The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1937, Page 8, Image 8

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    PAGH-. CXG XIX ., : v . , c
OREGON STATESMAN, .Salera, Oren, Sunday Morning, April 18, 1S37cb -:ts:'
Marts Ignore
Selling Abroad
.Wheat Rallies 1 to 3 Cents
. Despite Heavy Foreign
Speculative Sale
CHICACO. April IT.-(flV Do
mestic wheat markets Ignored
continued heavy selling by for
eign speculators today and ral
lied 1 to more than 3 cents a
Contributing to wheat market
strength was a steep J cent
Jump of May corn Just before the
close. This was within H cent
of the maximum gain permitted
la on day.
Traders said much of the buy
lng In wheat, attributed to pro
fessionals and southwestern
sources, and particularly In May
corn represented short covering,
although improved export de
mand for Canadian wheat and
scattered unfavorable domestic
crop reports helped.
Contracts for wheat deliverable
la July and September, which
could be fined with new domes
tic wheat, led the advance here,
gaining more than two cents.
Winnipeg wheat values gained
even more and buying there at
times was sympathetic with that
Wheat closed -2 cents
higher. May 1.30-, Jul
Sept. 1.17-, and
corn was 1 to 3 up. May
1.25-, July 1.16-. Sept
1.07-08. Oats gained -l.
May 48T4-49. rye -l. May
1.08 and prorislona were
unchanged to 8 cents up.
European Starts Ignored
Fresh breaks In ESropean mar
kets were virtually Ignored here,
although after the first hour, in
creased selling knocked May
wheat down about a cent below
the previous close to a low of
81.29, lowest It has been since
the last of January and 18 cents
below the 8-year peak established
early this month.
Liverpool wheat dropped 4 to
6 cents at times, extending loss
es there in recent days to ap
proximately 25 cents, but then
rallied moderately on expecta
tions of smaller world shipments.
This late upturn did much to
help buying here. Rotterdam
wheat dropped 4 to 5 cents.
Trade gossip attributed some
of the selling of foreign specu
lators recently to Impaired con
fidence. Rumors of possible
changes In the United States gold
policy floated about world financial-
centers only a few days sgo
and. though officially denied,
were believed to be getting at
tention from many speculators
Canadian wheat sales for ex
pert Improved, being estimated
at about 600.000 bushels.
Short covering brought the late
upward swing In May corn. Trad
ers have not lost sight of abnor
mally small corn supplies. It was
said. Oats and rye and provi
sions were qnlet.
Dusting One Way
To Control Weevil
Seed selection, planting prac
tice, trap crops, dusting, seed
treatment and disposal of crop
refuse are all Important factors
In the current widespread effort
to control pea weevils In Oregon
and elsewhere.
This is shown In a new circular
of Information No. 171 issued by
the OSC experiment station.'
which contains a summary of con
trol suggestions agreed to by the
Pacific northwest cooperative pea
weevil control project committee.
Practically every state In the
union where peas are grown com
n "dally Is now confronted with
the weevil problem. Control Is
particularly Important in Oregon
and " Washington.' where vast
acreages are now devoted to
growing peas for seed or cannery
use. Fortunately In a few sec
tions, notably In the coast areas
where peas are grown mostly for
the fresh trade, the weevil la not
a problem.
Until this year very little en
couragement was given home
gardeners or other growers In the
use of dusts. As a result of field
work carried on by the Oregon
. experiment station last season,
however. It is believed that con
siderable control may be had
through the use of rotenone bear
ing dust applied during the early
blossoming period. Dust with a
strength of .75 to 1 per cent
rotenone is recommended.
7-Pound Son Is Born to
Ed Teigens at Silverton
SILVERTOX. April 17. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Telgen are announc
ing the birth of a son. weight
even pounds, at the Silverton
hospital April 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Daw
son (PhyUia Rhodenberger) are
announcing the birth of a seven
pound son, April 13, at Elma.
Complete Optical Service
f 1 I Intensive
lis 'v study
1 - periods
- - i cause seri
ous eye
strain. Is
your vision
to such
- abuse?
! .,. . . 3-1
: - - vV r
Oldsmobile for 1937 Wins Wide Acclaim
I :
Individual tjlinjr with lines of unusnal grace and bennty have earned for the 1987 Oldsmobile the title
of "style leadership according to Grady Gamble, north west son manager for Olds. Photo shows the
- Oldsmobile Six four-door touring; sedan with trunk, on of the sales leaders. Boaell-Grimsoit Motors,
850 North High street, la the local agency.
In LethargicMart
President's Budget Speech
Awaited by Traders as
. Volume Falters
NEW YORK, April 17-()-A
few specialty shares plodded for
ward but most of the list drifted
narrowly today la the most le
thargic Saturday stock market
sine last August 12.
Traders were disinclined to
venture Into deep water with the
president's budget speech elated
for the middle of next week.
Specialties responded mildly to
a fair . comeback of some com
modities from yesterday's slump,
but coppers were nervous over
a further dropeeday In red met
al futures. . . t
Steels also Inclined lower fol
lowing publication : of ! estimates
activity would be down In. the
Pittsburgh district next week. -
At the finish the Associated
Press average of SO stocks was
down .1 of a point at 70. Of th
(25 Issues traded, 177-advanced.
271 -lost ground and 177 were
unchanged. Transactions totaled
444.000 shares, against 480,360
last Saturday.
Franciscovich to
Come Here Today
Frank Franciscovich, president
of the state senate and acting gov
ernor, telephoned the executive
department yesterday that he
would arrive In Salem tonight.
Franciscovich will preside at his
first meeting of the state, board
I of control Monday.
romriM TT. Martin is
now on his way to Washington to
appear before the house rivers
m v..vnn iAmmlttee in the in
terest of legislation Involving the
Bonneville" dam. .-,
Don't Have to Look Twice to Know It's a
It's built by an Independent raanufacturewnde
pendent thinking created its desigli Independent
marketing is one of the reasons you see the Inde
pendent buyers driving Graham "America s Econ
omy Champion. , r.
Prices Here as Low as $1080 on Lowest Finance -i
Charges and Tenns
X D E H D El O C.
445 Center St. Phone 6133 Salem, Oregon
For Kigbt Years
Toar Graham Sales and Service for Marion and Polk Comities
Name of Addition
Will Be Selected
Col. Abrams Warns Time
to Enter Is Short; Prize
of $25 Is Offered
Col. Carle Abrams points out
that there are only five days re
in a 1 n I n g to submit suggested
names for his beautiful addition
to Salem which he Is opening to
the public Saturday, April 24.
Numerous letters received by him
and by Messrs. Asp him and Thom
as, sales managers, indicste a
keen Interest on the part of the
people of Salem and vicinity In
obtaining a suitable name for this
The contest committee which
will decide upon the winners con
sists of Mayor V. E. Kuhn, Don
ald H. Upjohn, writer of Sips for
Supper and Ralph Kletzlng. ad
vertising manager of The States
man and district governor of the
Lions club, who will canvass the
letters received and , decide upon
the winner at S o'clock on Thurs
day afternoon, and the announce
ment of the names of the winners
wiir be made at 11 a. m. on Sat
urday. April 24, in a big tent on
the grounds.
The public is invited to drive
out and Inspect this beautiful
tract. It Is entered at the Beechler
mansion from the Sslem-Silverton
highway through a beautiful oak
grove. The property extends from
the Salem-Silverton j highway to
the Pacific highway, opening on
both roads. I
Grand Prize is f 25
Col. Abrams offers a grand
prize of S25 in cash to the one
suggesting the title to be accept
ed and 11 other prises in credits
on the purchase of lots In the ad
dition making it quite profitable
to those entering the contest. The
colonel reports that there are no
strings to the contest or to the
prizes offered and ft costs nothing
to enter the contest, j
Messrs. Aschim and Thomas,
the exclusive sales managers se
lected by Col. Abrams located at
2 SO North High street have a
short expression which they think
covers the situation as far as this
tract is concerned which is "all
city conveniences and all country
freedom" which should appeal to
those people who desire the coun
try life. This addition has all
those advantages. It Ib in the Sa
lem school district, water under
pressure at property 'line, electric
lights and telephone available.
They advise contestants to drive
over the tract and become imbued
with Its beauties and the oppor
tunities, and in that way. perhaps,
receive the inspiration which will
make the successful contestant,
and win a substantial prize.
Masonic Official
Will Be Greeted
Salem members of the Scottish
Rite Masons will go to Portland
Tuesday and Wednesday, .May 4
and S to attend receptions In
honor of John H. Cowles, 33rd de
gree Mason, Grand ) Commander
tor the Scottish Rite for the south
ern Jurisdiction, which Includes
the Pacific coast. j
Grand Commander Cowles will
be met at Medford on May 1, and
be giTen a reception by Medford
and Klamath Falla bodies. A sim
ilar reception, participated in by
Eugene.' Roseburg and Marsh
field, will be held at Eugene May
. i
Oldsmobile Sales
Smashing Records
Latest in Styling Linked
With Performance Is
Offered Public
Popularity and sales exceeding
the record-breaking volume of
last year are being enjoyed by
Oldsmobile with the entirely new
Oldsmobile six and eight, accord
ing to Grady Gamble, northwest
tone manager for the Oldsmobile
division of the General Motors
Sales corporation. Bozelle-G rim
son Motors, 350 North High
street. Is the local agency. '
"Oldsmobile buyers are par
ticularly fortunate this year in
that they are able to obtain the
very latest in automotive styling
plus a value that Is the greatest
in Oldsmoblle's forty years of
motor car building, said Gam
ble. "Our two cars are longer, low
er, roomier and more comforta
ble than those favorites of last
year," Gamble added. "The mo
tors provide more power with
Improvements that permit great
er performance and operating
economy. The new six develops
95 horsepower and the new eight
develops. 110 horsepower.
"Not only America's leading
stylists but motor car buyers
throughout the country have ac
claimed the new Oldsmoblles. In
the six, an entirely new interpre
tation of radiator grille design,
combined with body styling that
blends, has made a favorable Im
pression everywhere.
"The front end of the new
eight has equally definite indi
viduality. Oldsmobile engineers
hare employed, on this series, a
die-cast grille of square mesh de
sign, plated in chrome and out
lined with a trim moulding of
chrome that adds much to earn,
for the Oldsmobile eight the rep
utation of 'atyle leadership.'
i "Factory production schedules
have now been geared to capacity
at Lansing, Michigan, and Gen
eral Motors plant at Los Angeles
and our Oldsmobile dealers
throughout the Pacific northwest
are able to make immediate de
livery on most every body type
and color selection desired.
Latter Day Congregation
Attends Salem Services
SILVERTON, April 17. The
local reorganized Church of Je
ans Christ of Latter Day Saints
will go to Salem Sunday night
for services at which Bishop
Monte Lasater of Seattle will
preach.' The entire congregation
from Silverton plans to attend.
World Famous
Correctly Fitted
We Guarantee Comfort and
405 State. Cor. Liberty
N,er .?ut. The SPA
of Turkey!
that lets you control
the operation of your
LEONARD to secure
lowest operating cost
Just come into our
store for as demonstra
tion. Them write a lOO
word letter on "Why
tbe Leonard Master
Dial Refrigerator Will
Help Me Save Money.
There is absolutely
nothing to bay. Come
in ' for complete details.
(Yor Good Honsekeeplns; Store)
Salem Appliance Co.
453 Court St.
Phone 964
mA a
'W0 ON
Shadows art changing
things! They vary in
shape and size, but they
always cling around
something real and
Advertising might be
likened to a shadow that
hoTers about a store.
The shadow Is a true and
fair representation of
what institutions stand
for; it girts yon the
news of the store; "shad
ows' each department
faithfully, and strives to
Impress upon ' you real
benefits to be derived
from allying yourself
with the store's policies.
No exaggerations or eu
logies are Indulged in.
The shadow is pinned to
its proper size it is un
adorned truth, neither
large nor small. Merchan
dise, prices and service
speak for themselves and
reveal just how fine a
place these stores occu
py in the lives of people
who know.
Better. Values, Better Taste
Expressed In
Salem Store Advertising