The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 20, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tat OREGON STATESMAN, Balea, Oregon, Tuesday Mornlar April 23, 1837
4 J
jl-ocalrN c vvs ! ; Briefs
Report Accidents- Curtis Em. J
ory, route fire, reported to police
.yesterday thafe. a 9-year-old. girl
hM lt Mm. ... rnrr'...
-slightly injured In an accident In
which his car was involved on
Trade street In the 1700 block.
Other accidents reported Involved
u t Amfrk rnt .
unidentified car, on State between nd, "ent to Portland "for ex
High and Liberty; Harry-Edward aminations. He elected to serve
Creaav. 1705 North IHfth. and E. wltn 'he Seventh Infantry of Van-
, R. Mundlnger, 1185 North Capi
tol, on Cherry; Clifford Cook Jr.
and an unidentified driver in 800
block on State; C. J. Brown, Eu
gene, and Dr. Meyers in the -3 00
block on State; Anton C. Jensen,
.1585 .Market, and Harry Meyer,
route six; Darius Z. Morga,li, Sa
lem, and a Pay'n Takit car in 100
. block on South 12th; Fred Berg
er and Joe Albert in alley back of
George Allen store.
Florence's Beauty Shop featuring
Thermique permanent waves. Tel.
6034,; 1115 Edgewater St., West
Salem. .
Appeal Contempt Case Appeal
was filed in the state supreme
court Monday In habeas corpus
proceedings involving Arthur
- JTlust, Paul Jennings, Karl Tigert
and C. M. Abbott, under jail sen
. tence . for contempt of court in
Multnomah county. The men were
t, held in contempt of court after
trial of Arthur Shearer, charged
with slaying a longshoreman, dar
ing a hiring hall riot in Portland
more than two years ago.
4 40 et 8 to Meet Hank Helsel
of Tillamook is expected to tell
of -the annual Tillamook. 40 et 8
crab feed next Saturday night
when Voiture 153 of the 40 et 8
aociete of the American Legion
meets Wednesday night at the
: Quelle. The voiture has also re
ceived notices of the second anjelock. The subject of Mrs., lvle's
nual trl-state "wreck to be held
in Pendleton May 8 and the an
nual. Clatsop county salmon- feed
and "wreck" at Seaside May 15,
Ellis Kimball Mello Moon, Wed.
Boys Honored Don Judson,
troop two, and Eagle 'Scout Bob
Whitby, troop nine, haye been
selected by their respective troops
as candidates for the trip to the
naional jamboree a Washingon
for which proceeds of the play"Oh
Imogen," will be used. The play,
being staged by the Salem civic
players,, will be presented at Les-
lie junior high auditorium. The I
audience will be asked Jto vote J
tbeir choice of the boy scout to
make the trip.
Mayer to Radiorate Mayor V.
E. Kuhn, president of the League
of Oregon Cities, will initiate a
series of league-sponsored radio
programs over station KOAC
when he talks on the "Program tt
, the League of Oregon Cities for
1937-38" Wednesday night fiom
. 7:45 to 8 o'clock. Clifton B. Mudd.
state property comptroller, is
. listed to speak on "Methods of
- Property Control Employed by the
State" in a talk on May 12.
Luts florist, 1278 N. Lib. Ph 9592.
Veteran to Speak At its meet
ing Thursday evening, ; the Fra-
ternis club will . have as speaker I
Sergeant Earl Goodwin, of the bo-1
-nus commission, who will tell of j
his' wartime experiences in
France. Goodwin was a corres-j
pondent for the Oregon Journal I
during the war, and was sec re-
tary to Governor Martin during
the latter's term as congressman.
Invitation Accepted The state 1
board of control Monday accepted
an invitation to attend ceremon
ies at Astoria next Monday, on
the opening of the commercial
fishing season there. The invita
tion was extended . by Governor
Franciscovich. The entire fleet of
fishing boats will be assembled In
the Columbia river at the time of .
the ceremonies.
Prompt del. Dry wood. Tel. 5000.
Hollywood Clnb "Meets - The
Hollywood club will hold Its reg
ular meeting at 7 o'clock tonight
atvihe Quelle. The subject of an
address by an unnamed speaker
wiU be "The - Psychology of tne-
Japanese Bath Tub." The public4
la invited.
' " Schtmke
- Custave Schunke. former resi
dent of 924 North Church street,
Sasem. on route one, Dallas, April
It, at the age of 88 years. Father
tGustave B. Schunke of Seattle,
JEdward Schunke of Salem, Mrs.
Frieda Mar of Dallas ana Mrs.
Helen Orthner of Long Island, N.
Fourteen , grandchildren also
.survive. The deceased was a mem-
, ber of the German Baptist church.
Faneral services will be held from.!
the German Baptist church Thurs
day. April 22, at 2 p. m., with
Rev. J. E. Olthoff of f iclatlng.-W,
T.i Rigdon company will be in
' charre. Interment . Lee -Mission
cemetery. - v .
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to neigh- :
bors and friends for beautiful
floral offerings, sympathy and
kindness extended at the death
of my beloVed husband.
Mrs. D.' C. Carver.
When Others
- Fail
Chinese Herbs
Healing rirtne
baa bcea - tested
hundreds ' years
for chronic all
ot e n t a, nose,
throat, sinusitis,
a s m as ssT fa sSklA-
a. a. reag
lungs, asthma, chronic costgh,
Htotuach. gall stones coitus,
constipation, dia belts, kidneys,
viadder, heart, blood, - mCTJrIe'
neuralgia, rheamatlsm, high
blood pressure gland, skla
ores, male, female and chJJ-
S. B. Fobs. 8 years pwUce
, ' nit.. Hms - Sneciallst,
123 N. Commercial St, Salem,
1 Ire. Office hours v n o
Knnday and Wed. 9 to tO A. M-
1 :
Looser Joins Army Robert E.
Lauser, son of Harry D. Lauser,
routa 1, Brooks, was accepted for
service In the United States army
AprlT lSereant Joseph Scarpa
ff the Salenv recruiting office
nwd yesterday from Portland
headanarters. leaser was tenta-
tlrely accepted by Sergeant Scar-
couver Barracks, Wash.
Employment Head Speaks r
John E. Cooter, who is secretary
of the farm labor national re-em
ployment service in Oregon, ad
dressed a ; meeting of social ser
vice workers yesterday noon, giv
ing them a picture of his work of
farm labor placement In the state.
Later, a committee consisting of
Helen Bristow, Nona White and
Mildred Bartholomew was chosen
to act on election of new offi
cers of the service workers.
Buy a home and furniture at auc
tion Friday 1:30 p.m. 1040. N.
14th St. Woodry & Woodry, auc
tioneers. Ph. 5110.
Highway Meeting Soon Con
tracts for roads and bridges in
volving a cost in excess of 81.-
000.000 will be awarded at the
next 'meetings of tbe state ' high
way commission in Portland Ap
ril 27 and 28. H. H. Baldock,
"-" "
nounced Monday. ' Most of the
projects will be constructed in
cooperation with the federal gov
ernment, i t
Towns nd Mass Meeting Mrs.
Nora E. Ivie of Portland will ad
dress the general public in a
Town send club mass meeting at
tbe Bush school, corner of Mis
sion and University streets, Fri
day night. April 23, at 7:30 o'-
address will be- "National Eco-
; nomics and Social Security.
This will be followed by a varied
program of music. Everybody Is
welcome, j
For Sale Large; bundles old pa
pers, 10c Statesman Pub. Co..
215 S. Commercial street. .:
Law of Arrest, Topic Instruc
tion on the "Law or Arrest" will
be given to members of the po
lice training school in session
here today by Detective Orville
Williams! of Portland. He will
present his material in non-tech-
nical style and It will be of In-
terest to! all citizens as well as
.officers attending tbe school. Of
ficer Louis Burgess Is local chair
man for the schools.
Quarantine Released Tbe first
official act of Governor Frank
Franciscovich in commencing his
duties here Monday was to sign
an order; releasing-the State of
Texas from the tomato pin worm
quarantine - established recently
by the state of Oregon. The or
der was requested by Solon T.
White, state -agricultural direc
tor.- ' - ! .V -
Ellis Kimball, Mello Moon, Wed.
Nevada Officials Coming
Members of the unemployment
compensation insurance corumis-
sion of Nevada telephoned Mon
day that i they would arrive in
Salem next week to investigate
(the Oregon commission's setup,
Commissions from Washington,
Utah and Idaho visited here on
similar mission previously.
Booked by Police James An
derson. 1368 North Fourth. is on
the police blotter for driving with
four people in the driver's seat
and for having no operator's li
cense. Charles P. Brown, 475 Les
lie, was booked for violation of
basic speed law. Mrs. Jane Jones,
392 South High,-was charged with
drunkenness. - t .
Deaf Pupils Perform Pupils
from the state school for the deaf
will participate In a - demonstra
tion of instruction methods at
that institution as the program
feature of .the Salem Lions club
luncheon at the Quelle Thursday
noon. J. Lyman Steed, auperin
tendent of , the school, will con
duct the demonstration. -
Leikem Report Mishap Auto
mobiles driven by Robert Leikem,
Silverton.! and Lloyd M. Schmidt,
Amity, route one, - collided at
10:30 a. m. Sunday on the falls
road three miles east of Silverton,
Leikem reported to the sheriff's
office yesterday. No one was In
Watson To Mrl and Mrs. Don
ald Watson, Salem., a daughter.
Gail Dona, born April 11 at the
Salem Deaconess hospital.
omc ernes
S. E. TOXSETH, Dlat. Mgr.
The Filing Cabinets
. ' and
- Filing Supplies
The! Commercial
Book Store
A. A. Gueffroy
lOS X. Commercial St, -
H aire W 5
Motion Day . Is Scheduled
Today By Le welling; :
" Filing Is Heavy ;i
Jury trial of the damage action
of Watson vs.: Becke'Wlil be re
sumed' in circuit c on r t before
Judge L. O. Le welling this morn
ing. Defense testimony was be
ing presented t adjournment
time yesterday fterneon. :
Judge Lewelling also is sched
uled to hold motion day today and
Judge L. H. McMaban, if he is
able to leave, his home, to be at
the courthouse to give the -grand
Jury advice regarding the law In
an accident case and' possibly to
receive a report. - , i
Circuit Court '
Maude A. Poulin ts. Portland
Gas & Coke company; demurrer.
Minnie T. Graham vs. Chris J.
Kowits as executor of Paul V.
Johnson estate; defense- motion
for plaintiff to make certain of
her claims more definite.
Chandler P. Brown as trustee
rs. Peter Betzer et al; default and
decree of foreclosure for $5971.74
Florence Lara Ramsdell vs.
Charles Homer Ramsdell; default
order. . -
Louise B. Bueller vs. Clarence
F. Bueller; motion for default.
C. II. Gram vs. Herbert L. Wat
son and G. F. Booth; plaintiff's
motion for dismissal. T
M. A. Darts vs. E. L. Amo; or
der dismissing writ of attachment
on motion of plaintiff.
Cora V. Harding vs. M. Clifford
Moynihan; order continuing ease
for one year or until $ ISO paid
by defendant in settlement.
Probate Court -John
Paris estate ; decree re
leasing Laura Paris as executrix
and closing estate.
William R. Pogue estate; clta-
"Black Star" Won Cadet! Al
vin Jones, son of Bert L. Jones
of. Gervais, was honored this
week by receiving a black star
for scholastic merit at the Hill
Military academy, Portland,: ac
cording to B. W. Hill, comman
dant, j -
'. New Series Starts The Unity
class will . begin a new series of
studies this week. The topic js
"There Is No Death." The class
meets In the Marlon hotel Wed
nesday at 8 p.m. Miss Olive Stev
ens is the leader.
Club No. 8 to Meet Townsend
club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock
at the Bungalow Christian
church, 17th and Court streets.
After a business meeting a pro
gram will be presented. The pub
lic is cordially invited. - i- .
Eagles to Visit Members of
Willamette aerie of Eagles, their
drill team and possibly their or
chestra will visit the McMlnnville
aerie tonight. ; . ; "
Clnb No. 12 Mets Townsend
club No. 12 will meet Tuesday
night at 7:30 o'clock in Wesley
hall, first door east of the Jason
Lee church-
Chimney Blazes The fire de
partment was called to extinguish
a chimney fire at 818 South 25th
yesterday morning.
THE HOME-RUN KING! Gehrig has aa average of 33 boms
mas per season. He led the American League with 49 homers
- Ia 1934 sad again in 1936. Gehrigfsibllowtthrough iesaowa
aWre. It sskes heabiry acrves to connect with one. sad,
as Lou says: "Camels don't get oa nay nerves.
TH - is? i l
CLEAN-UP MAN for the most seasatiooal slagging aggrrgstioa
ever known. Pity the pitcher who laces the Yankees starrJag Cae
ap. Three heavy hitters to face thea Gehrig steps op to the -plate
I Lou holds the American League record for cans batted ia. -He's
walked more than any other player today. . '
A"-" i f ;
Coming Events
April t Salem sab-dis-trici
Methodist Udiee aid
rally at Woodbura.
April 3-21 Annual 4-H
spring show mt fairgrounds.
April' 85 Blossom day.
April 20 Concert by
Portland Ad C3nb Gleemea,
sponsored by Salem Ad club,
Balem armory.
April SO Flower and aa
tfcrae sbowr at Howell school
oa BCin City highway, spon
sored by Howell Bee Hire
club. - "
April SO -May 1 May
weekend, Willamette mniver
slty. '
May a-S National mmsle
week, x """
- May 18 Twenty . Thirty
club sponsors Richard HaK
Hbarton, moted world trav
eler and writer, la lecture at
Eiealle auditorli
tion on hearing April 21 at 10
a.m. at courthouse over proposed
sale 'of real . property,
John J. LIppuner estate; order
releasing Thaddeus C. Reynolds
as administrator and closing
Mary Dougherty guardianship:
order naming J. F. Dougherty as
guardian and setting his bond at
Caroline Selee estate; order for
hearing May 22 oa final account
of Ladd tc Bush Trust company,
executor, showing $14.(92.24 re
ceived and $1326.03 paid out. '
Clell Hayden estate! order re
leasing Helen Haydea as execut
rix and closing estate.
George C. Gllham, jr., guardian
ship; order discharging James W.
Gllham as guardian since ward
has reached age of 21.
A. W. Rankin estate; order ap
pointing W. A. Rankin admini
strator of $5000 estate. '
Malinda C Barrett estate; or
der releasing Orva L Moshberger
as administratrix.
Celine Miller estate; appraisal.
$3721.43-Jn personal and $15,000
In real property, by E. A. Dltler,
George A. Smith and George
John Sherman estate; apprais
al, $2721, by George H. BelL E. C,
Denny and Henry Steinkamp.
Ellen A. Bell estate; supple
mental account of Ethel B. Zim
merman, executrix, reporting she
has been fulfilling her duties In
administering a fund held in trust
for A. E. Bell. . ,
Marriage Licenses
Earl W. Douglas, legal, stu
dent, and Lois B. Slsson, legal.
medical technician, both of Port
Justice Court
State vs. Joe Clatfoni; prelim
inary hearing set over to 10 a.m.
today oa charge of larceny of an
Municipal .Court
Willi H. Oldenberg, falling to
stop, fined $2.50.
Ed Hayes, drunkeness, $15 bail
forfeited. t
E. E. Hyland. violation of basic
rule, fined $5.
Wayne Dunham, reckless driv
ing, fined $15.
Grover R. Betzer, violation of
basic rule, fined $5.
Anthony J. SunyisI, failing to
stop, fined $2.50. ":,
Harold R. Embrey, making left
turn out of an alley, fined $1.
Marvin Hettick, failing to stop,
fined $2.50.
Sszeo aMUTHATUma
CAW IS SET job went.
emjoyins urs,
I Av TJ " T
Martin Swats at
Zimmerman Stand
Bonneville Issue) Requires
- Careful Study,. Reply
- Letter Declares
Replying to a letter from Peter
Zlmmermaa of Yamhill county
crttising his stand on Bonneville
power matters, Governor Martin
la a reply letter released Monday
points out that the voters of Ore
gon have four separate times re
jected the scheme of potting the
state in the power business. -.
Tour letter has the good old-
time political flavor and the com
plete misunderstanding of the ex
isting facts which unfortunately
characterise your public utter
ances on this Important question,
Governor Martin said.
- Opposes Haste
Replying to Zimmerman's state
ment that the transmission sys
tem should bow be well along
towards ' completion, . Governor
Martin said: . -
"The federal -government evidently-
does aot join yon in that
thought. " Government , officials J
have a realization of the need of
careful preparation and study be
fore such transmission systems
are built In order that there may
be no waste of funds In order
that, within the range of econom
ic distribution, Bonneville power
will be available to all the users
of the state at the lowest cost.
- ."My own study of the public
pwer problem over a period of
many years has convinced me that
this entire matter is an Involved
technical question requiring care
ful consultation-with competent
experts. I believe we should pro
ceed carefully ana cautiously ana
It should be obvious that our con
clusions sad actions should be
based not upon political or parti
san considerations but upon sound
economic principles. -
Notes Legislation
Governor Martin said, recent
developments had convinced him
that Oregon's welfare with ref
erence to Bonneville power was in
such jeopardy that his presence
in Washington was Imperative.
"Why attempt to do with state
money this work for which the
federal government will provide
funds? Governor Martin asked.
"A bill now before congress
wisely provides that the adminis
trator . and his administrative
board shall determine the eco
nomic limits of transmission .from
Bonneville and how and where
the transmission . lines -shall be
built. Until this determination Is
made, expenditures of state funds
"We Cover
A New Way of
Let Us
474 Ferry
"We Cover
TtCXILUI YEAJtS la the 1 leagaa.
"slookis" Gehrig signed with the
Yankees la 1923. By 1927 be was
the Aaaericaa Leagaea MOST VAUJ
ABU PLAYER. And won the same
agmla ia 1931,
tXJtSUTt -ECa-taW-I men Loo steps oat oa the field-heTi be fdayins;
bis M09d coasecatrre game. Injuries never stopped "Iroa-Kaa Gehrig. Ones
be chipped a bone in his foot yet knocked oat a bosner; two doubles, and a
single next day. Another time, be was knocked oat by a "bean ball, yet next day
walloped 3 triples ia 3 innings. Gehrig's record is proof of bis splendid physical
condition. As Low. says: "AH the years rVe bcea playing, I've beea careful about
say physical condirioa. Smoke? I amoks and asyvy it. My cigarette is Camel"
, .than awr ffjata
x . rcroiAi
r i
which the administrator studies
might subsequently prove uneco
nomical Is unwarranted.
. - Governor Martin Is opposed to
tlelag In the Bonneville develop
ment with other projects.
Second Bridge at
Saleri Suggested
Annexation of West Salem
Also Yisioned in Talk
; By Col. Robertson'
.A second bridge across the Wil
lamette river in Salem, extending
from the foot of State or Court
street, and the annexation of
West Salem by this city were
some or tne ruture- possibilities
outlined by CoL C A. Robertson
as spokesman for the community
of 1500 people on the west bank
of the river In a talk before the
Salem chamber of commerce Mon
day. ... :
West Salem Is becoming a "po
litical nuisance to Dallas, which
entertains Justified fears - that
West Salem will become larger
and demand removal of the coun
ty seat, CoL Robertson declared.
He said he believed -the remain
der of Polk county would gladly
trade West 'Salem for some hop
land. . ,
Col. Robertson pointed out that
west saiem has grown from a
population of 204 In 1920 to its
present size and that nearly all
of Its large Industrial payroll. Is
spent In Salem.-. -
Particularly to be desired by
Salem In connection with the an
nexation proposal. Is the West Sa
lem waterfront, an Ideal park site
along the river which thee state,
needing a wider right-of-way for
Its highway, may purchase and
improve. Col. Robertson said.
Drainage Sought
Elmer Cook, West Salem city
attorney, said that community's
payroll amounted to $189,000. He
aaid three, drainage projects are
in prospect there, one started on
Monday and the others likely to
be approved. He mentioned also
the need of revetment work along
the river.
Another speaker Introduced by
Mayor John Friesen of West Sa
lem was . Mrs. Martin who spoke
from the viewpoint of a neweom
er and declared West Salem
would enjoy the new capltol more
than Salem since It will have an
unobstructed view.
Willamette university's - May
queen, Gwen Gallaher, and her
princesses, Jane Fisher and Lu
cille Brainard, were introduced
at the luncheon. -,
the Totcn"
Malting Roofing
Explain "-
Phone 4642
the Town
A C2AT I1SST BASUX Low's prow
ess as a ssagger is snecdaed by his brSSaac
play at SxsC base. His record last year
1934, sad 193d.
ealy 6lOOOdts
1 prJV VC LtnrS FftYCZITZ CAT and. his favorite first bsse-
0 A r5 ivT saaa's sakt. His bat is especUIiy mada. It weighs 37 ounces '
fft' i. '- ' MV??I r nLl T ss 33 Inches loag.Ile wears oct two sakts a season.
tt - T.ty - JO pm UXS.T0.
TOOpm CS.T.Sc30a M.S.T.
S3e pm P.S.T, evK WABC-CBS.
Contest to
End on
Only Two Days Left; All
Suggestions Must Be
In Before 5 P. M.
Col. Carle Abrams announces
that but 48 hours remain for those
who want to enter the contest for
selection of a name for his beau
tiful addition to this city. The
final date for receiving these sug
gestions for a name Is at 5 p jb.
Thursday, of this wee- CoL Ab
rams reports that the public Is,
taking keen Interest In this sel
ection of a suitable name, as la '
evidenced .by the large number of
letters which have been Teeeived
by htm and by Messrs. Aschtm
Thomas, -260 North High street.
his sales managers, for which they
are very grateful.
The contest - committee which
is to decide upon the name most
suitable. Mayor V. EL Kuhn, Don
H. Upjohn and Ralph Kletzing,
will meet Thursday night and
canvass the letters received and
decide -upon the most suitable
name, and on Saturday at 11 a.m.
In the big tent on the grounds
Mayor Kuhn will announce the
decision and present the prizes to
the successful contestants.
Urge View of Site
Colonel Abrams suggests that
the contestants drive over the
beautiful tract and - become im
bued with Is beauties and its ad
vantages as a home site and per
haps by so doing the inspiration
may come that win suggest an
appropriate name. This property
Is reached from the Salem-Silver-
ton highway by a road near the
Beechler mansion through a
beautiful oak grove.. f
Col. Abrams - offers a grand
prize of $25.00 In cash to the one
naming the title to be accepted
and eleven other prizes in credits
on the purchase of lots in the
addition. The colonel reports that
there are no strings to the con
test or to the prizes offered and
It costs nothing to enter the "con
test. In the city and out of the
v i
shore of PKUZCT.
X KATrS TZZ S?CT wacrs
f s S "" """
si! y 1
la ssaskrooms Lou'sfkvtMite dah. Gehrig is a big
i 6 ft. 1 in. tall weighs 210
appetite. Loa eats what be wants
beck for -second. Read what
city, "All city conveniences and
all country freedom, are some"
short sentences which Messrs.
Aschlm A Thomas are using as
properly expressing Ihe advantag
es of this addition and these
paints should appeal particularly
to the one desiring country life..
Residents In this addition are
la the Salem school district and
have facilltles-of the city in al
most every way.
FoiirNe Houses
listed in Permits
Permits for four new dwellings
headed 12 building permits issued
from the office of Building In
spector EL C. Bushnell yesterday.
C A. Gies was issued a permit
to erect a one story house at 2509
Fairgrounds road at a -cost of
$2128. Catherine J. Churchill
took a permit to build a house
at 1010 North 14th to cost $2500
ana isormsn Smith was granted m
permit for the erection of a
dwelling at 1464.Greyson to cost
$1075. George I. Johnson took a
permit to build a' one-story house
at 1970 North Church at a cost
of $3000.
Other permits: J. B. Cheao
weth, to repair a one story pri
vate garage at 09 North ICth,
$40; Abe WIebe. to alter a one
story dwelling at 1945 Lewis.
$20; F. H. Struble. to alter a one
story dwelling at 745. D, $90;
E. J. Coward, to reroof a one
story dwelling at 2185 North Lib
erty, $50: I. L. Ubelman. to alter
a shoe shine shop et 14 T North
High, $20: W. A. Saunders, to
alter a one story dwelling at 495
South 23d. $45; Pacific First
Federal savings and loan associa
tion, to reroof a garage at 1240
Center, $47; Mrs. J. S. Grahsm,
to repair a two story dwelling at
4S1 South High. $40.
Prisoner Brought Here
Sherifr William Harper , started
for the state penitentiary at Sa
lem today with Richard Keffer,
after the latter was found guilty
of automobile thefts and was
sentenced to two years in prison.
f 1 run m in
msa la the game today. Here sx a few for say
sbr-gaixM 'Wodd Series: most nut batsed ia
9); smosc hoess mas (4); most bases oa bsfls
(6L Be has scored 100 or snore runs for 11
con sees live seasons batted la 100 or more;
oocs there was a chick foicy steak
powads. Aad be has a big man's
sod isn't bashful about coming:
he says below.
y -