The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1937, Page 11, Image 11

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    Musical Tea Is
In Melton
i n'OTHER of Miss Melton's de-
lightful teas has been planned
for thU afternoon when mu-e-minded
folk are invited to
come to he-studio at 324 lor an
afternoon of music. Students who
will play are Margaret Barrett.
Janice Nelson. Margaret Wonder
lick. Carolyn Brady, Jean Claire
Swift. 5
Gladys Mclntyre Thomas will
siag two groups, the first.. "With
Verdure Clad" by Haydn. "Lag,
ciatemi Morire' t by Monteverde
and Vedrai. Carind from Don
Giovanni by Mozart. The second
group will follow a piano solo by
Miss Elizabeth Lewis. VFantasie
Impromptu" by Chopin, and will
include "Tell Me Oh Blue. Blue
Sky" by Giannini. "The Last
Hour" by Kramer, Hartley's if
You Would Hare it So" and "Joy"
by Watts.
. Mrs. Milo Rasniussen and Mrs.
"p. E. Barrett will pour, and. the'
Misses Margaret Siegmund, Max
tie Holt. Elainei Lehman, Marion
Aplin, Jean Claire Swift and
Helen Ruth Mars will assist. Mrs.
I D. Mars and Mrs. J. A. Jel
derks are in charge of the dining
;MIss 'Marjorie Christen son,. .
M;rs. Bryan Good enough, Mrs.
James Walton, Miss Adelaide
lioekwood and Mrs. Ernest Miller
will assist about the living rooms.'
Mrs. Robert Boardman, Mrs. R. S. -Ffister
will greet guests at the
Book anil Thimble
Club Meets
Mrs. L. F. Brown-entertained
member's of the Book and Thim
ble club in her home on Thursday
and during the afternoon ser
osal magazine articles were read
by Mrs. R. Damrell and Mis. C.
Schwartz. Mrs. D. Williams, Mrs.
II. Lacey and Mrs P. W. Kubin
assisted the hostess "in serving.
Others attending the affair
were Mesdames Hetty Simkins,
Sarah Lewis, Olga Komyate, R.
Reaver, A. H. Hotte, A. J. Hill.
C Fox. D. Castle, C. Adams. C.
Eooek, A. Isaac and-Eteier Boock.
After a short business session
of the American Legion auxiliary
on Monday night, members of the
post will Join them for a program
and social evening in celebration
of the founding of the organiza
tion. Mrs. On as Olson, president
of the auxiliary has appointed as
her . committee. Mrs. Harold Pick-!
ens. Mrs. R. t. Woodrow, Mrs.
Fred Gahlsdorf.y Mrs. Marshall
i Ransdell, Mrsu- Glenn,, Porter, Mrs.
AtistinW.WHsFin. Mrs; Hans Hof
stetter and: Mrs- Roiwr?HiIK .
For One More Week ' "
Pre-Easter "
On All .
- Machine t,"- T
Permanents V
-L Youll want i your hair
r; looking especially nice for
Easter ... here's an . op
j port unity not only to en
Joy a substantial saving
, on the cost of your Easter
i 1 permanent - but to avoid
T the rush and confusion
I that comes' with waiting
till the last day to have
! It done. Call us first thing
; ) tomorrow for an appoint
. ment!
Kxtra KpecUl 3.00 Machine
; leas Permanent Only fS.OO
: Beauty Shoppe
428 Court St. . Ph. 5855
Formerly 3IildredV
fhenewwoy to
lasting mokevwp bauty
by Helena rubinstein
Town and Cmnrfry Male-Up
Rim holds your make-up fredi
land vivid for hours and hours.
This unique) biologiel foun
dation also keeps your skin
smooth, supple, young and in
stentry conceals Knee and im
perfections. Your make up
becomes twic as flattering
your skin is touched with
glamour al through tho day.
, In two exquisite shades. 1.50V
Corner State Liberty -
Fhorie 8fl8
Stifle t J?mied
.-. .".- . "... ' ,:!:.' ' ' ' ':
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: ' v . '
VV ; '
. . V-
n x
I 4 '
I can't figure out what's wrong with this hat my husband likes It.
The new hats are always full of surprises. With this return of the pic
t turesque, you'll be hearing more of the male voice raised in ap
proval. They route in beautiful straws, and anything from m lone
- orchid or geranium to a bed of field or hothouse flowers perched
on their crowns. Particularly enchanting is this capeline of black
leghorn, annarentlv crownlesa. with fnnr rmvi natural mm Hf ri.
(hmni in it.. oTix. nia. A ttm
outre Features. Inc.
Monday, March 15
White" Shrine of Jerusalem
meets at Masonic temple at 8
p. i m. I ;
Rebekah initiation 7:30 I. O.
O. F. hall.
Tuesday, March 16
Alpha Phi: Alpha Mother's
club, with Mrs. David Wright,
785 Stewart street, 2 p.m.
Chadwick chapter. Order of
Eastern Star,1 Masonic Temple.
Regular meeting.
Etokta club. 2 p. m.. at home
.of Mrs-, j; Ray Pemoerton. An
nual guest day.
Scilem W, C: T. U. meet at
South Commercial street 2 p..
m. ! .
. j "Wednesday. March 17
-Ladies Guild of i American
Lutheran church, 2 p.m., regu
lar, meeting, h ,
Women of First Presbyterian
church sflvet-tea at home of
Mrs. 'Ci-A Sprague, 425 North
14th street, 3;to. 5 o'clock.
Sweet --Briar; club with Mrs.
Pearl Grote at.-pm-.
I 'Thursdayr March 18
U. S. Grant' circle vNo;" 5 of
the Grand Army of the Repub
lic; wilt hold business session
at lArmory, 2 p. m.; '
American War Mothers with
Mrs. Amanda Mollencop, '495
North 21st street 2 p. ra.
Past Presidents of Women's
Rell.f Corps meet with Mrs.
fl Bertha Ray, 1655 South Liber
ty street, z p. m.
Elsa Ebsen drama class meet
at the T. S. Roberts studio.
2:15 p. m.
Ministers' j wives, with Irs.
P. W. Erlksen, 2 p. m.
j ; - L
j Friday, March 19
Unitarian Women's alliance
with Mrs. J. R. Pollock. 602
North Winter street, 2:30 p. m.
International Tea at.
Johnson Home -
An International tea was given
at the home ot Mrs. Melvin John
son on Court street by the Wo
men's Home Missionary society
of the Jason Lee church Wednes
day afternoon; Korean, Japanese
and India girls were present
dressed In their native costumes.
After a brief business session,
Mrs. F. P. Phtpps gae a concise
lesson on the- negro and his prob
lems. Mrs. Maude Follow presid
ed at the serving table.
i- ! -
Krf Satell has been named as
toastmaster for the Lions club
banquet planned for Tuesday
night at the Argo. The affair Is
-In honor of the president, Daniel
Schulss, and past presidents, B A.
Newman, O. D. Olson, William
Newmyer. Harry Scott and Mer
rill Ohling. . A musical program
has been arranged for the din
ner hour, ! and dancing at the
Castilllan hall will follow the
banquet. :
Salem W.C.T.U. will meet at
the South Commercial street hall
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock.
Mrs. S. H. Boardman will lead
the devotions.: The program topic
"Temperance and Missions" la In
charge of Mrs. L. D. Waterman.
Complete Optical Service
. -
SOML1 ATnaf Wnm.
io mxenere
uous -lighter,
the new.
smart, rim
less styles.
t4t j r , vi 4vtp
- itttcktn
ri.i iinu ..t. . nmw f
Church Guild Will
31eet Wednesday f
The American Lutheran Guild
will hold its regular meeting in ;
the" church parlors on Wednesday
at 2 o'clock. Mrs. L. Remus will
lead devotions, and Mrs. Claude -Glenn
will have charge of the
musical program. The high school
bandwill be featured during the
program and Philip McKlnley will
accompany them.
Hostesses for the day Include
Mrs. Joe Finden, Mrs. M. E.
Strand, and Mrs. John Naslin. :
Lenten offering envelopes will" be
Miss Alicia McElroy of Portland
is visiting in Salem this weekend
with her aunt. Mrs. J. P. Frizzell.
were held for Roger Allen Hatte
berg and Sandra Joy Larson Sun
day by Rev. J. M. Jenson of 1m
manuel church. The former was
sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mead, Miss Bertha Hatte berg and
Alfred Thomas while the latter
was sponsored by Miss Thelma
Strand and Edward Strand ot Sa
lem and Miss Gladys Larson of
Portland and Lloyd Larson of Sil
ver tea will be given for the In
dependence library. This Is an
annual affair. The program Is in
charge of Mrs. E. M. Wunder.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Z. C Kim
ball, Mrs. D. J. Collins, Mrs. Ross
H. Nelson, Mrs. S. B. Walker and
Mrs. Elmer E. Addison.
Cropo Chiffon
leeks Dke l-threee
wears Bke a 4-rhraed
Yes . . . It's realty magic
for this new 3-thread1 crepe
b to cobwebby ft looks like .
a two-thread but you'll
find it wears as well as
your every day 4-nSreod
chiffons! Made of super
high twist silk ... stronger,
more elastic . . . resists
snags ... lace top stops
garter runs. Lovely new
evening and afternoon
I yil .L3 Am 8
J -i.aVSii-.
JS ft
i - In
Mickey was honored Tuesday with
a stork shower at the home of
' Mrs. Louis E. Hennies. ' Many
beautiful and useful gifts were re
ceived. The home of the hostess
was decorated with spring flow
ers. ' :;-
Refreshments ' wero served to
Mrs. Elnora Mickey and Miss Re
na Mickey of Salem, Mrs. Ivan
Hadley of Albany, Miss Freda
Schlfferer. Eula Hennies, Mrs.
Lydla Schifferer; Gertrude Hen
nies, Mrs. Ld Shilling. Anna
Kunke. Mrs. Katherine Bestvater.
Mrs. Lawrence I. Mickey, Mrs.
George Pemberton, Mrs. Bert
Peebles, Mrs. Betty Drager, the
honored guest and hostess.
Silverton was honored at a sur
prise party on her birthday when
a group of friends arranged a sup
per and pinochle play. Mrs. Roy
Burk and Jack Scott scored high
at cards and Mrs. W-J. Kelly nd
Albert Bahrke scored low.
. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Burk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott,;
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelley, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bahrke, Mrs. Ll
sie Simeral, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Del Bowen,
Mr. and Mrs. William Elder, Mr.
and Mrs. John Seeley, Wanda and
Gene Scott. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.'
AT TURNER Victoria 'chapter.
N'. 76. O.E.S.. held a meeting
; Wednesday night, Mrs. Hazel Ing
ram, associate grand m:.ron of
The Dalles made her annual of
ficial visit. Safem. Jefferson and
Stay ton chapters were well rep-,
A 6:30 o'clock dinner was serv
ed with covers placed for 45 per
sons. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McKin-
; iict were inducted Into the order
nnd Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Thomas,
nurses at the tuberculosis hospit
al, affiliated with the local order.
color scheme was used when the
G. T. women's club ot Roberts
was entertained with a 1 o'clock
luncheon ' at the church by Mrs.
W. . H. Shorey, Mrs. Ar t h a r
Thompson and- Mrs. J. P. Blan
kenship. Covers were placed for
30 guests.
Prizes went to Mrs. G. F. Jung
wirth, Mrs. S. C. Davenport and
Mrs. E. A. Goodrich. Mrs. Dale
Holmes and Mrs. Walter Gilbert
were special guests. ?
MONY was performed at the
farm home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Bates near Woodburn when their
daughter Miss Tressa Bates be
came the bride of Clyde Graham.
Rev. Ralph. G. Kleen of the Wood
burn. Methodist church officiated.
Music was by Miss Joyce Woodfin
who played the wedding march
and accompanied Mrs. Kleen who
sang "I Love You Truly."
AT GERVAIS the newly elected
officers will take up their work at
the meeting of the Women's Mis
sionary society2 to be held at the
Presbyterian church Wednesday
afternoon, 'March 17. Margaret
St. John Is to lead the devotional
service and Lucille Booster is to
present the topic. Bessie Molson
and Pearl Stevens are hostesses
for the social hour.
MRS. C. A. KOBOW and Mrs.
Perry Saunders were hostesses to
the Sunshine Sewing club of Ha
zel Green at Mrs. Kobow's home.
Mrs. LeRoy Van Cleave and Mrs.
Melvin Van Cleave will be host
esses for March 17 at Mrs. Mel via
Van Cleave's home.
liar faWrles
Taatiae irmam
Oregon, Sunday Morning-, March
Dalles, associate worthy grand
matron, made an of f Iclal lslt to
Gervais chapter, O.E.S., at Its reg
ular meeting Friday night. Mrs.
. Monnle Hauser, a past grand ma
tron, and Mrs. Winifred Herrick.
both ot Chadwick chapter ot 8..
.tm, and other visitors from rove
larger rhapfers. attended and ex
emplified the work. '
' Gervais chapter will Join with
Evergreen chapter of Woodburn
and the Donald chapter in a di
trlet meeting to be held in Wood
burn Monday night, March -22.
Wednesday night, March 17, Ger
vais chapter will give Its annual
dinner for all past matrons and pa
trons and their husbands and
nestine Scofield was. hostess at a
shower given at her home Wed
nesday afternoon, honoring Mrs.
Virginia Hammer, who received
many lovely and useful gifts. The
hostess was assisted by Hazel
Hatch and Lois Reeves.
Prearat, beaid the honor 'mest. were
UnIibm Leila Broekwajr, Rachel Sco
field. Xlda Reerea, Roe Taa CleTea. Delia
Keithley, Graca Rhode. Loniaa Jamea.
AUie . Phillip. Mary Keithler, Evelyn
Hatch,. Beekio" Bannick, Atraea Harrer,
Paulina Parker, Myrtle Howard, Carol
Hatch, Leona Miller, Francea MeLaorh
lin. Ellen Ford. F.tfie Ad tel. Roberta Mil
ler, Margaret Fowler. Mina Keithler,
Miaa Hazel Hatch. Misa Mary Feller,
Lioia Reerea, Lenore Hammer, Mary Lou
and Betty Jo Keithley. Everett, I.ennie
and Glen Hatch, Delbert Fowler, Clifford
Bannick. Helen Miller, and the hostess
Mrs. Ernestine Scofield.
CATHOLIC Daughters of America
of Woodburn met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Miller Mon
day night for a social meeting.
Four tables of "500" were In play
with prizes going to Mrs. Ida
Equal!. Mrs. John M. Hanrahan
and Miss Mary Hershberger. The
hostess was assisted by Mrs. Har
old Miller.
- THE MYSTIC CLUB, with 14
present, met Friday with Mrs. Ar
thur WHson, north of Lebanon.
The topic of the program led
by Mrs. Webber Doughton, was
"Household Hints." Refreshments
were served at the usual hour.
of n e
14, 1937
MRS. A. J. King was hostess to
the members of the Bethel Dor
cas club at their monthly meet
ing on'- Wednesday afternoon.'
Guests present were Mrs. Nellie
Brandow and Mrs. G. M. Hage-'
man. Mrs. Case A. Nichols relat
ed the organisation of the clab.
Mrs. E. E. Matten and Mrs. J.
M. Nichols gave reports of the
demonstration - meeting of the
home extension department of
Oregon 8tate college at the Ma
cleay grange hall. Plans- were
made for benevolent work by the
club, with Mrs. J. M. Nichols.
Mrs. W. T. Biinkley and Mrs. J.
A. Haln in charge. Mrs. Hage
man assisted the hostess in serv
ing refreshments. '
A SILVER TEA was held at .
the home of Mrs. P. J. Voth Wed
nesday afternoon by the members
of Circle II of the Dallas Metho-'
diat church.
An interesting program Includ
ed a reading by Mrs. Cora McBee,
violin solos, Mrs. Russell Va
ahaw; reading by Mrs. P. J. Voth,
and readings by Mrs. J. H. Mac
Pherson. MRS. LUKE HURD of Stayton
was hostess Tuesday afternoon to
her bridge club with a dessert
luncheon. High score prize for
guests was -won by Mrs. Virgil
Tuel, with high and low prizes for
club members going to Mrs. John
Fisher and Mrs. Wendell Weddle.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ashtord
Miss Mabel Jones tf Aumsvllle
became the bride of Ernest Gilles
pie, in the. presence of near rel
atives and friends. Rev. Henry
Aarhuse performed the ceremony.
The young couple will reside at
Bend. . ,
hostess to members of the Holly
- wood Merry-Go-Ronnd at their
regular metting' Thursday after
noon. Mrs. Carrie Williams was a
special guest for the doy.
of Silverton were hosts to Cen
tral Howell friends Saturday
night in honor of their 35th
wedding anniversary.
d En o a s s
Y7 v in
j R
tbiA TEMPLE No. It. Pythian
Sisters, met Wednesday at Aurora,-Mrs.
Percy Will was initia
ted finto the order and Mrs. Elmer
Smackers waa reinstated. -Visitors
present from Cataract
temjple, Oregon City, were Elsie
Thompson, grand guard. Mary
Taylor and Eulalne Ouelette:
from! Ar ion temple, Hubbard. Dr.
and iMra.) de Lespinaase. M e t a
Frttud and Kathryn WM.
Jtf i
RS. Fl W. BLANK of Aums
vill! waa the honor guest at a
. ahoWer for. her small son at the
horne'; ot Mrs. A. E. Bradley
Thursday . afternoon:
i !r !.-. .
glei Was honored on . her ninth
birthday when Mrs. Raymond
Daniels was hostess at her home.
Diabetes Now
and Back Yonder
t1 By R. E. Legg
M ! . Of
Woolpert A Legg, Drags
The critical scrutiny of a
physician today quickly recog
nizes toe symptoms ana ins
state of diabetes, or Bright's
disease, i
6nce this malady was
thought' to be incurable. Per
sons so - affected lingered
through a period of pain and
distress1 and went to their
death long years before their
lifa jgp&n was due to end.
' j Medical acience has changed
this! dreadful verdict to one of
hepe. There is relief and even.
-cre for this once fatal dis
ease.. !
I The patient who suffers from
this! malady should be under
te j care ot a capable physl
cio. one who Is thoroughly In
tqutih with the progress ot the
Ifsulin discovery. Such a doc
tor j can prescribe accurately
ad hopefully for symptoms of
' I His prescriptions must be
filled by a pharmacist who has
also kept abreast witn researcn
la this Jield.
i This ft the 7th of a series of
Editorial Advertisements ap
pearing in tnis paper eacn sun
no a s p o n
lit 1. . . ,
They're hete ... the shoes that are sweeping all
America off its feet and on its feet The gorgeous
new Red Cross Shoes for Spring. Each a triumph"
k In r -. '
in smart styling. Each a joy to wear. And, what'i
more thrilling, these shoes actually, give your feet
and legs a beauty treatment with every step. The
price is a pleasant surprise, too. Still only $6.85
i a .1
LISTER of Aurora in honor of
their 12th wedding anniversary in
vited to a 7. o'clock dinner at
their home. the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbreatb, Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Calef, Mr. and
Mrs. U. Eiler, Dr. and Mrs. C. P.
Shewey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quina
of Canby and W. H. Fearnley
of Eugene. "
of ' Gates met at the club room
The club- voted to purchase
materials for making articles for
the bazaar to be given in the fall.
Wrinkle, Pimples
and Tired Looks
Are No More a Problem
Whenever you are tempted to
turn down that invitation be
cause you look tired, old and
worn-out, remember Calmas
French Face - Conditioner, and
give yourself "Une Beaute" (a
new beauty) as the French call it.
Only .twenty minutes and you will -look
younger, well groomed, skin
aglow; those ugly wrinkles should
not be noticeable. Calmas French
Face Conditioner is a new discov
ery which is used In European
watering places where women
come from all parte of the world'
to be made over. It is harmless
and you can use It in the privacy
of your own home. Get acquainted
with what the latest way to beau
ty is and write for FREE booklet
to Calmas Products, (770 Holly
wood Blvd., Dept. C-A, Hollywood,
" . KlBStftt
oatsmnisrr um