1 . . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, friday Morning; Marc 26.' 1837 PAGD TWO Thirteen Dead I In Plane Dive hTragedy Occurs as -Port ! Approached; Suburb of I-.. r:ttcKnttTli T Scene - a WkVm m.m mmf w t ; (Continued from page 1) jseendlng from a height of 10," o 0 feet or more i to within the Visibility range of 2,400 feet." jtatd McLean. ! -Others said they saw no Ice n the wreckage. Wllklns said no 'fee formed on his ship. I State, county and federal of ficials promised a speedy Inves tigation of the tragedy, the third in the Pittsburgh district wlth ' jia.a year. .-"'! ' 1 . The plane left Newark at 3:15 lor Chicago and was to hare stopped at the Pittsburg airport At 6:25 p. m. i : Only one" official would com ment. M. L. Cunningham, state inspector of aeronautics said: i 4 "The plane apparently was out jef control. The throttles must have been closed before the trash." " . . - . : , vr, Most observers agreed Pilot rBohnet had suficient time to shut of the ignition, pointing out there bad been ho fire. . The plane crashed within sight ' of what might have been safety. Just down the slope in a small -valley between the rolling hills Was a level meadow.- Some eb servers thought Pilot Bohnet might have been trying to make that spot. Turns End Ov r End And Then Plunges - ' Iiut the plane turned end over end, as though out of control, then dropped to the earth as if a magnet pulled Its shiny metal body down. " " Euclid Bourguignon, one of the first on the scene, saw the crash as he walked in the meadow near his farm home. "The plane shot up in the air with the motors running, turned end "over; end three times and xtostd down and crashed. : "I guess it fell about 500 feet straight down." he said. - i The 13 aboard must have died Instantly. Bourguignon said he found a faint pulse in the body Of one girl, but knew that she could not live." The others were ;dead. '" . " Robert : Williams, a Washlng " ton Pa.r taxicab driver, said he taw the plane shortly . before it crashed and that its engines ap peared to be laboring. - 'The visibility was good early tonight, but during the day heavy smog (smoke caught In fog) shrouded ' the city. The tragedy occurred In upper St. Clair town hip, on the fringe of Mt. Leba non and eight miles from downtown- Pittsburgh. ' v ' f y v :':v'v--'---;:--:-;-:'- SPECIAL! A' Beautiful - Tint-o-Color Rinse ' regular 25c now only ' with any other work. Why .'have dull, faded or streaked ? hair when this marvelous rinse will give it life and lustre and for practically no . cost. ) ; Special $2.00 Value 7 SPARKLES perm; WAVE Complete in Any Style i - SSi ..;! Special A 6.0O value ' v Keml-Kool ' MACIIINELESS f PERMANENT -only 2.50 complete . 'Mnger Waves Castile Shampoo . Haircuts ... 23c ..20c 1.25c ROc tt" Scalp Treatment Work by Junior Opera tors: . ; ... . Finger - Waves-. 10c ft 15c Permanent Waves, complete i.iJM)c Marcel Waves -Free Haircut, Facial or BfanJcnre , . -V . ALL WORK GUARANTEED ODERM Beauty. College, . Orer Worth's Store State Approved . Phone 8141 Harry K. Tha w v. Harry K. Xar - Su.4 for $10,000 damages on charges that he blacked a waiter's eye -during1 a restaurant altercation. Barry K. Thaw is seen being accompanied to .court In Washington by Miss Diana Nash, his com panion on the night of the fracas. Nazarene Church Program Is Told A special Easter service will be held at the First Church of the Nazarene Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock, with "The Christ of the Ages" to be vividly presented ,by the pastor. Rev. L. W. Collar, and the choir. " ; The program numbers: Prophesies of the Old ' Testament about the Coming Messiah solo I Know JL XtBe" . ( .fi.M. Lovell ." ... Choir The Dark Ages and j.rriodi of declension before the New Testament given Who Could It Be'"- .. .Choir Hopes Revived Annunciation to Mary (Cmeon Anna "It Came Cpon A Midnight Clear" Intermediate group The Birth of Jesua t Hetold Solo "Away ia a Manger'fc..Snnhine Hardy Thrilling Incident ia the Life and Min istry of Jeua Duet "Jesu Never . Fails" Mildred and Warren. Davis The Effects of Sin Heartaches Sor- -rows Disease and iAeath Quartet "Jesua WiU Never Say No"' ; Male voices Darkening Shadows Gather Jndas - Selhj Out The Ieath Plot lieth eemane'a Agony liquet "Alone" .Mrs Fred Cashion, Mrs. Paul Hardy The Arrest and Triat of Jesns Jestis in Pilate'a Hall Solo "What Will , You Vto With Jesus "....Frank Litwiller The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Duet "My Faith Still Clings to Calvary" ..Mr. and Mrs. J. Friesen The Tomb Darkness Despair The. Resurrection Morninjr Solo -"He Arose" Mr. I.ovell and the Choir "Why Seek Ye The Living Among The Aead" ...... , . Choir Odd Case Argued, State High Court A damage case unique in the history of the Oregon supreme court was argued before that bady Thursday. j The case originally was heard in a court of equity in Multnomah county where Carl V. Nelson, plaintiff, received a judgment for 17500 against Roderick E. Smith of Santa Rosa, Calif. The action was based on an alleged hit and run accident near Canby. Smith, a non-resident, returned to California after .the accident and avoided being served with a summons. It later was found that Smith had property In Portland and-the suit was brought in an equity court against such proper ty. At that time Smith made his appearance and the personal sum mons was served. The question before the su- BARGAIN , MATINEES '153 I PLAYING TODAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! jf - j A Tbp-Notch Fun Frolic! ff OF BIG-TIME CIRCUIT " VAUDEVILLE LSjV 4 BIG ACTS - 4 (& ( Hx2jf TZ. From Eastern Circuits . ftf Jh j? WHITE & STANLEY "Musical Comedy Favorites i tV IpA williams roy rrlll lIrfv & i do ye I ( lia fHk CHARLES .ggiiag W T in I ' j "T1,r0 ''if1 ' forja?- , I W Y I RUE and LAURA ENDS J 0 ' H -I.sl Back in Co urt j Mia Diana Nash' preme court is whether a court In equity had Jurisdiction in this case' and whether the defendant had waived his right to a jury trial." Equity cases do not call for a Jury, but attorneys said this was ' the first damage action in their recol lection tried without a jury. The opinion , will be watched closely in other states, attorneys for both the plaintiff and defend ant said. Legality of Crop Insurance Viewed WASHINGTON, March 25.-p) Senator Schwellenbach (D-Wash) urged congress today to ask the supreme court for an advisory opinion on the constitutionality of the administration's crop insure ance proposals. He made the suggestion while senate farm leaders pooled their resources to drive through to earT ly passage both the Insurance bill and farm tenant legislation. Earlier Senator Pope (D-Ida) asserted that recent decisions . of the court cast doubt on the con stitutionality of his legislation to create a $100,000,000 federal crop insurance corporation. Bridge Collapse Is Fatal to One TOLEDO, Wash.. March 25-(p) -Robert H. Wilson, Seattle, one of three workmen injured this morning when a partly dismantled bridge over the Cowlitx river col lapsed, died this afternoon after his left arjn was amputated in a futii effort to save his life. His lung was pu-r-ttarca. Albert Saddler. Seattle, and Wil Ham Hyatt, Toledo, were the oth er two Injured workmen.' They were taken to the Toledo hospital. Two other men escaped injury. Six Die, Plane Fire TATEYAMA, Japan, March 28 -(Jp)-Slx of the 1 2 airmen serious ly burned yesterday when a plane at the Tateyama naval air corps base burst into flames, died to day. Five remained in serious con dition Might lrice Adults - 25 - Kiddies -10c Thrills I , Action and Comedy When Chan Solves His Most, Thrilling Mystery! MATINEES EVERY DAY! SALEM'S OXtY VAUDEVILLE TI1E.TRK tv TX . :on Work Doubted Highway" Office Building Must Wait;! Contract For Ferry Given (Continued from Pag 1) district have bean especially ac tive in urging the highway com mission to Improve the eight mUes of road" between Salem and Dayton which Is nor already paved. - PORTLAND. March 25. -W) -Because money is not available to match all federal roadbulldlng funds, tha state highway Commis sion does not plan, to construct a hew office building . In Salem this year. Henry F. Cabell, chairman, said today. The recent" legislature author ized the expenditure of up to $500,000 for the structure. Senti ment expressed by the commis sion at Its meeting here today fa vored a less expensive building, which' would house highway de partment offices only. Colombia Bridges . , Worry of Other The body held that alterations of privately owned bridges across the Columbia at Bridge of the Gods and Hood River.. to permit passage of sea-going vessels after completion of Bonneville dam. is the problem of the owner and the federal government. ; . Cabell told a delegation asking additional work on the . Amity- Dayton cutoff, that money, was available only for oiling of por tions et the' highway. v - ' A Hood River county delegation asked work on the Mount Hood loop highway. The commission - awarded the Wilsonvllle ferry contract to Leo nard and Slate of Portland at XI, 250 a month, pending completion of a new highway. A contract for an 87 foot tres tle and grading and paving of 2.82 miles of the Bellevue-Prlngle cor ner section of the McMinnvIlle Ttllamook highway "was awarded to Harold Blake of Portland for 8105.927.50. Plan Pinball Law Test in Portland (Continued from page 1) are in any particular Instances, I shall be guided by the officers who are by law constituted my legal advisers." Sheriff Burk advised Tooze that Judge Skipworth has never passed on the question of whether pin- ball games were lawful. "In'the case you refer to. Judge Skipworth sustained a demurrer to an indictment upon the ground that it was defectively drawn and rereferred the same at the grand jury for action," Burk concluded, The Call Board GRAXD Today Double feature, Ralph Bellamy in-S'Coun-terfeit Lady' and Charles Starrett In "Dodge City Trail." Saturday Tyronne Power and Loretta Toung in "Love Is News." STATE Today Eastern Circuit vau deville on the stage. War ner Oland in "Charlie Chan at the Opera." CAPITOL Today Double bill, Mir iam Hopkins in "Men Are Not Gods" and Marc. Con nelly's "Green Pastures." ELSIXORE . Today Double bill. Warren Williams In "Out cast" and Lionel Barry more in "A Family Af fair." Saturday "King and the Chorus Girl" with Joan BlondelL HOLYWOOD Today Jack Hold in "North -,. of Nome.". I Jack Holt "North of Nome "Beware of Ladles' Donald Cook Judith Allen Added Oswald Cartoon. News, and nuck Jones tn "rhantom Rfcler" FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT ED APJ5E TONITE I "resenting . , , Direct, from Eastern Engagements'. GENE COY " and hls 11 Black V; Aces-' ! 14 Entertainers! MELLO - MOON Admission J Gents 40c, Ladles 33c LADIES FREE TILL 9:15 P. M. saieip-JLiayi Two Millions For Columbia Channel WASHINGTON. March 25-WV The house riven and harbors committee 'tentatively approved today a f 2.38,060 authorization for dredging a ship channel in the Columbia river between Van couver. -Wash-. and : the Bonne ville dam. now under construc tion SO miles upstream.. The committee also accepted tentatively six other Oregon and Washington projects totaling $266,000 for Inclusion In the riv ers and harbors omnibus author lsing bill, which Is expected to he repoted out next week. Air Disaster 3rd Big One For 1937 (By the Associated Press) The plane crash near Pittsburgh yesterday was the third major acci dent of 1937 for an American commercial liner and the sixth of the winter season. Dates of recent air disasters la the United States and the number killed follow: ; Feb. 9 Eleven. In San Fran cisco bay. f Jan. 1 2 Five, including explor er Martin Johnson, near Burbank, Calif. - Dec. 17, 128 Twelve, near Burbank. Calif. ; Dec 23. 1135 Six (test flight) at Dallas. Tex. Dec 15,' 192 8 Seven (fate .un known), lost between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. Sept. 29, 19X8 Four (motion picture plane), near Chicago. Sept, 5. 1938 Ten (sightseeing plane),- near Pittsburgh. ' Aug. 5, 1936 Eight, at St. Louis. ' - April 7, 1938- Eleven, near Uniontown, Pa. April 5, 1938 Five (army bomber), near Fredericksburg, Va. Jan 14, 1938 Seventeen, near Goodwin, Ark. Courthouse Will Harmonize, Plan (Continued from Pager 1) derstood to have In mind a build ing not exceeding four floors in height, without a basement, and with the two circuit court rooms having high ceilings and taking up the wall space of two stories. The county jail would be on the top floor and the various county offices arranged on other floors according to the planning com mittee's conception of greatest convenience to the public Both Morris Whitehouse of the senior architectural firm and Lea lie Howell of Knighton and Howell are expected to spend most of this afternoon going over the tenta tive elevations and floor plans with the court. Commissioner Hewlett said the court probably would attempt to decide on definite preliminary plans before the citizens' commit tee was called In for consultation. Editor Slain, Son Of Rival Is Held (Continued from page 1) Cracken and the two women were eating, suddenly appeared In the dining room and opened fire. The Frenches have lived In Al- turas for 30 years. McCracken came here In 1934 as editor of the Modoc Times and later started his own paper. Sheriff Sharp said the two pa pers orten took opposite sides on local political Issues, but there never had appeared to be any per sona I Ill-reeling between their ed itors. Good Friday Will Be Observed Here (Continued from page 1) tonight at 7:30 o'clock, and the same hour will find Good Friday worship at the First United Breth ren church and the Salem Men nonlte church. Christ Lutheran church will hold German lehten services at 9:30 o'clock this morning, and the Evangelical and Reformed church congregation will have Germaa services at 10:30 o'clock this morning. ista TOMORROW TYRONE POWER Loretta YOUNG DON AMECHE W 1"SW pSItalSSBBSSBi. mm. tMOHiMBSMfe. c- -w. is news. V SUM SUMMER VI LLE I DUDLEY DIGGES First Church Will Have Busy Easter Sunrise Service, Meetings - All Day Are Arranged by Various Groups An exceptionally full program for Easter Sunday Is planned for the -First Methodist Episcopal church, with the schedule as an nounced by Rev, J. E. Mllligaa, as follows: . . '8:08 a.m.. Meeting of all young people to go to Cahdalarla Heights for 8:30 o'clock sunrise service. - --- -8:00 a-m., faster- break fast la -Fireplace room. 9 : 30 -a. m.. Church school with all departments participating la an Laster pantomime, "God's Gar dens. ' 11:00 a-m.. Morning worship. "The Living Christ." . 3:00 p.m.. An Easter walk for Intermediate leaguers. 5:30 p.m.. Sunset Hour for stu dents. - 8:30 p.m.. High school Ep worth league presents a 1 short play. Easter. . 8:30 -p.m.. University Vespers. "The Close of Easter Day, with Jlmmle Pyke leading. 7:30 p.m.. Evening worship. pastor's sermon, "What Does It Mean to Me .V Church of Christ Program Offered The special Easter program for the children and young people will be given Easter, morning at the court street Church of Christ. This program arranged by Mrs. Irene Weller, is as follows: Sons; "Christ Arose ConrTe ra tlon Call to worship . ,. Juntors Kespone Juniors Hymn. "Christ the Lord Is Risen - Today- Congregation Prayer Mrs. Shoemaker scripture Reading Dorotbr wlnegar Kxercise Primary department Song , Primary department Kxercise. "Easter Flowers" . Juniors Hong.-"Easter Greeting" Juniors Playlet, 'The Best Proof of the Res urrection" Intermediates Blblereading Alvin Armstronar neciiauon. -juaster . Morning" ... , Raymond Armstrong Talk Yvonne Walters song. -Happy Easter Day" .Primary and Juniors Talk Tails Hymn. .Katherine Scharf -IX. W. Daniels He is Coming Again' Congregation Lord's Hup per Benediction .... The play. Xason the JBllnd Dis clple," will be presented at the evening service by the pastor, and the young people's drama class.' Worsted Company Hearing Is Ended PORTLAND. Ore., March 25- Jfy-THm Oregon Worsted . com pany hearing on charges of vio lation of the Wagner aet came to an abrupt ending here today, the second to be closed by national labor board officials In two days. A. Norman Somers, labor board attorney, and Kneland C. Tanner, representing the textile union, un expectedly rested their ease short. ly after the hearing was resumed mis morning, following adjourn ment February 17. TODAY & SAT.' 23aDttH -And 2nd Hit PANAMA CANAL Tgeit) la gletene eppei tialry ...trsnrei ( Bare km "EmwrfS mt Uritmlm - World Crla...elsi ker Jbrllllasit tkrests! ! sUserlsalsiatlBat eeesa, susal estjey si laxaurr U4ay...ealllf fresi SAN FRAXCISCO, APmu. M ' LOS AAiifLS MAT S Orer ts hlae Patelfle, tkre-aKfa the IHusHvaa CsnsJ, wltfa wivial If are 1st Balls tmm Jimm Ysvk, wtaj M.mKCm.mfUmmrT9tHim. ,sz.su.rwusM a Ishto Is Ham BaiBsSy smM bWsw SMLlkMliameMMmUSf r " V' . 1 . T 1 BWSBT)sAa MB Vs t Tsww swsH sUys awns at art e t CSmiiS mmd Sinllii flia N shssjgs mt sstlssi,, sis fcslsl iisissh... wtasi mM tS Sti mm Imm f tk i WrsiH iisjsis ssUaw lfs tmm tmrmi wary mmd Urn mrm umrmrtmtmmtm immm Aa y Trmwt Aicst tor AesaJfta r catSi mt mmr IsfaJ mtOerm. Mila&yfs Shop Is Newly Decorated j i - Comnleterr modern but not rad ically modernistic, Is la the Inter ior of Milady'a Shop, women's ap parel ahop (at 41S State where complete remodeling has Just been completed. The show win dows were ! enlarged new show installed and the interior done Ini a combination of cream walls apd woodwork, blue-green carpet end mulberry drapes. The remodeling was carried out along lines suggested by Mrs. M. B. Gllmore, proprietor. Aimee ! Latest to CetThrait Note tx? ANGELES. March 25-GP- Pollce detectives arrested in su burban Glehdale tonight a woman thev said had written a letter to Almee emple McPherson. de manding S00 from the evange list, 3 - . questioning the woman. wetecUve Lieut. Robert Underwood, wno ar rested her. said she" had no con BMtlon With the writing of letters signed A. M. Foote." sent to Mrs. David O. Selsnlck. wife of the mo vie producer and Anna May Wong, Chinese;' screen actress, ana ae- mandlng $20,000. Authorities also made public another!; letter -postmarked this morning from a downtown Los Angeles;! station. It read: Kr Dear! Almee. I hare lust been released from custody as I have convinced police , officials that I had ao part in the letters to Mrs. Selxnlck and Anna May Wonr. and If rod feel safe In re vealing jthis letter to police. I feel quite confident of again convinc ing them that 1 did not write this missive, j 1 00 ft &2 ill St CKSDOQCD. 0 mmmm 50,000,000 FRENCH I WRONG ! ! HE'S TERRIFIC ! ! r r - V mj JJi -S-j ADDED LAST lAOShJ UAkUiMujkiJ? TIMES : la TODAY ,; "A FAMILY AFFAIR" MICKEY MOUSE MATINEE SAT. 1 PJI. Tax Reforms Are Nearly Complete Out of ten tax reforms proposed at a statewide conference a num ber of years ago, nine are now In effect. John Car kin. member of the state tax commission, told the Salem Lions club at its luncheon Thursday. The reform that has not been adopted is elimination of local school district levies through consolidation. Important advances were the equalisation of assessments, the income. - excise and intangibles taxes which reach sources pre viously untouched, and the gaso line tax In which Oregon pio neered. The property levy In Oregon reaches about 40 . million dollars annually but at present less than a million of this is general tax tor state purposes. Delinquency of around 43 millions is a serious problem. Of the property tax dol lar. 41 cents go for schools, not including the higher education system; 17 cents to the counties. S cents for roads and S cents for state government -including high er education, Carkin declared. The speaker highly-praised the work of the ways and means com mittee at the last legislative ses sion, saying it had appropriated amounts which would support all state activities but leave no lee way for needless expenditure, and had balanced the budget without Invoking new taxes. Patterson Burial Set Eugene, March 25 (JV Graveside services for Dr. O. E. Patterson. 48, who practiced med icine here and elsewhere In Ore gon for 20 years, will be held In the Masonic cemetery . here. Dr. -Patterson died in Salt Lake where chapel services were held Tuesday. STARTS Tomorrow "WOMEN CANT BE . (25f) LATEST ISSrK MAKCH OF TIME' COLOR CARIOOX SKWS t-J- ' im - --OICAST t