The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1937, Page 12, Image 12

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    PAGE TWELVE j I ! OREGON STATESMAN, Salemi Oregon, Friday Morning, Marclt 26, 1937 l ' ; -.r- i-" " -
society ,.ciubs pws aBd Featares of Interest to Women Hcmkfalg ;
:-.:i--.';:Music:'-; - . ; i. r: --v-i ;:' : . ; -.v. r , i: 1 Styles.. Food
: : ' -, ' J ' - MARINE BUREN Women't Editor j - , ! J -.
Miss Ethel Cutler
Y.W. Secretary
Arrives Today
MISS Ethel Cutler, of New
York, national secretary of
the T. W. C. A., will arrive
In the capital this morning to be
the guest of Salem and the local
Y. W. nntll next Tuesday. An In
teresting schedule has been ar
ranged for Miss Cutler during her
stay in the capital.
She will be In conference with
Mrs. Elixabeth Gallaher. local sec
retary, this morning and at noon
she will be the guest speaker at
the Lenten service at the Elsinore
heatre. Early this afternoon Miss
Sutler will have conferences with
Mrs- A. M. ' Chapman, president
of the Y. W. C. A. executive board
and later will meet with members
of the personnel committee In
cluding Mrs. L. O. Clement, Miss
Elizabeth Putnam, Mrs. A- M.
Chapman and Mrs. Elizabeth Gal
laher.. At 5:30 p. m. Miss Cutler
' will speak before the W. P. A.
sewing women with Mrs. . I. L.
Darby as acting chairman. . -:
To Speak at Willamette
On Sunday Miss Cutler will ap
pear at two places; first as speak
er at the Leslie Methodist Young
People's meeting and at the Che
mawa Y. M. and Y. W. meeting.
Miss Cutler- will speak before
the Willamette university .stu
dents Monday morning at the
chapel hour. Mrs. David Bennett
Hill, will entertain at luncheon
Monday noon for the pleasure of
Miss Cutler. Guests will be mem
bers of the local Y. W. C. A. girls
work committee. Those bidden are
Miss Cutler, Mrs. A. M. Chapman,
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher, Mrs. Silas
Gaiser, Mrs. E. B. Daugherty, Mrs.
Frank Spears, Mrs. -Fred Stump,
ilrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. H. G.
Maison, Mrs. C. C. Higgins, Mrs.
H. C Jocklmsen, Mrs. A. F. Hayes
and Mrs. Hill.
On Monday and Tuesday after
noons Miss Cutler will hold con
ferences at Willamette university
with cabinet members of the cam
pus Y. M. and Y. W.
One of the largest affairs to
compliment the visitor will be
the community dinner given by
- the Y. W. C. A. at the Y. M. C. A.
Monday night. All interested
townspeople are cordially invited.
Business and industrial clubs will,
be represented as will the Wil
lamette organizations.
Community Dinner
Miss Cutler will talk informal
ly on the interpretation of the
Y. W. C. A. Miss Doris Clarke will
lead group singing and Miss Kath
ryn Smullin will sing several solos.
Reservations may be made for the
dinner by calling the Y. W- or
Mrs. B.. E. Sisson. Those making
arrangements for the affair are
Mrs. Ronald Frizzell, chairman,
Mrs. Linn i?urvine. Mrs. William
Basick, Mrs. Milton L. Meyers,
Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mrs. Percy
. R. Kelly. Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs.
George Hug and Miss Mary Rey
nolds. Miss Cutler'will be present for
the Y. W. board meeting Tuesday
morning at ten o'clock.
Woman's Club Meet
Is Scheduled
The regular . meeting of the
Salem Woman's club will be held
Saturday afternoon with Mrs. I.
M. - Schannep. presiding. An in
teresting program will be pre
sented. Mrs. F. A. Elliott will
read "History of the Elizabeth
Ian Period" and Mrs. J. M. Dev
rs will read "Elizabeth. The,
Queen," by Maxwell. Anderson.
Assisting on the program will
be Mrs. F. M. Lodbell. Mrs.
Glenn S. Paxson, Mrs. Kenneth
Murdock and Mrs. Milo Rasmus
. sen.
Delegates will be elected at
this meeting to the Marion coun
ty convention to be held in Sll
erton April 23. Mrs. George
Lewis is chairman of the tea
.hour which will follow the meet
ing. '
5 1... Several members of the Will
lng Workers class of the First
Christian church spent an after
noon of sewing at the home of
Mrs. Frank Haynes. 1060 Jeffer
son street yesterday. Tea was
served to Mrs. Grace Cox, Mrs.
Mark Ellis. Mrs. Fay Humph
rey, Mrs. Alice Isted, Mrs. Ava
j Lind and Mrs. Haynes.
daughter of William May of Ku-a-ene,
who has been making her
1 home with Dr. and Mrs. Henry E.
Morris of Salem, will become the
bride of Paul C. Johnston, son of
Mr. and. Mrs. Louis D. Johnston of
Roberts, Easter Sunday at t
o'clock at the home of Rev. Dean
C. Poindexter. in the presence of
Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Morris, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis p. Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. Prentice Church, Miss
Mildred - Cordon, and Wilmer
Lamb.- ;
The bride will wear a floor
length princess style dress of pow
der blue lace over a blue silk slip,
and silver slippers, She will wear
sr corsage of blue and white hya
cinth. After a brief honeymoon in
southern Oregon, they will be
home to their friends at Roberts.
will be that of Bernard K. Nash
of Macleay and Shirley Bairey of
South Dakota, which will be sol
emnized at the St. Joseph's Cath
olic church in Salem Monday
morning at S o'clock, the Rev. T.
v J. Bernard officiating.
A reception and dance for the
young couple will be held Monday
night in the St. Joseph's auditor
lam ' to which all friends of the
family are invited.
. '
given in honor of Mrs. Clifford
Stnhr at Sublimity Sunday, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Hafner. In the evening,
friends gathered to surprise her.
. - k : --In" the ' Valley . Social Realm
: - i
- Friday, March 2d
Women's Bible class of First
Methodist church meet in Car
rier room, -2:15 p.m. Junior
aides with Mrs. J. H. Brady.
765 E street. 2 p.m. I ;
The N.A.L.C. auxiliary meets
with Mrs. Roy Yonng, 8S
North 21st street, 2 p.m.
Junior Aid of the American
Legion auxiliary, with Mrs. J.
H. Brody, 765 E street, 2 p.m.
Daughters of -Union Veterans
of the Civil War. Barbara
Frietchie Tent No. 8. with Mrs.
Kathryn Brown, 143 South
13th street, 8 p.m. j
Three Links club, in club
rooms of I.O.O.F. hall, 2:30
p.m. '
German program, Y.M.C.A.,
8 o'clock.
Monday, March 29
Juniorettes, American Leg
ion auxiliary, with Janet and
Jean Meyers, North 24th street.
Reunion Dinner at
Edwards Home !
Last Night I
A GROUP of young matrons and
maids met at the home of Mrs.
Norval Edwards on West Miller
street last night for a no-host re
union dinner. This was the first
meeting of the group since they
were in high school. The evening
was spent Informally j and spring
flowers decorated the rooms. ; j
Those bidden were! Miss Merle
Thatcher, Miss Constance Krebs,;
Miss Dorothy Krebs, 1 Miss Joyce
Anderson, Mrs. Lawrence Ander
son, Mrs. Fred Wolf, Mrs. Max Al
len, Mrs. Loring Grier, Mrs. How
ard Mills, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrsj
Lowell Gribble, Eugene, Mrs.:
Glenn Dolan, MarsMield, Mrs.
Harvey Thomas, Portland, and
Mrs. Norval Edwards.!
Sacred Concert at
Church Tonight!
The concert to be given at the
American Lutheran i church to
night at 8 o'clock will be under
the direction of Prof.!E. W. Hob
son with Mrs. Kenneth Rich and
Miss Ruth Bedford as accompan
ists. , j j;
The program lists the follow
ing: Incidental solo, Ilirk, Hark, Mv Soul
Mr. J. A. Shoelaeth
Were Too There j . Burleigh
Male chorus
Steal Awt - Burleigh
Miss Franeea Kelson
Lead Kindly Llgjht .
Male chorus
Int the "Woods Mj Master Went.
Miss Mildred Chadwick i
There Is A Green Hill Far Awsy .Jeukrns
mil uearord and chorus
Hallway Needs New
Decorations j
First impressions make a great
deal of difference in like or dis
like personalities, and the front
hall is Just as important to a
newcomer's appreciation of your
home. The hall Is often used as a
storage space for ! umbrellas,
coats and hats, but by a little
study Is transformed Into a
pleasant room, in which to make
your first good Impression.
Mirrors help a good deal to
lighten up the front hall, even
when there isn't room for one
of the nice new small tables
that look so attractive In such
a room. . t
Friends Gather at
Cheffings Home
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cheffings
invited a group of their friends
for a pre-Easter party at their
home Friday night. Five hun
dred was in play and later re
freshments Were served. Easter
decorations and favors were used
on the serving table. I
Those present wers Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon. McAllister and Mr.
and Mrs. L. fir. Keens of Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mader and
sons. Howard and Donald of
Macleav and Mr.- and ir. w
. -. ... . V. ...
C. Cheffings and Sons, Wesley
anu cawin. .
HOSTS AT THm TCiir ino
ROAD home Sunday for a family
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Glaze who entertained for her
brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Brand of near Silver
ton, who returned recently from
a winter In California. The guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Brand, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Buckner and son Vernon, Mr. and
Mrs. John Rutherford and son
Stanley, Mrs. Alta Etter. Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Etter, Mr.' and Mrs. El
ton Riley and children Marjorle
and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Glaze, Mrs. John Knight, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Willis Poole.
Willard Glaze and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Glaze. 1 j
given for Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Dea
ver Sunday afternoon at their
home south of Amity In honor of
their 42nd wedding anniversary.
Those present were Rev. and Mrs.
C. G. Movis, Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. E. WaddelL
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Abraham. Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Patty, Mr. and Mrs.'
Henry Jones, Mrs. Lee McKee and
children. Violet and Lyle. Miss
Bertha Munkers, Miss Mary Mc
Gowan and A. J. McGowan.
-..- (;
AT GERVAIS, 10 tables of BOO
were in play at the community
club party held Tuesday night at
the high school auditorium. High
scores were made by Mrs. Albert
Girod and P. W. Seely and second
high by Mrs. S. D. Manning and-
Albert uarxs
Informal Party to
Honor Wilsons
This Evening r
DR. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Wa
ters will be hosts for an In
formal party tonight at their
! home , on East Nob Hill for the
pleasure of Lt. and Mrs. Ralph -vWilson
of Vallejo. Calif. The Wil
sons are former Salem residents
and are the house guests this
week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neer.
Intimate friends of the couple
have been bidden to the affair.
Bridge will be in play during
the evening and later Lt. Wilson
will show some motion pictures
which he has taken In California.
Supper will be served by the
hostess and an orchid and yellow
deeorative scheme will be used In
the arrangements.
Bidden to greet Lt. and Mrs.
Wilson are Mr. and Mrs. George
Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner
Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. George-R. K. Moor
head, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shafer,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waters and
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters:
"Aladdin" Successfully
Performed Thursday
The Scott marionettes per
formed before several hundred
school children and grown-ups
at Leslie auditorium both yester
day afternoon and evening. .
"Aladdin" was the story play
ed by these famous marionettes
who performed their parts with
excellent interpretation and fine
feeling (as the critics say). The
play lent Itself particularly well
to such a performance, because
it was possible by clever mani
pulation, to produce such magic
as a genie with red mouth and
green eyes and a full course din
ner, which fades into remains
of a carcass of fowl before the
eyes of the audience.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott
have appeared with their marion
ette show on several other oc
casions in Salem and have charm
ed their Juvenile as well as adult
audiences with such classics as
"Goldilocks." and "King Midas."
Yesterday's performances were
for the benefit of the Leslie
Junior high school Girls' league.
Phelans Hosts to
Card Cluh
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Phelan
entertained their card club at
their home in Aumsville with an
attractive St. Patrick's party and
the same motif was used. In the
Prizes for bridge went to Guy
Harris and Howard Harris. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Will
Forgey, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Har
ris, and Howard and Rex Har
ris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hane, and
Neva, Mr. and Mrs W. C. Cheff
ings of Salem, Mr and Mrs. Phe
lan and Robert Phelan.
Eclesia Club Enjoys
Costume Party
Members of the Eclesia club
enjoyed a hilarious "kid party"
on Wednesday night when they
gathered at the home of Miss
Leolyn Barnett to honor Miss
Charlote Horning.
Miss Blanche Gibson assisted
the hostess. Those present were
Misses Gertrude Cheney, Irene
Windsor, Irene DeLisle, Adelyn
Rocks, Ruby Welderuhr, Edna
McElhlnney, Helen Reid. Esther
Erlcksen, Dorothy Middleton.
Verda Olmstead, Velma Romin
ger, Blanche Gibson, Charlotte
Horning and Leolyn Barnett.
Dinner Party at
Chittick Home
Mr. and Sirs. A. Chittick were
hosts at dinner In their Lee
street home en Wednesday. Sev
eral out-of-town guests were in
attendance. '
Those who gathered to enjoy
the dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.
Cedl Bowers, Mrs. C. E. Rush
of Gates, Mrs Fred Jorgenson of
Talbot, and Mr. and Mrs. Chit
SARY of Miss Zella Hughes of
Dallas was the Inspiration for a
Party given In her honor by Dr.
and Mrs. H. D. Peterson at their
home Tuesday night.
Four tables of "500" were la
play with high score awards held
by Mrs. Sylvester Brlce and Dr.
W. V. Adams. Consolation prizes
were given Mrs. W. V. Adams
and Glen Howard. A buffet supper
was served.
Guests bidden were Mr. and
Mrs. L. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Pres
ton Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brlce,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kreft. Mr. and
Mrs. G. Howard, Dr. and Mrs. W.
V. Adams, Miss Peggy Miltonber
ger. Miss Nona Mendenhall, Miss
Zella Hughes, Al Koch, Robert
Ballad of MeMlnnvllle and the
hosts. Dr. and Mrs. Peterson.
GENE BECKMAN, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alhert Beckman enter
tained a group of friends at his
home In Woodburn Wednesday
afternoon In honor of his 10th
birthday. The afternoon was spent
in playing games after which re
freshments were served ; by Mrs.
Beckman assisted by Mrs. Walter
Miller. Present were Allen Lacey,
Bruce Nelson, Tommy Engle, Jun
ior Miller, Rodney Mills, Richard
Kennen, Betty Lou Beckman and
the honor guest. Gene Beckman.
Ada Stewart will entertain the
West Stayton Birthday . club ' at
Mrs. Snlder's home at the next
meeting. ; i .
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" Sr. v ;
This rug is terribly dusty. We'll have to have another vacuum
cleaner demonstration soon.'
Taking advantage of good service in the well wearing navy and
white fashion. Spruce is the word for her smart, two-piece frock
with its snowy pique collar and leaf green zipper. Nice curves on
peplum and skirt; the latter conceals a pleat. Besides being a spe
cial attraction, those tucks make for proper fit in sleeves which are
cut all in one with the dress. Slotted pockets match the trim stitch
ing which parallels the seams. Copyright 1937, Esquire Features,
Zontians Meet at
Golden Pheasant
MEMBERS of the Zonta club
met for an Interesting meeting
yesterday noon' at the Golden
Pheasant. The table was centered
with a bouquet of Japanese quince
and daffodils. Mrs. Ivan Stewart
sang several numbers for the plea
sure of the group.
Further plans were made for
the district conference of Zonta
International which will be held
In Portland April 10 and 11 at
the Hotel Benson. Several of t&e
Salem group are planning to at
tend the conference.
Those present at the luncheon
were Miss Hazel Cook, Miss Kath
ryn Gunnell, Miss Helen Louise
Crosby, Miss Mabel Savage, Miss
Helen Barrett, Miss Nellie
Schwab, Miss Helen Yockey, Miss
Lillian McDonald, Miss Dorothy
Pearce, Dr. Helen Pearce, Dr.
Marion Follis, Mrs. Ora F. Mcln
tyre, Mrs. Winifred Herrick, Mrs.
Roberta Butler, Mrs. Margaret
Rosecrans and Mrs. Ivan Stewart.
Mrs. Morgan Hostess
To Agenda Club
Mrs. C. J. Morgan entertain
ed members of the Agenda club
with a delightful dessert lunch
eon on Wednesday. The Easter
motif was used on the table and
about the rooms.
Those attending the affair were
fy&ti oojt t fit tlu
If You've liked Them for Their,
Comforte Now You'll Love Them
for Their Style!
Beautiful new models in all the
New Spring Fabrics ... Come in
for your pair today!
Exclusively tit
." 125 N. Commercial
Mrs. Elmer Berg Is
Bridge Hostess
On Thursday
MRS. ELMER BERG entertain
ed with a smartly arranged
affair yesterday afternoon at her
home on Center street in compli
ment to members of her contract
club and a number of additional
guests. A dessert luncheon was
served by the hostess and tables
for bridge were in play during
the afternoon. The Easter motif
was used In the decorations with
attractive arrangements of daffo
dils on the tables.
Honors for cards went to Mrs.
Russell Pratt and Mrs. Ralph
Eggstaff. Special guests for the
afternoon were Mrs. Kenneth
Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ralph Wirth,
Mrs. Russell Pratt, Mrs. John Bag
ley, sr., Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr.,
Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. William
Wymer and Mrs. D. A. Emerson.
Club members present were
Mrs. Roy Stewart. Mrs. Albert Co
hen, Mrs. Paul Morse, Mrs. H. R.
Robinson, Mrs. Kenneth Murdock,
Mrs. John Bagley, Jr., Mrs. Ralph
Eggstaff and Mrs. Berg.
Mrs. Myron Butler, Mrs. Glen
Shedeck, Mrs. Norval Hlrons,
Mrs. Frank Hrubetz. Jr.. Mrs.
Harry Savage. Mrs. Don Patton,
Mrs. Galen Elddall, Mrs. Harry
Lummis and Mrs. Morgan, the
The group will meet again In
a fortnight at the home of Mrs.
Patton, 1S40 Baker street.
mcU tut lls
Future Farmers Serve
Banquet Wednesday
The Salem chapter of the Fu
ture Farmers held Its third an
nual banquet , Wednesday . night
at the First Presbyterian church
honoring fathers and mothers.
The club orchestra played sev
eral selections and the invocation-
was given by Dr. Grover
.Birtchet, President John Gard-
m - - a.
jml- $i2-95,
f-.4. ! L Xj
. I l . U I WV-L is ! i -
Spring Coats . ...
It's time to don a bright new S
we mean Spring coats with no
cate their winter garment for 1
this is a season of many change
reverse, box backs,
Beige . . . a very popular shads
. and tans.
Spring Suit;
A jauntily tailored suit will dominate the Easter Parade! Nowhere will:
one find a better selection of really; well-tailored suits as at Millera, Your
choice of Araby brown, lead ajid oxford greys, navy, beige, etc
and Leland i Rytler was toast-
master. jj j j
Corydon Blodgett was awarded
his letter f or J winning the pnblle
speaking contest 'early In March,
James Thompson; gave a talk on
"What the jFuture Farmers of
America Means To TJs" and a re
port, of the chapter's progress the
past year was given by James
Smart. Russel . Adams ; gave an
address. -!-; I i
- --nip !1
tV''lli -i
"janet drury
m) -yz
Frocks by "Janet Drury" are different:
. . . distinctively vbo! That's why you
should try on a "Janet Drury" dress and
see for yourself the extra smartness one
may achieve with frocks that bear a na-'
tlonal reputation for fashion correct
ness. Such shades as aqua, rose quartz,
flame rose, lead grey, etc., are positive
ly stunning 2nd floor dress shop.
Vou will marvel at
declare; them made in the most expert manner
wlren you see these new Snyderknit frocks and
suits. Mexican colors in plain or mixed. Beige,
white, ; hyacinth blues," rose, thistle, British tan,
navy and many others. Make sure your sportwear
bears the SNYDERKNIT LABEL! 2nd floor.
bring coat! And when we say Spring coats
(compromise. So often one will nearly dupli-
the bright! new season that follows ... but.
new lines, extreme princess, then the
belted models
, jetc. Colors, too,
smokey blues
structor. Introduced the guests
that were present including W
W. Chadwick, presidents and ad-
visors of Amity and SUverton
chapters of F. F., Walter Leth,
Bill Thomas, Mrs. A. N. Fulker
son, Fred Wolfe, Earl Cooler.
Silas Gaiser, Earl Snell. Mr. and
Mrs. Savage, Mr. Neptune, Mr.
Bradfield, Mr. John Dosh. Mrs.
Russell Adams. Mrs. Ralph Mor
gan and Miss Ada Ross.
' 'La Parisienne ' ? Frocks
$1095 to $29.75
. . . another scoop in nationally known
dress fashions are these La Parisienne
frocks in formals; of taffeta, . with net
redingbte, hand-painted crepe in gorgeous
effecjts, chiffons, laces, etc. Besides white,
navy, and black, one may choose pastel or
high shades." ; - -2nd floor.
Snyderknit Sportswear
! $14.75 up
the cunning new stitches and
$16.75 up
are decidedly different.
and many, many greys
$19.75 up
2nd floor.