The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1937, Page 7, Image 7

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. i ;
Thr OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 24, 1937
cm$C Witt Win Flags,
rmv - 77
Sporty Writers
Giants Ranked
Third in Loop
Tigers to Be Runners-Up
in American, Cubs in
National, Verdict
ST. LOUIS, March 23H?P)-A
poll of baseball writers conducted
by the Sporting - News disclosed
. today overwhelming support for
the New York Yankees and St.
Lob is Cardinals In the 1937 ma
jor league pennant races. ,
The Yankees were picked to re
peat their American league tri--uniph
by 148 out of 197 experts.
The Cardinals were the choice of
141 In the National league, with
the champion New York Giants
rated to finish no better than
The forecast on the order of
finish in each league, ased on the
writers' follows; ;
American league New York.
Detroit. Cleveland, Boston, Chica
go. ; Washington, St. Louis and
National league St. Louis Chi
cago, New York, Pittsburgh. Cin
cinnati, Boston, Brooklyn and
Philadelphia. ' . "
Cards Win on 6 Hits
LEESBURG, Fla., March 23 (P)
The St. Louis Cardinals made
only six hits today but took ad
vantage of bases on balls and
errors to defeat Rochester of the
International league, 4 to 0.
Yanks Best Dodgers
23-i!p)-The New York Yankees
got back on the winning side in
the "Grapefruit league" today by
walloping Fred Frankhouse and
Rookie George Jeff coat to beat
the Brooklyn Dodgers, 9 to 6.
Indians Bunch 'Em
NEW ORLEANS. March 23-P)
The Cleveland Indians bunched
four and six runs in the seventh
and eighth innings today to gain
a 10 to 10 tie with the New Or
leans Pelicans Jn the fifth game of
their exhibition series.
Red Hose Beat .Reds
Errors afield and inability to
cash in on their greatest hitting
spree to date, tumbled the Cin
cinnati Reds to a 7 to 4 defeat
today at the hands of the Boston
Red Sox in an" exhibition game.
ClineY and Acme
Win, City League
Cllne's bowlers won three games
from Willamette Valley Transfer
and Acme Auto won two from
-Karr's in city league bowling
Tuesday night. Walt Cline had
high game, 213, and Walker of
Acme high series, 561.
Willamette Valley Transfer
52 22 63
160 162 15 481
.11 149 16S 133
.193 170. 161 524
Victor .
.173 193 149 311
.179 158 . 119486
843 853 803 2504
L.150 187 178 515
213 174 159 548
179 191 ' 131 521
134 170 183487
183 160 158 501
859 Bii 829 2570
D. I'aolia
O. Smith. .
10 44
ISO 181 301
K. Poulin ,
J. Huler ,
rs ;
.165 " 178 181 524
.108 169 148 423
.169 148 153 470
.149 153 160 462
739 773 833 2350
Acme Auto Wrecker
.186 175 158 519
.117 185 138 418
.159 174 140 478
.125 137 138400
.200 158 303 561
vT87 80 T75 3371
Perry to Tackle
Bill Tilden Next
Before another prospective sell
out crowd, the pro tennis troopers'
will return to the Madison Square
Garden court tomorrow night with
I one important change In the cast
i of leading characters.
When Fred Perry made his
commercial debut last January, he
was matched with Ellsworth
Vines. Tomorrow his opponent will
be Bill Tilden, 44-year-old Per
ennial of the courts. -
Chief speculation about the
match, first of a series of five.
revolves about Tilden and his
ability to stand, up under the
strain of a five-set encounter with
the British player who last year
was the world's ankihg amateur.
"If Perry thinks that they're
going to have to bring me on the
court In a wheel chair after the
first two sets, I may surprise him,"
said the old master.
North and South
Golf Meet Opens
PINEHURST. N. C, March 23.
(.'P)-The professional brigade
took' advantage today of rare
golfing in the first round of the
north and south open golf tourna
ment to give the famous Pine
hurst course Its worst lacing in
many moons.
The gale-like blows customary
here in .spring gave way to a calm
summer-like day, and the salaried
shooters grabbed the opportunity
to bombard par thoroughly, as
Denny Shute and Horton Smith
hung up a new competitive course
record of 67; five better than per
fect figures.
Karr'a ,
24 10
. : ' - - - - i
Rise in the Sock Market
- i v .' " ' ; -.. - t -1 t . - :
j By BURNLEY - 1
TtVN-'WVM-'M.ini1 fin i-if tti,i-iii.ti i " "'" -'i-T fT-"" iifti j. rtrf- - jtT w
i- ,-.- , -. - , . mmimummmm-jfmmmmmammKm.
fi.zl n"'J ife-v AiS 1
AVARkTET- FfiZEVDfE IS L-AZWG $7$ ii lr. m
aa- mm m a ar-a rm w ar S - m u m r . -i.-..- a.' - - -- -..
iS m:' w
SINCE Freddie Steele, smooth
boxing Tacoma walloper, as
cended the middleweight
throne, the 160 lb. stock has been
definitely on the upgrade for the
"first time since Mickey Walker ruled
the roost.
Steele, who was an extremely
popular . fighter on the Coast even
before winning the crown, has added
to his national reputation since lick
Lodell to Remain
Till End of Year
CORVALLIS. March '23-P)-
Oregon State college officials said
today there would be no interrup
tion in the spring sports program
due to the resignation at Carl Lo
dell, veteran graduate manager
and director of intercollegiate
Lodell will coach the track
team, and continue other duties
until successor is named at the
end of the spring term, they In
dicated. He is the oldest graduate
manager In the Pacific conference
in point of service.
.Coach "Slata" -Gill planned to
open baseball practice this week,
and Lon Stelner, grid mentor, is
preparing for annual spring foot
ball drill.
Ambers Wins Handily
FLINT, Mich.,1 March
Lon Ambers, of New York, world
lightweight champion, easily out
pointed Roger Bernard, of Flint,
in t 10-round bout here tonight.
Ambers took seven of the rounds.
Both weighed 13$ U pounds.
Two Tigers Indulge in Horseplay
Gerald Walker 'VVP'.3 ' 'j I
- V i"- J f' '
3 f - - f , "! w, '
f X v 1 v -
"s 'V tMT " IV'. . i i
X-" -XX
, '
1 .
Judging by this photo taken at the Detroit Tigers training camp at
Lakeland, Fla Jo-Jo White must have found his workout overly
strenuous because his fellow outfielder, Gerald Walker, seems to be
vesdering first aid, despite protests of the patient.
ing Babe Risko in N. Y. and kayoing
Paul Pirrone in Philly.
The middleweight ranks have suf
fered a definite eclipse in recent
years, and reached a new low when
Yarosz and Risko held the crown.
Shades of Stanley Ketchell Even
after the immortal Steve, brilliant
performers like the marvelous Greb,
the whirlwind Flowers and the
courageous Walker kept interest
high in the 160 lb. division. After
Mickey, there was a terrific letdown,
however. Vince Dundee, Lou Brouil-
Head-Oii Collision Act Spells Defeat
Of Meanies in Team Mat Contest as
Hot Cigar Treatment Wasted on Foes
WITH full speed ahead and tracks clear. Harry Elliott and
Ben Sherman last night won their team wrestling match
at the armory by engineering a couple of head-on colli
sions that left Fritz Ludwig and Jack Lipscomb holding their
heads on the floor.
The "cleanies'
T 1.
came uaco.
first faU after a series of blocks
and blows on Sherman and a body
press on Elliott. The teams spent
the major portion of their time
chasing each other out of the
ring, with Referee Joe Gunther
dividing his aocklngs between the
two teams.
The second fall was won by
Elliott and Sherman with the use
of the head-on rush, with their
opponents helpless as they ca
romed into each other with a
cracking of heads. The "meanies'
pnt their foes In a fit of misery
before the last fall by using a
cigar stub as a blinding agent and
included' the referee in their eye
treatment. The decision came
after Ludwig and Lipscomb at
tempted a head-on act with
lard, Marcel Thfl, Babe Risko, Teddy
Yarosz not a sock in a carload,
Now we have the handsome Fred
die Steele a clever boxer who can
really punch 1 Sine bis ascend
ency, even the old ex-champs, Brouil
lard, Yarosz, and Risko have taken
Ott new leases on life, while new
comers like Apostoli, Overlin, Krie
ger, and Balsamo are adding fire
works to the middleweight picturev
There's a real Steele boom in the
cauliflower market.
CsanttM. tut. kf Klaf raatana Syadleat. la
it U ft X 1 it
tuier me meaines iajuk uis
O -
Elliott and Sherman, had It
turned on them, and Gunther
gave the match to the cleanles to
the delight pf the fall home of
Charles Keen divided falls
with Noel Franklin and then won
his match on the referee's deci
sion after Franklin had tried to
clean up both the referee and
Keen among the ringside seats.
The snake charmer. Otto Ls
ger, went to defeat by two falls
to three after winning: the first
with a Boston crab. John Thomas
won his two falls with whip
Reed's Badminton
Team Due Tonight I
The Salem Y.M.C.A. badminton
team will meet representatives
of Reed college on the looal
courts tonight at t o'clock. Com
petition will include men and
women's singles, doubles and
mixed doubles.
; Wee Boeder will play No. 1 po
sition for the men, followed by
Gus Moore and French Hage
mann. Alice Young, Rachael Yo
com and Beatrice Moore hold the
upper brackets for the women.
Y.M.C.A. doubles teams will con
sist of Hagemann and Moore, Nor
man Wlnslow and Bud Brandon;
women's doubles: Young and Yo
com, Florence Foster and Esther
Arnold. Mixed doubles, Boeder
and Yocom. Moore and Moore.
(Three Champions
At Spokane Meet
SPOKANE, Wash., March IS-r
(lp)-ColIeglate athletes began ar
riving tonight for the inland em
pire's first indoor A.A.U. track
meet at the Spokane armory to
morrow night against a field head
eel by one national and two world
champions. ,
: Glenn Cunningham, world mile
record holder, will run an exhibi
tion half mile. Cornelius Johnson,
world high jump champion, and
Norman Bright, national S.009
meter champion, are scheduled to
appear. Bright will run the mile.
I - ,
Ootid d'Or Winner
: 8 AN FRANCISCO, March 23.
(iip Cloud D'or, the favorite, won
the Oakland handicap, f 1.000
added, on a muddy track at Tan
toran today. Happy Knot was
second, and Manners Man third.
Time for the six furlongs was
1:14 1-5.
First Round Is
Won by Champ
Braddock Dodges Order
in Miami; Schmeling
Heads for Berlin
NEW YORK. March 23 -P)-Heavyweight
Champion , James
J. Braddock wasnt in a receptive
mood today. Through his man
ager, Joe Gould, the tHleholder
definitely rejected Max Schmel-
ing's $350,000 offer for a fight
In Berlin. Meantime, sought on
court order in Miami, Florida.
Braddock was disclosed by his
manager to be secretly en 'route
to Chicago, .where the champion
plans to fight Joe Louis June" 22
in spite of all attempts to frus
trate this objective.
The Berlin fight offer, under
stood to have bona fide backing
from the German government.
disappeared whence it came.
Schmeling announced it was with
drawn when the time limit ex
pired, at noon, without any fur
ther show of - interest by Gould
or' Braddock. The German chal
lenger; still on the outside look
ing in, leaves for home tomor
row. Braddock sidestepped service
of a circuit court order n Miami.
The order was obtained by an
attorney for Madison Square gar
den and was designed to compel
Braddock to show why he should
not be legally restrained from
fighting Louis in Chicago, with
out first fulfilling his contract to
meet Schmeling In New York,
under the garden's direction.
June 3.
Denies Jim Running
"Braddock never ran away
from nuthin'," shouted Gould.
"He's Just going to the scene of
action. That's all I've got to say
except ft looks like we outpoint
ed the garden in the first round."
Gould and Mike Jacobs. New
York promoters' who engineered
the Braddock - Louis arrange
ments for Chicago, plan to Jo'.n
the champion Uiere later . in the
week. Jacobs intimated today he
expects a quick Bhowdown. He
reiterated his confidence that
nothing can stop the Chicago
Schmeling, still much mysti
fied by Braddock's refusal to ac
cept a cash guarantee of $350.-
000, plans to return to New York
late In April. He will then go
Into training to fulfill his part of
the contract to fight Braddock
"Our contract is with the gar
den, not with Braddock," said
Joe Jacobs. Sehmellng'a Ameri
can agent. "If the garden can't
produce Braddock on June 3,
then we will decide what action,
If any, to take."
Bethel Residents Will
See Comedy on Thursday
And Friday, Thie Week
BETHEL, March 23 A cast
selected from the membership of
the community club will put on
the three-act comedy "Wild Gin
ger" at the school Thursday and
Friday nights. The title role will
be played by Emaleen Williams.
Thursday the entertainment
between acts will be given by the
Pactfle Studios of Music, Friday
night the regular meeting of the
community club will be held pre
ceding the play, and the Mitchell
entertainers will provide tne
members between acta. A small
charge for admission will be
LabUh Center Boys Arm
Defeated, 5-4 by Brooks
-The Labish Center grade school
softball team defeated the Brooks
team I to 4 la a practice game
Monday afternoon. The local
team was defeated by North
Howell last Friday by a score of
T to S.
Bowlers of
On these alleys in the 2;2th Arm-
ery In New ; York, some 22,000
bowlers are firing- away for a
Sharria the $140,000 prize money
tn the annual American Bowling
Congress tournament. The tour
ney. which opened March 10, ego
Unues for mors than SO days.
Two of the veterans entered are
Mort Lindsey. left, and Joe Fal-
" caro, right, world's chsmplop.
?. . ... .. . - i
i. . . - . . t, ,
0'Grady Seeks
Revenge Here
Lost Twice Previously to
Riggi But Claims One
Stopped Too Soon
Seeking revenge for two defeats
already suffered. Gene O'Grady
will again take on Frank Rlggi,
Brooks onion grower, in the round
main event next Friday. The card
will mark the resumption of box
ing at the armory under the di
rection of Curley Feldtman after
several months layoff. J
Though one of t h e j previous
matches was stopped shortly after
Rlggi had landed one of ; his man
killing punches, O'Grady has re
fused to admit that he wa licked
in the bout.
As a special event Eddie Norris,
who has appeared on a number
of cards here, will re tarn to meet
Ernie Bailey of Central!. In the
six round bout Buddy Ambrose
will take on Ikey Bostwick of
The card will be rounded out
with two tour round bouts be
tyeen Butch Lebold, Salem, and
Charlie McCoy, Independence;
and Rocky Perkins, Salem, and
Swede Spina. Portland, t '
Health Group to
The annual meeting of the Mar
lon County Public Health associa
tion will be held Thursday night.
April 1. at the Golden Pheasant,
with Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar of
the state tuberculosis association
to be Invited as guest speaker.
Members of the executive
board, meeting late yesterday af
ternoon, named Don Upjohn, pre
sident of the Marion county as
sociation, and Mrs. George R. K.
Moorhead, executive secretary, as
delegates to the state tuberculo
sis association annual conference.
to be held In Portland Tuesday
and Wednesday, March 30 and 31.
The county health group yester
day voted an additional $100 for
the x-ray fund for use in combating
tuberculosis in Marion county.
- Named on the committee to
nominate officers tor the county
neaitn association for the new
year were Genevieve i Morgan.
chairman, Mrs. Gladys Shields of
Jefferson, Mrs. C. W. Stacey of
Liberty, Mrs. Paul Hendricks of
Salem and Dr. R. E. Kleiasorge of
Silverton. j
Strikes Delaying
Postoffice Work
Strikes are playing an import
ant part in delaying building op
erations of the Salem postoffice,
it was reported yesterday. Claude
H. Post, superintendent I of con
struction, said steel for the struc
ture probably would not arrive
for 30 days. Granite and marble
are also delayed.
No disposition of the old build
ing has yet been made by the
Hoffman Construction company.
Post reported. Veterans of For
eign Wars have considered mov
ing the building to . use It as a
meeting place tor themselves and
affiliated organizations.
George Foster and Wife
In Hospital as Result
Of Automobile Mishap
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster ot
the Pleasantdale locality are la
a McMinnvUle hospital following
an automobile accident near
Hlllsboro at 1 p.m. Sunday when
a car coming from a side road
collided wltn the Charles Addi
son oar of Newberg, la which,
they were riding.
- Foster has dislocated knee and
Mrs. Foster cuts oa her face.
Addison la brother of Mrs. Fos
ter. Nation Stage Their
lvff wi egje v:
start lindsey
On Eight Card
: o
Eddie Norris, popular scrapper,
who meets Ernie Bailey of Gen
traJja! oa Friday night's fight
card In a special event.
Rat Making Work
Daily For Garage
at Lakeview
LAEVIEW, March, 23-)-
George itsgeraid. local creamery
manager, is still laying for the rat
that disabled his car on four con
secutive! nights, but Is about out
of ideas i
The; rodent which nightly eats
the insulation from the wires of
Fitzgerald's car, causing a short
circuit, escaped after spring a trap
set fojr lhim Friday and Saturday
Also 'he ate through the tape
whichf coTered previous damage
to tneswiresi
i I !
I 1
i -, i
Into Blast
Is - .
At! School Closed
(Continued from page 1)
consolidated school's grounds to
test sibsoiljfor possible gas seep
age. , s
Rigid Inspection of everv rural
school in the east Texas oil area
was ekpectejd as a precaution. In
the military inquiry it was testi
fied escaping gas was found in a
nearby 1 school building. Several
schools) were closed for a day to
permit a thbrotfgh inspection.
State! Senator Joe Hill said he
would recommend tightening
building inspection regulations
ana requiring tne placing of a
malodorous i substance m gas so
leaks would: be noticeable. .
The 3ed j Cross disaster relief
officials said today their casualty
list snowed 455 dead and S3 in
jured.f Forty-nine of the injured
still were in hospifkls, many ot
tnem critically hurt.
Jeah Hawkins io
Federal Job
Miss Jean Hawkins, daughter
of Mr land Mrs. Ben Hawkins ot
the Auburn! community, left last
night for Washington, D. C, "fol
lowing j, receipt of appointment
Monday to a stenographic post In
the federal ! forestry service. Her
rating; In the Junior stenography
civil service examination taken
last Jtly was a 97.
Mlsl Hawkins was graduated
from Salem high school in June,
"1934, find was employed la the
Salem? ;scnool system . for more
than two years before taking a
position' a month ago in the office
of CIA. Howard, stats superin
tendent ot publie instruction. She
will report for duty la the national
capital April I.
Own Strike
f.-:'t t,,. ' s .-::
aad f ee lalcare
t s
'.-1 ; !
SmaU Rifle's
Money Maker
Albany Man Earns $96 in
2 Days' Hunt; Crushers
' - Start Season
ALBANY. March 23 Two
days' hunting will net Jack. Rc
berts of the -Quartrrille district,
as much as many men make in a
whole month these days. From the
office of the Linn county clerk.
Roberts collected 336 In bounties
and from the state will receive
360 more, making total of $96
for the short hunt. And what is
more he earned it with a .22
calibre rifle. j
Roberts killed three bobcats for
which he -received 32 each and
three cougar pelts, which netted
him 910 apiece from the county.
In addition he will receive 320 for
each cougar pelt from the state.
Roberts said his dogs treed two
cougars in one tree, and he shot
one of the cougars, and a few .
minutes later got the second one.
Then the- dogs cornered a third
one. which he killed.
Two were yearlings but the last
one was a full grown cat, probably
12 years old , and which he esti
mated to weigh 200 pounds. It
is one-of the largest upon which
bounty has been paid on in Linn
county. -
Rock Crushers Operating
ALBANY, March 23 With, the
work of repairing damage to
county roads, caused by the win
ter freeze, well nnder-way, atten
tion of the county court is being
turned to newer projects, and
rock crushers all over the county
are grinding out rock for building
new roads as well as xor toe re
surfacing of present ones. The
county court has returned to Al
bany from Portland where they
had been to- make arrangements
with tho owner ot gravel-bearing
property in the Dever disrict, rel
ative to the immediate operation
of a crusher. This crusher will
furnish gravel -and crushed rock
for roads in the northwestern
part , of the county.
The crusher at Weasel Flat
started crushing Friday and the
one at Sanderson's bridge is also
Operation of the Lebanon crusn-
er will be resumed in the near
future for the purpose of furnish
ing rock .for the roads in that
section, including he Lebanon
Crabtree road. Present plans call
for the completion of the surfac
ing of -this road this year.
County Engineer Larsen has a
crew of surreyors working on the
proposed' new Lebanon-Brownsville
road. This road wben com
pleted is designed to extend the
Lebanon trade territory.
ALBANY.-March- 23 Passion
week is ' being observed at the
Evangelical church here with spe
cial meeting each night with Dr.
J. Graves of Indianapolis, Ind..
assisting the pastor. Rev. E. C.
Hicks. Dr. Graves has been con
ducting a aeries of pre-Easter ser
vices in Salem.
New Store Manager
ALBANY, March 23 Gordon
L. Hodgson, who has acted as as
sistant manager of the local Mont
romerr & Ward store for the past
several months has received word
of the promotion to the position
of assistant manager of Montgom
ery Ward store in Everett,-Wash.
He leaves early this week to take
up his new duties. -
Succeeding Mr. Hodgson In the
Albany store will be W. T. Ely of
Longview. Wash., according to an
announcement made by J. B. Tay
lor, manager ot the store.
TJelans Beat Stanford l
-The University of California at
Los . Angeles Bruins sprang a
baseball upset today when they
defeated Staaford's previously un
beaten Indians. S to S.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City . of
Salem, Oregon.' by resolution duly
and regularly adopted and filed oa
March IS, 1937, has declared its
Intention to vacate, and has in
itiated proceedings to vacate, the
Alley running East and West
through Kroshu's Addition to the
City ot Salem, Marion County,
Oregon, said alley being more par
ticularly described as follows, to
wit: That certain alley running east
and west through Kroshu's Ad
dition to the City of Salem, from
Twenty-first Street to Twenty
, third Street, in the City of Sa-
- Iem, Marion County, Oregon:
and the 19th day or April. 1937. at
the hour ot 7:30 p.m., in the coun
cil chambers of the City Hall of
and In the said City ot Salem, has
been fixed as the. time and place
tor consideration of such vacation
and for hearing any objections or
remonstrances thereto. Objections,
if any, to such vacation must be
filed, in -writing, with the under
signed prior to the time herein
fixed for hearing the same.
- City Recorder,
. Salem, Oregon. M. 17-24-.
31; A. .T-14.
- The undersigned will - receive
sealed bids until 7:30 p.m., April
S, 1937. tor the following: One
60S gallon Fire Pump, one or two
stage ' centrifugal bronze pump.
ISO gallon water tank with or
without auxiliary pump (bidder
may bid either or both but must
specify) 125 or 170 horse-power
motor or with a motor with suf
ficient power to properly operate
pump and engine and the follow
ing equipment one roof ladder
-one 14-ft- extension ladder
two 3-gaIlon fire extinguishers
and usual tools and equipment.
City Recorder,
. .. . : Salem, Oregon. M. 24.