1 Subscription Dance Gay Aifair . AG4.Y affair of the weekend was the subscription club dance last night in the Mirror Room of the Marion Hotel with nnm- ber of out-of-town go est present (or the last dance of the year. Several Informal affairs preced ed the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick Lamport entertained at din ner at their Ben Lomond park home. Corers were placed for eight. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Elliott were hosts for a dinner party a( their home on Marion street in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Macdonald of Portland. The.Mac donalds and - their son. Tommy, are weekend guests or the Elliotts. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Toole enter tained for a group of visitors pre ceding the dance. The honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ham mond a- d Mr. and Mrs. Norman Matschek of Portland end Major and Mrs. William Spence of Cor vallla. Members of the club are Messrs. and Mesdames Robert Herrold. W. F. Byers, Walter Barsch, Rex Adolph, Karl Becke, R. G. Brady, Breyman Boise, P. W. Byrd, Jer ald Backstrand, Ernest Bone steele, .Raymond Bonesteele Chandler Brown, Curtis Cross, John Carson, Wallace Carson, Al lan Carson, Dolph Craig, Frank Chapman, H. A. Cornoyer, Ches ter Cox, J. H. Callaghan, J. D. Caughell, Fred Deckebach, J. T. Delaney, W. C. Dyer, J. J. Elliott, R. L. Edwards, Homer Egan, A. C Eoff. H. E. Eakin, D. J. Fry, Jr., Clifford Farmer, Bert Ford, Wal ter Fubrer, L. D. Griffith,, J. J. Griffith, Victor Griggs, Carl Ger linger of Dallas, Hollis Hunting ton, Gus Hixson, Harry Hawkins, G. F. Hadley, Archie Holt, R. S. Hamilton, Clifton Irwin, R. E. Jones, W. A. Johnson, Walter Kirk, Ercel Kay, Edwin Keech, Lowell E. Kern, James Linn, Wil liam H. Lytle, Fred Lamport, Oli Ter Locke, T. A. Livesley, J. H. Laidlaw, W. T. Loder, W. B. Mott, II. G. Maison, P. C. MacDonald, Dan McLellan, Wilard Marshall, Vern Miller, E. V. McMechan. Carl Nelson, Jerry Owens, Keith Pow ell, William Phillips, Edgar Pierce, C. W. Paulus, W. H. Paulus, Don Pritcbett, F. W. Poorman, P. D. Quisenberry, John Roberts, T. A. Roberts, A. J. Rahn, C. G. Ro bertson, J. E. Roman, R. H,, Sim mons, Frank Spears, Fritx Slade, Linn Smith, R. S. Slater, Brazier Small, Earl Snell. George Flagg, Roger Mything, Albert BernI, W. E. Scandling, Richard Stolz, Shel don Sackett, Edward Sox, Kenneth Wilson, George Weller, Dean Wal ker of Independence, James Young, Donald Young, Judge and Mrs. Harry Belt, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Buren, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Garn Jobst, Dr. and Mrs. David B. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Powers, Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Powers, Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Ross, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sears, Albert Egan, Carl Gabriel- son, A. G. Duncan, Mrs. Velma Farmer, David W. Eyre and Wil liam Walton. Rotary Entertains On Ladies' Night Ladles' night for the Salem Rotary club will be held Tues day at the Marion hotel. Dinner will be served at seven o'clock with music during the hour by Gay Albin's orchestra. Entertainment numbers Include University of Oregon, and vocal solos by Hal Toung, now lnstrne- tor in Toice in the University of Oregon school of music. Young, who la very popular as a tenor soloist. Is a member of the Eu- gene Rotary club. The address of the evening will be delivered by the Rev. J. Hudson Ballard, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Port land, on the subject, "A Releas ing .our Mental Rerves." Dr. Ballard holds degrees from the University of Southern Califor nia, Columbia, New York univer sity. Union Theological seminary. He was professor of psychology at Occidental college for many years. His address Tuesday night is described as a practical study In the psychology of personality, and Is in popular form. Mrs. Abrams Hostess To Auxiliary - . Hal Hibbard auxiliary was en tentained at the home of Mrs. Carl Abrams In honor of Its 21st annlrersary. Mlnntes of the first meeting were read by Mrs. Ab- - " rams who was then secreUry and comments on the meeting were made by those who bad been present. Mrs. Abrams was assisted In serving by Mrs. Lulu Humphrey. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, and Mrs . ri . ,.' ,t...i. A. Tyner Woolpert. Mrs, Humph-, e birth- rey, the president, cut the day cake Charter members present were: Mrs., Humphrey, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Abrams. -Mrs. Laura Hard wlck. Mrs. Helen Southwick. Mrs. Charles Brant. Mrs. Roy Hewlett. Mrs. Percy Pugh. Mrs. - Fred Thompson,. Mrs. Charles McKln ley, Mrs. Harry Ross. Mrs. H. S. XssVlLca vyew WVaAtasa 0 . Mrs. Fred Kuhn. Mrs. Francis ffA 4 a nl n aw m am tvaawsi bVaa Long. Mrs. Henry Miller. Mrs. May Moynehan Mrs. Maud Chalg not, Mrs. Frank Alley, Mrs. L. Mlckelson, Mrs. B. W. Walcher. Mrs. Woolpert, Mrs, Fred La comb, Mrs. Arthur Glrod. Mrs. Anna Tallman, Mrs. M. W. Bak er. Mrs. Sherman Nelson, Mrs. E. M. Baumgardner. and guests were Mrs. J. D. Derrick and Mrs. Romla Hunter. Women's Foreign Mission clety of the Leslie memorial church will meet with Mrs. John .-w, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Virich wui ieaa oeyouonaia, Mrs. Boy Lockenour will talk on pres- " ," ' . Z prises, and Mrs. W. S. Ankeny trends in missioary enter will discuss "Congo Crosses.'? As- slstlng hostesses are Mrs U C. McShane and Mrs. J. P. Murray. IS' 1 1 - 1 I " " ' - I ! J h 7.1- 'jr : ; c: v ; . Many j Reservation s Mad e For Philharmonic Tea Arid Bridge Benefit m i ONE of the largest affairs of the spring season is the bridge benefit and tea for which members of the Salem Philharmonic Orchestra association will be hostesses Thursday afternoon in the Mirror Room of the Marion hotel, This is an annual affair and the proceeds will benefit the orchestra fund. Presiding at the serving table x the first hour will be Mrs. Harry Huntington, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. v -Collins and Mrs. Silas Galser Homer Goulet, Mrs. George A. and pouring the last honr win be Mrs. Paul Wallace and Mrs. Brnce R. Baxter. er. 1 Breyman Boise Is general chairman of the affair and assist- ing her are Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. Charles Roman, Mrs. Walla t 11 v juib iMnrcii nniu . Those who hare made reserra- ttons are Mrs. John Beaker, Mrs. T. H. Tomlinson. Mrs. Frederick Thompson. Mrs. TJ. S. BoreUe. Mrs. Louis Lac hm and, Mrs. Jo- seph Albert, . Mrs. Silas Oaiser, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Edgar Pierce. Mrs. P. 0. Robertson. Mrs. Joel onam mriKeii, rs. naxry "":f :.J:7tT'. r.Tv6J .V. u in ail a grand partr. wora a. frock of desert gold and carried a noseirav. Delbert Mrs. David Bennett Hill. Mrs. Charles Claggett. Mrs. Tf"" ...1.. V,lA"' ".7r GARDEN LOVERS are receiT- a - f wl11?aTrl TOOa xt," B. O. Schucking, Mrs. Paul John Minto, Mrs. Bradford Cor- tu iu uuiuw. 7" UK lnTltations these days to t- W1 . TL . TV- C T: T ice. Mrs Donald Tonne and ns, Mrs. u. G. Shipley, Mrs. R. K. -f. owi i.u f "wu V tend garden shows ... one of the rouowuig me eervicc wcuumg urcamast was servea Mrs. George Alexander Mrs. W. j! Lambeth. Mrs. Gale Sandera, Mrs. by, Mrs. Hettie Daris, Mrs. Marian daffodils . . . yellow ribbons ex Baslck. Mrs. Henrr V. Comnton. W. O. SUcey. Mrs. Ralph Worth. Derby. Mrs. Jennie Emmons, Mrs. tending to the bouquets, where Mrs. a .m 1 hiiii. mi sk. hi siiii naraai r m 11 11 . xrr. T,nm.. Twti. if vr non Perry. Mrs. Theron Hoorer. Mrs. Leif Bergsvik. Mrs. C. G Spragne, Mrs. Thomas May. Mrs. son. Mrs. Marie Flint McCall. Mrs. palled the streamers and found della owned by the Hugo Bearens l I ; " "V.V- ' We ??D Keuscher. Cecil Ques-ri- xrr. t4.,a r-v. T. A. Roberts. Mrs. Arthur Ttaiin. Ora F. Melntyre. Mrs. Alice Mer- the news . . . Rosemary and Joe . . th wnrM-fum r GnesU bidden are Mrs. Clara aeth, Harry Mosher. Bob Yco. " u..v.oVU, W. P. Ellis, Mrs, Rex Adolph, Mrs. George Welled Mrs. ; Raymond Bonesteele Mrs Chandler Brown UMuiSLi' ley Allan Cook. Mrs. Harold Ol- " AaV aWVWiB JslTB. ir S1 . William Phillips. Mrs. Dolph Caig. Uh xmrt ui im n.mi Mrs. Bert Ford. Miss Ana Bernl. Miss Lucy Fisher. Miss Audrey r emer. jaisa ueien Langiiie, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Homer Egan, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. J. E. Law. Mrs. John Carson. Many Reservation ' Mrs. George Rossman. Mrs. Al bert Gragg, Mrs. W. Feldman, Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. A. H. Wil son. Mrs. TJ. Scott Page, Mrs. D. C. Minto, Mrs. Paul Hendricks. - - Loweu Kern. Mrs, Hoius Th. Bnan.e Woen'. class of the First Evangelical church met at the home of Mrs. Howard Leach nn Wpinuiav mw,A a social evening. Several business matters were brought before the dab and Mrs. W. A. Barkus led aerotionais. Mrs. Leaen was as- sistea oy usiner iiiimer ana Kuth Stover in serving refreshments. Mrs. O. B. Lelsy and Miss Mae Leisy were hostesses to their club neighbors and friends spent a so- cWU afternoon la their. home. Mrs. Howard Grey, a new neighbor was special guest. Other present were mT V rZ. Gerald. Mrs. Paul Freeman and Bobbie. Miss Grace. Freeman. Mrs.. Emn Marx. Mrs. Lelsy and Mis Leisy.' White. Mrs. Homer Goulet jr.. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Keith 25"" "i"."1' rrana: Minto. Mrs. w. H. Darby. Irnk V. Brown, Mrs. George vehrs. Mrs. Claude E. Johns, Mrs. rMvninr Mrs. Rniwrt nni. ifr. l' - -o J- T. Whlttlg. Mrs. James Laid-: law, -Mrs. Sidney Kromer, Mrs. Conrad W. Panlus. Mrs. O 1 e n forter Mrs. Prank Bowersox. Mrs. WllUam Hamilton, Mrs. Ed- ward Burke, Mrs. H. L. Worth, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Rus- Catlln, Mrs. E. B. Gabriel, u mm B. F. Patton. Mrs. Georra Scellars. Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mrs. Charles ..r. ' " . Mrs. wmiam U. Dyer. Mrs. R. A. Brady. Mrs. Prince W. Byrd. Mrs. Asel Eoff. Mrs. Linn Smith. Mr Allan Toole. Mrs. C. H. Robertson, Mrs. sea Y v X. J3. AftJi Mfl. f rtHK SMieaeCOT. .Mrs. Frank Snedecor. Mrs. Reuben P. Boise. Mrs. James T i.. i t t n..vt.. Linn, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins. Mrs. Keith Powell. Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. jr.. Mrs. T. A. Uvesley, Mrs. Ol- lver C. Locke. Mrs. Harrv K. Craln. Mrs. George Otten. Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs. T. T. Mae- Kessie, Mrs. C. W. Cutforth. Mrs. R. L. Wood. Mrs. Willard Mar- shall, Mrs. Jerald Owen, Mrs. Claude Glenn, Mrs. Elton Thomp- son. Mrs. Arthur Knox. Mrs. John Jelderks and Mrs. Gordon Thomp- son. , WIve. of ralnlste of ..tbo churche. in Salem will meet on Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrt. G. H. Wilbur. 150 'JS'lfi.. "d WOf music is under the direction of oiue'ug .Hi U. tlCUa IBS Mrs. Wilbur. Mrs. Shoemaker win give a paper on the early history or ine greek church, and Mrs. 6yd- ney Hall will discuss the Roman caurcn, Mrs. Hall will assist the M. E. church are giving a social evening Tuesday, at. 7: 30 in the Carrier room. Dr. W. B. Morse will present his colored films of Am- . ' "u anon piay will be given by a number of the Campfire girls, showing, how they win honors. Friends of Campflro girl are welcome. 1 .-:;. h j PLANNING DECORATIONS for ; the Philharmonic association's benefit bridge and tea on - Thursday are, left to right: ' Mrs. Donald Toung, Mrs. DaTid Bennett Hill and Mrs. B. O. SchnekHnr. (Photo bj Kennell-Ellig.) PaSt Matron's x aa l vjl a Ll vjj. o Meeting Is Dinner THE Past Matrons association of the Order of Eastern Star met for dinner Friday night at Godfrey's. Miss Leila Johnson -SJ-XS lSSS'S! Officers are Mrs. Mabel Minto. !iM-..MT.t mnA vr rr. tr if iZlW -tr ' " ""J retry-treasnrer. . . . M. 7 J amner ana a program was pre- . . . f!?"0" "e ""TJ""": "u"'. "B"fr: lu loir" 7" tt"C"1T wIth D0Uaet of yellow affodUs. CoTers were placed for Mrs. Ida Babcock, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Mrs. Lane Beechler, Mrs. Lena Cher- rington. Mrs. Alice Coolldge, Mrs. a w w w w Hauser. Mrs. Stella Henry. Mrs. -ry joniuon, miss lena jonn- tw n i- t .i. -- 1Q J2J?"; M,?-?ilft. rwu rrau, an. juoie set- SSL-S?"1 Mmn r,r iV.ttTw.laU; i' WZZZ'-bJll? llaH. Tal..a. wrr. m raVLfilan Kinr Mrs. Gertrn da ljUlln -ng, Mrs. Gertrude Wilson and Mrs Li da Poorm.n 7, ? Mrs. Llda Poorman. B"Ajl c ' xvth Entertain - l . Chadwlek : -' " ;- .' chapu; order of Eastern flUr U entertaining af- . non-affflUted past matron and patron at the meet- lng la. the Masonla temple on . . . matroni dVna puf the degree w?rk In the oid-fime manner. Mrs. Lena Cherrlnrton and Rer. W. C. Kantner wlU be thy patron. The refreshment committee ln- eludes Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Moore. mis uaa Chapman, Mrs. Jose- Pnine vnnsuanson, Mrs. Herbert Glalsyer, Mrs. Ralph Glover. Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mrs. Herbert H. Hauser. Mrs. Frank Jlrak. Mrs. V. H. Kuhn and Mrs. Walter Lamkin. . Members of St, Cecelia . guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church wUl be hostesses for a benefit onuS party on mursaay. a prw 29. at the parish house. . Reser- rations may be r mad by calling Mra. Frank, H. Spears, figio or Mis Marie Patton. 4721. j n - v u .:.: 1 1 ' H - - 1 Mi' l V 1 s i : i i -mm . V-i li . : - js. I III -jy '' ' -i - j . i - - - . : ; i ' f , : - :" . : . .: '.: i ' I , i . - - , " , ! ' . - !' 1 i ; ! -J I, r 1.. l -' " ) i I r - : m '-a - " i s -r- - A 1 -! rissil " sM' iniM T-Tl I 1 1 11 11 11 - Seen and Heard By JERYME UPS TON QRELUDE TO JUNE wtddlnga r J-TK Zr I lu m.id hioomin toact witn the ipring fiowen, teas, luncheons and dances. A group of Connie Krebs friends were inrited to luncheon Tuesday at the Marion hotel by her sister. Dorothy, to hear of her betrothal and forthcoming 'marriage on May to Lynn Heise ... The announcement was not a complete surprise as the ro mance is a culmination of high Ei;itaaST!S FtlLiJ ment marked daces for meats , " . X.-.-' '"VZ.n"'. ,Vk' v,?! chic in a brown talejir with white ""lJ'm", "'"7" . " 1 , . VT, wmpi.auni-iasj was the betrothal of Rosemary fVj11: day wWch waa made at the Delta Phi breakfast . . . Orer a hundred co-d fdv their escorts w e r e ted t the U-ehaped Uble. at- Pc wdi of lore-birds . ; . It was between courses that the girls u ...ti ;t tv. v..j t.vi. ! " VT "f. . u 5f,n.waf,ittrc"l?.ln ipwri sum . . . omui ai iam "mf were Gwen GalUher. '"J'a."LV wTwT win iiXnn -Tw v T ' ONB OFim CMVWrmt' . OWE Ur THE CLEVEREST .TK!! 1,? J.0n5! "if. cirTf.TUr Uce. card n5.d by BUI Phillips. Jrv for the din- ner party for which Mr. and Mrs. tt lui.u fwwjii wem itvsia iasi ;. - " s Ruhstein Concert in tttii rr.ii ; Piano student will be espe-r ?v' EI tne opportunity nt ipaHn tha wall known Urn. -f- Tl 1 ff ..S.1- ? " V T " , r- ?Df P.nf.,.." 2 wuwu. u. 0.,u. v young students will near their first this week. - ., , , .; Mr. . Rubstein represents , the best Russian school, and la a classmate of Leonard Nicolaleff. Vladmir Horowlts and Alexander Brallowsky. His playing .is said . , .- i.k maxkable breadth of tone. - Formerly dlrecor of the Com munity Center conservatory of music, in New York, Mr. Rub- stein came to Portland seeking a ieUmate where his wife might r gain her health, and now teach - ,es tnere; t. r Poomlar prices have been ea- tabllshe for the concert, so It may be attended by all those in- terested. jonn a. A.reDs wore a biacK tailor- i nrV;.v nnnli ivft m. ta;n. tv,. Monday preceding the Monday . aance . . . ins arawmsB, Iiet7me"a?ar e u. cartoon to the other person . . . Cars -wera t a. m t parked np and down the street Yn. ?aklng . nea aasa lor me nouse, noiumg ii1?o?hbtodfJt1toot of that wild downpour . . . One inside the torrents were forgotten as a spring atmosphere was vr- ana Japanese quince attractively arranged about the rooms ... even the hostess in a new spring prInt enarmln M Ter The t course was serred In the t. jt-?"- tiu uu rooms at w- dlTidnal tables, then guests ad- Jonrned to the basement recrea- tion room for the rest of, the din- SP Gn Victoria, B. C. April 24 to May 1 . . . Sa- lem folk hare also had a chance to Tlew Tand "rden how f their own this week-end at the Y.M.C-A. sponsored by the Little Garden clnb . . . During the gar- den week. In Victoria some of the tha district will be opened the Island an innumerable var ieties of bulbs grow In tree-shaded L- - T ' - Mr- M Mrs. K. p. Butchart and - lt : lt not least the Empress Hotel, eight and a half acres of intertSi "auty . . . TnL Sat- fT a spring flower tea will be 5 7- . ? roo.nL.o rn P " e. ww VI f.UV hostesses will pntnrtfifn nHn. flt4 .display, and Uble rrangemenu will be shown at the hotel . . . This affair draws nnmK.. t th. . garaen enthusiasts. m m . NnrW Fv,t c .i Of Saturday Elaborate plans "for decorating i m jtrmory are being made by .w. j mw u'u luuo Si? f B iu vu hiuiui; lugai APrU The dance la a benefit , . . - affair to raise funds toward a new nurses', home. : Tickets are at. ..l. . v - ""J purchased at the door. . - Miss Marlon Mott - is general Marlon Mott Is general chairman for the ban. Miss Ber - s for the ball. Miss Ber - nice Lee Is in charge of decorat- nv m,A i.i.. m.. Tir.n... Is . publicity chairman. Jlmmle AmatoVortfhestra has been en- gaged to - furnish : music. Dane- ing will be from 10 to 1 a m. - - - . - - ' Mrs. Uord- Himx, aaTxgbter of . Mr. and Mrs Robert Hln. will sing m Mate wonn a - otars or to- morrow over KGW this-after-? noon at 2:20 o'clock. She will take the part of a seven year old ballad singer. Weddings- Are ".Oi-Tliis.'Week: Planned in June WEDDINGS seem to have taken the center of the stage thit Y week-end, with two in Salem, and one of Interest to Salem folks. Early June weddings are already being planned for several brides and the month.of The Knight Memorial church will be the scene oi : a lovely wedding this afternoon at three o'clock when Miss Lorrame Beecroft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beecroft, become the bride of Adrian Eichelberger, son of Mrs. Hazel Rev. H. a Stover will perform the ceremony before rela tives and friends of the young couple. Preceding the cere mony Miss Evelyn Beckner will sing fAt Dawnmg. Donald Allison will be the organist and will play the wedding marches. The altar will be banked with baskets of snapdragons and tulins. fernery, palms and white tapers in candelabra. . -: : The bride will wear a gown of wrute satin maae on princ ess lines with long train and lace inserts on the sleeves and a stand-up collar of lace. She will wear the tulle veil of her. mother which will fall from a cap held by orange-blossoms. T-r- , 1 1 tsriA nrVllfa StXTPAf. . Miss LaVaun Gardner will act as maid of honor for the bride. She will wear a gown of sUver blue moire with long full skirt and will carry a bouquet of pastel sweet peas. ) Robert Beecroft, brother of the bride,will be the best man. Usher will be Gordon Beecroft and Douglas Johnson. A reception will follow at the home of the bride s par ents. Members of the wedding party, Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft and Mrs. Eichelberger will receive the guests informally. Mrs. Earl Beecroft, aunt of the bride, will be in charge of the Acoisfinff xrn Ko M-r. Tittip Arirjle and IVIlSS Dorothy Ruecker. The table will be centered with a bouquet of. pink and white spring flowers in a silver bowl guarded by. pink tapers. During the reception Ernest Savage will sing "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life"-and "Believe Me If Ail Those Endearing. Young Charms." He will be accompanied by George Forgard. ., ; ; . r ' . . The couple will leave on a wedding., trip to San Fran cisco. For travelling- the bride will wear a gray suit with matching accessories and pink satin blouse. They will make their home in Salem. Both attended Salem schools and Misa Beecroft is a graduate of the Capital Business college. . ' Miss Durkee Becomes Bride ; A wedding of interest to Salem folk and the university set is that of Miss Dorothy purkee, daughter of R. F. Durkee of Battleground, Washington, and J Wilbur Harris of Van couver, son of Mrs. Florence Harris of Seattle which was solemnized last night at the Durkee home. Kev. w. James read the impressive service; at 7 :30 o'clock in the presence of immediate relatives and a few jintimate friends of the couple. " ' ' Mrs. Stanley Satchwell sang preceding the ceremony and Miss Mary Jeannette Sargent of Salem played the wed ding marches. ' The bride wore a bridal gown of white moire taffeta made on princess lines with long train edged with pleating onA Vmftn-na trimmorl tho elovps. Rrio wnri a short tulip VPil v h w wviiu auiuva w w rm sw w w w w - which fell from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of rose buds; lily-of-the-valley and violets. Her sister, Mrs. Lezerett Richards (Virginia Durkee) of Vancouver, was the only attendant. he wore a gown of gold taffeta with trim of violet velvet and a corsage of violets. Mr. Lezerett Richards was the best man. , ; A small reception followed the wedding with Miss Doris Unruh of Salem and Miss Winifred (Gardner assisting in the serving. ..- -;';:.-'-;v' ' ' The couple left on a short wedding trip after which they will be at home in Vancouver where Mr. Harris is in business. For travelling the bride wore a three-piece black wool en- gemble with scarlet velvet blouse and patent leather acces- gories. Mrs. Harris fa graduate jrf Wmamette university and a member of Delta Phi sorority andhete Alpha Phi na- tional dramatic fraternity. Mr. Harris attended - the Uni- versity of Washington school - . . Saturday Aiommtt eamna " Miss Angeline Folk, daughter, of Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Wildamann of Tacoma, became the bride of Boyd Panther, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Panther, at a ceremony yesterday, morning at St. Joseph's Cathdlic church at 7 o'clock. Rev. . . M , . . , ... The bride wore a grown of Peacock blue lace over whita satin and tulle veil edged with lace which fell from a cap caught with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of calla lm RWApt M smA matinna. v lilies, sweet peas and carnations. Miss Mary Anne Smith honor and wore a gown of blue lace and carried an old-f ash ioned nosegay. MlSS Millie Kruger was the bridesmaid and make their home in Salem. m Hostesses Will Entertain . m 1 At-Supper lOnight .. . Miss Margaret McAlpine and talnlng with a Sunday night sup- will be arranged about the rooms, The evening will be spent inform- any. e r.m.n. 11.. r.lnn rlao11 XI cV:.- - ri... Mrir Bt'. Cia Z0!-?' Tv"' whlrtr ' virril oNil. Mm OeoreV R K. rVl rXTM nrvvsr T XT Moorneau, uiss w vynue, miss Curtis. Marian Wake! Mf Lnd Mto. Mabel Murray. MIOS SaClVU AltWfcU W UU LUV AAV S3 V esses. I? G Club to Meet inUTSday Thm Town and flown rlnh will meet at Lausanne hall Thursday 'ternoon at 1:10 o'clock. Dr. x - t. mm . . WUlameTt. nit wlue the ! f i. V uujoci., iaiuuqs at wuuun ttfc'-; Miss Kathryn SmuUin will oe ine soioist. - Mrs. Herbert Rahe heads the MrnimltfM In . .him ..il ..1.1 r : - .-.v inr ner are Mrs. ir - a FnnnT tr., nrU,:.r. .HI V? neLonir and Mrl Artn n tZI Sir.Ttii Tr-r. - tnn - - ' ton. ; . ' - , - - . - . Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Parent have as their guesU Mr. and Mr. S. S. Southerland of South Heart. North Dakota. The visitors have Just returned from the Hawaiian Islands where they spent three months Mr. Southerland will re- turn to xxorxn uakota but Mrs. Southerland will 'remain hn thoaummer as they plan to make their home 1 the Willamette valley. Events More of engineering. I . of Tacoma was the maid of Friday night at the respective the tables. Guests- at the Beta Chi house n... thiu... ..-.... ,7T?5' ywrvrQw.nar. Sld Hu ceh n on nd Louise xiersuuerger. Hostesses were the Misses PHyUs Pythian. Margaret Doege. v va, juai jvi 1 1 Uvl "L""1.: MarjorieThorne. R0Ral1 Onnlrffi- Tn. nnT.n. field. Those at the Alpha Psl house were the Misses Helen Burdick, Dorothy: McGee. Lucille Brains lard, Ruth Bunzow, Helen Pur Tine, Dorothy Elllnger, Marguer ite DuRette. Mary Jeannette Clark, Betty Dotson. Margaret illette. - Hosts were BasU Anton, Guy Helmsoth, John Kelly, jo Blanchard, Cal Ritchie, Dwlght The United SUtes army band yilla gain dedicate a program to the Daughters of the American Revolution on Monday at 2 o'clock (eastern standard time) over the jTin ... : "-"i wo. Anomer broadcast fon""? ue..OM sponsored each Tu les- . ' . . ' u.a.u. over 717L aiz:3 u o'clock. The iiuer procTam deals n.ornn Si! I7 2 rereala tbe origin and X or.Bpots of teret in the wy - " - ' Ahnnt . the inonttw wJ-tV.tT1' Yamhill vln i?g?f .tne Polk" held at th r.ni.i., tv I . . n.t'T . April Portlan - .Jl "tMArto." nanern tf!7, intelMti,1 itetriciS "' ' -