Drummers Vill Go to Festival ; Lebanon Commercial dub Gives $50 to Send Corps There LEBANON, April 15 The Leb anon commercial club at a din ner meeting at Hotel Lebanon this week, yoted a donation of $50 to take the drum corps to the Portland Rose festival. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Munyan and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence She manek attended the Bakers con vention in Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heschele have left for their home in Los Angeles after a visit of two months with their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Wertz and family. Talks About Dakota "North Dakota" was the topic ably presented by 'Mrs. Amy An derson, a former resident of that state, at the Sunshine club meet ing at the home of Mrs. C. C. Cotter Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. E. Getktn and Mrs. Carl Whin ery were guests of the club. The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. J. M. Bhrten sbaw. : - . . . Rev. and Mrs. LeRoy Crossley, Mrs. John Summers, sr., Mrs. An na Rundlet, Mrs. Elmer Morris, Mrs. Bertha Turnidge and Mrs. F. W. Musgrave attended' ' the Baptist rally in Salem Tuesday. Mrs. O. O. Shroder of Iowa, with her daughters, Clarien and Louise, stopped on their return from California where they spent the winter, for a visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. V. Wa:den. Reactor Percentage Low Only 15 or less than 4 per cent of the pupils of Lebanon and ad jacent schools who took the T. B. test last week reacted and In most cases the reaction was slight. Superintendent L. A. Wilcox of the Lebanon schools will be one of the speakers at the annual meet of the Progressive Educa tion association at Eugene April 20 and 2J. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cormier re turned home Monday after a trip through California, Mexico, Flor ida, Cuba and other points south. Lionel Crawfords Entertain Youths GRAND ISLAND, April 15, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Crawford entertained a group of young people at their home Friday night with a birthday party, compli menting the birthday anniver saries of Mary Rockhill and Mrs. Crawford. Approximately 20 young people participated. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rockhill received word recently of the birth of a son April 6 to their on and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Rockhill, in Ketchi kan, Alaska. Approximately 16000 tomato plants of the Bonny Best, Break O'Day and Marglobe varieties have been transplanted for sell ing purposes in the greenhouse on the Worth Wiley farm. Erudite Child I ; - ' r - J. s'.r:::-JftVv-;T-:-:.': Two-year-old Mary ChrtsUne Dunn of Bonne Terre. Mo, is be ing hailed as a child genius. Ac cording to Mary's mother, the child can recite the Lord a prayer, has a vocabulary of more than 3.000 words and has a good mem ory. A psychologist at Washing, ton university. St. Louis, dis posed tests showed the child had an intelligence quotient of 185. reputedly 45 more than the 1. Q. normally attributed to genius. Group From Shaw Spends Weekend on Doerfler Farm SHAW, April 15. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Welter (ifelen Sherman) are the parents of a son, born April 4, at the Stay ton hospital. He has been named William How ard. ' : : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert and Tony Masser and Jerry Boedighimer of Stayton motored to Powell Butte to spend the weekend and visit John Masser and Joe Klein, who are employed on J. J. Doerfler's ranch. : Hagen Homo Scene Of 4-M Club Meet RICKEY, April 15 Mr. George Hagen, Mrs. Nil Hllborn and Mrs. I. H. White were host esses to members of the 4-M club at the Hagen home Tuesday at an all-day meeting. Wild flow ers formed the centerpiece for the noon-day dinner. Mrs. N. Anderson was received as a new member. Mrs. H. E. Martin, Mrs. F. E. Kengrin, Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. A. II. Fuestman and Mrs. George Hagen were ap pointed delegates and Mrs. : D. Baker and Mrs. P. B. Beck, al ternates to the Federation of Women's clubs meeting, to ' be held at Sllverton. The program Included a mis cellaneous shower tor Mrs. C. Gordon; piano numbers, Anita Faye Hagen; readings, J. F. C Tekenburg, Mrs. H. E. Wright, A. H. Fuestman and Mrs. W. H. Humphreys; riddle contest won by Mrs. I. II. White, and a clothes pin contest, in which Mrs. R. Clark and Mrs. Gorden tied. Visitors were Mrs. C. Gorden, Mrs. H. E. Wright. Mrs. F. Waser, Mrs. M. Holman, Mrs. A. Schllck er and Mrs. Anna Lanke Van Winkle. Undergoes Operation STAYTON, April 15 Miss Mil dred MacNeal of North Santiam underwent a major operation at the local hospital Monday. Mrs. Charles Sullivan of Mill City Is in the Stayton hospital for med ical treatment, i ; t Mrs. P. E. Chambers enter tained a group of children Tues day complimenting the 9th birth day of her daughter, Carol Gay. After luncheon the youngsters enjoyed a theater party.: Present were Louise Allen, Charlotte Morlan. Vesta Shlnn and Carol Gay Chambers. t 1 -COOKE'G- Stationery Company Office Supplies and Filing Equipment, Stationery i Kodaks & Kodak Finishing Greeting Cards, Gifts, l s Fountain Pens i 40 State - Just East of; Ladd Bash Complete Car Service Are You Getting the Gas Mileage You Should? If Not IT'G TIME For That Pre-Summer Well do the checking for you -honestly, reliably and quick ly. Our men are trained to ban- die every car with factory knowledge and precision. We also have the equipment and therefore eliminate all .guesswork. Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH 435 N. Commercial Phone 4673 1 8UEEI ." I S I ! " " '"'."'? : xv , , - . - r , - , ; -s-.$ - : y--:y- . : . m buad .irons v: -f $ : Help blaid Grahams I; . ;V A- -I treat that 6" ;.; . Mother, here's the way to turn that '"vfeet tooth" into an Instrument for good. Satisfy It vith crunchy golden Honey Maid Grahams, the honey sweetened favorites of children. Honey Maid graham crackers abound in ele ments that help make healthy teeth; and sturdy muscles. Let the youngsters eat all of them they want, at meals and between meals. They're a grand treat with milk, fruits, and ; ice cream. To be thrifty, buy them in the large green package from your grocer. He gets them from our nearby Western bakeries. Q A MODUCT Of r w jmmud NATIONAL BlSCUnr COMPANY 5Pg S-3X-Jo cs -A MONDAY V- and maks sure off your r 1 1 1 L--J T L"" S2S W O savinji. Prices whils J 1 LJ p-H Tff A Brand x YcOf Store I V Zf h A.S ?S rjlj Airway 0 Nob HiU 0 EdwardsZ A real health soap. A lim ited amount, get yours before it is all gone. m cakes Post Toasties Reg. Size Pkg. 2 Pk E 21 eg Get some of these before the price advances. . TISSUE Waldorf Cream of Wheat Large pkg. S a Bakers PROIIUM Chocolate K-lb. Cake for Calumet Baking Powder lb. tin a Kellogg s All Bran Large Package Fine to use in waffles, pancakes, muffins and a fine breakfast cereal. ifztdsufllqhi No. 1 Tin 3 f.r 25c BING CRACKERS Pound 2 lbs. ' Edwards 1 tin 25c HARVEST BLOSS03I KITCHEN CRAFT lb.sk. $1 .49 49 lb.sk. $1.69 4 pound package CARSTEN'S BEST 0 pound tBssf box HONEY MAID GRAHAM mm Plain or Iodized 26-oz. Shaker US DIAMOND CRYSTAL Snowdrift A Perfect Shortening for Baking and Frying 3-lb. Tin US I 1 TO : BAKING SET with PILLSBURrS SIO SHEEN Cake Floor Reg. Size Pkg. Price We are listing a few items we think are the best values from our last week's ad, for the benefit of those who couldn't take advantage of our week canned food sale. Each 3 for 12 for Del Monte, Xo. 2 Tin 14c 41c 1.50 .HOT SAUCE 4c 1Qc 37 SB Bsacaffii-ssir a-111 r 11 r,,.,!" ; jj ssaaBsssrsas3saB wgeBaai, x'T-itaii-a m " -1 1 an, rr-rrM' Buwu, So. 2 Tia 37 C 13 Mill Race, Xo. 2 Tin 9c I 25c .95 T03IATOES . Qm ITe QJS: jgL, aoc 25c .98 soJ55g 9c 25c .90 .0. Tin 21c 61c 2.31' SfobaETin 44 .23 lQc 29c 1.15 JULIA LEE WRIGHT'S lj-lb. Loaf White or Wheac Fresh Daily IPIR1MJSE EIPT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY RADISHES 3bun.lOC Firm and Tasty J GREEN ONIONS bunches 10c ASPARAGUS to the End. J. 4 lbs. 25c NEW SPUDS Texas ff Garnets 5 lbs. 3l NEW PEAS Fine with New Potatoes 3 ibs. 25c ORANGES Small but Full of Juice, doz. . 23 c We Will Have Fresh Strawberries Fo r the Weekend the Price Is Right 9 . - '.. Sauerkraut Shortening Salt Porli In Bulk That Good Kind In Bulk The Best Fine to-Fry or. Bake with ' '-'Beans Franltfurters ;: r Salad Dressing Fresh Oysters Tender and Juicy Lemon Whip . ' ' Fine to Fry or Bake EC3 flgQ p-. 2IQ3 p. - rf , , ;"ul"" . 1 11 1 11 1 1 ji j . - '.-.V.'.'.. . . .. y- 4 .V.rf . .. ..... , r ; v. - . ; " A ' " " -w rf - 1 .-..V.v HMHHWHHHBHHHHHB 4 Stores in Salem 935 S. Commercial Corner Court & Commercial Corner 13th & State 1978 N. Capitol rup A Good Cane and JIaple FlaTor In the Bulk - 1 FuU Gallon ; Albers Flapjack FLOUR 9-Ib. Sack Get some of this fine flour at a saving:. PEET'S GRANULATED 0JS u 0 Large Pkg. ARIA Pillsbury Large Size Package. Only. pkgs. GILPEFRl'IT, lobby's Tin 2r for 23c SALMON Happy Vale, Xo. 1 Tin F. A. R. CLAIMS J4 FTat ECc iCc ORANGE JUICE JI. C. P. 8-Vin 2 for i5C APRICOTS - Stokcl'f Wbole ) t Xo. 1 Tin for AC MTSTARD Ring Otom, I-qt. 2, for 25C calo. - rr DOQ FOOD for SHRIMP - Gule Bt ' for 13c .. w a.. " Gale Brtl Atf for DEVILED' MEAT U Tla ft X acaes ROSEDALE, ;No. 22 Size Tin 2 for 3 These Are a Fine Peach Uj tins..: ft ;" J"- '-'5 , .. -f . , f 1 J