I i t I PAGE TWELVD Xfci casuOH DTATZ222AIT, Caka, Oregon, Frtlay llonisr, April 8, HIT (District Star Meet Is Held Victoria Chapter, Turner, Entertains; Barber Builds Store TURNER April l.Victorl Chapter of Eastern Star enter tained the district meeting Wed nefidiT with Mrs. Myrtle Peter- eon, worthy grand matron of the grand chapter of Oregon, present on her . official rlsit. Mrs. Nellie McKlnler. arand secretary and Mrs. Winifred , Herrlck, worthy matron ef Chadwiek chapter of Salem, were also preseat. Mrs, Peterson was presented with fleers. Members from Stayton and Mill City were present. Those contributing to the eve nings entertainment were: Mr. Hester Crume and Will ' Oglehy, worthy matron and worthy pa tron of Victoria chapter; Tnrner; Mrs. Bessie Allen and H. M. As plnwall, worthy ..' matron - and worthy patron of Marilyn chapter. Mill City; Mrs." Toletha Sprung man,' past- worthy matron, and W. A. Weddle. worthy patron of Acacia chapter of Stayton. , Luncheon was served to 10 guests and members, f Has Poems Published Mrs. v Frances .Belle ' Delzell. member of De Aryan Frees Staff and Modern Bards, ha her sec- (( . ' V G (( J u .a aw : I J I". 1 $22.50 !L$7.S8 Others Low as. $19.88 $29.50 Others aa Low as $8.88 Millinery $1 95 $2.95 500 NEW DHOUflGGG : ($$ ' $1.95, $2.95 ' WsjOb 557 Court St jff jtT 135 N. Commercial St. Phone 5197 or 7023 Sole Agent Penslar Remedies in Marion County BE WISE AND SCIIAEFERIZE I SHOP AND SAVE AT SCHAEFER'S . S5c Can Antiseptine Tooth Powder (With this adT.) : 10c "Adults Only'- 200 Tissues . Lytlia Grey IGc (With this jmIt.) Rubber Gloves IOC pair (With this adT.) Take care of your haakla ' Sweet's s Chocolates 'Assorted flavors--hard, soft, creams and caramels. Delicious, tempting and wholesome j Treat yourself to the best! , ! &g Regular price 60c lb. with this ad.. ... L it J V How's Your Garden? For that new-spring feeling. GADUOL the tonic to make you feel like more work HOOD'S The-best remedy Ion earth -for. the relief of .. POISON OAK To stop the pain and itching 5Ce in $1.00 3 - ' f - Schaefer's Is Candy Headquarters For Salem! Shaving Brushes 75c Value : With this ad A real saving Solve the Riddle With ' Peanut Brittle 15c t Friday and Saturday With Adv. Heads Up! You needn't even think about corns because Schaef er 8 Corn Remedy will rid your feet of them. No relief pi- no pay Special Value Ladies Purses and Men's BILLFOLDS Values to $20 While stocks lasts (with this ad)i C9c Tung Oil Aid? Souttfs Recovery I Toag tree la Uoeeoen - Ttir af j 1 "(liispectlBg erchswi is- tSevelopment of a new industry the production of tung eH prom toes to Jlgure Importantly In the economic recovery of the south. Thousands of acres are being planted to tang trees whose blossoms yield the valuable black-brown nuts which produce tung oiL This commodity is used In manufacture of paints and numerous other lines. Until a few years ago China had a monopoly on tung oil since it was thought that the trees flourished only in the Orient, but recent experimentation proved the suitable conditions of the gulf coast states ond booklet, "Moon Months." of short verses, off the press. Her first production, 'Smiling Thru the Jtatn," came out last year. . Barber Builds Store Lee Barber has a force of car penters working on his new Etore building, which will soon be en closed. It is 30X52 feet and built on the site of the one which burned a few months ago. It will be modern in appoint ments, with one corner occupied by a refrigerator room. . Seasonal Events Held For Lyons LYONS, April 1. An Easter egg hunt for all the Sunday school children was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thomas. A large group of children had a happy time hunting six doz en colored eggs hidden in the woods about the Thomas home. The Thomas family expect to leave here In the near future. They sold their place to some people from California. p Easter day and dinner guests at the J. E. Jungwlrth home included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jungwlrth and family of Roberts Station, Mr. and Mrs. Jake , Silbernagle and family of Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jungwlrth and family of Jor dan, Pete Jungwlrth of Glendale, Mr. and Mrs William Porter and family of Holley and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jungwlrth and : two sons, Clarence and Franeis. Special Easter services were held at the local M. E. church Sunday. Following morning -preaching, were dedication services for the children, and Easter program by the Sunday school. At night, a pag eant was given and 15 persons in vited with the local church, mostly by letter. Service Well Attended R1VERVIEW. April 1. A large crowd attended the special Easter Sunday school services and pro gram Sunday, at the Riverview school building. After the pro gram an Easter egg hunt was en joyed by the children at the close ui me services. Eugene Roy Dies At Staytori Home BTAYTON, April 1. Eugene Roy, one of the oldest residents of Stayton, died at his home Wednesday after an Illness of two years. Mr. Roy was born in France April 9, 1853, went to school there and. In 1882 married Anna Conlon. He came to this country in 1890, accompanied by his wife, three children and his wife's mother. They came direct ly to Salem. Mr. Roy moved to Stayton 18 months later and pur chased the Jewelry store from Irving Schneider. He sold the store to Charles Luthy and re tired about 25 years ago. He was on the school board for several terms and also a member of the city council. Surviving are six children, 17 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and a sister In France. The children are Eliza Taylor of Stayton, A. E. Roy, Portland; Dena Mack, Salem, Mllca Wat son. Vancouver, B. C; Ben Roy. Hartford. Conn.; and Ruth Smith of Portland. He was a member of the Baptist church, having Joined In France when a young man. The services will be under the direction of W. A. Weddle Sc. Son. Christmas Seal Group Of Dallas Woman's Cub Holds Final Gathering DALLAS, April 1. Mrs. W. O. Vassal entertained members of the Christmas Seal committee sale at their final meeting Mon day afternoon. Mrs. George Coop er, chairman of the sale, report ted well over $200 netted In the sale. ' Present were Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Raleigh Middleton. . Mrs. John Cerny, Mrs. Paul Bollman. Mrs. William Young, Miss Margaret Gillis, Mrs. H. D. Peterson, Mrs. A. E. Utley, of Brush College, Mrs. W. E. Knowre of Oak Grove and the hostess The Seal sale was sponsored by the Dallas Worn ens club. Mc DOIVELL'S MARKET nww' Salem's Leading Market PHONE 8757 8 m S. C0ML ST. ONLY ONE PROFIT HERE ... , -4J0bny. Jour ,n,', when tradlmg here at wholesale prices.. We aim to keep our selling prices the same as the meat packers wholesale price. We buy all oar livestock direct from the farms, doing all oar own kilting. Too pay no middleman profit when trading Beef or Pork G3 U2G . Salt Pork f 0 Freah Side Pork iXCJVi? Pi?Ei tt Eioactt SDusecE ILiivei? Ddgoq Dan Hamburger or . Ground DccS H S PUJdE ILAUID) 2,b,ssc Oar On Make GIQLOIN STEAK 15c PREGH .PIG. FEET 5c Pare Porli. SausageJT 10c DasEa S(Pnmai?eG 5q Sugar Cared Drop in, folks, and do your trading at the HonW-Owaed Mar ket. iu can always do Better at McDowells. Cash Prizes Will v Be Given 4-KPers Local Fair at Aurora Set For April 16; Judge Group Named v AURORA. April 1 For the local 4-H fair, to be held April If, cash prises of one dollar, 10 cents and II eents and em blems will be given first, second and third place,1 respectively, in these divisions: Sewins; one, ewlay two, eooklns; one, cooking- two, camp cookery, in two di visions, calf club, forestry In which emblems will be alven fourth and fifth places. I Smaller cash prises ; will be awarded in the 4-H poster dis play, safety, cleanliness, food and exercise entries. ' Judfes for the local fair are: Cooklnr, Mrs. Arthur Kraus, Mrs. Leta Geisy. and Mrs. Otto way; swlnr, Mrs. Lndon; Mrs. Nasi and Mrs. Renfrew; health posters, Mrs. ' Morel and. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Glrod; forestry and call clubs, Wsjne Hardin. eounty 4-H leader. . " -The state tamo commission win show films en wild , life and pheasants at this fair. Demonstration teams for the county fair hare been chosen as follows: Sewins;, Erna, Keil and Lorraine Fredrikson; v cooking'. Hean Snyder and Janet Flelach haner; camp - cookery, - Leland Stoner and Billy Cole; forestry. Phaen Sayre and Dsn Flelsch haner. : "Stray Cats" Chosen By 'Woodburn Seniors; To Be Given April 23 WOODBURN. April 1. The play selected for the senior play of Woodburn high school Is "Stray Cats' a farce comedy which will be presented April 23 In the high school auditorium, under the direction of Miss Es ther Hettinger. Miss Jean I Beers and Charles Cornwell are the leads with the following sup porting east: Eva Marie Math ews. Jeff Anderson. - Margaret Lindeken. Bob Tllden. Mildred Howe, Elwood Jacobs and Moris Beers. CROWN COMPLETE FEEDS Komprest Komplete Chie Starter Komprest Komplete Pullet Developer Komprest Komplete Turkey Starter Komprest Komplete Turkey Grower ag buver een r ox uooe-mts J 5" . fjf Silver Sheen Cer-L-Etts rAtUt& Silver Sheen Mink-Etta W. J.LEE & SON 849 Ferry St. Phone 9418 Aaatrtaat director la Betty Ackerson; business manager. Otto Halter; assistants. Tea Luawm, Lester Heristad;v advertising- stage manager, Charles Caaf . man; electrician. Ana re w xisx;, ney; costumes, Lo Jane Rlngo; uneta -uarr. aruns -Kivenees: manager. Eulalle Reillng; assist-. properties, Juanita Kestei. Rita ant. Gene McNulty, Helen Beard; Qnesnal. Leroy 8c halts. ft P m (if-ft- I 't 9: il U trf St ' f? itXZiM? mik, ' UsXii- iiti -til Ui 'ill ijjj is.).iH,'V-i4v oKor-'V- 5 TOUSirXT aaa VAWXUk a, a - 1 r-A TTDTTMC? A TThTTD mm MrmiM mTTTTl Ty-yv -V-' ' T ' f&VTX&ttn&S- y.M.M." WAM. M . "".'.'.il i,i t . i. s.exss!T ffV.sy.w.'.w.ffX'.wiWP: m . l u . ! sup u, ij jexi ' wwwwi u i.i 1,1 iiiinni i m i en . w i ssm .;Xz---?--jtm v.-.-i.. A.v.?.-s ' - ' .,:.J,$,x...z y,-, ...-v. a. .,- ' . .rm... T .V " - : Visa VtV' 'Sc -rVf e A M ' sssW I - ii m f ok.10"0" re'- ' I ntS. I 1 percale Pr -j tub- I tet WrtCraSr Gt'oa k wov,TS5oied or 5 Sixes 1 5321: a Uaa4 w "iJiJ IFir Style - (Ekjmoii Audi UBICE SavSimgs Summtr Walk-Aways V F - t-- CTD CiD Step gaily into summer in stunning "white nu-buck kiltiea or snowy kid tiesll'ies smartly stitched and perforated; cuban heels! Swagger kilties. Feature round toe, detach able tongue. Superior Goodyear Welt Construction, 3lz-& - Cbildren's Sandals iK3 1 in Good-looking T-strap sandals. Fully lined. Sturdily made for wear I Rubber heels. Leather soles. Sizes 8-2. mj... -.-I.-.-.-. v vA-.-.-.m.i:w.,.:.jv.-.'.. .w::.: . : Dress Lengths In 3, ZVz and 4 yd. lengths. Prints, stripes and florals. Enough in each piece for a dress. c GLOVE SAU3! Sale ends- .Saturday 1 - Values we can't duplicate. Benga linca, and diagonals. . ; if 4 ' s r 4-Thrcad Hose Patent Leather VJ a r ds Catalog. Ordc r Dept. Ringless ff a' Chiffon 3yCpr. : High twist, pare s2k. Looks . sheer, resists snags. Also- rat: less service. Spring shades. 33,CC3 Extra Items huick service Randbags in Spring's Litett grains and fabrics including gabardine. White; colors. i Aslt flboat It 1 : sT A A rs : Open Until 7 P. M. Saturday . j - - w- -. . - 1 -v - - M I - - - - - " " " --i- m t n nmr n mm M -