The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1937, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OltEGON STATESMAN, Safest, Ortsoiv Friday Morals-; April 1ft, 1937.
Local Newsj Briefs
Report Accidents " David D. i
Vkklltl.. .1 & i i m ,
ruuuva, e nvria vommcrciti.
reported to police yesterday that
his car struck and injured Fred
erick Corrodi. a pedestrian, at the
Straw gas station, 19 S North Lib
erty. Other accidents reported In
volved Beatrice Turtle, e o u n t y
health department, and Ann FUz
Patrick, route 6; David H. Byer
ly. Amity, and an nnid entitled
driver at Ferry and High street;
E. B. Gabriel, Salem, -and an un
identified driver, at State and
12th; Herbert R. Bennett, route
2, and Leonard R. Barnick, route
2, on River road.
Lutz r.lorlst1276 NLib. Pb 9592.
Governor Accepts Governor
Charles H. Martin accepted Thurs
day an Invitation .to give an ad-
plaque at Depoe Bay Sunday, May
30, as a memorial to Roy Bower
aud.Jack Chambers, tlsermn.
who were drowned there October
. 4, 1936. Kev. Wiiliuin va.m.c.-
VAiinffinn PArHonf) a1n will olva
, an address while Ben Hur Lamp-
- man, editorial writer for The Ore
gon. an, will read an original poem,
"Storm at Sea." Clarence Tol
man, Portland, will sing a solo
ana Tommy e wm act as ong
Win a valuable prize In contest
to name Carl Abrams' beautiful
tract. Call at sales office, 260 N.
' High, for further Information.
Postof rice Awaits Granite
Construction work on the new
postofflce building is awaiting ar
rival of a shipment of granite
" from California, Claude Post,
foreman, said yesterday. Ot&er
construction materials expected to
arrive next week are marble from
Vermont and structural steel from
All new modern equipment. Sena
tor Food Shop.
More Reports Further discus
sion of the educational program
will feature the program period of
the Salem Credit a s s o c i a tion
luncheon meeting at the Argo ho
tel this noon.
Coming Events
- i - .
April 10-17 Ore hirh
school extern poro apeaktasr
,and Interpretation contests
at Willamette naveraity.
1 April 22 Salem sub-die-trict
Methodist ladies aid
rally at Woodburn.
April 22-24 Annual 4-H
spring show at fairgrounds.
April 29 Concert ! by
Portland Ad Club Gleemen,
sponsored by Salem Ad dab,
Balem armory.
May 2-M National music
week, j i
May 18 Twenty - Thirty
rlab sponsors Richard Hal
liburton, noted world trav
eler and writer. In lecture at
IjTNlie auditorium.
b Oregon Scenes Shown Motion
pictures stressing Oregon's scenic
attractions were shown at the Li
ons club ! luncheon at the Quelle
T6sterdaV by Portland General
Electric company representatives
The scenes included views of some
of the company's hydroelectric
stations. IW. R. Newmyer, Pepco
rural service agent here, said his
company's power line built from
the falls generating plant at Ore
gon City, to Portland many years
ago represented the first attempt
at transmitting electrical energy
over long distances.
For Sale Large bundles old pa
pers. 10c Statesman Pub. Co.
215 S. Commercial street.
Take Building Permits Lyle
Rea took out a building permit
yesterday for the erection of
one storr house and garage at
2115 Chemeketa at a cost of z.
200. Other permits: L. A. Davis
to repair a public garage at 2320
Fairgrounds road, 9350; Valley
Motor company, to alter a one
story market grocery at 324 Mar
ion, $200; Valley Motor company,
to alter a one story office build
ing at 440 North Commercial,
$2200. i
All new modern equipment. Sena
tor liVkwl Rhnn
Accidents Listed Two minor
automobile accidents wera re
ported to ths sheriff' her ; yes
terday, both occurring Wednes
day. One involved Trevor cnes-
ter Stayton and Marie Shleiaa,
both of Stayton, on Third street
in that- city. In the other, - ears
driven by Herbert E. Bernett and
lv R. Barnick, both of route two,
collided near a bridge on the
north River road. ".
Prompt, del. Dry wood. Tel. 5000.
Boundary Plea TJp The ; dis
trict boundary board will meet at
the county courthouse at 9 o'clock
this .morning to consider petitions
for a change in the line between
the Rickey and Auburn school dis
tricts. Residents near lour corners
who are now in the former district
wish to be transferred to the lat
ter in order that their , children
may not have as much distance to
travel, in reaching school. . : :
Teachers Gronp Meets The
state teachers committee ' on
course of history study for the
seventh and eighth grades met
at the county courthouse here
yesterday afternoon under the
chairmanship of Miss Florence
Beardsley of the teachers' train-
in r school at Monmouth. Marion
countv members Included ; Joy
Hills and' Elsie Carpenter. ;
i 1 "
Todd Electric Co.,. 4S4 Court St
Tel. 9576. Electric contracting
and supplies.
First Aid Class Finishes A
group of 28 members of a first
aid class which has been con
ducted at the T. M. C. A. by
Dr. R. Lee Wood and Mrs. Gor
don Black, finished their, work
with examinations last night.
Bandaging, resuscitation and gen
eral first aid were covered In the
Waslimston Seelis -lSSottkm,tra
D ' Ha wrote to HIUs tha
Marketing Lontrol
Blackberry Men T7ill Form
Agreement; Logans
Wait Till '30
Senator Food Shop now open.
Mrs. Fnlkerson Better M r s
Mary L. Fulkerson, county school
superintendent, was reported feel
ing better yesterday and hoping
to be able to return to her office
today. She has been confined to
her home by a severe cold since
last Saturday.
Files Bankruptcy Elsie But
ler, Salem hospital attendant
filed a bankruptcy petition, list
ing liabilities at $1641.50 and as
sets $500, in Portland this week.
Blackberry growers la Wash
ington expect to have a control
board set up early next wsex.
George H. Walker, prominent
grower la that stats, has advised
W. J. Llnfoot, who has been ac-
utb . in me dikij
movement tor Oregon and is an
officer of the logan control board.
Packers In Washington , do not
altogether like the idea or "the
control board. Walker writes, and
adds that he believes the logan
berry growers are also lined up
lor market control.
In a letter to Roy Miller. Mon
mouth ' blackberry grower . who
with Llnfoot and a number of
other Oregon growers attended
a meeting of berrymen In Long
riew recently. Walker has writ
ten that the .Washington growers
had never seen a. contract in
which the price was stated until
Officers' Meet Delayed Sheriff
A. C. Burk received word . from
Sheriff Herbert Shelton of Linn
county that the latter had post
ooned the Quarterly meeting ox
tho Northwest Police association
from tonight at Albany because
of bad traveling conditions caused
by the week's rain storms. ;
George Arthur Brlttell, at a
local hospital. April 13. aged 66
years. Survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Fay Wetzel and Mrs.
Mary Marsh of Nebraska; four
brothers, William A. of Salem.
Miles of Kimball. Neb.. Carl of
Fremont. Neb., Jesse of Santa
Rosa, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs.
Ada Bucher of Ravenna. Neb.,
Mrs. Viola Samuelson of San Di
eeo. Cal. Announcements later
by Clougn-Barrick company.
. ' " ' .. Thiel -Mrs.
Margaret. Thiel. at the
residence on Saginaw street, April
14. Survived by two children,
Mrs. Leona Fisher a n d Joseph
Beck, both of Salem; three
grandchildren, Harold Domogalla
"Mrs. Marguerite Davis and Mss
Theo Beck, all of Salem; and one
sister, Mrs. Mary Wolff, Salem.
Requiam mass Friday, April 16
at 10 a.m. In St. Joseph's Catholic
church, Father Bernard officiat
ing. Vault entombment Mt. Creet
abbey, mausoleum.
: Adams
Mrs. Amy C. Adams at a local
hospital April 14. Survived by
the widower. Hector Adams of
Salem, a daughterr Genevieve Ad
ams of Salem; also a mother,
Genevieve Marsters of Salem; two
sisters, Miss Leona G. Marsters
of New York and Mrs. James
Pirone of Long Beach, Calif.; a
, niece, Helen Margaret McGee of
New York. Funeral services will
be held from the WV. T. Rigdon
chapel Saturday, April 17, at 1:30
p.m. Rev. Lynn A. Wood will ot-
flciate. Interment Belcrest Mem
orial park. .
Directors Called A ; meeting
of the officers and directors of
the Philharmonic orchestra Is
slated tor tonight at 8 o'clock at
. Mrs. Emily Brown at the resi
dence of her son, 1495 Edgewa
" ter street. West SAlem, Wednes
day, April 14, aged 69 years. Sur
vived by husband, A. W. Brown;
two sons. Alba J. Brown of Dal
las and Clarence R. Brown of
West Salem; and two daughters,
,Mrs. J. CHutchins of Trinidad,
Calif., and Mrs. C. R- Bennett of
Tillamook; two brothers. A. J.
and M. W. Barham, both of Sa
. lem; two sisters in North Dakota
,' and one in California;- also nine
' grandchildren and several nieces
end nephews. Mrs. Brown was a
member of Free Methodist church.
' Memorial services will be held in
. the. Walker and Howell funeral
home (formerly Salem Mortuary)
Saturday, April 17, at 2 p.m.
Hi-Y Club Kleets Bill Smith
is the new president of the Salem
Hi-Y club as the result of an elec
tion this week. Jim Leedy is the
vice-president; Dick Smith, sec-
retsry; Wilson M.ynard treas- e Th.mVr of commer
at-arms. The new group of offi
cers is to be installed Tuesday
night of next week. Several Salem
Hi-Ys plan to go to the district
meeting to be held Sunday, April
25, at Eugene.
Final payment of 20 offered I
tor your First National Bank in
Salem Receiver's Certificates at
n IT nnntr Rid SalAm.
Boys Sent to Camp Eleven
Marion county boys were sent to
the C.C.C. camp at Case ad la yes
terday. They are Paul Russell Al
len, Earl Allen Boyer, Mack M.
Hackenberg. Robert R. Hatfield.
Reginald George Kammler, Rob
ert L. Mills, Lloyd V. Newcomer,
Lewis Henry Regier, Royal Scott,
Kenneth Stewart and John Edgar
Senator Food Shop now open.
May Refuse License The state
game commission has authority
to refuse a guide's license under
a recent legislative enactment
when such applicant has been con
victed of violating the game and
fish, laws. Attorney General Van-
winkle ruled Thursday. The opin
ion was requested by F. B. Wire,
state game supervisor.
; 1
Hazlett Takes Over James
Hazlett, Hood River, who recent
ly was appointed state corpora
tion commissioner, assumed his
new duties Thursday. He succeeds
C. H. Carey who resigned. Hazlett
said he would make no immediate
changes! in his office personnel.
Administrator's furniture auction.
Today 130. 1693 So. Liberty.
Two Pairs Get Licenses Mar
riage licenses were issued at Van
couver. Wash., to Lloyd Weathers,
807 Mill street, and Anne Mack,
510 N. Front street, both of Sa
lem; and to Frank M. McDonald,
Redmond, and Helen M. Putnam,
Salem. (
Rummage- Sale Fri. and Sat. 136
N. Coral. American Lutheran
COC Boy High in Contest A
Mill City CCC camp member. Al
bert Ambrose of yVaterbury,
Conn., received honorable men
tion in a national CCC essay writ
ing contest on the subject "What
the CCC Has Meant to Me.- It
was stated yesterday by the sup-
erintendent of the camp.
Natural remedies
for disorders of liv
er, stomach, glands,
skin, mad nrinary
system of men and
women. Remedies
for- constipation,
asthma, arthritis,
sugar di abet is and
20 years In busi
ness. Naturopathic
physicians. 393 V4 Court 8s.
Corner Liberty. Of
flee open Saturdays
and Tuesdays only,
IO A. M. to X P. aL,
P. M. to 7. Con
sultation Blood
pressure and srrlae
. D. charge. ,
that tks
loganberry nam will not bo able
to cosaa mader a marketing agree-
t this ease, as bids are elat
ed to bo opened March It on tho
If IT pool oa which 1 cents a
pomad la being asked, with the
grower "pretty sura that they
wni get tt.-
The. Waahlartoa price oa lo-
gaas will probably be higher than
the Oregon control minimum be
cause the law of that state pro
tects tho homo grown fruit, Liu
foot points oat.
Washington growers expect a
Congleton Named,
Lands Committee
Governor Charles H. Martin
yesterday appointed Charles Con
gletoa of Paulina as his cholc . for
membership oa the. stats grazing
committee to work out a program
of excaaaglag scattered school
lands In eastern Oregon for blocks
S-cent minimum oa blackberries
under the control set-up this year.
as compared to a 3 -cent maximum
last. year.
of federal grazing lands.
The committee Is -composed of
nine members. One was recom
mended by each 'of six grazing
districts and one by each mem
ber of the state land board.
The first meeting ot tho com
mittee will bo held at Burns
April 23.
Wallace to Take
Governor's Place
N. G. Wallace, state utility
commissioner, will represent Gov
ernor Charles H. Martin at the
annual state convention of Toueg
Democrats which opens at North
Bend today.
Governor Martin was scheduled
to give an address st the banquet
Saturday aight.
The governor was unable to at
tend the convention because of
being called to Washington.
abij's Col
Proved best by two
generations of mothers.
IV Vapo ttut
. T. LAM
BT. X.
Register your car at. Val
ley Motor , Co., or our
Hollywood Service Station
for Associated Oil Co.'a
Have tt permanent record
of your ear's servicing un
der factory specifications!
Comme r ci a I Ga r O w n e r s !
Register Your Car and Compete in
Oar Gasoline Economy Test Today !
Every rwd V-S Track or Commercial Car owner
who reads this Advertisement Is Invited to a Gaso
line Economy Contest starting at -
VALLEY MOTOR CO., Liberty & Center Sts.
10 A. 411.
to 4 P. M.
No Entry Fee . . No Obligation
Here Are the Rules
1. AH entries must bo equipped with bodies. -
2. Kvery contestant mnst agree to abide by decision of jadges.
3. Each contestant must agree to use fuel supplied to him free at the
starting point and must agree to let supervisor of test disconnect
fnel line and install test tank.
4. The winner In each group will be the one who travels farthest on a
certified amount of gasoline.
All truck owners, any jnake, are invited to attend a meeting at Valley
Motor Co., Friday evening, April 16, 8:00 P. Mn at which time prizes will
be awarded to winners of economy run.
Register yow -car -for titais new
Jerry Patterson King at the Hardware Name Filed Marl-
residence on route three, April ana lieycuias aiku yesier
IS at the zee of 56." Survived by
the widow, Mrs. Ef fie King of
Salem; a daughter. Miss Margaret
King: two brothers, Ralph King
of Yakima, Wash., and George
King of Milwaukee, Wis.; also a
nenhew and two nieces.. Services
win h held from chapel of
Cloueh-Barrick company Satur
day, April 17, at 1:30 p. m., with
interment In I. 0 O. . ceme
tery. Dr. Grover Birtchett of fi-
c Mug.
We wish to express our sin-
thanks and appreciation to
nDihhnn and friends for beau
tiful floral offerings, sympathy
onri vtnriness extended us during
the illness and death of our be
loved husband ana -rawer.
Mrs. Marie Zirkel and son.
On Pos and other Koc-
tal and Cslen Ptsorders
Oar lrt 100-paf
Booklet wiil h at m n-
st t r"" "-"i
JT . I... mm tH
mm uun .in r
ceaditiou sad 'cPlaVf
day filed notice with the county
clerk yesterday that they were en
gaged in business under the as
sumed name of George E. Allen
Has Anyone Seen
'Mrs. Moonlight'?
nccMBi "rrrj.
W. MM . .
1 ;w i 1
a a. rent "
When Others
Chinese Herbs
Healing virtue
nan been tested
hundreds years
for" chronic all
seats, nose,
throat.' sinusitis,
f m ft m r v h- ears.
luin. ; Bithms. chronic conrh.
stomach, can stones colitis.
constipation, dlabetls, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood, aervea.
nenrnlsda. rheumatism, high
blood ! pressure, gland, akin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
h r soaxL H rears nractlee
In China. Herb Specialist.
123 M. Commercial SC. Balesa,
Ore. Office boars 9 to a P. St.
Sunday and Wed. 9 to 10 A. ML
f i-:li I
i " '
Here's what it means to you:
1. All the services recommended by your car's manu
facturer performed exactly as specified.
2. A permanent record of that service at your dealers.
3e Regular written reports of the condition and needs of
your car sent to you.
Here's how to get it:
Drive in wherever you" see the Associated
Factory Specified Lubrication sign and ask
for Mileage Service.
.Your car will be inspected. A record made of
the condition of your tires, battery and lubri
cation needs and a tcritten report given you.
Regularly thereafter you will be notified of
the need for the service that your car manu
facturer specifies. At all times you will have
a complete written record of service.
The first rule of Mileage Service is twitch
the Speedometer. After all it dictates every
service that is required for safe, economical
operation. And, when you turn that job over
to your Smiling Associated Dealer you can
drop all upkeep worries put them on file
and really enjoy driving.
Mileage Service answers once and for all sucK
annoying questions as: Does my battery need
service? Should the air cleaner .be cleaned?.
Do I need the transmission oil changed? How
about these one, three and five thousand mile
services? Etc It answers correctly every ques
tion about your car's operation because it is
based on Factory Specifications,
. na m m sr- a a.a a
The services recommended by your car man
ufacturer are necessary services. If you don't
get them you are asking for trouble. Only
when a car is serviced on a regular mileage
basis will it be a safe car. .
am era Ei Gii
. JaBaaMnannnnnnnissnnusn
in Sho Vocfo Biggpo mofonng pacriago
r A
I y
ct::l xizizj cas & cimis