fW5S!ri TxlH. .j7v -i.- nSlTA'tfC? WOS-rD ?.-iTr The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, -Oregon, Saturday Morning, April 3, 1937 PAGE NINI3 6 and Moiaey; Mead the Classified - Ads Care A ave v - I For Kent- Apartments For Sale Used Cars ) -Used Cars For Salt; Used Cars ( For Sale Used Cars I For Sale Used Cars For Sals Used Cars For Sale tlsett Can For Salt tally Ti: V: ! I ii "IT , -S R. FURN.. BATH. 835 Division. J AND 3 ROOMS furnished. Ko ob jection to children. 1470 Waller. 1 RM. KITCHENETTE. 250 S. Cot- , tage. ' DUPLEX APT.. 919 N. Winter. ' ' S R. HEATED APT.. 444 S. High. ' 3 ROOM TORN, heated apt., shower. 1 net da Ire. z3 N. 13th. - ------ "M"MiiMii-u"xj'VLruLruu" NICE TURN, apt, 570 Union. 2-Sfca--a.-a. - VV"TVaOlsllfUsl'J ' FOR RENT: 6 room flat. 660 Ferry " St. Water and garbage service fur nished. 2n. BECKE A WADS WORTH 189 N. High : 3 R. FCRX. apt.. 780 N. Winter. FURNISHED A unf urn. apt, rooms I T day or week. 191 & Com 1. Hotel. I MOD. FURN. 2 R. apt. 1553 State. 6 ROOM FURN. apt. piano, electric range, her.t and water. 9 blocks court .' house. $35 per mo. Ivan G. Martin, "TeL 4419. FURN. IISKP. rooms. 160 Division. SMALL 2 R. UN FURN. apt. Lights. water. Maytag. Vacant April 5th. 1610 Ferry. 2 R. FURN . " 255 Division St. 2 R. APT.. 148 S. Commercial. 2 ROOMS PARTLY furnished. $9.00. Adults. Hollywood Dist, 1005 N. 2!nd Street . For Kent Houses I C RM. STRICTLY mod. S bedroom bouse. 865 Owen St.. $35.00 per mo. GOOD values in GOOD cars H Mn?Nr tis frlhrP- VI Vf V V tTt r - a -vase- To Boy a'Usedl Cair A few of our good buys are listed below. Come in and look these over. W e have cars of all kinds and they are priced to suit your Pocket Book. I Tnmnie The Lowest Used Car Prices in Years at t 1936 DeSOTO DELUXE TOUR. SED. . This car Is-like new Inside and out. Has very low mileage has lieater. .$$15.90 1 From Our Stock of 125 Cars 1955 CHRYSLER 6 DeLUXE TOUR. SED. Low mileage in new car condition throughout. 19:5 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPE 775.00 615.00 A very good looking car in the best of condition Be" sure you see it;! m runiTTH i!.rxE toi:r SEDAV . 2S.e This car hu cur sir ply tires two fender wells full sized trunk. H5I Fnmi V. DeLI'XE L'OACH 433.00 Completely reconditioned, new paint a real buy. 1 ; Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 1930 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, trunk $(15 ' 1935 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 5v 193S Ford Tudor Sedan 1 1934 Ford Coup i 03 1934 Ford Tador Sedan 1933 Ford Sp. Roadster i $ 1929 DeSoto Sedan .$210 1929 PonUac Coupe, 6 w. w. ; . SPECIAL 1929 Pontlac Coach : "l --. ovr. s r rr f ! i9s Plymouth DeLux. coup. 5 193Q CH&VKULEL AS UAExiJ 1 U W i acujw. ery iow mueage ap- 1931 Lincoln Coupe. R S ........lojy 1 , f t oearance as good as any new carnas fine tires ana is perject mecnanic- 1932 Packard Sedan 130 Whippet Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Oldsmobila Coach 1930 DeSoto Roadster . .9145 .9245 .$225 435 X. Commercial Phono 4673. THERE ARE s of Similes Valley Motor Co. OPEN SUNDAYS THREE LOTS Center Liberty Phono 2151 Jim St. Clair - Guy Bond Marion Liberty Phone 8159 Joe Goodfellow - Bill Earl - Shorty Mission Hollywood Service Station 2121 Fairgrounds Rd. Phono 7451 Ford Colo ally -our price S225 ... 245 275 1930 Chev. Coupe 1931 Chev. Coupe 1930 Chev. Coach 1932 Plymouth Coupe 1333 Center 325 mmssms$575 - 1934 Chev. Sedan . ... $475 1936 Ford Coach 545 1936 Chev. Coach 575 1936 Chev. Truck 625 Phone 3189 430 N. Com9l. in our DEPENDABLE USED CARS AND TRUCKS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS 20 Years of .Square Dealing Back of Every McKay Qhewolet C Fords Plymouths BIN Model T Coupe 1929-Kord Rdst 1929-Ford Coarti 1930-Ford Rdst. FURN. 5 RM. cot, on N. 5th. P. 6194 j&tTZ .$ 10.00 93.0 145.00 185.00 213.00 DESIRABLE DWELLING nicely I landscaped yard. Falrmount HUL Ivan O. Martin. TeL 4413. HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Tel. 3723. 5 R. MOD. FURN. Tel. 72. R. HOUSE. $25. IXQ. 817 MU1. S R. HSR, duplex, unfurn., $40. 5 R. furnished apt.. $35. T R. modern hse. In N. Salem, un furn., $42.50. - 7 R. hse., lots f fruit. $30. a TJ hue. with fine lot. 840. R. X Relmann. 167 S. High. Dial 863: 5 R. FURN., $30. 1740 Broadway. Clievrolets 1928-Chev. Coupe, r e b o r e d. looks and runs good siia.oo 1928-Chev. Coucn 120.00 1929-C'uev. Coach new pis tons, pins, rings la.oo 1930- Chev. 4-dr. Sed 215.00 1931- Chev. Cpe. . new paint. good rubber, a real buy at 283.00 1932-Chev. Coach . 215.00 1933-Plr. Set. Cpe. 13.-Ply. IX" Luxe Cpe. 1936-Ply. 2-D. Tr. Sed. Miscellaneous 1926-Essex Coach . 1925- Reo Sed. 1926- Oak. SeL 1927- Oak. Coach lSI6-Buick Sed. 1927-Buick Cpe. 1929- Essex Coach 1930- Essex Coach $393.00 . 645.00 . 663.00 .$ 20.00 . 40.00 . 65.00 . 60.00 - 65.00 . 110.00 . 125.00 155.00 at GO!! A 10 CUT ON USED CARS I Ten exceptionally good used cars that are to be sold . L.' m V.mw nr- hnt hotTL firllv rriprkpd. . nnouiv t T-cx-r. pap rnT ivunut av uujo. a-tvt j t j "certified 'IJje uack? fhishr-note toid and conditioned. Each car is fully guaranteed and from new. LockheM nrflrsuitt .t Tv.. I fill AK AITKKI3. body tills car Has xeatures ara ms'"j r-. r- i ivo iikui - Bonesteele Bros., Inc. 'CERTIFIED- 36 DODGE 4-DOOR, TOURING SEDAN with b"utt ."Jf" I if 36 Oldsmobllo Eight like new. blue body with white-sedan tires. . , 736. Dodges 1926- Dodge Tour. Car .... 1927- Dodge Cpe. 1935- Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Sed. 1936- Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Sed. .$ 35.00 65.00 685.00 750.00 tical also of '37 model with the same economy of operation. Former I .... g, ,-pienKer Coupe, excellent condition In every way with n.wi (ntMcra uirrhnflPF. Pomnftra our CM.T &Uia naiXTO ftVaiiauiO W Mwa.ow r'-- . sr .... 1934 Oldsmobllo . 2 -door, built-in trunk Sc heater, you'll seldom find a better used care Price T Price ? Trucks Trucks 19J Oldsmoblle S Sedan, and lt' perfect. Tan body- wheels t runic and neaier chrome finish For Rent 1926-Dodge Cpe. 1929-Chev. Pickup .$ 83.00 : lio.oo 1930-Dodge Panel 1934-Ford V-8 $185.00 , 393.00 .Price owner "CERTIFIED- 1936 FORD 4-DOOR TRUNK MODEL, SEDAN DeLUXE. slate gray tlnisn. IxmM iiKe new ima naa nuiuntumwi ma. -- h-. j-.-i.- vn A tr this n r nnr nrlce is low for the nearly new con- r . . j vm . - - r i wuria v un. M4 . . w - . . . . . j r . . ' - I .... , . c V. A A inm M TWTfTm IMini ' UUQT ni-nunv rui tivn lwhkei. EQUIPMENT Heater radio has been I 7V.-. i ..n MnAition : Price 7 reflnlshed good tires enjoy me uunoranuuson r" JTl " I ujj Pontlac Light I Sedan, ruiiy reconaiuoneo, wiui nwro ;"- Price ? Price t ...Price ? fine car at a price you will want to pay. Traded for new Studebaker by nmtniMni- inni hnalness man. Name on application. Our price &. MANY OTHER EXCEPTIONAL USED CAR VALUES FROM 76-$40. '" HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent. H. L Stirr rurntture l;o. OFFICE ROOMS for rent, 381 State St. Tel. 8713. innn i-ii-m-.-m i " vR( RlTEB. bottom soil. Also top yard N. of Salem. 1511 N. Lib erty. HeirraM-Oweiras Co. Booesteele Bros., Mc 'DEPENDABILITY9 t Wanted to Kent The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE & PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial Phone 3169 Used Car Park Dallas, Oregon, Oak at Main Street ! OPEN EVENINGS AXD SUNDAYS Chemeketa Liberty SKifinrii-iri-M-i-i- ----- - - - - Phone 4444. .You get a better used car from a Buick dealer. i.m r..ii ci.i u,i.. i-aiiir lio.tpr Vtniit-ln trunk and six-wheel fc., -I.'. WU'U V.U.V, - - - I - - .... eauinment i - 1 1934 Buick Standard Sedan, built-in trunk 1934 Pontiac Bport Coupe. 6-v. equipped 1933 Buick Sedan a r-al buy for only SPECIAL CUT SQUARE IX HALF ON THE ORIGINAL PRICE 1926 Chev. Sedan - 1929 Buick Kedan .... 1927 Buick 6-p. Cpe, 192 Buirk iXedni, 1925 Ford Coup 1927 Pontlac Man 1926 Jewett Sedin Was .9 25.00 .$165.00 42.50 $ 85.00 $ 25.00 ... 60.00 .$100.00 Now $12.50 $82.50 $21.25 $42.50 $12.50 $30.00 $50.00 Ofcito Jo WOsoim w-Tf-n s ROOM house within 10 blks. Oregon Bldg., around $20 mo. -TeL 5309. 1 For Sale -ICeal Estate rxxiSE IN HOME LOCATED ON N. Church between Center and Chemeketa Sts.. 7 rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, in good condition, this properxy iu in value. Price 6vt. fijww aon, terms. SEE i W. H. GRABENHORST Sc. CO., - REll.TflHS 134 3. Liberty SI. h""fnr8.1?? a Tfa A- RATH, nlastered. Furnish-I .... ed. Incl. overstuffed da v. set, washer, J jtJ, Cnev LvLuxe Town Sedan. 'built-in trunk, with very low mileage range at rauio. r.im. 1 1935 Plymomr cottpe in line snape . ...nn C.Wafn la 1 H n Till VTTT . I .... . . n. 1 i . i penis. fltvv. ouvov4,.w. ' . amall reduction lor nail casn. imme diate possession. uil i 1U1.TTR nr.AL ESTATE 381 State Ph-.!".8; T-i -vrrv rLOSE IN) jI-R. house. t bedrooms, basement, furnace, f ire nlsce. a-arase. (oreek lot), a snap for $3000 9900 down bat $20 per mo. $500 down. $3300 price. Dandy 6-R. modern home, one you would be pleas- 4 a Antl . -R. English type home, strictly st?.o(t civ terms. a-R. ' modern Kays Add.) nice place, $2830. Strictly modern, m casn. 1500 down, dandy 6-R. house, base ment ft furnace, out by Leslie high achool. price only $2500, a splendid buy. Nice sightly lot J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR -t... e.ni.ra r.r Cliff Harold 476 Court St. Phone 8466. - n n n i nriiiiui jir " 1"" FOR SALE 14 H A. prunes, cher ries, nuts and strawberries, a to. lou!e. electricity. mile from 99 E. Mra. C It Christenson, Rt. 4, Box 27$. HWUTW-lOi-i ...... 1 m mmmd GOOD 8 ROOM plastered home with basement, furnace, garage, lot 60x100 feet, nice .location. . Price reduced 1 to Tor JMUU'lAiri oii't, lZ ' I W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 131 S- lioeriy mrm 11 ' 1 AN INVESTMENT WELL WORTH $15,000 run $4,000 WILL HANDLE a Tvsrn mtnrv brick apartment house fn Salem, alwaye full and a waiting list. FlvV nicely furnlsled apts. (one MvtmiiKl by manager who owns furn.). .i-ti-t refrigerators, electric ranges, etc. Automatic oil burning ho4 I MMWMMM1 water aystem wna vnv-w. - , - 1 hkautiju l. euttu moa. Mvins 9 00 the Investment Pu I . c ACRES ALL cultivated, fine mod Zn.rtmit for "mgr. and 9 r monxn I Kom. acres bearing clierries. wage. . , ..,., . plenty of other fruit. Only miles This Is a wonderful, opportunity ior 1 as.a down balance $2.00 per i.n and wife or for Individual as an 1 th investment. Good manager now in 1 SKE vr.-Walter with ...m. Owner baa first class reason ior 1 rHLDg MILLER. Realtors lUllin. Write box 212, this paper tor 1 ... gt.e st Phone 6708 full particular Firsiols OoolMlei Pontiac Dealer 1936 Chevrolet Coach, radio, heater, car looka like a new one .$646.00 1 . . c Dn.i.- a ftatjii. Herfiut. new tirea - ' 1931 Chevrolet Coacn, excellent snaps 1930 Chevrolet Sedan air wheels 1930 Ford Roadster a good one -7 . ... -n 1 . a ct... ri-v nwwl Mnditkm and d radically new tires . 1926 Studebaker Touring Sedan, new paint, new tires ft new battery PRICES ARE TOO LOW TO QUOTE nun -u" Tiiirae riP9 TJT THEN OFFER TOUR OWN TERMS. TOUR OLD CAR CAN BE TRADED IN AND PERHAPS MEET THE DOWN PAYMENT. Day Sc Co., Inc. COR. HIGH ft CHEMEKETA Open Evenings ft Sunday 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, new paint, trunk 1 j; Chevrolet Spt. Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Con v. Coupe, very good shape 1927 Chrysler 4 Coacn. good conaiuon 1929 Pontlao 4-dr. Sedan! - 1929. Oldsmoblle Sedan, new tires . , . 1929 Oldsmoblle Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Chevrolet Touring -j : 295.00 185.00 175.00 350.00 75.00 150.00 135.00 110.00 35.00 35.00 950 695 645 633 64S 415 DooliMe Motors PONTIAC 6 and 8 GUARANTEED USED CARS Center ft Commercial For Sal43 Farms I VALLEY'S BEST FARM isi ACRES ALL cultivated, only 12 miles N. E. of Salem. 2 eets buildings, excellent soil. This farm will pay for Itself. Some equipment included, trice $20,000, some terms. i SErJ Mr. wauer wnn CinLDS ft MILLER, Realtors 244 State St. Phone 70 388 N. Com l. BUICK SALES ft SERVICE Ph. 5131 Salem. For Sale Real Estate F For Sale Real Estate HOWELL'S PRAIRIE ta acres PRACTICALLY all plow- a vr1tent soil. 114 miles of Mt. An- geL Modern home, good barn and out h.uiAimra T-t us show you this one at II $12,500. 8EE Mr. Walter with 1 CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors $44 State St. Phone 670B. BY OWNER Sightly North Lot Oak Street Between High j and Liberty Inquire Wm. P. Lord, 620 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon. orr Tins A. S ml. from Salem. all in cult, very best of berry land; $2500. Reasonable terms. It It la acreage or wrrai you e me. . . ... ...a H. C Shields, ore, csiag. leu 147 A.. 35 A. CULT., 10 A. prunes; 4 MO cords of fir; 4 R. .hse., barn. $5000.00, wm take a Me. in roruana. 25 acres; on good gravel road. I ml. from Saletn : T A. bottom aoB. $ A. timber: 7 yr. old log house of elec. pump, barn for cows, 2 "nail chicken hses.. $1600. Listings wamep. R. L. Relmann. 167 S. uign. tnai urtPPfn TTt xt1 at mim ana tilot of vtipv HOMK3 SOUTH I w iiiTunrt. PLACE, large front-1 m win,.. tt age. trees, shrubs, basement, furnace, j i ' fireplace. 6-rooms, 83700. . I ( ACRES. APPROX. 90 prunes and Near Les. Jr. HI, bant, zo?- I plums, nuts, large strawberry patch. 6 more, modem, bringing 45 rent I porclu eleo. pomp, new paint. One-third monthly. You'll like this. $4000. I m from MW .rm. Salem Hts. school. On -MIL bsmt, furnace, $zoo. l FjM view of valley and mountain i " 1--:Wt, onlv 83250. Keaioner tcertalnly) 545 N. High Must have $2009 down. Owner 7479, w rT xi i nn A IV I WW AT. VWATB rvrr TT 50x100 feet on paved 1 . ROOM HOUSE, large lot. good lo- . district, many new I PriM ta rtvhr Bt . t . in this I -. .. Bi . 1 11 homes BOW DCinn i-uuni. ' - -, I Z i acres, BO miuuinu wii district. ITICO av. a- v ana goo iuwuuh. -ia iukm jm IS mer monin. i gooa pricj 11 au id - Jup' w if GRABENHORST i H, rietit for property on highway " 114 S. Liberty St. I north, or large house in city limits oq lactrur augnway nnru Have excellent buy In a large farm. It will par you t investigate. CHAS. HUDKIN9. Phone 9494 275 State St. . C5rtsonStattsiiiaa ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives - r..r.ll9ll Co.. Ltd. San Francisco, Los Angeles. Seattle- i gEB w IL GRABENHORST ft CO. Eastern Advertising: RnresntatlTes vta-ant. Griffith Brunson. Ine Chicagj, New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta $1M DOWN $29 PER MONTH will buy this 5 acres with room house, drilled well. 34 nillffe out an Pacific highway. Bearing oronara. j-rice livmi. 121 & Liberty St. . a ii. sWA9aarris?t9 oe aiem I Ore. Strtrt. $1760. 6 ROOM PLASTERED house with variety of fruit, large lot, flowers and shrubs, fish pond. good location, excellent terms and Is a bargain for someone. P. H. BELL BIdg. i Phone 8121. $300 DOWN BAL. $25 PER month will buy this 5 room modern home with full cement basement, furnace. L. fireplace, near ,nnTTTTnM HATES MaVsubptl CO. -i.ki nmrnn : Daily and wnaa, iio-' ... T llw... Ma 6 cents ; . a'a" Either as. .aik it us i rear 4"w.ww. Per Copy sno. '"t, (. of 1 rear in 1 CHOIUE lux en i.iompeon avenue. 0 cents per Mo r $5.00 tor i year i eBt $oo.oo. Phone 9515. .4vanr v- . advance. Btarirrler: 45 cenU . month- NEW MOD. 2 srory colonial home, ; by owner. u at. 1 9 tx .acres. 10-A. in hops.! family rrfiini .n nli-A 4 R. house, good lo- 2 A.. MODERN f R. home. 2 mL I caUoa. A money maker. -rcej C.l.m . ..t tllllUI A A. t.n.. I will t.k. hOUM Of SmSII mlfl IH 8 A. best or sou. K. bouse out I trade ana wmnw "p" . bldga, pav. rd., 7 mt Salem. $1800.00. I JAS. D. BEAKS. 4 is oun; ou 17 A If! ft In fv-tllt Si ss ntltei 7 s SWWWaWAaaSa-a M v sj w a arm a w am sis iiuuv n a van v avm. . timber, creek. $3500.00. 9-ACRES. 6-R. HOUSE, oain 40 A., modern bldgs.. tully stocked I toilet, pan oasemmt. new ft equipped. 99500.00, terms. la good place on West alem neignu. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol SC I price UV.U, give leraia. i n - miioia our n u viru uiku- ru-ir roi i . tsai o.aiiiA: rt ff-f. wtkrri $ti. rta O.N PAVED at, $500 will finance I raspberries, nuts, grapes t?1TP new homes up to 80 of coat oa long 1 den land. . noo-, j . o term paymenta 1 well nouse: price .ir-v " w- . j rvn g- Cai rs ivc a as wvto I t" .. - - . . . 134 R Liberty SC I 27-acre i miles oui; vrjr tt,i- ITe place ; naa sprmKa v - tt & 9k?r. x-"t7TTr I oss.si r.f rhrr-M tna IrUIL. i-A. - ut-, - ivmi - A A - , " - t AX?T DPATIV A s-avo ( nl- brrllBf-. lBOt riCUV- DftrH. TOUI- A a tr lil.la 4V iUI VVa :. aTS. V W I -- -- V Z - . . a . room cottage of unusual conslrucUon j try house, garage. Tills place win nave and attractive In design. For quick sale only $3750, easy term SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708 J to be seen to be appreciated. Call for an appointment. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR n E.iii.r. nr Cliff Harold 476 Court St. Phono 8466. FOR SALE GOOD OLD hoose, needs little re conditioning to make you a nice profit. Ask us about It. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Acreage SUBURBAN HOME COMPLETELY MODERN 6 nvr mi'KTUT iiAma en Garde- road. Almost 11 acres with good b-lld- Pbono 6708. 1 "- en.tr..L ,SSJ21 win tlOUM crr ivvv rani, - --a s --. accept Salem Home not over ?" 1 1 aira mlr four miles out. Good Uiurui.i&ui auut.n.1 room - . , - . - . .!;. home, beautifully situated among 5fd ..l.JiT 700 large trees and only short distance build "8 Llectrlc e' y"1 ,2'" ur win i .. r it 41iea srna. GMd buildings. El ectric lights. Spring water piped to i ti. . fniit e.. atrawherrleA Not far out. Price $2850.0-. terms. Wanted : Small walnut ore nam. from Salem. Priced for quick sale at only 95500 or will trade for good home in Salem. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 Stat St. Phone 6708 Exchange Real Estate nnsTKiN a ADOLPH. Inc.. 1101. N. Commercial St. Salem, ore. 40 ACRES EAST OF SALEM 4 A. WALNUTS. 2 A. prunes. 1 A. blackcaps, peaches, cherries, pears, ap ples, house, barn, timber. Sell on terms or take house in Salem to $2500, bal ance easy. Jesse G. Campbell, 226 Oregon Bldg. For Sale Farms FOR SALE 6-acre tract 6 miles southwest of Salem In Liberty district. good 6 room plastered boaae, electri city available, cow Darn ac cnicxen coop, live spring ft well on place, lo- gans. prunes, apples ac other fruits priced for quick sale at $1500.00, terms to respnnsinie party, ins is. lvtn at. phMM eca 4 A. ON HIGHWAY north. N nlastered house. 4 rooms. Lights, 1 A. timber ; nice camp site $2109. . U A. 34 ml. from potofflce on paved road. Well, all cult., sua U. rv.1- A. 42 A. 22 mL north. 15 cleared. baL timber and brush. 10 A.i hops, ail-year stream, excellent ; sou ' $2600. . - i . - 13 A. I m from P. Ol A cult- bal. timber, S room bouse, i bath, lights. Large bam. chicken house. 7 A. strawberries, all bMn. iua!i;SI. t $1000 down. 160 A. fine land, fair bldxs. If A. clover, excellent : drainage. 120 cult. $o per A M1?I.VIN JdHXSOS or C. O. RICE fai Court fit. Phone 872$. MWMWMWJiaJWWMaAMaa BORREGOS CAR MKT. FOR BETTER VALUES 3-80 Ford Coupes, $185 to .$225.00 1-32 Plymouth coupe. inor- e u g h I y overnautea a-a Kuaranteed S28.50 1934 Chev. Coupe, O. KVd J4-"? 1930 Chev. Sedan. Special at 146.00 1927 Chrysler Coach, was $135, now . 1930 Cher. Panel. Delivery Special ??? 1921 Cher. Coupe, A-l . 295.00 Sm its before you buy we have I many others in most any price range. 525 Marion St. rnona i Acreage NEAR STATE hospital, outside city limits, we offer what we believe is the beet buy In an acre avatiaDie. jil n- RYI A mile from city limits; 5 acres. good house, barn, etc., water system, nice land, shade. Only $3250. Will take In Kalem house. SO A house, etc.. not far out. Lies well for subdivision, with road front and rear. I commend this offering a rood deaL $6500. If you can invest siouu casn, i can deliver an exceptional deal. Reasoner (certainly) &65 w. fiign Capps Used Cars WEST END OF BRIDGE 1926 Terraplane 1935 Cher. 1931 Cher. Roadster 1929 Cher. Coach 1929 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford ton panel 1929 Ford delivery 1927 Dodge Sedan 1928 Pontiac Cabriolet 1926 Pontlac Sedan 1929 Cher. Coach -$645. 665. . 225. . 185. . 135. . 165. . 125. - 85. 85. 25. 160. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUT Wanted Real Estate 1934 GRAHAM SEDAN. built In trunk. Extra dean. Will take cheaper car in trade, loit N. um j i-n. WANTED HOUSE valued up to 1 6440. 1 ueaiera. oo. I .... ... ..T narvoni rr tnuk- Excellent condition. Low mileage. tyv- xtr a vrTxr-rv r. nan.1 rfrwi 1300 I Must be seen to be appreciated. Gar- or S1000. Have two cars will trade one I field Wilson, 1396 S. 12th 1st. for lot. 1937 Studebaker touring sedan i . or 193S Ford Coupe, give full descrip- I tioa and price in first letter, btatea- maq. Box xvo. 216, auns FORDS 21 FORD Spt. Coupe J 30 FORD Spt. Roadster . 29 FORD Coach 29 FORD Spt. Roadster 29 FORD Sedan . 28 FORD Spt. Coupe 28 FORD Sedan. J w. w. 28 FORD Pickup CHEVROLET S 31 CHEV. Sedan. 6 w. w. 31 CHEV. Coupe 30 CHEV. Coupe . 29 CHEV. Coach 29 CHEV. Sedan 24 CHEV. Coach I .$245 .8165 $145- .$150 .$165 .$166 ..$175 .$133 .$295 -9265 .9195 .$175 ..$150 $ 40 OTHER MAKES 35 PLYMOUTH Coach 33 TERRAPLANE Sedan 29 BUICK Coupe 31 HUP Sedan, 6-w. ...J.... 29 DURANT Coupe 28 DURANT Coupe 26 STUDEBAKER Sedan 29 WHIPPET Coupe 25 STUDEBAKER Coupe .$565 .$395 .$175 .$295 -$ 95 .$ 45 $ - 95 - 45 ORVAVS USED CARS Open Evenings and Sundays Center ft Church Sts, . Ph. 4702. TRIPLE SAFETY Used Cars Safe to buy. to own, to operate "SPECIAL 36 Oldsmoblle Sedan DeLuxe, radio ft heater 36 La Fayette Redan . $645.09 36 Nash "400 Sedan DeLuxe .. 735.00 30 Ford A" Panel Delivery with overdrive 125.00 35 Ford Tudor DeLuxe, new paint, brakes ft etc 34 Dodge Sedan , 34 Graham Sedan " 33 Ford V-8 Sedan 32 Chev. Sedan DeLuxe 29 Buick Sedan-. 29 Model A Sedan 23 Buick Sedan 625.00 45.90 695.00 395.00 865.0 195.00 195.0 165.00 We are still giving a 7S-pc. dinner ft silverware set "Free" with any car priced over $250-00. Carter & Church Motor Co. Nash ft LaFayette Dealer 365 N. Com'L Phone 3734. Used Cars, Pick-Ups and Trucks .$150.00 1929 Ford Sedan 1935 Graham-Sedan Superchar ger T50.09 1928 International Pickup . 660.09 1935 International Panel Deliv ery . 675.00 1935 Dodge Panel Delivery 600. 1935 Dodge lH-ton L. W. B. 676.0 1935 International- 1 H - 2 - ton, L. W. B. 760.00 1932 International IH-ton, L. W. B. 275.00 1929 International 2-ton dump truck .;. 475.0 1928 Dodge IH-ton, L. W. B. - 176.0 Buick Roadster ft Trailer 100.00 James H. Maden Co. 217 State Bt. Phone 8510. 36 Hudson Terraplane DeLUXE BROUGHAM Original Peacock Green finish ; seal corera; dual air horns; large luggage compartment ; electric gear shift ; steel body : safety glass, hydraulic brakes ; get 20 miles to gal. of gas : actual mile age, 6000 miles; save over $250. See owner. Used Car Dept. State Motors Inc. High at Chemeketa Phone $400 Financial ON SAVINGS Insured To $5000 Salem Federal Savings ft Loan Assn. 13 South Liberty St. Money to Loan I Business Opportunities 1 QUICK LOANS Wall lend vou the cash you need. Any amount up to $200 and you can EXCLUSIVE GROCERY and conf. I v,.va a -ear or longer to repay. See us near new senior high school. Consider for your cash needs, today, able value placed oa sons change. LOANS $10 to $300 ALL PLANS Wonderful opportunity tor someone second Floor New Bltgh Bids. Rm. 119 with cash. Inquire 696 N. 14th St. 618 State St. at High St. MwMwwwrfMw l phone 311 eaieuL, vreiun EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNE i f reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some or tne largest auc tion sales n the northwest, will open Mfnuumi auction house ta Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to five thousand dollars requireo Write bos 57. Salem Statesman. Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-122. M-165 Money to Loan Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED xrnvT TO Hi iv new or used CSra Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED v VALUES wtth nrrrniAi. fha 5 hous ing loans available now. ample funds, I jaj nrt KatX Bank Bldg.. Palem. Or no brokerage, rental repayment plan, I fho. ts Lie. No M-162 rrnavment nrivileeea. certain owner-1 !?"r? way borrow I Loans Wanted I t u mmpil rmfPAKT 362 State Street Phone 8672.1 LOANS WANTED on rural and city iAwwwrwww x m!. j property. Before borrowing. Inquire at FEDERAL HUUS1NU loans, duiki. i Haw Kins at noumi. nrininm hnmti. buBinesa nroo. Rate I Abrams ft Ellis. Inc Ma xolc Bldg. I WANTED $800 PRIVATE loan on iw - I improved acreage. Box 216, States- SOUND INVESTMErt la , M v I man. vour savings earn more Interest. Buy a first mortgag on real estate, the I i best security or all Loans avauawe $309 to $5000. Net Investor 5H to CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. l-oani For Sale Wood I WOOD TRUCKS, formerly oa Court St, now on Marion St. niMbi i : - - - . . . rM RAI.RM residential orooerty un I TeL 600. Miem ruei v.. araoe der the F. H. A. plan. long term loans I Cottage. with low monthly payments, no com mission. Refinance or build a oew home. " ! W. H GRABENHORST A CO,i . REALTORS 124 a l.l.fily 8L .Phone 4468 OLD MOUNTAIN Hr, 16 Iru. $5.S0. Prompt deL TeL 6414. lXruU-ULi-fi "i'ill"' DRT VTCK1D, Phone S743. 1 1 00.000.0 ro LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loan. 1 to 2 months repaying privilege. PromDt service. Also unlimited funds for real estate icaaa CHILDS ft MILLER. INC. . Lie. S-204 LARGE DRY slab. 14" old growth. try see. gr. TeL 3473, Ha noway. 14 IN. OLD growth, $5.25. T. 7240. Lost and. Found v LOST $14 f THREE fS 1.LLS and one SI) In downtown district Wednee- . - - 1 . a mm Sa. . n1 CON SOLI n AT K TOUR DEBTS I o. "7c.l.l BJRR.ROW.Zn?.S JTVL"' RitSfn idl!! iRLffeile StT OrV goa Statesman and receive reward. ,.rij-i.ri'v-inrT'iiQ-, rf ' owned and operated Salem company -here your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before and flee tho loan la made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance FOTTND--. FOX Terrier pups, white with tan spots. TeL 483. - FOUND FEMALE dog. rh. 718. Corporation 201 First NarL Bank Bldg Salem, Or Phone 914 LOST ON Falrmount H11L black Scotty pup. male. Call 4293. LOST FEMALE Toy Boll. - black with white noee and feet. Reward. Re- Lta. No. S-12$turn to Sii 8. 14th. , Business Directory (Jarda In this directory run oa a monthly basis only. "Rate: SI per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 27$ Bout Commercial Bicycles 1 BICrCLES, NEW A 'reconditioned. Harry W. 8cott. 147 a Com'L Ph. 4614. Brushes FULLER'S, Ph. 4724. 2745 Brook St. I Chimney Sweep 1 TELEPHONE 4460 R B. North Chiropractors DR. a L 8t5i rrr. P8C ' Chiropractor 254 N . High Tel Re. 8768 Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klnda Ra ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand and Gravel Co. rton 9408. i Florists ! Krelthaiipt'a. 44? Court. Ph. 6904. Furs DuRAIN Pu Co 4astet furriers tod deatgnera. Rm. 8. A Millet Blds. Landscaping RELIABLE LANDSCAPING. L, C Fredrickson. Ph. IIF2I. Price reason. Laundries THE NEW 8AI.EM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRT 26$ B. High .1 Tel 912 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT 4 FIRST IN Quality and 8ervtce Telephone $14$ 1164 Bread war Lime GOLD HILL agricultural time, state tested. 9$ calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. Order at 1070 Broadway or 429 Oregon Bldg. I Mattresses SALEM rn.UK KUO and ttft Factory. EW. MATTRESS mad t order, old remade , carpet ing s fluff r wiring S. 1 th A WH buis. TeL 844L OTTO r. ;ZW1CK.ER Mattresses J 'ai'itdi HKimiN'i '-n pbon. Jtiis I Music Instruction 1 MEISINGER STUDIOS," 1023 Oak. TeL 7186. Accordion, modern piano, guitar, cluba. Music Stores GEO, C WILL Pianos, radio, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 438 State street. Salem. ; ; j . , Paintins-Paperhanjgins HERBERT E. WOOD. T. 6924. PAINTTNO, K.laomlnIng. TaL 7433. Paint Washing Professional Wall Washing Co. All kinds of paint- cleaning, also wallpaper, woodwork, window, and kalsomlne cleaning. Dial 4467. Let a professional do your work. Commercial and residentiaL Photo. Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. Commercial TeL 6287 j 147 N. Printing FOR STATIONtCRT cards, pam-rtt-leta, proa-rams, books or any kind of printing, can 1 he Statesman Printing Department, fit S. Commercial Tele phone -. 911 , Private Detective Newell . William Bo 137 Tel $79. Stoves and Fence REPAIR stoves, ranges, elrrula tora 8ell new and rebuilt stoves., ran g and circulators, wire fence and fence post Salem Fence and Stove Work. 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. r . p Fleming. .- - Transfer FOR LOCAL of distant transfer stor age. call 2121. Larmer Transfer C. Truck t Portland dally CAPITAL CTTT "Transfer -CO. 12 Stat St. Tel 2778 Distributing, for warding and torsgs.our specially Get or rstea Well Drilling I a ft. WEST. BV C Ba. 494V T. llOFs. 1 5.00 a year Im advance. " 'I