PAGE SEVENTEEN ill Go Fuirf lier if Y.m : Read; . -the Classifies. Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday IXorniag, March 26, 1937 m Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUntfled Adrertislas Single Insertion per tin 10c rbreo Insertion per lis X5e Six Insertions per line .... , 30c One month per line f 1.09 Minimum charge 25c ' Copy for this page scceptad on til a :3 the (tmIdi before publication for cJssslfJcstion. Copy eeled sftsr this time will be run under the heading. "To Late to CUf Ity.- . The Statesman immw bo finan Hsl responsibility (or errors which mar appear to advertisements pub ilahedln its column, and In cases where ttils paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement ia which the typographical mistake xsctira The Statesman reserves the rtsht relect : Questionable advertising CO ft further reserves the right tO place all advertising under the rorw "In 1 fVe tlon. Farmers' Exchange Livestock and Poultry BABY CHICKS. 13 varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries, pullets now ready. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. HORSES AND cows at aU Umea Phone IK12. Monmouth. BABY COCKE RALS lc each deliver ed any Wed. Boylngton's Leghorn Farm Lyons, ore. FOR SALE.' 6 good young farm horses. Midway between Kelxer and Chemawa school. Sklpton. - ' ' -! SAT.Ti? fWt haT. TeL 81F13 "ijiji."LrLruij " ----,.,.,,-., FOR SALE : Gray mare, weighs about 1360. Clyde DeSart. snverton, Rf 2. 1 miles S. E. Central Howe school. ' - 14 W. LEGHORN hens. 3580 Laurel. Help Wanted Male WANTED, WOODCUTTERS. TeL Ttte. , - MANAGER WANTED. See display Sd on page 7. . Help Wanted Female I EXPERIENCED COOK and house keeper between 25 and 45. Stay. nights. $15 a month. Tel. 3517 after 10 a. m. Salesmen Wanted WANTED TWO salesmen wttn cars to . sell building materials. Cascade Supply Co., 425 Chemeketa, St. ONE NEAT appearing man between 45 and 60 years of age to call on prop erty owners. Car not necessary, smaii salary and commission. Apply a. m., 313 N. Csm'l Situations Wanted j Exp. dressmak. Mrs. Adsltt, T. Mil. WOMAN WANTS hour work. 260 Center. 1 For Sale-Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for used furnlture--rangss. heaters, radios, machinery tools, etc Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 5-1-1-0. 1410 N. Bum mer in Monywooa, ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Koen xypewnier cxcn. -w wuil NEARLY NEW Magic Chef ga rang. Liberal discount. See It at Allen's Hdwe. Store. SHRUBS. Schrelber's 2060 Nebraska. OATS AND vetch hay, good wheat straw. Mrs Wright. 4H mL Wal lace Ed. POULTRY FERTILIZER for sale, sacked. With or without peet moss. Tet 1S3F2. Lee's hatchery. BELCREST BELOW cost. Ph. 5367. OATS 4k VETCH. Nice and bright. $19 ton. Service Sta., Brunk's Corner. GOOD RANGE. Tet 5825. TABLE POTATOES 11.69 per 100. Seed. Durban-, Katabdins. Garnets, Gems, British Queen. ; Ramp's Ware bouse, Brooks. Ore. HAY OATS, vetch and cheet Rt T. Box 497. Hilflker, Tel. 138F2. SALE. OFFICE desk and National cash register. 141 S. Liberty. LEONARD REFRIGERATOR floor samples. - Keg. 1134.50 4 cu. ft. 989.64: re- $213.60, JH cu. ft De Luxe, 9129.50, easy terms. Salem Ap pliance Co.. 451 Court St. 2-WHEEL TRAILER, 744 N. Com'L BLACK BANTAMS and setting eggs Mrs. C a Cole, Tel. 94F4. ROTTED FERTILIZER. Tel. 9560. BLACKCAP TIPS, $10 thousand, dug. Geo. Chrlatofferson, R. 7, Box 120. Salem. . REST" RANT FIX. Ap. 1165 Marlon. POULTRY FERTILIZER peet moss, from brooder house. Will de liver. W. L. Dailey, Jefferson, Oregon, Phone I1F12. Farm Implements, radio. TeL 63F16. EASTER LILIES, Cui Flowers, Pot Plants Jay Morris, Phone 8637. ( Trade Miscellaneous 1 MODEL T FOR bicycle, 147 S. Corn. t Wanted Miscellaneous! FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4869. MARKET POULTRY wanted any time. Highest cash prices paid. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. WANTED PUPPY 6 month old that will be Urge dog. Box 197. Statesman. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In shelL any Quantity. State Cafeteria. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives rencerHaJl Co, Ltd, ' las Frsartsee. lot Aagslat. Seattl . '" pastern Advertising . ' Representatives Bryant Griffith Bronaocv. Ina, . Chicago. New Tors, Detrsst, Boston, Atlanta f srerert st IA l'otorrcm ( gmUm. Orspos. as cedCJ If alter. PS Siftd iwri ssrs ep UmUn Crreet. , - - - ' . ' " : 6UBSCRIITION RATES t MaU Subscription Rates, to Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. C cents ; 8 Mo. 91.36 : Mo. 92.25 : mo. $. ; 1 year 94.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per Mo or 5.00 for 1 year In advance. Per Copy 9 cents. News Stands 5 cents. By City Carrier: 49 cents a month. 95.0 a year in advance. For Sale Used Cars i - Select One of These USED 1936 FORD i DtLuxt Sedan. Trunk and radio 13S FORD SeiUit. Trunk 1925 GRAHAM Sedan 1935 FORD Pick-up 1935 WILLYS T; Sedan 1935 I-ORD Sedan 1935 FORD Tudor . - 15 -$52S .9450 .$365 -$525 $475 Valey .Motor ' Col OPEN THREE Center A Liberty. Jim St. Clair Marlon Liberty Forest Fulton.. Bill noHywood Service Station 9121 i - ., "Ford Wanted Miscellaneous i PILE ROTTED fertiliser. TeL 8094. FILBERTS AND meats State Cafe WANTED GOOD piano with plain 4656. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lockers. Ramage's, ll N. Liberty Phone 879L ART LESSONS, 607 N. 19th. THE A. NASH CO. GOLDEN RULE tailored clothes 955 Belmont St. Ph. 7772. EXTRA NICE "water hyacinths 10c eclu, 3 for. 25c; fish Bo tip; turtles, plain A painted. 10-15c. 1920 So. 12th. T- For i Kent Rooms f SLEEPING ROOMS, 949 N. Cottage. SLEEPING ROOM. TeL 4498. NICE SLEEPING room, 633 Ferry. SLEEPING ROOM, 635 Chemeketa. SLEEP. P.OOMS, Tel. 6516. SLEEPING ROOM, clean and com fortable. 615 Ferry. CLOSE IN heated sleep, ran! Bus iness men preferred. 660 N. Commer ciaL ! Room and Board BD. UM very close In, 5482. BD., RJLilxlr- wk. 2183 State. FOR 1 OR 2. 254. N. Church. 6185. BD. RM., down town. TeL 5001. For Rent Apartments 3 R. GARAGE. 2003 N. Capitol. 3 ROOM i FLAT partly furnished. Corner Nebraska and Garnet. MODERN ROOiTJanJVrya for table ar cKan. New man. 633 Ferry. FURN. 2 ROOM apt., also sleeping rooms. 462 Stats St. Tel. 3887. 2 ROOM FURN. apt., very reason able. 1290 Oak. TeL 5276. 3 R. HEATED APT.. 444 a High, 3 ROOM FURN. Heat and water furn. Van Osdel Apts., 1710 N, Capitol. S BftlM UTRX. heated nt.. shower. Frigldaire. Adults. 253 N. 13th. APT.. 266 S. Cottage. 8 R. HEATED APT- 210 N. 14th, 3 R. FURX. apt. 655 Center. asssssjsstsssswswsMWaasW 3 R. FURN. BATH. 335 Division. FURX. APT.. 969 N. Cottage. NICE 2 RM. furn. apartment. Pre fer business people. 225 Center- St 3 RM. MOD. fura. apt, 720 N. Com'L For Rent Houses j 4 ROOM HOUSE, 2 blocks of state house, rent to good party, only $30.00. Phone 6161. . - VOSBURGH-GRANT " i"sor-rniujrj-xrxrLru" NICE HOME. Inq. 660 N. Cottage. sass-Ss;sssasswaa 6 ROOM HOUSE, semi-modern, garden spot TeL 8837. FOR RENT 4 rm. home and nook with fireplace basement, furnace, ga rage, close to all schools $27.50. Dial 7807. SOCOIXFSKY SON. First Kat'L Rank Bldg. 6 ROOM FURN. house, $40.00. 6 room house, $25.00. P. H. BELL 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS tor rent 291 State St TeL 3713. i . HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent IL Li Stiff Furniture Co. l i s 'ii'sri'VVjuuuXV' SMALL USE. with 2V A. 4 mL out Water system. elec $29 per mo., LncL cow. Three mo. rent In advance. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 291 State Ph. 7113. 45 ACRES. SOME In crop, 14 acres of beaver dam, modern house and barn, use 4 cows and Implements, 9225 till Oct 1st S. M. EARLE or VICK BROS. Wanted to Rent WANTED. LARGE house suitable' for apartments. Box 199 Statesman. - -i- t-, , i i 1-, YOUNG MAN desires board, room, priv. home pref. Box 203, States man. COUPLE WANTS 4 R. mod. furn. house, gsrage.jBox 202, Statesman. j For Sale Real Estate ) I DARE YOU TO TRY MATCH SUCH values: Comer lot near new high school, garage, shed, 7-r. house, 91&00. Another: exception al location north, large lot, fruit 0 rooms on ground floor, 9 in basmt 91 SCO. Best yet: positively the greatest 27V acre land value near Salem north for your owa sake ACT ! And. 4-R. ho. range-wired, lily pond, garsge, $1400. Reasoner Ccertalsry) 665 N. High St mtmymwwyrtm)tirirxjfXfi BY OWNER, 4 rooms and bath, all redecorated, large- back porch, 4-cur garsge. Fruit and nut trees, good loca tion. $ WOO. $300 cash, TeL 6173. . 6 ACRES WITH good buildings. A bargsln for $3500.04. Will take some trade. - i 1 acre with modern home near Sa lem. Has all kuds of fruit and berries. W1M trade. t -i". . 347 acres. A fine stock farm. All fenced sad cross fenced with woven wire. Several thousand cords of oak and fir timber. Several springs. Good house and two barns. Priced very low at $.3.00 per acre. . Will trade for apartment house or small firm. 3 seres,, five miles east of Salem. A fine little farm with good-Improvements. Win trsd for apartment bouse In Salem or Sllverton. t ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC, 110H North Commercial St Salem, Oregon j :j( For Sale Used tCars"7"! CARS t .'! .9185 .$375 $315 .8650 1934 CHEVROLET Panel . Deli v. err , - , . 1934 FORD Tudor 1913 FORD Roadster 1931 LINCOLN Coupe 1933 FORD Coupe . 3315 1934 8TUDKBA KER Sedan, completely . overhauled $525 SUNDAYS LOTS 4tfhone 9159 Gay B Bond Phone 791 - Earl - Shorty Mission Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 745$ Cols I - For Sale Real Estate I FOR BELCREST PROPERTY see KRUEGER 147 N. ComT. SU Phone 4728 S A. IMP. Owner. 740 University. sssssgssja,ssfc,sssas LOVELY COUNTRY home with city conveniences overlooking Salem. 3 seres besrlng fruit and nut trees. All for 93500. owner. TeL 4034 191 N. Slat IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GOOD OLD house. 6 rooms, nice and clean, lot 60x114, paved street on two sides. A real bargain at 91750 with 9350 down, baL 20 per mo., 9 In terest, ' ANOTHER ONE. Well located and close in. 3 room house, good plumbing, bnilt-lns. frarafre end woodshed. A real snap for 91600. cash 9200, baL like rent. CHILD? A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6709. 9 R. HOUSE ON a 14 th St. Good buy, $150 down. 911.50 per mo. 5 R. house on N. Winter St. close In. Full price $2000, $100 down, 115 per no. 5 R. house close to Hollywood on Capitol St Good investment- $1800, 9100 down. 915 per mo. 4 R. unfin. house, A. of land out by Portland Rd.. north. Full price x.Q, liv down, fio per mo. F. H. WEIR, Oreg. BIdg. Ph. 8903. LOTS LOTS LOTS IF TOU plan on building, let us help you select your lot. Close in SZHxlSl for $2500; South Salem 80x150 for $900; N. E. near High school $509. Manv others to choose from. . SEE Mrs. Ellis with " CHILDS tc MILLER. Realtors 344 State. St. Phone 6709. , r risuui'jLiuJ" 6 A. 5 R. HOUSE. FIREPLACE, basement, chicken house, 110 ft long, barn, fruit pasture, city water, lights I'rice $3-u v, terms. . 3 R. house, good location, price 1500, xiuo down. $16 per month. R. house, basement, furnace, close In, 82500 9200 cash, 920.00 per montn. VOSBURGH-GRANT ! -Sl.--i -S. lgmmtfmvmmumiijyjyjyjjt 9450.00 BUYS AN east front lot in North Salem, raving paid.. KRUEGER 1 147 N. Com'L St Phone 4728. LISTEN -HERE IS your chance to buy a good home away below value, has 4 . nice rooms and large breakfast nook, best of oak floors, furnace, fireplace, large unfinished attic, corner lot beautiful lawn and shrubs. House now vacant and can be bought for only $3809 with easy terms. SEE Mrs Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6709. CHOICES LOTS ON ,PAVED str 9600 will finance new homes op to 90 of cost on long term payments W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Liberty St i i irLn.ruruuTj"r SPECIAL A NEAT WELL-BUILT 9 room cot tage, fine location. Priced only 92700. WU1 aocc pt good used car as part pay ment SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6709. "" i ifjrrvuiriiLr 3 A. ON CASCADE Drive view property w. Salem. 5 room hou; Inq. 1906 N. Fifth. 92650.00 BUYS A strictly modern home in .East Salem, on bus line, paved street. KRUEGER 147 N. ComT. St Phon 4722 ON CROISAN CREEK ROAD 4 ACRES. ABOUT 2 A. timber. 2 rm. home, with bath, outbuildings, only 4 miles from courthouse. 91600 terms. , SOCOLOFSKY A SON First Nst'L Bank Bids. ' 7 RMS. PLASTERED. 4 bedrma.. dbbL plumbing,' part base., furn., large lot fruit and nut trees. North Salem. $2650. Very easy down psyt - 9 rma. plastered, part of hue. newly dec Can be bought almost like rent WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State Ph. 7112 aaAtak4tststaigS 5 R. PLASTERED HOUSE. mL from city limits, bus service. Imme diate possession. Must be sold within the next 2 weeks A chance to get a real buy; reasonable down payment, baL like rent T A., good Improvements, water sys tem. 9 mL of Salem, $2400. IL C. Shields, Oregon Bldg., Tel. 8902. I For Sale Farms I 15 ACRES BEAUTIFUL SITE FOR HOME i ON GOOD road, quiet neighborhood. 1 sere fir timber. GOOD VIEW, S miles from Ladd A Bush. 92500 terms. SOCOLOFSKY A SON ; First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. J 210 A. STOCKED AND equipped; 145 A. in cult, all tiled, rich valley land, good fishing stream through farm, 25 A. nice timber, baL pasture, fenced and cross - fenced ; modern bldgs 6 rm. modem house, electric lights, electric water system, modern barn, stanchions for 33 cows . with drinking cups, milking machine, barn holds 13 T. hay, double garage, ck. house, machine shed, hog house, si! buildings have cement foundations; 35 milk cows, one registered bull, 14 heifers, 4 horses 7 brood sows, 9 pkra complete line of new machinery in cluding trsctor. This beautiful farm and home including everything can be bought for a little over $80 per A, F. IL WEIR, Oregon Bldg. TeL 9902. SMALL DAIRY A POULTRY 97 ACRES. MODERN home cost $3000, good barn, poultry house, other buildings Running watar, excellent soil, good road. Only 1 miles of Sa lem. Team. 5 cows, 9 sows, 15 pigs, 100 pedigreed Barred Rocks, all tools and equipment Only $7000. Some terms.- ; - . SEE Mr. Wslter with . - H CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 479. 5. 10 OR 15 ACRE tracts In Kelxer district best of soil, priced to selL. seres T miles of Salem, paved road, good bldgs. Best of soli. 9180. - - 12 actes on highway north, "Large home. 96000, $200 cash. 27 acres miles of Salem, paved road, good bligs. A dandy -tray at 95000. R. A. FORKNER or T. 8. MacKENZIE 1853 N. Capitol . IE I For Sale Used Cars GOOD values in GO OD cars Our stock is changing every day. Come in and look them over if you are in the market for a used car. l2f 1929. 1929 1930 1910 1930 1931 1930 1939 Durant Sedan Chrysler 62 Sedan .$175.99 - 191.09 PoaUac Coach .196.00 200.00 1 1 5.00 236.0 295.00 325.00 395.94 Durant 'Sedan , Chevrolet Sed. Pontiac Coupe Dodge Sedan Studebaker Coups Chrysler 79 Sedan Pontlao Sedan ..... Salem Automobile Co. ' HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH ? 439 N. Commercial Phone 4673 Sit Dbwnn ; ; Behind the wheel In one of the cars on' Slhurock's Gar Lot And you'll STRIKE a real bargain 1935 Chevrolet master sedan, trunk ' 1936 Chrysler sedan, lots extras 193 Willys 7T deluxe sedan 193 Durant four cyL sedaa 1934 Ford tudor sedan- . 1935 Terraplane Cab. coup Many other too numerous to mention, but all are bargains. We also have trailer-houses, trucks and motorcycles CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED CARS 555 Chem. St. We have "B O" For Sale Farms READY TO GO 80 ACRES NEARLY all under plow. on of the best farm In the Wlllam ette Valley, 2 miles from good town. In North Howell district Good modern home, Isrge barn, granary, other out buildings , Soil excellent Ideal for dairy or nog ranch. Horses, cows, hens, hogs and equipment all go. Some terms If you are looking for a real farm priced right, aes this one. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708. Acreage 1 A. ON S. 12th ST. cutoff, beauti ful view, lots of trees. 5 A. 14 ml. from city, A, straw berries, 8650, 950 down, 910 per mo. 8 A, close In on paved road, $1500, $100 down. 1 42 A. north, all year creek, 10 A. hops several hundred cords of wood, $2600, $600 down. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. Q. RICE 725 Court St Phone 3723. Wanted Real Estate f HAVE A number of- buyers for homes Wsnt listings. Delano, 890 N. Church. ; , . ; Business Opportunities 1 EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNE l Y reliable, experienced "auctioneer who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales in the northwest will open permanent suction house In Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to five thousand dollars required Write box 67. Salem Statesman. t "y-." .-.-...iirmnru'Xfin EXCLUSIVE GROCERY and conf. near new senior high achooL Consider able value placed on son change. Wonderful opportunity for someone with cash. Inquire 695 N. 14th St WANTED PARTNER In produce business Inq. Ramp's Warehouse, Brooks, Ore. WANTED RENT or leas good restaurant conf. or grocery In Salem. Stat location, price. Statesman, Box 200. i 1i" i V'Vi'T'i'V'VsVViVVVVVV 9800 BUYS LEASH and equipment on service station. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. CspitoL FILLING STATION In Salem, 3 pumps, 2 lots 92500.' MELVIN JOHNSON. T29 Court St P. 3723 LUNCH ROOM, fountain, and gro ceries. Living quarters Good location. Low rent See Delano, 290 N. Church. Money to Loan GET SET FOR SPRING WITH A Quick Cash Loan BUY NEW clothes I and other things you neew. With cash you ( . can ssve when you shop. Notice ' . these features: SIMPLICITY All we ssk Is that you are able to make small regular repayment on any loan plan you select PRIVACY. NO DEDUCTIONS. LOANS ON YOUR OWN NOTE. Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 618 Stat St at High St Phon 2740 Salem.. Oregon. Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-122. M-165. Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or "used ears Private money at very low rates. No red Up 1 to 2 month t repay. Roy H. Simmons 21 First Nst'L Bank Bldg,. Sslern. Or. Phone 0169 . Uo. No M-162 SOND INVESTMENTS. Make your savings earn more Interest Buy a first mortgage on rest estate, the best security of alL Loans eva liable 930 to $600. Net Investors IH to CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Lean MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un der the F. H. A. plan, long term loans rwlth low monthly payments N com mission. Refinance er nulla a new home. W. H. GRA BUN HORSI t-TJU -REALTORS t 134 a Liberty St I Phon 4469 9100,009.09 TO LOAN . PERSONAL AND chattel loans. 1 t 2 months repaying snivUeg. Prompt service. i Also unlimited funds for real estate lean. " CHILDS A MILLER, INC -Uc S-294 -i CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS ' RARRRnw E-RDM n IndaDendentlV swned and operated Salem company (here your pro hj ems will receive per sonal - consideration both ! before and after the loan to made. . Interest on unpaid balances io tees Quick.- courteous service. - --t , r . WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT - ; General Finance Corporation 291 First Natl Baak Bhlg- Salem. Or Phone 91 C Lie, No. S-139 For Sale Used Cars 1936 Ford DeLnxe Coach .,, -1939 Plymouth Sedan . , 1435.99 . 995.09 1934 Studebaker Die 4 Sedaa 1935 Ford De Lu x e Coupe, shore averas 650,09 415.00 1934 Bulck.9 Sedan, rood car 750.04 1939 Graham . Sedan Supercharger 450.04 1939 Graham deluxe sedan, trunk 1934 Oldsmoblls sedan, extras 1935 Ford coupe, loaded extras 1935 Auburn brougham, perfect 1931 Chevrolet coupe, nice ons 1935 Pontlac touring sedan aVe At hrock's Phone 7922 (Bargains Only) Oldsmobile Offers ' A - - Back Yard Sale - - of Low Transportation . . . Just the car to take you out on the job and bring you back . . . You can't walk as i-uei-i'i v7 car uceiuea ana x tea ay 1927 1929 1929 1927 1927 1928 1927 1928 .1928 1926 Bulck 4 Sedan Ford A Roadster Essex Coach Chrysler 4 Sedan -9125.00 .9135.00 ..$125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $ 95.00 Nash 9 Sedan Willys Knight Sedan Studebaker 6 Coach Whippet 4 Sedan Whippet Roadster Ford Sedan 45.0 42.60 27.60 22.60 22.60 192 Ford Coupe Buick Roadster 22.60 SEE THESE CARS TODAY " Th,v Ira Tnil v nvr1 TERMS . . . Many other high priced cars to cnoose irom. BOZELL-GRIMSON MOTORS INC. 35 PLY. Coach -$565 -.$395 33 TERRAPLANE 33 CHEV. Sedan 31 CHEV. Sedan . 31 FORD Coupe .$39 -9315 $!65 31 CHEV. Coupe -9265 -9275 -9175 -$295 -$245 31 CHEV. Roadster 30 CHEV. Roadster 30 CHRYSLER Sedan 30 CHEV. Sedan 30 FORD Roadster . -9145 29 CHEV. Coach -9165 29 DODGE Sedan D. A. -$245 28 CHEV. Pickup , 28 FORD Pickup .8 75 .$135 - 95 28 PONTIAC Sedan 27 BUICK Sedan. Standard ,..9 65 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Open Evenings and Sundays ORVAVS USED CARS Center St Church Sta. Phone 470t FRANK DOOLITTLE Pontiac Dealer 193S Pontiac DeLux 4 Sedan 9650 $595 .9545 $526 9176 $185 1935 Pontiac 6 Tudor 1934 Pontiac Sedan. Trunk 1934 Pontiac Sport Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 193 Chevrolef Sedan 1927 Chrysler Coupe. New tires 9 45 1928 Durant Coupe 9 55 1926 Chevrolet Coach 9 45 1929 Model T Coupes 2 9 20 1929 Pontiac 9-w. Sedan 9165 Several Others to Choose from DOOLITTLE MOTORS PONTIAC 6 snd 9 - Center A Commercial -ni-i,--i,-.rxiiwr-.i Mrpriri n nrm FOR SALE or trade: 1922 9 pas De- Lux Bulck, A-l condition, by owner. Box 195 Oregon Statesman. igi ii. ii-u-iri.iij-i.n.nrxj-)ji 1924 GRAHAM SEDAN, bunt -In trunk. Extra clean. Will take cheaper car in trade. 11 N. Sixth St Ph. 6440. Money to Loan FEDERAL HOUSING loans, bund. refinance homes, business) prop. Rates Abrsms A Ellis, Inc Masonlo Bldg. SEE F. G. DELANO. 299 N. Church, for low Interest loans to build, remod el, or refinance. No red tape. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on (arm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta - For Sale Wood WOOD TRUCKS, formerly on Court St. now on Marlon SL . "seg" DRY, SEC. growth bone dry slab, 16". IL E. Hollowsy, TeL 3673. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD cost TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage, -t - '" - - OLD MOUNTAIN fir, U tn, 45.50. Prompt deL TeL 6614. DRT WOOD. Phone. 9708. DRY 19 IN. wood. $5.50. 9454. OLD FIR, $5.25 cd. TeL 3259. DRY WOOD, all kinds TeL 6. Personal I JOHN F. CUtsSfVapo-Path, scien tific, natural method, positively gets relief for rbeumsttsnv arthritis, lum bago. It's different. No drugs, no smt gery- Nature's swn system of recon ditioning the body. Call in person or 'phone for Interview and introductory application. Positively no charge or ob ligation for this service. JOHN F. CLASS VAPO-PATH, 423 N. Cottage. TeL 4021. A. I Elvln Licensee. 1 For Sale Used CaTsl YOU CAN BUY Lower Prices C4ars- - J- 29 Chevrolet Coach -C.....l.uj$145 30 Ford Panel Delivery 31 Chevrolet Panel Delivery 1. .$175 30 Chevrolet Coach 30 . Chevrolet Coupe 31 Chevrolet Coupe 335 Center Douglas IJcKay . GBiewolet Co. is--isnfirLiiriijLi-ir u u u u u u . i i -. . : - - - . . . Mopey Savid i ;:, : ; " . - . ' . . it '. -" - ' - ' ;1- : ;.. IS f ,J ; Money Ea-Traedl We Can Save You Mohe$ During Our, March "Clean; 1926-Oaklsnd Bed. $ 65.00 . 165.0 1929-Stand. 6 Dodge Sed. 1930-Hudson Spt Cpe. 245.00 DEPENDABILITY' ; ( The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE & PLYMOUTH andjDODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial -j f - Phone 3169. Useil Car Park- Dallas, OPEN EVENINGS ssss-ssssssssssss-WsaSj Personally .Indorsed WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE AIX. CARE UNDER COVER NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER 36 TERRAPLANE CUSTOM SEDAN Electric hand, greatest driving feature, steel body, safety glass, hydraulic brakes, famous for econ omy and ruggedness.-' Engine not broke in. Only 2700 miles Save more than $303 on this beautiful car . . .7a 35 HUDSON DeLTJXB 4 -door SEDAN Brack finish original, with cream wire wheels DeLuxe uphol stery, tires are brand new, famous Hudson steel body. . Safety glsss. large luggage space, fender well. owners K-t IS fies to gal of gas. Actual mileage less 20.000 ml. $a95 33 TERRAPLANE PICKUP ! S t e e 1 body and cab, safety glass. Just like new. Only . 470.0 miles. , SPE CIAL PRICE $495 39 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR SE DAN. Finished IXi co-acorn tan. Interior spotless. Built-in trunk, steel body, safety glass Lockheed hydraulic brakes Get IS miles to gal. of gas. Aery low mileage $6a0 39 TERRA FLA .Nr. I LUAK SKUA IS "Last serifs." Original black fin ish. Upholstery spotless, steel body. safety glass Large luggage com partment Get 20 miles to gaL of gas ery low mileage . a 34 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN "Last series," radio, heater, fender skirts. finish original like new. TJphol stery spotless. Motor is perfect Very low mileage. Special at $395 33 Terraplane DeLuxe Sedan . ,,. , 3375 31 Packard Club Sedan s-.$475 31 Willys-Knight DeLuxe Sedan ..$295 31 Hupmobile DeLuxe Sedan 922 31 Essex (Super six) Sed. De- Luxe . i . , $223 1930 Bulck DeLuxe Sedan $195 29 Essex Coach. Perfect shape .$ 95 28 Reo Panel Delivery 9 76 27- Chevrolet Sedan. See this J 9 -45 27 Hudson Coach. Perfect motor $ 45 STATE MOTORS INC. liudson-Terrnplane-Packard Open Evening A Sunday High at Chemeketa - Ph. 8400. 4sJsaj49 U sed Cars, Pick-Ups- and Trucks 1929 1935 1936 1935 1935 1935 Ford Sedan $150,00 Graham Sedan Superchar ger . : International Pickup International Panel Deliv- Dodge Panel Delivery Dodge Hi -ton L. W. B. International 1 - 2 - ton, L. W. B. ; International lH-ton. T50.00 650.00 575.00 600.00 575.00 750.00 1939 1932 27E.00 1929 International 2-ton dump. truck 475.00 175.00 100.00 1929 Dodge lH-ton. L. W. B. Buick Roadster A Trailer James II . Maden Co. 217 State St Phone 2590. Wrecking This Week OR WILL SELL AS IS - " 29 DeSoto Chrysler. 7 Roadster Chrysler 4 Sedan '24 Studebaker 29 Model A Ford Roadster- . 29 Model A Pickup , 29 Master Bulck 2 Model A Ford Truck, dual wheels Ar dump body. "29 Essex .,- ' We have 5 Model A Fords A Chev rolet dump trucks . A bodies. Acme Auto ft Truck Wrecker Look for the JS'eon Sign - '' 439 fit Com'L St - . . Phone T722. DRIVE ACROSS THE BRIDGE AND - SAVE MONEY 1931 Del-ate Ford with trunk and rsdto - $565. 1J34 Terraplane 4-door Sedan, a : ' clean one . . t . - . SiJ. 1929 Dodge 4-door Sedsn with trunk ... ,,', , ,. $245. 133 Plymouth Coupe $345. 1929 Ford 4-door Sedan 4135. 1927 Dodge 4-door Sedan -9 35. 1929 Pontiac Fedan - 9 3S. CAPFS USED CARS West End of Bridge TeL 3935 I Wanted Used Cars -"Tr rniT-ir OAS ttr S5 Cher, or Plym. Sed. 2142 N. ComT. For Sale Used Cars A FAMOUS O. K. USED -MeKAYS - - - - .Written; Giiarmnteso - - - - EowA CMsAaC. Terms 31 33 34 35 36 36 . ..1 ..$145 iU.. $275 A J...S245 LJ. J...S295 - t Phone 3189 fi "" ssTriJrorsirirj'ij'xin - If You Buy Notv Sale" T931-Bulck. Sed. J;,, J932-Nash Sed. ... 1336-Dqdge 4 -Dr. Bed. $345.00 . 385.00 . 765.0 Oregon ;Oak at Main Street A?fDi SUNDAYS TRIPLE SAFETY ! USED CARS -r ' MEANS SAFETfY TO BUY. TO OWN, TO OPERATE. This week's "Special" Is Cheve. Deluxe Sedan General tires. 9 .wheels, trunk. very good condition - And: don't forget you get a beautiful 76-pc idlnner and silverware set "Free' with any i used car priced above 4250. and ' Ave will take your present car In trauma. 24 Fayette i Sedan .$645.00 3 Oldsmobile Sedan DeLuxe 775.00 36 'NlKll Sedan Std. 665.00 735.00 545.00 595.00 410.00 265.00 34 ;Nash Sedan Deluxe 34 Dodra i Syrian 34 jGraham Sedan 33 ?Ford V-8. new motor 22 5Chryslfr Conv. Sport Coup L !. .. . V . vera i otners to cnoose rrorn Carter & Church Motor Col ENash) and LaFayette Dealer 363 ! Com'L - Phone 9734 " - " ------ ir- - -i -i-r-w-i ru-yn-iru-Lr 'it V-9 1 TRUCK, long wheel base, nest flat bed. A-l shape. All summer Job. A esl buy. TeL 3858. ; f ... Bus i ties s . Cards la this directory rtu :a monthly basis only. Rate; SI per line per month. . j IT t 1 11! Auto Brakes it 1 Mlk) Pan. 974 South CommerclaL I M J I Bicycles BICTCLES,' NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 s. Coml Pn. 451. lit i. ' I Jlrushes FUtt!-CRS. Ph. 4724, 2799 Brook St I j j Chimney Sweep TELEPHONB 4194. R B. Northnisa " lit Chiropractors ( DR.! a U SOtrTT. PSa Chiropractor. 364 jN: High. TeL Res 9199 . (It I Excavating. EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Base ments dag. Dirt hsuled or moved. Dirt tor sal, ssiesa Sana ana uravei rhe 9408. . ; t il Florists BrelOMlopt'S, 447 Court Ph. 8904. 1 I H V Furs t- DuBAIN; Fus Ca Master furriers and deslgnsra. Km. 9 A Miller Bids, J ! Landscaping RELtABX-B! LANDSCAPING. I C Frsdflkson.j Ph. 11F31. Prios reason. -.! - Laundries ' THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . . .-inn, vauiiin nu-m 369 -UHlghi ' 4 -'TeL I2 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY -FIRST IN Quality and Service TlphOfi 2165 1264 Broadway Lime GOLD HILL sgrlcultursl time. 'state tested. 1 98 I calcium carbonate, sou tested free. Order at 1970 Broadway or 429 Oregon Bids. ; . I Mattresses SA I. Eli FLUFF-RUG and Matt Factor. JEW MATTRESS made to onStt, old remade; carprt cl-snlng, !s Ing; fluff rug weaving 8. 13th A Wll bur. TeL: 944 L OTTO F. ZWICKER Est, ?11L I For Salt; Used Cam I CAR ONLY A T Chevrolet Landeau Phaeton $285 Chevrolet L.W&. Truck ....$375 Chevrolet Sedan . ...:...:$475 Ford V -8 Tudor .$475 Ford VS Tudor .... $575 Chevrolet Town Sedan .:$575 , 430 N. Commercial 1935 BEAUTY DODGE Sedan. 4 loor, A-l condition, by owner. 1026 N. Winter. . FOR SALE or trade on trailer house, 1930 Model A truck, rebored new pis tons, run 1200 miles, 2117 S. 1-th. fri '""vv'af'kOrLrxrux 27 NASH LIGHT 4 Sedan. Excel lent condition. 975.00. 1010 Oak St. - NOTICE OF FIX Alt : v SETTLEMEXT Notice Is hereby given tt the undersijrhed hag filed in tha County Court of the State of Ore gon; for the -Countyof Marion, his d air Terified Final' Account, as administrator of the estate ot Clara Samner, deceased, and ttiat said Court .has fixed Tuesday, th 30th day of March, 1937, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, In Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said final account, and all objection thereto. ,' Dated at "Salem, Oregon. thU 26th day of February, 1937. - ROBERT HINZ, l .Administrator of the Eatata of Clara Sumner, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. F. 26-M. 5-12-19-26. NOTICE OF FIXAI4 SETTLEMEXT - Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of . the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar ion, his duly verified final ac count, as the administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Abner Lewis, deceased, and that said Court has. fixed Tues day, the 27th day of April, 1937. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Coun ty Conrt House at Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 26th day of March. 1937. OREN E. LEWIS, Administrator with the 4 Will Annexed of the Es tate of Abner Lewis, De- RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator, . Salem, Oregon. M 26-A5-9-16-2J D irectory Alattrtsses CAPITOI HKIIIN) rv fhon (OS. Music Instrnction MEIS1NGER STUDIOS. 1032 Oak. TeL 7126, Accordion, modern piano, guitar, club. I Music Stores GEO. C WILL - Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music snd plans stud lea Repairing radio, phonographs snd sewing inachlnea, 433 Stat street, Salsnv - Pamting-Paperhanging "j. HERBERT E. WOOD. T. 6926. PAINTING, Kslsomlnlng. TeL 74 S3. Paint Washing Professkmsl Wall Wsshiag. Co. - All kind of paint cleaning, also wallpaper, woodwork. window, and kalsomia cleaning. Dial 4457. . Let a professional do your work. , Commercial and resldenttaL Phojo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 141 N. CommerclaL TeL 6887. Printing 1 FOR STATIONERY, cards Dnm un lets, programs, nooks, or any kind of printing, call 1 be Statesmsn Printing Department 419 8. CoremerdaL Tele phone 9I0L v T Private Detective Newell Williams Ho. 1 37. TeL 9713. Stoves and Fence j Wlf-RKyAIR stoves, ranges rlmiln. tors. Self new a nd rehullt stovra. ntn ges and-rtrculalora wire feiK-s snd -fence posts Sslen- Fence and Store Works, 262 Chemereta. Tt 4774. r ft. Fleming. - Transfer FOR -tjCMAi. or diwant transfer st cr ags call 11 Jl, Larmer Transfer Co. Truck to Porlland daily. CAPITAL CITY Trsnsfer Co. II Stste St TeL 77T4 Distributing, for warding snd storage our specialty. Get ur rstes - - Well Drilling R, A, WEST. Rt 4. Bx. 649. T, llF9.