The OREGON STATESMAN; Balm,- Oregon, Friday morning Aprtl 16, 1931 Op Sergeant Joseph Scarpa, local recruiting officer,! will accept ap plications her ery day except Monday and Tuesday when he will Speaks Monday enings in Varied, Declared Here Monday Eve be at Corvallis. ! PAGE EIGIITEEIT Army Authority Enlistments are now being tnade at the United States Army recruiting office in the federal building here for service in the following -posts where vacancies now exist: VancooTer Barricks, wash., 7th Infantry; Fort Worden, Wash., 14th Coast Artillery; Fort Lewis, . Wash., 6th Engineers, 9th and 10th Field Artillery; Port An geles, Wash., " 29th Engineers (high school education required): Fort Stevens, Ore., medical dept.; Pr-sidio of San Francisco, 30th Infantry medical corps; Mofrett lieid, Cal., air corps; Hamilton Field, Cal., air corps; Fort Win field Scott. CaL. 6th Coast Artil lery; Presidio of Monterey. Cal.. 11th Calvary. 76th Field Artil lery; Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska, (previous servicemen preferred) typists, radio operators, army pa per work. Rural Fire Unit Talked at Aurora AURORA. April 15 The Aur era fire denartment met Monday night and discussed the advant ages of a rural fire company. Such a move would make ne cessary another truek and othrr equipment, which would be n nanced by the residents of tr. outside districts.; The project would lower insurance rates and assessments. ! Mr. Morrison of the rating bur eau and Mr. Taylor of the fire marshal's office outlined advau tares of the rural fire company. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ogilbee of Portland, are comm.? to Aurora to make their future home. STA-PREST THE BROOKS SUIT FOR PARTICULAR MEN r - . - :-. - i - V. Jl i : &- I L - ; a rr. rrr r; 19.50 i'. -1 Before we put our Brooks name" to this ; suit we made sure it was right. It's for men who have learned to care about how they look. Tailored In the styles that predominate at famous universities. And because the American woman does most of the spending for the nation, it's a value we made sure would appeal to the womenfolk. t New Spring fabrics in Browns, Blues and Greys. BROOKS 456 State I Housewear . . . Hard wear Values at ALLEN'S EIonauBttoia BoabEa u tjexeei- A LIMITED NUMBER NO MORE AVAIL ABLE AT THIS PRICE Genuine' Hamilton Beach electric mixers that sell regularly at more than $20.00. While this special shipment lasts. $14.95 Terms FISHER. THORSEN Outside Paint 2.85 Gallon O Covers More Lasts Longer Protects Better Your Old Iron Is Worth $1.00 on a New Streamline Sunbeam IRON! $3.50 Clothes Sprayer only $1.00 with a new Sunbeam Iron. ; GEO. E. ALliEN PAINTS PLUMBING HOUSEWARES! . HARDWARE REFRIGERATORS 28 N. Commercial . : I: i I Loata H. Balsch, , mercbJindlsuix aatborlty; who will efek .Mob day night at 8 o'clock at the chamber of commerce, with business men Invited to attend. Interest in Lots Owned by County Reported Gaining Interest in city lots owned by Marion county la picking up no ticeably, H. William Thlelsen, property . agent, reported yester day. Salem. Silverton and Wood burn properties are the centen of would-be purchasers' Inquiries. "We get lots of calls for farm lands, too," Thlelsen said, "but we haven't any left." Yesterday the county court ap proved sale of- the old White Front hotel, formerly owned by Frank Thompson, at Hubbard to J. R. Atchison, who will tear the old frame building down and use the salvaged materials In con structing tourist cabins. The county retained the lot on which the old building stands. Thlelsen also recently sold a house and one-half block of land once owned by the State Bank of Hubbard In that community to Carl Meek. Fictitious Race Ticket Charges Faced by Pair ST. HELENS, Ore., April 15 -Op) Thomas E. Boseny and Nlles Colvin waived preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace W. J. Fullerton and were bound over to the grand Jury on charges of pos sessing tickets and selling tickets on ficticious horse races. Bail was set at $1,500. f Goes to Bay City ZEN A, April 15 A visitor In San Francisco this month Is Miss June Worthington of Zena, who Is a guest of her sister, Miss Elaine and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber, formerly of Salem. Miss Elaine, a Salem high school grad uate, is employed at the Uarco autographic register company. Miss Worthington Intends to TlsU also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox of San Jose, old friends from Zena. Louis H. Bulsch, widely known as an authority on retail mer chandising and salesman, will ad dress an - open meeting at the chamber of commerce here Mon day night at S o'clock. He will appear under the spon sorship of the Merchants service bureau of the National Cash Reg ister company, Dayton, Ohio, a bureau designed to . raise the standards of retail business prac tices by giving assistance to retail ers wherever needed. Due to the nature of his work, Mr. Bulsch has his fingers on the pulse of trends and conditions In most lines of business In all parts of the country. His contacts with retailers, salespeople, Jobbing or ganizations, trade associations, chambers of commerce and lunch eon clubs will give everyone at tending the meeting here not only a refreshing viewpoint but also practical suggestions for Increas ing sales and profits. Adams Funeral Is Set For Saturday Mrs. Amy Adams, who lived here for the past 16 years, and was owner and manager of the Adams Florist shop, passed away at i the Salem General hospital Wednesday, following a several weeks' illness. She was 43 years old. . . Mrs. Adams was vice president of the Salem Business and Pro fessional Women's club, and was well known In the city. She Is survived by the widower. Hector Adams; a daughter, Miss Gene leve Adams; and her mother, Mrs. I Genevieve Marsters, all of Salem. Funeral services will take place at W. T. Rigdon's chapel on Sat urday, April 17, at 1:30 p.m., with Rev. Lynn A. Wood officiat ing. Interment will be In the Bel crest Memorial park. Poor Exam Paper Literally Smells ST, PAUL, April 15-&!p)-A par ticularly poor set of examination papers inspired Prof. Johtf Madl gan, head of the department of physics at St. Thomas college, to mete out punishment In a deci sive and odorous manner. Professor Madigan placed the examination papers In three large Jars, instructing students to look for them there. Papers of passing grade were found In a Jar liberally sprinkled with attar of roses. Papers not far below passing grade, were found In a Jar which gave off the rotten eggs odor of hydrogen sulphide. The most offensive odor that of butoric acid greeted students who had to delve Into the Jar containing papers with the worst marks. IfT HKtrLfTeMte!l II r f t esTATtic rttpi f i If W WMa eiii M ymum 1 m,M m ew it t W X - ftf II JJJ" KJf fwJLeT Tss haMMjl if tTOMvirzaT ; tl sWUrLTTt CHWf J V aajaa rtSTAimMa FTO f CROWN FEEDS Komprest Komplete Chic Starter Komprest Komplete Pallet Deyeloper Komprest Komplete Turkey i Starter Komprest Komplete Turkey Grower Silver Sheen Fox Cube-Etts SUrer Sheen Cer-L-Etta Silver Sheen Mink-Etta W. J. LEE & SON 349 Ferry SU Phone 9418 Phont 4610 3 o S T HI We Carry Notions ... Buttons . . . Buckles Thread ; Needles ..Bins Tape ." .Rick Rack . . . Snaps . . . Hooks and Eyes . . Shields ... Belting and Dress Trimmings. AH Do Your Spring SE G Now, While the Weather Is Drab and Wet FRENCH GINGHAM Fast color. Sheer and cool. Finest cotton AQt good made . yd- tjVl SHANTUNG BROAD CLOTH Pre-shrunk. Fast color. Plain, Alii color . yd. Hl3V QUADRIGA PERCALE None better. 99s Needlelized 1 yd. mmX CHULLA CREPES Washable. Fast iCCIft color. Celanese, yd. O V DOTTED SWISS For gradua- ?Ql.,S2 tion dresses cV&jjV IMPORTED ORGANDIE, 45-in. wide. if 0 An colors yd. JVC FANCY DBIITIES For graduation v tgt dresses yd. C . 39-in. TAFFETAS Fast colors, washable. For dresses . yd. C 36-in. RAW SflLK For sport dresses. fg Many colors ...... yd. bloch-s GOLDEN RULE STORE Kingwood Three Markets v Marion Street Court Sir We're offering some exceptional values this week to say nothing of the free advice offered from time to-time regarding the markets, which reminds us if you're still reading this that free advice is worth ever cent It costs you and we wanta be the last one to make it worth any less, and right heres where we offer some advice, or perhaps its not advice after all when we say this week's the time to buy pears. Since starting to write our advice -one of Hunt Brothers head men just called us up and told us the price of their pears and say he says dont go to soundin off in ; the newspapers about how -4w yer price is. You ain't the only one in this community that can read en write. Just put the prices in that ime givin ye and they! know they'r almost. a gift considerin we hafta furnish the cans to put em up in. Well folks somebody's gotta help eat these pears and as long as you re in for it you just as well buy em this week when you can get em so reasonable. So say in we close by quoting a few prices that have made these stores known from far and near. Hunt Brothers P Cholem Quality Packed in 2Vi size cans and as you might have gathered from some of the remarks at the head of this ad, nows a good time to stock your pantry with these luscious pears. While the price is low these pears are not to be confused with standard pears. No. 22 Size Cans 15c J cans 28c 6 can, 79C In searching thruogh our stocks for an item of more than ordinary interest, we were reminded of the wonderful qualities of Jell Well Of course it needs no description of ours as to its real deliciousness, but here is something of interest about Jell Well for this week's shopper. Raspberry - Orange - Lemon Lime - Strawberry - Loganberry Cherry Flavors Straight or Assorted packages packages EE jr m evuiy BA ssYMiivnE J PILLSBUilVS BEST FLOUR $1.89 TISSUE. PAPER s E K C Baking Powder S"5 Ec GREEN SPOT cans Z3s5 3 Minnesota Valley Size 303 3 cans v 1 Red Spot Sliced BIS H'iPS 3 cans -J(Q Hunt's Supreme Pineapple No. 2Yi Size Cans 2 for Hunt's Supreme SPINACH No. 2 Yt Size Cans 2 Sm for Hunt's Supreme PEAS No. 2 Cans Sm cans Hunt's Gibraltar IPMS No. 2 Cans cans Supreme Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 1 Size I tor Sg Supreme Crushed or Tidbits Pineapple' 8-oz. cans 4 cans 2g Supreme Sliced No. 1 Yt Size Cans per can Hunt's Supreme Sliced Pineapple No. 2 Cans 2 for Supreme Pineapple Juice - 'No. 2 Cans . 2M as The quality of Hunt's Supreme Canned Goods are so well known it's unnecessary for us to describe them not admitting, you under stand, that we couldn't describe 'em if we wanted to. All we'd have to say would be is that these goods are as good as the best and a lot better than most. So you see we sure can give a good description when we have to. We've been asked many times lately about sugar prices is now a good time to buy sugar for canning? We don't even claim to know but , our guess is tliat now is a very good time to buy a little more than your present needs. nrr ivlarg anne pound I6c MILK; Choice Two Brands 2) eans . sdlS Our flour special for this ueek is a Bait to get you folks to visit these stores. Good Grief we dident intend to say that. While we don't wanta . be like soma the chain stores, thers no use our leanin clear over 1 Back wards to tell the whole doggon truth. Oh well, it'l serve us right if you folks carry of f every sack of Orbis flour we have in stock. Heres the price . ORBIS 49-lb. sack O Pillsbury's Buckwheat. IPaiHKsaEse ' Special HQLge. Pkg. HARVEST TIME PAN- nm CAKE FLOUR, No. 10 sk. 2iC S p e cia I Morning Milk has the bene ficial effect of cod liver oil added. Ask your doctor. .... .... tall cans 25c Swift's Pure 4 pound carton Every once in awhile in out meandering thru our warehouse stock we discover some item for one reason or another isn't moving out t fast enough to please our warehouseman. Just so with Durkee's Famous Salad Oil. This oil of course is as good as the Best and heres a chance to save 16c per quart DURKEE'S SALAD OIL Quart Can Superior Jumble Pacli 3P you'd care to listen to on of the best programs on the air tune in on KSLHI every day at 9:5 cm. It's an Old Goldeit program by Dan Huckabee. Salem, Urrjroa 220 to 220 X. Liberty