PAGE THIRTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morulas, March 26, 1937 Household Details Of Mexican Home Are Recalled MISS LAURA A- MILLER, pro fessor of home . economics at the University of Oklahoma, Tin ned Mexico recently with her eyes .open to household details of that country. Sh- brought back a good many interesting: facts about life in Mexican homes. She says: "In contract to. the ultra-modern homes found in parts of 5fx ico City which are. similar to m.t American modernistic buildings, are found small: huts made of adobe or cactus without chim neys or windows. "Looking at a house where peo- pie of comfortable incomes live. one sees only a wall with a few barred windows, but once inside the door a large or small patio is found with all the rooms open ing Into it. "Thus, the whole structure is built around one unit. Iron bars at windows decorate the sides of the narrow streets where cars travel at a terrifie speed. In these streets axe found much of the social hie of the Mexican. Sits Apart "Different also is the social life and food of a natire of Mexico," says Miss Miller. "The head of a house sits apart from the rest of the family at meal time. In case of the death of the father, the old eat son assumes the responsibility and takes his meals at a separate table. - In regions where poverty is evi dent, labor is done by human beasts. Common Is the scene of huge burdens being carried on human backs. Desks, liring room furniture, and large baskets of unwrapped breads are transported by men and women alike, for the woman works side by Bide with the man. Everybody is a small merchant, for all of the commun ities have a market at which any- . thing is sold from needles and pins " to geese and ducks. Cooking Is Hot "The 'tortilla or cakes made of corn, is the national bread. One can hear these being made .at any time of the day, as they are Pat ted out by hand. The corn ts ground on a stone by hand, mixed "with water, patted Into shape, cooked on a fire, much as our griddle cakes, and sold right there in the street. Mexican food is al ways greasy and hot in flavor. "Mexico may be an adjoining country in terms of miles, but it Is entirely foreign in its mode of living. Any American would bet ter understand his own nation, as well as Mexico, by a visit to that nearby foreign land, and would also profit much by the exper iences which would be his durlnr the Journey." RICE O'NEIL'S i I I 51 V mm- TL 1 -V f llll I SELBJS RXy j Choose PEDO'S $6 M enu Fresh halibut again comes In to Salem markets, so let's plan our Friday meal around this de licious . fish, f : i I jellied orange salad .Fruit dressing! Halibut with fresh vegetables Boiled potatoes I . Fresh artichokes f Boiled raisin cake ; Canned peaches: .. HALIBUT WITH VEGETABLES ! Put a generous piece of but- ter In a skillet, or use olive oIL Fry until clear but not brown, some onions including the tons. sliced celery, pape-thin slices of carrot, some , chopped : parsley and any otber vegetable the cooler yields. Carefully ; lay the sliced halibut on the vegetables, add water enough to about half cover the fish, cover and sim mer gently until done. jA hand ful of mixed pickling spices or the addition of bayleaf and a dove of garlic greatly;! add to the flaror of this dish;1 Season wtih salt and pepper. 1; ' i Spring Planting Wild Flowers : Begins Soon I COMES the time every spring, when amateur gardeners, in spired by dainty blooming wild flowers, set about to trans plant them from their natural habitat, to a garden in town. Com paratively few ever survive to bloom again j next year. ! ' Several reasons are possible for the cause of failure j to suc cessfully transplant wild I flowers and trees; they are usually dug when the flower is in bloom; the plant or shrub is too large; in sufficient care is given after mov ing; change in soil and growing conditions varies too greatly from that natural to the plants.. The grower who successfully moves wild plants is to be con gratulated. But those thousands of well meaning but unsuccessful transplanters have done a grand job of clearing our nearby woods and fields of wild flowers and shrubs. i Preservation Plans Wild flower preservation socie ties have been organized! in the past few years to Increase interest in native plants, and to urge their growing from seeds and cuttings rather than by digging. - Commercial nurseries are offer ing more and more variety in seeds of native plants. Your nurs eryman can suggest many that will lend themselves nicely to naturalized planting and go well with the real natives that are al ready in growth in the garden. Today It's PRICE'S for Smart Easter Styles .85 to Menu Card Yields Ideas for Home Bill of Fare ;. OFTENTIMES the menu '" card from some favorite eating place will offer many suggestions for daily home meals. Such a bill of fare is that which has been saved since 1930 from "Cambor'a scientific cooking" In Denver. There are many Inspira tions for salads, sandwiches and desserts, but arrangement Is left up to the Individual who makes 'be dishes. J Among ine eaiaa comomaiions listed are: Figs, prunes and cottage cheese. . Beets and nuts. Stuffed tomatoes with cabbage, nuts and mayonnaise. Lettuce, tomatoes, dried olives (we call them Greek olives) goat's cheese (use Swiss or American). Oriental salad-lettuce, cucum bers, green onions, green peppers, olives, goat's cheese, olive oil and lemon. i Fruit and vegetable combina tion. Date and cottage cheese. Carrots and cocoanut. Grapefruit salad with orange sauce and nuts. Desserts use fruits and include such combinations as: Stewed fresh rhubarb with honey. Date-nut cup custard. Pineapple and pears. Sandwiches include several combinations using goats cheese: Date, nut, marmalade combina tion. Olives, nuts. Cottage cheese, nuts. . , Carrots and dates. . Crab loaf sandwich on whole wheat bread, with fresh mushroom sauce. . Only women were permitted to bake brea din Syria in the fifth century since men were not con sidered worthy to be entrusted with the making of an important food. Among the Redouin Arabs it is regarded as a serious breach of etiquette to pass a man's tent without stopping to eat his bread. Serving the whole main course on one large platter Is a plan that's received with pleasure by the family dishwasher. One of, those large pottery plates will hold the roast, baked or browned potatoes, onions and root vegeta bles and If the foods are arranged In groups, the dish makes an at-, tractive whole course. Chop parsley, let it dry on ab sorbent paper and use as a gar nish for foods. Parsley is good flavor for such moist foods as soup or gravy, and the dried herb fluffs and brightens up on touch ing the liquid. The very newest in footwear to har monize with your Easter clothes. Brilliant colors, flattering designs, smartly styled patterns make these ; shoes every bit as important as your new Easter bonnet. You'll be a real ! standout in the Easter parade with any of these attractive models. our A profusion of bright, vibrant! Spring shades s including! Black, Blue, Grey, Brown ; and Wine. Gay, Dressy Models lhe latest, most thrilling versions -open-sided sandals, hi-cut ox fords,1 port-hole perforations, step in styles, distinctive broadstrapt and pumps. .00 r Main Dish Includes ,s StmnlA Inm-AimtM . a t ! One of the simplest and most satisfactory ways possible to give style and flavor to casseroles, sal- ads and vegetable dishes la to add either ripe or green olives. Appe- tlte appeal Is boosted away up when the dish Is garnished with olives. Thls recine for carrot, la a rood 1- - " example of a way to make a per- fectly grand dish out of simple Ingredients. The cheese added la not enough to make the dish a meat substitute. s RIPE OLIVES AND CARROTS ESPAXOLE 10 cooked medium sized carrots M cup oil . I 1 small clove garlic 1 cup sliced onion 1 teeaIloon,rVrcestershlre sauce H teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chill powder 3 cups cooked tomatoes 1 cup ripe olives Vt cup grated American cheese Heat oil. add minced garlic and onion, and fry until onion Is wilt ed. Combine paprika. Worcester shire sauce, salt, chill powder and sufficient tomato Juice to moisten, and stir until smooth. Add toma toes and ripe olives and blend, riace carrots in an oiled casserole, add the tomato mixture and sprin kle grated cheese over top. Bake Pm Look the Part CC T S j Easter Morn J ' y JjU mm mmmm mmt mm i m . r mmt m m.w m9m m s m w-m. m m Mk m - m A r- Here. Value for You! Fcfhioned AuttMe -Tit Smart FUJR FELTS For men seeking styles as new as tomorrow, pint economy, we offer a complete range of bats in the newest shades and There's one to fit OCrtzrdjr Fabrics! rtsw TAILORED DT ' t .t l I T0V7IICIAD jr,;;v-- V Sacks! f lAnexclusTre" fabric,' Inspired by the ragged hand loomed woolens found deep In the home-tpunf i country! Their durability is proved . . . TOWN CLAJstyllng Is known! 37s smartest sport mod els r-j-Ttallored to gire you lasting satisfaction! ftJKir(JL?uL nd regetablea are heated through. Serves Woodem bowl of rariovs slaw do for salads and hot dishes. Just plain kitchen variety In the very small else makes -a dish to hold the luncheon salad mixture, lar- ter ones will hold enough for the whole family. A' plain wooden fork and spoon set Is. handy for serr- a Jng. . , A nice earring set Is a, good wedding present and also an annt- rersary present If the couple hasn't a good one already. Some times those on hand are either too large or too small and a dlf- ferent site wonld be appreciated, i FolIoVY Vicks PlOfl TOT When Colds THREATEN. VICKS VA-TRO-NOl Helps Prevent Many Colds 53 shapes! Plain or welt edges! your head AND personality! t t B. n A-tn. Am Pimm mrh Virk Packnr : II iin.i Lj o n:. Phnn 71fifi II T ".a : ill tr.i t 'XT' : r . Cinnamon Toast Has New Dress For Spring - - . . - ....... -r . - EYtZSf dear old cinnamon toast has gone modern, so try this over on your brown or whit bread! .V" Sk," o-.". Cut a loaf of fresh bread length- wwo evai vsaiu mm yvDotmoi oyivwi . . h tt nd . mlltnrB of efn- namon and sugar to which has been added enough .evaporated milk to make It sticky. Now roll the bread slice up like a Jelly roll and leave until ready to serve, (Should he wrapped in a cloth or waxed paper.) Then slice, not too thin, and toast In the oven. Better Control of Cold? If a Cold STRIKES... VICKS VAPORU3 Helps End a Cold Quicker Carefully tailored panties with elastic or fitted tops. Neatly embroidered or lace trimmed. WEEKEND Tri w omen s 3 I Maaa ! mm I .... asm Tin Liiixi imocicrv oa 1 A IfiiT The season's newest, smartest! handbag XSfTll will complete your Easter ensemble fl f "Water-spot-proof and lOUU Women's Cynthia-Arch Combination Oxfords A . combination of comfort ' and smart ness makes them out standing at this low Designed for price. women who e n j o y walking and up-to-the-minute style. pair Iwhem the bread Is arranged ta Contrasting colors la aapkfna the! oven, lay -close together a aB clothe give life to table set to, neat won't' unroll the trips. tl aad offe, anjBICBse for using Other sandwich rolls may be toast- tv.t exactly edtoo.end they make delicious dishes that may not exactly refreshments for evening. match. - Easter Lilies . . . lirtistically Trimmed OLSON, Hosiery JTareoJ Chiff, Exouisite creoe Carmodes of first aualitr silk. Newest Spring colors. Sizes 8 to 10. FEATURE -Lio Handbags water-repel- sj i GUnbrook Ftaklotul To X7eax All Pay, Long ) spnniG GUHTG 10.90 '. "! ! r ;. Jl' Srytes for every day time eoeasioal There nothing as' fresh and mart for Spring as a SUTTt A host of loVejy styles j te choose from man tailored, swagger, tunic, topper, liens wear flannels and tweeds! Size 12-44. . f !, i ' Our Own Grmvn Place Your Order Early FLORIST Easy to Wear I Fine Strarc AustelU Fashion Exciting new shapes' that, are very different and so becom ing! Smooth straws, roagh straws and shiny straws, at-' tractively trimmed in the sea- son's smartest manner. FAsnxcn CAYS I M Few Vnnxmal, Cxdaj DHECGDC Soft, flattering colors! Kir style dresses with interest ing trimming details! Add to this a tmm ,aality crp aad yo nave a wondarfol valael -Uses 12 te 441 c rLA g.9C 57 The PRICE SHOE CO. 135 N. LIBERTY ST.