PAGE SEVENTEEN Find What Yotli Want Quickly in the' Classified Coliraiiis The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 16, 1937 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line .10e rare Insertion per line- .29e Six insertions per line One month per line Minimum charge Copy for this page accepted aattt :$0 the evening; before publication for classification. Copy received after thla Urn will be run under the beading. Tee LAte te Ctae wUy Tee Statesman utami no flnan Mel responsibility for errere which may appear ta advertisements pub lished In Its oolamns, and la cases here this paper Is at fautt will re print that part ef aa advertisement im which tb typographical mistake , The Statssmas reearvee the right ce reject questionable advertising. It further reeerraa the light te place all advertising under the rnrer etasstflcaUoe). Farmers' Exchange Livestock and Poultry BABT CHICKS. 12 varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries. tHillets now ready. Tel. 133F2, Lea's Hatchery. FOR SALE weeks old roostere. Gehrlng's Hatchery, Silverton, ore. atruLlUirll l - -1 - " - FRESH COWS for sale. F. L. Tan dy. Monmouth. Inquire at Alrlie store as to where I live. TWO COWS, one fresh, perhaps both: young: $90.00 for the two. HUGH MAGEE, Scotts Mills I iielp Wanted Female HSKPR, 402 First Nat'L Bk. BUlg. RELIABLE GIRL for general hse. . - a - m .V.ll..n I n Pnrt. land. Km., bd. and $20 mo. Apply 295 t . i. ru, OAirui uiruii POSITION OPEN for lady to work real estate experience not necessar. Splendid opportunity to right party call at 109 South commercial ox. WILL GIVE elderly lady home In exch, for light services. TeL zz. GIRL WITH references for gen. housework. Good waxes, teu z. Situations Wanted 1 GIRL 17. WANTS housework, home. unall watre. 263 Montgomery. wooa- lurn. Ore. yxJxjuu-ijuu"Lri.ri.n r rniiin. i .- MinnLK AGED woman wants work , by hour or day. Inquire 2055 S. bummer. Ezp. dressmak. Mrs. Adsltt T. 9 US. I hour, lady WISHES work. Day or washing dishes. washing. ironing, cleaning, care of children. At my home or yours. Km ma Krels. 1790 Waller. For Sale-Miscellaneous CASH OR trade tor used turnltur ranges, - heaters, radios, machinery, tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry, auc tioneers, phons 6-1-1-0. 1610 K. Sum mer In Hollywood. RUT UPSTAIRS and save on Dar en port A chair, bedroom suites, dining I room furniture, one piece or a ful at lowest prices and terma Up stairs Furniture Store, 431 court bl. trerxrtrnojnjaM'Mij'ij-r i ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Beea Typewriter txca n wran. " HAULING A FOR sale, dirt, sand. gravel and fertilizer. Phone 6647. BALED STRAW. phon 7FS. aaaaehaMaaMaMMMaiaataaeeO COAT MILK, lie qt. deU daily. Fnone 3336. FERTILIZER. RIVER ellt. garden rock. Tel. 3600. Lacey. n n n i ii i"ii"i "ii- "- -- - FOR SALE: not house building. 40, 000 feet lslO celery bleaching lumber: water tank. 125 gallon capacity; plow, t gasoline engines: 3 rotary pumps; 1 tmrk' 4t bundles celery crate slabs; 200 feet Irrigating hose; hot bouse store. . - See eeman, trustee In bankruptcy. Room 9. Ladd usn pan ROTTED FERTILIZER, L76 yd. Ph. 9660. WLnn nniirrr - ------- ..... DRY WOOD, all kinds. Fh. PUPPIES. TeL 8630. S40 S. 25th. i. . i n 1 1 rww.. ....ii - I ROCKS FOR rockery. F. IL Gar land. 1795 Fairground Road, Salem. Ore. -innnnrirw-i-i- -i-i- - - -- -- -- - GOOD 11AT OaU and retch. Clover har. Tel. 7F33. atra uacaetu mJULn.ri.ilili""i,""" - " m alsaaea I SHRUBS, Schrelbera. 2060 Nebraska irw"irwrii-i-i-- -- -- -- . GOOD USED brick. 366 N. Com 1. DRY WOOD. All klnda Fh.-950. .- 1 n fnnnrykirrr nrtnrt TYPEWRITER. tlO.OO. laidr's ilke. $10.00. Sewing machine. $10. 415 Ferry at. SEWINO MACHINE headquarters, r-mirt Kt a nsed treadle and elec tric machines. Expert repairing, work guaranteed for one year. Cpstalrs Furniture Store, Telephone 4622. SALE NEW house-boat, cheap. InQ. 1026 N. Commercial. Bob bnannon. MARSHALL STRAWBERRY Plants. liana Popp. Dallas, Koute z. mjT-i-'i. -ii- - - -- -- - - - - mmm -aW e mahoain; .int.n a- .how cases : 2 walnut c fieri of drawers with mirror frames to match: mahogany piano; refrigerator. 464 Ferry St. TeL 4724. MAHOGANY FARRAND piano, ISO. TeL 6549. 1060 N. 14th. tVLTi rVLftrin rsfsnMii iaiaasialalahaeaa PUBLIC ADDRESS system cheap, for cash. 648 Union St TABLE POTATOES $1.50 per 100. Feed. Burbank. Garnets. Gems, British Queen, Ramp's Warehouse, Brooks, Ore. j Wanted- 31iscellaneous WALNUT MEATS or walnuts la ahelL any quantity. State Cafeteria. ADVERTISING " Western Advertising Representative Fenger-HaU Co, Ltd. -San Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle ' Eastern Advertising; Representative Bryant. Griffith B run son. Ine Chicago. New Tork. Detroit Boston, Atlanta watered at tie foft oice l'??' Bui-t flic ar oat Com.rn.rmal Mtrm. . cttrscrIPTION RATES: Mail Subecrlptlon Ratea, m Advaace. Wlln Oregon. raUy and Sunday. " VAV inhere r'rftTcSrler. 4$ cent- a month. see $1.00 2Se For Sale Used Cars SEE Used AT THE HerraU-Owens Company I ...... i I Drastic Reductions Tremendous Savings LOW DOWN PAYMENTS EASY TERMS 1125 REO Sedaa $ 1 -3 15 -$ 65 .$11 1927 OAKLAND Sedaa 192 BUICK Sedan 129 KSSKX Coach 1919 DODGE Sta. 6 Sedan i TRUCKS 1 1911 DODGE Pickup . .$ 85 1929 CHEV. 1H ton 131 In. W. B. with platform, good rubber, new paint. In excel lent condition $185 125 More to HerraH-Oweins .Co.; "DEPENDABILITY 'The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE & PLYMOUTH and 235 S. Commercial tjj Qar park Dallas, Oregon, Oak at Main Street I OPEN EVENINGS OREGON has "H. W." (high water) SHROCK has "L. P." (low prices) YOU WANT to "S. M." (save money) DO AS many "O. P." (other people) j "C" Sfarock j To buy or sell your car. & r-.ii- nrirf on everr car every day. and a fine selection to choose from. in- any make, or price range. We also torcycles. 555 Chem St. We have "B. O." ( Wante1Miscellaneoaa FREE WE Dick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. Tel. 4169. ejaatsaaeeiaaaaaiaaaeaasaaaaaagaep MARKET POULTRY wanted any time. Highest cash prices paid. Tel. 133F2, Lee'a Hatchery. FILBERTS AND tneate Slate Cafe WANT TO purchase portable Singer electric. Tel. 4375. Miscellaneous ART LESSONS. 607 N. 19th, TUNE IN on KSLM facts program 1 :16 to 1 :20 each afternoon and hear the facts about the Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court St., balem. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING ROOMS, 649 N. Cottage. SLEEPING ROOM. Tel. 4 496. SLEEPING ROOMS. 660 N. Cora'L FINE SLEEPING room. 636 N. Church. CLEAN FURNISHED rooms, hot and cold water. Tel. 6383. 840 Union. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, reas onable price. 770 N. Front St. Room and Board NICE FRONT room for 2, also alp' gle room. Close In. 693 S. Com'L asaaasfasaeaaaaiassteasaaststaai RM, Com'L BD, 315 Bellevue and S. 645 & COM'L, TEL. 3835. R. B. CLOSE In, 191 a Church. For Rent Apartments f FURNISHED t ROOM apt- 2261 Haxel Ave. TeL 7664. FURN. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 160 Division. I MOD. FURN. 3 R. apt. 1553 State. SMALL APARTMENT. 210 N. 14th. eiaBfBMaaeaaaaafaaaajsAsaayahsfNasaksaseeaaaeA BACHELOR APT, 736 N. Com'L HEATED SLEEPING rooms, hot A cold water buatneee people. 255 Cen ter. I MOD. 2 R. APT. Inq. Tip Top Cafe, corner Til. Roed and N. CapitoL FURN. APT, 1440 State St. ,7554. 2-R. UN FURN. APT, 2164 Maple Ave. 1 apt. New electric range, new G. E. ref. hudineva women. 4S5 S. Liberty TeL 7640. ijXjTruiLJ"ifif'uaij iiiflrt i1 "i ,! , 3 RM. APT., mod., furru. steam heat. Friaridaire, garage. 2380 F. G. K4 TeL 7582. ! 1 B, KITCH, bath. 2005 N. CapitoL . 1 OR 3 ROOM, 267 S. Church. CLOSE IN 6 rm. furn.. duplex, first floor, garage. Ino, 8(0 MilL APT, 156 a COTTAGE. VwVWwWWMM6iwWWMwWVI 2 RM. FURN. Ph. 5010. PRESCOTT i APARTMENTS three rooms furnished, rery nice, adulta, 1064 Oak St. I t ROOM FURS', apt, lights, water. $2.60 wk. 1290 Oak. TeL 5276. FOR RENT - 6 room flat. 660 Ferry St. Water and garbage service fur nished. $25. BECKE WADSWORTH 189 N. nigh For Rent Houses HOUSES. Malrin Johnson. TeL 3723. MODERN RM. bouse. Ph. 45SL COZY MODERN bungalow furnish ed, 935 Madison, also 8 room modern. 1235 N. 16th St. COMPLETELY FURN. house. In cluding Grand piano. Close In. Inquire Green Spot Mat, across from Salem high school. Ph. 4633. UNFURN. 6 RM. bungalow, $194. For Sale Used Cars ( THE Car Sale 1929 STTTDE Coupe , . . . 1932 FORD Coupe - 1934 FORD Tudor ,,- ., 191S FORD Couoe .$195 .9395 .$115 $445 1936 PLY. DeLuxe 2 -dr. Tr. Sed. $ TRUCKS 1931 FORD 1 ton truck made for dump body work ,,....$195 1930 DODGE ton panel 915 1934 FORD Sedan delivery $395 1935 DODGE ton pickup, like pii Choose From j DODGE TRUCK DIST. - - - Phone 3169 AND SUNDATS handle trucks, trailer-houses and mo ave At hrock's Phone 7922 (bargains only) For Rent Houses f 4 R FURN. HOUSE, neat, rery close In. Inq. 694 N. High. asaaaaaaaafcitrsa 8 R. FURN. HOUSE. L J. CRIT TENDEN. 172 S. Liberty. FURN. 7 R. HOUSE, near grade school and bus line; piano, frlgldaire. modern gas range: family orchard, 2 lots, garage, $35.00. ZS7 LKU S1KW.1 Call Before Sat. SEVERAL GOOD houses, well loca ted. $42.50 and up. R. L. Relmann. 107 a. itign, uiai " aaaasaataaasaaaaaajaasaaaaaasaasa. ROOM HOUSE at 1308 Market St. nearly all furnished, for $30.00. 6 room house In So. Salem for izo.ue. S. M. EARLK or VICK BROS. 208 N. High Phone 96.8 For Rent HOSPITAL BED and wheel chairs te rent. IL L. Stiff Furniture Co. OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 881 State St. TeL 3713. For Sale Real Estate 1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEAT 5 ROOM cottage basement. furnace, fireplace, butlt-tns In dining room and kitchen. Excellent location on South High street. Price only $2,- 700. Owner will consider gooa usea car as part payment. : ' CHILDS Ml LA. fc. ft, iteaitors 344 State St. Phone 6708. 6 ACRES. APPROX. 90 prunes and 4 0 cherrr treea fine Dears, a DDI a plums, nuts, large strawberry patch. 6 rm. bouse. Da in. new root, snciosea porch, else, pump, new paint. One-third mile from new 4-rm. saiem Mia. acnooi. Fine view of valley and mountalna Must have $2000 down. Owner 7479. $1276. LIVING ROOM, dining room. kitchen, nearooma, garage, woodshed, close to school, H cash. $ 600. down, I room home at 2140 Ma ple Ave. Modern every way ex cept fireplace, $2500. 9 400. down, modern home at 2429 Lee St. lot 60x166. $2700. MELVIN JOHNSON or C O. RICE 725 Court St. Phone 8723. 8 ACRES. 6 R. HOUSE, basement. barn, two largo chicken coops, for 83200. We are finishing a new 4 R. house. basement and furnace, paved st, for $2400. 65 acres, 60 cult. 4 R. house, barn. price Is $1750 If taken at once. , VOSBCRGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. REAL ACREAGE BUY $ BEDROOM HOUSE about 4 yra old with basement, water system and plumbing. A acre wonderful soiL Fruit, berries 4b flowers. Close to bus and echooL Will not last long at $2650 with terma ' ROBERT V. BUDROW, Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965 7 R. MODERN HSE., 4 bedrooms, lot 150x160. paved at, cloe to new senior high school. $3750, terma Nicety furnished 6 R. home with fire place and aleeplng porch, 50x100 lot; exceptional buy, $2500. terma 6 R. hae., fine view of mountains, good lot. $1400. $10P down, $16 per mo. .List ings wanted. R. L. Relmann, 167 & High. Dial $632 COAST HIGHWAY, 100-200 ft ocean and highway frontage, approx, 2 acres, $ niir jnodeni cottages with fireplaces. Also 6 room mod. bouse near Alsea river, famous for fishing. $4000.00 will handle. Xiood Invest Ex plalnable reasons for selling. Box 234, Statesman. CHERRY ORCHARD close In. $1000.00. Take car part payment 415 Ferry Street - - -i-i- - -- -- -- -- -- --- i irin nn n mnj-inji JUST THE THING 8 - ACRES FINE land near Salem, new 4-K. house, only $1175, easy terms. Exceptional buy In acreage north. Land near this sold for $1000 an acre. Wonderful well (could irrigate), lm provements. crops, stock, equipment. 68600. Good roads three sides. Subdl vide. Good lots north. 845$ to $1000. Want a charming, well located home between Broadway and Capitol? $3600. Garage, shrubbery, hardwood floors. basement. Reasoner (certainly) 665 N. nigh SALE LOT, 65x56. TeL 6246. ( For Sale Used Cars Cars Are Good Boys 1936 Ford 2-Door Sedan, 1935 Ford Fordor 1935 Ford 4-Door Sedan ............ 525 1934 Studebaker Diet. Sedan.. 495 $10 Dowb Plus Insurance and Drive It Home Oh Any of 193C Essex Coupe 1930 Oakland Coupe 1927 Chrysler Phaeton 1929 Durant Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach liNCOLN wr ntrr ROME 1921 LINCOLN ZEPHTRS PRICED FROM $996 UP. These are Care that hare been turned In en 1937 Zephyrs and arV ln perfect shape . . 6700 miles to 93 00 miles SEE Mr. Sharkey or any ef the boys on the Used Car lot Valley Motor Co. OPEN SUNDAYS THREE LOTS Center Liberty Phone SISt Jim St. Clair. Guy Bond Marlon A Liberty Phone 215B Joe Goodfellow - Bill Earl - Shorty Mission Holywood Service Station 2121 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone T45S Ford Cole 1936 PLT. DeLUXE Cpe. Radio, gd. rubber, fine cond. 1090 Third St., West Salem. For Sale Real Estate I ! DO YOU WANT A FINE COUN TRY HOME? View place, house partly built and livable, fruit and nut trees, landscaped yard, only 10 mln. away. - FINE 4 ROOM FULLY MODERN home, 14 blocks .from banking center. Owner says reducTj price for quick sale. J. LINCOLN ELLIS. 2061 State St. TXUU"U"'U'afatVrV"fli"s! WILL FINANCE and build to suit If lot is dear. TeL 6506. 2 ACRES GOOD bunding sue. Mixed orchard, balance In clover and garden. Will conalder trade for beach property. Close In Kingwood dist. RL 1. Box 58. 1 A.. NEARLY NEW 4 rm. home. elec. water system, nice district close to schooL $2500, terma. 13 A. all in bearing fruit and wal nuts. A very productire place. Has stream and 8 A. timber. House and chicken hse, $3500. 26 A., loc on par. rd. 8 mL of Sa lem. Good 6 rm. plastered home, barn and outbldes. 85000. R. A FORKNER, 1851 rt. Capitol TEL. 8031 t Exchange Real Estate I EXCHANGE SERVICE STATION, camp ground. groceries, accessories. On coast high way. Will take saiem property See Mr. waiter witn r-WTT.rS A afXLLER. REALTORS Phone 6708 344 State Street Salem, ore. 1 For Sale Farms TOTTTtlsrr FARM 68 ACRES. FINE modern home, barn. uitkii m nn. votinc lUMn arove. aU stocked and equipped, horses. cows. nogs, uniy sv.vvv. See Mr. Walter with Phone 6708 244 SUte Street Salem. Oregon 82100.00. 8 A. WONDERFUL SOIL, 4 mL north. Lots or I run ana nun. R. house, small barn, double gar. Chicken house. S600 down. 20 A, A-l soiL 16 A. In cultivation. baL pasture and timber, spring, all year creek, $ R. house, barn, etc Stocked and equipped. A real bargain at $3700. L J. CRITTENDEN, 172 S. Liberty NOW IS THE time to look at bottom land. You -won't have to ask where me wa ter was. See it now end then again later. We have some exceptionally good values. Some places within mile of Salem city limits. Dial 7807 during day, 4839 evenings. SOCOLOFSKY A SON First Nat'L Bank Bldg. r; ACRE TRACT of good land, close fat with good 6 room bouse, eiec. water system, ' fireplace, lots of built Ins, barn and family orchard. Trade for good house In Salem. 22i Acres, 10 miles from Salem, some timber and pasture, springs, creek and lake, about 9 acres of good cultivated, land with lota of fine fruit Fair 6 room house. Price $2300.00 or will trade for bouse in Salem. 24 Acres 11 miles east of Salem, all good land. 14 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. Six room house, barn and chicken house.' family orchard. Good buy for $2500.00. 10 Acres with old buildings, very best of soli, family orchard. Only $13. 000.00. Terma ROSTEIN A A DO LP H,- INC 110 N. Com'L Acreage FULL BEARING pear orchard; Ideal for building sites. Good loca tion, easy terma Sell any number of acres. H. C. Shields. Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. 1 A. ON 25th ST, 6 room house, bath, lights, some fruit $2375. 4 23 A. 2K L from Ladd A B. Vank. m A. In fruit wonderful view. $950. 13 A. 3K mL from P. O. on paved road, large 3 room house, chicken house. 2 A. nice timber. 2 A. orch ard, excellent soli. $3500. I A. I mL from Salem, 2 room house, double garage, good welL 4 A. ber- ries and fruit $1000. Take a lot MELVIN JOHNSON or C Q. RICE 725 Court St . Phone 3723 I Wanted Real Estate WE HAVE INQUIRIES DAILY FOR ' RENTALS ' IF YOU HAVE VACANT PROPERTY PHONE 4109 Miss Austin HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC. -w WE HAVE BUYERS for houses, acreages and lota. - ; DICK DARNIELLB ' ' 1988 N. Capitol . . Phone 3511. ' HAVE 2 CASH buyers for 2 bed room houses about $1400, bring your listings. J. JACKSON. 341 state at For Sale Used Cars i trunk....$565 1935 Ford DeLuxe Sedan........ $535 .. 495 1932 Ford Roadster.......... 295 the Following 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Dodge Delivery 1928 Mormon Sedan 1929 Nash Sedan Fraolk OooMttle PONTIAC 1936 Pontiac 2 -dr. Sed. with trunk. New car guarantee 1936 Ford Tudor with trunk A heater 1935 Pontiac 6 Sedan 1936 Ford Coupe, like new 1935 Studebaker, with trunk 1934 Plymouth 4 -dr. Sed, 4-wheels, 1932 Chevrolet Sport Coupe .. 1932 Ford Tudor . , , 1928 Ford Coupe ... 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Oldsmoblle Sedaa Ooolittile PONTIAC GUARANTEED USED CARS BARGAINS 1935 Ply. Coach 1937 Terraplane Sedan .$545.00 395.00 . 265.00 1931 Cher. Coupe 1931 Cher. Rdst, sldemounts - 265.00 1930 Ford Spt Coupe 225.00 1929 Ford Coach 165.00 1928 Ford Coupe. V-8 wheels 150.00 1928 Ford Spt Coupe . 150.00 1929 Ford Spt Rdst - - 165.00 1929 Buick Coupe . 175.00 1930 Cher. Coupe 216.00 Special ThI Weekend 1920 Chev. Sedan, sldemounts, new paint la A-l condi tion . : $266.00 Many others to Choose from. Open Evenings and Sundays OrvaVs Used Cars Center and Church Ph. 4702. 1936 L.W.B. CHEV. TRUCK ran or stake. Inquire 857 N. 15th, Salem. t Business Opportunities) t EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNtt reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales ta the northwest will open permanent auction house In Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three te fire thousand dollars required Write box 67. Salem Statesman. FOR SALE Modern 8 rm. home, service station, tire shop, and tavern. Good location and doing good business. Tavern rented for $40.00 mo., good In 1 vestment Price $15,000. about fie.euo I caah. Inquire 648 Lnion St Money to Loan BssBBBBaaaaiBBi MONET TO-COAN ON SALEM residential property un der the F. H. A. plan, long terra loana with low monthly payments. Ne com mission. Refinance or build a new home. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 184 S. Liberty St Phone 6468 FEDERAL HOUSING loana, build, refinance homes, business prop. Ratea Abrams A El 11a Inc, Maonle Bldg. GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED WITH OFFICIAL FHA ' 6 hous ing loana available now, ample funds, no brokerage, rental repayment plan, prepayment privileges, certain owner ship. A, sound way to borrow a safe way to repay. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 362 State Street Phone 8672. SOUND INVESTMENTS. Make your aavlnss earn more Interest Buy a first mortgage on real estate, the best security of alL Loana available $300 to $5000. Net investors 5V ta 6. CHILDS A MILLER. Mtga. Leana QUICK LOANS Well lend you the cash you need. Any amount up to $300 and you can have a year or longer to repay. See ua for your cash needs, today. LOANS $10 to $300 ALL PLANS Second Floor New Bligb Bldg. Rm. 119 618 State St at High St Phone 3191 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-122. M-16S . $100,000.00 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel .loans, I te 20 months - repaying privilege. Prompt serrtca. - - ' Alse unlimited funds for rear estate Kama, - .- CHILDS at MILLER. INC. N Ue. S-804 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at very low ratea Ne red tape I to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 201 First Nat'L, Bank Bldg, Salem. Or. Phone $168 Ua No. M-112. jt For Sale Used Cars Used Cars 1930 Chev. Coach 1930 Durant Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Sedan DEALER ..$728 . 69S . 695 . 686 68S . 625 345 265 . 12S - 35 35 85 with trunk , . Motors 8 and 8 - - - Center A Commercial Triple Safety SAFE TO BUT. TO OWN. TO OPERATE SPECIAL 1936 Nash "4 00" "Fordor Sedan. bunt In trunk, nearly new tires, motor is perfect looks like new. This car books to sell at $660.00. Our price this weekend $645.00 36 Oldsmoblle 4 -door Sedan D. L.. bultt-ta trunk, radio and heater $771.00 36 Nash "400' D. L. Sedan, re conditioned and guaranteed, equipped with orerdrire 35 Ford V-8 Tudor 34 Dodge Sedan , . , 695.00 525.00 646.00 695.00 34 Graham Sedan 32 Cher. D. L. Sedan, trunk 29 Dodge Sedan , , 866.00 196.00 29 Hup Sedan 195.00 2$ N&sh Siort Rdst. rumble. seat 18S.00 26 Dodge Coupe , ,. 60.00 27 Pontiac Sedan 45.00 Many Others To Choose From And don't forget a 76-pc dinner set "free" with any nsed ear priced above $250.00. Carter & Church Motor Co. 365 N. Com'L Ph. 8784 Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and one rated Salem company where your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before and after the loan la made. Interest on unpaid balances .Ne tees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General , Finance Corporation 201 First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem. Or. Phone $168 Lie, Ne. 8-138 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing, inquire at Hawkins A Roberts. . - For Sale Wood I DRT WOOD. Phone 8703. LARGE DRT alab, 16 old growth. Dry sec gr. TeL 367X. Haiioway. 16 IN. OLD growth. $5.25. T. 7260. WOOD TRUCKS, formerly on Court St, now on Marion St OLD MOUNTAIN fir. 16 In, $6.50, 4 ft, $4.50. Prompt deL Tel. $616. . GUARANTEED DRT WOOD coaL TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. " Lost and Found LOST SCARF with gold pin od SUte St TeL TeL 8371. - - Personal JOHN F. CLASS Vapo-Path. scien tific, natural method, positively gets re lief for' Rheumatism, Arthritis, , Lum- bago. Ira different Ko drugs, no surg ery. Nature's own system of recondi tioning the body. Call In person or 'phone for interview and Introductory application. Positively no charge or ob ligation for thla service. JOHN F. CLASS VAPO-PATH, 628 N. Cottage, TeL 402L A. L Elvln, Licensee. Financial ON SAVINGS Insured Te $5000 Salem Federal 8a rings A Loan Ass's. ISO South Liberty St For Sale Used Cars I Lower Prices . . . Generous Terms Low GJIA.C. Terms Chev. Tooring 2t Ford Coupe Ford Coach 29 Chev. Coupe 39 Cher. Coupe I 17.69 145.00 195.00 225.00 266.00 295.00 345.00 39 Chev. Coach 32 Ford V-S Coupe 32 Cher. Coach Open Sundays 333 Center Phone McKay Oiewolefc Co. - ,n nr ----- - -11 1 n i n j- Why Shop? $9 TO $149 CHOOSE TOUR CAR FROM THIS LIST OF AMAZING VALUES NO GROUP OK USED CARS IN THIS CITY OFFERS VALUES EQUAL TO THESE EVERY CAR IS A BARGAIN. 1925 1925 1927 1927 1926 1922 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1928 1928 1929 1928 1929 192$ Ford Coupe. S7 license . Cher. Coach, '37 license Pontiac Sedan . Pontiac Sedan Buick Sedan, '37 license , Buick 4 Touring, '37 license Oakland Sedan. '37 license Erskine Spt Coupe, '37 license Cher. Coach, 37 license Buick Coach, '37 license Franklin Spt Roadster, '27 Buick Sedan, '37 license Buick Sedan. 37 license . Pontiac Sedan. '37 license , Ford Tudor, '37 license Olds Coach. '37 license Cher. Coupe Ford Spt Coupe, '37 license Many more to choose from -we have the car you want at the price you want to pay see cur stock before you buy. OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAYS OTTO J. WILSON BUICK SALES A SERVICE " -388 N. Commercial - - - Salem, Ore. Phone 5451 . r-MvV))vvvvvJj-tf values RED ARROW terms We recondition our used cars thoroughly. They are dependable and good looking. Come in and see for yourself. We want you to try them out 1936 1936 1935 1935 1934 1934 1931 1931 1930 1930 1930 1929 1929 192$ We DeSoto Custom Sed. has overdrive Ford DeL Tour. Sed, heater, radio, high ratio. Plymouth DeLuxe Sed.. heater, radio Chrysler Six Sed, like new, Studebaker Die. Six Sed. In fine condition. Buick 90 Sed. An extra fine car .... Dodge Six Coupe Studebaker Die. Coupe Dodge Sedan . Chrysler Six Sedan Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Sed.. new paint Ford Sedan, above average Chevrolet Coupe also hare some real buys in Salem Automobile Co. . HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 435 N. Commercial 192$ LITTLE NASH DeLuxe Sedan all steel body, safety glass, hydrau lic brakes, 21,000 miles, 2 new tires. Fine finish and condition. Forced te seU this week at original cost $165 caah $397 terms. Box 239, Statesman. MUST SELL at once. 1932 Chrysler Sedan. Good condition. Terma. 810 Di vision. '28 CHEV. COACH, good condition. Kingwood Service Station, W. Salem. 193$ FORD V-8 TRUCK. L. W. B, good con, take good milk cow as part pay. Q. W. Kleen, Pratum. Ore. ; Business (Jards In this directory mn oa snontnly basis only. Rate; f 1 per line per month. Atrto Brakes Mike Paoek. 278 Sent Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Seott. 14T A Com'L Ph. 4516. Brufthe FULLER'S. Ph. 8724. 278S Brook St I Chimney Sweep 1 TELEPHONE 4480. R B. Northnesa Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 256 N. High. TeL Rea 8762. Electrical Work" TODD ELECTRIC CO, all kinds of electric work electric motors bought and sold 464 Court St, TeL 9576. Excavating EXCAVATINO OF all klnda Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Prone 9408. ! Florists Breilhaiipt'a, 417 Court Ph, 8904. I Furs DuBAIN Fur Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. 80 Miller Bldg, Landscaping RELIABLE LANDSCAPING. U C Fredrfckson. . Ph. 11 F2L Price reason. Laundries iTHBTHEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 262 SL High - Tat 8126. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY v FIRST tN. Quality and Service Telephone 8168 1264 Broadway bsbssbbbsbbs aass aassasMaM ssasi ssssMsaewBnw HOME LAUNDRY. TeL 6264. ' - Lime GOLD HILL agricultural lime, state tested. 98 calcium carbonate. Soil tented free. Order at 1070 Broadway or 429 Oregon Bldg. i For Salt- Used Cars I 34 Cher. Coupe -$445.a 34 Cher. Town Sedan - . 495.00 35 Chev. Coupe 545.0 35 Cher.-T Sedan Mst. 673.00 ,30 Ford V-i Tudor , 65.00 30 Cher. T Sedan Std. 675.00 30 Cher. T Sedan MsC) 645.00 36 Cher. L. W. B. Truck 025.00 and Evenings 3189 430 N. Com'!. $ $.00 9.00 . 29.00 . 29.00 - 39.00 39.00 39.00 . 49.00 - 69.00 . 89.00 . 89.00 99.00 . 99.00 109.00 119.00 , 129.00 139.00 . 149.00 license .$845.00 675.00 695.00 775.00 650.00 750.00 325.00 295.00 235.00 295.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 165.00 low mileage motor overhauled . cars priced from $35.00 to $100.00. Phone 4678 Last Meeting of Season Held by Teachers9 Croup HT. ANGKU April 15 Thn Teachers' Study elnb held Its last meeting ef the year at St. Mary's school Monday night. Samples of the various art -work -carried on by the teachers during the year were exhibited. Mrs. Mary IV Fnlkerson, who had been Invited as a special guest, could not be present on account of illness. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUO and Msttreag Factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sis Ing; Huff rug weaving. 8. 13th A Wll, bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZWICKKR. Eat 1912. - CAPITOL BEDDIN'I TO Phone 4049. Music Instruction . ( MEISINGER STUDIOS. 1032 Oak. TeL 7186. Accordion, modern piano, guitar, clubs. . . Painting-Paperhangingj PAINTING. Kalaommlng. TeL 76SS. HERBERT E. WOOD. T. 6926. Paint Washing Professional Wall Washing Co. All kinds of paint cleaning, alse wallpaper, woodwork, window, and kalsomine cleaning. Dial 4457. Let a professional do your work. Commercial and residentiaL ' I Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 147 N. CommercIaL TeL 6887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, card pamph lets, programs, boo tea or any kind of printing, call 1 he Statesman Printing Department Jit & CommercIaL Ttla phone 919L-; Private Detective .-tt tvnti.m. is Tmi ii;iu Stoves and Fence Va REPAIR stoves, ranges, circula tors. Sell new and rebult stoves, ran ges and circuiatora, wire fence and fence post a Salem Fence and Stove Works. 262 Cbemeketa, TeL 4774. e. B. Flaming. : t Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, call $131. Larmer Transfer Co Trucks te Portia ed deny. CAPITAL CITY Transfer -Co. 22$ State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Gag ur rates. . . - , - - Well Drillin" R. A. WEST, Rt 1 Bx, 446. X, 118F8. 15.00 a year In advance.