PAG3 nrrcrrr Fipd WThiat Your Want Qeickly in itlie Qassi fJ . minis or Sale Used Cars I For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars j For Sale Used Cars 1 For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars I i For Sale Useil liars J The UK-GO? STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning,' April 18, 193 Coko i ; If 9 I i i fc 4. i i I i For Sale Keal Estate j ( ACRES. APPROX. prune, and 4 cherry frees, fine pears, apples, plums, nuts, large strawberry patch. 6 rm. house, bath, new roof, enclosed porch, elec pump, new paint. One-third mil from new 4-rm. Salem Hts. school. Kin - view of valley and mountains. Must have 93900 down. Owner 7479. COAST HIGHWAY, 100-200 ft. ocean and - highway frontage, npprox. 2 acres, X new modern cottages with fireplaces. Also" 6 room mod. house near Alsea river, famous for fishing. 94000.00 will handle. Good Invest. Ex plainable reasons for selling. Box 234, Statesman. -- BEE -VISTA PARK IjOOK AT 'those fine view tracts located in Bee Vistak Park, take South Commercial to Iowa Avenue, turn west on Iowa Avenue 1000 feet which will take you to these fine view tracts, building restrictions, $3000.00. Here is a chance to buy one of these fine tract at prices from $700.00 to 9900 on terms of $50.00 down and 910.00 per month plus 6 percent interest. Irive out and see this property, you will like it. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. - REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street JUST THE THING 3 'ACRES FINE land near Salem, new 4-R. house, only $1175. easy terms. Exceptional buy In acreage north. I .and near this sold for $1000 an acre. Wonderful well (could irrigate), im provements, crops, slock, equipment, $8(00. .Good roads three sides. Subdi vide. Good lots north, $450 to 91000. Want a charming, well located home between Broadway and Capitol? $3500. Garage, shrubbery, hardwood floors, basement. .Reasoner (certainly) 565 N. High NICE LITTLE 3 rm. home on quiet street, block from bus line, 4 blocks from school. $800 with terms. Dial 7807, SOCOLOFSKY A SOX, FlrBt Nat'L Bank Bldg. ft VERY SMALL DOWN PAYMENT i BUYS STRICTLY modern 7 rm. liome, large rooms, nook, nice loca tion. Only $5000. Dial 784)7 today. SOCOLOFSKY & .SON First Nat'L Bank Bldg. no YOU WANT A FINE COUN TRY HOME? View place, house partly built and livable, fruit and nut trees. landscaped yard, only 10 mm. away. FINE 4 ROOM FULLY MODERN home. 14 blocks from banking center, Owner says reduce price for quick sale. J. LINCOLN ELLIS. 2061 State St. Why Shop? $19 TO $149 CHOOSE TOCR CAR FROM THIS LIST OF AMAZING VALUESNO GROUP OF USED CARS IN THIS CITY OFFERS VALUES EQUAL TO THESE EVERY CAR IS A BARGAIN. 1927 1927 Pontiac Sfdan Pontiac Sedan 1927 Pontiac Sedan 1926 Buick Sedan. '37 license 1923 Buick 4 Touring, 27 license 1927 Oakland Sedan. '37 license 1927 Ersklae Spt Coupe, '37 licens 1927 Cliev, Coach, '37 license . 1927 Buick Coach. '37 license 1926 Franklin Spt. Roadster, '37 license 1927 Buick Sedan, 37 license 1928 Buick Sedan, '37 license - 1928 Pontiac Sedan. 37 license 1929 Ford Tudor, '37 license 1928 Olds Coach, "37 license 1929 Chev. Coupe 1929 Ford Fpt Coupe, '37 license I 19.00 29.00 29.0O 39.00 39.00 39.00 49.00 $9.00 89.00 89.00 99.00 99.00 109.00 119.00 129.00 139.00 149.00 Many more to choose from we have the car you want at the price you want to pay see our stock before you buy. i I OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAYS I ' - OTTO X WILSON ! ' r i 388 l'iCommerclal - - BUICK SALES & SERVICE Salem, Ore. - Phone 5451 Bigg erUsedCair WEEKEND SPECIALS 3250 DOWN. PRICE $1500.00, good E R house. Street paved. 9800 down. Dandy, almost new 6-R. house, corner lot, both streets paved. Near new high school. Price $3250 . basement & furnace; 4-R. furnished modern home, base ment furnace, nicely furnished, price reduced to .$2650 $750 down. A real snap. Sacrifice sale on modern 7-R. home on S. Winter out by Leslie - school. Ask about this. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR Chas. Sanders-Cliff Harold 476 Court St. Phone. 8t56 SALE LOT, 65x56. Tel. 6246. NESTLED IN THE EVERGREENS this WRATTTIKTIL suburban - home of 3tt acres will make some young d couple happy. " Comfortable 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, drilled well, electric system, family fruit. Price for few days only $1800. Lib eral terms. SEE Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 7S- $1500. 5 ROOM HOME in N. Sa lem, nice lot, double garage, 91800. rooms, living rm., dining rm., kitchen, bath and 3 bedrms. Con- . vm o-:i ra i'p 500 down. 92500. Nice neat 4 rooms and sleep ing porch, basement, lurnaco aim Bo rage. Large lot. close to new high i i $4000. Fully mod. Large living rm., "dining: rm., kltcben. nook, 3 bedrms.. doubleplumblng, tile bath ana arain ; board. A real buy in a nice home. Terms. , R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Cy'"1 nuniii w - - , , tt.-g rE anil navpd road, electri city, priced to sell. $1500 $750 cash. balance at o. - SOCOLOFSKY A SON First National Bank Bldg. QLtSlsiHajsn rViiVi" ia-asai tits liTS LOTS . . - a . T-y1X7KT A Vli hatnnfA 11 0.00 DCr :. iv ..- -w - --- - month will buy one of those v fine building lots on paved street located in N. East Sa lem, north of Market street, - ..u.i.. uirfrlKtinn Drive out uuiiuuib ...... - . to Rosedale Addition and Kays 2nd Addition and-look at this fast growing section of yur city, price range from $450.00 and up Wltn pavemeni. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street .Value aii: 'the Small-.; lest- Lot in Town ; . - I i 1931 CHEVROLET-RDSTR.. NEW PAINT . $255 1930 CHEV. COUPE, NEW TtRES. A REAL BUY - 185 1330 FORD RDSTR.. ORIGINAL PAINT. GOOD TOP SIDE- CURTAINS 195 19?8 FORD COl'PK 95 192S DODGE COACH, PERFECT SHAPE 69 MANY OTHER SIMILAR BARGAINS TO CHOOSE FROM Trades Terms See "Tnmiy" Parker SALEM'S NEWEST USED CAR MERCHANT 466 N liberty Phone 300U values RED ARROW terms We recondition our used cars thoroughly. They are' dependable and good looking. Come in and see for yourself. We want you to try them out. Mam SMini 193$ 193$ 1935 193$ 1934 1934 1931 1931 193$ 1930 1930 192 1929 1929 We DeSoto Custom Sad. has overdrive ; L Ford Del. Tour. Sed.. beater, radio, high ratio . Plymouth DeLnze Sed- beater, radio Chrysler Six Sed.. like new, low mileage citudebaker Die-Six Sed. In fins condition Buick 90 8eL An extra fins car Dodge Six Coupe Studcbaker Die. Coups Dodge Sedan Chrysler Six Sedan Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Sed.. new paint, motor overhauled Ford Sedan, above average . 2 1. Chevrolet Coups .9849.00 . 675.00 . $95.00 77S.OO , $60.00 . 790.00 . 325.00 . 295.00 . 235.00 29S.00 . 195.00- 19S.00 195.00 165.0$ also have soma real buys in cars priced from $35.00 to $100.00. LOOK FOR THE GARAGE WITH THE RED ARROW Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 43S N. Commercial Phone 4973 effiim On Every Used Car In Our Stock 5f These Cars Are Good Buy. 1936 Ford 2-Door Sedan, trunk....$565 1935 Ford DeLuxe Sedan. 1935 Ford Fordor 495 1932 Ford Roadster : J.935 Ford 4-Door Sedan ....... 525 1934 Studebaker Diet. Sedan.--. 1930 Chev. Coach . 128 1935 Chevrolet Coupe .-.- 3LO Cowirx; ; : Plus Insurance and Drive It Horns On Any of the Following Used Car, 193C Essex Coupe 1930 Oakland Coupe 1927 Chrysler Phaeton 1929 Durant Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe ..S535 295 ... 495 485 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Chevrolet' Coach 1927 Dodge Delivery '1928 Mormon Sedan 1929 Nash Sedan 1930 Chev. Coach 1930 Durant Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Sedan (AS LOW AS) SI Lotv Prices Low G - - Generous Trades M. A. C. Terms McKays 28 Whippet Coupe . 1 29 Ford Roadster . 30 Chevrolet Coach 30 phevrolet Coupe 333 Center ..$ 43.00 31 Che vroh-t Coupe .. 85.00 33 Ford Coupe . .. 165.00 32 Chevrolet - Coach .... 165.00 34 Chevrolet Town Sed. ......$245.00 296.00 345.00 495.00 OPES SUNDAYS AND KVENINGS Phone 31 S3 430 K. Com'l. McKay Chewolef Ca Excl langc -Real Estate I For Sale Farms NOW IS THE time to look at bottom land. You won't have to ask where trie wa ter was. See it now ana then again later. We have some exceptionally good values. Some places within mile of Salem city limits. Dial 7807 during day, 4839 evenings. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. t ACRE TRACT of good land, close in with good 5 room nouse, eiec. water system, fireplace, lots of built ins, barn ana lamuy orcnaru. T.aA rwwl hoiis in Salem. 22V4 Acres, 10 miles from Salem, some and lake, about 9 acres of good cultivated land with lots of fine fruit. Fair 6 room house. Price $2300.00 or will trade for house in G.lam. t 24 Acres 11 miles east of Salem, all good land. 14 acres in cultivation, hitanxt irnihpr and nasture. Six room house, i barn and chicken house, family, orchard. Good buy 10 Acres with old buildings, very best of soli, family; orcnara. yniy Terma . 1 ROSTEIN 4k ADOLPH. IXC. 110V4 i N. Com L Personally i Indorsed WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE dlowo MONTHS TO PAY --OLDSMOBMLES . DODGES . -CHRYSLERS FORDS -STUDEBAKERS W have the reputation, of having the cleanest and best stock of used cars in the city you can prove this to yourself if you will step In and look them over. You cannot go wrong with a Bosell-Grlmson Mtrs. Used Car. To enable you to have one of these fine, dependable. Used Cars we are arrang ing these attractive terms of as low as $10 DOWN and 20 MONTH3 to pay. Don't hesitate, stop In and see us TODAY! Bozell - Giriinnisoini Mtrs. '. 3S6 N. LIBERTY Oldsmobile Dealers OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAYS LINCOLN ZEPHYRS WE HAVE SOME 1936 LINCOLN ZEPHYRS PRICED FROM 9995 UP. Thee are Cars that have been turned In on 1937 Zephyrs and are in perfect shape . . 6700 miles to 9300 miles SEE Mr. Sharkey or any of the boya oa tho Used Car lot - Valley Motor Co. . OPEN SUNDAYS - - THREE LOTS' Center ac Liberty Phone 3153 Jim St- Clair- Guy Bond Marion & Liberty Phone 3158 Joe Goodfellow - Bill Earl - Shorty Mission Holywood Service Station 2121 Fairground Rd. Phone 7455 Ford Cole - Triple Safety Used Cars SAFE TO BUT. TO OWN, TO OPERATE ''SPECIAL99 1939 Nash "400" Fordor Sedan, built- in trunk, nearly new tires, motor is perfect, looks like new. This car books to sell at $660.00. Our price this .weekend $645.00 39 Oldsmobile 4 -door Sedan D. L-. built-in trunk, radio and heater $775.00 39 Nash -400" D. L. Sedan, re conditioned and guaranteed, equipped with overdrive 695.00 35 Ford V-8 Tudor . 625.00 34 Dodge Sedan . - 545.00 3-4 Graham Sedan . 595.00 33 Chev. D. L. Sedan, trunk 365.00 29 Dodge Sedan . 19.oo 29 Hun Sedan 195.00 2$ Nash Sport Rdst rumble seat , . . 195.n 29 Dodge Coupe . 60.00 27 Pontiac Sedan 4.00 Many Others To Choose Worn And don't forget a 76-pc dinner set -free" with any used car priced above $250.00. Carter & Church Motor Co. 365 N. Com'L Ph. 3734 BEAUTIFUL. SALEM hom offered for quick ai freany uull,i i a a AM owul nrnnprt V In OT near Dallaa Price $9500 with 3500 to assume, payaoie i- . . . T . 1 1 1 . I 1. at. ti air. iium win, .i T-t m. x r i r t zrvf Ttonltors 944 State St. - Phone 6708 For Sale Farms 1 HAI1SSV1U.B zjriK,i- good improvements, good soiV miles nit. niri be subdivided. SOCOLOFSKY SON lt NatX Bank Bldg, HAVE SOME 5, 10. 20, 40 A. farms at low prices. 9300-91000 down. Easy 7a. $ rm. bouse, barn, fruit. Elect. $1750. $560 casn oown. 3 A. 6 rm. house, barn, elect, fruit. . .ttnn CAa down. Mu, a. rm. house, elect, fruit. berries, barn, creen. ' - KM. SANDERS c? V. Cottage Ph. 9507. Rea. 5437 " 235 ACRES. 60 ACRES cultivated, balance pasture and good timber. J mile of town. 18 miles of Salem. Home cost $9,000. barn 93.000. Mut sacri- flee for immediate sale. Only 00' . . .i. .k iw ariM lnnr time. one-iounu v . KKK Mr. Walter with - CHILES a - i4 state St. . Ponne 6r0 25 ACRES. NICE bldgs.. all fine j soil, good alfalfa stand, $7500. terma 40 acres, all mod. bldgs. On good paved highway. I Fine soil, 2 silos, milking : machmcj 1 3 steel stantions. a good dairy proposition, ah srocaea and ; equipped. Priced to sell. 32 acres FILBERTS. This is one oi the bcit filbert orchards in the val ley. Let ns tell you about it R a. Forkner or J. s. aiacaenaie 1853 N. Capitol RANCHES T A OtT"C sTklC oAt rrwu t sk rnt it miles out, has about 325 cords wood. price 7iw. ' 10-acrea, good) 4 R. house, large 1 wrtm Krn frtf I rOWS Slid horse. All in cult., soma berries, 6 miles out. Dargainj ai down. v ... of ground, all in cult, "price $2200 $600 down, win raise nuaiia. 60-acres, a fine farm, good modern home. Some crop In, trout stream on place. Barn, paved highway, a real farm, prlcca rignu- 90 -acres, bargain, 6-R. house, base ment, barn, garage, P. H-. 40 A. cult, ramily orchard. About 400.000 ft saw timber, good pasture, a real farm for $4$ per acre. See - Chat. Sanders-Cliff Harold 479 Court St.. Phone 3466. NOTICE! Compare our deal: our Finance Rates ; our Long Time contracts; our Trade-in al lowance ! 33 TERRA PLANE "LATE SERIES" DcLUXE SEDAN Original black finish and upholstery like new. Steel body, safety glass. Less than 20.000 miles. We guarantee this car same as new. Get 20 miles to gal. of Ed 8 . $595 33 PONTIAC STANDARD COUPE Refinlshed. new tires, motor per-! feet, market value on this car ie $35 anywhere. Our price only ..$350 33 HUDSON DeLUXE SEDAN Or iginal black finish. Upholstery like new. steel body, safety glass, new tire. Less than 20,000 miles $595 35 HUDSON DeLUXE COUPE Ra dio, ateel body, safety class, orig inal finish and interior clean : as pin. Low mileage. Get 18 miles to gal. of gas $550 34 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN- Trunk, car In perfect -shape. This Is a real buy. Only $145 down.' BaL $19.90 per month, including inter est and Insurance. 34 FORD DeLUXE COUPE Original finish and upholstery like new. Has less than 9000 miles. Only 8395 31 DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN Ref In- I lshed, steel body .hydraulic brakes, trunk, good tires, motor perfect i shape. Special price- 9295 ! 30 CHEVROLET SEDAN Motor completely overhauled. Refinlshed, good tires, upholstery perfect This Is a Keal Buy. ONLT ...$235 29 DODGE STANDARD SIX SEDAN "First series.- Original finish. good tires. . Motor is perfect Only . $135 SPECIAL FOR TODAY MARMON LATE MODEL Light Six I Sedan. New tires, refinished; new motor, interior like new. Has very low mileage. Today only 9195 Above Cars are Just a few. We have 40 more to pick from ... All makes all models . . . SEE our Used Cars Before you BUY and SAVE MONEY! STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson-Terraplane-Packard Open Evenings Sunday Illgh at Chemeketa Ph. 3400. CORNER CENTER & CHURCH OrvaFs Used Cars PHONE 4702 Sunday Specials 1930 Chev. Sedan, sldcmounts. new paint, new tires, trunk rack, upholstery good . ,. $293 193 Chev. Cpe., wire wheels, new paint good upholstery, motor A-l ....$225 ,1931 Hup, Beaan, sidemounts, new paint, upnoistery perfect Motor A-l, tree wheeling ... . , , $gs 1930 Ford Cue., rumble seat very clean a bargain at $225 192 Chev. Coach, upholstery like new, new tires, wire wheels, hot water neater, new paint a real oar gam at ...$195 These are just a few or our real bargains there are many more to choose from everyone a, real buy. TERMS A TRADE OPEN EVENINGS 4k SUNDAY - EXTRAORDINARY RUT 1937 Ford 4 -door, trunk, blue, mohair up holstery. 433 Union. I Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS RORRROW FROM an Indaoendentl owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive per nnal consideration both before and after the loan is made. - Interest on nnnald balances No fee Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT 'General Finance Corporation 201 First Natl. Bank Bldg, Salem. Or. Phone $139 Uo. No. S-133 Acreage I 4 R. AND BATH. 1 A. elect water system, fruit Close in, near schools. $2250, pt awn., 92000 for cash. Nearly 3 A. New bldgs. Chicken nse. and brooder, 250 hens IncL 93000, trade for farm or equity for Salem hse. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State , Ph. 7113 Wanted Real Estate WE HAVE INQUIRIES DAILY FOR RENTALS IF YOU HAVE VACANT PROPERTY PHONE 4109 Mips Austin HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC. WE HAVE BUYERS for houses. acreages and lota DICK DARN IELL.E 1988 N. Capitol Phone 3511. j WANTED SUBURBAN ACREAGE Have casn buyer for mod. bse. and acreage. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State Phone 7113 WANT 9-10-20 ACRES improved. Must be reasonable. North or east pre- ferred. But submit No brokers. Box 244. Statesman. I Business Opportunities A FINELY CONSTRUCTED, old English style combination tavern and restaurant Modern, well eauiDoed. Three delightful dining-rooms, large rustic fireplace, dance floor, gas sta tion. Eight exceptionally modern cab ins. -ourteen acres, grounds beauti fully landscaped. -Room for trailer camp and additional cabins. On high way 99. Cost' 941,000.00. will saeri- rice ror $19,500.00. Terms. Write Box 262. Che balls. Wash. Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used ear Private money at very low rata. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 201 First Nat'L Bank Bldg Falem. Or. Phone $199 Lie No. M-its. "Yrsrsrwsrvu"uu""i f. Acreage I L Acreage 1 A. on 25th St(6-room bouse, bath, - ... m .t4 s7C JiKIUS, some iruu f 4.7 A. 1 mi. from cltr. A. fruit, ood AVAa1lant .-iW-&45lV (StUrfJlJLt. UUU3t72k'''' I cnicaen nous, on - I timber. 3 A. froit good soil $3500. ADVERTISING I 6 A. 10 mi. from Salem. Small bunga- Western Advertising v Representatives enger-iw" , Ban Francisco. Los Angelea, Seattle Eastern Advertising Bryant Griffith Brun Ine, UDKW, rw - Boston. Atlanta watered ol th Poiorficfat JaUm, Bntintt, offic sts So Commerctol etreef. ' .rrMnnlDTtntb HATES: Mail Sutcrlptlon Rt. " Within Oregon; m i25: VVJ iTo$ 1 yea? $Voo: Elewlber. S$VML;,5f00 - I year in atTaJrrlers 45 cents a month. low, garage, chicken house. Vi A. strawberries, 19 bearing walnuts; 3 . ft 1 AAA 42 A. close to Champoeg. 15 cleared. 1 o A. HOPS, oak umurr ui u-n, ., i. v... .rir etitse- esse iwn. . . . Ol ml fM.m VlHimMltlL 4 Ond bldgs. CUIL. B v. umoer. uwa ciw 1 ver land, fencea cross-iencea. e per A lid viM.inirVSOV or C O. RICE 725 Court St i ..Phone 3723 iinnrLru"i.ry"ii" - -- -- - -- .- Brt. imRlr.B trarta .rich soiL Close In. Small payments. 637 N. 20th. mmnrir ifnPA(JR . . 1.DI-E t rf iTvn aniitti m the New relocated Highway, tine location for Store, Gas Station and Auto Camp, best of berry or filbert soil, all sowed to grain, M crop follows sale. Price S125.00 per acre. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street ACREAGE BARGAIN 10 ACRE LOCATED 5V4 miles from Salem. $ room house, barn. well, chick- enbouse, garage, 5H miles from Salem on good road. A real buy at $2500.00. $1000.00 down. W. Ii. URABENIIORST COt ! REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street WANT MODERATE priced bouse. Pay $350-$500 down. Owners only. Box 244. Statesman. LIST YOUR property with ua. We have buyers. J. LINCOLN ELLIS, 2061 State St A-l DODGE, runs 34.00$ miles, to trade for equity in small property. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street Suburban Resort Property . SUBURBAN HOME ONE-HALF acre. Pen Road, 4 room home, modern except basement Hen house and barn. Partly furnished. All goes at $1700 with $500 cash, balance like rent SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER. Reatlora 344 State St Phone 6798. LABISH A REIMANN GARDENS V. A. OR MORE; 925$ and up: best of soil : Willamette ailty loam : finest of water from drill wells: close to schools and store. 2 mL N. . of city limits; only I tracts left that have fine cherry orchard on them. If you have 9100 or more , we will build a hse. for you. No shacks or ahanties will be built on the tracts. Come in and see us I R. L. Relmann, 197 & High, Dial 8932 INCOME PROPERTY SEASIDE FOUR ULTRA modern cottage and S good houses, Oeeanview. Pay well. 117 Sixth Ave- Seaside or Tel. s70. Salem. .. Business Opportunities ' GOOD DOWNTOWN restaurant. Can handle beer. Seats 4$ Deople. One of the best locations in Salem, only ve rash. See J. W. Brasher wlta LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State St rrTRinRniNiRt nipnRTllNirf j reliable, experienced auctioneer who nas conauctea some ex we uiit ac tion sales ts the aerthwest, will open permanent auction bouse la Salem. Will consider partner. - Investment of three te five thousand dollars required vt me doi 1, Daiem oiwnn. ARE YOU Interested in a business showing net annual income of as much as $6,500 a year with little variance in monthly volume t If you are cap. aDie or managing; a medium size bus iness with exceptionally bright future possiDiutiea, investigate thla quickly. Requires Investment approximately sz.auu. Adaresa John F. Class, Inc, BoxJ, uayton, Ohio. SERVICE STATION north on Port- Restaurant and living quarters, Mc- aiinnviiie, I5V0. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street OU1CK LOANS Txr-'it wm. (k. ah Tfln nd Any amount up to $300 and you can nave a year or ivncer w rri, . for your cash needs, today. roiwg til t etae AT.T. PT.AN8 Second Floor New Bligh Bldg. Ra. 119 ell state St. at nign ol Phone 3191 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem. License S-122. M-16S 125 More to Choose From -OREGON has "H. W." (high water) SHROCK has "L. P." (low prices)., YOU WANT to "S. M:9 (save money) DO AS many "0. P." (other people) "C" Shrock To buy or sell your car. A fair price on every car every day. and a fine selection to choose from, in any make, or price range. We also handle trucks, trailer-houses and mo torcycles. 555 Chem St. ave At hrock's Phone 7922 We have "B. O." (bargains only) pejssalSaSSaSasMMsaSisSsasalSasaSsl PONTIAC DEALER 1939 Pontiac 2-dr. Sed. with trunk. New car guarantee' 1936 Ford Tudor with trunk A heater , 1935 Pontiac $ Sedan 1936 Ford Coupe, like new 1935 Studebaker. with trunk 1934 Plymouth 4-dr. Sed.. 6-wheels, with trunk , 1933 Chevrolet Sport Coupe ,,. - 1932 Ford Tudor , 192$ Ford Coupe 192$ Chevrolet Coach 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Oldsmobile Sedan $723 .695 . 695 . 685 . 6S5 . 625 . 345 . 265 . 125 . 35 . 35 . 39 OooHfctle Motors PONTIAC C and 3 GUARANTEED USED CARS - - - Center A Commercial QoaBnfty Used Gars CERTIFIED 193S Studebaker Diet S-cyt. Bus. Coupe. Heater, radio. I very low mileage. Shiny, original black finish like new. -- Famous . , -- Studebaker all-steel body. Lockheed hydraulic brakes. Thla car is exceptional throughout , . ... . .. . $581 CERTIFIED 193$ Ford Fordor DeLuxe ' Touring Sedan.- Low mileage. SEE IT "Like new." -37 GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED VALUES with nrrtriil. VHA E& tiana- mv In. ... ttwttllAtil nnw anuria fundx. go brokerage, rental repayment plan. prepayment pnniciak vwui ship. A sound way te borrow a safe way to repay. J. V. ULRICH COMPANY 332 State Street Phone $672. FOR SALE : In rood valley town, a small first class ladles ready to wear tore, stock and fixture. Total price cash. Good location. Kent 920 a month. Write Box 243 for further information. (rvrtiTDAr. nntlfUVA laana. build. refinance homes, bustneaa prop. Rates. A Oram s at kuib, inc.. aia-nia mos. Loans Wanted I $650 . BUYS COMPLETE furnishings for small apartment bouse, see us now aooux mis. SOCOLOFSKY A SON . First National Bank Bldg. LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowtng. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta. I For Sale Wood Money to Loan DRT WOOD. Phone 9793. MONET TO LOAN ON SALEM reel den till property un der the F. H. A. plan, long term loans witn low monthly payments. No com mission. Refinance or build a new nome. W. B, GRABENHORST A COL. REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phone 9439 LARGE DRT slab. 19 old growth. Dry sec sr. Tel. 3673. Halloway. 1$ IN. OLD growth. 95.26. T. 726$. WOOD TRUCKS, formerly oa Court St, now on Marion St OLD MOUNTAIN fir. 19 In.. $5.50- 4 ft. 94.5$. Prompt del. TeL 9919. 9100.000.00 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loans.. to 3$ months repaying privilege. frompi service. Also unlimited funds for real estate icana - CHILDS A MILLER. INC Lie. 8-34 GUARANTEED DRT WOOD coat TeL 304. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. Lost and Found SOUND INVESTMENTS. Mat your savings earn more Interest, Buy a first mortgage oa real aetata, - tbe beet eecwriry or au. Loans available $30$ to 50. Net Investors U s. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge, Laaas . LOST SCARF with gold pla 00 State St TeL TeL 9377. Personal LOSE "WEIGHT daily. Sure, safe. Inexpensive. Write Dr. Wendt, Canton, S. Dak. . 1934 HUDSON DeLuxe Sedan. Refinished, heater, radio. ' Motor runs fine. Sparkling performance and economy of -Hudson at a huge aav-. tng; , ; .$5$f 1933 V-9 TUDOR : 917S 111 GRAHAM Sedan I- $J7$ 131 STUDEBAKER Coupe $27$ 193 DICTATOR 6 Sedan Trunk, spotless lnaJde and out Immaculate care has been given to this car irsi : ; 31 J 1923 DICTATOR Sedan See it MANY OTHERS - OUSTANDINQ VALUES Bonesteele Bros., Inc. 1 Liberty and Chemeketa Phone 4444 BARGAINS 1935 Ply. Coach 133 Terra plane Sedan 1931 Chev. Coupe .$55.00 395.00 265.00 1911 Chev. Rdst. sidemounts 265.08 13 Ford Spt Coupe , 225.0 192 Ford Coach 165. 123 Ford Coupe. V-9 wheels 150.00 1929 Ford Spt Coupe 15. 129 Ford Spt Rdst. , . 165.00 12 Buick Coupe 175. 193 Cher. Coupe 215.0 Special This Weekend 1939 Cher. Sedan, sidemounts, new paint, la A-l -condl- tton $269.0 ' Many others to. choose from. Open Evenings and Sundays OrvdTs Used Cars Center and Church. Ph. 4792. 1935 Cher. Tour. Bed. . S 35 139 Hup. 8ed dr. 900 mL. has ' radio. Heater, overdrive $ 16 9 1933 Chev. Mast. Sed. 3 395 1939 Hupp. Sed. $ 5 1935 Graham Sed. 3 $5 133 Dodge 6ed. 45 1934 Chev. Sed. Mstr. . 46 4 Other Models to Choose From - --ARTS CART MARKET " 2.6 No Church . Personal QUIT TOBACCO easily : amaslng dlacery: na elope or using will pow er necessary; 3e stamp for details. P. O. Box 617, San Jose. Calif. Financial 4 ON SAVINGS Insured Te $500 8alaf Federal Barings A Loan Ass a 13 South Liberty St For Going Places SELECT ONE OF THESE FINE USED CARS 13 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-d Tour. 3675 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-d Tour. ISSS 1935 DeSoto AS 4-d. Sedan $595 1935 Chevrolet Master 2-d. Tour. S5 1934 Plymouth Special Bus. Cpe. 3425 1934 Plymouth P. F. Bus. Cpe. 339S 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Bus. Cpe. $345 1933 DeSoto Custom 4-d. Sedan 3S15 1932 DeSoto 4-d. Sedan $325 1931 Buick Sport Coupe tilS 1930 Ford 2-d. Sedan 25 193 Chevrolet 4-d. Sedan :5 13 Ford Roadster $225 1929 Pontiac 4-d. Sedan , .3175 1929 Ford 2-d. Sedan $115 192$ Dodge Crab Coupe ..1S3 1927 Ford T Coupe $ 2 TERMS - - TRADES Open Evenings A Sundays W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH Motor Cars 36 Marlon Phone 7703 Salem. -Tico-Day Specials 2-12 Ford Sedans. $95 to $125 1937 Chrysler Coach (Up-top) 9 13 Ford Coupe $199 These ears most be sold within two days see - them today at i Borregos Car Mkt. S25 Marion St . ' Phone 4523 13 LWJL CHEV. TRUCK van -stake. Inquire 357 N. 15th. Salem. 1J35 PLY. DeLUXE Cpe. Redid.- gd. rubber, fine eond. 19 Third St, West Salem. " - " I5.D9 a year w a'1 i