. t,- The OREGON STATES JIAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning:, March 6, 1937 PAGE NINE Classified :Ad the I and eJLlei: meeting Place for Briyer .me -ZCt 50c 11.00 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 i. " Classified Advertising Single insertion per line Three insertions per lino Six insertions per line One month per line Minimum charge Copy tor this pas accepted ontli :$ the ereDlnx betoro publication tor classification. Copy received attar this time will ba run under tha heading. Tao Lata to Clas sify." , Tha Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear to advertisement! pub lished In Its columna, and In case where ttaia paper Is at fault will re print that pe.it ef an advertisement In which the- typographical mistake occurs. Tha Statesman reserves the right te reject questionable advertising tt further reserves the right to place all advertising under tha -roper classification For Sale-Miscellaneous I For Salt; Real Estate I RUG SPECIAL Beautiful new Ax mintstera, Wiltons and Orientals- in 9x1 X sixes, at prices way below what you will expect to nay. Be sure to see these values at Upstairs Furniture Store, 429 Court St. Buy Upstairs and Save NEW t BEDROOM suites oh. what .beauties New South American ven LOT BARGAIN ''-5 ONE OF the best lots on Falrmount I Hill, corner 75x100, several nice shade ; trees. Below value at $1600. SEE Mrs. Ellis with ; - CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone $70$ Farmers Exchange Livestock and Poultry BABY CHICKS. IS varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries, pullets now ready. Tel. 113FJ. .Lee's Hatchery. ; RALE SHORTHORN bulla, year- tings, beef type. Price little above beef value, i . H- Brown, suDumny, we. HORSES AND cows at all times. Phone 1F12, Monmouth. i SALE 4-TR. old, fresh cow, 4-cal.. also spotted Poland China piss. J. w. liolding. R. 4, Box 297, Salem. Help Wanted 1 ' C? AN TOU USE MORE MONET! Nation wide organization long estab lished In Oregon, now has opportunity tn Albany for man or woman-ot char acter, standing and ambition to Increase earnings in addition to present income or as full-time career, offering unus tial Insured Income service. Complete training and assistance given. Write Box 159, care Statesman. TURKEY PICKERS report 10 a. ro. Sat. 450 N. Front. 1 Help Wanted Male .3 MEN TRAVEL extensive territory. Transportation furnished. No exper tence : necessary. Alexander, Marion Hotel after 1 p. m. BOOKKEEPER AND office man able to type " own - letters. State full particulars, education, experience, age and present salary - it wonting, etc. Box 163. Oregon statesman. 1 , Help Wanted- Female WANTED MIDDLE aged woman to neip with housework on farm, f 10 per mo. frione tirzt. - Salesmen Wanted FOR SALE, T choice bids, lota near new sr. hi eh school St concession eers in modern effects and never be- r ttm nriMd an law KmnA Am lnw ftl I v' 829.60. ethers un ; to S99.00. Do not miss this at the 1 Upstairs Furniture Store, 429 Court St. Buy Upstairs and save. LIVING ROOM furniture - - - -? We have the newest stock of fine quality davenport 1 and chair suites In Salem, at prices so low you will be amazed:: Where? i The ; iTpstalra Fur niture Store of course. Buy Upstairs and Save. A REAL bargain. Burroughs Book- kpg. machine, $125. Ph. 6451 or 627. WORLD BICYCLE excellent " con dition. Apply Postal Telegraph office. H ACRE TRACT Just past city Ilm Ita Five room house in good condition. $1300.00. Terms. 5 acres, close in, on pavement. Large bouse, good out ouildings. Good land with lots of fruit and shade trees. A snap at $3500.00. Part trade. 27 acres with buildings and creek 2 miles out. $2800.00. Trade for small er tract. t LISTINGS WANTED i ROSTEIN ADOLPH. Inc. - 110 N. Commercial St. - Salem, Ore. J A. AT LIBERTY on pavement. Highest bidder for cash. Tel. 6079.. Farm Auction Sale TUES MAR. th. 10 a, m. Horses, cows, machinery, household goods. A. E. Harris, owner. 1 mi. west of Brooks and 10 mi. N. of Salem. RED MALE Cocker Spaniel. 4 months old. $7.50. C F. Strawn, Rt. S, Bx. 236. Salem. Near Macleay. LOGGING TRAILER 7" wheels, steel bunks with, or without tires. Cheap if taken at once. Mercer C. Smith. Monmouth, ; phone 4702. OCEAN VIEW beach house at Nels eott beach, modern. See A. S. Camp bell, 725 N. Church, Salem, Ore. SOUTH SALEM HOME WELL BUILT 5 room bungalow, large attic, choice residential . district, south. Owner moving to the - country. Offers place for $a250. terms to suit. SEE Mrs. Ellis with . ' CHILDS & MILLER,' Realtors 244 State St. , Phone 670$ 41- CIRCLE SWING saw. power feed, handles three lengths, cuts any length wood. Cap.: 30 to 40 cord per day, cheap. Mercer C. Smith, Mon mouth, phone 4702. hTyTTio! MILECofBattle Creek schoolhouse. Wm. Mlckenham. 1 For Sale Used Cars ll For Sale Used Cars For Salt; Used Cars; - Ml Fori Sale -Used Cars ( 4 For Sale Used Cars' j 0(LJ(LJJLl values m L&LJ1UflL9 cars When buying a late model Used Car lopkior MODERN SAFETY FEATURES CARS IN THIS LIST EQUIPPED WITH : STEEL, BODY, SHATTERPROOF GLASS, HYDRAULIC BRAKES V Better Used' Cars for Less SEE THEM BEFORE TOU BUT 1925 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1934 8tudebaker Die. Sed. Like new inside and out . 193S Plymouth Bed. Best buy In town $S93.00 550.00 575.00 1935 Plymouth Tour. Bed. Six wheals, six ply tires, 90 .... 115.00 1920 Plymouth Tour. Sed. like new. deluxe eulp.. radio, heater 725.00 S4a.se 095.00 - 005.00 aso.oo 29 Chev. Coupe lJ$ 93.00 127 Pontiac Sedan L-s 95.00 29 Chev. Coupe 165.00 - 29 Chev. Sedan . 1...L. 195,,00 29 Chev. Coach . ..ill... 195.00 1 If Money at 1935 Dodge DeL Tour. 8e3L. far a bora average 1935 Dodge DeL Tour. Sed. You can't beat this buy 1935 Graham Special Six sea. 1930 Graham CusC Supercharger Tour. Bed. SOKE MORE REAL BUYS: 1934 Ford Deluxe Coach .... , ,. 1925 Ford Deluxe Coupe .. , , . ,, 1933 Fontiaa Sed. cr n v a auicK L.oupe 31 Pontiac Coupe 30 Chev. Coupe 35 Ford V-8 Sedan 36 1W Tudor. .$165.01 245.CD 265.CD 550.CD 595.03 445.00 495.00 295.00 225.00 Wanted-Miscellaneous : FILBERTS AND meats SUte Cafe. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts tn shell, any quantity. State Cafeteria. FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. Tel. 4869 Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lockers, Ramage's, 81 rj. Liberty. Phone 87 5 L i For Kent Rooms ROOMS. 725 COURT ST. ROOM J OR rent, 681 N. Church. HTD. SLEEPING rm. 444 B. High. - NICE FRONT room first floor,-fireplace, suitable for 2 people ; also sin gle and twin beds.: 698 S. Com'L Phone 9330. i - j A --YV'i'sJ-ili iiUurOjJfXJJjnjTJlf FURNISHED, WITH dressing room. Hot water heat. 355 N. Capitol. , , STEAM HTD. I room, (33 Ferry. 1 R. FURN. WITH living and bath room .privilege. 1498 N. Church. One block, to bus line. 1 plies. Experience In consumer selling I I essential. Box 160, care Statesman.'--; Situations Wanted 1 Exp. dressmak. Mrs. Adsitt. T. 9440. . TRANSFER, ASHCRAFT. TeL 8380. JiAMSEYER truck service. 83547 EXP. STENOG. wishes position. Box 13a, care Statesman. EXP. DRESSMAKER, Tel. 6728. EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER wishes work In hotel or restaurant. Tel. 0248. WANT JOB cutting wood. 1 In. or f ft. 1810 south ritgn. PATIENTS, NURSE'S home. P. R.. aged, special care. Also accidents, in sane. 1195 at Fourth. Tel. 7172. . MAN WANTS work of any kind. . capable and reliable. Ph. 8249. j For Sale Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for used furniture rane-es. heaters, radios.' machinery. tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry,- auc tioneers, phone -l-l-e. ifit w. Bum mer in Hollywood. - ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices. Roen Typewriter Exch. 429 court NEARLY NEW Magic Chef gas range. Liberal discount. See It at Allen's Hdwe. Store. TREE ROSES. The latest varieties budded on native Oregon, wild rose stalks. Specially priced from fl.00 to fl.50 each. . ,. PURITAN CIDER WORKS Open Sunday 9 a. m. till 4 p. m, WEST SALEM OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING i $200 DOWN. PRICE $1400 fair T R. house, good Ut: fix this pUce up a little and make nice profit. 8500 dawn, price S3200. nice modem 5 R. house, 4 blocks from state bouse, a good buy. r Here is a good buy dandy S-R. house, has 2-R. upstairs, hot and cold water upstairs and large living room, dining room, kitchen nook A 2 bed rooms down, full basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, A-l modern home. For quick sale $3200 $1000 down. -h Dandy duplex 5 -room a on each side, nice lot. 7-blks. north, rented for $50.00 per mo. Sacrificed sale price, $4250.00, down. SEE - . s Jos. D. Sears or Chas. Sanders ' 476 Court St. Phone 8466. OWNER LEAVING MUST SELL 7 NICE LARGE rooms, hwd. floors. Fireplace, furnace, ldy. trays, etc On beautiful lot with lots of fruit trees. Well located North Salem, $3800. t ROBERT F. BUDROW. Real Estate 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. SIX ACRES in West Salem on Glenn Creek Road, Box 84 6 room house, barn, chicken house for 600 hens, city water, family orchard. Cir cumstances compel the owner selling at once and the - nrice has been mane $2250; for a quick sale $475 cash, bal ance at rate of $20 per month. J. F. ULRICH CO. or C V. JOHNSON 303 State Street Phone 8072. WE HAVE a nice corner lot. good house.- with S apts 5 blocks from state house; this is a good Investment at 8400. Stt acres, 2-pump station, store. 6 R. house. $2650. WU1 trade for house In Salem. 5-R. courts close In, good loca tion, for S4500. Terms. VOS BURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. ; . 1981 Ford Deluxe Sed. Tires 90, motor overhauled , . WE ALSO HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN LOW PRICED CARS AND USED RADIOS - i Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER St PLYMOUTH I 43S N. Commarclal Phone 467$. 333 Center r - .e Ahead r A Mil , . . - il.il 11 iukqi juiiL.y ' I- - .' i Borregos Better Buys 99 1986 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan, this Is a real buy at 1934 Chev. Master Coupe; this car has Its original black finish, speclart today - ., t 1981 Essex Coupe; this car must be seen to be appreciated. Reduced' to ., , ' , 1930 Ford Touring; this ear looks and runs fine, new top. for this week only $586 "A Step IDowim Here's the buy 1930 Chev. four- door Sedan ; sea it for a bar gain . , 99 Borrego's Car Mhi. 525 Marlon St. Phono 4588. 465 115 165 121 WHY LOOK AT THE REST. WHEN . TfMl riV PTVn Til Jr. PfST IN OUR DEPENDABLE USED CARS AND TRUCKS LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS Used Car Bargains AT Carter and Church Motor Co. 1929-Ford Spt. Rdat new paint 1929-Ford Coach good condition ' 1931-Ford Coupe motor completely rubber FORDS ood rubber motor exceptional overhauled new paint good .$146.00 124.00 1922-Ford Couoe motor, body, upholstering In excellent condition will paint Car to your specifications . , , ... . 1933- Ford Coupe a beautiful car In good condition , .... , -, , , 966.00 1934- Ford Tudor DeLuxe , 425.00 1935- Ford Tudor looks and runs like new ; 465.00 If 16-Ford Coupe - low mileage priced below market a real special at $65.00 36 LaFayette Sedan 36 Nash Sedan . 36 Ford DeLuxe Tudor 86 Dodge Touring Sedan 34 Graham Sedan 33 Terraslane Sedan 89 Dodge Sedan. 0 wheels A trunks 19 Chev. Coupe 29 Willys-Knight Sedan 278.00 27 Chev. Sedan Heavy duty trailer. t ft. bed. Several Other Uaed Cars to Choe From XT. K a. t,r,nl(, rtaalar 866 N. Com'L. Phone 334. CHEVROLETS Room and Board MOD. HOME. Close In. TeL $730. R. B., 3 GIRLS. TeL 7100. BOARD. . ROOM and : table board. 1563 . Court St. TeL 8485. ? RB, GARAGE. TEL. 5474. FURNL R. 3c board for gentleman. Ail conveniences. 1195 at Fourth. RIGHT DOWN town good room i ind board. Also table board. TeL 500L For Rent Apartments S RMS.. KITCHENETTE, newly decorated, unfurnished. - TeL 4373. --- -- -- - --'- -l l-ll-ll-ll LTlJ-U-IJ-U-l VACANT APT. 639 Center SL FURNISHER APARTMENT, lower flat with garage. Adults. 24s5 State. .UNFURN. APT. Adults, 920 MiLL X R. UNFORN, 2164 Maple. APTSi : and rooms, 197 S. Com'L FURNTAPTsYoDlvlsIon NICELY FURN. modern. 4 rm. apt. 633 Ferry, Monterey Apt. 2 R. APT.. 266 S. Cottage. FOR I RENT Duplex apt.. 951 N. Winter. I ? . 2 ROOM FURN. 250 S. CotUge. S R. APT.. 750 N. Front. 3 R. iFURN. APT, 1558 SUte. 2 R. jSHOWER. 2005 N. CapltoL For Rent Houses f NEAR SALEM NORTH 4 ROOM HOUSE. 1U acres land, some fruit, only $750. Reaaoner (certainly) 6fa N. Klgn rich Pattern 1928-Chevrolet Coupe ' ,, . 19t$-Chevrolet Coach ., , 1928-Chevrolet Sedan 1929-Chavrolet Coupe 1931-Chevrolet Coupe i 1990-Chevrolet Sedan a real car 1982-Chevrolet Coach If 32-ChevTolct Sedan , .$ 83.00 . 90.00 . 135.00 . 156.00 . 255.00 260.00 . 835.00 345.00 j Business Opportnnitiesi EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITT reliable, experienced auctioneer Who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales In the northwest, will ofrao nermaaant auction house in Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to five thousand dollars requuM write bos 67. Salem Statesman. . SHRUBS. Schreiber's 2060 Nebraska. W. Leghorns 0c. 2295 N. Liberty. ' BLACK COCKER Spaniel Puppies, wka old $3 to $5. Floyd B. Stober, 2160 Laurel Ave. SALE 2 MALE hound dogs. Walker and Blueiic. varmint dogs. John Bright, Rt. 2, Monmouth. Ore, ' RADIOS USED 4 R garden. FURN. MOD. Tel. 8630. house. Largo ! FOR RENT i LARGE HOUSE, close to business district., Suitable for income. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. s Phone 6708 NICE NEW 3 bedroom house. Gar den and fruit. $29. Inq. 1906 Center. FURS'. 4 RM. house, 1790 Lee. For; Rent ; CABINET MODELS 7-Tube R. C A. Radiola 7 S -1- 8 Columbia RemJer Atwater-Kent Zenith Majestic General Motors , Stewart Warner Silver Marshall Majestic H. B. Remler . . Gilifillon I GUifillon VjitI .... .112.50 14.50 19.50 27.50 49.50 24.50 17.50 19.50 9.95 19.50 15.00 11.00 9.95 8.95 OFFICE ROOMS for rent 881 SUte St. TeL, 3713. t HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent, H. L Stiff Furniture Co. FOR RENT, good loca. for real est. office in West Salem, small liv. quar. in connection. Box 157, ; Statesman. PLYMOUTHS 19S2-Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe 1935-Plymouth DeLuxe 4 -dr. Sedan .$425.00 . 665.00 Money to Loan I j DODGES 1925-Dodge Coupe 1927-Dodge Coup 1928-Dodge Victory Sedan new paint excellent rubber upholstering like new -motor completely ovsrhauled ; 1929-Dodge DA Sedan EXCELLENT condition $ 48.00 75.00 1938-Dodge Sedan 6-wheels trunk DeLuxe equipped 1985- Dodge 4 -Dr. Tr. Sedan 1986- Dodge Coupe low mileage 186.00 255.00 485.00 695.00 645.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1938-Pontlao Coach - t 1925-Reo Sedan runs good ; 1925-Oakland Sedan runs good ; - 1927-Nash Sedan runs good i 1929-Nash Advanced 0 Sedan car In excellent condition a real buy 1929-Oldsmoblle Sedan ; 1930-Olds Tudor Sedan .$ 25.00 . 46.00 . 65.00 . 60.00 . 195.00 185.00 198.00 $45.00 GET SET FOR SPRING WITH A Quick Cosh Loan BUY NSW clothes and other things yon need. With cash yon can save when you shop. Notice' these features: SIMPLICITY All we ask Is that you are able to! make small regular repayments; on any loan plan you select. j PRIVACY. NO DEDUCTIONS miva rr Tni'o rwj icrTE: Second Floor New Bllgh Bids'. Rm. 119 518 sttti St. at High St. Phone 8740 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co of Salem License S-122. M l 63. 1930-Hudson'8pt. Coupe ', . 1981-Studebaker Coupe motor completely overhauled excellent uphol stering -good ruDDer looss ana runs like new , . , I4.vt TRUCKS TRUCKS ! 1924-Dodge Panel 1931-Ford 1 Mi -ton Truck I W. B. duals 1930-Fageol a real buy 19JJ-Kord pickup ! .$ 23.00 . 165.00, . 246.00 . 385.00 1934-Ford lH-ton Truck L. W. B. duals low mileage ood rubber Brownlfte trana . , ,, ,. 448.09 MONET TO LOAN f ON SALEM residential property Un der the F. IL A. plan. long term loans with low monthly paymenta No com mission. Refinance or build a new home. W. H. GRABENHORST CO- REALTORS 184 8. Liberty SL Phone $469 aaiajaaa1a)aaaiaarfajajaiaja)aiaiaaiaia 1934-Chev. L. W. B. duals 1 0-pIy al truck ,.. ., rood low mileage an exoeption- 523.00 Federal aoustna loans tRle 9, build or reflaance homes ar bostnee prep. Low rate. A Drams m Cilia Mason le u HeinraHH-Oweos ,Co, DEPENDABILITY9' 1 "Tfc Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks' DODGE & PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S." Commercial - - - Phone 3169 ; -- . .. ; ! . Used Car Park Dallas, Oregon," Oak at Main Street OPEN EVENING AND SUNDAYS . I For Sale Real Estate I $200 DOWN WILL but a 4 room house in north part of town, furnace, trays, garage, balance monthly In cluding internet. P. H. BELL 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 811L $190,000.00 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loans. to 20 months repaying - privilege. Pratnot aarvlce. - - - i Also unlimited funds for real estate lceuia CHILDS A MILLER. INC. Lia S-804 iWanled to Rent I WANTED BY family of 8 4 or $ R modi house. Box 162, care States man, j , For Sale Real Estate I Terms $3.00 monthly. - See Mr. Jans, Radio Dept. Geo. Will Music Store -1 T ft?OM3- NEW Enellsh ahake OOOD CLEAN feath. bed. Chp. 6626. 1 hom. AH rooms large, "light and airy. Harawooa noors. run tobiic:ii. t iiwu OATS A VETCH hay, also oat a. vetch and alfalfa mix, nice and bright Service Sta Brunk's corner. $e S)re fionitatesman ADVERTISING Western Adrertislnr Representatives ranger-Hall Co. Ltd. Saa rrnnsao. is Aacelcs Seattle Eastern Advertlslnf Representative .Bryant. Griff fib A Branson, tna, - Chicago. New fork Detroit . Boston. AtUnta 8Tf evert at la rotMiicm at Sit w.. KamaiaMM Hatter. Hitat mm stem hie eaeept afawda Buefseas otce 216 oal fttmmercta. S free t. rrnxr-RitniiiN RAlfCSl ti snhxrhiiim Ratca. m Advance. vi. hi,. CYr-wom: Daily and Sunday. I see, 1 trw i rants. News 8tands $ centa, Ithli Oreow: rany and Sunday I si $11 cents: $ Ma $1.16: Ma $2.2 year $4.00. Elsewhere 86 ceats pei i, er $6.00 for t year la advance. Pe fnrnacei Nice garage. Close to schooL This home ready to move Into. $4250, terms. H - i ai800 buys room Home, ice iiv-i Inx room, dining room, aiicnen ana lM(lronisL Terms. ! Fullv; furnished 5 room nome witn basement, $2000. $500 down. j 1853 N. Capitol 0XrVVVeiai'"sr"l,tl f " aaaafcaafcafcaa,afc 'TO CLOSE ESTATE WE OFFER good S room house, 1 large - lots, abundance fruit and nut trees for only $1900. You will like it. fnm.ns a- millkil. tceaitors 344 State St. i Phone 6708 MODERN HOME, rurnace. flre- nlar. hardwood floora $ rooms on main floor and one apt. to rent. Ga rage. $1500 down. baL erms. isas rt. Winter.! TeL 6395. troTxrijijijnjir" t CHOICE LOTS AN PAVED sL $600 will finance new homes up to $0 of cost on long term paymenta ' . ! 124 a Liberty St. -XJVsJXTU'aOf'sf' " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaslaa.a LOVELY COUNTRY home with city Avutiiiiuv arerlooklna Salem. - acres tearing fruit and nut trees. All for $350. owner. .. .. Tal. 40S4 ; . i ! ln PATTERN 4Z8J Have you ever seen a cuter frock for action-loving, fashion- conscious little girls than Pattern 4283? Young Susan-Ann will be the envy of her classmates when she appears in this adorable bat ton front coat-style that's so easy for a kiddie to "do" and "undo in a Jiffy. Mother will find this demure Anne Adams model a de light to. cut and stitch, for Its simple pattern is further clarified bv Illustrated SewinK Instructions I WANT TO trade $ R. mod. house which show yon every step of the for smaller bouse, close In. TeL 8296. frock's making. Just see its up- 6PECTAL BUYS: t rfnn A bath, plastered, new roof, shade, paved, north: S1425. moaUv cash, 4 rm. A bath, bullt-lns. redecorated: Ige, wal nut trees; northeast: $1800, terms. Im mediate possession. 881 8Ute at. Phone 7113. Exchange -Real Estate to-the-minnte princess lines, soft collar, puffed or flared sleeves, and cunning round pockets for youthful trinkets. Matching pan ties are practical. Perfect in ging ham,, percale or calico. Pattern 4283 is available in sizes 2. 4, 6, 8 and 10. Size 4 takes 24 yards 36-inch fabric : 8 EE THIS 18 acres, stock and equip ment, strictly mod. house. On pave ment. Owner ready to sacrifice. Will trade for house tn town. If you are Interested In farms or farm land, see me. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg- Ph. 810$. For Sale Farms Bend FIFTEEN CE3TS 15e1 la coins ei stamps (eeia preferred) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plain ly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. EVEBY WOMAN needs ear NEW ANNE ADAMS PATTERN BOOS I Order It today sad atarvel at tha glerioai olleettoa ef npiinc fashion "hiti" irlmor-xWlnK afternoon and evening iroeka deligatrall all pur pose styles for kiddies and all import ant "Teens" Yos'll revel la slim siing models, exalt ia gay sports togs, sad thrill to the simplicity ef tne easiest patterns evert BOOK FIF TEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN" ORDERED TO U ETHER. . Send year erdar to The SUtessMS. Pattern Department. Bales, Vregoau TTRTTRRAM HOME T-ACRES. 6-R, BUNGALOW, fun basement, lights and water system. good barn, garage A poultry noiwo, ornmt walka. flnwnra A shrubbery. Family orchard, one cow. 160 bens, horse, plow, harrow, only 4 miles out, nice country home. 2-acrae out by Penn Four corners, nice noma, electric lights A water sys tem, bath A toilet, good barn., poultry house, garage and woodhouse. Reduced to $2400 steo aewn.- Bee jsa, IX Bears or unas. eanaer 47$ Court 8C Fnona 64s. FARM SACRIFICED 897-ACRES. A dandy ranch, good t location. 290-A. plow land, 3 gooa well, vmati . wlra fencing, good S-R. house, large barn and other bidga. TbU pUce- must be sold. And the price re duced to $50 per acre-, -i nja a a:wu stock ratveft : cov parricuiara. wtm.c Jaa. I. Bears or Chas. aanaers I For Sal; Farms I VERY FINE 87 A farm, complete ly stocked A equipped, nice bldga. good land, good location, about 10 mL from Saiam.. j will consider bouse m Salem on deal, i - 1 W. J. LINDOREN ' Listings Appreciated. 17$ So.: High j Phone $890. aa, 'VVyi'fVrVVVuAjVVVV I CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS I BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company here your problems will receive per aonal consideration both before and after tha loan la made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General , Finance Corporation ?01 Firaf Natl. Bank Blda- Salem. Or Phone $16$ Lie No. S-l8$ Auto Loans $ A. BEST BUY near! Salem, paved road, 6 R. house, good barn, elec tricity, soil $1760. I 1$ A.- small house, $ A. prunes, 40 walnuts, 12 fllbertaj 114 A black berries, Itt. A. blackcaps, 3 A timber, has stream,; best of soil, 3&oo. terms. I 481 A. 60 A fa cult, house A barn. $fvA $SS0Kss S aV, vaxassswj-s eat Bfj blbvui t j I springs, has $2600 i fed. loan, $ mL town, $18 per acre. R. A. FORKNER 1863 N. Capitol CONTRACTS) REFINANCED MONEY TO buv new or used CS Private money at very low rates, No red tape I to 20 months te repay. Roy H. Simmons 201 rirat NatL Bank Bide (talem. Phone 9168 Lie. No M-168 1 1 SOUND INVESTMENTS. Mas; votir aavlncs asm more Interest. Bay a first mortgage oa real estate, the beat security of alL Loans available $200 to $6000. .Net Investors t to CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans Liberal Trades - i - - Written Gucarante Low GJIVLA.C1 Terms - - - - - - Better Car; MqKiay CHewoIlet Phone 3189 v Open Evenings and Sundays 430N.Com'l " . . ,t,m ...... - --,-iriririjiriri.riJuuuUC Clearance i ale OF J Low Priced Used Cars SEE THESE BUYS : EVERY CAR REDUCED FOR THIS SALE 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 X Pontiac Sedan Pontiac Coach, good tires, new natnt ' ronuao troupe . 4 Pontiac Fordor Sedan. Special as Is Pontiac Coupe, good transportation Oakland Coach j Oakland Sedan I Oakland Sedan j Oakland ' Nash Fordor j - Nash Fordor j Naah Fordor ' Nash Tudor Nash Sedan DeSoto Sedan DeSoto Sport Roadster DeSoto Sport Roadster .$39:.Of . 195.0 . 18S.00 tseeo 12S.00 so.te 69.ee . 215.0 175.40 192.00 . 2X5.0 isi.e 135.0 145.00 jvsilley . Motor Co. OPEN SUNDAYS ' . " THREE LOTS .Center A Liberty -1 Phone 2116 Jim St. Clair - Juy Bend Marlon A Lifwrtv Phn T91 -Forest Fulton - Bill Earl - S'aortv Vflaxi.i Bollywood Service Station III I Fairgrounds Rd. Phono 7156 I Ford Cote , .. Otto J.Wilson I WISHES TO announce the Success of his February Sale te the public and navug sold so many late models we now-havo the following list of trade ins available at these amasinctr low prices:. v 1916 Olds Coach ' 1925 Buiok Touring 819.00 1925 Maxwell Coupe $:2.50 1927 Bulck 4-pass. Coupe $tX.S4 191T Paige Coach . $sa 1927 Pontiac Coach 1927 Pontiac Sedan si? sa 1927 Cheyrolet Roadster $4:.50 1926 Fraaklin Roadster $99.00 192$ Jewftt Coach $S:.50 1927 Bulck Standard Coach $7.50 1927 Chevrolet Coupe $75.00 Otto J Wilson BUICK SALES A SERVICE 38$ N. Com'L St. Phone 6151. Salem. rhiiJTss-rv"srV'in EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 1921 Pon tiac 2 -door Sedan, low mileage. Aiao 1931 Chev. Sport Cpe. Same condition. Trade. Terms. Phone 6908. 1690 N. Fifth. Salem. 59 WHIPPET SEDAN, $75.00. 19T 8. liberty. LIGHT, SEDAN, cheap. Private party small payment down. Balance monthly Inq. AaJiby Service Sta, Court and Church. Used Gar Opening Reduced Prices 1916 V-S DeLuxe SJaa 1934 V-S DeLuxe Coupe . 19IZ v-s DeLuxe Coupe . 1912 Plymouth P. IX 1911 Ford 2 -door 1930 Whippet Sedan 1919 Chevrolet Sedan lit Ford Coupe 1918 Pontiac Sedan lit LaSaUe Sedan lit Buick Sedan - 19 6 Buick $-paas. Coupe $($. . 246.6 . 36.6$ . 246,0 170.0 . 116.0 - 116. . 96. 1:6.0) . 05.0 115.0 . 65. Cap ps Used Cars Wast End of Bridge LI Automobiles NEW 1937 WILLYS BACKER SHELL SERYICH t WEST SALEM j To Preach at Brooks 3JROOK3. March I Clifform Wilms,' a student at WUIamett university, will preach Banday meming at tha Brooks Motho dist church.' -Dr. Louis Msgim. district superintendsnt an Business Eirectory i Uards ia this directory on a monthly basis only. Rate? f I per line pee month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 276 South Com martial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW A reconditioned. Harry W Scott. 147 8. Com'L Ph. 4516. I BruftheA FULLER BRUSHES. So, Side. TeL 724. 878$ Brooks St. Eve. appoint ment a I I Chimney Sweep ' TBI. K PHONE 446 R. BX North Loans Wanted SI Acreage LOANS WANTED on rarm and cly property. Before borrowing. Inquire t Hawkins A Roberts. j I For Sale Wood SEE THIS1 $2$6 TRACT OFFERED for $2800. Neat S room cottage, only short dis tance from city limits. Be first to get thin bargain. SEE Mrs. Ellis with L ' CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 844 SUte SL Phono $708. atataM- i s MaOO 1 JXlSXlUOJUTJJXIULr JUi r DRY WOOD, reaa TeL 815$. -DRY WOOD. Phone $708. DRY 2ND growth wood. TeL 807$. IS TV. OLD fir. 85.50. TeL 6616. t 10 ACRES PRUNE orchard close tn. cheap. 729 N. Liberty. Wanted Ileal EsUte GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coaL TeL 600. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. 1$ IN. WOOD. $5.6. $460. HAVE YOU listed that pro pari y for sale or trade-with For knar 7 Better see, phono or write blm today. R. A FORKNER 185$ N. Capitol 2021 DRY WOOD. Phono 4869, ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Tal 661$. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Phone $66$. Business Opportunities I j Lost and Found COUNTRY STORE j with living quarters. $265. .- ! 6 R. mod. house A- stars bldg. .Well toe In Salens. $625. R. A. FORKNER - - 1$6$ N. Caplto s FOUND: S HOUND doga. John Bright. RC t. Monmouth. Ore. 5 rrwr RT. nc Corker - Spei4e4-f- Very frtendly male, left S94 I. Hign Ttanrm, saomirig. rtewarov Chiropractors DR. O. tl SCiTI. PSC Chiropractor. 266 N Hbrti TeL (tee 8158 1 Excavating F.XCAVATING Of HI kinds. Baaa menU dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Orarel Co, none $491 Florists 1 Brelthaupa, 447 Court. Ph. $94. daeignera Furs DuBAIN Fur Os Mast a furriers end Ran. 8 A Miller Bids. Laundries TH8 NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TH B WK1DBR LAUNDRY 16$ a High TeL $128. ! CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY FIRST IN Quality sad Service Telephone: $16 1264 Broadway 1 Music Instruction MEIS1NGER 'STUDIOS. TeL 718. Accordion. I guitar, dubs. 102$ Oak. ptaao. LI Mattresses CAPITOI HKItOING f 4069 SAI JCM ' FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. MEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet Owning, sta ins: fluff rug weaving. S. 11th A Wtt bu. TeL' $44 L OTTO F. ZW1CSEB. Est. 191L " t I i Music Store GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musto-and ptaao stud ies) Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing snacbinea, 438 State street, Sakm. - , l i - - . j Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO en sra ring. Commercial Tel. 8$ 17. 147 N. Printing FOR - STATIONERY. - enrda, pampb lets, proETama, books or any kind of KB ting, call 1 he SUtesmaa Printing paftment. 81$ & CommerctaL Teio phone 910L 1 t ) Private Detective j Nefrell Williams, Boa '127. TeL $71$. Stove and Felice Wt REPAIR stores, rangea circtila tora, Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ran gea and circulators, wire fanes and fence post a Salem Fence and 6te Works. 262 Cnemeketa. TeL 4i74. r. jO. Fleming. . - It Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer at Or am can $181. Larmer Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally. LA PITA L CITY Transfer Co. 22 State St. TeL 711$ Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get urj ratca . - Well Drill itrt: I ft, A. WEST. Rt. a Ba. 44$. T. 110F$ By City Carrier: 46 esnta a . $ ' a ar la advanoa. 1 -,