f ; Tmi OREGON STATESMAN,' Salem Oreffon, Saturday Morning Hay 15, 1937 page imm To ell J Buy or Trade Use the Classified Coluamims For Sale Uaedl Cart l For Sale Used CarT"i For Sale Used Can Room and Board For Sale Used Cars ! For Sale Used Cart i I For Sale Used Cars Ml For Sale Used Cars I ROOM AND BOARD. cooL epm fort- abl nxNna for summer. N si Stat OTTO J. WH1LSOM .'' j rOR ; Better Used Caro ALWAYS LEADS IN GREATER VALUES ft 111 Kin. Tel. 628. J FOR 1 OR larg front' do wn- ataira rit n. Church. TL 6183 i S ROOM AND BOARD, pr!vat tarn- Of. 466 N. Bum DMT St. ; 'J . RM, BOARD, prlr. faro. 15ijN. 13. j For Kent-Apartments VURNIStIRD ROOM .apt $861 Jlasel At. Tel. 7464. ' i p FOR HENTi-i room flat: 446 Ferry ft. Water and gar bag rld Cur BECKE A WAD8WORTO - -It N..Jllgb . ONE ROOM turn, apt Cle&n and quiet Adults only.. 646 Ferry. . X OR 8-ROOM apt Partly furnished. Corner Nebraska and Usrnetif S ROOM APT.. 444 & Hlghf FURN. AND unfurn. Tel. 47. R. I17RN. APT., 440 Matron. AsvatteAAAsaseaWssasesKksat 1 n. rUKN. Adults, 1)14!, Marlon. 1 RU. KITCirNT. 356 a jgCottag, FURN. 3 RM. art.. 3341 llaael Are.. Ph. 7444. Call before 8:30 a. m. or after I p. m. g MOD. FURN. with prlv. badi. lights, -ater, car. Adults, i4&6 Bta. KM. APT., adulta. 291 N. hummer. BACHELOR APTs, chep.' 3t N. Liberty. V J 1-t R. FURN. and 1-a R. fwfn. apt., tit Marlon. ;,S Mrtnnrwv ikkim ArfM. IN- QPiRE TIP TOP CAFK. CMRNER NOKTII CAPITOL TILE BOAD. FL'RX. APT., garage, 440 Mill. For Kent Houses f HOUSES. Mv1n .J..hr??,'.P'.-t- rOZY MOI)EKN house, fufnUhed 1IJS North ltth St. 1 COM. FURN. 6-rm. house available P1" A.8' A4?.0: -l8tt- j jf PARTLY FURN. R hpuSe. $20. Tel. 1354. 1 TtrLruu-irni-ri f n-i'-ir i -i- " 4 ROOM FURNISHED houfc, 22.- io. il 5 room house, $20.00. I room mod. house, 63T.R. i 6 room furn. apt , 627.&OL I P. M. BELL f I .... 429 Or. Bldg. rlile B13I. nnnn rtAAAAAiviA'ssrv,si"ri"iiii a-n.. HAHKMKNT at FlIitNACr: IIS. R. modern, excrpt bHK.ln;tit fr 1100. Htrlotly nitxlorn S III 140.00, Phone 14 G. MODERN HOUSE, Ph. pijj For Kent FOR RENT DESIRABLE SPACE for Estor or of rice, aronnd floor, xcclldTt loca tion. Call J3U. ; - -' r 1 j HOSPITAL RrcUS.anrtTwhtyi chairs t rent. IL U Btirr ,-urnuura w. iinnfinniv"iii"i J crir-ir nnnua rm rent. Ill Stat Bu Tel. till. FOR RENT STORK OR tOKKICK SPACE In Dallas, well locatpd. Floor apace XOxI. Apply wourii, uv - U. Oregon. i I 20 ACRF.H ALL eiiltlvstedf acres nrunra, 1 aer berries. rT" "V lrts. 4 room house, barni electric pump a stem. if . . P. IL HELL I 4:3 Ore. Bid. Phfna Sill I For 8alc Ucal Estate NICE 4-R. HOUSE, (8 blrooms), larwe poreh. larire lot, aool location- price tisoo 3U aown. nr. J AS. D. SEA US, 478 Coufct ft. T1TS utvf T r" ' lnta near iow Mall achool for $1100 a real bily. Then we hav others ; If you want o Invest or. build, see P JAS. D. SEARS, 478 Cout St. j n ni"ww 6 A., i RMS. bnth. 40 clK-fry trees, 1 A. strawberries, prunes, fatifily fruit. cloe to Salem, owner coin last. I'll. 7470. I a 1 4 n nAU'? rtll,K! 1 1 Kt 1 H. house, bath ollet, stret Saved. A "?bo down, price II400 8lt. house, paved atreet. inxxl buy, J R good condition A beoutiful Urge lot. also a-iirajre. anknv i. ilunitv T.R. fiome. Mil .1,. ..,innklne the rltv. ploms.hua . a hiniii A a aotwl Iilttce . i.i..ii.innt inrfffi lritj on new atrlctly OHKletn B It. hous. anotlier house on lot. Rented for 818.00 per too. All for 8SI50 or wllljtrad for Itood 7-R. house in waiainaj onwnw. JAS. D. BEARS. Realtor m w fllff llarold Alt. rourt St. riion 14 . r Mflf humL 1 I home. 4 Was. from state house. Prte; t-800.00. Rent fully rum.. nRXlPl.I.E 19SS N. Capitol Pin 1511 . . -r-I r X. I T-T- UillUVRj in run , e . ffc&T c.Imii Ta vm roaa No down paynnt if you bujld. 1100. tfVBUTS ACRES ton pared rend. Oood blda. 7 ACRES MODERN hoe. paved ron.1 lfa a dnndy l-SOO, fefntia. , THIS OAS atatlo and hon. ITlccd STILL ANOTHER. Good lldK. jn all equipment. re" v Owner steppea jv 2 gool house on on lot ficar atate he us for better buys. Jf R. A. FtlRKNERE MftcKensl or Lak 1801 N. Capitol J ADVERTISINOl Western AdvertUifit RepreseoUtlvesi Fencer-Hall Co Ltd. San Francisco. Lo AngelefJ, ScatU Eastern Ad Tertlsl it Representatives! Brysnt. Ortfflth Brniwjn, Inc, T'chkratw, New Tork. Detroit Boston. Atlanta p . Knttre at rofreff i"VT OrVaT a. ficoaJoM U&tr J?- irrei. .nnoPDI PTinN RAlTES: - Mall Subatriptton Rat, '5,y'1 WUhln Or4Pi Dal'f iYij! Ma 8 ent; Ma t-ai ASi hie. . 15 ; t year 4 - iBIa ) fiJ: Per Copy nrt W,w Otyrrler: 48 eentl -.oath 1818 Dodg Sedan, driven lss thaa 8000 bivm color 2938 Buirk Sedan, 8-wheel equipped, tra a. low mlleaa . 1818 Htdebaker 8 Bedan, radio dual 1938 1938 1914 1931 1914 1914 OhfatiuohU Cottte dual eouhoel Che v. Master two-door Sedan, radio A lota of other extra-.. Iluick 4 -door Sedan, 8-whe equipped trunk pollly clean . Buirk4-toor Sedan. S-whetltqulpped, trunk, .a dandy car V -Ore ham Sedan her 1 th buy of tb season at only . ,. Cher. Master 4 -door Sedan, a fin looking fin running Uttltf 1911 Buick Sport Coupe, 8-wheel equipped 1931 1933 19J1 Cticr. Sport Coup, rumble neat IeSoto 4-dor Sedan formerly owned by on of our mechanics -Cher. Coach In fin condition. This on will iv you lots of er- Buick SmaiSerIe 8-wheei Sedan, Just overhauled, lias ale Hupmobile Sedan-tneaT new motor overhauled ' A new brakes ... , j 1 ,:, Butck t-wheet 8elan far above th average, yet only Iodge II). A. Sedan, repainted, good ttrea A ready to go Chv. Coupe, new paint Job A motor A-l condition ; ae this on - 1918 1931 1818 1939 1930 1930 1939 1939 Kex Sedan, runs good, has new f.'lev. Hedan, motor A-l, new paint Job A new brakes Iiulck Standard Coach: for dependMbl eervlc It's Buick 1929 Ford Sport i Coup, rumble scat 1939 Chrrsler Hport Coup, runibl seat, 1931 1918 lKtrant 4 Sport Roadster, nearly new tires rumble seat Olds Coach, a good looking 4k good running cheap car Chevrolet Coarh . ,,,, ..,, ,,. , ,. , , 1939 1938 1927 1927 1927 1938 1928 Huiok Standnrd Sedan, good tires, IiuU-k Coach, a good clean old car iiiipmonii sedan, a real nuy at Oldsmnbiu Coacli a good on ; Franklin Sport Roadster nenrly Iodge 4 Hodnn ............ Other Make and Module From 2fc0Q j Car Location 388 N. Commercial. Street WE WILL BE C1XSED SUNDAYS START1N.O MAY 18th" I OTTO J. BUICK SALES 366 A 388 N. For Sale Heal Estate Bargain -: I " . . i TWO 1IOMKSITES. on containing over on acre and the other one-third of an acre. Can I bought for very small sum In f rash, and i balance monthly. Wonderful noil. Fin acltpol. Fin water tn abundance. Will help you build. Make your start now. ASC1IIM A THOMAS. 240 N. High St Plum 3111 THE VERY best buy In Salem. Plastered house, i 4 rood lots, all In berries, with large fruit and cherry trees; 11500, $S00 cash, baU terms to suit. I -''! H. C. Shields. Oreg. Bid. Tel. 8902. 33000.00. 6 ROOM MODERN on 50x100 cor. lot.: all street Improve ments In. Look It over. ' Cash talks here. Write owner, 4031 S. E. 122nd Ave., Portland. 1 HOUSE A LOT near new Salem hln-h school for snle or trade- for fumi lit acres K . ifc'Klrable location.-- Will S . . . . . f assume 11 necessary, w. u. jiyven, N. l&tn, saiem. ! f 1 , BARGAIN Vtftf T i"T 1 Klrvlr linrlh . of new hitch achoot with 18 fruit tres. Will build to suit. Inquire 1838 Mis sion St. i ALL RIVER BOTTOM FARM 367 ACRES. ABOUT 30 acres un der plow, balance good pasture and timber, wood a. on on tins piar win more than pay tor It. All sandy loam soil, lust off paved highway and less than 1 mil from stood town. Small 3 room home, barn and other outbuild ing. Place entirely fenced with wovmi wire. Only 815 per acr with 81000 cash and balnnc over period. 8KK Mr. Walter with CIHLDS A MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State St, i . Phon 8708. MY HOME 788 Stat St. Tel. 9821 or 5338. John Roberta. FOR SALE That horn acreage, or f.-irm. Deal directly with the owners. Wo can tell you where to find what you want. i - 1 CHAS. I'. DAVIS, 122 Mill St Silvrton, Ore. 8100.00 IK)WN, 5 It. OAR., wood ahed. paved street and walks. A real boy at 91400.00. 5C90 00 down,; 7 R., basement, tur ns or, fruit and puts, paved street nnd walks, N. Salem. A try desirable home at 926.o.00. Several tracts at very attractive prices. I. J. Cr 1 1 tendon 172 8. Liberty LET I'S show you two fin lots In the rapidly building Leal I Junior high school vicinity,! South Salem, lots -.0x130. lame nice fruit treea, good view, priced reasonable. Gnraa on one lot. 761 Rural Ave.. I 'hone SHJ4. COAST PROPERTt for sale want ed. Iteaonr tcerUlnly) 868 N. High. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7 ROOM RESIDENCE and 2 other building on same lot Can b remod eled into flat c apartment to pro duce good Incom. Well" located for this purpose. Price 83300, cash 8500, bal. like rent. 1 SEE Mr. Bartlett with CH1LDS A MILLER. Realtors 34 1 Stat St. I Phon 6708. BUILDINO LOTS WE HAVE 2 lots, well located, east front, block to bus line and grade schoot 8175 esch. 850 down, balance 810 per month.) or wilt sell all three for $500 with some terras. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS MILLER, Realtor 144 Stiit St. 1 I Phon 6708. A REAL BUY IN A CLOSE In farm. 26H acres 1 mile cut on pared road, 20 acre cul tivated, bal. pasture, comfortable 6 room cottage. plumbing, electricity, good well, water system, barn and fair outbuilding. Year round creek. Priced very low at 84586, part terms. SEE Mr. Bartlett With CHILDS 4t MILLER, Realtor 84 4 Stat St i Phon 6708 NEWLY DECORATED: 4 rms 2 bedrms., hh. . basement, furnace, pavement, lawn, hrubbery. Will trade for Con Bay prop. 81750.0. BUN U AI-OW : 6 rm.. bedrms, basement, furnace, fireplace, L. trays, garage, pavement, near; new Sr. ht 83600.00, 3560.00 down. R. U Rermann.!16? 8. Hlsh, Ph. 8632 Exchange -Real Estate I QUICK ACTION 8 ACRES. S ROOM bouse, fin "fam ily rchara kncladinc 80 cherry trees. Attractive homesite. Five mile from center of Salem. Title free and clear, SI tot. Will trad for small do in suburban property. ASCHIM A THOMAS. I0 N. High St. room 1311. ; miles, finished .ta beautiful .. . $ 188.89 radio, hsater, iota of other ex ..i.,.. , i 1918.80 , 498.8 equipped low mlleag radio A lot of other extras . 498.00 .4180 898.00 898.88 - i 125.86 818.80 291.00 298.00 198.00 118.00 118.00 198.00 188.00 148.00 195.00 135.00 138.00 125.00 95.00 118.00 98.00 80.00 85.00 85.00 and rumble seat new paint joo brakes .. side mounts dandy motor .. In good condition .. . ,.-, -, ... ... new tires .. tTp 8. Our Display at Our New Used WILSON--i A SERVICE ; ConVl, St. Exchange Heal Estate A NEW HOUSE FOR YOUR OLD ONE S RMS. AND nook, strictly modern new home. Ilwd. floors, til drain boards A hath. Clone In, fin loca tion. Trade eotilty for old house to remodel. Hal. FHA loan 82600. ROBERT F. BUDROW, Ileal Estate 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. , Ph. 5963. I For Sale Farms ! I A RfSAL INVESTMKNT, 10 A J of and, s mi. of Haiom. 6 A. of straw Iwrilcs, 4 It. house. It will not take much money to handle th prlc I right, 18 A. N. of town, extra good land alfalfa, berries, fruit for family use. I r go barn, poultry house 100x32 ft. 8 R. house. On good gravel rd. Full price 92600, 81000 down, bat easy terms. 11 A. on good hwy. 5 ml. of Salem. Small house. 3 A. in strawberries. Full prlc 91 800, 350O cash will carry back balance for 5 yrs. at 6 Inter est - j F. IL WEIR, Orcg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. 5-ACRES, 2-A. cherries, good loca tlon. 81000, a snap. -J ' - - fi-acres 2 miles out Rood 4-K. house welt liRhts, ch?rrles & nuts, fine soil, fl 9 50, 8600 down. ! " 9-'acres north), good smalf house. New poultry house, gtirag A wood houoe. 31030 a real bui'. ".; Close In view place. 18-acrea, can make 9-nic view sites, has 8 small houses. Nice spring and running wa ter, paved road. 1 mile from I -add A Bush bank. Prlc for all 83800 very reasonable. uS-acrm, 18-A. crop A 18-A. good prunes, 1-A. cherries. 6 -It." house, barn, itrage, 2 poultry house.. Pay 81150 ra) and assume. Federal loan of 82, 300 at 8. Prunes will pay big this ytiar, Betier hurry. JAS. 1. HEARS, Realtor Chita. Sanders of Cliff Harold 476 Court St. Phon S466. r Acreage ltt A; GOOD CHERRY orchard. 1 ml, from Salem on filencreek Rd. Can he divided into 1 bldg. Iota 81050. Ph. 4034. ; 4V4j A. 4 MI. FROM Ladd & B. B. 4 A. bearing Royal Anne cherrlea, family fruit, bam, house old, clcc trie lights, running water, one of the finest site In the valley, 42250. 8 A. close In on SI I re rt on Road, good well, fair ariL 8200 per A. 5 A. 1H ml. from Ladd A It R. about half In hearing fruit- good soil, nice view. S950. 3 A. t ml. from city, "fin soil, live stream, good road, 6200 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St Phon 3723 7 ACRES ON OILED ROAD near hl(h school. Electricity, larg chicken house, 7 room house. No trad. Claud Boone, Aumsvlll, Oregon FOR SAT.E ACREAOK 650 DOWN, bal. 810 mo. 2 A. fruit, berries, well, hen house, 3 A., S rm. drilled well, big w. sys tem, barn, garuge, hen house and rmi 82SO0. . 1 A. mod 8 rm. barn, enrage. fruit; fin yards, close In : take hous as down payment, bal monthly. 7 A. 5 rm.. base., furn . bnth. plast fruit, barn, hen houses. 150 hens, good cow. all fenced for hens. -iO A., 5 rm., bath, plast, gravity water, 2 brooder h., hen house for 1000 hens, garage, 10 A. in fruit of all kinds. ' For Bargains. See F, Grlepentro 1940 McCoy St. Tel. 4954. S ACRES EXCELLENT land. Just off pavement mil east, good house, fifvnlare. hath, water svatem. ' Barn nnd outbldgs.. attractive grounds, trees and shrrrbs. Only84ft00, term a DICK DARNIELLB 1988 N. Capitol TetSSll. Wanted Real Estate j ANNOUNCEMENT MIL O. K. DeWITT. a well known Snlem real est'. man Is now hand ling sale and rental of residential property In Salem and Wt Salem for our offlc. Try our scrvlc. Yof will Ilk It. W. V. HOMESEEKERS AOENCY Oregon Bldg. 494 Stat St Ph. 4197, HERE IS 64000 CASH Client with $4000 cash, want service station and garag or. auto court and servlc station Might pay up to l.'.OOO. Only sound values will b consldared. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER ' 34 4 Stat St , Phon 6708 I WOULD LIKE to hear from some on who own 8, 18 or It A. of land within 1 ml. of Salem who would tak 8500 cash A good yearly pay tnents. . - , r. 4L WEIR. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. - - - - - - --rmiiiiinr nn YOU MAY mis a chance to sell your city home. farm., acreage, tc If It is not tnciuneo in ine HOME SEEKERS GUIDE Which We Ar Now Prcnarina Phon. writ or call for particu lar.' r manr. W. V. HOME SEEKERS AGENCY Oregon Bldav 494 Stat TeL 4497 - --1 "r.rr,vnn,w.,i,. WILL TURN In 14 ton truck a large trailer hnu on down payment for 1 or 4 R. hoase. also buyer for 4 or r. nous, f 3 cash, per mo. F. IL WEIR. Ores. Bldg. Ph. 8902. 1935 Pacliard '12Q? .Sedan t " S - - With : trunkr-rdriven only car and really perfect throughout, there is not a mor on it, upholstery is in perfect condition it's the buy of the town at .. .. . J.! $845 1928 Ford Coup, V-8 wheels, good ures, buy at 1928 Essex Four Door Sedan, tires Ilk wtth many mile or acrric xor omy . 1929 Ford Sport Roadster this car has new paint motor In good condi tion rubber good truly a good ralu at t68.88 183S Cbavrolet Master Coup, lustrous blu finish. Very good tirs and Hean unholaterr. Easy payments your old car as down payment 346.06 1938 Ford V-8 Coup. Ifs appaaranc Is and upholstery Ilk new .. 1334 Ford v-6 Tudor, original finish in clean sceptlonlly good buy at - ." 1831 Chevrolet Mastar Coach, kne action, original finish like new. Spot- leas mohair upliolstcry. Motor la ue at .. i 1916 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan with throughout. Car look as good as hair upholstery. A very clean car McKay Qiewolet Co. CLOSED SUNDAYS, 331 Cercr Phon 118 FRANK DOOLKTTLE PONTIAC 126 Pontine Coupe 1936 Ford 2-dr. Bed., trunk, heater 1935 Cher. Master Coupe radio . 1936 Cher. Pickup bed 1934 Cher. 4 -dr. Sedan, 6-w. 1933 Pontlac 4 -dr. Sedan, air wheels 1934 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan 1933 Plymouth 6 Coupe rumbt at 1932 Pontine 4-dr. Sedan - , 1931 Buick 4-dr. Sedan , 1931 Buick Coupe, new tires 1929 Cher. Panel Delivery 1928 Ford Coup ... 1928 Pontlac 4-dr. Sedan 1924 Dodg Roadster 1926 Ford Tlckup j Good Will Used Cars DOOllTTLE MOTORS 8 PONTIAC 8 N. C'OM L. AND CENTER ST 3. Anniversary ale 1 1 1 .; - ' -': - . ' "BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE" Today w hav th Finest Array of s USED CARS In our History r At Bargain Prices Com In Today ; . See these Bargains. Term as low u ,xv , ,. 20 moa : 136 AUBURN SIX' Tr. Sedan Ila heater, auai rear are. ! r outstanding Value 1765 138 OLDS Bus. ! Coup. lias SS Olds Radla A heater. Sold new by ua last July .8746 1918 OLDS 6 Tr. Sedan Has radio A heater, fine condition through- , out ,...3J28 1316 STUDEBAKEIl Tr, - Sedan. Trunk model, with very low mileage, first ! class condition 'Heater 8845 1935 PONTIAC 8 1 Sedan. Former owner claimed. 18 and better to th gat of gas. Oet behind the wheel for a real driving treat .............3826 1936 FORD Tudor -Sedan. Has heat er and car looks like new .6-95 193S TERRAPLANE Sedan. Hasra 4 dlo heater, electric hand. Fine condition ......i i 356 1935 FORD Tr. Sedan 1933 OLDS 6 Sedan. Heater 3495 1SIS4 6 BUS. Coupe . 8498 1934 CHEVROLET t-dr. Sedan ..8465 1933 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan. Heater .. i ,. 837;. 1931 BUICK 40 Sedan ..... 8328 19JI CHEVROLET Coach 828; 1930 DODGE 6 Sedan 1931 OAKIiAND 6 w. w. Sedan 1929 OLDS 6: 6 w. w. Sedan 6195 1929 HUDSON Sedan...-....- 81 12 8TUDEBAKER 6 Sedan, 6 w. w. . .......81 WK HAVE JUST THE CAR FOR YOUR FISHING TRIP . . . PRICED FROM 815 TO 888 Don't Overlook thle Money-Sarlng Event . .. . Lowest Finance Chargea Trad that old Car In as Tart Payment. A GUARANTEED 17SED CAR IS A - 8AFE INVESTMENT BOZELL-GRIMSON MOTORS, INC. 356 N. Liberty , ' Phone 5634. Open Evenings Closed Sundays. u r wd.l w U&y owner. Phon-J i4790 after 52 iitgniann. t Busttiens Opportunities TAftoicT adtq A.I Irkoatlnn traorrtinary opoor. 4500.OO requlreiL 110 is. zist fcU INCOME PROPERTY, store and gas pump 664 Jefferson, RESTAURANT: i WELL located: LEASE for sal. All or any part of equipment RESTAURANT : In town of 3000 population, reduced to 12380. t-rfjt of new elec. equipment SER VICE STATION: Clos In on 99-K hl-way. Trad for farm, 88 ta 10 A. or stock ranch. ' . . .... R. L. Relmann, 167 S. High, Dial 8632 1 Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un der th F. H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments. No com mission. Refinance or build a aew home. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 124 & Liberty St Phone 8468 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used ear Private money at very low rates. No red Up 1 to 2 months t repay. Roy II. Simmons 21 First NatL Bank Bldg.. Salem. Or Phone I6S Ua N M-182 GOVERNMENT GUAR ANTEED values with F. FL A. Insured loans. No brokerage. J. F. TJLRICH CO. 361 State Street , phone 6672. FEDERAL HOUSING lean, txriM refinaao home, business .prop. Rat Abeaiw A CUIs. Isc Ma wale BWa. 13,000 miles, st beautiful motor is in good snap a tgoa ,j.w new, a rery fin running car ; vary smart and attractive, body ,,. 838.08 black, mohair upholstsry, rry line condition, a real special vai- - - 1 4JI.08 built-in trunk, aafety gla in any it lert tn factory. at a very low prtos 848.00 BEGINNING MAY 16th ; 430 N. Commercial DEALER .889 898 585 . 625 - 475 . 478 . 450 . 425 . 295 128 2R5 . 125 98 65 15 21 rilONE 6266 See These J Bargains 1934 Ford 4-dr. Sed.. 16.000 miles. trunk ..4 50 1935 V-8 4-dr. Sedan ....... , 495 1933 V-8 Coupe, reconditioned 365 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan 15 1028 Ford Tudor' 136 1928 Ford Tudor 125 1928 Ftsex 4-dr. Sod - 65 1927 Wlllys-Knlght 4-dr. Sed. 38 a I "Motors CLOSED SUNDAYS STARTING MAY 14 i Three Lois Center A Liberty Phone 3151 Ben Drager - Guy Bond Marion A Liberty Phon 3158 Joe Uoodfellow - Bill Karl - Shorty Mission Hollywood Service Station 2121 Fair grounds Road I'hon 76 Ford Col Used Cars 35 Ford Tudor $45 3 4 Dodge Sedan ........ 33 Terra plane Sedan 645. 42S 33 Ford Fordor DeLuxe 35. 25 285, 20 Olda Sedan 10 Buick Coupe . 39 Itodge Sedan DeLux 3 Model "A" Tudor 11 Model A Coupo . 195 245 155, 195 76 SIS, 29 Naah Sport Rdst 29 Nash Sedan 28 Packard Sedan 28 Cher." Coach 65 10 Cher. Truck Several other stood used car from 338.00 to 873.00. 175. priced CARTER MOTOR CO. - Nash A LaPayette Dealer TTsed Car Lot 85 N. Com'l 24 Center 8t Phone 1734 Phone 3421 - V-8 FORD. Rebor. complete Job, (41.75. Work guaranteed, 980 S. Com'l. Money to Loan ( CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned - and operated Salem company a here your problems will receive per sonal considers tlon both before and after th loan Is mad. . Interest on unpaid balances NAT f Quick, courteous servlc. WE SOLICIT-TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 201 First Nat'L Bank Bldg.. Salem, Or Phon 8168 t Ua. No 8-138 GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK NOT A BREAK-DOWN AVOID A LOT of grlf by getting a loan from as to Ink ear of old bills snd ow expenses. All we require Is that you are able to make small reg ular payments on the loan plan you elect Come In and find out how quick ly A privately you can get the cash. Loans 81 to 8500 All Plana Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. HI 618 State St at Ulgh St Phone 211 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem : Uccn 8;m x-m ' SOUND INVESTMENTS. Mas your saving earn mor Interest. Buy a first mor t )" on real stat. the beat curtty of alt. Loan available 30t to 8800. Net Investors 6H te 6 - ' - . CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Leans MORTGAGE LOANS on well Im proved, country or city property. Low rates. I No brokerage ar commission. Ladd aad Bush Trust Co. - 81M.000.0 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel lean. I to -1 month t repaying privilege. Prompt servlc. - Also unlimited fund for real estate CHILDS A MILLER, INC Lea S-284) to cell all lO 10 30 off from tho prico just old. Why, most of us are good yet, however, if these foolish peo ple are really serious there isn't a thing we can do but tell you about ourselves and j trust . to luck some nice men or women Svill take us to live with themijV7elI promise to be nice and serve ( you to your entire satisfaction. What we can t under stand is why did these "nuts" spend We still say they're Here's Just a Small Delegation-- ' rm 128 DODGE 'Victory Sedan. I'm In : good condition, and my shape Is not bad either !i ril get you there and get you back alright 6145. Walt until you come from an awfully good tribe called "Pontlac." I I'm of Indiana, what they call a 12 Cabriolet a I ask la a trial. I'll give you a surprise. They are offering me way I'm worth $178. .Ugh, below what mot nuff I Say, we may not be God's of you guys that want to into any thing- any time BOY. Braddock and Lewis may think they're Tough, but they should tie Into me. I'm: a 1920 Fa ' geol 2-ton truck With New pis tons, pins, rings. I've aone clear thru their Clinic and do I feel good. I'm as tough as they make 'em 1 . If Mac West was here To you we say: are." . . . Our message to we want to go-w-and, no THE MERRAIJ The Home FACTORY 818 8. Commercial - OPEN USKD : , .-: : !' Personally irsea With a Written Guarantee 36 PACKARD 128 1 ""duRINO DE LUXE SEDAN Lowj mileage. Has the appearance of a 1937 Pack ard. Mechanically guaranteed like new .. U 81095 38 HUDSON DeLUXE; SEDAN Or iginal finish, upholstery spotless: electric hand, radio, ii heater, steel . body, safety glass, duo automatic brake with reserve Safety system. Only 800 miles. 1 Small down pay ment, bat In 84 months. 36 HUDSON DeLUXE SEDAN Orig inal acorn Ua f Inlahj Interior like new. 6-ply tires, large; luggage com partment A trunk rack. Very low mileage, ah steel body, mohair up holstery, only 117-Inch wheel baa. Gets real gas mileage. Price only !. . U.., 658 35 FORD DeLUXE COCTPE Original factory blue black finish. Really looks and run like brand new. Dual equipment, mohair upholstery. It's really a buy for today, ONLY 8465 34 CHEVROLET COACI DeLUXE Original finish, original upholstery ; . good tires, large trunk, has com plete ! motor overhaul. Specially priced j- 8425 35 HUDSON COUPE DeLUXE Used very little. Looks and runs like new. A-l tires; has radio. Another sensational value. Compare condi tion and price with any like model . : i :4535 81 DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN 828 82 HUPMOBILR DeLuxx Sedan $296 81 WILLYS-KNIGHT DeLx. Sed. 386 81 ESSEX Touring DeLuxe Sed. 8225 SO BUICK Sedan. New itires 3176 30 ESSEX Super Six DeLx. Sed. $150 2 DODGE Standard (Coups $15 2 BUICK Standard Sis' Sedan ..$175 28 DO 1X3 E Standard 6 Sedan 8125 28 MARMON Sedan. '34 motor 3185 28 PACKARD Coupe. New tires .8175 28 ESSEX Coach. A-l ihap f 78 - - - CLOSED SUNDAYS - - -ALL Progressive Dealers sr now Closed on Sunday . j. . It's a new deal i.r our empioTTs i j STATE MOTORS, INC. . HCDSON-TERRAPLANE PACKARD . .a . I- -I SSI Ctemeket Ph. 6400. Open i EVENINGS Week Day V-8 FORD TRUCK. Long wheel base. Hydraulic box. fist and gravel both. 2041 McCoy. 1 Call evenings or Sunday, i - I . A-l il BUICK SEDAN, fine good tires, convertible for sleeping, camping equipment Included, Must sacrifice. 885.09. uomg east 3J9iN. nigh. iei 6762. - i ' l FOR SALE: 1929 jl-door Naah, built-in trunk, 6-wlre wheels. Mint 7t rubber. ' OTTO TIMM Rt 8 Box 186-r-Salem Loans Wanted IXANS WANTED onlrarm ana city property, j Before borrow Ira. Inquire SI Uawkta A Roberta, ! ug cars at a discount of from because veVo for years Boy ! they to maxe "crazy" but that's neither here nor i there. I May not be as Classy as ray older sister, the one they call '29 Cabrio let hut I'm a Sedan- and can carry j more people around. I'm Just a little more 8245 and I'm a '30 Pont Sedan. Boy I rm a smart little number. Born 1912, member of Ford. V-8 family. I'm a coupe Just what you want too. They wily want $275 for me. . Signed Committee on -Passenger cars. Gift to the Women, but get a tough job done. Here anywhere we're just plenty "tough." I'M A 129 DODGES 8-ton Truck. I know I don't look so hot but bro ther.' I'm Tough! . I don't ; know what they'll take for me come on down. I're got a hunch In going to be Slaughtered! -. : she would say "Come up and see me sometime." Mae West is: not any more 'alluring' or 'attractive' than wt you is: tome ana see fooling." "DEPENDABILITY of Dependable Used Cars DISTRIBUTORS FOR DODGE - PLYMOUTH - - - m . - EVENINGS . . . CLOSED CAR PA UK Dallas, Or?irona Oak and 122 CHEV. MASTER Sedan, 345 Private owner. A-I shape, good rub ber. Owner. 68H No. High St : For Sale Wood I 8 LAB WD.. 16 In., 31.5. 80(8. DRY WOOD, all kinds. 9560. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coal TeL 608. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. . . DRY SRC RTO. 16" old fir. E. Hol lo way. Tel. 8672. aeaaa.mwMeaMMWWMMW DRY WtMI. Phone 8701. OLD MOUNTAIN fir. 16 In.. 68.68. 4 ft, 34.50. Prompt deL TeL 8618. Busin e s s i Cards la Oil dlwtorjr ma oa a tnoathljr baalg- only. Rate: SI per lino per month. 1 Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 176 Seutb Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW A reconditioned, Harry W.. Scott 147 a Com'l. Ph. 4118, Rrnahea FULLER'S, PK 6724. 378 Brook St Cliimney Sweep rKLBPHONB 448. ft. E. Northneaa I Chiropractors DR. O U SCf rTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 266 N. High TL Re 8)6$ Excavating EXCAVATING or alt klnda- Base ment dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dtrt for sal. Salem Sand and C ravel Oa rtw 648. 1 Florists Brelthaupfa, 44T Court Ph, 8866. Furs DuBAIN 8uv Co Master furrier d dealgnera. Rm. A Mtuer Bldg... . I Laundries THR NEW SAI.CM f-AUNnRt . TH85 WKIDKR LAUNDRt - . " 268 a Hhrk . Tet. I28 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY V FIRST IN quality awd Servtce reteptMM $16$ . . 1268 Broadway oyer SO days so much money on us why, there is hardly one of us that escaped their "clinic" and most of us had to go to the "operating rooms' for some thing or other and about the last thing they: did to all of us- was to see that we all have good shoes and, sure did spend the "douh'1 us iook goou. Say.' Mr. t Just because I make a little more noise when getting warmed up Is no sign that I'll not : be right in there doing my stuff. All of us 29 Chev. Coaches are just plenty good and get this 6185. I'M a 1924 Graham Sed. and real lr feel I'm worth, mor than a lot of the cheap, common run of cars. Say, I'm proud I look good and. I run fine.1 Only $545 fur ny ! we'll string along with anj arc a few of us that'll tie I'M a 1931 DODGE S-ton 188-ln. W. B. Truck, and I'm a truck ton, brother. Don't ever think I'm not. I'm a touch humbry.. and can take it as. well as give- It and I'm in Just plenty good' shape. The price only 8376 You'd think from the price that I'm Just a curtain raiser. us now it we nave to go - and Trucks 9 DODGE TRUCKS - . . . . - . phon 316 - SUNDAYS Main Streets Lost and Fonnd LOST BLACK leather memoran dum book. Owner's name on out aide Reward. M. J. Meyers, Marlon Hotel Motorcycles 15 II. D. MOTORCYCLE. Excellent condition. Tel. 6426. Financial ON SAVINGS Insured To $1608 Salem Federal Savings A Loan As a . UOiSouth Liberty St Di r e c t o r v Lime GOLD HILL agricultural lime, state tstd. 98 calcium carbonate. SoU tested fre. Order at 1070 Broadway or' 429 Oregon Bldg. -: Mattresses gAl.EM FLUFF-RUU and Mattrva Factory. H CW MATTRESS maj to rder, old remada: carpet cleaning, ss Hig: fluff rug weaving 8. 12th A Wil bur. Tel 84 4 L OTTO- F. ,Z WICKER, list 1811 CAPITOI HKDD4NU Tk, Phone 406 I'aintinjg-Paperhanginf HERBERT E. WOOD T. 828. OLSON, TKU $7. Pricei rlftit I'hoto Ensxavlno; SALEM PHOTO engraving, 141 N. CommrctaL , Ttl 6387. . Printing FOR STATION a-Rt, cards, pampb lata program, books or any ktnd of printing, eali Ihe Statesms Printing Department $ I $ Ummawtol Tle phone I0L . ' j- Private Detective j Powell Wllltama 117. Tet 871 Stoves and Fence t s'r- REPAIR atove. mngea elrcule tera Sell new and rbult stov. raa Kva and clreutatora, wtr fnr snd frneo peta Salem Fence and Store Work. 88 - Chentehet. Tt 4714 B. . Fleming. : , ., ,. 'Transfer FOR IXtCAI. at distant transfer tr . ll 8121. Urmei TraiwfM Co Truck to Portland dally. CAPITAL Crft Tranfr Co. 22 Stat St TeL 8718 Distributing to ward tag and aterao eur epeclalty. O wr ratee. '' . Well IlrUlin-r a A. WEST. Rt L B. 446. T. 1I9F5 I f 8.08 a '' "