L'AGS FOUR r t'OnZGON GTATISlIAir, ? Ort-ca, Friday Ilsn: April 1C, 1S37 w Hay esville Will Enter Music Fete I ! v vnnmT T w ft. n 4 C tft a fouplls of the school are busr preparing for the musical ' festi val which will be held in the T.ealla auditorium May 30. The school will enter a pri mary chorus, a harmonica 'band selected from the entire school, and a Rhythm band by the pri mary children. The school has taken part In the festival every year since Its Introduction four years ago. At that time the Hayesrille har monica band was the only one on the program. I Lillian Shaner, primary teach er, at HayesTflle. has been se t.ii n Airf,ct th nrimarr chor- j us this year. Last year she was n 2iJ GEnop oncl GAVE - . - - i - " - . . " t ' During LILAC Airs of SearsyRoebuck & Co. 484 State WHite Hussars at Monmouth Monday MONMOUTH, April 15 Her bert Petrle and his White Hus sars wiU appear at Oregon Nor mal school at an assembly spon sored by the Associated students. This group of musicians . has toured the United States and its Island possessions, also Canada." On tour they haTe performed at many schools and conven tions. They were featured at the Chicago Century of Progress. ex position at the dedication of the Hall of Religions. . Herbert Petrle, director, stud ied at the American Conserva tory of Music He was also eor netist in the Sousa'a Naral Bat talion. - - .High water continue here, with more residents complaining of flooded basements than at any time the past winter... Nebraska Family Visits I AtRiverview; May Locate ' RIVERVIEW. Apr. 4 5 Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and daugh ter arrired here from Big Spring. Nebr.. last week. They are Ti sit ing with their nieces, Mrs. Ora Stutsman and Mrs. Amos Girig and families and nephews. Daue and Harry Boshart., Mr. Rick Is a carpenter and the family expects to settle in Oregon. HOFFHIAN'SiMEATrJllit. 150 N. Commercial ! Phone 5563 QUALITY MEATS LOWER PRICES Swift's Sliced Bacon, lb. ... . . 35c Rind Off U " SHORTENING, 41bs......... 45c BACON SQUARES, lb. ...... . 18c DILL PICKLES, qt ........ 5c With Meat Purchase Postpone Show Set For Tonight rirNTRAl HOWKLU April 15. The negro minstrel show sched uled for Friday night has Deen . fnAafinltelv because of UUOVWMVI serious Illness In the community. The condition of H. A. Lichty, who has been critically HI tor two weeks, continues very gray. maWnn stn-rer. a daurhter. of Greenville, Penn., Is expected to arrlTe maay mgnu on. wm v ..Mmmnlad tlT Mr. StOTer and their small son, Carl Henry. . . A l . X. John Plenty wa. m m SUrerton hospital Monday night. He has been ill for some time and his condition oecame uewuiaiy worse Monday. Funds for' Playground Equipment Derived From Auction at Pie Social CLOVERDALE, April 15. The Illlhee school sponsored a pie social Friday night which was held In the large log cabin on Dr. J. L.. Lynch's place opposite the schoolhouse. The 4-H health club presented a play, followed by an Interesting hoar of enter tainment given by the Mltcheu entertainers of Salem. Net proceeds of the auction amounted to 114.50. to be used to buy play- equipment ' for the school. Louis Hennles acted as auctioneer. (or why Julia Lee Wright's Fresh Bread is a BIG HIT with families here.) 3 I AM PRACT'CING- TO BE A FAMOUS ELEPHOWT hotter! ELEPHOhVTS ARE SIMPLE TO HIT ON ACCOOrATA THEY ARE SO 1-.:::-: mm "SB "O-:-: a . aaw- M - Touhy Goes to Federal Prison V ' J-Terrtbie Tommy" Touhy . ii T7 4S, 1 (6 KNOW WHAT MOST HITS THE SPOT WITH ME? SOMETHING THAT'S GOOD TO EAT x betcha! -J - 0-- YOU'RE RieHT! a-'s the bread named JUUA LEE VMRISHT'S THAT'S PERFECT FRESH ALWAYS ! o Julia Lee Wright's Bread is baked from a woman's recipe... has homemade goodness. O And Julia Lee Wright's always reaches you at its peak of goodness . , . always fresh. A special plan has been developed to make this possible. The tender loaves, are rushed without delay from bakery to store. i . j o Julia Lee Wright's Bread is guaranteed; Money back if you don't find it better-tasting, finer bread 1 Buy a loaf of this fresh, "woman's ; recipe' bread. Let your family taste how good it is. At our risk! i Fvn for boys and girls I Cut out and color "Ltrrio Folks" drawings start a scrapbootc! 7 5 MARV'UOUS FLAVOR IN EV'RY SLICE OUS' TASTE THIS NEVER-MISS FRESH bread! ft' W 1-0 .1 At r n ;..v v1 1 h ! i H Tf 1 i : Al your neighborhood grocery ...SAFEWAY 'Convicted of a $78,000 postal robbery la January. 1953. "Terrible Tommy" Touhy. Chicago -bad man". Is sea leavtn tb Ramsey county Jail In St. Paul for LeaTenworth prison. Leavenworth, Kaa, ier hm must serve a 23-year sentence, Touhy Is suffering from an Jncurable dlseass and today bears slight resemblancs to the ster of old.; Heavy Winds Are Responsible For Loss of IVIaples MACLEAT. April 16. Wind destroyed two of the beautiful maple trees of the well known J. F. C Tekenbnrg grove. One tree was broken off. the top miss ing the garage by only a few feet, and the other one was broken so badly that it will have to be eat down. These trees were planted in 1SC7 by W. E. Hartley, father of Mrs. Tekenbnrg, and in t h e 1 r shade many a pioneer picnic has been held, a custom the Teken burgs still observe. Falls Gty Folks Purchase Ranch Delegates Named To C E. Session LABISH CENTER. April 15 Mrs. E. D. Hornschuch - has re turned home from the hospital where she has been confined for about six months. Willard Horn schuch. who recently completed his studies at North Central col lege, Napevllle, 111., has also re turned home. Marjorie Wanless and Anna- belle Bennett are delegates from the local Christian Endeavor so ciety to the state convention at Corral lis this week. Rev. Herbert Bennett is organ izing & junior choir Thursday af ternoon at the schoolhouse. J. A. Starker has leased ground near Nyssa and he and Bill Phau will make their home there. MONMOUTH. April 15 - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morlts of Falls City havs bought the Charles Swaggart farm of 11 acres with buildings, six miles southwest of Monmouth, and with their three sons will make the place their permanent home. A. F. Hu- ber. Monmouth, handled the deaL Mrs TTeatar SheeOtt. Chief OP ! .MtAP tr tti. local telenhone ex- rfcane. Is In Portland tnis wees: attending the annual telephone chief operators conierence. au chief operators of Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph exchanges in Oregon wUI be present. Junior Women to Hear Miss Hottel niir ia Anrft 15 The mem bers of the-Dallas Junior Wom an's cluh will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday night with Miss Manna ju tt...i - Willamette university XaViVV V a- -w as guest speaker. Miss -Hottel was the exchange student from Willamette university to the Un iversity or Hawaii iai ywr. " other students from Willamette will play and sing Hawaiian mu sic t , : TTn.tDQfl. will b Miss Jeanne Hartman. Mrs. E. J. Schulson. Mtu Marr Ellen Dalton and MUs Nona MendenhalL rr.m. .inii nir books hare been completed and will bo given out at this meeting. Miss Dorothy Minnicn. prw- . tf.A rill's la also slan- nlng a tea next Wednesday af ternoon in honor of Mrs. H- 'D. p.i.run atatu chairman of the Junior .Women's clubs, and In honor of Mrs. Roy Donahue and Mrs. wtxold Holmes, coniacx iea ders'bV the local club. The eom mitteo making arrangements for the tea Is Miss Dorothy Dunn. Miss Ethel Jaexson, miss am .rin. Hawkins Miss .Mildred Eastman, Miss- Beatrice Price. Miss Lois Raistonana miss jb Helms.-- : ' : : t Child Has Pneumonia TrxiONVALK. April 15 Mr. Wilbur Stbutenburg was called to WUlamina Tuesday because her nephew, Robert Hubbardt 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hubbard, is seriously ill with double pneumonia. 3 Vocss ' "Far thirty yr I atubbern tiaatiM. loaitlwii I net far four er Ihra days. I alaa haa awfwl fas btaatiag. kadaM and aaira In ii back. Adlarika halpad right away. Now I aat satis oa. aananaa. m'f, mmy thiaa I want and aavar fat attar. I 9m aettndly an stioht and an Jay atfa.' Mrs. Masai Sahett. If you ara auflarinfj frawt aaawtipatla. ataaplossaaaa. tovr atafaach. and aaa bloating, tar is auldc railaf far yaa in Adlarika. Many rapsrt aettoa km thirty minata after taking Juat so daaa. Adlarika arva samplata aattana ctoanina yawr hawrsl tract whera arat nar laxsthraa do oat avan rase. Or. ST. a. J K Mmm Vara, ttpmttt . adaYtSM a I Inrf ill Ailwrtkm mmUu If tfTl.- Clva yottf bows l a raal claanalna wHki Adlarika and as How aaad y faal. 4uat an apeawful raliavaa 0AS and stubborn conotioation. PERRY'S DRUG 8TORB Canning Club OrgaSted At JJetbel; Members Will . Do Work During Summer s BETHEL, April 15. A new 4-H club project has been started In this district. The work will be the canning of fruits and vege tables by the cold pack, hot pack and open kettle methods. Mrs. Carmalita Weddle will be the in structor. The Clean Canning club will carry on work during the sum mer vacation. The officers elect ed are: President. Werna Froeh- lich; vice-president. Ila Mae Creech: secretary, Corale Nich ols. Cft her members are Doris Harrington, La Vera a Whitehead. Clurus Hageman. Lillian Ham rick. Jean Haln. Wanda Ftoeh- lich and Freda Bucurench. t ':;("' ; . i - t ! V MR. ROBERT T. MARTIX, of 185 South Winter SC. Salem. Whoee AmaaJng Testimonial, Telling of His Experience with VAN-TAGK Appears Below. -TnJa Medicine Is the Right Thins; For Mel-. He Says. Sunday School Confab Of Silrerton District At Scotls Mills Sunday SCOTTS MILLS. April 15-The Silverton district Sunday school convention win bo held at Scott Mills Sunday. April IS. Mr. Mc- Craeken. the new president, will nave cbarge of the program. Monday night at the school gymnasium Fred de Vrles of route S. Salem, will show over 2000 feet of travel film, taken last summer. Including, the Pan ama Canal, the sun at midnight in northern Norway. 300 feet of color film of the Zurich sooolirl- eal garden, Tulleries flower car- dens In Paris, and Oregon flow ers, also 10a feet of snow scene taken last January, a number of tnem at Silver Creek Falls. Only God Can Make a Tree Bear this in mind if yea don't feel your host It stows la th Waat t T , laoiaa. is x ran cms : . ascrctaa t year iatss i tiaal aaaaclca. Eat it f - at night aad whea yarn waka ay yaa will faal v hatur. Taaaariads. ara aad athcr Iraita sad taavsa ar now aaada iato a taaty haalth JaaL Thoasaada who firamtj una, -assay- loauac tiaa atck, i4 ataaascb, aaa, fcaadacaoa sad athar dtatraaaiac ills af caaatisattsa. now aaa Natara naweat aid to aaaakiad -TAH. Na artificUI drags la Tasa. Wacks 15ka m cmiw. pociaaa u waras bka siatara. Whaa TJ? rT rr stsbbara aawala. It katpa carh bad braath. bad skia aad other bad coadttMas. atniaaly lika mrie M.imr.-. yaa aay goodby to daU aysatit aadrcstiesa sloes. Yoa hava a kaaaoraaa. " ow asaikla ha yw now yoathial aacmg is yaar atcs. P" -!. . . try thU ashaabla saw haakh aaUghtod with rasaita. t as. Ja t j la oa. SI. At SVaH Vmv Tniltrr Bh 'a - J TAN-TAGE RELIEVED MY SLUGGISH KIDNEYS! NOW I DON'T GET UP AT NIGHT!' Mr. Martin, Prominent Lo cal Resident of South Winter St., Can Co to Bed and Sleep All Night Without Being Disturb ed, Since He Took Van- Taire. Had Suffered 9 Years With Sluggish Kidneys, Irritated Blad der and Night Rising. "Now I Feel Fine." He Says. "Oh. How my sluggish kidneys hurt me! The horrible backache. Thn abarn nains. The awful stiff ness and soreness. Ana au nigm long I was up. down, up, down. duo to my siuggisn-acung Kid neys. 1 couldn't get my proper sleen. I felt worn out and ex hausted. .But now. Yan-Tage has helped Nature flush the excess Impurity from my uoneys ana bladder. Now I can go to bed AND SLEEP. My backache, stiffness and soreness are Greatly Re lieved. I certainly feel grateful to Van-Tare. That Is what men and women all over Salem and -vicinity are saying about the "Mixture of Na ture's Roots and Herbs and Other Splendid Medicinal Agents.' known as VAN-TAG E. which is now being Introduced to crowds dally In this city at 170 N. Lib erty St by a special van-Tage Representative, known as The VAN-TAGE Man. For Instance, read the follow ing Remarkable Statement about Van-Tags which we have just re ceived from Mr. Robert T. Martin, of IIS South winter St Salem. Mr. Martin Is a former resident of Sheridan. Wyoming, and al though ho has lived In this city only a short time, he has many mends and acquaaitances here. Read what Mr. Martin has to say about Van-Tage. His Amazing Testimonial follows. His Sleep Was Broken by slufisnsh ividnevs "The first thtnr I want to aav in this statement of mine. Is that my endorsement of Van-Tage is absolutely unsolicited, and I trniv believe that If others who suffer like I did will give this medicine a fair trial, they will be thorough ly convinced lika I am that th are taking a Real Medicine. aaid sir. Martin. "For tbe last nine years I had suffered terrible with slucrish kidneva and IrritataA bladder. My Inactive kidneys did nor. aispoae ot tne wastes. In my body properly and every night my sleep was Isterrnnted ajrearat tin.es by these sluggish organs aemanamg relier. My food did not digest rixht and I bail sham catting pains in ray stomach after i aie, aue to gaseous Indigestion. or aoout tnreo years I had been a Great- Victim a? rnnin.tu. aad my bowels wer an tnaiira I would sometimes go 2 or S day wimoui reiiec. i nad no appetite . iot my xooa i or notntng tasted good to me and I rot an nmnn. and run down that I couldn't sieep as nignu of course I did everything I knew ot to try to get some rcllaf. hut ti. i. co m m oiw Now Mr. Martin Tells of Relief Van-Tage Gave Finally- I found Van-Tage. Have taken this Wonderful Medi cine only ONE WEEK and am convinced that It Is the right thing for me. It cleansed and In vigorated my sluggish-acting kid neys and bladder and they now do their work like they should and I can aro'to bed and aleen the whole night through without' being disturbed by those organs. My appetite is fine now and every thing; tastes good to me snd I know X am getting the nourish ment out of my food, for I have gained three pounds In weight la just this one week. It also in vigorated my constipated bowels and cleansed my upset stomach and I don't have those awful sharp, sudden pains after I eat. Van-Tage Is Truly a Wonderful Medicine, and I am glad to rec ommend It to all others. who s of fer like I did.- It Helps to deafway The Poisonous Wastes VAN-TAGE helDS to clear ivn poisonous wastes from the sys tem in several ways at once, thai is. it acts as a carminative, laxa tive, cholagogue and diuretic, al at the same time and helps cleanse bowels, assists .Nature to flush excess impurity from kid neys, brines forth raa and bloat from stomach and stimulates the now or liver bile. Many people write us they soon feel like dif ferent men and women as a re sult of this cleansing and in vigorating action of Van-Tage. Another thing due to the itn- the Price of Van-Tageis Reason- aoie. so. don't hesitate. Get Van Tage TODAY! . A Special Van-Tare Renreaen- tative, known as The VAN-TAGE Man, is now at 17 s- North Liberty SU. Salem, dailv metinr crowds of people and introducing and ex plaining this Remarkable Compound. On Sale at Fred Meyer Toiletry and Remedy Shop 170 N. Liberty St.