The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1937, Page 6, Image 6

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Th't OREGON STATESMAN, Sales Oregon, A7e&esdy Uorafe; March 24, 1937
! . . - - , il - ,
News ol Interest to "Women " ' .; . j-. : ExciusiveiMu j'J
Miss Forrester Becomes - i T I I r I V . ----- m) r I - 'i ' 1 W J.
Bride Monday Afternoon 1 ' Miller! S U D tiHl C II t O t O X Q
V. . -.III. I : -
Bridge Luncheon
At Kirk Home
111 entertain with a smartly ar
ranged luncheon Thursday after
noon at her home on South
Church. The affair is being arran
ged In compliment to members of
her club and sereral additional
guests. Sereral hours of contract
will be in play following the
luncheon. Spring flowers will dec
orate the guest rooms and lunch
eon tables.
. Special guests for the luncheon
will be Mrs. Victor R. Griggs, Mrs.
George H. Flagg, Mrs. Roger My-
thing. Mrs. John Beakey and Mrs.
Frank Short.
Club members hidden are Mrs.
Edwin Viesko, Mrs. Brazier Small,
Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Mrs. H. G.
Maison, Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce,
Mrs. Ralph Hamilton and Mrs.
Thomas GallTeC ,
Women's Bible Class .
Meeting Friday '
The Women's Bible class of
the First Methodist church will
meet In the Carrier room of he
, church Friday afternoon for a
social and business meeting. ' The
affair will honor Miss Eugenia
Sarage, a recently returned mis
sionary and members affiliated
with the class for the past year.
Mrs. Oren Stratton will glre a
book review on "Early Missions
In the Northwest." Mrs. Edna
Waterman is charman of the tea
0 v s -:
- i
' '.. . i- - :
Artis Guilde to Sponsor
Exhibit This Week
The Artis Guilde of Salem high
school la sponsoring an exhibit
of direct prints from the great
masters whch will be shown to
day. Thursday, and Friday in the
upper room of the T.M.C.A. An
invitation is being extended to
the public to attend.
This collection which has been
gathered from all mparts of the
world includes such famous and
historical prints as: "Sistine Ma
donna." "Mona Lisa," and "The
Laughing Cavalier."
The elub plans to purchase
one of these pictures for the
new school building. ? Merrill
-Ames, president of the club, is
responsible for the exhibit and
Miss Ruth Marie Brauti, advisor
of the club, assisted in making
the arrangements. -
' A wedding of interest to Sa
lem folk is that of Miss Hazel
Forrester and Philip G. Miller
which was solemnized Monday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Van
couver, Washington.
; The bride wore a smart tail
leur ot gold with British ,tan ac
cessories and corsage ot talis
man roses- and llly-of-the-valley.
Miss Georgia Hall was the bride's
only attendant.
: The - couple will make their
home In Eugene where Mri Mil
ler is connected" with the Eu
gene; News. Mr. Miller made his
home In Salem for a number ot
years and was formerly. with the
Oregon Statesman. Mrs. Miller
is well known among the young
er set In Salem and was employ
ed at Ogden's Beauty salon.
Additional Society
on Pace 10
Miss Ethel Cutler of New York
City, national secretary of the
Y.W.CA.. who arrives In the
capital Friday to stay ; until
Tuesday. Miss Cutler, will ap
pear as speaker at several
places during her stay, and will
work with the local and uni
versity Y.W.CVA. S
hour which will follow the pro
gram. ' ' i
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead
will be the speaker, at the meet
ing of the Woman's union of the
First Congregational church be
ing held this afternoon at 2:30.
Mrs. Moorhead's talk on puBTic
health will follow the regular
business meeting.
The beauty of a
is Its permanent
yond detection.:
Inches in length,
ing wave, get a
phone -J: . 2
Machineless Permanent Wavo
If vour hair exceeds C or 7
If you want a deep, tight; last-vri
Machineless Wave.
This Coupon and $3.00 en
titles you to a 5.00 Ma-
i. ..$3.o
Room 7
Miller Bldg.-
Phone 7953
- mm - j.jbssssssssssssssssw-up mr n m ..via-
- - j ; f ft I ' m
The dependability of fashion correctness is as
important as quality . . . for who would want
quality without fashion? - - ;
Miller's invite you to shop "through their
fashion departments this week and see the
new Easter clothes in grand assortments !
From the plain tailored, short jacket suit; to
the dressy coat, sports coat, knitted coat or
knitted frocks and suits, street, afternoon
and dinner frocks ablaze with color and
sparkling new fashion lines, youH be pleas
antly surprised at what may-be purchased in
both quality and fashion.
Hake It a point to shop Miller's this week!
1 mvj
v t y
IMoulton - Bartley
Novelty, Shoes
for your
"Pretty smooth' in brims that do flat
tering things for you ... Black, brown,
navy, harness tan, and QUALITY that's
NEWS at five dollars. -
Millinery Shop
Second Floon
ar a a ii m uw w su m. m m m m m wr r m m mr sa aswv
X V.
th mm r r v si -
Hand Blocked ' Hv 1
Lunch Cloths
Large size (54x54) Inch X A A
or breakfast clotha are all U? A JlvJJJ . '
nana oiocaea in spiasny gll M t I
colora and combinations ir jV- JP
that add xest to the nook, or . f I f
luncheon tables. AH are fast - -J. " " t
I colors. A great assortment -' "". ; . . I . J
from vrhlch to choose. Main . j I
i ." noor. .f j:' .!.. riY
Not Foot of the Class . . .
3 But CLASS at
ll the Foot . . .
Pert Novelties in
Gabardine, Kid, Patent, etc.
l'ljf ATmiltrvn-'Rartlpv nnvpltv fnnixcear arla lii fn iha fnnt
i tt: - i " a. a j i a m 1 1
oi me moae. nign uisiep paiiems mai iainy xeera
with smartness ! New heels, too, add style to the trend
of shorter skirts. Try on a pair of Moulton-Bartley
"MODE-ART" ties, pumps, straps and get the feel of
this splendid line of fashion footwear. Main floor.
Brighten up! It's time to
think about ' that colorful
P a c 1 f 1 Pottery you're
wanted all season. Start
your set now4 while all the
important - pieces are in
stock. Solid or scatter colors
are in vogue "-. . Vbuy Pa
cific and be sure of good
'because uou loot Ktce tkiaqV
Make a habit of wearing Myth, and
you're smartly prepared whenever atten
tion turns to your stockings. So. even
in texture that you wonder "how it'a
done"- so long-wearing for a 3-thread
chiffon that you wonder still morel
jil 1 ; ... : ; . - .- - -
1 itfl " ' f ' -
I i i i
f-'S yOv WA v
The petite wear FLEXTEEN (28 "inches,
sizes 6 to IO). Average .women
FLEXTOP (31 inches, sizes 0?4j.
And the statuesque find the perfect Gb
in RJEXTRA (34 inches, sizes 9 tp M-J
All of four-thatad quality with seJf-d-iusting
flexible garter welts. ' ' - x-
PantM . 75
Sleek Stryps, aided and abetted
by a bit of elastic in front and
back, makes a bandeau that moulds
without too much restraint. And a
matching band-leg pantie lies flat
V in Luxury! m
t r y PS
end smooth through the
' I
( (& Singlette fe A
J I f Bandeau. T5c I A
I I I Pantie, 75c I A
The satiny, luxurious feeling of Stryps ho won
thousands of devotees for these, fassowa Van
Roalte undieC Bras and pantie lor trim, comfy
daytime wear, Singlette (otl-tmdiea in owe) for
smooth, flowing lines under dress-up costvmes,
and the Stryps princess-line gown for a quick
slip Into sleep. And the whole Strypsyward
robe comes to amazingly little,. os yoa see.
! I
Jon (Emitik iSimpJiciti-
:A S
Wi!l Captune fWlanu. Mandb.
Tailored as expertly as your.
I mannisK suit, witn only a neat
self-fabric chain for decoration.
In plenty of smart Spring colors;
; to match or coptrast with
the rest of your , costume.
; ::
4 ..w 'm
Its suave tucks linked by a chain of sel
fabric will send you forth positive of your"
correctness, and ready to do Justice to
the gay Spring season. Its variety of.
colors are a little ahead of tomorrow..
X 1
v. I
l. D. S. Pt.