The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 26, 1937 PAGE FIFTEEN v - I i I Beans Talked As Cash Crop Lebanon Farmers Look Into Proposal Advanced -I by County Agent LEBANON, March 25. Among the Tarloas ' projects tor raising cash crops In Linn county Is the suggestion by County Agent Floyd C. Mullen for a conference of farmers - with representatlTes of the Mark Means seed company of Lewlston. Ida., to receire Informa tion as to raising and harvesting beans. It is estimated that from 800 to 1500 pounds per acre may 'be produced, dependent on soil and farming conditions. Road work in the rlcinlty of Lebanon, drainage and clearing of embankments Is employing 75 WPA, workers, according to the report of the county .court. Miss Mary McCormic, a teacher in Portland, is spending her va cation with her mother, Mrs. Elis abeth McCormfc. .Mrs. E. A. Carsey will leave soon tor an Indefinite stay with relatives in Denver, Colo. . Study Club Meets Mrs. C. R. McCormick was host ess Tuesday to the study club at a very interesting meeting. Mrs. Harold Irvine led the program' on "Music and Musical Comedies"; and sang two members. Mrs. Frank Mayer was a guest of the club. , 1 The Presbyterian missionary so ciety met Wednesday with Mrs. II. A. Saunders with Mrs. Jack Haek assistant hostess; arrange ments were made for the annual i. Shonvin- Williams "PAINT UP" With s-w Quality Paints NELSON BROS. ROOF& PAINT Co. R. L. Elfstrom, Mgr. SSI Chemeketa Ph. tSSSO Phone 4133 sssssIIbsbWss s so - - s 9 - ' EASTER SPECIALS M , JoIBo match: PINEAPPLE - ; . , - Easter Hams &s -23e JLaster EA CITED ILAUD Delicious Genuine Spring Lambs ' Better Fresh Fruits and if" Smaller Strikes in Detroit Are -I! Police escort striker from It. G. Dunn cigar factory In Detroit after a battle. Police staged a series of spectacular raids on the smaller sit-down strikes last Saturday, arresting more than 100 persons ille gally occupying premises. International Illustrated News photo. : - .. " church dinner at the church Thursday night, Mrs. N. M. New port led the program on Japan and home mission work. Ralph Hannah Leaves Mrs. Ralph Hannah, a teacher in the Portland schools, with Mr. Hannah has returned home after spending two weeks with her mo ther, Mrs. E. E. Taylor who con tinues very; ill. The free concert by the high school band and glee club Wed nesday brought out a large audi ence who expressed hearty appre ciation by cheers. The new band uniforms with scarlet coats, blue trousers with scarlet stripes, hats in red and gold attracted much attention as many of tbe audience were viewing them for the first time. ! A son was born March 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Farrell. This is their fourth child and third son. Preceding the lodge meeting at the I. O. O.i F. hall Tuesday night members of the Rebekah lodge served the I regular monthly din ner with Ira Cruson, Laura Hein rich, Maria Bobesh, Lizzie Em ery, Ida Kirk and Ava MacMiUan, committee on dinner and arrange ments. , History of Polk County Will Be Theme For Club In Ellendale Community ELLENDALE, March 25 The Ellendale Woman's club held, a covered dish dinner at the home of Mrs. Forest Martin Wednes day. Ten members and one guest, Mrs. Ed Steele, enjoyed the af fair. They quilted for Mrs. Mar tin during i the business with Mrs. Ouia Smith in charge. The group plans to conduct a study class on the history of Polk coun ty and the j immediate surround ings. 1 Mr. and i Mrs. Jom McGarvey of Poroka. Alberta. Canada, sur prised their oid neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. McFet ridge,' Tuesday by dropping in for a few days' visit on their way home, from wintering. Brown Critically 111 ROBERTS, March 25 C. W. Brown, who is suffering from a stroke, is seriously ill at his home. i THE nOUSE OF BARGAINS 265 N.Liberty Gof fee oaeoini Vegetables Always Cheaper at Cross Market Grangers' News RICKREALL, March 25. The first, and second degrees of the grange will be conferred upon number of candidates by the Rick- reall women's degree team Friday night at the regular meeting. The third of the series of dan ces sponsored by the grange will be given Saturday, March 27, and will be a "hard times" costume at fair. LIBERTY, March 25. The Red Hills grange met Tuesday night and plans for the grange fair to be held next fall were discussed. A program with a theme of Easter, presented by Mrs. Grant Teter, was: prelude, piano, Mrs. Joy Turner Moses; song by grange; Easter message and pray er, P. G. Judd, chaplain; reading, "The Touch of the M a s t e r's Hand," Mrs. E. O. Beckley; gut tar solo, V. Ballantyne; the grange ritual and holy writ, W. R Dallas; reading and tableau "At Eventide," Mildred Zosel and Mrs R. L. ForBter; song by the grange. Salt Creek Pastor and Quartet Give Program; Villwock on Zink Farm SALT CREEK. March 1 25 Rev. G. Neumann was in charge of the German Baptist services broadcast over KWJJ Sunday afternoon. A girls' quartet ac companied him to Portland to furnish the music for the pro gram. They were Arlene and Mildred Voth, Mildred and Vi ola Schneider and Mrs. Norman Classen as accompanist. William Villwock has rented the Adolf Zink farm this year and is busy now with several bovs pruning the orchard and getting ready for spring cultiva tion. , - Daughter to Palmers UNIONVALE, March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Palmer are the parents of a daughter born Tues day. March 23 at the E street hos pital in McMInnville. Phone 4134 ,1b. ctn. Flats ea. Yi or Whole lb. ;23c IBt 7 c 25c The best in Chickens and hens. Cross quality and Cross prices. Smashed. VWT7asa I'M GrOMMA HAVE A CHOC'LATC SODA WITHOUT THE CHOC'UATE FLAVOR! Creating it was a A finer bread Each loaf's fresh The answer every time is "Yes I Our bread has this bold guarantee You like it better or you "eat free I" For goodness sake, give it a trial See how. its flavor makes you smile I fwn for boys and girls I Cut out color "Lltflo Folks" drawings start a scrapbookl r I NEVER-MISS X Ci) f 'A-is L MaU Carrier Has Travels Extended GRAND ISLAND, March 2B Harry Gray, Dayton mall carrier in this district, has had his route -extended several miles and 'is now carrying the mall as tar a the Roy Stoutenberg farm near the lower end of the island and also on the loop road near the head of the Island where he serves the ' George Asher, Merlin Harding. William Taylor and sev eral other families. "... - Roy E. Will had ' the small bone - between the elbow and wrist, in his right -arm. broken recently when 'he was kicked by a eow. '"- - i " The Mothers' Circle club pre sented its' annual benefit ' pro gram at the school house Satur day night before an overcrowd ed and appreciative audience. Net proceeds were -. more than $50. ' . Lockwood of State Game Commission to Give Talk MOUNTAIN VIEW, March 25 Charles Lockwood of the state game commission- will furnish the program for the PTA meet lag Friday night, showing 'films of Oregon wild life. " Mrs. Prudence Boufflur is in Salem general hospital where she was taken i Monday following a paralytic stroke. She Is reported slightly Improved. H' . : KN1G-HT PRESENTS " . J j Ssj .H)r:- J J WHAT IF I THEY DON'T J HAVE ) woman's task you could not ask I you need not guess 41 Installation of Equipment Starts : In Amity's Dehydrjatiqn Plant in Preparation for Big! Year on Fruit . AMITY, March 25 Equipment is beginning to be Installed In the dehydration plant Just south of town for Amity's cannery which will be in operation for this sea son's fruit. - . - v W. R. Osborne, - the owner of the plant Is having a heavy duty Universal fruit grader built with a capacity of from 4 to 5 tqns of fruit per hour. Tills grader la of the new type construction and operates with a flood of clean wa ter at all times to carry the fruit over the riddles.- . This added water feature ;wlll permit the grading of soft fruits such as loganberries, raspberries and strawberries without the dan ger of breaking down, the fruit. Osborne was in. Seattle and Ever ett this week to complete the pur chase of other new equipment, consisting of exhaust boxes, and a No, 10 cooker and cooler. For the preparation - and cook room this plant has 10.000 square feet, of floor space and the -'new ware house built in 1935 with 17,500 square feet of floor space -will be used for storage and warehouse purposes." , -i, V" Plan Pig Pack Prunes Major operations for the first year .will be prunes with a limit ed pack of cherries and berries. Other lines such as pears, apples and vegetables will be added as the growth - of the business and market will demand. Present in tHEN ( I'LL ORDER y ( WITHOUT j V. WHAT'S more: simple THAT? stallation will permit of a pack of about 125,000 cases. . Osborne has faith in the fruit Industry of this locality and pio neered In the dehydrating bus ings here. His first venture was in 1 191 8 1 when he constructed - a prune dryer here. Coincident with this establishment of his business hete; he! planted a 15-acre prune orchard land in 1927 his second dryer was built with a capacity of 1 2 0-. boxes of fruit dally, In 1928 this building was enlarged and. the. output doubled.' Osborne has Local Manager Wan f ed Well-rated manufacturer f proven and profitable business No selling or canvassing. Should pay up to SIOO.OO with opportunity to Increase to $300 and up. f 1200 re quired which Is protected, secured and returnable. Can be handled in spare time to start. Lady business executive could qualify for this position. References required. Address Statesman box 108 for personal interview with District Manager, giving address and telephone number. JOS about' OUUA LEE WRIGHT'S BREAD IT'S , EV'RY DAY FRESH! LrT -JT - . At your f. f! neighb oihood I' ' SAFEWAY also pioneered In walnut drying bleaching and grading. " Nebraska Group Visits rAt Miller Home While Lookins For Location - UNIONTALE, Marca 24 Ira Horner and son Qeorge Horner and their friend Arthur Horntr of Dorchester and Beaver Cros sing, Nebr., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.- D. C. Miller. Ira Hor ner is an uncle and George a cousin of Mrs. Miller. They have disposed or iaeir neui Hr erty and will locate, on tbe Pacific-coast. They were neighbors when Mr. and Mrs. Ml ler resid ed n Nebraska. wants reliable man to handle - In this territory. - to S200.00 monthly to start. I'M GLAD GETTIrA' FRESH GrRArV TASTIrA' BREAD IS MORE SIMPLE! :im rV YOU Picwr mi-r 58 a W