The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1937, Page 12, Image 12

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Power Rates For
Coast Area Down
The state utility commissioner
Thursday announced a redaction
of electric rates of the West Coast
Power company in the Reedsport
and Lincoln county districts.
The new rates will effect ap
proximately 2500 customers and
will tare them $20,900 annually.
For Girl
What VouHi
You Name It i
AH City Conveniences!
Water at your property line. -Electricity,
telephone and gas at city
In Salem School District.
No city Inconveniencea.
No city taxes.
No city assessments.
No city building; or other city restrie
- tlons.
No red tape or municipal Interference.
All City advantages and all country
In the city and out of It.
In the trend of the city's growth.
We are offering to the public beautiful tract o
opportunity to name this addition. It borders t
borders on the Salem-Silverton
ward from one-third of an acre to a large build
beautiful oak prove at the Beechler mansion, an
English walnuts. . -
Drive out some fine day and get filled with Its be
the name. Call at our headquarters, 260 North
beauties of these splendid home-sites.
A reduced map of this addition appeared In Th
appear again at the end of this week, and with t
.on purchases and the rules governing the eont
of $23 is offered to the winner,
260 N. High St.
Dots and Fower4
Accent Pretty
At Wards
for only
Permanent finish Velveray de
sign dots amazing at this
price! Colorful flower prints
you'll enjoy all through Sum
mer. Sizes range from 12-20.
Chiffons or
Unusually lovely, dear hose
for the money! High' twist
threads of pure fresh atOc for
longer wear! Reinforced heel
and toe Full fashioned. New
est Spring shades.
for m
7 3
01) QjpoV
275 N. Liberty
The reduction Is 14 per cent when
compared with the 1956 rates.
Patrons of the company in the
district - from Toledo south,
through Lincoln, Lane, Douglas
and northern Cooa counties to
North Slough near Marshfield will
benefit by the rate reduction.
Goes to Lebanon
MONMOUTH, April 15 Mrs.
L. W. Waller, who has been In
Impaired health for some time,
has gone to Lebanon to stay with
Abrams9 Addition, to
tri J:J
A chance to immortalize yourself
by naming this beautiful addition
which means so much to this city
now and will mean more as we
grow in population. Drive out and
get filled with the beauty of this ;
tract of land which is soon to be ;
the homes of prosperous and hap
py people and this name you sug
gest will stick to the addition and
appear in all the maps of this sec
tion of the city. It will go down to
f land,' and until the 22nd day of this month, an
he raclflc Highway and extends through and
Highway. This pr
operty is divided
ing lot. It Is entered from the south through
d you go out of it through a fine orchard, mostly
auty and get the Inspiration that may suggest
High Street, and we will be glad to show you the
e Statesman on the 11th day of April and will
he map, the substantial prizes in cash and credits
est are set forth. A chance to secure a cash prize
cr prizes are offered.
and eleven oth
Sheers! Percales!
7-10 and 1-6 H, with panties
Styled for Wards! 18x11
percale or sheer dresses.
Tubfast colors and prints.
Hand-made Dresses
Philippine em- 9(11
broidery. Fine 37
batiste. Six i months - 2
years. . i
Birdseye Diapers, 6 for 49c
Philippine Gertrudes SOc
Creeper & Toddler 49c
Knit Training Panties..19
Hand-made bacques,
only i .-BOc
Lew or ceo
Styles for every figure 1
Wide uplifts of rayon faille,
or narrow lace! and crene.
"DIAB" Control
A special value
A patented Ward feature!
Built-in diaphragm and ab
dominal support. 34 to 44.
her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Olds.
In Mrs. Waller's absence, : her
home Is being looked after by
Mrs. 8. Keen.
Mrs. Thomas III
BTAYTON, April 15 Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Thomas and son,
Clair, went to Portland Tuesday,
where Mrs. Thomas, who has
been 111 for some time. Intends
to remain with a sister for med
ical treatment.
Salem !
We're stumped for a
name for this splendid
new addition and ned
your help ! Suggest a suit
able name and you may
win a substantial prize
It costs you nothing to
Into 123 divisions ranging down-'
Phone 4641
Colonial Print s!
JPe Valves
Spaced florals, dots, nauti
cal prints, novelties! Bril
liant tub-fast colors. Save!
New ''Bargain" Prints, 1 0c yd.
Bath size 20x40". Absorb
ent, deep-textured, quality.
Dobbv borders. Plain colors.
OXFORDS with smart san
dal design! Square heels and
toes. Very new! White. I'A-Z-
5 ffif i
Coos Awaiting
Demo Invasion
Convention Interest Tops
Political Panorama in
North Bend's View
NORTH BEND, April 15 Ad
vance newspaper predictions and
talk notwithstanding, th prin
cipal Interest of this southwes
tern Oregon city today Is "How
will ' recent rains affect atten
dance at the young democratic
convention this weekend?" rath
er than the conclave's real or
alleged Influence on state poli
tics for the next 12 months. -
North Bend, host for the first
time to a state-wide Bourbon as
sembly. Is concerning itself with
doing a good job of entertain
ing, hoping thereby to attract a
large attendance. It la leaving
most of the political pot-boiling
np to the visitors from afar and
to the newsmen who hare seen
for ! a fortnight some gigantic
clash Involved political destinies
In. the rival candidacies of Alan
Greenwood and Walter Tooie
III for the convention's next pres
idency. Gosslin Debated '
It is true that the personality
of W. L. Gosslin, : secretary to
Governor Martin and stalwart In
the Toung Demo group, has come
in tor considerable discussion
among Coos county young dem
ocrats. . 1 -
An active organization is the
latter' with 108 members. Some
are ' ardent for Gosslin; some
cool to the red-haired secretary
and anxious to defeat his candi
date for the presidency. The del
egates from this county to the
convention are pledged to sup
port no one, however, until the
sessions open and the drift of
the political wind is tested.
Many democrats here feel that
the ! Oregon Democrat, official
party . magazine in the , state, is
unduly prejudiced towards Goss
lin and his superior. Governor
Charles H. Martin. They point
out that The Democrat has been
firing hot shots at both of these
parties for several years and
attempting thereby to combat
turndowns The Democrat's man
agement has received from the
state administration.
From the local viewpoint. It
is sure that whoever becomes
the next president of the Young
Democrats whether It be Green
wood or Tooze or A. Ray Mar.
tin will not accede to power as
an avowed supporter of Martin
or Mahoney or Latourette for the
1938 nomination for the gover
norship of Oregon. Toung demo
crats here are not ready to pledge
For Now and Summerl
in Price AOrJ
Shadow stripe dotted lawns.
pastel or gay print cottons.
Styled to flatter you swing
skirts, puffed sleeves. 14-44.
SANDALS with square heels
and toes! New, high-in-front
line. White. 3-8. Value!
At WarJ
r v-j-i J-
T . .T F' 1
I "f .V " - 1
i v.i:v.-v
Ties that spell summer chic ta
every line! Their snowy kid,
perforated In smart geometric
design. Cuban heeL 4-8. A-C
Phone 3194
Oregon, Friday Morning, April
Two Killed in Pasco Plane Crash
Spencer Grey, 42, and his sister, Mrs. Ehrana V. Buclcner, SO, : were
. killed recently when the plane in which they were rushing to their
father's bedside crashed Bear Pasco, Wash. Grey was killed instant
ly and lira. Bnckner died before reaching a hospital. Both victim
were resident of Seattle and were en route to Viola, Idaho, to visit
their father, 1. XL Grey, who was seriously ill. Photos show views of
the crumpled plane shortly after tragedy. International Illustra
ted News photo.
themselves a year In advance to
any candidate; some would like
to see Gosslln's power wane but
they are not going to confuse
that desire with any Coos cun
ty king-making.
Hopefuls To Parade
x The program for Saturday's
meeting is so arranged that ev
ery aspirant for major state of
fice will have a chance to dis
port his wares.
At the Saturday luncheon at
the Coos Bay hotel, Joseph K.
Carson and Willis Mahoney have
speaking places along with Frank
Tierney, executive secretary of
the state committee, Tierney be
ing a candidate for a lucrative
federal appointment such as
Milt Miller's job rather than for
elective position. Mahoney has
many friends in Coos county
which gave him a majority last
fall and while here he is going
to discuss with some of them his
plans for 1938. Mahoney's de
cision on the position he will seek
is going to be objective. The
amount of support he finds plus
developments between now and
April, 1338, will be the factors
which push him either into the
governorship or the senatorship
Bide by side on the Saturday
night program will be Howard
Latourette, national committee
man of the party and Claude C.
McCulloch, state chairman. Fol
lowing them will be Gov. Mar
tin, spokesman, who has a bet
ter speaking position than any
other man oa the program. Ma
honey, on the luncheon program
at noon, will have neither tLs
crowd nor the friendly setting
for a pre-campalgn utterance as
was provided for the governor,'
who was forced to turn It down
today for a power junket to
Battiger ComingT
North Bend was In t a llther
yesterday when it was 'rumored
that John Boettlger III and his
Rooseveltlan wife would grace
the Young Democratic meeting.
However, when the report was
traced to Seattle the Boet tigers
could not be located and their
office reported that It was
"doubtful" if either would at
tend. They would have provided
more guests at the Currier Til
lage banquet than Mahoney do
ing a sword swallowing act; Gov
ernor Martin a Cakewalk or How
ard Latourette a strip-tease
No. 100-97
or THE
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
of St. Pul. to Um state of V1nnot, mm
Um Slat dar ef Daeamber, 1930, mad. to ta
lunrua cocnmiBlxMr of Um tate of Oro
goo. pursuant ta law:
Amount of capital stock, paid
. 4.000,000.00
Wat premtoau taaalTed Sarins
tba rear .
Interest. dlvManda ana rents
raeaivaa annas tna year .
T from other aooreaa
sal dnrtns tba ax
Total hKouw .
paid durior th.
toieludlBf adjustment
-S S.m.110.33
Dividends paid oa apttal stock
eunns tna rear .
CommlssloBS asd salaries paid
4wtnr the rear .
Taxes. Ucenaea and fees said
Oarine the roar - S4S.tTS.0S
Asaoupt of aU ether expeadi-
Total aipcudltares
Value of real aetata owned
(market Tmiao) $ 1.14S,S3T.I9
Value of atecks and bonds
owned (eoavsaUon value) IS, 447.709.50
Aoans rn monfaffta ana cot
. Uters). etc.
Carh in banks had oa band
Freminna In ouuree of eollee.
trao rjttea smeo September
30. JES
Interest ud teats aae and ac
XI. 025.10
Bills rccMTable
One frc3 reinsnraneo compa
nies oa losses paid
TotEl edmlttsd assets .
Gross c'slma for kaaas an paid $ 1.T22. 084.04
Amour t of un earned premiums
on r.'l outstanding risks S,fO. 664.73
wm xct commission ana Dro-
1. 100.311. 47
. 050.000.00
Keaerro for taxes
All othr r lUblUUes "
Con f la -ration tasiin'S ,
ToUl UablUUsa. except Capi
tal : .
Cap.trl paid sp .
Surplus ever all liabilities .
Snrptas as res roe poHcrbold-
.$23. 390.414. 77
S3S. 447.820.50
Bajnaaa fct Orerea far SB
let premiums iawlad darins
the year ... ; $
" arjes paid dnrlns the rear
-mosses Incurred darms; Um year
J. C MeKOWK, See.
Staratarv resident attorney for aen
Louts R. CeaOre, HIT ra as iMuldias, rort-
16, 1937
What this convention will
probably turn out to be is one
without much real fireworks but
the Interminable round of lobby
talk on politics. What is Mahoney
going to do? Will the "oTA man"
run again? And what is in La
tourette's mind?
The joke of it all Is that these
prominent democrats are as much
in the dark on their own plans
as will be the lively members of
Young Democracy. Everyone vis
asking everyone else what's com
ing and looking wise and talk
ing vaguely. Don't expect the
6th annual convention to do any
thing more than is performed at
the usual political talkfest.
Willamette Youths Give
Program For Aumsville
AUMSVILLE, April 15 Wil
lamette university students who
presented a program at the
school here Wednesday morning
were Dalbert Jepson, violinist
with Mary Jeanette Sargent, ac
companist; Marls, Averill, read
er; John Llndbeck, magician.
Lawrence Morley announced their,
numbers. -.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed In the
County Court of the State of Ore
gn, for the County of Marion,
his duly verified final account, as
the Administrator of the estate
of R. L. Morton, deceased, and
that said Court has fixed Tues
day, the 20th day of April, 1937,
at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
of said day, as the time, and the
County Court Room In the County
Court House at Salem, in Marion
County, Oregon, as the place for
hearing said final account and all
objections thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
19th day of March, 1937.
Administrator of the Estate
of R. L Morton, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,
Salem. Oregon.
M. 19-26 A. 2-9-16.
Oi'iginators of Low Prices
Trie flavor ot meat Improves many other dishes. Use meat more often to give an appetite for
the lees appealing fooda. Only The MIDGET east offer yow such wonderful vaJttas week la mmA
week; out. We are especially prowd of ew offer in ga this week. .
Sirloin Steak Pot Roast Beef Boil
ALXi OP OUR MEATS ARB IASPKCTKD AND PASSED. Salem's only market' that can offer
yon this guarantee f dean, healthy meats. This La-pection Is Your Health Protection.
Pork Steak Loin Chops Bacon Squares
Loin Backs Pure Lard Sliced Bacon
Ground Beef Sausage Hams
ILQ"'- f3 SAG.
We Close at P. SI. On Satardays at 7 P. M.
Donna Moser Love
Funeral Is Today
61VERTON, Apr B 18 Funer
al services for Donna Moser Love,
46, wttl be held from the Ekman
funeral home here Friday, at 2
p. m. with Interment at Miller
cemetery. Mrs. Lore died Tues
day at ner Toledo home. She.
was the daughter of the late Dr.
J. P. Moser of SilTerton and of
Ada Moser who now liTes at
Bolchow, Mo. Other survivors In
clude the widower, Lem; a 7
y ear-old daughter, Jean; two
brothers, AlTin at Milwaukee,
Wis., and Edwin Moser at Kan
sas City, Mo.
v Mr. Love was born in the Sil
Terton Hills district. -
Bicker's Brother Dies
ELLENDALE. April 15. Ar
thur Bicker received word last
week that his brother Clifford
135 N. Cpnimercial St. -
Phone 5197 or 7023
' Sofot Agent Pensletr Remedies in Marion County
Friday & Saturday Through Monday
dyspepsia poison Powder
TABLETS Oak Best for Baby's I
Regular 50c Get Hood, Tender Skin j
acquainted . with PniSftn Onlr Regular 25e
the best tablets. foison uaK . j
T With This Ad
With this jf- .Lotion
vTsaea? 50t -$! - 2ft
Ovaltine, large -57c 50c Ipana - 39c
35c Vick Rub 24c 50c Forhan's ... , ,J...:..39c
$1 Adlerika -79c 40c Listerine 33c
$15 Absorbine Jr. 94c J'e's . 33c
$1.45 Lydia Pinkham 94c dcj t ,.
75c Listerine 59c Fodm 33c
$10 Syr. Pepsin . 89c i-. Vwm
50c Lysol 43c Camels, Luckies, Chesters,
$15 Emerald Oil 98c Old Golds, Raleighs
35c D. D. D. 31c m 3?n
$1 IMorforms 89c g pkgs. owP
SOc Phillips Milk of fl tin
Magnesia 34c 1 Carton yflwiLy
Sweet's s Chocolates
Assorted flavors . . . hard, soft, J
creams and caramels. Wholesome, Gs) ( Ty
healthful and deliciously tempting j
to everyone. Give yourself a treat! c J jJ
Regular price 50c lb. With this ad v
c c r i.. CORNS!
spry as a spring Lamb CORNS!
Banish Your Aching Joints CORNS !
df ,M",e8 Us' Un Stop Them, Stop the Pain
Cook's Prescription for - Too Use Schaefer's Com
Rheumatism 25C
"The Best Yet" "No Relief No Pay"
A TrT) TrCTd
ci.v.r f Ecuador. South Amer
ica, was recently killed in an auto
accident. He is a missionary there.
He leaves his 'wife and three cfcted
ren. . - . J
Rose Heads Bush
Members of the Bush Parent
Teacher association chose Fred U
Rose to head that organlzatlod
for next year at a meeting Toes
day night. Other officers elected
werer vice-president. Rev. Dean
Poind exter; secretary, Mrs..
George XR. Simmons; treasurer,
Mrs. Hill. The new officers will
be installed at the May meeting.
Mrs. Elmore Hill, chairman or
the refreshment committee, an
nounced that the new cafeteria
will be- dedicated Tuesday, April
27, when a Jitney dinner will bo)
served. Money derived from the
dinner-will be used in purchasing
351 State St.
Carry U. lvy, Prc