PAGE FOURTEEN- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning; April 18, 1937 ruvaii D Berry 11 Will Enable Men of Both Regions to Cooperate . in Holding Price Prospects are growing bright er that Oregon berry growers stiffest competitors, Puyallnp val ley growers, uuaj viauuc uuuci a plan similar to that of the Ore gon .-. Blackberry Control board and enable farmers of the two districts to cooperate In market ing their crops, William J. Lin foot, secretary and administrator, of. the local board, reported yes terday. A - large crowd of Puyallun growers recently Toted - unani mously to r adopt the Oregon Blackberry Control board' col lective bargaining type of organ ization, according to an. article aopearinar in the Auburn. Wash.. News. They have agreed to meet to discuss further the proposed organization of growers next Fri day day night. Would Be Aid "Organization of the Puyallup growers would mean a Rr eat deal to us," Linfoot said, "because they raise about three times as many berries as we do. It has been hard to hold up the price of Oregon berries when Puyallup growers were unorganized. " Plans to incorporate for coop erative bargaining in the Puyal lup valley were promoted fol lowing a conference at Longview. Wash., early this month between the executive board of the Puyal lup chapter of the Farm unin and members of the Oregon Blackberry Control board. The Oregon board was represented by Directors Roy Miller and Ira Ray of Monmouth. J. H. Hugi'l of Hubbard, O. L. Davis and John Ramage of Woodburn and' Ad ministrator Linfoot.. The Auburn News, after out lining the berry situations in Ore gon and Washington, adds that Used Car NEWS No room in this ad for the great Used Car Bar gain surprises that you will find here in our Used Car Store or our lot in Dallas. Take a few min utes to step in here to day we promise you will say that the time was worth while! There is an unusual showing of medium priced cars, par--. ticularly, and the small prices will prove the most sensational you have ever seen ! -v - . : Men Plan Co-op Lowest Possible Down Payment SMALLEST MONTHLY PAYMENTS (AVAILABLE LOWEST FINANCE CHARGES IN HISTORY COMPLETE INSURANCE PROTECTION MISCELLANEOUS 1925 KEO Sedan .. .. .,-.-- 25 1923 8TUDE Sedan .. $ 25 1937 OAKLAND Coach S S5 1925 HTUDE Scdaa .... S 40 1928 BUICK Sedan 9 45 1927 NASH Coupe 45 192A CHKYSLEK CoachS 75 1929 ESSEX Coach .... St 15 1929 HUDSON Sedan ......9135 1920 OAKLAND Coupe, - : Completely over!uiuled..81S5 1930 HUDSON Sport Coupe $105 FORDS 1929 Ford Roadster $115 1929 Fowl Tndor SI 55 103O Ford Roadster $IS5 CHEVROLETS 1928 Chevrolet Coach ....SI 15 1929 Chev. Coupe f!65 PLYMOUTHS 1933 Ply. De Lnxe Spt. Coach S305 1935 Plymouth Coach S545 DODGES 1928 Dodge Senior Sed...S145 192S Dodge Victory Sed...f 155 TRUCKS 192 DODGE Truck. New " Brakes. Motor excel lent 85 1934 FORD V - 8 Truck. Equipped with Brown- '-. - lite transmission. Excel lent rubber. You can't beat thia buy........ $395 "DEPEND ABILITY" . - "The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks" . Factory Distributors for Dadge-Ply Dodge Trucks; 235 S. Commercial . Used Car "with the two states cooperating it Is conceded the situation will be better for both growers and packers." Cannerymen, the arti cle says, "will be able to main tain prices and the cooperatives will not have to undersell in or der to obtain money with which to finance . their f seasonal oper ations." u:. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE FERRY STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF TWENTY-FIRST STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF TWENTY-THIRD STREET IN THE CITY OF SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEM, that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary ;; and expedient, and hereby-declares its purpose and intention to improve FERKtf STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF TWENTY -FIRST STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF TWENTY-THIRD STREET IN THE CITY OF, SALEM. ORE GON, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley inter sections, the expense which will be assumed by the city of Salem Oregon, by. bringing said por tion of said street to the tab. lishert grade.; constructing Fort land cement concrete curbs ani paving said portion of said street with a six Inch Portland cement concrete pavement, thirty (30) feet in width, in accordance with the plans ' and specification therefor which were adopted, by tbe Common Council on March 15, 1937. now on Tile in the of fice of the City Recorder and which are hereby referred to tnd made a part hereof. The Common Council : hereby declares its purpose and inten tlon to make the above-descrH'ed improvement by end through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregn. By Order of the Common Coun cil ot the city of Salem. Oregon, the 5th day of April. 1937. A. WARREN JONES. . City Recorder. Date of first publication April 8. 1937. Date of last publication April 20 1937. ' " Apr. 8, 9, 10,-11. !13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 20. OREGON'S USED' CAR WHY GAMBLE - . Every Used Car We " Ironclad Written 1. 2. 3. 4. We J Demonstrate We Invite Mechanics' Inspection i ' ' i - We j Give You a Guarantee in Writing We (Are Proud of Our Used Cars and Trucks HK.0 DODGE Touring ; Car ............. .4 . $ 40 1928 CHEV Coach j i-$ 50 J920 OAKLAND j Sedan..f SO 1028 INDIAN Motorcycle, as It .. . 4 $ 25 1929 CHRYSLER Coupe. Completely overhauled, new paint -. I ....$225 1928 HUP Sedan .....-$175 1030 AUBURN Sedan $245 1U35 GRAHAM Sed. A beauty 1 $565 FORDS 1930 Ford Coupe -$165 1931 Ford Sport) Koailster $245 103? Ford Coupe $295 CHEVROLETS 1930 Chev. Sedan $225 1932 Chev. Coach ...........-$325 1931 Chev. Coach ..?275 PLYMOUTHS 1936 Ply. Cpe. Hot Water healer, radio, low mile age i- S6T0 DODGES 1029 Dodge Std. 6 Sedan..$175 1928 Dodge Std. 6 Sedan.. 175 1933 Dodge Sedan 455 i TRUCKS 1 93 1 FORD 1 -Ton Truck and logging trailer. The . truck has been completely overhauled. Excellent rub ber and new paint. See this unit. - - t i Open Evenings and Sundays Park Dallas, Oregon, Oak and Canby Campus Largest CANBY, April 17 -0P)-Caiiby onion high, school, with, a cam pus of S3 acres, claims the larg est school grounds In the state, six acres were added at an elec tion this week. No. 0345 -" NOTICE OF FINAIj ACOOTTNT la the Omnty Court of tU- State of Oregon for the County of Marion. ; In the Matter of the Estate of Adolphus Hill, Deceased: ; NOTICE to hereby given that tbe undersigned, as administra trix of the estate of Adolphus Hill, deceased, has filed her final account in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and that Wednesday, tbe 19th day of May, 1937, at the hour. of 9:30 o' clock in the -forenoon of said day and the court room of said Court has .been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Ap ril 18. 1937. . Date of last publication May 16, 1937. ELSIE POTTER, Administratrix. Willis Potter, ' . Attorney. A. 18-25 M. 2-9-16. Statesman i Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line -..10c Three Insertions per line 23c Six insertions per line 30c One month per line $1.00 Minimum charge 25e Copy for this page accepted until :3S the evening before publication for classification Copy receive! fter this time will be run under the heading. Teo Late to Clt ify. The Statesman assume no finan lal responsibility for errors which nay appear In advertisements pun ished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will re orlnt thst pait ef an advertisement in which tbe typographical mistake vcura The Statesman reserves the right o reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to lace sli advertising under the mivr classification. GREATEST SALE! PLAY SAFE ! - Sell Carries an Guarantee 1928 DURANT Sedan $ 90 1930 ESSEX Coach ' $135 1929 OLDS Sedan .! $155 1929 NASH Adv. Bed... 185 1931 DURANT Sedan ....$275 1929 POXTIAC Cab. . $175 1930 PON HA C Sedan .$225 1929 STL'DE Pres. Brougham ; . $245 1930 BUICK Sedan $263 1931 BUICK Sedan --.-$345 1036 WILLYS 77 Sedan..$463 FORDS 1935 Ford Tudor -'- 465 1931 Ford Coach $255 1933 Ford Coach $335 1934 Ford Sedan Del $395 CHEVROLETS 1928 Chev. Coach ....... $25 1929 Chev. Coach $185 1933 Chev. Coach .... $395 PLYMOUTHS 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe 4 door Touring Sedan....i..$583 DODGES 1929 Dodge D. A. Sedan.. $255 1936 Dodge Coach $085 TRUCKS ? 1926 MODEL T Pickup.... 25 1929 CHEV. lH-ton Truck. Good rubber. New paint, A Real Truck ...... .......$185 1930 FORD Truck. Good rubber. Excellent me chanical condition. ' A Real Buy $245 - Main Street Phone 3169 NOTICE CALL FOR WARRANTS All .warrant of School No. 24, Marlon County, Oregon, to and including No. 1CS2C hava been called. Pleaao present to Ladd St Bash Bank.. Salem, Oregon, for payment. Signed W. H. BURGHARDT, Clerk. A-17-18-20 ; Farmers Exchange Livestock and Poultry BABY CHICKS. IS varieties day old or tarted. Cockerels for capons, fries, pullets now ready. Tel. 123F2. Lee's Hatcbery. I Help Wanted Male I EXP. DISHWASHER, steady Job. State Cafe. ABLE MAN Distribute circulars; run local coffee agency. Earnings up to $200 In a month. Ford given pro ducer as bonus. Complete outfit sent; no money risk. Details free. Write ZANOU 198 Tenth 8L, Oakland. Cal. RELIABLE MAN take care store route.' Dlsribute, collect, new prod ucts. No selling;. Earn excellent week lv Income. B. W. Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. Help Wanted Female ) ' POSITION JOPEN for lady to work real estate experience not necessary. Splendid opportunity to right party call' at 109 South Commercial St. WILL. GIVE elderly lady home In exch. for light services. Tel. 229. GIRL WITH references for gen. hou fee work. Good wages. TeL 3622. NEW WORK FOR WOMEN. Earn to $23 weekly and your own dresses FREE showing Fashion Frocks. - No investment. Give age and dress size. FA ft II ON FROCKS, Inc., Dept. C 80i. Cincinnati. Ohio. WOMEN EARN GOOD PAT mail ing , our FREE catalogs.. Everything supplied Including stamps. NO selling. Write, enclosing stamped, addressed envelope . Nationwide Distributors, 01 Broadway, N. Y. ADDRESS POSTCARDS for us : ev erything supplied. We pay weekly. Stamp brings details. . MATS COS METICS, University Station, Tucson, Arizona. . GIRL FOR general' housework, t In family. Give reference. Box 254. 10 SALESLADIES, HOUSE to house. Apt. 201, 33 Ferry St. 12 noon to 1 p. m. or 6 p. m. to 7 p. m. REMINGTON RAND (Portable Typewriter Division) will employ lo cal representatives. No experience or investment. Write M. N. Rand. 315 Fourth Ave., Dept. 418, New York. Salesmen Wanted I WANT HIGH class men capable of earning $50 to $150 weekly in Insur ance, real estate, bonds or other lines for a whirlwind campaign of an ex ceptionally attractive nature. "Make good" and fee In line for the future. Give name, address, 'phone If -any experience, age and references. Write today to Box 240, Statesman. HELP WANTED. SALESMEN WE NEED three hard working salesmen. Preference will be given men -with outside appliance exper ience. This Is a connection which war rants the attention of the best spe cialty men In Salem. It offers a chance to make some real money and an ' opportunity for advancement. Write complete qualifications and past experience to Box 253, Statesman. Situations Wanted j Exp. dressmak. Mrs. Adsltt. T. 944$. MIDDLE AGED woman wants work by hour or day. Inquire 2055 S. Summer. LADY 'WISHES work. Day or hour, washing dishes, washing. Ironing, cleaning, care of children. At my home or yours. Emma Krels, 1790 Waller. WANTED HOUR or day work by capable young woman. Ret 1409 N. Church, upstairs apt. For Sale-Miscellaneous SEWING MACHINE headquarters, 439 Court St. 25 used treadle and elec tric machines. Expert repairing, work guaranteed for one year. Upstairs Kurniture Store, Telephone 4622. SALE NEW house-boat, cheap. Inq. 102$ N. Commercial. Bob Shannon. MAHOGANY FARRAND piano, $50. TeL 5549. 1060 N. 14th. TABLE POTATOES $1.50 per 100. Seed, Burbank. Garnets, Gems, British Queen,- Ramp's Warehouse, Brooks, Ore.- i . , OATS tt VETCH, $10. Straw. $4.50. Mrs. Wright, U ml Wallace Road. ANTIQUE WALNUT table, drop leaf. Reasonable. 790 N. 17th. TeL 5459. 1 CASH OR trade tor used furniture ranges, heaters, radios, machinery, oola, etc. Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phono 5-1-1-0. 1(10 N. Sum ner In Hollywood. BUY UPSTAIRS and save on Dav enport & chair, bedroom suites, dining room furniture, one piece or a house ful at lowest prices and terms. Up stairs Furniture Store, 439. Court St. -,-' -"-i - 'iMtrwrunj'XtlJXnJnX ADDING MACHINES, cash' reel (era. typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Kxpert repair service, moderate prices Knen Typewriter Exch. 420 Court. HAULING FOR sale. dirt. sand, cravel and fertilizer. Phone 5547. --.. - - 1 -I,-1 ,-n-ti-iruu-Ln BALED STRAW, phone 67F3. GOAT MILK. 11c qt. deL daily. Phone 3388. FERTILIZER. RIVER silt, garden rock. TeL 3800. Lacey. , FOR SALE: hot house building, 40,- 000 feet 1x10 celery bleaching lumber; water tank. 125 gallon capacity; plow, 1 gasoline engines: 3 rotary pumps; 1 Ford truck; 44 bundles celery crate labs : 200 feet Irrigating hose ; hot house stove. See Freeman, trustee In bankruptcy. Room 9. Ladd a Bush Bank Bldg. Dotted fertilizer,l$i.76 ""yd. Ph. 9560. - DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6663. PUPPIES. TeL 8630. 840 & 25UU ' GOOD HAY Oats snd vetch. Clover nay. TeL 7F33. Mrs. Hackett. SHRUBS, Schreiber's. 2060 Nebraska GOOD USED brick. 366 N. Com'L ------------- - --ii-ir-w-tonjirtruxrcr DRY WOOD. All klnda Ph. 9560. WOOD RANGE, coils. TeL $463. BEAUTIFUL- GAS range, terma t; Strand Ave. s,sesasaaaMs MAHOGANY DINING set. ' Bunga low A Id rich piano, Velom davenport and chair, bed and Simmons springs stoves. 326 8. Winter. - Trade -Miscellaneous TRADE FOR ctty lot antique yel low and whit gold brooch, set 19 dia monds. 4 sapphires, valuable. Box. 243, Statesman. , . , - -i -. . WILL TRADE new 1937 7-ft. leon ard electric refrigerator with master dial for good used car. Call In person Monday at 4S3 Court St. Fred E. Ob erholtser. Wantetr Miscellaneous. MIX. BffRTl AND maata, 8 lata Cata, I Wanted Miscellaneous! WALNUT MEATS or . walnuts tn abU. any quantity. Stat Cafeteria. - FREE WE pick up dead aad worth less horses, cows, snsep. TeL 4869. MARKET POULTRY wanted any time. Highest cash pries paid. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. WANT TO purchase portable Singer electric TeL 4175. I Miscellaneous FILMS DEVELOPED. prints and 2 enlargements 25c Quality Co, box 8573. Portland. Ore. ART LESSONS. 807 N. 19th. FILMS DEVELOPED. S prints each good negative, 25c Portland. Film. Cow, box 4213, Portland, Ore. 000000000000000000000000k00t TUNE IN on KSLM facts program 1 :15 to 1 :30 each afternoon and hear the facts about, the Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court St, Salem. WORK FOR "UNCLE SAM.1 Start $1260-$2100, Men women. - Try next Salem examinations. - Sample coaching and list Jobs, FREE. Apply .today. Box 1261 G, Statesman. . "VlLMS DEVELOPED. Eight prints and hand colored, enlargement, tic. Oregon Picture Co, box 4293, station D, Portland. Ore. , . For Kent Rooms SLEEPING ROOM. TeL. 4498. -. SLEEPING ROOMS, 660 N. Com'L FINE SLEEPING room. 638 N. Church. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, reas onable price. 770 N. Front St. HEATED SLEEPING rooms, hot. A cold water business people. 255 Cen ter. FURN. ROOMS, 255 Division. SMALL BUT choice furn. rm. Mod ern home, close In. Fine res. disU, $10. Garage available Ph. 9534. . LARGE, LIGHT comfortable rooms, board if desired. 161 S. 14th. SMALL ROOM for man In modern home, near state bldgs. 295 N. Sum mer. I Room and Board NICE FRONT room for 2, also sin gle room. Close in. 593 S. Com'L RM., BD.. 315 Belle vue and S. Com'L R. B. CLOSE In. 191 S. Church. Fr Kent Apartments FURNISHED 2 ROOM apt., 2261 Hazel Ave TeL 7664. MOD. 2 R. APT. Inq. Tip Top Cafe, corner Tile Road and N. CapitoL FURN. APT.. 1440 State SC 7554. 2-R. UN FURN. APT., 2164 Maple Ave. NEWLY FINISHED rm. furn. apt. New electric range, new G. E. ref. 2 business women. 455 a Liberty TeL. 7660. 3 RM. APT., mod., furn., steam heat, Frtgidaire, garage. 2380 F. G. Rd. TeL 7532. ... 1 OR 2 ROOM, 267 S. Church. CLOSE IN 8 rm. furn., duplex, first floor, garage. Inq, 860 Mill. FOR RENT: 5 room flat. 660 Ferry St. Water and -garbage service fur nished. $25. BECKE at WADSWORTH 189 N. High APARTMENT AVAILABLE, May 1st. Roberts Apt. 3 ROOM FURNISHED apt., private bath, 694 N. Com'L 1 R. KIT., bath. 2005 N. CapitoL FURN. APT., 507 Royal Court. 6730. TWO LARGE rooms and kitchen ette. Heat, lights and water. 592 N. Summer. NEAT 3-R. FURN. apt., heat, light, water. $25. 2 adulta 475 N. CapitoL THREE ROOMS furnished, fine kit chen, phone, lights, water, furnace heat, garage, attractive place, adults, $25.00. 1064 Oak St. APARTMENTS. 355 BELLE VUE. For Rent Houses HOUSES. Melvln Johnson. TeL 3723. MODERN RM. house. Ph. 4581. 4 R. FURN. HOUSE, neat, very close In. Inq. 694 N. High. FURNISHED 8 ROOM house, wa ter furn., close In. 667 N. Front. . COZY FURNISHED bungalow, elec range, Frigidaire. 1235 N. ltth. RENTAL 8 RM. HOUSE, 1082 Fir St.. $ 15.00." WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street HOMES FOR. rent. $30 ,and $35. Dial 7$07. SOCOLOFSKY A SON. SMALL HOUSE. 945 ' N. 18th. ' In quire 2164 Maple Ave. . MODERN HOUSE with X bedrooms. $42.50 per mo. ' ' R. L. Reimopo. 167 & High, Dial $631 For Rent I , HOSPITAL BKDS and wbeH chairs to rent. H. U Stiff Furniture Co. . OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 381 State St. TeL 8713. , , .- .... 10 ACRES. ' HIGHLY Improved, electricity, water system., hardwood floors, 4 H miles out on . pavement. Will lease by the year. F. H. WEIR. Orcg. Bldg. Phone 8902 I Wanted to Rent ' WANT TO rent, about June 1st. $ R. unfurn. house, convenient to grade school. Box 241, Statesman. t For Sale Real Estate 8 A. NORTH. 5 RM house, barn and chicken house, berries and fruit. $1750 cash. 10 A. Joining this avail able 1 A. east of Salem, 4 rm. house, chicken house, elec and gas, $2000. 2 5 rm. house, bath and fire place, beautiful surroundings, fruit, berries and nuts. $3900. - 31 A, beautiful suburban"' home, fireplace, hot water heat. T . rm., creek, springs, 13 A. fine full-bearing peaches, 1 A. cherries, 40 walnut trees, alfalfa,, pasture, meadow. land, timber and packing hse.- For . quick sale before May 1st, $13,500. See us for terma - - . ' $3150 $500 down,1 6 rm. modern home on No. 21st wHh HOLC loan. $16.89 a month. You will have to see this house to appreciate It. - $28006 rms. Hollywood district, furnace, fireplace, hwd. flra, double garage. ,- ' $1700 win bur a nice 4 rm. house, furnished. $900 down. . , . $500 down and terms will buy a 7 rm. modern house, splendid location fo schools and down-town.-"- . ... WINNIE PETTYJOHN - ' - 47T Court Street .: OLD SIX room home on Fair-mount HI1L- Large cor. lot,- price $1650, $500 down." ' r - vV." ""5 3 rand new six room home tn North Salem. All hardwood floor. . fireplace and. furnace,. $.3440 850 down, $25.00 month, .--.-.,-.... PHONJB III I For Sale Heal Estate"! SAVE RENT " $58.00 DOWN AND balance $15.00 per monta will buy a Tins z H acre - - tract east of Salem, good well, will furnish to right party $150 of building material to con struct a small dwellings, price Including well and building ma terial, 1200.00. Int. 6 percent. ' Here la your opportunity to get started oa that smalt acreage - ' tract - . - - . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., ' REALTORS . 114 a Liberty Street 000000, ' BEST BUT IN TOWN -THIS "STRICTLY modern 4 rm. home is offered to YOU at a SACRI FICE 1 Attractive fireplace, furnace, hardwood firs., garage with cement drive,-large back porch,-price $2500, $500 dn, $30 per mo. inc. Int. at 5. - See R. A. Johnson with, - - W. H. GRABENHORST t CO, REALTORS - . . . . 114 8. Liberty St Phone 6468. 00000000000000000000000 WILL FINANCE and build to suit If lot is clear. TeL 5506, - -. . - 0000000000000000000000000000' BUILDING "LOTS on pavement. N. Liberty St. "$500. U. L. Reimann. 167 S. High. Dial 8632 0000000000000j000 BERRY SOIL . $50.00 DOWN AND- balance $10.00 per month will buy S acres on main road, small new shack house, price $750.00. - W. -IL GRABENHORST A CO., . REALTORS " . - " 114 S. Liberty-Street WILL TAKE good car as down pay ment on acres of good land one mile from Salem. 1121 Edgewater, West Sa lem. . GOOD 9 R. HOUSE close In for smaller house. By owner. Tel. 7706. . FINE COUNTRY home, view place. 6 ' A., unfinished new house, close In. 'Several fine buy a1 in Improved acre age.' . 4 R. modern home close In. Owner says reduce price for quick sale. J. LINCOLN ELLIS. 2061 State St. " A "ij-s-m-i j"ustiruijefXrLrxflJir WOODED TRACT CLOSE TO Salem on good road, nice timber with all year stream. A REAL LOCATION to build a nice home, located on Croisan CREEK. 14 acres, price $2200 cash If sold right now. , W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6168 SERVICE STATION SITE BROADWAY A- HOOD SEE THIS fine location, 6 rm. home on corner, can be moved to back of lot $2500 with terms. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First National Bank Bldg. NEW HOME JUST COMPLETED, nicely decor ated, hardwood floors throughout ma hogany finish, tile bath, full cement basement furnace, fireplace, 5 nice rooms, attic, garage, cor. lot good lo cation. Price $4500. $300 down. bal. $45 per month, READY TO MOVE INTO. See. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468 SPECIAL $ 100 DOWN buys fine strictly modem 7 rm. home, very large rooms. ' Dial 7807. SOCOLOFSKY A SON. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. 5 ACRES BEAUTIFUL vlewrlver and Polk Co. For few days, $1000. Call owner. Phone 7238. $150 DOWN' WILL BUY this S room home with attic, cement " basement paved st. price $1350, baL payable $15 per month. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 & Liberty St . . Phone 6468 i-ersrrrri'V irurTjnTTrxj BRAND NEW COMPLETELY MODERN ; 4 ROOMS, AUTOMATIC heat fire place, wonderful view lot. well land scaped. Price Includes about $309 worth of carpets, curtains, electric range and water heater. The price? $3600. ROBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. 000000000000000000000000000000i $300 DOWN $25 PER MONTH to Include lnt at 6 will buy this modern 5 room plas tered home, with full cement base ment furnace, fireplace, garage, paved st, near school. Price $2500. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phone 6468 rage, good well, berries, $550. 2 A., well, hen house, fruit berries, close in, $150 cash. baL monthly. 8 A, S rm,, elect, w. system, barn, garage, hen h.. hog B.. furniture, $2800. part terma For bargains see F. Grlepentrog, 1940 McCoy St TeL 4954 MUST SELL small modern home nar Ketzer school with three Iota Phone my agent 3031. . $ ROOM PLASTERED house close in. A bargain at $2100. Terma 7 room house. Nice large lot good location. Partly , furnished. $2500, tsrms.- . For a quick sale, we off fer a bargain in an 8 room, double constructed house with full basement Sale price $2300 $500- down. - - 4 room house with basement A buy at $1300. - J. F. ULRICH CO. 363 'State Street Phone 8672 - K ACRE.' WITH new unfinished house. Vista -Ave, $1150, $ 100 down, $15 per mo. . .. - . , S R. hse.. garage, pavement. block- of Jr. Mgh, $1600, $260 down, $18 per mo. . . - 6 R. 'hse..? basement -furnace, fl re place, $ . bedrooms, ene block- new . Sr. higtv. sclW, $tH0. $500 down, $34 per mo. i ; -r - - . , Beautiful 1 A." tract, $0 large bear in 'cherry 'trees, neat -4 R. modem he.. Just , outside, ctty limits, . $2S;5, $500. down, balance. easy.: - . -R. L. Reimann, 167 S. Hlgh,Jial 8632 f 2 A. . CLOSE IN, 3 R. house, bath, dec. ' water system, 2 chicken houses, $2500 terma- . : :- : ' 5 A. 7 mites, S cult, grapes and ap ples. 2 springs, 4-R. house, barn, $700, $200 down. , i 5 A. close, 5 R. fair bouse, .elec, large bam. well. var. fruit; good : road, ai750, $250 down. - - ' ' - C J. . JACKSON. 141 State St $1250. 5-ROOM HOUSE, bath, lights, garage, woodshed, close to schooL $ 500. down, 5 -room bungalow at 2140 . Maple ' Ave. Modern except fireplace. Nice lot $2500. : $ 400. down. Nice modern bungalow at 2429 Lee. St Lot 60x166 ' $2673. - - $6500. Colonial type home 8 blka from CapitoL 6 large rooms, modern, double garage. 18100. One of nicest. T-room homes In Salem. 6 blka from courthouse, beautiful site Lots of trees A ' shrubbery, below value - - MELVIN JOHNSON or C O. JHCE 725 Court-St. - - - Phone" 3733. . POSSESSION AT ONCE .- " 7 R. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 20 arce bearing walnuts, cherries, prunes, good location. $4500, terma- f .. . RIVER BOTTOM SOIL " 40 acres walnuts, filberts. . prunes alfalfa, good creek, free water to Irri gate. 6 R. bouse, large bam,' ,$3500, f 1009 cash, worth more. - EAST OF SALEM ' f 40 acres. 1 A. walnuts, prunes, ber rles. fair- buildings, $4200.. Will 'take home In city,-. - -.- -. Jesse G. Campbell.- 226. Oregon Bldg. I 4 RM. - PLAST. hse, paving.- s4de wlk. Exceptional value, at $1600.' $300 dn., baL' like rent : . - - , I Modern 4 rms. A nook, (furnished). An attractive - buy, at $2750, terms. Take small -acreage home at edge of tvwa as part "" " " V :-- '-' : 5 rma. and bath,-' wired, for' range, paved, north. $1425. part cash. 5 rma A nk, nice lot Treea Base RxceHent condition. Walkms'drstance from state bldgs. ; - - -- -r - - - ' ; Lovely ultra med. J rma,unfln up-i stairs: -Trees. . Very, easy .dnl pymt,-- WILLAMETTE REAL 'ESTATE". Ill Stat X. 2UI. For Sale Real Estate I MODERN 4 BOOM A Book, furnace, fireplace, good location. $3000. 1000 A. nwmts aTl rlMnttA. 81350.00. $100.00 cash. baL like rent 4 rooms, $850 $100. cash. $11 mo. STEGNER. 180 N. Commercial. 0040000000000000000000 1 A.. 3 RMS, ELECT, fruit a- 00000000000000000000000000000 SROON SEMI-MODERN house, full price $1500.00, f IOQ.00 down, $15 per month. . M 5 room house and one acre of land, plenty of fruit well located. Just out side of city limits and lust off pave ment on graveL Full price $2250, $50 down, $15.00 per month. New house, well built basement plenty of bullt-lns as well as splendid location, full price $2500.00. $500.00 down. $0.00 per month. 5 room modern bouse' full ' price $1260.00. $380.00 down, no monthly payments) Interest semi-annually. &. room house, old. on two corner lots, should be repaired, cheap, will take car for down payment Balance $12.00 per month. - : .- . F. IL WEIR. Ore Bldg. "Ph.. 8902. j000000000m0000000000000000404 RICHMOND -ONE BLOCK south of State 1961 Ferry. Good 6 rm. home large lot with bearing fruit and nut. $1800. ENGLEWOOD : One block north of Market 142S N. 17th, 6 rooms, nook, fireplace, base ment. furnace NICE . DISTRICT. $3500. . DIAL 7807 " SOCOLOFSKY A SON - First National Bank Bldg. ' -. Bus'ti ess Curd la this directory rem on a monthly basis only. Rate: SI per Hne per month. Auto Brakes Mike PaiHfk. 278 South Commercial Bicycles BIUTCLES, NEW reconditioned Harry W. Scott 147 & Com'L Ph. 4516 f - Brushes FULLER'S. Ph. 6724. 2785 Brook St Chimney Sweep j rKI.EIMMNK 4 450 R B, Northoess Chiropractors DR O U sorrv PSfi. Chiropractor 256 N High -Tel Res 9)82 Electrical Work TODD ELECTRIC CO.. all kinds of electric work electric motors bought and sold 464 Court. St, TeL 9576. m Excavating FXCAVATING OF all klnda Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand and Gravel Co Prone 9408 Florists Hrelthsupt's. 417 Court Ph. 1904.' Furs ttuRAIN rut Co Master furriers and teslgnera Rm 8 A Milter Bldg. Landscaping RELIABLE LANDSCAPING. L. C. Fredrick son. Pa. 1 1F2L Price reason. Laundries THR NEW 8 A I.EM I.AUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 a High - TeL 9128. CAPITA I CITT LAUNDRY FIRST IN Quality and Service Telephone 9168 1264 Broadwa HOME LAUNDRY. TeL 6264. r w Across w I 2 3 M Z 6 7 a 1 lO II 12 13 IlZlllZIIlfelll 1 -ll7?7ll III!!ZZi!lZZZIII 26 21 2& y2i 31 32 !lZZll!l!lZll!!ZZ 31 HO HI H2 43 HO 1 S " TT "T- -T TT 53 M "1 hi M" 1 1 1 mH 1 By EUGENE SHEFFER : HORIZONTAL ' 1 deposit of -mad in . water : 5 fold of . . . . front of coat 10 a stout cord 14 scent - 15 staring' with sar priaa -16 augmented . .by scanty addition . 17 too 18 m jot 19 rough, broken r. "eiiff . "v 20 European . ; falcon -. 22 com para : , ' critically". 24 character - -of sound . . 25 two-toed - : sloth 26 broadeat ; 2y perforin " 33 opposed to ' .Zeathoda . k. 34 one who ra- purchases " .'15 result of . . V addition. '. j 36 a variety of . faartx - 38 cnited -39 made ready ,.J2 strong- iron " . - '"'J pins - ' 44 Mtnaxfns; pais 45 interval 4S the City of the Hfllv . Italy 47 etrika . 48 a pica ri an bird 51 gymnastic performer 65 old 66 vex 68 take S3 beast of - ' burden 60 finished 61 impel " 62 wagers 63 reserve fond 64 line of junction Herewith is tbe solution-to Sat urday's pnzrle. ' W AjMIT )TlA fig Z g SIT SIR EPjP E Nkfe : aUo dTpi i-PiE m via , nr oil L mzWFv For Sale Real Estate Look-lLooEx THIS BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH TYPE. Stonetone, stucco, ,1 room strictly modern home, lovely lot and . shrubbery, back yard all fenced, ah- for children, good location, close to Englewood and new high schools, pav ed st A walks paid. You will want this soma when you see it and tor this week only, price $3500. $700 cash, baL $30 per mo. me. principle Interest, taxes and Insurance : pen for Inspec tion Mond.iv. and an week. Call V. L. IRISH. 7184 for appointment nruTjnjnrj-jiJsiaiiiJBiJ''i"i' ,m APARTMENT AND hotel. Mora than $300.00 monthly Income Down town location. A real boy at $5000, . with some terms. - . - . - - Modern house close In. out of towa owner. 1 am Instructed to sell, easy terma - - ' - - : Service sUtlon. handles T500 gallon of gas per month, 4 pumps, 2 acrts of land, good residence sell on easy terms or take Salem property aa down payment. - Fine building lots, easy terma soma as little as $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. . Five room newly pastered house, H acre of land, garage, chicken " boose. cow- stall, bus -service You won't f tod " a better buy for. $3150.00, easy, terms, 6J interest.' H. C. Shields. 310 Ore' Bldg. Ph. $908 CHERRY ORCHARD cloea In, $1000.00. Take car part payment 41$ . Ferry Street D i recto r v Lime GOLD -HILL agricultural lime, state tested. 98 calcium carbonate Soil tested free Order at 1070 Broadway or 429 Oregon Ridg Mattresses SALKM --Kl.t'l-KUU and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTKRSS made to order, old remade . carpet cleaning, sis ing: fluTf rug wearing & IStb A Wil bur. TeL 8441 OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est 1911 - .1 'APITI HKKIiiM) ! Pbone 406. I Music Instruction 7 MKISlNf.KK STUDIOS. 1032 Oak. TeL 7186.- Accordion, modern piano, guitar, club Painting-Paperhanging HERBERT E. WOOD. T. 5916. Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO- engraving. 147 N. Commercial TeL 6887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, card, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of Printing, call 1 he Statesman Printing Department SIS-S. Commercial Tele phone 9181 - I Private .Detective Newell William. Bo 127 TeL $719. Stoves and Fence W b-REPAIR store, ranges, circula tors Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ran-: gt-s and circulaiora wire fence and fence post a Salem Pence and Stove Works. 2C2 Chemeketa. TeL 4716. e E. Fleming. Transfer rtlR LOCAL or distant transfer after age call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co, Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 126 State St TeL 7778. Distributing, Car warding and storage our specialty. Get ur rates. Well Drillins R A WEST. Rt . Ft. 448 T. HOPS. i n i ora ruzzie VERTICAl. 1 wet thor oughly 2 Tain 3 privation 4 jogged 5 wailing 6 active 7 yield pre- - -cious metal Z Those de . roted to , luxuries of the table - beverage 10 one who lives ee- ; - eluded . 11 the basis " of soups 1Z mel .' 13 rim - ; 21 national flower nf England 23 narrow way 26 bee-Uka insects 27 habituate 28 shaped like a cupola 29 commerce -20 aabstitnta for soap - 31 copper coins ; 32 a ringlet 36 the order including man - . - 37 very re - spectful 40 - : processions 41 minute particle ; 42 sustain 43 cephalcped ; having , -. eight arms . : 45--move back 47 mora eon- .. . ; -temptibJe 48 side-post ai '. . i.a door --. '49 malarial ' fever 50 rehistorta ; - implement 63 unadorned o3-t- seaweed . -54 bexnd '-- :i 87 imstl 1