The OREGON STATESMAN, ; Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning; April 2, 1937" PAGE SEVEN Helen Crawford Funeral Is Held Lebanon Woman Was First . Elocution -Teacher At Corvallis of . 70 years. - Funeral 1 serTices wera held at the Lowe mortuary Thursday afternoon, Rev. D. V. Poling officiating. , Miss Crawford was a graduate of Albany college and In 1893 was one of the first graduates of the School of Oratory of Wil lamette university. She later at tended school of expression In Chicago and In 11898 when the board of O. A. C. established a chair of elecution and physical culture. Miss Crawford was em ployed as first teacher, a rosi tion which she held tor 12 years daring which time many leading Oregon citizens came under her instruction. ! . Had First' Xut Orchard In 1909 she came to Linn coun ty and as the result of her study College Hall Named fo r Former Salem Woman Businessmen Take Over Scout Troop 30 . business men attended a breakfast Monday morning when the plan for sponsoring the troop was explained' and subscriptions taken. 4 - --. i Tuesday night the sponsors held a meeting when Grant Mur phy was electe dchalrman of di rectors with Virgil Tuel, G. W.f DeJadin, James Say and .Floyd Crabtree. The committee is to meet next Monday night, ." i; :" The change In the sponsorship of the scout troop was ' made when the local post of the Am erican Legion, sponsors for the past three years, decided to dis continue the sponsorship. A move was started right away the busi ness men to underwrite the troop budget. Bob Wood will no doubt be' named as scoutmaster. ' STAYTON, . April 1 Assur ance that Boy Scout - activities would be continued ' in : Stayton was given by local business .men this week when the annual drive for funds , resulted in an over subscription the first day. About Dakotan Is Visitor KINGWOOD, April 1. Edwin Habberman of Ellendale. N. D., is a guest at the J. E. England home. He Is a nephew of his hosts. LEBANON, April 1. Helen virjlnla, seventh daughter and youngest child of Dr. G. p. and Mary E. Gllmore Crawford, pi oneers of 1852. was born on her father's donation land claim on Albany Prairie; October 1868. She passed away at -her home in Lebanon MarrJ 30, at the age WOOL -MO Flavla Hall, residential hall under construction at - Marylhurst College. Oswego, which has been named in honor of a former Salem resident. Mother Mary Flavla, : Provincial Mother of the Sisters of the Holy Names Mother Flsvia attended the Sacred Heart - Academy here before taking tows in the order. - ; - v- . - r 7 k -'-, - tf V - -.. r -'.-.-, J? :;,Tr15TK.,-,.:- f ,ftv-s, P- jL A COMPLETE LINE TO MEET YOUR EVERY NEED! For Poultry Raising O Chick Paks-n-Mash - Chick Scratch Feed O Laxive Mash or . Paks O Similene Mash or - -Paks - O Pullet Paks-n-Mash Pullet Scratch Feed Eggmaker Mash or Paks O Progressive Scratch For Dairying MUk-Flo Carnation Dairy Molasses Feeds Moias-o-Meal Mil-King; Dairy" Feeds I Breeder Paks and Rabbit Family Ration HAY - STRAW - WHEAT - CORN - OATS TESTED HELPS NO. 165 Third week -Cut down heat under hover. Pat hopper up on boards or wire screens about 1 J to 2 inches from floor and keep hopper full of Albers Chick Starter Paks-X-Mash. Fine Assortment of Garden Seeds at Standard Feed Co. 228 Ferry St. Phone 6858 "1 f - ISTabIishid m a SMALL GRAND Knob In quality Knob in tone Knob in everything but ki. - low price ? 595 BAST TWNS-Jd piM In trmd New Grands as low as $335. Trade in your old "piano as first payment. Small monthly pay ments on balance. USED PIANOS from $4? up All pianos are recondi tioned by experts In oar up-to-date shops. Large stock to choose from. Price and terms to salt. Tall man Pi iano St ore New Location: 469 State St., Salem, Ore. 1123 S. W. Washington St., Portland, Ore. of walnut growth which was then an experiment at the college she planted what is said to be the first walnut orchard in Linn county an orchard that is still bearing. She built a home in' Lebanon and was always Interested In clr ie ' affairs; she ' was the first president of the Lebanon Civic club; a member of the D. A. or Chapter V, P. E. O., the Pres byterian church and the study club. ' She is survived by five neph ews, George Crawford of Pen dleton, Roy of Mountain Home, Ida., Ralph, Vancouver, Wash.; Harry, Salem and Bert,. Albany; one niece, Mrs. Lillian Rader, Rainier. . Hayesville Credit List Is Announced HAYESVILLE, April 1. On the school credit list for the past month. Dorothy Wulfemeyer won first place with seven credits, Jer ry Benson, Bobby Carrow and Stanley Clark tied for second with four credits each. Doris Bar ham and Joyce Henderson each re ceived three credits, Ruth Biles and Dolores Martin each received two credits. Second grade: Paul Fuhrer, first with nine credits, Evelyn Beyer was second with eight cred its. George Zurlinder and Robert Saucy each six, Ray Carrow, Billy Willis, and Jimmie Lane, five; Rosemary Beyer and Gloria Park er each three; Robert Cooley and Stanley Bacon each two Third giade: Elsie Stettler and Charles Saucy tied fof first with six extra credits; Joy .Ann Klatt, four credits; Mary Jean Boedig- heimer and Lloyd Cooley each three; Clyde Kunze. Laura Lou Newton and Jean Doolittle each two. The children of the primary room enjoyed an Easter egg hunt Friday afternoon. Dorothy Wulfe meyer received the prize for get ting the most eggs for the first grade, Paul Fuhrer and George Zurlinder tied In the second trade, and Clyde Kunze won the prize In the third grade. During the activities of the hunt, pictures of the children were taken by a man for "News Reels." Residential Quarters at Marylhurst To Bear Name of Flavia Hall After 1 Educator Who Formerly Lived Here When the new residential hall at Marylhurst College,' Oswego, is dedicated upon its completion in , September, it will bear the name Flavia Hall In honor of Mother Mary Flavia, who was educated at the Sacred Heart Academy in Salem. She' Is now Provincial Mother of the Sisters of the Holy Names and Is at the Provintlal House in Oswego, en gaged in writing a book of me moirs. I The new building will stand as a permanent memorial to her SO years of service in the order and her work towards develop ment of educational advantages for women in Oregon.! Mother Visit Chehalis Family KING WOOD, April 1. Mr. and Mrs Albert Isaack, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and children of Orchard Heights, motored to Chehalis Saturday re turning Sunday. They were guests of Mrs. Isaack grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Wilson. m s E3 A 3k GS. i 4RBSVsjBjpjsjBjBjBjssMiea r"sBssBBsssss Phone 4133 Salem9 Leading Market 265 N. Liberty St. Phone 4134 4,420 th WEEK-END SALE 85 years of service to the people of this community calls for a sale what am a sale! I Fv2o57sffiiimaii Flavor Goods Pt. Jar Toilet Tissue Best Grade for 93 ILSfgattnDEflce (Sfleasnseg S for COG Fresh lb. E(3 0 u Med. f Ofi Size r doz. t V Shld. lb. lb. 17171213 0) ?ra 1 t Golden West n vl Glass Jar lb. JLiCjKS WHILE IT LASTS Gardner Recalls Early Business Days at Stayton i STAYTON, April 1. j-Because Stayton had no banking facili ies in the early days, as much as $2000 in postal money orders were written before breakfast In those days by A. D. Gardner, sr.. Gardner reminisced here Mon day at a reception given at his home in honor of his 82nd birth day anniversary. j Gardner, born on his father's donation land claim near Me haraa in 1855, came here in 1876 to enter the drug store business. He also managed the postoffice here, and it was the custom of merchants at that time to send their money away by postal money order, i When Gardner resigned as postmaster, a petition bearing the names of every resident In this community, was filed with the poBtal authorities, asking that the resignation be refused. Later Gardner started the present Gardner Flour Mills and took medals at both Omaha and Chicago exposition. The orders for the flour far exceeded the capacity of the mill, the records show. He also filed on the wa ter rights of the Santlam river and formulated plans for the construction of the present Gard ner and 8alem ditches. Social Events Are Stayton Features STAYTON, April 1. A large crowd attended the annual Eas ter Monday card party given at the Foresters hall by the women of the Catholic parish for the benefit of the Catholic Younc people's club. Bridge, "500" and pinochle were in play at 17 tables. The high score for bridge were held by Mr. and Mrs. Miles Austin; '600' Mrs. Henry Ges cher and John Doxler; and pi nochle, Mrs. Fred Tery and Er nest Dozler. Leonard Thoma re ceived the special prise, j ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Champ and family of Bonneville, form er residents were guests of friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Murphy are visiting relatives in southern Oregon' this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Day and family of Estacada were here over the holiday to -visit Mr. Day's mother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tellefson and daughter were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Jarvls of Vernonia.. S. J. McKee Sustains Injured Back and Arm; Roberts, Jr., Has Job . AUMSVILLE. April 1. S. J. McKee sustained some bad in juries while working on his tur key brooder house south of Sa lem. While putting ap 1 rafters, the ladder , gave way and he fell 10 feet to the cement floor. He struck on his back with his arms under his body, causing a badly sprained wrist, and a torn muscle in his shoulder. Laurence Roberts Jr., has gone to Corvallis where he will take up work at a position : secured at Oregon State college, In dairy ing. ; Loot From Rickreall j Store Is About $65, . Owner Price Declares RICKREALL. April 1. D. V. Price, proprietor ef the) store here which was robbed sometime Tuesday night, estimates his loss at $65, including candy bars, cigarettes, a box of pocket knives four cases of eggs, a sack of su gar, and pennies from a bank. Entry was made through a rear window. Deputy : Sheriff Williams found well , defined finger prints. Flavia will formally celebrate her diamond Jubilee at Maryl hurst on August 5. After finishing her work at the Salem aeademy, the young religious became one, of, the first postulants rfom the Weit, teach ing in Baker and Jacksonville under . pioneer conditions. From 1888 to 1909 she was intimately associated with St. Mary's Acad emy, Portland. Her efforts led to the organization o Marylhurst College, only standard four-year college for women in the Pacific Northwest, in 1930. Flavia Hall, a two-story struc ture made necessary by rapidly Increasing enrollment, will ac commodate 82 students in living quarters, will contain a large ballroom and also house student body offices and class rooms. Am in Market at All Times For Your Wool and Mohair Clips r- See Me Before You Sell Advances Blade Office at Farmers Union Co-op Warehouse 430 N. Front St., Tel. 5721 Res. Phone 6568 ROY H. STEWART Representing John S. Bowes Portland, Oregon , i All MUCH HM3PEEJH5S UPSJ WEIBE1B OD DUf w - !-, YOUR HUGO &ftfj 259 toe 11 L 39c It doesn't take a SUPREME COURT decision to pass on these values . the SAVINGS are too obvious. VL SI. Tooth Paste 50e Ipana 89c SOe Forhan's 89c 40e Lijstertne 83c 40c Colgate's 83c Dr. West's 19c 25c Koljmos 19c PcsMMHlent 83c Tootb Powder 60c Calox 43c SOe Revelation -85c OOc Lyon's 83c 85c Wernet's 24c 75c Vine 65c Colgate's .83c Pepeodent 88 60c Bromo Seltzer . . 49c $1 M. D. Douche Powder 89c 60c Odorono 53c Ovaltine, large 57e Rubbing Alcohol, pint . 15c Lactogen . .. ;.83e $ DRENE 89c M. D. Toilet Tissues 3 rolls Cream Lotions 83o Ponds 88c 55c Lady Esther $1 Milkweed 79c 81 Hoppers 74c 50 Pacqnlna 8c . 50 Honey and Almond - . 89c SOe Baatlseptlc ICio and 80c Hscott- Hand Or cam, bay ST. 46c Share Creams 35c Ingram JS9c 50c Williams S9c SOe Barbaaol 85e McKesson's -28c Ie Palmolfre SSc M 60c JAD SALTS h 39c;: Ann "Windsor Qeansing Tissues 500 tissues 19c Scott Towels 150 to roll 25c 11c II KLEENEX I 600 Shct 1 31c 87C I KOTEX S Dosca 51c CIGAR ETTES Locktes , Camels Chesterfields ra-rinrt ft ill T Holr Tonic. 59c 27c 43c 24c 75c Vaseline 40c Castoria Fletchers 60c Calox ' : 35cViclcsRub .. 60c Alka Seltzer 49c 50c Yeast Foam 31c $1 25 Absorbine J 94c 75c Doan's Pills 49c Listerine (large) 59c 75c Cystex J9c f 50c Dreslcin 37c Dvc Durma ave. 37c $1 25 Saraka Oflc 60c Sal Hepatica 49c Super Dr 1.19 25c Lifebuoy 23c 10c Turns 3 for 35c REMEDIES 25c Feenamint 19c 75c Banme Bengue 49c $1 Ironized Yeast 67c 25c Carters Pills JL 7c S1.45 Pinkham Comp. ....94c $1.00 Miles . Nervine .u.. ..83c $1.00 Marmola Tabs. . .79c 25c Kurb Tabs. .. .23c $1.00 Caroid and BUe 89c 50c Nature's Remedy.. : .45c 30c Edwards ' Olive Tabs.i.24c 60c Zilatone Tabs. 49c $1.25 Van- I Tage..2 for $1.98 $1.00 Lavoris 67c SOAPS Palmolive ..3 for 14c Jergens Thrift10 for 29c Life Buoy.. 3 for 19c Packers Tar .19c Resinol . . ... ;. 21c Cosray .... 25c Castile, fee. 29c Rinso, Ige. -.21c Lux Flakes, Ige 23c Camay 3 for 14c Cashmere 50c PABLUM 85c DEXTRI MALTOSE '60c I ENO I SALTS ( Jit r ON THE CORNER COURT & HIGH PHONE 8792 - Open Evenings and Sundays Untfl 10 P. M.