5r ..Li;Vi-'CiLS, $.t?cia,-- .IJr?. The OREGON STATES2UAN, Salem, v Oregon,- Friday Morning April 16,-1937 PAGE CLE VEir 1 j i - I 4-. - : . i i i T t X7 Y Pupils Slate Fete Tonight Grade School at Dallas to Present "Tom Saryer" 3-Act Operetta - DALLAS, April 15. Students r.r the elementary bulldine will be presented in the operetta, "Tom Sawyer" on Friday night At 8 o'clock at the senior hi eh school aaditorlum. A : children's matinee was held Thursday after noon. ; . The ODeretta is in three acta.. Th st.irr is dramatized br Theo-I dosia Palmer and the music ar rangement is by G. A. Grant- Schaefer. Characters Listed The complete cast of charac ters is: - Tom Sawyer, Richard! Osuna; Huck Finn, Harry Flake; Joe Harper, Wayne Gerard: RockT Thatcher. Marcell Stin- nette: Amy Lawrence. Lois De-' Haven; Aunt Polly, Frances Wall; Ben Rogers, Donald Far ris; Alfred Temple, Melryn Cut ter: "Iniun" Joe. Carl WriKht: Widow Douglas, Betty Jane Rob inson; Sid, Donald Regehr. Marv. Vonnie Anderson: ReT. . Walters, Allan Inglis; Judge Thatcher, -David Howara; ur. Itohinnon. Earle Palen: Pard. Harold Worley; Jim, Jack Wheel er; Muff Potter, George Robin son; reader of poem, vesta Franz: maid. Rosella Brown: Grade, Jane Crider; Sally, Aud rey Hobbs; Susie, Betty Lou Ra der: Blllv Fisher. Ray Osuna: Johnny Miller, Jimmie Low; clog dance, Lloyd Domascboisky. Chorus Will Appear The songs between acts will j he sune bv the first and second grade chorus. The children in the skeleton, old men, sunflower girls and main chorus are from the third, fourth and fifth grades. The teachers who have charge of the operetta are: Director and I music. Miss Beatrice Price; dra matic. Miss Edris Greene and Miss Ruth Cherry; art. Miss Dor othy Grutte; costumes, Mrs. Mvrtle Smith. Miss Genevieve Coad, Miss Ethel Jackson and Mrs. Odessa Killin; sunflower dance and costumes. Miss Dorotha Young and Miss Catherine Haw kino; -" nronertles. Miss Esther Cleveland and Mrs. Katherine Voth. Streamlined Grand Opera Proves Successful i ! . r y X i , - ' ' - v. . ..-v.. I - A - , s t i - t i l - - i ' ' ' 1' Gladys Swarthotrtj ' :;V fl " J Helen Breithaupt Talks on Blooms i WOODBTTRN. AorO 15 The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society held Us first meeting' of the naw church year - Wednesday after noon with Mrs. J. J. Hall and Mrs E. J. Allen as hostesses. The meeting opened with - tha presi dent, Mrs. Allen presiding. Tha society pledged 159 to the snnoort of tha minister for . the year. The guest speaker or me afternoon was Miss Helen Breitn- aupt of Salem, who gave an inter esting ,-talk on tha care and ar rangement of flowers. A number of visitors were present including Mrs. j. B. Littteflald ot uraaiora. Ps, who with her husband Is vis-itina- her sister Mrs. Georga Cole and family. Mrs. Jan Mack ot tered tha dismissal prayer. Re freshments were served. ia liar at tha last quarterly con ference of tha Dayton, uuayetia and ' Unlonvale congregations. held Friday nicht at the Union- vala Evangelical church under th dlrMtlon of Rev. E. W. Petti cord of Portland, district super intendent. Mrs. May Fletcher oi Lafayette was chosen alternate, House Moved More Than Mile in 5 Hours With Use of 2 Farm Tractors : TJNIONVALE, April 15. Ersel Gnbser and Adalbert smith, wun their tractors, weat to McMinn- ville Friday and between s a. m. &nd 1 is. m. moved a 24 by 28 foot one story house for Mr. Hart sell a dlstanca of mora than one mile. The house was on skids. Mrs. W. W. Mills was elected delegate to the district annual conference to be held in Salem Flood Data Will Be Sent East Soon Garden Glib to See Travel Film V STAYTeN, meeting ot April 15. At the tha Stavton Garden club to ba held at the clubhouse Anril 22. scenes In England. Ger many, France, Sweden and Nor way will be shown by Fred ae Yries, who took the pictures last summer on a trip to Europe. The admission price will be a fr win offerinc with the amount of the offering being ex changed for a like sum in gladi oli bulbs. A snecial mvltation is being riven to members ot the Wom en's Community club, the Young Women's club and the Parent Teachers association. The meet ing will begin at 8 o'clock. SCIO, April 15 Relative to the status ot the Willamette river flood control nrogram. and the meeting held at Salem a few weeks ago to hear arguments in the matter. C. L Grimm of Port land, head army engineer in charge of the project, has advised Joe Lytle, secretary of the Scio chamber of commerce that "the Willamette valley report is now beinr assembled in this office and will be submitted to the chief en rlneers at Washington. D. C, about April 15." Tvrtle renresented the Sc'o chamber "at the engineers' hear ing in Salem, at which about 400 interested persons, companies. corporations and Industries at tended. The project contemplate spend ing several million dollars in flood control, drainage. Irrigation. retaining reservoirs on Willam ette tributaries, ana otner wor calculated to benefit all western Oregon in event Washington ap proves the project. Mrs. Walter Laudahl and Mrs. A. B. Cromwell Are Honored on Anniversary PIONEER, April 15 Mrs. Wal ter Laudahl was honored with a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Slater. Other guests were Walter Laudahl. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laudahl. Mrs. Howard Coy and -children of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hughes and chil dren of Dallas. Mrs. Burt Curtlss and Mrs. Joy Bobbins were joint hostesses for a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. A. B." Cromwell of Dallas. Mem bers of the three families were guests at the Bobbins' home Sat urday night. . Attend Lodge Meet RPIO. Anrll 15 Scio Odd Fel lows who attended the Linn-Mar ian lolnt district convention at Jefferson Saturday Included Tom Small. Clifford Griffin. E. Lowell Myers, N. L Morrison, S. W. Aar- cher and F. G. Cary. Grand opera Is experiencing a new deal. Gone are the buxom divas of old, replaced by a new type of has been replaced by settings which are modern via rauiuc i ne oauei iuu oeen rejuvenated wiu a flock of new recruits who are attractive la face and figure. Lily Pons, Gladys Swarthout, Jose phine Antoine, Helen Jepsott and Grace Moors are among the newer opera headllners who are help' ing to "streamline this art. Evidence of the suc cess of this move is seen- in the enthusiastic re ception given the Metropolitan on Its current road tour of Boston. Baltimore. Rochester and Cleve land, - Mothers' Program Planned at Gates GATES, April 15 The Gates Sunday school has been increas ing in. numbers and interest since the better weather. Special musk has been a feature of the last few Sundays. Howard and Junior Far men, Eldon Mobley and Willi Grafe gave a pleasing quartet number wUh a guitar accompani ment. The young people's class of about 30 members is making plans for a Mother's day pro gram and a basket. lunch may be a feature of the day. The Gates Christian Endeavor society met at the clubroom Sat urday night for a social wltb Z7 young people in attendance. Ta ble games were played and a lunch was served. Florence John son, Phyllis Jones, Eldon Mobley and Bob Mobley had charge, of the affair. Thelma Bonnell ot Silvertpn was a special guest. Clear Lake School Team Defeats Buena Crest Boys game and either'Donald or White April 16. i Mrs. Mary ! Fulkerson visited the Clear Lake school Thursday and gave tests to the 5th and 8th grades. Two pupils in tne stn grade and one in the 8 th made a grade or iuu. Church to Honor i - Esson's Memory At Anniversary SILVERTOS. Anril 15 At the 30th anniversary celebration of the dedication of the Christian church building at Silrerton, set for May 23, a bronze memorial tablet in memory of Rev. Albin Esaon. Dioneer Dastor In Oregon and here at the time the church was built, will be dedicated. Sponsors for this are the older members of I the church ana friends, toeether with members of the Royal Men's class of the church Bible"! school which was also organized 30 years ago by Rev. EssonV Names and donors to the bronze tablet and a: complete program are all beins : arranged in order So far, announcement has been made that Rev. C. F. Swanders, secretary of the state board will be there for the morning service, North Howell Reelects Mrs. Ililfiker to Lower Room; Hires Mrs. Clark Boy Scout Troop Gets New Adviser STAYTON, April 15 Bob Ross, formerly assistant scoutmaster of the Stayton troop, under the for mer sponsorship. Monday night was named scout organization ad viser, R. Q. Woods was namea scoutmaster and the post of as sistant was left vacant. Monday night was the lirsi meeting of the scout troop under tha new snonsorsnlD. "The American Legion am weu with the Stayton scout troop. r.rant Mnrnhv. chairman oi me new committee told the boys. "We believe that the new sponsorship. which is non-sectarian ana non noHtlcal. will afford all of ; the bovs an onDortunlty to benefit from the work. We have high hom that interest in the work will increase materially." Elect Mrs. Corey President of Club Stayton Women Take Part In Sublimity Installation stavton. Anrll IK Members nr th JjtA-r Foresters took part in the Joint installation of offi- nn at snbiimitv Tnursaav mgni. The next regular meeting will be May 5 when they invited all worn en of the Catholic parish over It years of age to be their guests. with every package, ol Fisher's Biscuit Mix. Over 50 choke recipes from Miry Mills collection. Planned for all occstioni. For ate with Fisher' Blendt the eS-purpote failure-proof floor. LbLBbbsJ Exclusive PIANO Dealers Beautiful Product - ot Baldwin, only $305 We have served Salem vtoinitw tar miST years as exclusive piano dealers. We are showing exceptional raises in new and need Instruments. Bee Our complete line f grands and new console style pianos. USED UPRIGHTS AS LOW AS $53.00 Tollman Piano Otorc New Location: 469 State St, Salem, Ore. siriris s'iriisis'ir 1? a & Plenty of Parking Space CLEAR LAKE, April 15 The kitbali team of the Clear Lake school has played two games with Buena Crest with a score of 3 to 12 and 2 to 15, both in favor of Clear Lake. They will play Wa conda Friday in a non-league NATIONAL TAILORING S AGAIN If in SALEM NORTH HOWELL. April 15 Mrs. Kell Hilfiker has been re hired by the j local school board lor the primary room next year and Mrs. Clark of Woodburn has been hired as principal. ' Mr. and .Mrs. Elmer Peterson of Oakland, Calif., greeted old friends here last week. Alan Wiesner of Eugene, who has been at the famllv home for the past two weeks, left Thursday lor i.os Angeies. Silverton'sj Hospital in Use as Equipment Moved S1LVERTON. ADril 15 The new hosnital came into use Wed nesday when four patients and all equipment were moved from the Old building on North Water street, to the new one on Liberty Hill dedicated Sunday. fiATES. ADril 15 The Wom en's Improvement club met at the clubroom Thursday for annual election of officers. Officers elected were: Mrs. A. E. Carey, president; Mrs. Ed. Da vis, vice-president; Mrs. Russell Lake, secretary and Mrs. Roy Tay lor, treasurer. Mrs. Albert Milsap, outgoing president, reviewed the work of the past year. Mrs. George Moorhead of Sa lem gave a talk on tuberculosis as a phase ot the Marion county health work. 5 NOTICE j Chicken and Dairy Men LUMMTE! Cold water factory white. Keeps chicken houses and dairys clean and sanitary. MATHIS ! Paints & Roofing i 474 Ferry Phone 4642 1230 State St. The number of new patrons lhat have come to the new s . . t o ir i. .a i un1neir nrnnf that state Street urocery a luamci. is uhiu.i-' this fine market ia one of the most popular trading centers in this city. Parking is not a problem in this district, we are out of the congested traffic zone and this feature alone makes shopping a pleasure. Ana especially so in our spacious room where dozens of sen sational values are to be found every day in the week. PARK AND SHOP AT YOUR LEISURE. Phone 9127 ROYAL BAKING POWDER Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, al ways dependable, 20 C 12-nz. can ..... - w HONEY MAID GRAHAMS A real treat for young and old. Special 2-lb. box. 29c SUITS FOR lei Made to U -' J Measure 0i and up 12 days delivery. Per fect fitting by expert tailors: Finest Ameri can woolens. Come in and See Their Samples Bix)Cirs GOLDEN RULE STORE THIS YEAR USE NU-ENAMEL a PRICES FOR FRIDAY THROUGH MONDAY imUETr VEGETABLE EFT. Clean and wholesome resh fooda pjoteclefl f-- freshness and the cleanliness oi au our ireaa No. 2 Burbanks 14 lb. 311 bags Solid Clean Heads sm tor PAINT FOR COST Anto Sedan ..-....f2.95 Auto Co ape ... . 2.60 Anto tender only .05 Kitchen table A 6 chairs- 1.85 Bed, dresser, vanity, chair and table ... . Woodwork of average size kitchen 2-05 Kitchen (0x12) and Bath (6x) walla, ceiling and woodwork 7.80 Bathroom (6x8) la 2 col ors ..t;. : 4.60 Average dralnboard . . .55 Foar wood or disc wheels .35 Kefrigerator ; .95 Wicker chair or baby bnggv 1 -2s Metal bed full siae -55 Wood bed -95 iSemi-Gloss Finish for ' woodwork or average -size front room 1-83 It was designed especial ly for you and you will find It easier to apply than any enamel product you have ever used. If put on a clean, sound, smooth surface you will have a glass-like finish that will not crack, chip or peel and win wash as easily as a china dish. Withstands 400 degrees of heat. '' - s ' ' - f Our outside house paint ia incomoarable. We can supply you with the fin est lead and oil paint 2 coats for lc per square foot. Our TUNG OIL. House Paint for IVic per square foot will last 3 to 6 years longer; than lead and oil. CHICKEN LEGS 5 for 25c LOIN PORK CHOPS . . . lb. 27c PORK SAUSAGE ...... lb. 25c ' Country Style BACON SQUARES ..... lb. 22c Sugar Cured SALAD DRESSING . . . . pt 15c Lemon Fluff KRAFT CHEESE 1 Assorted ViJb. Pkgs. 8 for Swiss & -Old English for 3IG3 NEW DAY WHOLE WHEAT. x 1711(5 -DAES ; n. nog TAYLOR'S SWEET 6 BOXES TO CARTON ! DaAirgiHiES : - usq PILLSBURY'S PANCAKE - UIL(5)tJIIl ; HEINZ ASSORTED BESTFOODS Horseradish MUSTARD Co MORNING MINNESOTA VALLEY CREAM STYLE :; s5nivT a ' ago ,'yiKIEA'iriIEO pfcg- SCO Potato Chips 3 SgQ i TASTY PAK H 3IELLO GLO TASTY LOAF PES COFFEE FloMir Fresh Garden Variety d cans 25c The quality is responsible for its popularity. Ground fresh for your, own coffee maker. Sold on a BIoney-Back Gnarantee. You most be satisfied. No baking fail ures with Tasty Loaf. 494b. rtt! KCk LARGE PKG. 2C2 KAFFEE HAG COFFEE 14b, AO Tasty Pak or : Green Spot - No. 2 j) cans cunnouGHo electqic sack r can . ! - " - ' Renoir Dent. : ' - Salem, 220 to 220 N. Liberty 337 Court St. Phone 5505