boflj
HERE'S your chance to get
some stunning salad forks,
absolutely free! They're genuine
Wm. Rogers, Intemartonal sflvsr
plata. In the famous "Opera"
pattern. YouH love them!
: Tour grocer will give you cm
of theas forks, abiobuety free,
srlth arery two bottles of Certo.
Surely you'll want to buy at least
six bottles ... because Certo
makes Jam and jelly making so
easy that you can put up several
batches in no time at alL
You probably already know
what a wonderful JeQy nirig
aid Certo Is. How It eaves time,
work, money, and gives Jams and
Jellies of far finer flavor!
So go to your grocer's today'
white he still has plenty of salad
forks, and atock up with enough
Certo for your whola summer's
Jam and Jelly making!
Hurry!, . . Your Grocer Hat
Only A Limited Supply of
These Handsome Wm. Rogers
Salad Forks I
1 1
Look for the book of tested
recipes under the label of
every boHle of Certo. A
product of General Foods;.
162 N. Commercial Phone 5151
Walkers Price Cutters
Del Monte
c s,c BROOKS
NEW PEAS " 4-Tie, Made by Blind
4 ib. fl7c CcSnQ - i-k .22y(g
NEW SPINACH . y : nn ,
2 .,,; sc Pure LARD Mop Sticks
ORANGES ,k , V Dand, Spring Handl.
2, M20CMea!!U'gg Each Q(g
Peanut Butter
In your container -In
Carton, lbn 11c
S pkss. HQs
125 Ft. Wax Paper ... .. ;15c
T7m. Rogers Fork ; 2i Oottttlco M gC
Pork & Beans SOAF!
l-lb. Val ViU Fela Naptha or Zeldman's
J ca 23C AO bars --
2 V: Size Cans Tasty Pack PEETS
2 cans 2$C BUehine Soap
Baking Powder 33C b6x .-.-23g
Crescent Brand . p , '
atClr Super buds
lb.canL.. i-A Blue Bor, trlfsn
3-lb. can 55c each . ;H5C
Deviled Meats Marshmallows
Can 3c I a lb. pkfr. HEc
Tobacco Reduced
60c pkg. ..
Brown Mule,
60c pkg. .
Keg ,
10c Keg
3 for
69c George
Washington ...
P. A ..
122c Edgeworth,
3 for
Camel Cigarets,
Stud Tobacco,
3 for ...
1000 Sheet, Soft SUk Finish
C roiis i.-. 25 c
Tender Leaf . - - f 11 afi
Green, 3 oz JllLm
Black, v
3V4 OZ. ;
Bulk Green Tea,
pound ...1
Tomatoes St. Beans
3) cans
2 Bia .l.......29c
Miracle Whip
Quart. 2,(3
Pinu -2G