PAGE NINE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 9 1937 Classified i Ads ' Save If 11 Time and Moneys Head Them AM ; Statesman Classified Ads Z Call 9101 ClasSined Advertising Single-insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line " Or Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line $1.00 Minimum .charge . . zSc Copy for this pas accepted unttt (-.29 th evening befor publication 'or classification Copy receive: ftr this time will be run under the heading. Too Late to Claa- .J Th Statesman assume no flnan--lal responsibility lor errors which nay appear In advertisements pub Ished In Its slumnn, and In cases here this paper Is at fault will re print that part f an dvertlsetrw-rt in which the typographical mistake iccura .: .;. The Statesman reserves the right j9 reject questionable advertising It further - reserves the right to olac all - advertising under toe .rniMr -lnsstf Nation '. - Farmers' Exchange livestock and Poultry ruirifft IX varieties day old .Cer tor capons fries. iuueu nuw - , Hatchery. j j r r .-- Tirn5P:s AND cows at all times. Phone 1F1I. Monmouth. t tv rnr"rvn ALS le each deliver ed any Wed. Boyington's Leghorn Farm Lyons, Ore. ; . - - - - ----- ' t R. I. Ri HENS. 1 rooster, 11.00 ea. If all taken. 1400 ' S. 22nd. SPECIAL PRICE on started chicks. Rd. Is. Sexed . A T mm I7ii St nmi li 11 LCI JCftiIVu. Sexed jot straight run chick :a Ruby roodward. RL 7, Box 337. Tel. 44F3I. Woodward, ft n riii iiiJb J 1500 lbs. 7 rir-ru. or Wed.' Wood Welch, Kt. 5, Box 236 at Macleay.j wiv-TFT) SMALL Ejsntle Shetland pony. Call or write Rt. 4, Box- 179. I Help Wanted nv nn weman. with car. to take i over established trade for nat'L con-1 In Ua am Vw nil xur UCOWHi ' tervi'ew. Box 188, care Statesman. ) Help Wanted Male' WANTED, T860. WOODCUTTERS, Tel. Help Wanted Female WANTED. EXP. waitress. 7 Court rwrt wnv-RV to assist manager in , w-i,i Aomonstratlon work. Write for 1'Z i it.rriw. Box 189. care i Statesman. - l ; j I WANTED CAPABLE, steady girl S ltffh housework. Box 5a, States- ' man i i WANTED, 20 SALESLADIES. Ap :i Ant tntj css Ferry between 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. . - - - -rts-fcsrfs,WsrMSs, WANTED RELIABLE girl or wom i an for light housework and care of el- ; derly lady, write, tiox au, in- ! B. lth St. ; r L t : Salesmen Wanted t onrTTTn i SALESMAN with car. Splendid opportunity. Mathis. 474 Ferry IF Sitiiations Wanted Exp. dressmak. Mrs. Adsitt. T. 944$. EXCELLENT SOOTHING reader or : itiMninn tnr elderly lnvanas cr blind. Box 187, cars Statesman. I EXP. SERVICE station man wants 4 ,rork- - Bic: 121' -S-ffn' ' WOMAN WANTS hour work. Good '. references. TeL 8571. , ---- - a MAN 40 retail store and bookkeeping i xperience. Box 193, Statesman. YOUNG MAN wants ; work of any I ' kind. 434 Water St. MAN 42, MACHINIST or helper. Box 194, Statesman. I. , For Sale-Miscellaneous' ) CASH OR trad tor used furniture ; ranrea. heatera radios, macninery tools, ate. Woodry and Woodry. auc- tloneera, phone 8-1-1-0. 1(19 H. Bum- mer la Houywooo. - - -- - - - - ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented.! swapped. I Expert repair aervice, moderst prlcea Roen Typewriter kxch. iv wun. ,$jtxru"ssif''s'yv " -- l NEARLY NEW Magic Chef gas ' nnn. Liberal discount Be It at Allen's Hdw.i Store. trtrijusfirir'i" "V - SHRUBS. Schrelbers 20(0 Nebraska. jnnAnjv,irai"riirir r m OATS AXD ! vetch hay. good wheat trow. Mrs. Wright 4K . mt Wal lace Rd. i 1 POULTRY FERTILIZER for sale. rkd. With or without peet mc TeL 123F2. Lee s hatchery. i ONE RECONDITIONED Conlon tnb washer with gas en gine. Satisfaction guaranteed. $49.50. . SAT. KM WASHER CO. 452 Court St i TeL $(1L iy,xrirxjxnjTjnr'vfviJYi"ii i" i BELCREST BELOW cost Ph. 62(7. rOATS A VETCH. NIc and bright 10 ton. Service Sta.. Brunk's Corner, j : GOOD RANGE. TeL 582$. . hi uinruxn ruin Aru'ir ri --rA f TABLE POTATOES $1.6 per 100. ; Reed. Burbank. Katahdlns. Garnets, Gems, British i Queen. Bamp'i Ware house, Brooks, 'Ore. i t irrtrt SALE Truck van steel reln- fnmd fhcan woedshaw. A-L 160 N. 24th. -t !- iij'LrumriAn.nriririfliii,iiiirir . ! LARGE AIR compressor In A-l ahnne (46.00. i North Dallas Service St ' I ' I WM (yMWMWMMWMWWWMMWWM i hat OATS, vetch and eheet Rt i 7. Box 497. HUflker. TeLi 128F2. annnrsvyyifVi'k'nr nnri" t f HAULING A FOR sale, dirt sand. gravel and fertiliser. Phone S54T. i ADVUKT1S1NO .. Western AarertiaiBS Represenutlrea ranger-Hall Co.! LUL i. Bsa rMHM es Aagsies 8attl I Caatern Advertising " Represenutlrer Bryant Griffith . Branson. In. Chicago. New Tork Detroit, Boston. Atlaata - 1 mntmrztt at tkm fuMtutttcm mt 1S Oreocn as gecoad-Class Umttr. tUked vrw mtcrntma mmcrpt Um4 Mtri. - I ' I ' , SUBSCRIPTION RA 1 KM : Mall Subscription Rates. In Advaaca Within Oregon: Daily an sunoay. i Ma. 6 cents: ( Ma $1 26 i M. $2.26 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 5 cents par Mow or $ for 1 year In advance. Pe- Con I eenta rws eianon cdi Rv at Carrier I 46 enta a mon'- ' WOMAN WANTS hour work. 260 S''iwi..x-l-u- - -in.-m.-j-i .ni in adrano. I For Sale Miscellaneous BUT UPSTAIRS AND! SAVE A full lino of studio couches at money saving prices. $24.50 to $i9.56. Com fort, style and reliability at low prices. UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE ' I 433 Court St. ROLLER' WATER Olucks a cheery Easter gift: Phone 6352. 260 N. 18th Street. . . ! 1 m m - JYMJsTsjuftrU'"UUtr EASTER ! LILIES. Cut Flowers. Pot Plants. Jay . Morris. Phone 8(37. CHEAP 9 MO. genuine shepherd dog. See Cj S. Orwlg. Orwig Market. . ii " rwLfLrxOj rjuXryjxrtJXftJVOXs' BUr UPSTAIRS AND SAVE Several high grade walnut living room desks. j Regular $42.56, sale price.j $27.50 Regular $27.5. sale price...! $24.50 .Rrsjular $31.60. sale price...4. ..$29.50 UPSTAIRS TORN ITU RE STORE : t 439 Court St. ... -n.n 'mv''ftffij-txygjjxj-j Farm Implements, radio. jTei. C3F15, JENNY LIND Beds. reg. size and Twins, regular price. $10.50, Sale $6.96 limited quantity. - Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court St. Buy: Upstairs and Save UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE Crostey Radio, console, 6 new tubes 912.64. New Grunow Radid. 11 tubes. ' reg. $84.50, $65.00. Grunow Radio 524.50. j 439 Court St. Traile Miscellaneous EXCHANGE EAST wash&ie machine used 2 yra, for upright piano. Tel. 7943, Wanted Miscellaneous ! FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep Tel 4SS3. MARKET POULTRY wanted any time. Highest cash ' prices paid. TeL 13SF2. Lee's -Hatchery. FILBERTS AND meata Stats Cafe. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In hell, any quantity State Cafeteria. WISH TO board A care for child ren In Christian home. Phone 5103. PILE, ROTTED fertiliser; Tel. 8094. Miscellaneous COLD STORA'JE locaera, Ra mage's. SI N Liberty Phone 8751. ART LESSONS, 607 N. 19th. MALE INSTRUCTION Would like to hear fmm mechanicallv inclined men In this community who would like to better themselves by training spare tuno for Installation and servicing work on all types AIR CONDITION ING and ELECTRIC REFRIGERAT ING equipment. Only reliable men with fair education should reply. Util ities Engineering Institute, Box 190, care Statesman. For Rent Rooms f ROOM WITH dressing room. Hot water heat. 355 N. Capitol. SLEEPING ROOMS, 549 N. Cottage. SMALL COZY turn. rm. Fine res. dist. Close in. $9.90 mo. Phone 9534. SLEEPING RM., new bed, heat. phone, close in. 670 So. Summer. SLEEPING ROOM. Tel. 4498. SLEEP R prlv. home, close in. Your own entrance. Reas. 533 Center. Room and Board BD. RM., I very close In. 5482. BOARD. FRONT room,1 fireplace, for two people. Also single room. 593 S. ComT. i BD., RM. Ldy. $5 wk. 2183 State. For Rent- Apartments 3 R. FURN. 255 DIVISION. LOVELY 2 R. furn. apt Clean and comfortable. ! Glassed sleeping porch. Prlv. bath. Adults. 666 S. Summer,. FURN. APT.. $12.60. 2316 HaaeL PRIV. FURN. apt. with bath. Ga rage. 245a JState. j r. GARAGE. 2003 N. Capitol. 2 R. FRONT APT, 250 S. Cottage. 2 R. UN FURN. apt.-, close In. 4 R. furn. apt., lights & water included $25. F. H. WEIR. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 3 RM. FURN. lights and water. 412 N. 21st St 1 OR 2 RM. 2(7 S. Church. 2 ROOM FLAT parUy furnislied. Corner Nebraska and Garnet 2 R03M MED. furn. 1552 State. For Rent Houses F MODERN HOUSE. TeL 4581. 2 R. FURN. HOUSE. TeL 8840. 6 R. FURN. HOUSE. TeL 6274. 5 RM. FURN. house $40.00. 4 other houses from (-1 to $55.00. P. It BELL 42 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121 R. HSE; modern $40 per mo. Rich L. Relmann. 167 8. High.. Dial 863Z. ( RM. HOUSE. Capitol A Belmont By owner, phon 62F11. 6 ROOM FURNISHED apt Electric stove, piano, telephone, heat and water furaUbeo. 2 bias, irom jjourr nouse. $36 per no. Ivan G. Martin, Masonic temple. i - - - - -,-.,", - ", 1 - .... . .... SMALL HOUSE In country. Close in. Paved, born, chicken hse., water sys tem. Elec Good dark soil for garden. H ac pasture. Some Implements, cow A few chickens Included. $20 per ma 3 mo. rent in advance. Willamette Real Estate 381 State Ph. 7113 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS for rent 231 Stat St TeL 8T12. HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent IL U BtUl Furniture ca. RENT GOOD pasture. Ralph Ben nett R. . Salem. For Sale Real Estate BRAND NEW ! C ROOM. MODERN house, choice residential location, large living room with attractive fireplace, corner cup board In dining room, mahogany wood work, wett lighted kitchen and nook. I large bedrooms, z seta piumotng, n re proofed exterior. Price $480 on terms. LAUi Mrs. Kiiis wnn CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State 8ts ! Phon (70S DISTANT OWNER OFFERS A welt built 7 room house far below value at $2300 on term or 2210 cash.- Prooerty is located only X block from state office building, larg i lot paved street and alley, Z nice wal nut trees, many flowering and orna- I mental shrubs. childs A MILLER. Realtors 344 Stat St ! Phon $708 ' CHOICE LOTS ON PAVED st, $59 will finance new homes up to $9 ef cost on long j 'nin paymenta W. H. ORABENHnRST WUk. 124 & Liberty SU For Sale Real Estate 1 I $2809 WILL BUT 1C acres aU In cultivation. Not far out. Has five room house,' barn, chicken honse and garage. Spring water piped In the house. Elec tric lights. Fru:t and berries. 90.00 will handle. $900.00 buys ten acres with four room house and barn. Soma timber and creek. $300.00 cash. Balance $15.90 per month, i 11 acres close In. on Uaraen road. Good buildings. All kinds of fruit. Can be bought at a bargain if taken soon. 1 acre, all m fruit, with fine well water. Close in. $1000.00. Terms. 7 room bouse on large corner lot. Both afreets paved. All kind of fruit. A good wuy for $2400.00, $300.00 down. LISTINGS WASTED i ROSTE1N & ADOLPII. INC : 110 H N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon CLOSE IN seven - room house, lot 50x165. This home is in course of con struction, owner mast selL A snap at $1125.00. See Mr. Harbor, HAWKINS ft ROBERTS INC Guardian Bldg. Salem THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS $200 DOWN. PRICE $1700 I R. bouse, 2 bedrooms, good location. $250 down, price $1500 6 R. house, bath, toilet, paved street, a snap. $45$ down, price $1450 S R. house, bath, toilet, woodhouse, good buy. Good investment, C R. house, bath, toilet, paved st, lot 75x150. $1800.00, any reasonable down payment. 3 GOOD LOTS On paved street close to new high school, for only $1500.00, a good In vestment! SEE JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR CHAS. SANDERS-CLIFF HAROLD 476 Court St. Phone $464. ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT $2250 S ROOMS AND bath, attic and base ment ; fireplace, furnace, glassed In porch ; large cherry trees and shrub lery. A compact neat home. Very good terms can be arranged, some reduction for cash. Let us show you this desir able place. DICK DARMELLE . . . Plum IU 1988 North Capitol FOR SALE 5 ROOM HOM3 at 726 S. 13th St. $200 cash. Price $1400. v u. jKrueger 147 X. Coml. Phone 4728 FURNISHED MODERN 5 room home South Salem, $2450 $350 down. Three days only Phone 6580. JUST LIKE rent, 8 room home on N. 19th St $1500.00 $100.00 down and $15.00 a month Including Interest W. G. KKUKGEK 147 N. ComX St Phone 4728 FOR BELCREST. PROPERTY, see W. G. KRUEGER Phone 4728 NORTH SALEM home, price $1000, or will rent for $15.00. partly furnish ed, for location phone 47 Z8, w. u. KRUEGER. MODERN R. HOME in Hollywood dlst. Beautiful yard with fish pool and all kinds of shrubbery. $4200. Ph. 6580. 2 ACRES ON Krngwood Heights, city wnter, electric lights. $100 cash. Price $900.00. Krueger 147 X. Com'L Phone 4728 LOTS GOOD LOCATION north, $600. Court street alley nnd street paved. $700. This price for a short time only. Lots from $75 up. We will help you finance your home. 6 RMS. BASEMENT, furnace, fam ily fruit $22.50. WINNIE PETTI JOHN 477 Court Street BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME WITH GRAND view of mountains and valley. Price $14,000. Will accept Salem home as part SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone $708 5 A. IMP. Owner. 740 University. GOOD INVESTMENT I n c o m property by owner. TeL 5987 or 2531. LOVELY COUNTRY home with city conveniences overlooking Salem. 2 acres bearing fruit and nut trees. All for $3500. owner. TeL 4034 166 N. 21st FOR SALE or trade for Salem prop erty, placer gold property. 2 lots, I room house, paved highway. Value $1500.00. Lockbart. Jacksonville, Ore. 5 It HOUSE close in on Winter St. a .valuable location, rurcnaser can get Immediate possession. Full price $2000, $100 down, $15 per mo. F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $902 SALE OR rent good 7 R. house, full basement, flowers and shade treea 2 a. SO LaureL CENTER ST. 8 ROOM BUNGALOW Substantial, well located, good looic- Ihg. Part basement, furnace, shrubbery. garage. Price, drastically cut to with (rmi - DICX DARXfELLE REAL. ESTATE 1988 N. Capitol Phon 8511 (1250 BUYS a 2 room stucco home. 1186 Edgewater street owner must selL no reasonable oner rerusea. i Krueger 147 X. Com'L Phon 4728 NEW 6 R. MODERN house. 2 R. can be finished upstairs. If you want some thing nice, let us show you this place. Priced at $5250. We have a modern 7 R. nous near the statehonse for $650. This Is a won derful location and a good buy. 4 R. plastered house, larg lot fruit A nuts. Price $1050.00. Terms. 4 R. A bath, olastered house, good location near new high school. Priced to selL Terms. we hav money to loan on good security. VOSBUKUH-UKANT s Masonic Bldg. $3500 7 room bungalow house, base ment, lurnace. garage, nun aau shade trees. $3800 ( room English house, fireplace. hardwood rioors, oasemeni, rur nace, garage. Includes radio, dining room and bedroom fur niture. P. H. BELL) 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121 CHEMEKETA STREET home, with basement furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, garage. Price $2659.00. t Krueger 14T X. ComT. Phon 4728 HOUSES PRICED right i strictly modern new house, S .High st, real buy. - ... ' Extra good buy atiuer bl, easy terms, close In : semi-modern house Electric St, reasonable payment and baL lik rent . 6 rm. house. Mission tst., near zsusn schooL $1500. easy terms. H. C SHAAtJUUS, ore. xiiag., eu A- OK HOPS with dryer on l a. farm : 2 mL from Salem : well wortn your consideration. 4 a. lor save.uv nae Dnllaa. Good chicken farm. 2$ a. with 10 a. prunea and prune dryer X r house and outbuildings; $S50!L$S00 cash. Furnished apt use. witn aprs. , close- to new sta t chouse ; only lw. $150 down, easy terms. 1 a. an m fruit ; well located ; 5 mL from Salens : $1100. $100 down; 1Z per mo., win furnish lumber for small hse. Duplex hse.. lot 59x150 ; 4 r. and bath ; I r. and bath, $1000. 'JO. Listings wanted. Rich L. Relmann, 1(7 S. High, Dial $(22. aimmfmPm -. LOT 60x100. EAST Salem, sewer and water connections in. Price $109.99 and assume paving. - Krueger 147 X. ComT. Phon 4722 4 ACRES EAST OF SALEM , 4 A. walnuts, 2 A. prunes. 1H A. blackcaps, peaches, cherries, pears, apples, house, bam, outbuildinga Take house to 92500, or sell on terms, $500 rash, balance easy. : Jesse G. Campbell : 268 Oregon Bldg. Exchange Heal Estate t PORTLAND EXCHANGE WW HAVE choice Portland prop erties to trade for Salem. VU1 pay Oil f eretire. - CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 341 Stats St Phons 70t TO EXCHANGE- 4 ROOM HOUSE In Toledo. Oregon for property In or near Salem. W. Ci KRUEGER 14T X. Com'L St Phone 472$. 1 For Sale Farms BACK TO THE FARM $4 ACRES. S room house, barn, gar- itr. outbuildings, on jsaniiam p-u highway. 7 acres plowed, oaiance p- I tiiro A timber. Excellent' small dairy and poultry proposition. Priced at only $2,000. Will accept some Salem prop erty. ' SEE Mr Walter witn run n4 a miij.PR. Realtors 244 State St . Phons 70$ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of A rlon In farm. Drlced reason able, 80 acres 6 miles out on Market Road, small set bldgs, about 20 acres In cultivation. baL pasture, some um ber, good drilled well and spring water nlmul ta house. Ideal for stock and poultry raising. A good buy for $$75, part cash. Dal. long lima loan. SEE Mr. Childs with M. KfTU.ER- Realtors 244 State St Phons $70$ A PEACH OF A PLACE BEniTi.SE IT has 13 -acres large bearing peaches, river bottom soil, and a lam nroducer. A real money mer. nice home, packinghouse and 21-acres ground. Only 1 mile out. wow u you want n. real profitable place, at low figures, call on - 47$ Court St Phono 8466 as ACRES CLOSE in. new modern bides., good sou and water. Bargain. 469 N. Front St. Apt 4. ht OWNER. 20 acres, all in cult. I Barn, granary. 10 miles north. $1800, easy terms or trade for Salem prop erty. Phone 7858 week days. 40 ACRE PRUNE and cherry or chard, 6 room house and barn on pave ment 4 miles from Salem. $5000. Also 22 acre tract house, barn, fruit dryer, prune and walnut orchard. Spring water, $3to. IVAN G. MARTIN Masonic Temple Acreage ACREAGE 6-ACRES (NORTH) 2 V A. bear ing cherries, fine location, price $1000. 10-acres, 1-mlle out on paved high way. 2i A. strawberries, price re duced to $2500.00, $750 down. 10-acres, good 4-R. house, lights water system, barn, family orchard, price $2760 $1150 down. 12 -acres. 4 R. house, 2 bedrooms, barn, garage, poultry house, price 20-acres. 10 A. cult, F. orchard, 10- A .timber and pasture, 2 wells, price only $1260.00 $66 down: these places are all bargains for this week. SEE JAR. T. SEARS. REALTOR CHAS. SANDERS-CLIFF HAROLD 478 Court Phon $4$( ACREAGE 1 ACRES. WELL Improved, black loam soil, nie 5 rm. house, electric water system, truit berries. $100 cash and assume $1109 mortgage for quick sal. H acre with small house, right In heart of Hollywood business district rwiint location for store, oil sta tion, cabins, court or what hav yon? $1200.- if acr tieuywooa ousinesa aisino, fair 2 story house, borders on good residential district Excellent poten tial value and a real bargain at $1(00. See us about terms on thes prop erties. WINNIE PETTTJOHX 477 Court Street t Business Opportunities EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUKtif r-llable. experienced auctioneer who) has conducted soma of the largest auc tion sales In the northwest will open permanent auction house In Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to fiv thousand dollar required Writ box (T. Salem Statesman. EXCLUSIVE GROCERT and conf. near new senior high schooL Consider able value placed on son change. Wonderful oooortunity for someone with cash. Inquire (95 N. 14th St RESTAURAXT AND fountain, beer Ilcense. well established business, llv- lng quarters, on Pacific highway. Cir cumstances make sale Imperative. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street I Money to Loan I GET SET FOR SPRING WITH j Quick Cash Loan BUT NEW clothes and other things you neew. With cash you can save when you shop. Notic these features: SIMPLICITY All we ask is that you are able t make small regular repayments nrt nnv loan Dlan you select PRIVACT. NO DEDUCTIONS. LOANS ON TOUR OWN NOTE. Second Floor New Bligh Bldg. Rm. 119 518 State St at Hian 8t Phon 2749 Salem. Oregon. Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem LIcoo S-122, M-K8. m1BmTtmPmm1PBfa SOUND INVESTMENTS. Mafe your savings aarn more Interest. Buy a first mortgage on real estate, the best security or aU. Loans available sso to 250. Net Investors t (. . CHILDS A MILLER, Mtg. Loan mPMMm111mmanMm MONET TO LOAN ON BALKM rosldentlal property n- der the F. H. A. plan, long Una loan with low monthly paymenta. n co mlaaian. Raftnane r euiia a home. W. H, GRABENRORST A CO, REALTORS 124 a Uberty 8t Phon (4(2 9100.000.0 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loads, 1 to 2 months repaying privilege. Infvin SmpvIA Also unlimited funds for real state lean , CHILDS A MILLER, INC. lie. 8-24 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used ear. Private money at very low ratea. No red tap 1 t 29 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 291 First NatX Bank Bldg, Salem. Or. Phon ' Hfc ti. .M.'l": CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently J owned and operated Salem company (.tun rnnr nroblam will rClv per sonal consideration both before and I a rrer th loan la mad. Interest on unpaid balance No fee I Quick, courteous serrlc. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance i Corporation At n. Katl Rflnk RMf- Salem. Or. Phon 91(8 Uo. No S-I2S FEDERAL. HOUSING loans, build, refinance homes, business prop. Ratea Abrama A Kills, Inc, Masonic Bldg. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on rsrm and city property. Before borrowing, 4nquirai Hawkins A Uoocrta For Sale Used Cars I j Always ... Ofcto J.WSisom 193$ Buick 6-w. Sedan, radio A heater. low mileage 193$ Chyrsler DeLux 4 -door Sedan 1934 Buick small series Sedan. Low 1934 Pontiac Sport Coupe. New paint, 1934 Chevrolet Sedan . 1932 Buick DeLuxs C-wheel Sedan. 1939 Buick $ Sedan, (-wheel equlpt 1929 Packard Sport Coup 1939 DeSoto Sedan , . 1939 Chevrolet Coup , , 1929 Chevrolet ' Coupe ,1929 Essex Sport Coup - 192$ Olds Coach 192$ Buick Sedan 192$ Buick Small Series Sedan. 1926-Jewett Coach 1927 Paige Coach 1927 Erskine Coup 1927 Buick coach 1927 Pontiac Sedan 1927 Buick 4-pasa, Coup 1925 Maxwell Coupe Otto J. BUICK SALES A SERVICE Phone 6451 288 X. Com'L St 28 FORD SPORT Coup, new paint re bored motor, $155. 21 Ford coach, new paint over aUed tires, $250. 21 Chevrolet sport roadster, new paint $265. . . 28 Ford sport coupe, as-is, $99. .'Tiny Parker TeL 2001 468 N. Liberty St Salem's Xewest Used Car Dealer 1SSJ PLYMOUTH BED AX. Less than 15.000 miles. Runs like new. WU1 trade. 2030 Breyman Ave. Ph. 8129. 29 CHEV. SEDAX. Good condition. $1(5. 1090 Third St. W. Salem. -rJ-rj-rTlflSmiaVu'''m-i-, . 19S1 GRAHAM SEDAX. built-in trunk. Extra clean. Will take cheaper car In trade. 1019 N. Firm st r-a. (449. FOR SALE or trade: 1932 6 pas. Do- Lux Buick. A-l condition, by owner. Box 1S Oregon Statesman. vow. AI.K 126 Chev. nlckup. Hy draulic brakes, all stael cab. 15 in. wheels. Must b seen to b appreciated. Inquire at Borrego'a Car Market 626 Marion. Phone 4533. j For Sale Wood I WOOD TRUCKS, formerly on Court St, now en Marion St XTLnj-Lru-in.-u-iPi - -- --- - ALDER A MAPLE. 16 bv. $5.26 cd. TeL (10, DRT SEC. growth bone dry 1(". H. E. HoUoway, TeL 2(72. slab. For Sale Wood nnmiNTeeD DRT WOOD coL TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trad ana Cottag. OLD MOUNTAIN fir, 1( In. $5.89. Prompt dL TeL 661. DRT WOOD. Phon $702. 1JXfJ'r1mymmUmm' m as s DRT 1$ IX. weed, $6.69. $45$. r Lost and Found LOST GRAT chocked overcoat from T. M. C. A. gym. Reward. Return 545 & 17th. Personal I WILL NOT b responsible for Tilta oantrarted bv anyone except my .elf. MAURICE COTHREN. I r I Wanted Used Cars WANTED. LIGHT aedan. good coo dJtion. Cheap. 775 Thompson Ave. Business Cards la this directory ram on a monthly basis only. Rate: SI per Hst per month. Auto Brakes (Clk Panes, 276 Soutn Commercial. Bicycles BICTCLES, NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 8. Com'L Pn. 461. Brushes FULLER'S. Ph. (724. 27(5 Brook St Chimney Sweep 1 I TELEPHONE 445. R. kV Nerthi ! Chiropractors DR. O. L SCtrrr. PSC Chiropractor. 25 N. High, TeL Pea $762 Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kind. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled r moved. Dirt for sal. Salem 8and and Oravl Co. rn 9498. Florists Brlthaupra 447 Court. Ph. 814. Furs Da BAIN rue On Master farrier and design rs. Rra. 8 A MUST tnas. Landscaping RELIABLE Fredrick son. LANDSCAPING. Ph. 11F21. Price LL C. Laundries TRl NEW SALEM LAUNDRY thk wicider LAUNDRT ltl SL Hlzh TeL 9126. , CAPITAL C1TT LAUNDRT - riRST IN.Onalltr and 8rvlc raUonoa 21(6 124 Broadway Lime GOLD HILL agricultural Ihn. state -tasted.. 98 calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. Order at 1979 Broadway r 429 Oregon Bldg. Mat tresses SALEM rLUKr- RUG nd Mattrea Factory. MEW MATTKESS mad to order, oid mad . carpet el" win g. ts I tr.m nurr ram weavina a. iitn a n but; TeL 44L OTTO F. ZWICKER, I91L ; For Sale Used Cars 1 ) 9 at Lots of other extras. $lt5.0 with heater, low mileage $ 8J5.00 mileage $ 68S.OO low mileage 9 $ 645.0 525.09 445.09 33S.9 265.90 255.99 216.9 16S.0 125.0 118.0 145. 115.6 $3.6 22.60 65. 85.0 62.5 42.6 22.59 A buy at Wilson Salem MtL-wvuW-w-lf-wlJirUyf Personally Indorsed WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE ALL CARE UNDER COVER NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER - 36 HUDSON CUSTOM DeLUXE Se dan. Original finish upholstery spot less. Bullt-tn trunk, steel body, safe ty glass, electric gear shift new white side wall tires. Why buy a new car? See this Today. ONLT $650 35 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR SE DAN. Finished Duco-acorn tan. In terior spotless. Built-in trunk, steel body, safety glass. Lockheed hy draulic brakes. Get 1$ miles to j gal. of gas. Very low mileage $65 36 HUDSON DeLUXE SEDAN: "first series," original black finish, up holstery spotless : new tres ; steel bT'AaagilJr Vn : wl large luggage compartment; get as miles to gat of gas. Special priced $5S 35 TERRAPLANE DeLUXE SEDAN. "Last series.- Original black fin ish. Upholstery spotless, steel body. surety glass. Large luggage com partment Get 2 mile to gal. of gaa, Very low mileage $(25 24 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN -Last series. Radio, heater, fender skirts. finish original like new. Upholstery Bootless. Motor is perfect very low mileage. Special at $296 32 TERRAPLANE DeLUXE SEDAN. Finish spruce green. Interior clean as pm. Steel body, safety glass, lan der wells, lanre trunk. Owner got 29 miles to gaL of gas $425 21 PACKARD CLUB 8EDAN Origin- x'At.-KJtAW uixjh ua urigin - al finish. Upholstery spotless, good tries, trunk rack. Complete over - haul Job. Cost new $36. A Real Buy - $496 DURA NT DeLUXE SEDAN Re flnished. Interior spotless, new tires, motor perfect Heater, wind- . wings. Guaranteed $296 21 STATE MOTORS INC. Hudson-Terra plane-Packard Open Evenings A Sunday High at Chemeketa Ph. (400. '35 MASTER CHEV. Low mileage. 1024 X. Hth. BIDS REQUESTED OX FIRE KQUIPMEXT v The undersigned will receive sealed bids until 7: SO p. m., April S. 1937, for the following equip ment: 1 600-gallon centrifugal bronxe, two stage, Parallel-Serios Pump, with water tank and uusal equip ment; 1 14-foot extension ladder. 1 roof ladder, fire extinguisher. Directory 1 lMattresses CAPITOI HKItlHN'l fit tone Music Instruction ME1S1NGER STUDIOS. 19t2 Oak. TeL 718. Accordion, modern plan. guitar, club. Music Stores GEO. C. WILL PlaiKM. radtna. machines, sheet must and plan stud- j lea. Repairing radios, phonograph and wing omenta (22 - State etrmt Satora, Pa in ting-Pa perttangirHr j PAINTrNG. PAPER hanging. T. 192$. PAINTING, Kalsomtnimg. Tot 712. Paint Washing I Professional, Wall Washing Ca. All kind of nalnt clean lng. walloaner. woodwork, window, and kalsomln cleaning, utai fi. Let a professional do your work. Commercial and rmidentlaL . . Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving, 14T K CentnrelaL Tel 62(7. Printing FOR 8TATIONCRT. card. lata. Dnacnuna hooks r any kind of I printing, call 1 b b talesman rnnnng Department 216 8. ContmorrtaU. Tt- pbon 91L Private Detective Nw0 WlUtema, H I2t. TL $71. Stoves and Fence WK REPAIR stoves, range, circula tor Sell nw and rebuilt stove, ran ge and circulator, wtr t sec aad I fenc Doata Salem Fac and 8tovl Works. 2(2 Cbeoxketa. Tt 4774 s. B. Fleming. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer tr- ga. call 2121. Larmer Tranarar uo Tracks t Portia ad daily. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 22 first St. TeL 7772. Distributing, for- rardina and storag ear spvclalty. Get ur ratea. - - ,- Well Prilling a A. WEST. Rt . Bx. (46. T. I19Fa For Sale Used Cars f (FOUR BIG REASONS WHY IT PAYS TO BUY AT -MeKAYS Better Cars - - - I Loiver Prices ------- i PONTIAC Coach - 35 $ 76 $14$ .$146 $175 275 $248 29 PONTIAC Sedan CHEV. Coach 29 FORD Panel DeL . 21 CHEV. Panel DeL $ CHEV. Coach 2 CHEV. Coupe . ',,',. 533 Center Pnooe 3119 McKay Chevrolet Co. Make Us ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ! Used Cars i2( Ford DeLux Sedan; trunk and ; radio : -t ll3( Ford Sedan with trunk 1934 Ford "Victoria . - 1932 Ford Roadster 13 Ford Sport Coup 193 Ford Roadster 1929 Ford Coupe 1935 WUlys 77 Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Panel Delivery THESE CARS HAVE BEEN OX II AXD OVER 3 DATS JVAl A. A Valley Motor Co. OPEN SUNDATS THREE LOTS Center A Liberty Phon- 215S i Jim St Clair - Guy Bond I Marion A Liberty Phone 791 i Forest Fulton - BUI Earl Shorty Mission Hollvwood Service Station 2121 Fairgrounds Rd. Phon 7455 Ford Cola axe, and necessary small tools. A. WARREN JONES, M.2X City Recorder. Roseburg Chamber Urges Covemment to Purchase 1 Half Remaining Prunes i J - .J-ROSEBURG. March tt-Fi " The Rose burg- chamber of com merce has sent a letter to the Oregon delegation In congress urging that the United States government bay np at least half the remaining tonnage of ernnes f$r distribution through relief agencies. IThe chamber ' pictured prune i n in, p.eifir northwMt STwln, In n PaciIlC nortnwest 1 as a ujuir uiuuauy. Cross Word Puzzle ii' li2 13 h I5 16 11 iQ r i" 11 12 S 75 20Z2l 22 23 tT-2t WLZW1 zz - s7 - - 355 se - 5? i 26 : i . 'A I i I I i sammasBBj sBjsjsmsBjsBBBBBBm I - : ? By EUGENE SHEFFER J i HORIZONTAL r il lacarnatioa ?T Military officers U Writ callinc Jurors to a trial J Highest (Mint IS H ebrew aame for God - . 18 Who ware the Raman red of i ta hwfcald? IS Mothr 19 Hard-shelled fndt 21 Velum 9 Ctowb tax in the Shetland Is i lands 24 Utter in a harsh role 26 Period of time 28 American humorist 29 Uncanny : 30 Source of iadigo 21 Color 52 Apothecaries weight U Winewd sft strin of wood csed la winter : soort 3S Wkat Uadary SwU kro ro . i fnsd to pay aomag to I terT 40 New star; 43 Anger Ml Smum than 45 From wkat port did Cotamaos 4 sat not m 1492? AA-Rmnnkin : 48 Who is known as tka "Gloomy Dean"? 50 Spanish pi and artid 61 At home 52 Volatile liquid 5 Prefix: twofold - a P of th vhaTl 58 That which corresponds with uim nthee thimr CO What axtinct Japanese volcano is 5630 foot kigk T CI TiU of the saoeua i ! VERTICAL ' i Exact satisfaction for 3 RandofrelTet . 3 Indefinite article . A nratnitv i SSuned crest of mountain range ' . . js City is Nerada 1 Corporeal jg ImiUU . i For Sale Used Cars - - Written Guarantees Low C. M. A. C. Terms 3i cincv. Coup $29: SI CHEV. Lamteau Phaetos $2$ 22 CHEV. L.W.B. Truck $375 34 CHEV. Sedan 147S 35 FORD V-8 Tudor . 26 FORD V-$ Tudor $47S $5TS 3 CHEV. Town Sedan . $575 439 X. Commercial am - Offer 1932 Packard Foidor -Sedan 193 .Studebaker Coure 193 Chevrolet Cwipe 193 Clevrolet Sedan 193 Essex Sport Coup ' 1930 Oakland Sedan 193 Pontiac Coach 1929 Nash Fordor Sedan. 8 f them 1928 Nash-Coach NO REASON- mmW Woodburn Girls at State College Are Victims of Holdup, Portland Street WOODBURN, March 21 The Misses Maria and May Breed, of Woodburn. who are attending Oregon -State college and were visiting in Portland during, the spring racatlon, were Tlctlras el a holdup Frday night at the cor ner of Southwest Ninth arena and Clay street In Portland. The robber, a tall, slender dark-complexioned' young man. secured a purse, containing a pair of glasses, coin purse with small change, fountain pen .and an Oregon State college student body card. Chinese Idol 10 King of Baxhaa 11 Manufactured arsin - 12 Ushered to one's place 17 So be it IO Was was rimi of in Franc for throe saootha I32T 23 Wkat wns tk pso osmo of the ontke of "Tarongh the Loa btgClas"? 25 Wko woe tka ooo-kand Nro war god 7 27 Everything: 30 Wkat team woo tk 400 meter relay aa tke 1932 Olympics! 33 Consumed 35 Of each an equal quantity 88 SLlicoo diaxid 37 Wkat titan was Utkroo ky kiaaooZeosr SJ Light epea cotton f abrk . 41 Sorcerer 42 Appoint 45 Plant with handsome flowers 47CorrerU into leather 49 Mountain pass 53 Meadow 54 100.000 rupees 57 Proposed international laa ruage 69 Bene Id! Herewith la the solution to rss terdaya puzzle. 21 3 c. I O- v A"! 1 5wt AGO; ' 1la7 PjTtTjE S lMOJ rCtC'ZIE'i" if JC" Ulf.fet Bawl