fAGE NIND The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning:, Jane 1, 1937 Used Gar From . Tkbse Listed on ;TM" Page Pick a Good. Statesman -Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line ....10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six insertions per line -30c One month per line L $1.00 Minimum charge .. 25c Copy for this page accepted until' C:30 the evening before publication tor classification. Copy received after thi time will be run under the heading. Too Lata to Clas sify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place, all advertising under the proper classification. Farmers Exchange Livestock and Poultry BABY CHICKS. 13 varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries, pullets now ready. TeL 123F2. Le Hatchery 4000 FANCY FRTS, 3 for $1.00. M. Blnford. 1 block E. of Jay Morris greenhouse on Liberty Rd. A I mo pul lets cheap. 5 breeds. COLOR. FRYERS. Reas. TeL 3354 WEANED AND feeder pigs, $4.50 and up. Melvin BJerkan. rt. 7, box 494. Salem. Help Wanted Male I WANT SEVERAL honest people ol either sex for statewide sales work Strictly commission but very profit able. Unless you can furnish best of references and able to contact bus iness people, do not reply. Phone 5514 between 9 and 3 for appointment. . EXP. DISHWASHER. State cafe. I Help Wanletl- Ffmal I 1 EXP. WAITRESS. Slate Cafeteria. WANT MIDDLE aged lady, to help with 3 children. 1734 N. E. Halsey, Portland. Phone Trinity 3568. EXP. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper. without encumbrance. State age, ret- erences and so forth. Box 298, care Statesman. EXP. WAITRESS wanted. Over 21 years. Ben's Cafe, 158 S. Commercial. talamn WanlpH I ' I I SALESMEN WANTED GOOD OPPORTUNITY to make money selling our line of garden tools Call darttme or evenings or write D. A. Smith. 147 Union SL, Salem. Situations Wanted , EXP. DRESSMAKER! Mrs. Adsitt. Phone 9446. ...... RAMSEYER TRUCK service. S354 saaVrfssssaA4AsatssjB4ss WANTED. SEWER work. T. 8810. frirrrii'iij'viijvjv i "-- - CHILDREN CARED for by compe tent, reliable adult. -Ph. 68,8. - I For Sale Miscellaneous CASH OR trad tor used fumltui ran res. heaters, radios, machinery. tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, pnone m . mer In Hollywood. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter exen. uwn. POULTRY FERTILIZER with peet moss Sacked. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatch- ery. ytrujLi"aijuijV"i' 'iiTr FERTILIZER, RIVER silt, garden rock. TeL. 8 sow iJcey. TENNIS SHOES, boy's and men s, 49c. Greenbaum a 340 w. commercial, i ij-ijnjvj"jTj'v"sOr'yy"ir PUPPIES. TEL S630. 840 S 25th. "l ' SPLENDID UNIVERSAL wood! range, all porcelain with colls. Apply l lis S. lath. I wwxMwxwowwsowwiwwwww I OATS AND vetch. $10. Straw, $4.60. Mrs. Wright, (Vi mL Wallace I Road. - I wwxwwwwxxxwiwwwmwwwwwwwwww I ZENITH RADIO . I 1937 $159.95. 12-tube all-wave, usea S months. Balance due, terms 1 85.00 monthly. See Mr. Jam. GEO C WILL MUSIC STORE 432 State i n ri - rsrmMsf,sr,srar"WwwVsrl ' USE. TRAILER, A-l. cheap. 87F13 GAS WATER heater, ZO-gal. auto matic. Buy my equity, bai. Sl.25 per mo. Rt. 4. Bx. s, -aciric nignway, mils south. wioimxiiiimwwwwvwmwowwiiw ttsfttj FRIGIDAIRE. S cu. ft. Good condition. $59.50. Salem Appliance Co, 453 Court. , ttpttav w June 2. 1:30 n.m Seven rooms of furniture. 344 N. 18th. Woodry A Woodry, auc. in. iu ARC WELDER. Aladdin. 1 10-220 m.uM t7 sa Rt. 4. Bx. . Pacific highway, 1 mils south. j Wanted Miscellaneous, FILBERTS AND meata Stat Cafa wii Nirr URATS or walnuts ta ahelL any quantity Stats Cafeteria nru-Lrt-Lru-i.nj-irii-a-i-1 - .''"" FREE WE pick up dead ana worto- Icss horse a cows, sneep. leu tad ' rr? ir-i. rn in ror wuriniw lur . w - - n. e . , , horses, cows, tor io rW... .... niwiRDED JEWELRT. highest pric paid for gold and silver. lit n. CommercUL 1 Mipllnneoos 1 I luiM.cnau'-uuj i wwnt nn A. Ull Iron. RietSL PlP bark, all kinds nach,"er'i,c'ty Jun" Co.. I8 i;nroeau. ' - - ADVERTISING Western AdTertlsing Representatives c -..-tt.ii rv Ltd. gan Francisco, Los Angeles. Seattle .Eastern Advertising Ranresentatires Bryant. Griffith Brunson. Inc Chicago, xssw Boston. Atlanta . ", . f.Mioffcs at fiolem, Entered ot Pflo"'f " ilT! Oreaon. as Secoad-cis ' litaed Vsery morning mmcevt M aafaifj Buinef tftcm ta Bnth Counrcuu Street. .TvrTmu PITTS ..Bi,!r.J A ? Ad vane. wf.1?." Sni Daily and Sunday. " i:rr si is: Mo. 82.2 i cents per Mo . fj5.08 fJ 7 advance, rer wiv.. " Stands 6 cent. inai a criu. ... 1 Miscellaneous - For Sale Real Estate ill For Sale Used Cars i" For Sail? Used CarTll SHARPENING LA WN mowers. scissors, knives, saw filing, etc: Fur- I nlture repairing. . W. W. P. Wlebe, 5S1 N. Church. ,1 For Kent Rooms SI.EK1MXU ROOM. 715 Court. NICE RMS. C9 N. Cottage. SS7 8 NICE ROOM and ganige for rent. 523 N. Cottage. NICE SLEEPING rm., h. c. wa ter. Business man. 25a Center. 1 FRONT RAL, twin beds, dose in. 569 N. Liberty, i SLEEPING ROOM. N. Com'I. Itoom and Board ROOM AND HOARD, cool, comfort able rooms for : summer. Near State St. ICI S 14th. Trl. 629$. RM ISOAKD. table board.. Tel. 5435 PRIV. HOME. 455 N. Summer. 3339. TWO LADIES. Private home. 6730. RM.. RD., garage. 444 N. 14th. ror Kent Apartments NEW FURN.I apt.. 4 rooms and bath. Adults. 1430 "D" St Tel. 6250. QaSSSSaj0aha FURN. 2 RM. apt., business man or woman. 255 Center St, ' NEW DUPLEX, adults. Tel. 6826. THREE LARGE rooms, furnished. Lights, wood, water furnished, $20. Corner Garnet and Nebraska. 2 RMS. FURN. 255 Division. FURN. APT. Everything furnished. i Garage. 2261 HazeL TeL 7664. wSsjassSsafca VACANCY. Roberts apartments. 1 RM. KITCHENETTE, 250 S. Cottage. j i AAAAAAAVVMWWVWMwVVwVM ATTRACTIVE 4 RM. heated furn. apt elec. stove, garage. 105 River. 2 RM. FURN, $17. lights, water. heat, garage, adults. Ph. 6288. VPAT S.BnriM . rum i mnt. Attrnf tive. quiet location. Adults, $25. 475 I FURN. APTS. Adults, $10.50 up. 624 N- cPito1- For Rent Houses I HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Tel 3713 MODERN 7 RM. furn. house at 1528 N. Capitol. $42.50. TeL 4389. FURN. MOD. I duptex, first floor, elec aDDllancea heat and water furn, 4 rms.. orivate bath, close in. Ker. re- l quired, vacant June 1st. ox zsi.l UaAsmin f RENT. SALE. Mod. house. TeL 4320. 5 AND 7-ROOM houses. Phone 6288 before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. For Rent HOSPITAL tlKDS and wheel chairs to rent. IL L Stiff Furniture Co FOR SALE or rent, home, arranged for apts. 267 S. Church. OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 381 State I St. Tel 3713 RENT OR lease, small store, dose in. Will stock for reliable tenant. Also furn. apt , lights, water, heat and phone, at 425 N. Church. Rents for $18 mo. Phone 4253. GARAGE FOR rent. 569 N. Liberty. Wanted to Rent I WANTED JULY 1st. 3 or 4 -room furn. apt. or house by employed cou ple. Reasonable rent. Box 770, States man. For Sale Real Estate SALE OR trade, by owner. 6 R. mod. house, near Leslie school. Will consider small house UD to $1500.00. or late model small car or both. Some terms. Full price $4200.00, Box 296. statesman. t USE., OWNER. Bx 297. Statesman. 5-ROOM HOUSE. 4 lota A bargain. $1250. 1005 S. 21st. www BY EMMA Murphy Brown, at 1960 n. nth. Beautiful 6-room house, tile bath, cedar closet lining, oak floors throughout, gum wood nnisn in liv- inc room, tapestry, wall paper, ultra modern kitchen. 1 beautiful lawn and shrubs. Just reflnished outside and inside. Phone 8753 or 9111. 2 GOOD , BLDG. sites, a little over V, A. each, close to city limits, elec tricity available, $10 down, $10 per mo., 1 interest. Build your own home. 1 ! T. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. I TWO NICE homes, one new. now 1 rented for $50 per mo. A real sacrifice tor quick sale. $3900 for both. Phone 3385. t SPECIAL BARGAIN TV A NEAT S room bungalow, ce ment basement, plastered walls, etc. 1 House n A-l condition and is loca- I ted close to new high school atreei pavod and paid. Offered at unumaally low price of $l$oo with small down gwt. balance like SEE Mrs Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 844 State St. i . Phone 708. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A WELL located $ room resi- dene on large cholc lot. som small hniiainn in mr that can easily be i mv.! intn an mnnnft. rare .- . 1 20o smau aown paymeot, I k CHIUS MILLER. Realtors 344 sut. st. j ff n SEMI-M3DERN $ room house- rood district. $i$o$, terms. TeL $837. wmmw.'www. oitoiptpp mrAiTTtiniT. r 1 1 r I . . V.wm. I baths, nook, tile . kitchen. Isrge living nrf dlnina room. Beautifully land scaped. Will take smau ciear nouae as part payment. Priced way below . . . . (.mom una ice nouse. norxn oi swu. Furnace heat, hardwood floors, near schools. 'Reasonable. dn-lTSWl acre- land, New barn, chicken house, 2 cows. 160 chickens. I..-..-. : . horau'matMnrVTwIii1; 1 or 2 houses in saiem. roniana or any good town. C. E. Lane, real estate. nuenur, r. -"k"'" 8-ROOM plastered, bath, ga S. corner, pavement !. ;.'' Terms. ? . . . I s-room duplex, basement, rurnace, J jraraa-e. parement, walks paid, 82700. i jermf , I " one-T"" '"''!7. oer montn rem. rvr . F. ORIEPENTROa 1 1840 McCoy St. TeL 454 I : "": ''" Xt' y ;i srisciAi - II SZ1"Vl" riir- house. 'City wster. electricity, fruit 1 mrm waoa ssoii wiin rwni I trees and shrubs, JZ09, i oADmT v ki 1 1 mi in . itrmi umic BRAND NEW modern six-room homes, all hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace, etc. New streets and side walks Included In price, and terms. North Salem. $1250 850 down. Ph. 5580. 1 USE., OWNER. Box 297. Statesman. -ROOM MODERN home In Holly- I wood. S years old, $3700 $600 down. Phone 5580. i Exchance Real Estate SELL OR EXCHANGE for Salem property. North Bend bungalow. Over looks bay. 3060. For Sale Farms I WONDERFUL FARM BUT FOR FEW days only. Priced very low at' 94.000 and part terms. 255 I acres less than 15 miles of Salem on good road. About 75 acres In cultiva tion, balance pasture ana timoer. nun dreds of cords of fine oak and some fir. Few acres orchard. Fair set build ings, electricity. Several fins springs with water Dined to house. If you want a real buy In a farm. SEE Mr. Bartlett wun CHILDS MILLER, ' Realtors 344 State St. - Phona 6709. FREE LIST of country homes and farms One acre up . W V HOMESEEKERS AGENCT Oregon Bid.. Salem TeL 449.7 TxrxuTJTJuLrLruLri riri-iJsi"'i " i a- GOOD 68 A. FARM, family orchard. 10 A. hops, usual bldgs.. near wooa- hurn 5 A. suitable for sub-dividing. Mod. home, sell or trade f or . Salem house. . J. LINCOLN ELLIS. 2061 State St. SffhrfcafX,WWM-M,WM-MJWMWM 111 1 37 ACRES OF good timber. Start cutting and hauling any time, ivu , $600 down. Phone 5580 Acreage 5 A 5 RMS, bath, 40 cherry trees. I A strawberries, crones, family fruit. close to Salem, owner going east. ; Ph. 779. .. . I Wanted Real Estate j WE HAVE BUYERS for houses. Iota, acreage and farms. LISTINGS WANTED DICK DARNIELLE 1988 N. Capitol Phona 3511 HAVE CASH buyer for low priced small suburban home. What have you? J. LINCOLN ELLIS, 2061 State St. aSawWfcMaMwwwaS WILL PAY $100 down, $25 month for house and acreage near Salem. Box 300, care Statesman. Business Opportunities "ONE OF THE BEST CAMP GROUND PROPOSITIONS" - SIX MODERN, cabins, store build ine. two-Dumo service station, ten acres good ground, nice grove. Pacific highway, close in. win exenangs wr larae farm, for price ana lernis, sek Baruett wun rmi.ns a MILLER. Realtors 344 State St- Phone 670$. Money to Loan FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build, refinance homes, business prop. Rates Abrams Ellis. Inc. Ma onio Bids. Pattern Pattern So. 1306-B The daytime frock for both hoU9e and 8treet wear is Just this one: t.ooi s.iuio"o uf uu one with a sloping yoke affords a maximum of comfort and style. A . . . 1 L .til 1m soft collar comes down to an ex tremely attractive scalloped but toning at the side of the waist. I . . ,, inese are au wmyw I lines, easy to sew and easier yet . . r tka M.nvA vnmin Mn i neat. i uo uaccu.v - - choose no better styles for hot I weather usefulness. Wear It under summer jackets and three-quarter length coats for street m-itness. Try something in a small polks dot in dotted swiss, dimity, i or i percale Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1306 B is available for sizes 36, 38, 40, 42. 44. 4. 48 and 50. Size 38 requires 4 yards 3 9 -inch fabric. i .j j m n. uius tb ivu r '"' ,uv.. I ..-, I own TPIliTlCEN CENTS FOR j THE BARBARA BELL SPRING I AND SUMMER PATTERN BOOK. I Make yourself attractive, practi- cal and becoming clones, select- mg uesigus irum lua ia.i uai m oeu I well-planned easy - to - make pat- terns. Interesting and exclusive fashions for little children and the - 1 difficult Junior age; slenderizing I well-cut patterns for the mature I ,( tn h i a t . " " 1 most particular young women and matrons and other patterns for I special occasions are all to be i - . , nannin nm t found in the BARBARA BELL. PATTERN BOOK. Direct orders " to- Barbara Bell Pattern Service, trOregon SUtesman. Enclose pattern number, size, and full ad 1 c 11 iua..i v-xr sas vwiuo, u rim. Wran rnlm wrnrotr In ni. REAL BUYS FOR McKAYS 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1928 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE 1929 ESSEX SEDAN -. - 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE 1934 FORD V-8 COUPE 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET COUPE 1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1934 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN . 1134 GRAHAM SEDAN 1936 CHEVROLET COUPE 1936 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN McKAY : CHEVROLET CO. $3$ Center Phona $18 VALLEY MOTOR CO. I Used Cars 20 Years of Honest Dealing 1935 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan, orig inal finish like new, mohair upholstery its value can not be equalled in town at $58 1929 Dodge IX A. Sedan, excellent . rubber price reduced to , lj 1926 Dodge Coupe Pickup $ 65 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, hot wa- ' ter heater, genuine ora ra An nrv Ins tnileaee 84l 1933 V-8 Coupe, entirely renewea o -41 4a9 Q Pniina fzrk4iAiL &tl It is at -$265 i4 a a Pnril Pnune. ready to eo as It is 1928 Model A Business Coupe .$ 98 1936 Ford DeLuxe Tour. 4-Dr. Sedan, completely equipped with radio, heater, etc., spec- lal blue paint Job ..$625 v.s A.rtr. Sedan, renewed and guaranteed . i " - - - : . - 1931 Model A Tudor, sport-ugnt and lots or extras 1 1929 Model A Tudor. newr uphol- stery, new paint, new urea 1 and excellent motor ; reduced to . I Less Than $10023 Cars of all Makes HURRY! WE'VE SOLD 148 SO FAR THIS MONTH VALLEY MOTOR CO. Open Evenings and Week Days Closed Sundays THREE LOTS : Center Liberty Hollywood Marlon A Liberty $97.50 FULL PRICE, Cadillac Se dan. Rt. 4. Bx. 98. Factlic nignway. one mile south. Mouey to Loan GOVERNMENT GUAR ANTEED values with F. H. A. Insured loans. No brokerage. J IT ULRICH LU. S6S Stats Street Phons 8678. PONSOLIDATB TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an independently owned and operated Salem company . k... .mi, nmKilasc will receive Per sonal consideration both before-"" aod after the loan la maae. Interest n unpaid balances No fees j Oniric enurteous service. - WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation it fnmmjtrctal StJ Salem. Or. Phone $168 . Lie. N S-118 TUTjjTjTj8jTjLfi.ri nnn r"inrrs i GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK NAT A BREAK-DOWN ivnin A LflT of arief br getting a loan from us to take cars of old bUUl an? new exnensea All we requir. u that you are able to man smaii res - ular payments on the loan plaB,, Loans SI" to fiUV All run, Second Floor New BUgh Bids. Rm. 11$ . .... f cli.m rUUD, 1 , 4 " joenejiciai r inane e iu. . of Salem License S-122. M-1C8 Auto Loans PftVTRACTS REFINANCED monet to buy mw or rlvats money at very low rates, ko Private money at very red tape 1 to 20 months ta repay. Roy H. Simmons lit S. Commercial St., Salem, vr. Phone 8168 Uc. wo at-iss VVwVwVVwVVwVvVVwVVrVwVVVVVww MONET TO HI AN rkM mi rMldentlal Drooerty un der th F. H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payment n cwa- mfnlan. RaflnanC r DUild a (lW horn. ' W. H. GRABENHOKor DPitrnRa ISA S. I.lbertv St. pnon Loans Wanted I LOANS Wa'nTED on rarra and city n . . l l InmilrA al propenx. ikiwi waivw..,. Hawkins RODerta, For Sale Wood UKX WMIIJ. .. lev rti.n mountain fir. 1 in.,, 4 ft, f.6 Prompt deL TeL ifl. . nniDiMTKrn mrt WOOD i coal TeL 00. Salem Fuel Co. Trad and uottas- ORT WCKlfA Phon t70S. WOOD. ALL kinds. Ph. 8088. DRT SLAB wood. $4.50. S. Lost and Fonnd LOST WHITE Collie. Ph. 6S94. vrTTTiT roll of wire. Front Ferry. Call at Rt. 1, Box 20, W. Salem. Financial ON SAVINGS Insured To 8500 4 Salem Federal Savings a Loan Ass" a 120 South Liberty bt. Personal MEDIUM READINGS mpq a t. mkr. NATIONALLY KNOWN MEUIUH Aliusun. "SIS I -WHO HAS PROVED HER ABILITY m lnaT BiffPTIfAL PERSONS. I I trttp'. invirn ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. HEADINGS DAILT. NO READINGS SUN DAT. 4S tni KETA. I WILL not b responslbl for any more bills contracted by my wire, I Ooal Brown. Slened, CecU Howard Brown. Wanted Used Cars"" nriniTcn nvarr 9-Anr,r sedan Tr coach I can get for HOUSE-TRUCK and OVERLAND CAR. 811 Fairvlew THE HOLIDAYS .$ 65 .$ 78 -$ 65 $195 ..$250 -8885 -$496 .$423 -$445 -$496 -S49S- .$676 $69i 43$ N. ComX Automobiles V-t IN FORMATION : New A Used Prices - - Financing - - - Eta. Sea STANFORD C SPARKS Salesman for VALLET MOTOR CO MP ANT, Salem Phona $1S8. .Home Phona 978 L NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT No. 0346 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of KrlcV Alhprt Frprf Innd. TlaCAajied- Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Erlck Albert Fredlund, Deceased, has filed hjs final ac count and report In the County Court of the State of Oregon for . M . . . . . . uarion county, ana mat nionaay t lasT'at - tne nour of ten O'clock A. M. of .. . r a a I d day at , the County Court Room in the County Court House at the Clty of galem in said Coun ty and State has been appointed as the time and place for hear- ing any objections to said Final Account and Report and the final settlement of said estate. The date of the first publication of this notice Is May 11th, 1937, and the last publication will be June 8th, 1937. RAY L. SMITH Administrator of the Estate of Erlcki Albert Fredlund, Deceased. M. 11-1 8-2 S J. 1-8. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE OWENS STREET FROM THE ; EAST LINE OF COMMERCIAL STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF LIBERT! STREET IN THE CITY OF SALEM, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the Common Council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary, and expedient, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve OWENS ST R EE T FROM THE EAST LINE OF COMMERCIAL STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF LIBERTY STREET IN THE I CITY OF SALEM. OREGON, at I ftt a -r norma nf th ahntllnr and i - j : . UJC' prupeny, m . street and alley intersections, the 1 expense wnicn wui oe assumea I by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said i eticct tw u numiHuw tS I constructing Portland cement I concrete curbs, and paving said I mtA AA. -Ill, inch Portland cement concrete pavement, 30 feet in width, in accordance ' with the plans and specifications therefor, w h 1 e h were adopted by the Common Council on May 24, 1937. now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby , . ' . . . . referred to and made a part hereof. . . ' The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention -Business Cards la this directory reus osi a monthly basis only. Rate 81 per line) per tnonth. I J" I ' Anto Brakes - --"Tj Ulk Paoek. 878 Butli Commercial Mr Bicyclea I ntf-Tfl tr urn m. mA - - 1 1 j FULLER'S. Ph. ST. 17f I Brook St. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE! sa R. SV Northnsa Chiropractors Da a U' SCOTT. PSC Chlrepractor IS N. Hlxh. TaL Rea till Excavating RTPAVATINn nt afl kinds BaBS- ments dug. Dirt hirCled or moved. Dirt ror sale, saiem sano ana uravc Pn 40s. ; I Florists I BralthaupTa, 44f Court. Ph. 8804. I Fnra DuBAIN ror Co. Mastr furrtwa and I dashmara, Rm. t A S kCllier Bids. Laundries THB NCW SALEM LAONDRf THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 288 a High T. S18S CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY FIRST IN Qoalltr and Senrtc rslephoa ! 1 284 Broadway Lime I GOLD HILL azTtculturaJ nun Stat j tasted. 88 calcium carbonate. 8oil I tested fre. Order at 1878 Broadway er Use of Hydrogen in Airships Banned Aiter Blast - . I . JJ J : : .3v - 1 . 1 lu'"" . . 4--.. ; ' & (y h t?i ' a ' : '(tf tr Aw V' - I ' ' ... . ''4'V-mr: c LJ r , i If; f r Interior of Anaarillo plant As a'result of the tragic end of the German dirig ible, Hlndenburr, which went on In flames at Lake hunt. N. J, Commander Hugo Eckener has banned the use of hydrogen in all future eomm'erclal dirig ibles and U now discussing, with a special commis sion appointed by President Roosevelt, means of obtaining helium from United States which has a to make the above-described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department ot the City of Salem, Oregon. By Order of the Common Council of , the City of Salem. Oregon, this 24th day of May. 1937. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder, -Salem, Oregon. DATE of first publication May 26. DATE of last publication June 6. M. 26-27-28-29-30 J. 1-2-3-4-5-6. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WALLER STREET FROM , . THE WEST LINE OF TWELFTH STREET TO A POINT 400 FEET WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF TWELFTH STREET IN THE CITY OF SALEM, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council 'of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve WALLER STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF 12TH STREET TO A POINT 400 FEET WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF 12TH STREET IN THE CITY OF SA LEM. OREGON, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bring ing said portion ot said street to the established grade, con structing Portland cement con crete, curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six inch Portland cement concrete pavement. : 30 feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, which were adopted by the Common Directory Mattresses SALRM FLUKP-RUO snd Stattn Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad ta order, old remade; carpet cleaning. Bla ine: naff rue wee vine & 12th Wil bur. TeL S44L OTTO 8". ZWICKER. Est. 1811 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phon 40S8 Painting-Paperhanging HERBERT EL WOOD. T. 8928. OLSON. TEL 4287. Prices right. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO encravlns. CommerclaL TeL 8887. 147 N Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind ot printing, call 1 be Statesman Printing Department. 818 av. CommerclaL T- pnoti iL Private Detective Newel! Williams Bo 187., TeL 1718 Stoves and Fence WE REPAIR stores and circulators, raak water heaters, 'carry wlr fence fence posts. Salem Fence and Stove works, ZfZ cnmeKeta street, u. Flemina J WE REPAIR stoves and circulators. Maks water beaters, carry wire fence. fenc posts. Salem Fenc and Stove Works, 282 Chmeketa St. R. B. Flem Inc. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer star. as, call 8121. Urewt Transfer Co Trucks t portiaad oauy. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 228 Stat St. TeL 7772. Distrtbuttns. (or war dins and storaga our specialty. Oat ur ratea Local, long distance- TeL 228 Ashcroft Well Drilling -V- iL', , . ' r jit. QH'T i.ssfssl ill i SBsSj l Council ,on May 24. 1937, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. - The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and inten tion to make the above-described improvement by . and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. Br Order 6f the Common Council of the City ot Salem, Oregon, this 24th day of May. 1937. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. DATE of first publication May 26. DATE Of last publication June 9. M. 26-27-28-29-30 SJ, 1-2-3- 4-5-6.. XQff Cross Word Puzzle kj I2 I3 h I6 I1 i vs, vv. s' ffilH m n& 22 ; 23 27 2d 29 3 SO 31 32 33 HO HI H2 43 HH 111 M M. By EUGENE SHEFFER . HORIZONTAL 1 Waal king was compelled to sir the Magma Carta? 5 Wke was th donor of tka fa saeas PlaostarinsB ia New YarkT 11 Japanese gateways 12 Small area 13 Paste of pigments and gum 14 Wha wrote Th Call af th wad-? 15 Air hero ' ' 16 Draw along after 17 Italian goddess of harvests . 18 Part of the mouth 20 Personal pronoun ' 21 Leg joint 22 Moral ! . 24 Receive Instruction , 25 Fall behind - t 26 Lair, 27 Who was the secead daughter af KiagLear? 80 Earnest entreaties 34 Hawk raised from a fledgling 85 Cut grass 86 Angle between a branch and its . stem . 37 Through , 38 Immerse 39 Poem . ' 40 Beetle : 42 Lessened in intensity, 45 Without breaks between tones 46 Th rata of Cartha- ar 10 sailes frosa what Africsa city ? 47 Boiled slowly ' 48 Masculine name ' " VERTICAL - 1 Wba was tka 'yaagr saa af Jacob aad Rachel? 2 Fragment - 3 Hasten i---4 Nothing 6 Circles f light v 6 In aline 7 Japanese coin - :. ' 8 What was the seat at th ald- eat est tSka Greek aracUs t I HeUum tanks) 'I Commander Huge Kckencrj virtual monopoly on the gas. Helium is neither Inflammable nor explosive and has about 90 per cent of the lifting power of oxygen. The greatest known reserve of helium Is located near AmarUlo, Tex, where the government maintains a plant to produce the gas for military purposes. Another important reserve is located in Utah. Mrs. Moorfcs Was Native of County Mrs. Merrill M. Moores died Monday morning In Portland. She was a native of Marion county, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jones of Salem. She is survived by her husband, Mer rill B. Moores of Portland, her parents, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. A. M. Cannon, ot Portland, her parents, and the following sjsters and brothers: Mrs. A. M. Cannon of Portland; Mrs. John Wlthycombe of Arling ton; Mrs. Claire Jones Gray ot Los Angeles: Ellis II. Jones ot Eugene and Ronald E. Jones ot Brooks. . - - ; ' Private funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium, Wednesday, June 2, at 11 a.m. ' 9 One who runs off with a lover 10 What Arctic explorer was a r-' cipient af th Nohel peace award? 11 Implied but not expressed 13 Sallow ' i 16 Sesame ! 19 Masculine name 20 Ugly old woman 21 What colony was farsaerly the British East Africa ProUcto rat? . . 23 Is able 24 Meadow 26 Free from moisture 27 Repulses 28 Loophole 29 Place for storing cars 30 Light blow 31 Foreign 32 Drives 33 Winter vehicle 35 Who killed John the Baptiit? 38 Network: 4 41 Came at marbles 42 Coiurumed 43Prieldy envelope of fruit 44 Bird of the cuckoo f amOy ' . Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. , . WWW I itlc -J U f .u. lttf.kf Kb rw f sin - VI I U va-LLL. K t O i - it V ID B, A. WCSTTBU 8, Ba. 448. T. 1 101. - r rtfv OArmr By Ctty Oarrter: 45cents a mwu, i "Yidd Bush Bid Ph. tS per. Ave. Dallas. r .1 uregoa xuac S.0 a year ta advance.