PAGE TEN (The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 26, 1937 Monmouth Plans Music Week Event MONMOUTH. March 25 Plans re in progress for observation f National Music "week here, "and with an organized orches tra, women's chorus and band, Monmouth has fundamental re source material for such - parti cipation,. The slogan cbosen is: "Foster Local Musical Talent." Committee members arrang ing for music week Include Mrs. F. E. Murdock and Mrs. J. S. Lunders. representing the Civic club; Mrs. James Gentle and Mrs. V. L. Smith, the Social Hour club; Mrs. F. E. Chambers, in charge of combined Sunday night church service; Miss Edith Clark and Miss Helen Irwin, -local high school teachers who will plan high school night; Mrs. Murdock Is in charge of "Original Compositions- of Monmouth Compos ers Night." These women met at' the studio home of Mrs.. R. D. Elliott this week to schedule activities. J It is hoped to have Mr. Tiiom as H. Gentle speak one night on high lights of opera. Athletic Awards Given Three Corvallis School -: Girls; 7 Get -Emblems CORVALiLIS, March 25 Three Corvallis jilgh school girls were recently awarded blue "C" let- : ters and became members of the Oregon Girls Athletic associa tion after earning 100 points, . Mary Stevenson, local . O. A. A. adviser, announced yesterday. Seven other girls were award ed an emblem after they had earned, a total of 50 points. Those receiving the bine 'CV were Ruth Banks. Audrey John son and Esther Lathrop. Emblem earners were Marjorie Alstaug, Betty Anne Fox, Cleone Cooper. Eertha Mae Dana, Florence Mae iRcsholt, Dorothy Winters, and Bertha Winston. ' . 30 Seniors to Receive Diplomas at Aumsville; ' Class Largest on Record AUMSVILLE, March 25. WUh the enrollment thfs week of Syl i Tester Kramer of South Dakota in the senior class of the hieh school, the number who will re ceive diplomas for graduation In June Increased to SO. This is the largest class graduating from tTie Aumsville school. The Townsend club will meet here Thursday at 8 p.m. at the school dining room. Recruiting Office Will Be Opened for Corvallis CORVALLIS. March 25 Ser geant Joseph, in charge of the Salem recruiting office, will visit Tuesday, starting April 5. to con duct a recruiting office in the local postofice. building. Major II. D. Bagnall. district recruit ing officer in a Portland, an nounced yesterday. This is the first time there has been any sort of permanent recruiting set up in Corvallis. IFSE1 E 2 MORE SHOPPING Ladies' patent sandals black or white $2.48 Ladies gray or blue ties, pumps, sandals, oxfords $2.93 and up Children's black patent or white, straps aa. or oxfords & Ladies Blouses, cotton, washable, white or red..,.i 93c Ladies Gloves, blue, grey, beige, white ff Om & or brown ....... V up Ladies' Purses, red, blue, grey, green ........ white, 98c Boys Dress Shirts, new styles 59Ct, 98C Men's Dress Shirts, real Easter styles, light and dark, $1.23 to $248 Newest Easter Ties for men or boys . 33C.98C Ladies' Coats & Suits, Mary Lane Styles $10.98 BLOCHS Artillery Officer 1 f - , 4 M I ' -1 "" - :'.::::;-:,::- r - .::-.:.:':-:::. : . I y 1 I ' IL i - iGew. Francisco Franco GeH:gajlsFriinco j Credited with saving Madrid from the determined rebel attack head ed by Gen. Francisco Franco, Gen. Jose Miaja, commander of the Loyalist forces In the capital, stands out as one of the notable strate gists of the conflict. In contrast to the showy brilliance of Franco, Miaja depends on proven military tactics and massing of strength rather than flashy maneuvers. Born In Oviedo In 1878, he attended military academy and served In the artillery where he soon rose to rank of major. Eighteen years of his service was spent in Morocco where his exploits made him a legendary figure. More Students Enroll at , State College, With 19 Per Cent Increase Now CORVALLIS, March 25 Eighty-one more students signed up at the registrar's office on the Oregon State campus yesterday to bring the second day enroll ment" total up to the 3261 mark for a 19 per cent increase over last year's spring! term enroll ment. The two-to-one ratio between men and women still remains as there are now 2192 men and 1069 women compared to 1843 men and 896 co-eds registering the same time last year. Baptismal Services to Be Feature of Sunrise Worship at Url-uvale UNIONVALE. March 2 5 At the Evangelical church sunrise Easter service there will be bap tismal services and reception of new members. Rev, F. E. Fisher, the pastor, will preside. Seventeen attended the all day quilting of - the Unionvale Evangelical Ladies 'Aid held at the church Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Ryan, Mrs. Ralph Timm, Mrs. Ross Rogers, Kearney Stouten- Young Women's Jigger Coats, ' lined 1 $9.75 Young Women's Silk Dresses, new fS aq flare skirt yjltjO Children's Dresses for Easter, Q&f pastel shades..; Otup Ladies Silk Hose, full fashioned, ! new shades Li 59c Men's Hose, styles, newest.... real dress up Ladies' Large Size Dresses, 46 to 56 $7.98 Ladies' Size. Dresses, 18 -to 26-. $7.98 Washable Crepe, 39 in. fancy patterns, f f & newest designs UCnp Washable Taffeta, 39 in, all colors, ' j & light &darkJ P Men's and Boys' Caps whites xr, fancy, many styles, ; 11? tm and 3v OP 1 1 ' mm DAYS t ; Madrid Hero Oek Jom Mlaja burg and Owen Pierce, members of the Hopewell United Brethren church aid were guests. Plan Easter Service ZENA, March 25 Easter sun rise services and breakfast are to be held at historic Spring Val ley church here Sunday morning. $51 . Bp TONICS $1.25 Van-Tage . for 81.98 1.25 Peruna . . . i . . . .93c 1.35 Pierces G. M. D. 1.16 1.00 Ostrex Tablets . . .79c 1.25 S. S. S. ....... . . .99c REMEDIES 75c Bayer's Aspirin, 100s 59c 1.25 Creomulsion .... .98c 25c Carter's Pills ..... .17c 1.25 Petrolagar . . . . ... 89c 60c Sal Hepatica . . . . . . .49c 75c Doan's Pills . ; . .... 49c TOOTHPASTES 50c Iodent ... . . . I .... .31c 35c Scpiibb's 3 for 89c 50c Ipana 40c Pepsodent 50c Ivlenzo 50c Deioxol FOODS 75c Dextri-Maltose 50c Pabluxn ; . 75c Ovaltine $1 Opeko Blalted MUk 75c Vita-Fnll, 1 lb. Linfield Prexy to SpeakforP.-T.A. t SILVERTON, March 25 "These Queer Chinese are not aa Queer as they Seem,"? will be the topic of address by Dr. A. Anderson, president of Linfield college, be fore the Sllrerton Parent-Teachers' association the night of April 1. Refreshments of Chinese nuts, candles and tea will be serred by 12 high school girls In costumes. The costumes are to be furnished by Miss Olivia DeGulre, who has collected them during her travels In the Orient. Special Invitations are being is sued to all men's organizations with Instructions to bring their wives or feminine friends along. ' Music will be furnished by the high school trio, the high school chorus and the trumpet trio. . Nearly lOOO Delegates "Will Attend Endeavor Convention April 15-18 CORVALLIS. March 25 Reg istration and housing, problems tor the state Christian Endeavor convention scheduled for Corval lis and the college April 15 to 18 were discussed by the local planning committee with Walter Meyers, state sceretary, In the college memorial union yester day. : Nearly 1000 delegates, from all sections of the state will be ac commodated by the committee through facilities in Albany, and Philomath combined with what may be available In Corvallis. Because Of the 20 per cent In crease in college enrollment there are not as many, housing possibilities as there would oth erwise be, A. L. KeeUey, chair man, pointed out at the meet ing yesterday. Trinity Choir Planning To Replace Pipe Organ SILVERTON, March 25 Trin ity choir has begun a fund to replace their present pipe organ which the church had Installed "in 1922. Frances Nelson Is pres ident of , the choir and Althea Meyer Is secretary-treasurer. Makes you feel if you need a good "' - i m XL assEBSSj.l.l.l Stimulates the appetite I Adds Iron to supplement your diet.' Helps to develop new strength and energy by aiding you to cat more wholesome food. Soothe Irritated Eyes! lEYIEILdD EYE LOTION WITH CUP S) ......39c . .33c ..29c ..39c KILL MOTHS l Elkay's 1 - f.loth Fume Crystals J. 57c ......37c ..... 53c .. 59c :...49c mm New York's V K half -ounce under one pound, this little baby was born to Mrs. Max Post it the Park East Hospital hi New York City. The relative size of the rye-dropper, with which she's fed, and the baby's head will give an idea of how tiny she is. Her father is a WPA worker. Kitchen Shower Given Airs. Robert Morgan at Miller Home, 'Santiam NORTH SANTIAM, March 25 A kitchen shower was held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ro berta Miller, for Mrs. Robert Mor gan, who recently lost most of her household goods by fire. The Women's club met Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Leona Miller. The next meeting will be on April 1 at the home of Mrs. Effie Angel. Traffic Fines Are Given Three Men at Silverton SILVERTON, March 25 Sen tenced - by Judge Alt O. Nelson Wednesday were Clark Cooke, 1 5 and costs, on charge of driv- years younger tonic and appetizer! s I v JM II vi tr- KLENZO Lather Brush SPECIAL OFFER! .16 ozs. WMTtD OfFEJt look for th ffcxoO S(6f Sign Littlest Baby , ' -' - If Ing a trailer without licenses; Jacob Halsey, 10 and costs, for driving a car without license and also for not having an operator's license; Carl H. Hagen, driving without license. 5 and costs. THfiHE'S THE SATIN SMOOTH BY INSTANT FREEZING! Nobility The new nobility 15 IB) AIT IE Finest obtainable PINEAPPLE Cover your Easter ham o lAbhy' Maine Golden Bantam CreWm Style SPINACH iriiws. Argo Corn or Gloss Starch, m lib. pkgs. A for IjV PRODUCE CARROTS Large bunches 2for5C ONIONS Large bunch Cfi green .. a& for New ' SPINACH 9C pounds for . New SPUDS f. 23 pounds for -f. Presbyterian Choir at Gcryaia 'Will Present - Cantata Easter Morn il : ! : I GERVA1S, j Marcb SS The Presbyterian church choir under direction of Mrs. Marr Hood win give th, Easter canUU. "Vic tory." tit Henry Wlldemeref at 10:30 o?clock! Sunday morning. Following Is the program: From Geth8emane to Calvary, chorus by choir; incidental solos by EarD Streeter and aVye Cuts fort h: 'fNot Whit Will." soprano solo byjBeulah Burner: "Out of the Night of Darkness," chorus by the choir; "O Morn of Jay," soprano-and alto duet .Miss Haw kins and Mrs. Adams; "Angels Rolled Jlhe Stone Away." Rev. Hood and the choir; "Life Eter nal." tenor solo, soprano solo and trio. Ralph Harper, Miss ; The Way to jC jx oj W N I "Tfee Choice I i Crown - ; ; iKomplete Chick Starter Feed first 6 1 ; weeks. Crown Developing Scratch Feed 4th to 9th week. Crown Baby Chick Scratch Feed to 4 th week.' W. J. LEE & SON S49 FERRY NO Ibetter place 260 NORTH LIBERTY o f SPECIALLY PRICED EffectivelFriday, Saturday and Monday March 26, 27 and 29 Riverview .IKE 1 ; ! Easter Satin smooth by instant freezing different "Varieties GOLDEN HALLO WLI DOLE'S A'ew 211 tins 14-oz. CRUSHED with crushed pineapple for Silverdale ; Blood Red Cut 2'S F-P Choice California WASHING POWDER Quick Fudge L- pke. The j smoothest, creamiest t udj;e yoa erer : tasted 1 BAKERY Special Decorated Easter Cakes 1 :, i 44c Angel Food Cakes 39c 13 e: Cream Puffs Real ijwhip creani; J- 5c ea. I j Fruit Fined Hot! Cross Buns doz. Hawkins and Mrs. L. M. wads worth; "Tha Song of Victory men's chorus and choir; "There . is No Night In Heaven." quartet. Joan DuRette, ;Rev. and Mrs. Hood and Donald Hood; "In th Splendor of- His Glory." choral . by the choir; "His Love Devlne," contralto solo by Joan DuRette; "Christ Hath Arisen." finale by the choir. Margaret Hood Is pi ' anlst. . . Earn Band Letters SILVERTON. March. 25 Mem bers of the Pep band to win their music letter this year include Har ry Baker, Westley Rest, Myron Dirickson. Alfred Down. MeWn Hewitt. Bill King. Jordon Moe. Richard Ness. Eileen Rahn, Maur ice 6tamey, Howard Campbell and Dean Stamey. - il Sturdy Pullets , F E E 3 of Experience'9 Crown Komplete Pullet Developer (Growing & Devel oping Mash) Feed 7 th week to .maturity. PHONE 9418 Damascus Special - J Package 52 Cookies Easter Special added flavor I 2's cans , cans Free grit from i cans 35 Ige. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing Pints 21c. Quarts Will give that added rest to your Kaster ft lad ME A TO Government Inspected Sugar Cured for Easter Armour's Star Swift's Premium Carsten s Half or whole Your choice .Jb. 29C Lamb' Roast 4- 22c ibt Young Bakes (GoWen Rule Store Eating ORANGES Large White & Whole Wheat Biitteries - Bacon Back 22c ib. 115 S. COMMERCIAL ST. - ! 18c Salem, Oregon 220 to 226 N. Liberty doz. size doz. r?V DO ?ttCXJX