PAGE EIGHT K i'.ui ; . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Monitor, BlarcH Z3, 15371 140 Pupils Given Tuberculin Tests SCIO, March 15 At tbe tub erculin clinic in Sclo Tuesday 140 pupils were subjected to the teat. SeTeral rural- schools ad- 294 N. COM'L. ST. Our Every Day Low Prices 2Vre Bargains Each Day of the Year Try Irish Ding's DUNDEE CORN 303's What a Price -25c 3 for LINDY PEAS 303s 3 cans 25c TOMATOES s 3 cana 2$C 2Yt WAVERLY COCOA 2 can . 2C PEANUT BUTTER container 9c lb. TRIANGLE HOTCAKE FLOUR 9 & 43c PINK SALMON 3 cans 25C BANANAS 25c lb. FRESH ASPARAGUS 2 lb 25c We Reserve. the i J . i PROMINENT SALEM MAN PRAISES VAN-TAGE! GAS PAIN, BLOAT RELIEVED! Mr. Crosby, of No. 23 rd St., Suffered Years With Upset Stomach, Gas, Bloat, Pains in Stomach, No Appetite, Awful Belching, Constipation, Nervousness, Couldn't Sleep. Now He Praises Van-Tage For Relief It Gave Him and Says: "I Unhesitatingly" Recom mend It To Everyone Who Suffers Like I Did." Remarkable Statements from tnany parts of .this city and gen eral section praising and endors ing VAX-TAG E, continue to pour in daily to 170 N. Liberty Street. Balem. where this "Amaring : Mix ture of Nature's Roots and Herbs . X. o . n a I A Medicinal ana wiuei o . . Agents" is being Introduced and explained to me ioc-i yuu-.u -Special Van-Tage Representative, iSown as The VAN-TAGE Man. For instance, Just a few days see. the following Remarkable . sioa-T-ihinr what Van- Tage can do in certain forms el suffering, .was received irc James Erwin Crosby, of 38S North "23rd St., Salem. Mr. Crosby is a number's Assistant and has lived In Oregon for years. He has many friends throughout this city and rlclnlty. and what he has to say about Van-Tage will be read with Real Interest. His Amazing Testi- . ,mon!at follows: ' In Misery With Gas, Bloat and Awful Belching! ' For tipveral years I had been suffering: terribly. said Mr. Cros t.. -m v atnmtrh was in a very bad condition and I couldn't eat a thing without being in awiui mis -r afterward with gas and bloat Ing. I had no appetite whatsoever for nothing tasted good to me, but of course, I bad to eat something now and then to keep up my Kimnrth hnt ftir I ate. I had auch excruciating pains all across - my stoma :h that I could hardly tni them! Mv stomach was so upset that I bad sickening belch inr uttnrirs a hot. sour, burn ing substance came up into my throat and mouth which almost gagged me. My bowels were ter- ri'Klv alnrrkh nnil rrmst inated and did not dispose of the waste mat ter in my system like they should and finally this combination of ailments got me into such a worn - out, nervous state that I could not aleen when I went to bed at night and then when I got up in the morning I felt tired and exhausted ati T triA a lot of medicines to try to relieve my suffering, nut none of them helped me a bit and I was : so sick and discouraged that I wondered If I would EVER find anything to relieve me. Van-Tage Relieved His Years of Suffering! Finally I started taking Van Tage and after all It has done for me. I dont hesitate to RECOM jacest to the Sclo district were represented la the clinic. Dr. A. G. . Prill of this city was assisted by Mrs. "Nora Young, Linn county health nurse, Albany; Mrs. W. S. Snyder and Mrs. J. II. STumbleson, Sclo, and a nurse from the state tubercu losis hospital at Salem. A delegation of Sclo Odd Fel lows attended second degree L j PHONE 3527 CREAM ROLLED I OATS 9 Lc--. 39c NUCOA 2 ib. ... ... 30c PUREX Half j gallon 15c CRYSTAL WHITE rSOAP ! 10 bars .... 25C MATCHES vl carton 13c miSH SPECIAL FLOUR Made by Fish-A Aft er's, 49-lb. sk. vJUljy NEW CALIF. CABBAGE Red or ! White .1 . flC SUNKIST LEMONS 1 doz. lC Right to Limit IR. JAMK.S ERWIX CROSBY, of 880 N. 23rd St., Salem, Who Says: "VAX-TAGE 1 Really Great Medicine and I Hope My Statement' Will Cause Many Others Who Suffer Like I Did to Take It and Get the Same Wonderfnl Relief." MEND IT (TO ALL who suffer like I did. t It cleansed my upset stomach and I can eat anything I want now and it all agrees with me perfectly and I don't have those awful sickening belching at tacks. Those terrible pains across my 6tomach do not torture me aft er I eat a meal and the sluggish, constipated condition of my bow els is a thing of the past. Since my system i has been so cleansed and Invigorated by Van-Tage, my nervous feeling has been relieved and I can go to bed and really get a good night's sleep like a person should, and then get up in the morning feeling fine and refresh ed. Van-Tage is REALLY A GREAT MEDICINE and I hope this true, sincere statement of mine will cause many other poor. suffering people to take it and find the same wonderful relief that I did.". 21 Great Natural Herbs iri "the Van-Tage VAN-TAGE contains 21 Herbs and nearly a dozen other Splendid Ingredients. So this compound ac complishes several things at once and acts as a carminative, laxa tlve, cholagogue ' and diuretic. thus dec using bowels, bringing forth gas and bloat from stomach. and Invigorating sluggish liver and kidney; activity. Daily, miser able people write us they feel dlf ferent all over as a result of the cleansing and invigorating action of Van-Tage. Another thing due to the immense volume in which it sells, the Price of Van-Tage Is Reasonable So, If yon suffer as described herein, dont - hesitate Get Van-Tage -TODAY ! A Special ; Van-Tage Represen tative, known as The VAN-TAGE Man, Is now at 170 N. Liberty Street. Salem, dally meeting crowds ot people and introducing and explaining this Remarkable Compound.' ,i . On Sale at Fred Meyer Toiletry. & Remedy Shop 170 N, Liberty St. C - ( ' ' 1 H r 4 0), - , , , I c work at Lebanon Thursday night. Sereral local member accept ed the courtesy of an Imitation by Jefferson lodge Saturday night, ' at , which several candi dates were giren . first decree work. Tom Small, .reteran of the Scio lodge, participated In an official capacity, as did also N. I. Morrison, another long-time member here. i Falls City,' Amity Chapters Honored INDEPENDENCE. March 25 Falls City and Amity chapters of O. E. S. were honored guests of Adah- chapter Tuesday night at the Masonic hall. Mrs. Phil lip Schweizer, wr :.thv matron, presided, and presents 1 the wor thy matrons, Mrs. Arnold of Amity and Mrs. ; Helen of Falls City; the associate matrons, Sirs. Martin of Amity and Mrs. Ickes of Falls City with dainty cor sages. Mrs. J. Eakln of Dallas told of the work of .the Rainbow Girls, and Mrs. Forrest Cham bers told of Job's daughters In Milwaukie. A delightful program followed chapter, with Rose Marie Char boneau dancing The Wedding of the Painted Doll," sung by Mrs. M. J. Butler and accompanied by Mrs. R. TJ. Elliott; Miss Hel en Kloberstein from .the Oregon Normal school ' gave two splen did readings; Miss Annette Schweizer sang : Indian ; Lore Call"; and Mrs. Paul E. Robin son gare two short readings. Eastern Star student of the formal school will be special guests at the next meeting which will be preceded by a : f:S0 o'clock dinner. Ask Commission to Take Over Road AMITY. March 25 At a meet ing held here Monday night in the Woodman hall, consisting of Amity citizens and farmers from Wheatland, Hopewell and i Belle vne. petitions were signed ask ing the state highway commis sion to take over the road from the ferry at Wheatland a a sec ondary highway to the William son corner on .the Salem-Dayton road. The state already, has ta ken the road from this corner to Bellevue on the Salmon river cut-off. .; Committees in Marion county are also working for an improve ment of the road from Woodburn to tne terry. This will give a short cut to the coast from Sil verton, Woodburn, Hubbard and several other towns. The entire county court of Yamhill coun ty was present and expressed themselves as favorable to tha project. A free ferry is now maintained at Wheatland by Marion and Yamhill counties. Sunday School, Church Services Will Be Held For Union Hill Section UNION HILL, March 25 Sunday school and church will be held at the Union Hill grange hall bunday, March 28. Sunday school will be at 10 o'clock with a basket dinner at noon. Each family to bring table service. In the afternoon this Easter pro gram will be given: Song by chorus; play. "He is Aot There"; a flower song, 'Lit tie Sunbeams," by primary and a t - junior ciass; song by c nor us; pantomime by the girls;! song, "He Will Hold Ma Fast." by senior class, Sunday school ex ercise by Junior class; song. "Easter Bells" by primary and Junior class. Church services will Immedi ately follow the Easter program. Two Gervais Residents Are in Salem Hospitals GERVAIS. March 25 Mra. Margaret Hall, nloneer of this section, age 82. fell at her home Tuesday and broke her right thigh just above. the knee. She is in a Salem hospital where she Is resting as well as can be ex pected. James Broyles. age 80. is auite ill in a Salem hospital with com plications following a stroke. Mrs. Broyles died two weeks ago. 'they'll take us our 75 sse See Mr. Wldener With w ... i AST M it Halsey Club Takes 36 County Honors ALBANY. .March j 25 The Lino county sheep club; of Halsey, was Linn county's outstanding 4-H club during 1936, according to the decision of a committee of local leaders held in this city. This club completed 100 percent for each of that If members, starting work, making an exhibit and filing their i record books with the club department. At the same meeting it was decided to hold the spring 4-H club fair In the Veterans Mem orial hall in Albany on May 15. The outstanding .club has as Its leader, Harold Sickels of Hal sey, who is also ;a member of the club. Sickels was selected as Linn County's outstanding boy last year and received a trip to the Pacific International Lire stock exposition as a guest of the Albany, branch of the First National Bank of Portland. Hayesville's First Game Of Kitball Slated Today HAYES VILLE. March 25 The first kitball game of the season for the Hayesriua team will be played Friday afternoon "IPnimGsfi 3GGe3 i . says resident of Maywood, Illinois V; It just isn't possible to make anything other than pd ajfet when you make it with M-J-B. An expert blend of world's finest coffees plus a special richer roast is the secret of the "Strength Essential," M-J-B Coffee's famous feature. It's a real coffee improvement which offers the only way we know to insure fuB flavor at any strength whether you like your coffee mild, medium or strong. All this is due to a constant richness of true coffee-character in every grain of M-J-B, giving uniformity in every cup so that , you can depend on M'J'B to make good coffee regularly. We guarantee it. Make us prove it. Try a tin TODAY. The "StnZVflh tizcSfet "Coffee M.J. Bs "Universal Grind is guaranteed tight for Drip, Per colator, or any glass coffee-maker you use. OLV?o 162 N. Coml I?aCD(gG U. S. No, Real Value ONIONS med. size 10 ib. 15c . SO lb. 69c We Are Headqaar ters. Fancy Whole Grain 4 ib. ... TISSUE Royal Soft tAf Tissue 3 rolls Wv RAISINS tar 2g an. - I BEANS JELL DESSERT No. x 10 t JEf Idaho Red J lbs. 25C Flavors .... U pkgs. DATES ITALIAN PRUNES PRUNES 3ibs.L.15c 3 ibs. E7c with Hasel Greaa e the Hayea rilla diamond. . Beginning: Monday, March SI the HayesTllle school wta - bar one hoar's recess during the noon hour i Instead ot the one half hour, during the winter. - National Confab Theta Delta Phi At formal School MONMOUTH. March 15 The district convention o Theta Del ta Phi, national scholastic hon orary, will be held March ft-S7 on the campus of Oregon Nor-. mal school. Charles Montgomery, Max DIs trick and Kenneth Lundeay are acting a program commute in charge of arrangements for a dinner and dance acreduled for Friday night. Brae Eckman, Harvey Harris and Arne Jensen rill tarnish entertainment num bers. Erroll Hassell, j student body president, will speak. Voting delegates from the lo cal chapter ar Erroll Hassell. Sam Malllcoat and John Sell-wood.- Saturday afternoon, a tour ot the state institutions at Sa lem will be made. Bruce Eck man and Arthur Branson, stu dent from Salem, will handle transportation. She writes: "Fittest ffftt I bovt ever msed, bin egbt nothing eh since mud bore fettndit merer varies im strength ergnue. ( VuitlicittJ TaUwrnutTl Your money refunded by your grocer if any tin of M-J-B Coffee doesn't satisfy you per fectly in every way. rA Phone 5151 Nice Six. each f if50.. S5 MACARONI llard wneat, Jt fm Curl Cut tjlbsjilyC Fancy Broken Gralm Rice . 19c lb. BORENE hAsy on the Hands, aa large pkg. vV 01 Its Less at Caplans Superior Soda Crackers SviiiPrMi Ham Softasilk Cake Large Size Vkg. as TMOnrsoirs CHOCOLATI MALTO MtUC Wesson Qt. Size Sperrys T7jT1 mm i ;j : - I . Arm and Hammer SODA . i j'i - CONCENTRATED IMF With 2 Cakes PalmoliveSoap Swift's Premiiim Corn Beef cans Wax tf5Pf Foot 113) Ron We Paper; as TEIE I?c?Qe SoatitiGi?c ll37 S. COMMERCIAL ST. 1...: I PHONE 4010 : Blue Rose lb. Head I !' bas Just Out of the Oven 1 Flour ' i ' . i 28-oz. pkff. f 1 Tall Cans s cans SeodHecc Elbncncac Thompson lb.pkg. 2JC Oil j - Drifted Snow Hard Wheat 49's Sack: With Your i r, i Reserve the Right to Limit !.! U . a hi ! H i Crystal Vhite Soap 10 Cakes Soap 26c - " 2Z; ILG) or Whole lb. 27c Sperry Pancake and Waffle Flour .13c-'-'l21c MATCHES Boxes to Carton as 2F7 Small Size Large Size Morton s Salt With Balloon FREE boxes Eg 1c Large Sixe Pkg. Coupons Calumet Baking Povder One Ib. tins 2 Ib can AUG LIBBY Pineapple Tidbits Buffet Size can Quantity