The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning April 18, 1837.
Lumbering Op
to be
Sawniill to Be
Working Soon
New Blill Will Have 35,000
Feet Capacity; to Tap
Best Linn Timber
LEBANON, April 17. J. W.
MacDonald. John Rltter and
George Horner are installing ma
chinery, bought ' in Portland this
week, in their sawmill - recently
erected on the Santlam highway
10 miles from Lebanon and
Sweet Home. The capacityof .the
mill will be 35,000 feet per day
and the loga will be brought from
Foster, Lacomb and Berlin, where
the finest stand of timber in Linn
county will be tapped.
The Fir Grove sawmill owned
and pperated by MacDonald will
continue sawing and selling lum
ber. Mr. MacDonald has a wide ex
perience in - the lumber industry
of the northwest and before com
ing here operated in Canada and
J. E. Estep, realtor, and Bar
ney's Radio Service will occupy
the new building being erected
for Bert Cotton on Main street.
Mr. Estep reports the realty busi
ness as encouraging.
Miss Anne Dobesh, guest of
her aunt, Mrs. Marie Dobesh, the
past two months, left Saturday
for her home at Victoria,B. C.
Mrs. Richard Barton of De
troit, Mich.; is visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Swan
son, and her sister, Inez Walters.
She drove through to Salt Lake
and met difficulties in driving
through the snow on the moun
tains in Colorado.
Mrs. Carolyn Armstrong of Sa
lem is the guest of Misses Mary
and Martha Schuler and other
Lebanon friends.
Injured in Fall
G. C. Skinner, contractor, fell
from a scaffold Thursday and had
his chest painfully h u r V by a
board falling on him. He was ad
mitted to the Lebanon general
hospital where he is doing as well
as can be expected.
Ida Kirk has brought suit In
Linn county court for a divorce
from Tom Kirk, well known Leb
anon business naif. They were
n rried In 1913 and have two
daughters, the younger one to be
placed in the custody of her
father. .
Camp Fire Girls'
Drive Tops Quota
CORVALLIS, April 17. Sur
prising even the most enthusiastic
supporters, the Corvallis-Dallas
Camp Fire girls' drive to . finance
building on their 120-acre sum
mer campsite reached the $1000
quota early this week, according
to Mrs. Earl W.. Wells, head of
the drive.
The property, recently given to
the organization by Albert Teal
of this city, is located 30 miles
north of Corvallis towards the
coast, and was called the most
beautiful in the northwest by
Theodore Harper, national camp
chairman, and other Camp Fire
officials who have viewed it. 1
-. Rough -. lumber has been do
nated for use in construction
work by the Dallas Lumber com
pany. 1
Corvallis nine Camp Fire
groups have Incorporated with
the two Dallas, units and work
will be started soon in order to
get the buildings in shape for a
Joint camp some time this sum
mer. There are 140 girls in the
Corvallis. organization and about
20 in the Dallas unit.
Letters Heceived
From Missionary
SILVERTON. April 17. -Johnny
Nerness, son of Mrs. John N er
nes, and brother of Anna Bauge.
who, with his wife, has "entered
foreign mission" work .- for five
years, has written from. Borneo
to SUverton-friend.. Nerness is
in service In the Malayan Union
at Sarwa, sunder"; ,the ' North Pa
cific , Union and the - Upper Co
lumbia e conference : of Seventh
Day Adventists."
The couple left San Francisco
on the Taiyo December. 11. . The
first port of call - was Hawaii,
next came Japan and China. They
will be stationed at Kuching for
five years.
Two Made Members of
Eastern Star at Turner
TURNER, April 17. Mr. and
un. IT. E. Denver were Initiated
Into the Eastern Star Wednesday
- Mrs. James M. ; Bones, who
with her husband, haa been a
member . of the order for 35
years, presented a gold embossed
Bible to the lodge. - Rev. and Mrs.
Sherman Hawk formerly of Tur
ner, now of Hubbard, were guests.
. r . Schotb to Speak
LIBERTY, April 17. The Lib
erty local of the Farmers Union
will meet Tuesday, April 30, at
B p. m. in the hall. Fred Schoth
of Oregon State college will be
present and talk on "Seeds
Adapted to Red Hills, Their Cul
ture and Harvesting.
,; The following . committee, ap--pointed
to represent a number of
nearby 'locals will meet, to ar
range ; for-,; joint monthly . pro
Mini' ' v. " Kpiipnnch wander. R.
Ladd; : Red Hills; : Carl Booth,
xxenry auicu,, v . . - .
Carothera, Elmer MInch,.Roberts:
Frank Jndd. Elbert Jones, Liber
ty. The single men of' the ,or-
; gahizatfoa ".will ' a e r t erefresh
tnen..' '
Farmer's Union ,
Larger. More Powerful Airliners For Coast Route
1 ,
r -
Interior view of the 12-ton "Mainliner" 21 -passenger plane which began service this past week between
Seattle and Los Angeles. The llOO-mile trip is acheduled to be made in hoars. The new 21 -passenger
plans incorporate all the latest aids to flying Including the 19S7 type automatic pilot, multi
ple radio and constant speed propellers. The two 14-cy Under engines develop 1150 h. p. each and at
62 per cent power, the plane can cruise at 190 m. p. h.
May Day, School
Play Scheduled
By Hubbard High
HUBBARD, April 17. Hub
bard high school will hold its
May day exercises Friday, May
14. Pauline Bizon was chosen
queen and she ' will be attended
by Marjorie Rich and Ruth Voget,
princesses. Students of the high
school and grade school will en
tertain the royal court and the
audience by danced, featuring a
pioneer theme. T ;
The Hubbard high" school stu
dent body wilt present a play,
-Mail Order Bride," on the night
of Friday,' April 30, in the high
school gymnasium. The play is
under the direction of Miss Fieta
The cast Includes Ernest Ze
linka, as Skeet; Bob Evans, Pink
ey, both are cowboys; Shirley
Bontrager, Nance Henshaw, a
young college girl ; Wallace
Brown as Nick Henshaw, ranch
owner; Fred Scheller, as Bob
Henshaw; Doris Love as Princess,
Indian servant; Ruth Voget, as
Rose Crandall; i Ruth Jungnlckel,
as Jane Hamilton; Eugene Barnes
aa William Hamilton, and Phyllis
Brown, Blanche Munson and June
Croisant as three young girls
from college.
Four Boys and Two Girls
Will Finish 8th Grade
At North Howell May 11
North Howell grade school will
close May 11.1 Plans are being
made for suitable eighth' grade
graduation exercises in the morn
ing, a picnic at noon and a ball
game in the afternoon.
Graduates are Mary Lou Wies
ner, Lloyd Patterson. David Rlck
ard, Reuben Dltchen, Clarence
Schmidt and Florence Pickens.
4-H Clubs on KOAC
MONMOUTH, April 17. The
4-H clubs of Polk county will pre
sent a radio program over station
KOAC Monday night at 7:30. Mu
sical numbers and short talks on
4-H club work are scheduled. Ar
rangements are being made by
County Agent iW. C. Leth, and
County School Superintendent
Josiah Wills. (
Talking About Presidents?,
-I 1 Mrs. Woodrow Wilson " lX'
ij . ' i. ' - "z.- v" ' :'
t i ::' : . ' -
4 .
airs, Jarae Roosevelt. Sr.
Are they chatting -about preatdentaT AT left is Mrs; James Rorw
velt. Sr,- mother of President Roosevelt. At right t Mrs " Wondro
Wilson, widow of the wartime president. The J wo were attending a
Wcoirow "Wilson foundation dinner in New Tork when the camera-
HAZEL GREEN, April 17.
Mrs.- Ralph Worden was elected
president of the Hazel Green
community club at the closing
meeting of the season here Fri
day. Other officers elected: Vice
president, Mrs. Rudolph Wacken;
secretary, Geraldlne Fry; trea
surer, Hilda Slattum. .
It was voted to have the an
nual school . picnic, the Saturday
after school closes. . ' . ,
Students to Give j..
P. T. A. Program
STAYTON, April 17. Students
from the grade school and high
school will be on the program
at the meeting of the P.-T. A. at
the high school auditorium Mon
day night. The nominating com
mittee will report and officers
for the coming year will be voted
npon during the business session.
A large crowd is expected for
the annual "500" party given by
members of the Women's club
and scheduled for Wednesday
night, April 21, at the clubhouse.
Mrs. John Lau heads the com
mittee in charge.
Bridge was played Thursday
night, following the regular busi
ness meeting of the Toung
Women's club at the clubhouse.
A late supper was served. The
members of the hostess commit
tee were Mrs. Louis Dawes, Mrs.
Don Goode, Mrs. Eidson and Mrs.
Ed Kleckerl
A special meeting of the Stay
ton Townsend club will be held
Tuesday night at the city hall
at which time Dr. H. C. Epley of
Salem and Arthur Moore, dis
trict organizer, from Monmouth,
will be speakers. Part of the en
tertainment will be a Dutch auc
tion. Moore to Be Instructor
MONMOUTH, April 17. Leon
ard Moore of Philomath has been
elected to be instructor in manual
arts and science at Monmouth
high school for next year, suc
ceeding Alfred T. Allen. Allen re
signed last month to accept ; a
position on the staff of the Uni
versity of Louisiana.
'naa happened along." - "
Another Trial of
Townsend's Plan
May Be Started
JEFFERSON, April 17. The
Jefferson Better Business club
this week discussed the possibil
ities of trying the old age re
volving fund plan In Jefferson,
as it is being carried out in Al
bany at the present time.
Dayton Holloway and Wren
Small of Albany explained the
plan and gave suggestions for
carrying" it out. C. J. Thurston
and E. B. Redmond were ap
pointed with full power -to go
ahead with the Initiation of the
plan locally. '
If the plan is carried out here,
those selected to try out the. old
age revolving plan must be CO
years of age or over. Each SO cent
purchase at the local stores will
entitle the purchaser to one vote
for his or her favorite candidate,
who will be selected by the ma
jority vote of the people. The
winners must keep the money in
circulation with local stores with
in 10 days.
The money will be marked with
a transaction stamp, placed there
by the merchants at the time the
trading Is done. It is thought
that $50 will be the sum given
to the person selected.
The money to finance the plan
here. If tried locally, will be
raised by donations by, the mer
chants. Maurice Mercer Among
Mask and Dagger Pledges
On Oregon State Campus
Corvallis, .April 17. Maurice
"Bud" Mercer, former Salem high
student; Robert Berman and
Jack Wiley and Josephine Tost,
all from Corvallis; Marion Mc
Cauley, Hood River, and Marion
Prouty, Warren ton, were recently
pledged here by Mask and Dag
ger, honor society in dramatics.
The following were pledged by
the group: Ruth Hornby, Lois
MWhorter and Etta Belle Rus
sell,' all from Corvallis; Barbara
Bates, Gear heart; Doris Thomp
son, Moro, and Hazel Carothers,
Hlllsboro. .
"Ladles of the Jury" will be
presented by the organisation as
Its contribution to . the coming
women's weekend program.'
Alumni of Stayton High
Plan Homecoming Event
For Middle Next Month
1 STAYTON, Apfll 17. The
committee and - officers of the
Stayton alumni association held
a meeting Wednesday night.
when plans were made - for the
annual homecoming and
dance on May 15.
Nominated for office at this
meeting were: President. Deryl
Shelton, Dale Crabtree and Wil
son Lesley; vice-president. Mil'
dred Kerber, Ed Streff and Ger-
maine . Smith; secretary; Gilbert
Wourms, Maurice Shelton and
Nadine Toeman; treasurer, Ger
ald Marking, Ralph Scran ton and
Katherine Boyer; directors, . En
gene Spanlol, Zelpha Smith, Es-
telle Philllpi, Harry Jones, Fred
Davis, Henry Dledrick and Don
Y -Teachers Given Posts
MONMOUTH. April 17. Com
mencement . speakers - available
from Oregon Normal school this
spring, and their topics, are: Del
mer R. Dewey, department of
education, "Youth Tomorrow;
Dr. L. E. Forbes, department of
psychology, "Time Marches On;"
Dr. A. S. Jensen, department ot
psychology, "Blueprints of Sue
cess,". "Leadership of Youth" and
"The Saving Sense of Humor. ,
j Attend P-T Sessions :
STAYTON, April 17. Mrs. .
A.' Beauchamp and Mrs. W. D.
Roberts attended the sessions of
the annual Oregon congress of
: Parent-Teachers' association held
this week At the Multnomah hotel
in Portland.
Rural Club Hears
Tuberculosis Talk
WOODBURN. f April 17. The
regular meeting of the Woodburn
Rural dub was held at the Luth
eran hall Wednesday afternoon,
with Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead
as era est speaker? Her subject was
Tuberculosis," and with her talk
she showed the health - 'picture
"Behind the Shadows." Visitors
were present from the Woodburn
Woman's club. - .
--Mrs. H.1 Haroldson presided
over . the business I meeting. De
votions were led by Mrs. Elmer
Mettaon and the flag salute by
Mrs. Emma - Bidwell. Delegates
elected to the Marion county con
vention were Mrs. Elmer Matt
son, 'Mrs. Emms Bidwell. Mrs.
Minnie Bissell, Mrs. Lela Hughes
and Miss Elisabeth Pollard. Al
ternates, Mrs. James Hart and
Mrs. F. H. Brouhard. Mrs. Lela
Hughes was appointed chairman
of art department.
Floyd Mattson was selected to
represent the. club at the : community-
musical , during music
week. Plans were made for a club
picnic and Mrs. Mattson and Mrs.
Hughes appointed to arrange for
The program also included se
lections by the harmonica , band
from - the grade : school, directed
by Miss Audrey Ettlnger; songs
by the grade school group; selec
tions on the steel guitar by Mar
vin Mattson; talk on junior Red
Cross work by Bruce Nelson and
a demonstration of applying ban
dages by Muriel Haroldson.
Initiation Ceremonies
Held and Members Are
Welcomed by Auxiliary
STAYTON, April 17. Three
new members were initiated into
the American Legion auxiliary
Wednesday night at, a meeting
held at the Women's clubhouse.
Mrs. Ralph Curtis of Salem, . a
past president of the organiza
tion, assisted in the Initiation.
Those inducted were Mrs. Marion
Hunt, Mrs. Oliver Forrette and
Mrs. Ralph Yeoman.
All the entries in the poppy
poster contest are in and will be
judged next week. Mrs. Fred Al
bus will entertain at a sewing
meeting on the evening ot April
27, with the next regular meet
ing of the organization, May 12,
at the home ot Mrs. James Say,
with Mrs. Dave John as assisting
hostess. ,
Aurora Pupils -Play
AURORA, April 17. The Au
rora students of Canby high
school band, who went to Eu
gene Friday to enter the state
band , contest, were Eugene Man
ock, George Kraus, Bruce Giesy,
Gilbert Hunt and Bill Kraus.
!.-:.. I $jv j lS .- I-
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News of West Sal
WEST SALEM. April 17 The
poppy poster contest , In ' the
Salem ' school, sponsored by the
King wood American Legion aux
iliary, ended : Wednesday with
grand priie ot $ 5 going to Mar
garet Moritz, a fifth grade stu
dent. - Second prize in the fifth
grade . went to ' Tommy Shlpler;
in the seventh grade to Marrian
na Starr; and in the eighth grade
to Herbert Dalke. Each student
winning a place In the contest
.was given 60c and all those who
entered the contest were given
candy bars. The posters will be
on exhibition at the next com
munity club meeting. May' 26.
. The West Salem Women's club
met , at the home of Mrs. R, L.
Forster, Wednesday afternoon. It
was decided to visit the Chil
dren's Farm home at Corvallis on
May 12. A picnic luncheon will
be taken and eaten there. There
was discussion on federating the
club with the county federation
of Women's clubs but no action
will be taken on It for awhile.
Captain Lansing of the Oregon
state police gave a very interest
ing talk on the use and abuse ot
narcotics. Miss Doris Ham by and
Mrs. J. M. Fisher gave piano so
los. . Twenty-two women were
present at the meeting.
Erney Friesen, son of Mayor
and Mrs. John Friesen, will sing
with the A Capella choir from
Portland Sundav afternoon in a
Salem church Erney Friesen iaj
student at tne Portland Bible in
stitute. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown
had as houseguest Friday and
Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler
of Camas Valley. Mrs. Wheeler
is a sister of Arthur. Brown.
Stayton Legion Post Is ,
Studying Possibilities
" . Of Junior Organization
STAYTON, April 17. The loc
al Legion post has named Nick
Welter, Dave John and Harry
Humphreys a committee to in
vestigate organizing a Junior Le
gion post here. George -Manolis,
district chairman ot Sons of Le
gion, T Frank Powell. Commander
Harry Wilson ' of the Silverton
post, J. Pitney of Silverton and
Commander White and Mr. Born
lng of West Salem post, addressed
te local session when the matter
was brought up. -
Mrs. Howard Elected
Mrs. Myrtle Howard was elect
ed president of the N.S.N.S. club
at the final meeting of the sea
son here Thursday. Others elect
ed were: Vice-president, . Mrs.
Evelyn Hatch; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Leila Brockway; assist
ant secretary-treasurer, Elona
The Jewel Box
443 State St.
'-LIU- ..I.. UN P T 1 ' ' -I "
Jef f erson Youtlis
Go to Convention
JEFFERSON, April 17. Mrs.
Ernest : Powell ud Mrs. Roy
Wlckersham accompanied a
group of young people from the
Christian Endeavor .society ot the
Christian church went to. Corval
lis Thursday to attend the state
Christian Endeavor convention.
Those going - were Donna June
Powell, Ilene Wlckersham, Bur
ton Thurston,- Irvin Grenz and
Edgar Hasted. - .
Glenn Bilyeu left for ' Kelso,
Wash.. Thursday for a visit with
his son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Welch and family.
Clarence Davis received a tele
gram from Los Angeles, telling of
the serious illness of his sister.
A" brother, J. E. Davis of. Tilla
nrook, came to Jefferson and left
here Thursday night for Los An
geles to be with his sister.
Mrs. Dorothy Talmadge of San
Diego, Calif., who has been visit
trg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C
Chamberlain, left for Glendale
Junction Friday morning for a
brief stay.
Stationery Company
orfice Supplies and Filing
Equipment, Stationery
Kodaks & Kodak Finishing
Greeting Cards, Gifts,
Fountain Pens
340 State - Just East of
Ladd & Bash