PAGE TORES Another Business Structure to Me at Lebanon The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 161937 mew I Seven Pupils Get Place On St. Paul's Honor Roll SILVERTON, March 15. The honor roll for St. Paul's school for the past month registers Alice Gander, Richard Kastlgar, Vera Zoilner, Ruth Hassenstab. Charles Schiedler, Margaret DeRyke .and Joseph Welssenfels. Now Ease Neuritis Pains Fast Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly la 2 amada-fcr watch, a (! BATES Aaairia tablet Carta to disintegrate mmd gm to work. Dra a Barar Aaairia teMc aa to claaa af water. By tba tiaaa M ktta taa bat taaa af tk glaaa It la aiaiatcfraiiaf. What to tkia glaaa to I i For Amazingly Quick Relief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin If you suffer from pains of neuritis what you want is quick relief. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets give quick relief, for one reason, be cause they dissolve or disintegrate almost instantly they touch mois ture. (Note illustration above.) Hence -7 when you lake a real Bayer Aspirin tablet it starts to dis solve almost as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly . . headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at once. 1 That's why millions never ask for aspirin by the name aspirin alone when they buy, but always say -BAYER ASPIRIN" and see that they get it. Try it. You'll say it's marvelous. 15C ro A DOZZM 2FUIX4C DOZEN JW Virtually lea tablet uook rom thk matmm cmosa Cotton Store WillBe22x50 School Board Buys Supplies To Take Advantage Of Low Market LEBANON, March 15. Bert Cotton, one of Lebanon's leading merchants. Is planning to erect a business house of 22 feet front and SO feet! depth Just north of his store on Main street. The new structure will be of hollow tile with stucco ! finish and a brick front. j - The house which will be re placed by the new building,is now being razed. ! It was built by Mr. Eberhart and was used for his of fice about 1900. The Lebanon public library was a beneficiary of Mr. Eberharfs will and some of the best books on its shelves were chosen under the will by Sam Gar land and members of the library board and are available to the public j . ". Hoard Huys Equipment At a special meeting of the Leb anon school j board Friday night the housing problem was consid ered, and noting the advancing prices of wood and steel equip ment the bCard decided to save 20 per cent by acting on bids now in and arranged for approximately $1350 expenditure on furnishings and equipment. , W. A. Hunt and the Hunt paint store says that business is look ing up and prospects are good for work and sales In the paint and paper line, j Woman Is Injured Mrs. L. P. Taylor of route 1 is slowly recovering from an Injury to her back! caused by being kicked and thrown down by a cow that had been frightened by a dog Miss Anne Dobesh of Victoria, B. C arrived Saturday for a visit With her aunt. Mrs. Marie Dobesh and son, Harry. Called Back to Iowa Miss , Wilma Bearden who, has spent several months with her aunt, Mrs. G. E. DePew, was called Friday to her home in Chariton. Iowa, by the illness of her sister, j Mrs. Alyce Elliott entertained Friday night with a dinner party for Mrs. Hattie Cruson. Mrs. F. Heinrich, Mrs. Flora Chllds, Mrs. Angie Thomas. Mrs. Minnie Mor gan and Mrs. Orta Stacy. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boggle have SOURNESS, ACID, GAS GAS STOMACH RELIEVED BY AMAZING NEW VAN TAGE "My Friends Are Amazed at the Great; Change in Me!" Declares Mrs. Burns, Popular Oregon Lady Tells How the Great Van Tage Com pound Relieved Her Gassy, Upset Stomach, Terrible Headaches and Nervous, Rundown Feel ing! "I swelled with gas after every meal. I thought my poor stomach would surely burst. Oh! It was awful! And the horrible pains from this gas bloating. I can't even describe them. But since I got Van-Tage my stomaeh gas and bloat are greatly relieved. Now I can eat! I simply bless the da I found this medicine." All over Salem and throughout this section people are talking like that about VAN-TAGE. the Amazing Compound, now being introduced in this city by a Spe cial Van-Tage Representative, known as The VAN-TAGE Man. at 170 N. Liberty Street. For in stance, Just a few days ago. Mrs. Mary E. Burns, ot 6708 ' N. Knowles. Portland, made the fol lowing statement about the re lief she found with Van-Tae after many other medicines' had failed to help her. Mrs. Burns has lived In Oregon for 18 years and is the wife of a Prominent Railroad Man. Her testimonial will be read with arreat interest by EVERY SUFFERING PERSON! Lost 18 Pounds Due lo Upset, Gassy Stomach "My stomach organs had been in an awful condition for nearly 30 years." said Mrs. Burns. "Ev erything I ate would disagree with roe. but it seemed like the acidy foods were worse than anything else. My food would lay in my stomach for hours like a lump of lead and the gas and bloating caused terrible pains all through my abdomen. After each meal, as soon 68 the gas would form. I would hava terrifying headaches that lasted for hours. This awful ronditlon of my stomach caused me to lose 18 pounds In weight, and I became nervous and rest less and couldn't sleep at night or get my proper rest." Finally I got rundown In general and felt like all the energy had left my body. . " '- Tells of Quick Relief ; With Great Van-Tage , . I had tried treatments of dif ferent medicines and some of them I took for months and months without much benefit, so I was retting badly discouraged. Then I heard of Van-Tage and got It, and today I feel so much better that It doesn't seem like I ever had a sick-day In my life! I have taken I bottles of Van-Tage and my stomach never seta npset any i Ji - J SIRS. MARY K. BURN'S, Widely-Known Oregon Iady,- Who Kay: "I Feel Like I Never Had a Sick Day in Sly Life, Since VAN-TAGE Relieved Sly Stom ach SUseryt" more and my food doesn't sour or cause bloating or those awful gas pains. I have a great appe tite. , Headaches are a thing of the past. I don't feel nervous and Irritable anv more and can sleep soundly at "night and wake up feeling rested and refreshed. I have more strength and energy and am gaining r.-eight a?ain. My friends are : all surprised to see me looking so much better and I tell them all that Van-Tage de serves all the credit. And I want to say this to erery poor sufferer who has troubles like mine: Get Van-Tase and take it, "because It certainly is a real, honest medi cine." : . : How the 21 Herbs in Van-Tage Help You It Is the Natural Herbs in Van Tajro which! help to produce the relief described above by Mrs. Burns. Herbs have been used by the Human Race for Hundreds of Years. They act as a carminative, laxative, cholagogue and diuretic, thus helping cleanse the bowels, bringing forth gas and bloat from stomach, assisting Nature in flush ing excess impurity from kidneys and bladder and stimulating the activity ot sluggish liver. Miser able people write us daily, prais ing the cleansing and invigorating properties of Van-Tage. and many say they feel like different men and women after taking it. Anoth er thing due to the immense volume in 'which it sells, the price of Van-Tage is Reasonable. So, if you suffer as outlined herein, get this New Medicine TODAY! A Special; Van-Tage Represen tative, known as The VAN-TAGE Man. Is now at 170 N. Liberty St.. Salem, daily meeting crowds of people and introducing and ex plaining:' this Remarkable Com pound. 1 ' Om Sale at - - , Fred Meyer Toiletry & Remedy Shop 170 X. Liberty SI - moved to Longview, Was'-i., where he has employment. Guild Girls Give Tiny' A one act play, "Radiant Mem orles," was presented by the W. W. G. girls before an audience ot CO tn the social rooms of the Baptist church Friday night. The offering was given to missions. : - " ; Persistence Wins In Mission Field SILVERTON. March 15 Per sistence Is the winning feature in missionary work, declares Rev. A. E. Gunderson, who was guest speaker at Trinity church San day morning and Immanuel church Sunday night. After four missionaries had opened the Su dan mission in Africa 1500 miles west of Ethiopia in 1923, it took nine years to consummate - the first baptism of a native, r Rev. Gunderson told. The Sudan mis sion lies 800 miles inland. At present there are 95 natives in the mission and there are 22 white people doing the mission ary work. , Rev. Gunderson told entertain ingly of many of the natives habits, making special mention of their manner of tabulating popu lation. Bundles of sticks repre sented the residents. . .When a child is born another stick la added. When a member ot the tribe died a stick is thrown away. Hubbard Teachers Get Salary Boost Cast From White School to Give Play ; Girls Slate Social Turkey Growers May Buy Building AURORA, March 15. The Ore gon Turkey Growers' Coop is ne gotiating with the school board of Canby to purchase the gram mar school auditorium. In event a deal is made, the association will convert the large structure into a cold storage plant, mak ing Canby headquarters for pro ducers in this part of the valley. The property, a house and lot in Aurora, formerly owned by Mrs. Rose C. Miller, now deceas ed, has been sold to Mr. Fre nch, who has been living on the Urban farm the past year. ; A. W. Steinbach. living. 1M miles south of Aurora, is ser iously ill in a Salem hospital. Grangers' News TALBOT, March 15. The An keny Home Economics club apon sored a card party at the grange hall Saturday night. Four tables of "500" were In play. High score was won by Mrs George Marlatt and C. F. John ston, and consolation to Edwin Swarti. Refreshme nts were served. Those present were: Mr.' and Mrs. Rex Hartley, Mr. and Mrs Ben Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D Farr, Mr. and Mrs. William Wied erkehr, Mrs. Edna Swartz, Mrs G. H. Marlatt, Miss Ilene Blinston, George Henderson, Edwin Swartz, Laurence Lenaberg, Vernon Mil ler, Keith Brown, Robert . Cole, Walter Wolf, A. E. Cole, Virgil Gould and C. F. Johnston. FAIRFIELD, March 15. The president's Bupreme court reform program was debated before the Fairfield grange Friday night, J. W. Johnston, B. C. Hall and Al bert Girod upholding the plan and Francis Saalfeld. Mr. Ronge and D B. DuRette debating against it. A secret ballot on the issue result ed 2 to 1 in favor of the supreme court reform. Herman E. Lafky of Salem acted as critic Judge, awarding the decision to the neg ative team, but concluding his re marks with his personal endorse ment of the proposed plan. Frank Saalfeld, chairman of the legislative committee, gave a report, also B. C. Hall, chairman of the agricultural committee. A speaker from the state university extension service will give a talk at the next regular meeting of the Farmer's union at the hall, Friday night. March 19. Mrs. M. B. Lucas. H. E. chair man, reported that the usual Eas ter Monday dance will be held at the hall. The club will hold its next meeting April 1, with Mrs. Lucas. The regular grange social meet ing March 26, will be dispensed with. . . MODERN WOMEN Naad No Safer monthly pain and delay due to cotda, Derroua train, exposure or similar fauna. Cht-cnea-tera Diamond Brand Pi Is are efTectiTa, rename ana r ve uuc Kelt, tooid by ill aruxsuu lororer toya&rs. Ask let THS IIAMOND ty SRAMB Liquid, Tatiet , suva. Hose ureva Try Ckacka COLDS and FEVER first day Htadacbea. 90 Binntea ; Eos M Tlam" War1d e Beat b'ttUBOa Dp. Chan Lam CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Natural remedies) ' for disorders of 11 t er, stomach, glands, skin, . and urinary system of men and women. Remedies for constipation, asthma, arthritis. sugar dlabetls aad rheumatism. T. T. ness. .Naturopathic .1 physicians. 803 H Court'. St. Corner Liberty. Of fice open Saturdays and Tuesdays only, 10 A. M. to 1 P. !., 6 P. M. to 7. Con sultation Blood pressure aud urine OaMie Caaa - V M. Z. charge. V. m - HUBBARD, March IB - The Hubbard school hoard has re hired two of the three teach ers: Miss Catherine Barker of Salem, commercial teacher, ' and Miss Fleta I. Merrill of Heppner, Engllnsh teacher and girls' ath letic director. There will be a vacancy in -the auperntendent of schools and boys' athletic director position. The high school teachers will receive a raise in salary of $15 a month. All the grade school teachers were rehired: Mrs. Roy Duncan, first and second grade; Mrs. Fern Foster, , Gervals, third and fourth grade; Mrs. Lottie Frye, fifth and sixth grades; and Paul Burch of Independence, seventh and eighth grades and grade ath letics. The. grade school teachers wil receive $10 monthly salary boost. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Adams of Klamath Falls are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mller. Plan Comedy Show She Social Circle of White school will present a show the first week in April at the Hub bard city halL A play "Aaron Schlick of Pumpkin Creek" will be put on. The main characters will he portrayed by Melvin Grim, Frederick Schneider, For est Urban and Mathilda Gilles, teacher at White school. There will be several musical numbers also. The committee in charge is Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, Mrs. A. Fobert and Mrs. Earl Grim. A pie social will be held on March 19 in the school gym by the high school girls' glee club. The program will be furnished by the members of each class. All the girls will bring pies and they will be auctioned off. The public is Invited to attend and bring pies also. The proceeds will be used to buy more music. W.J. Amnion House Ruined by Flames Wednesday Night JEFFERSON, March 15 The house on the W. J. Ammon farm li miles southeast of Jefferson was destroyed by fire Wednesday night. The fire was discovered by neighbors about midnight- The cause of the Jlre is unknown. The bouse had been vacant for several days as Mr. and Mrs. Nel son who occupied the house mov ed into town last Sunday. Am mon, the owner, lives in Port land. Clifford Cole, who is employed at Knight Bros, garage, got a piece of steel in his left eye while at work Tuesday. Wallace Truax has taken a 10-year lease on a small tract of land on the W. A. Brown ranch north of Jefferson on the Paci fic highway, and plans to erect a gasoline storage plant and fill ing station. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyson went to Seattle last week to attend the funeral services for Tyson's sis ter who died in Alaska, NOTED SPECIALISTS Successfully treat Rectal, Celeu aad Steutach Ailments Within easy reach ia this eldest and moat experienced Clinic in the west for treat ment .1 Pilea aad other Sects 1 aad Colon disorders; . i. c i. . t - iafacory results s seared. No hospital surgical operation. No confin icnt. Send for valuable f Booklet todaj Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC ysJcJai aaMf Smrgmmm . ff .E. Corner Bnrnaid. and Grand Avenue Telephone EAat 391S Portland. Oregon Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On No matter how many medlcirms you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Crcornnlrion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul atom which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the Inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund your money If you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Oct Creomulslon right now. (AdvJ H ISK CHIXKSK HUltBS When Others Fail i'HARLlE CHAN . Chinese Herbs REMEDIES Healing virtue has been tested hundreds years for chronic ail meats, nose. catarrh, ears, lungs, asthma, chronic cough, Mtomch, gall stones colitis, constipation, dUbetis, kidneys, bladder, heart, blood, nerves, neuralgia, rheumatism, - high blood pressure, gland. kla sores, male, female and chil dren disorders. S. B. r'ong, ft years practice In China, .- .Herb Specialist, 122 'A. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. Office noun 9 to P. M. Sunday and Wed. 9 to f O A. M. 15 SPRING VALLEY, March The Spring Valley community club met Saturday night with a fair sized attendance. President Hugh Craig presided at the business meeting. Mrs. Seymour Wilson ac companied her daughter, Dorothy, who gave two violin numbers. Gladys Crawford gave two piano solos. Miss Orvetta and Miss Violet Cooper each gave a reading. Mr. Craig and Vernon Merrick gave some impromptu talks. The next meeting will be April 9. s ? ' Mr. and Mrs. P. B.- Windsor are In charge of the program numbers to be given by Spring Valley at the Joint benefit pie social at Zena Friday night. March 19. Funds will go for flood relief. Four Detroit Grades Get First Honors in County Test in 2-Room Schools DETROIT, March 15 Follow ing are the results for this district at the county spelling test in the two-room schools: grade 3, 4, third, average .44; grade 5, first, average 41; grade I, first, average 42; grade 7, rank first, . average 44; grade 8, rank . first, average 3 iinwall Guests t for Iowa Depar . a. BROOKS, March 15 Miss Mae Dayton and her brother, who have been guests ot their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aspinwall and fam ily the past two weeks have left for their home in Brooklyn, Iowa. : Miss Ellen Hackit has gone to Des Polas, Calif., to be at the bed side of her brother, Stewart Hac kit, who Is critically III. Mrs. Roy Reed, who underwent a major surgical operation at the Salem hospital a week ago,' is im proving satisfactorily. The Methodist Ladies' Aid so ciety will meet in the church Wednesday. Constitution Is Theme For Chamber Discussion . At Silverton Tomorrow SILVERTON, March 15 The "Constitution Today" will be the subject under public discussion Wednesday night at the chamber of commerce dinner at Toney's. Jofen Costeel of the University of Oregon will bring a group of students here from the speech de partment of the university to pre sent the pros and eons of the sub ject under discussion. est Salem News "4'EST SALEM, March 15 Mrs. Rose pfeifant and Mrs. B. K. Eng lehirn were Joint hostesses for the Teaj and Talk club meeting Thurs dyi, afternoon . . at the Pf eif auf horned j . f : The Townsend elnb meeting Friday night was attended by a large crowd. The program consist ed bf-vocal numbers with guitar accompaniment by Cecil Allbrit tonjand Roy Phillips; Hill Billy's aet iLoran Vosbnrgh, Eugene Ritchie and Russel Hackett; song, "When My Dream Boat Comes True," 'Beverly, and lone Kelly, accompanied by Loran Vosbnrgh; speech, "The Two Visions, Eastern and Western," by Dr. H. C. Epleyv Lunch was served. Hubbards Are Visitors LYONS, March 15 Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard and daugh ter Fern of the Linn Lumber com pany mm on Bodeker mountain were in Lyons Thursday night. J The Magic of the Supercharger Can Be Summed Up in These Words- Ko" car without a Sunerchr- "tt can outrun out-pull out perfoiin out-aceelerato or nive as many miles to the gallon of .gasoline I "America's Undisputed Champion GRAHAM SUPERCHARGER i WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION 445 Center St, Salem, Ore. - Phone 0133. For Eight Years Your Graham Sales and Service for Marion and Polk Counties I r ! 1 ' - - Home of Good Used Car nn M 1937's BIGGEST Hard Wheat Family Flour VALE FLOUR It's thrifty to buy In the 49-lb. sacks. Vale is an Ideal all-purpose flour. 24-lb. sack 73c. At Grocery Dept. 49 lb. sk. .39 a- Freestone Halves VALE PEACHES Large 2 -size cans of home-style canned peaches, with true fresh peach flavor. "At Grocery Dept. large cans 2 as My-Te-Fine Brand Florida GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 size cans of zest ful, flavorsome, tangy Florida whole segment gra p e f r u 1 1. Hand peeled, unusual flavor. At Grocery Dept. Can EE Tender, Stringless Green VALE BEANS Tender, with fresh-like flavor and goodness. Stock up! Xo. 2 cans ; 2 Cream Style Golden Bantam VALE CORN No. 2 size cans of tasty Northwest grown and canned golden bantam corn. Popular cream style. At Grocery Dept. Can E 1 " St. Patrick Shamrock Filled with Bth Ave. chocolates. Also large St. Patrick Lolly pops at 1 0c and S for 2 Sc. At Candy Dept. Box Candy GD iPwrarov - x 1 1 ; VALUES : - .i - - Shop These Values TODAY START Here are a few 1 representa tive values among the scores of special savings featured for Fred Meyer Days. Shop our shelves for deepfcut prices. Come early all prices while quantities last only. $1.50 Smoking Combination PIPE and WiCK SI Dr. Graber briar pipe and 50c bakelite pipe rack, all for Just the price of the pipe! alone. Assorted styles Dept. I a Fred Meyer 100 Pure PENNOIL A top quality straightl motor oil, can't breate down. In refinery! sealed auart cans. Reg ular 23c At Groceryi Dept. 5 gal. ' 3V- 75c Value A.- C. SPARKPLUGS j Replace the worn-ouf spark plugs in youtj car and cut your gasoi line costs. Cash and carry price. At, Grof eery Dept. i 1S 5c Copper Wire Ball POT CLEANER These are handy foi quickly and' easilj scouring pots and pans.. Non - rusting copper wire cleaners Stock up. At Toilet Dept. . 1 2 t t i It's Oven-fresh Daily! JIY-TE-FfNE A rich, mellow, top1 quality , blend. (21c lb.) Reg. 3 lbs. 65c.T At Grocery Dept. - - . :H' 3 11 lbs.' for i a? .-uan m m. us Pearled Peanuts These are a delicious candied peanut made in our own daylight candy kitchen. Candy Dept. lb. -AVASsVV5 Fifth Avenue's Ensemble Box Chocolates 2.K 00 An assortment of 5 th Ave. chocolates , and candled fruits. At Candy Dept. : 0 : 3 E' 6mnch Business ! ENVELOPES, 50s Package of 50 good quality white envel-j opes. Ideal for busi- ness or everyday letter writing. At Toiletry! 'Dept. - : I 4at f or 50c Value Worthy Brand MAGNESIA Full pint, full quality milk of magnesia. -An anti-acid mouth wash and tonic. At Toilet . ry Dept. Pt. 10c Round Table Atlas SHOE POLISH Black or brown. Im prove appearance and preserve the leather ot your shoes. :.. At ToUetry Dept. - for Everready Flashlight 49c PENLIGHT Everready 'pocket fountain pen flashlight, c o m with fresh batteries At Toiletry Dept. 35c Full Pint Fred Meyer' WITCH HAZEL Fine quality, triple distilled from spring water. Stock up at this saving. At . Toiletry Dept. - : Fred Meyer -Certified 100 ASPIRIN Pnre. 5-grain aspirin tablets. Effective in treating head sore throats, Toiletry Dept. recti ve in d aches,. ( Ci JffO .etcAt Vj? 50c Value Worthy Brand Pt. ANTISEPTIC Full strength antisep tic solution, for mouth wash and gargle. Fred Meyer Days saving! At Toiletry . Dept. - $1.50 Gilbert 30-Hour . ALARM CLOCK Guaranteed movement, attractive cases. De pendable, te e urate timekeepers. , Replace the old one now! At Toiletry Dept, Prices for Tuesday Through Thursday I : S. big value days.' Come down ear ly, shop wble yon are sure of full . selections. All prices while quan- titics last only. -Mi:- i 170 N. LIBEUTY ST. ; 35c Value Good Quality Rubbeir Gloves Ideal . for household work. They have the roughened non .surface that keeps from dropping etc At Toiletry Dept. ips you J m . , ( dishes (J '