--- uiaiuAH, uev ureses, Tuesday Jcrns:r Lay 13, 1--7 X a - - .. -. - . . VIieat Scores Notable Gains 10 Million BwheU in Maf ; A nnh:: 1 Exports Slow - CMICAGOl May 17-ilr-StIrred by a larger decrease of tjie Unit ed States wneat yisidio suppiy v"" exnectea. wheat Talaes scored 1 ceau a bushel maximum jjsaia to day. . ... ts ratline- off reduced to IS. 337.000 bushels the total of do mestic stocks of wheat m signu This compared with 31.S49.oqu bushels a year ago. A feature of the wheat trade was ' uneasiness which traders showed as month-end settlement of accounts approached, with nearly 10,000.000 bushels of un completed May contracts outstana lnc here. On the othel hand. prices of new crop wneat aeuv eries, July and September, were Inclined to las owing to ftiolsture in Darts of Alberta and S&skatcb ewan, Canada, as well as In some domestic areas south weatk : Corn" A-raares T At the close, wheat wa . of f t a 1 nn Mav tl.27 1 -f. . -JtllT $1.18-1.18. Sept. corn unchanged to ah adfance of 2 cents. May 91.32 July 11.19 H-U. Sept. Il-OH-U; oats unchanged to higher. May 51-S". and rye yarying from V cent decline . to 14' bulie. May fl.13. Provisions results were 2 cents to 25 cents dearer . " Rallies from early declines In wheat -prices were prompted at soma stages by Kansas dispatches saying that unfavorable cfop con ditions were working eastward. It - -was added that ' heavy rains are needed In Kansas this wek not but also to save wheat mow in - danger. Another, stimulating fac tor to some extent was wrd that excessive rains were damaging all Tt.t. , , It . Export Business Slflgv - Tending, however, - to curtail trade volume and to act as a drag on the wheat markets thisJside of , the Atlantic was a holidayfal LIv eroool. One aooarent conseauence was at least temporary dearth of export b u s I n e s s in Cinadsxn wheat. This dearth was mde the more noticeable by reasoi of an nouncement that Argentine's wheat supply appears no to be barely enough to supply Brazil's normal needs, let alone furnishing any more wheat for shipment to Europe. " I From a low of 31. 251!. May wheat in Chicago rose tod- to a high of 31.27 Vi. and elosfd near to the top level reached. CHAPTER XXIV fsobel raised her head, wearily At the end of a tropic .day her heavy mass of hair became fa .Lruinsr. one wuuin not sancruice il : c.1 t i . . . f to greater comfort because the Colonel had implored her fiot to do so. it was, be said, a par? of her regal responsibility. A qeen did rot part with her crown bef ause of its weight. Isobel had not protested because she liked to loosen ier hair en negligee, and when sfimming to see it swirl about her. ItKe alzae. "If Uncle is in danger c( arrest or disgrace or general rpm, my place is with him, Sandy.' ply love for him is precisely the fame as though he were my father.tlt looks now as thoueh he had fell driven to a desperate and rather '-childish expedient to shake these leftehes off. And it hasn't fooled them ne little bit." "Need that affect your love for me" Sandy asked. - "Not a particle. But it days affect nne periect happiness l'v$ felt in It. I cant bear to think (hat you wt-i q wv rv ea aiaaa wvamm IiiajI VdaswA sV IT .1 to take care i of me in the ivent of something of this sort. It& crush ing to my pride. "Pride and love frequently clash,' Sandy said. "The result of the strupgle may be the acid test for love." "Perhaps," Isobel agrefd, but it's not entirely pride. Urw?le most be badly broken to do a t&ing like this. I'd have counted on hh facing it out. Ilia magnificence isnt merely pose, nor softening of the brain. mat s where his deeper! nature lives. And I can't believed that he ' has ' ever done anvthin ronllv ' criminal. ' "If so, Sandy .said, "It would have been on a grand scale. Some sort of misguided gesture, brobably political. Like Jameson's raid, or even Casemate, tie doesnrt fit the picture of anything! merely sordid."- B "That's the worst of itf Isobel agreed. "For all we knowlbe may be a black-listed Irish or other con spirator whose operations aiave in volved bloodshed . that might have been officially recorded asjtmurder, ii pontics asiae. ur piracy, or banditry, or something of tie sort," "And then, again. Sandy Bug. gested, "it may be all delusional insanity, an insistent idea bf para noiac sort, and these bloodsuckers aware of it and fomenting it to their pront. . e "That's a possibility." Ifobel ad mined, "but even-then 1 should be more than ever bound to atick by him. You see, it's not merely a sense of duty with me, Sandy. r grati- . u w . . J W . .ihmi.v ja. III- "dulgence. My love for Untie is in - mr .heart, not in my head. Must as Vnrfe inr vmti fir L-inin.. mwri u ai.y girl might adore a sweet and sometimes silly old darlir g of j father that idolized her." "And so do' I adore you, darling,' Srn -y said. "So there we are." r I-obel reached for his hpnd and belt it- "I know. Such loWsa dont clar It, But I can t bear to have you 11 wound up in such a ghastly mesa. VV'at'va mnt if israit nntil Mt nv- wound again. Aleantime yt ve got your business that'a going to need ail your time and thought. Not quite ail," Sandy protested. "When that happens to a nan he mignt as well be an adding machine. As Napoleon said: . 'I'm here. I suck v . .... Isobel smiled. "And asf Julius Caesar said ..." -.-.. Sandy interrupted: "Ii homed in. I looked it over and I grabbed it fT. I "You did those things,"? Isobel admitted, "and in a truly imperial way. But Bony and Jole nfver let women jam their cogs, I wf nt you K . ner 50 lhs. I . !t ' - T " s : "RIGHl CARGOES" ...4M 1 .Quotations,;: afc ifeiilarJ . i- PORTLAND; Ore , May 17 (P XTawec xebaare: tetter Extras SOH; eUBaraa lH: pria firsts 2H: first 39 ; eetterfat (3-92 . Errs Larxe eitraa SO : larre stead-re's staa- I ' Ck 1T; M 1 L Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or-, May 17 A) Wheat: Op m . Higa Low Close May 1.1 1H 1-1 1.11 H- 1.1 Jely l.eH l.vafe Sept. l.03ft 1.03 hi 1.03 1.03 H Cash wheat: EUff Bea ' bUesleas. kw, 12 ptt t.17; -ark bar wialar 1) frt 1.37; 12 pet HI; 11 pet 1.20; aeft white, we atara whit, hard wiatcr aa weatera red,. 1.1 S. : - Oats, Xe. 2 white 33.30, fray 32.50. Barley. N. 2-45 lb. RW. 40 00. Cora, Arceattaa 42.00. -Uilraa staaear 31.00. Today's ear reeeipta: Wheat 13; flour 24; eata 2; hay J. fortland Livestock POBTLASU. Oie, May 17 (Ar) thSUA Uesa: tKeeeiBta Z.30U. ladud iag 414V direct, market 23-35 kifher, I7U 210 lb. carlet i hatrhera, 1U.73-1U 95 ; mostly kaadyweisht dri-eiaa 10.40-10.73; hrary hogn. .5-10; packias aowa S-o.7i, a Tea weifbt lata ap te lo.-a. Cattle: Uete pl l.tio, includine 112 d.rert, caWea 175. ' ateera 10-15 hither, other elaaaea ev-; atrtctly graia led a-areer. mixed medium 9.35-S.tfS. load Idahft eaparimental atatioa ateera, I'J.Jo. medium sraasea S.OO-V.OU,. load fed heifera .15, plain kmdv 0.7 5 l.oo, coarse steady fed It md a acarce. p!aia ktads H.iJ-7.00 cutters 4-5.J3. bulla 6 007.UO maittly, Kood . beof bulla 7.25-7.50..' thia kind 5 wp, veal ra lO-10.50. heavier aad rwaali, J.OO-S.OO. few eelected avea welghta, B.ao, plaia araaa ealvea dowa to A.tiu. Sheep: Reeeipta 2,100. maialy ateady; Ceauiae apnnrera oU lower, alow and shade easier ea ewea, rood ahora 10.O0, beat aaouble to 10.50, spring; 1U.5U; plain B.oOH.aji. plaia anora . lamba 7.U0 o.uw. rood ye-rlmrs medium grade a 8.75, better ewes. 4.50-4.75: medium 4.0V ap, culls dom u to 2.00. 1'ortland Produce - PORTLAXl. Ore . Jlif ll(AP) Butter Pr.nlm, A erade. oUc lb. la uarrb- ment wrappers. 84e lb. in cartons; B a-rade, parrhmenv wrappers. 32 hi a lb, cartons HJUe lb' Butterfat t l'ortland delivery, buy in t pri.e) ara d a. 33'4 a4Ue lb : B grade. 31fc 3.H lb.: country atat'oaa: A trade. 31 34r. B (t 31Ul lb.. C grade at market. B a-rade cream for mai.et Price oaid producer: Hntterfat o a a I s. 55 2e lb : ilk, 03 7r lb.; aarplus, 45.9c. Price paid milk board. 67c lb. EriTs Buying price by wholesalers: Extras. -JOc: atandard I7r: medium ldr: medium firsts I5e; d-rrde 15c dnsea Cheese Oreroo triplets. 17e: Oregon loaf. 14c. Brokera. f will pay hie below quotations. ( .1 Conntry meats Kef I inr- price to retail ers: Country killed hots, beat butcher. under . ISO lbs. JaJ-l 3 He; vealera, 15 15Hr: light and thin. 1114c; heavy 11 12e lb raoner cows. -I0c; cotters 10- 12c lb.; balls 1Q 11c lb.: sprint lambs 20 22c; old lamba 18c; ewra 5 lie lb. Live ponltrv Buyinc once bv whole aafera : Colored hens, over 4 hi Iba . 14- 15e lb. : tinder 4 lbs.. 15 lde lb : Lee- horn S. nndrr'aVk fbt . Il-12e lb:, yer 8'i ll.s.,12 13c lb.: colored springs over 31, Iba, 19 20c lb : 2 to 8 H ha 19-20e lb.: i.erkom broilers. 15-17e: rootera. 8-Ve lb. rantsloupea Crate 910. ? Potatoes Deschutes. S2. 85 13: Kljia ath No I. S.1O0: Yakima. No. 1. I rental; 1oal. $2 2 cental. New Potatoes California w bites SI. 75 I per tdO I ts. to carry on your commercial eon quest, Sandy, and not be hampered by me. You ve no business idling here at this moment." "Km not precisely idling, and my show is in good hands. I saw to that. Those interests can wait. If I lose out for not tending my bosi ness, then you share the liabilities just as you may share the assets. I'm going to , tee the Colonel through." ( Isobel leaned far forward in her chair, her face thrust out. her lio; the and's end of a lovely continent mat bandy's jutting promontory contacted, it was one of those elec trie kisses that fly from the poles of bodies that are highly charged but physically remote, so that the full force of the exchange is con centrated in the points approached. as if to fuse them. Shy lovers used to enjoy this rare form of stabiliz ing their individual tensions before the technic of such exchange be came more coalescent. They drew back a little breath less. "That is one way to send me oil about my business, Sandy said out xor some reason it doesn work. Isobel lauehed. "It surelv in little like ringing the engines ahead tnen oroppmg: anchor," she ad mitted. "I acted on lmDulse." - "That's the only action worth re acting to Sandy said. "Just mi emotion is the only good reason for any. To get back to the Colonel, I cant help feeling that this stuff of his has got some deeper motive than we know. , Something up the royal aieeve oesiae ine royal elbow." . " Whatever that may be it's kind.' Isobel insisted. "Somethinghas happened to him in the last two years. He has turned gentle. He wouldn t hurt a fiy. That is literal because I ve seen him onen a win dow to push out a cluster of fruit- wasps, rather than to crush them I cant believe that he was ever bad maji."t ,; j ;- af Va 1 M ' a remaps lormeriy his convic Hons were not the -same," Sandy suggested, so mat his Actions cor responded to them. If he had ever believed in the doctrine of might, he would have followed it consistently. If he had thought it tho strong man's part to help himself, he would have done that thing, regardless." -mot to the hurt of others," Iso bel objected. "Yes, if consistent with his creed at that time." i i Isobel shook her head. "A man's nature doesnt , change to that de- SV tr. j vV But it may," Sandy persisted rom ruthlessness to . benevo lence." Isobel shook her head. "His ideas, beliefs can change," """j aata, oosunaieiy. AIM a man'a thoughts determine what he is. Perhaps the Colonel was a an. preme egoist because he believed that was the onlv rational thine tn i e,. . . "c- out per naps au the time that ne was acting such a part a leaven was at work in him. The ancient wisdom or the East, that h ah. sorbed without realiiing it. Then something may have happened to make him believe that he had been entirely wrong. And once believing w ackcu n nis new mbvv, tion." Isobel appeared to torn thia In ner mind. "You've scarce) ymA time to hear much about Uncle's past," she said, "so he must have toia you something, himself. What was it i "No more than that trrtwa!i all he cares about is yourself. And that the whole of his effort was now directed to safeguarding vour fu ture from unhappiness. You dont know what sacrifice he may be mak ing to do that." i Do your - r Oaioas drea Ka. 1, 93-233 easUl Yakiaaa, fljs-fa eeataL i . Oalaaa Itrm era p. ' Txs4 Beraiada typa f LS9 fer 50-Itt. crata. ' Waal 19f7 aotaiaal; Wlllataatta val ley, atedjaaif 3S lb.; coeraa aad bralda. S3 16.; aaftara u r I e a. .-. io.; erasabred. li-23a lb.: Ba4iam. Sl-32 lk, Hay 84llaf priea ta raUilani: Alfalfa So. i. si.ai toa ; aata aaa -anea, fia; clever. If tea: taatothy. eaatera Ora- roa, 920.50 m; da valley. llo-iS.50 toa. farUaad. - i , Baa SaallaaU 1936. SS-40eltft. Mohmlr 1SS7 eaatraeta. 5 41b. Caarara bfk Boiag priea, l37 pael. 10 lb. I . - Sacar Bi-T ar trait. 100a 95.10 bales. 9.4 ; ee. 95-tO eaataL - Deaa-atie ftor 8elHapriea.l alty da Itvery. S to Sf-bbl. lata: Family! pateata. 08s 97.45-7 IBS; bakers' bard wheat. 95.9S-7.80; huh era' blaastaas, 9507S-S.O5 blended hard, 9575 .30; ffrsha. 6.30 whole wheat, f 5.90 barrel. . -4 I Wol in Bostony BOSTON, Mly 17 (AP) (tSSDA) Kills obowed little iaterest , tdsy la either spot weifrern rrowa woolai: of fared la Boa tea or fia medium ' grade fleece woola offered from the middle fast. Asking price oa good Preach romblaf length fine terfitory wool rangedl; 5e-$l scoured basis,! bat some buy era were talking prices in the range SO-95 renta for similar .wofls. f i ' Aroaad 40 Sents is the rreasa, de livered east, wia tha effering figure for moderate quantities of mediaof Oaie woola packed iit lets eoataiainff eombiaa aad clothing linttha and Vt blood trades together! - t iMav 17 root AVBSAOES ( Com h pi led b The Associated Ptess) , . . - a , 130. 13 15 I 60 Today -U . 8B.7 43.8 4U S.5 Prev. day.' im. ' 44.7 41.7 nan Month ago tW.7 46.2 45.8 70J Tear ago -1.2 38.7 45.4 1937 high ... 10 6 49.5 54.0 1037' low 85 37.8 41.2 60.8 75.3 65.4- 1936 high .. L3 43.3 53.7 72.S 55.7 1936 low 744 30.2 43.4 New low. BOKDf AVBBAGES 10 10 10 K.t in.iiM rrtii Today .... 99 102.9 97. 71.1 Prev. day 93i 103.0 98.3 Month ago 944 102.8 99.7' Year ago. 9li 102.4 101.3 71.0 71.S 68.7 70.S 70.5 137 high 9m 102.4 98.3 1937 low 92fS 102.4 98.8 1936 high .. 9H1 104.4 103.1 1936 low... 6&) 101.8 -89.3 73.0 67.6 -r-Ntw low. Pbrtlanll Second . a In Public Saving PORTLAND! Ore., May 1 A United Stat bureau of census report: said to jay Portland rank ed first In Its lass and second In the entire coifitry for Its how ing In cutting ahe per capita cost of government! in 1935. The report covered 94 citiss, in cluding all ttfwns over 10:0,000 population. liuwaukie was the only city, regardless of site, to outrank Portland. i . j "I know him ell enou ghfto be sure that whatev necessary, he wo make it. ?There would . be no qua A man'a thoncht.a i cation at all. py change com- pletely, if his mini is big enough, and his actions correspond. K wise arataaka 5J eiaarw , a fool; never.' ns thelsame." man enanges his mu But his nature rem She was silent or a riofnent. then said: "Thati ; true, tlncle's nature is big. That wnas makes Inil W simnlv me sick about this. cant go on about my tlwn hlppiness unti il I know the trutfi," i ! -Too spoUed. Sandy said.lbw the as- many uvese nave been eumption that one hal got to wait i or marriage to snare trials of tne one you love." Iiii no sillv mai lyT, Sandy. That's not the point fit's merely that 7 oan't U ;tnought of nlnnnnv vnn IntA m m . o h.w w u. i nn . u i take a lot of managing just when you are apt to need so mch of your time and thought for your tremend- ous undertakings. I cotldn't make you as happy as I mean to do." - "Better than making Ine darned unhappy, Sandy said, f "It would come to the same. Sane or insane, whether he hounded through imaginary fears or real ones, I've got to stick to Uncle. He may prove a very engrossing care. What do you think these people really are, anyhow? ( "Oh, I don't know. A Quartette of globe trotting grafters, probably. Ship and hotel swindlers. ! con sharps, gamblers, per hats. Bad gerites and blackmailers.! Perhaps in business hours Jarvis aid Fia via play the roles cf man int companion. Give caste to the ether two." i He was sitting so that ie could look' through the open doom to com mand a view of the stairway and at this moment caught light of Vinckers coming down. Walking out to where they sat he said csually: ' "I've been waiting for ifobel to ko up. a a Ke io nave a few word- in private with von. Crewe "Not tonight Sandy said! -lis rainer important, Crewe. -lay save a lot of trouble for every ooaj. -It may save a lot of troubl for you Vinckers if yon call this tVea sure hunt a bad bet." Sandy slid. " lorget ion you re onfer isrmsn jurisdiction here. B. W.lL law is apt to be summary . i "I dont rnna J: inff at-" Vincker aaif Oin m f woros Between us in private woul ueip uear we situation." It s clear ennnrh fnr m i reauy, oanay retorted. "I can prove an attempt at murder on you. now. That would take- UIM arfiff . jury, v inciters said. Oh. D- It wasn't wt AmrV -l Sailors' eves are keen. Vim 'k., gled." . . .., ; Well, when vou hear what I haw- to say . . "That will not t fnniitM -- said, emphatically. - fix you are afraid to be alone With me. Crewe, mn yourself that I'm unarmed, then let Asooei waia to tne otber end of the terrace for a few mnmnta run i some of your men, if you like."; : "I Tn not afraid rt won mmA unarmed, Vinckers. It's merely that I think ran a hla .Umii;it guard and I don't want any deal, ings with you at all. Is that plain?" aS a . . . . " wort piam man pontic, Crewe. You're sot to be mie-hrw aam for it." ' "That's m" Affair. NAwrlnr nnt before I lose my temper." (To be continued) - e Ceerrlaat lt kr sirs Bean C SewUn Dlawla4 s -aas reat-raa -rae-ate. la Stock! & Bonds Com plied v Associated Pteaa) Low Volume Hits Stocks Transfers Half of Tliose on Friday; Utilities Eye Senate Moves NEW YORK.' May 17-JPV-Tk stock . market . ran a. last-minute-temperature on tha downside to- flay niter having shuffled alonr at the slowest pace in more than J years. :. ' -.. -. ,x ! w . l ..- In a belated selllnar nnrat in which steels were prominent, fin. al losses ranged from 1 to around points. There were few wider drops, with many new Iowa' for nn or longer bemg posted In tne suae. - - . The news marketwlaei ni ther depressing nor stimulating althoucb slackness of h n v l n w from the surt, brokers said, en couraged selling . forces ta e. pand offerings on the. final Ian. The Associated Press avanra of CO stocks was off ,S of a point at 65.5. - Transfers amounted to 697,370 shares, compared With 1.ZZ8.160 Frldav. 7t n tha smallest 5-hour volume since May 13. 1938. The turnover In the concluding hour was almost as much as In the preceding four nours. 487 Issue Decline Of 750 Individual laanaa 417 declines, 132 advanced and 137 were unchanged. . The utility average hit another new bottom since October, -1935. as holders of - these shares dis played more -" rloom i reward in r senatorial proposals for the or ganization of a number of nower authoritiea throughout the - coun try on tne same lines as the TV A. jVo Formal Claim) Made By Heater, He As$erU W. A. Heater, eastern Marlon county strawberry grQwer, jester day asked .that it be made clear he had not submitted a formal claim to the county court for xiboo damages be claim s was done to his heavy - tractor when it fell through the Taylor Grove bridge approach several' weeks ago. He said he had merely -inquired as to whether or not the court might assume some liabil ity In the bridge failure. POLLY AND HER PALS . mCKEY MOUSE f -Rockabye, Baby, 1 pl P PP LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY I f. a.-. . - .i -JLBVi,mrr imu ' 1 - 1 I t 1 ' w i i n . a il I mm i sr ' . m . . . . . . . . i . m m . . . . ... . . . . .... i 'ArJrJk 5T 1 oidkiT see vou at Imotuer said- om.here coMes g Af, fjf "S tWIAU. -IS VOUR LITTLE I lSOME MORE" KIOS FROM YOUR J? Jrg HEY. . l.BBOTHER FEELIM' I J I SCHOOL - IDOWT WAMT THEM It mnm&.vJZi Kwr,3aSf' I I -M I I I UK y ' m 'M 71 "m-L HI I . IfXI Lr-I tr I 1 W ' - JU r v Mil f I I 'm "V "T V a TOOTS AND CASPER v . Misleading Looks;-. -V S- 1" -'. -: - V.; '.. - I By JDDIY MURPUY i , ' THE TRAIN IS IN AND MOST 1 1 I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE UOOKS - H.THERE; A) MY NAME 15 " rETTlN -VAV M COME ToH ' OFTHE PASSENGERS ARE . f LIKE ONLY 5HE5 PRETTY ; : I MISS CLARICE J MRS. MtSWATT,- WITH THE CHAMP'S J ' UNCLE" ! V OFF, BUT I DONT SEE MY 1 HAVEN'T SEEN HER SINCE T COME TO T0U CHEAP FLIRT, r . WIFE I DAT"S THAT'S A - NIECECLARICE ! SHE WAS A CHILD ! AH-H- - &sUh,CLE 'S V AND HERE . A NEW ONE! NEW ONE TT 1 I i 11 '' THERE'S A STUNNINr6lRL rW 7 'ftrfCOMES -f V- Vt TOO ' SAMM- fs r-2a ' EVIDENTLY LOOK IN V ' jrf 1 1 MY A Ml tZj J- S-QS Cklll 53g3Si trk rL TiDrfv for . ?t husband. V'rp&y Jvh- '-5 ?JJ -someone- a1 yX YTrr - t I : vrIZ ir.5T A3' Arv4r LI: 5 1 -i - re-" - rltX 1 1 S f 'it "S-JCT i . r- A 1 P 1 1 i vr ' ::hz S I X c.imn 1 iSAAS H I I r ' MAM s.a. I VrArT j-W- I tomorrow-- I THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye It's a Pleasure! ; '. By SEGAR c&ri Hfer H3 iCSr :W Xyx- :fc--zj)l S Ii I 1 Salem M Gin o -c wions Grade B raw 4 per cemt milk. Salem basic pool price fa. 08 per hundred. y" .' Co-op batterfas at pHee FXXB. Salem, SlMc. (Milk feaaad mm sead-aiaotVly ka turf at averaf-) , Distributor price), CXS4. T , A grade butterfat Dellv-1 ervsd, SI He; B anradcs-tlellv- ' ered, SOMc . - 1 A grade print, S3c;"D 'grade 82c ' . ' - ' Pzleee yeJA ta srewara ky Sales Bayers. Taa arieea aatow aavoliad ay a local rrecer era iUeativ ef tfce dsily saarket kst are set raraatead ky Ta IU ntBarla Prlea Applea. Hewtowaa ' , Wiaeaapa, kw, extra gaoay Baaanaa, U aa stalk . 1.6 S . S-JS . .05H aaaaa . .OS sot .is S.75 ta 4.SS. .00 ta T.SS Oatea, freak, Ik. , Texas flrspafrait Laaoas. crata Oraacaa W avals raaev - , 4.S5 ta e.oo S.85 ta S.00 Cheiea' Valeaeiaa , . S.50 ta S.SS 8trswkrris, Calif, tax, retail . Jl VXOT AB I 8 . (Boylof rrleas) Aaparagaa." local, a a. ' Eeeta. Califs Cabbaf a, re. Ik . Cabbaf a. lb. , , , 1.10 .BO .OS ..04H Carrota, . . .49 f,. 1.75 S.2S to S.SS S.35 1.25 : .7 Cauliflower. Calif, eratav Celery, strata , ,. ,, , , Utaa Hearts, moa. Kadiwa. ea, aea. Lattaea, Cai, UeA. S es. S.70 to 00 MastarA Oraeaa, So. , .40 Oalaaa. freea. in. ' ' Si OdIo,' .. 1. -vm. ., . i 1.J0 Radishes. - - Paraalpa, Jb. , , ' , . -.0Hi feppara, treea, csnr, id, , , jiQ bed. IS. - i 'IS Peaa. Calif.. M-lbv seek - S.50 New Petatoaa, eO-lb. baf v , , . . . t an rotatoee, local. K. 1, wt 1.00 Ko.. a. twt, at ' .1.75 ta' l.BO P eta toe a. sweet. No. 1 . S.SO Rhabarb, -' local, per lb. Batabaraa. awt . -01 3.00 te 3.J5, Spinach. loeaL- raag box a. 10 0.95 .00 Tomatoes. 30-lD. erata Turalpa. dos. . . SVTI Walaata. lb. .11 ta .15 H .19 rUberta. 1S crop. lb. IS ta uori f Banna - Prloea) CloaUra 1930. lb. rBCglet ; nominal WOOL AHS MOHAXB (Bari-c Prices) Mobalr ; .65 . . LJ0 .04 Msdlnia w .1 Coarse wool CAMAIA BAU Dry. lb. Graea,. lb. boos ajtd ro-xrarr CBarlnc Price f dxaaea) - Wkit extraa - t Brew extras , . .18 Medina extras ' .14 L-rgw standards , ' .1 r '- . - Vedlaai st-adarda Pallata .IS J4 .IS .10 JOS JS Heavy beaa, lb. Colored mediaasa. lb. Mediaai L-s-keraa, la. -taaa. la. Old laoafia. Ik. Colored - aorina-a Wait Lefhoma, frre Jl -MARION CBXAILEBT Baviae Prirea BatUrfat. A r-- - , , .1H a xraee .aui lie peal try. Ne. 1 stork Colored haw a, aader 4 lb. Calaied bewa. over 4 Ibs , .14 . J4 . J , JO , a- Coloraa fryers Lacker ka a, baavy Leckara -aaa, ligkt . Lacker broilers Roosters Raj acta ; .asarket . vala State, lb. Ko. 9 srradoa. S oeata lea. Kfra Caadlad aad graded. . I 're ' axtrai ' .10 Mediaae extras ---. .14 Larra stsadards , .14 Mediaaa -'-J- .IS Cadet-grade ' .13 .10 Dirty extraa ., ,. ,. ,. .14 j -. -. Z-VB-TOCX f i bij r nova i 1937 sprint lambs, Ib -,- .10 h . .lOVfc .4.00 to S.00 L-mbs, lb Ewes - Hera, top, 150-310 lba .10.50 iso-iso lba. 310-280 lba. - ' -S.75 to 10.75 i i i , " Bows S.00 Dairy typo cow , ,5.00 to e.oo Keer cows Blla -, Heifera S.00 to 7.50 t oo to 7.60 7.SO to S.50 ,. .s.so isaaiaaina m 8 at Top veal Dressed veaL lb. Dressed bora. lb. OBADf AND HAT Wheat, whit. Ns. 1 .- .w74 Wheat, weatera red ' .97 . Barley, brew ins, to 40. 0O . Food, barley, tea o Oats, aaiUiag, toa nn road, to nn Hay,- bayiaf prin Allalfa, -valley ,. - Oat aad vetch, te ; Clover., -to , , ", ; . , .13 OO . 9.00 i 00.00 Gardeners 1 and r Rtanchcrs Mart PORTLAND, May 17-V-Sup- plles of fresh fruits and vegetables on the Gardeners, and ' Ranchers market were moderate today and met : with, good demand at firm prices.' A few commodities were on the Increase and prices moved lower." r.- " :- .- : 'As; a result of heavier arrivals. together , with 'a car from Califor nia, " the asparagus market was easier."-! ' -' - rr -" - . - Cabbage, lettuce and cauliflow er were steady to stronger. The ! onion ; market remained Not After They're Peeled ! .- .' -h , - :- -- s -i'..-, -..." I A Friend to Be Proud of VELLaVOU kNOW SIDE OF THE GOT NICE OjOTMES OR AmvtMIW3 - IF AhTY OP THE SKlOCfTV KIDS SEE VDU M II.1IM I , vu steady and almost , mnchanged. Old crop potatoes were steady. bat new potatoes were weaker. Rhubarb was stronger as sur plus supplies were moving to can neries and cuttings were lighter. Apples--Wiaeaapa axtra fancy $3.35- 1.50: Kowtow a. axtra t aey S2-Z.10 Asparsraa Oregoa, T-So, SO-lb. crate, f3.3VS.50. - Beaaa Calif 1S-15 lb. Beeta Per sack. Oreroo. SUSS Broccoli Crata. 93.35-3.30. Brassalls Bproota Califorala, fonrth drams. $3,75: Cabbae Calif. $3.35-3.50 rate; Bae-mbh- St-35-3.85 a erata. Carrota Orero lags, ' 40-50a( CalifL, knae-ed SJ.35-S.75. - : Caaliflower CUf pooy, $1.65-1.85. CeleryCalif- V4 eratea. 83.35-3.75. Caeombera Ort gam aad wss-iagtoa eta, S-.90-$8. - Ksrplaat Caltfaraia, lac. $1.50-1.00. Gar lie Per poaad, 10-1 So. Oisims EaasMrs. Sl.40-1.7. ' Lettaeo Oreroa dry, S des fl.75. 1.85; 5 doa., $1.75-1.85; Calif;, $3.25- $.75 far S dot.; dos, $3.25-3.75. afaabrooas Oaa ; poaad cartons, 40- -Se. , Oaloae 50-poaad aacka, TJ. S. Ho, 1, yellow. $1-1I5. - Oaioas Greea. do, koaefces, 30-45a. Parsley Per dose boaekea, 40-45C Parsaipo Per Inc. 85-40. - Peaa Calif.. S3.5O-3.60. . Peppers Mexico, 32-25 lb.; $7-7.50 per crata. Potatoes O 8. No. 1. 100-lbs. Oreroa raaaeta, $3.75-$8.00; Waablastoa ruaaets. $2.85 $3; local,, $3.35-3.40; Texaa. $1 1.75. Rsdishss Per do . baacbea. 25-80. Kkabarb Orefo . Add frewa, apple boxes, 65-75. Botabasaa WaablBftoa, 100-1. sacka, $1.50-1.75. Spinach Oreroa, Waablnrtoa, fl.00 1.15...;- Turnips Dos. baacbei, SO-OOc ToBsatoes Orefo hotboase, 20-2 5c par poaad; Mexico. $3-8.50. . Strawberries Florida 13a, $1.05-1.28. Sooasb Oreroa, per poaad, Hubbard. 34. Marblehead. 24. Tnraipa Dot. bnaebea. 60-65o. Tomatoes Oreroa. botbooaa, 80-25 per poond; Mexico, $3.85-8.50. Splsaca Oregoa,: "Washiartor $1.10 1.25, " -.1 ' - -i- . : Thomas We Davie to AUMSVILLE, ! May 17 Thom as w. Davie. about 5. died In eastern Oregon and funeral ser vices will be held at the Chris tian church here Wednesdsy at 11 a.m., with burial to follow in the Aumsville cemetery Davie was the' youngest child of the large family of Allan J. Davie, pioneer of 1843., Three sisters survive, i Marr Davie of Salem, Mrs. Annie Ball of To ledo and Mrs. Henry Grounds of Seattle; also tne widow ana two sons. - -1 1 ' " " He lived in and around Aums ville until about; SO years ago. I LIVE OKI THE OTHER RAIL(?OAO Tl-AOtS -1 AINTT I IVH IM6T II(MT tSfcl MAO AT YOO- VOU AM Beyond Y. T.L Canp Plans Blade at Meeting Plans for the biggest and best camping season ever held were made last night by several score boys who have attended Y. M. C. A. camps In past years, their fa thers, and guests who gathered for the camp reunion dinner at the association building. - Following an invocation "by Prof. 8. B. Laoghlln of Willam ette university, the dinner party of 100 listened to talks by Ted Chambers, boys' work chairman, Oeorge Arbuckle, Jr., president of Hermit club. Max Page speaking for the dads, and also five rep resentatives of past camps. Chief Bent, colorful campfire story tell er of past years' camps, related anecdotes. Bob Boardman spoke on his camping experiences, and Camp Director Gus Moore told of the details of this years' camp sea son which runs from July 14 to August 15. , A group went to Oceanslde Sun day to ! Inspect the condition of the camp site. They reported all in good order. In line irh . effort to make 1937 a big camp. uirecior i Moor has announced that boys unable to nav the r mar' earn their wav thrnnrh plan arranged by the T. M. C. A. " 7" AN eXCFUl. when It comes to class, style, value, ssd engineering improvements. We're talking about the New Internationa Truck-, See them la our showroonu James H Maden Co- Inc. I 217 State St. Ph. SS0O By CXIFF .STERIIETT BY BRANDON WALSH f4 GWAV4 YOU'RE OUST FOOUM' ME- I IT rSMT OUR FAULT IF VOU AlM'T PtCM - BESIDES I TV4IN-: VQJ'RE AWFUL MICE - AN' I VWT TO BG FRIEMOS WITH YOU EVOJ IF DON'T WEAR SWELL CLOTHES- LIVB IN A GREAT, CMS HOUSE i