The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    "The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 6, 1937
Local News Briefs
McXary Gets Water A water
right deed filed with the county
clerk by the state engineer yester
day shows that United States Sen
ator Charles L. McNary nas been
granted right to use tire second
feet of water from- 1-abish creek,
a tributary to the Willamette . riv
er. The water Is to be used for
power for irrigation. Other deeds
gave Spencer W. Dunn, Portland,
right to .30 second feet from an
unnamed tributary of Champoeg
creek to Irrigate 10 acres, and
Ray R. and Nora R. Ritchie right
to .01 second feet for domestic
uses and Irrigation of one acre of
land from an unnamed spring and
stream f tributary to the Willam
ette. -
Rummage Sale, Episcopal parish
house Saturday.
i Society to Meet A meeting of
the Oregon section of the .Amer
ican Chemical society will be held
at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Set
ence building. Willamette univer
sity. The program will include a
description of a precision color
meter, i showing of a film depict
ing some "wonders of chemistry
and a demonstration of the effects
and uses of polarized light. Visit-
ors are welcome. '
Delegates Selected Fire mem
bers of the Home Economics club
of Salem high school have been
selected as delegates to the an
nual district conference to be held
-1 v. a m. ..
Marion Mitchell and Ruth Walk
er, seniors; Loretta Smith and
Lois Wilson, juniors, and Mary
Alice Cottew. sophomore. The
group, which will include a-num
ber of other club members, will
Gary, advisor, j, -Papermakers
ball Fraternal tern
pie Saturday, March 6. Admission
25c. Music by Barney Crop Band.
Scout Course Starts With
about 30 people in attendance, a
four-weeks course in scouting j
opened auspiciously at Albany
Thursday night, according to
Scout Executive James E. Mon
roe. Three patrols were represent
ed with Harry Wiedmaier, scout
master of Troop 15, serving as
senior patrol leader. A similar
course will be started at Dallas
next Monday night.
I1b Songs Stants Complete
absence of speeches and a pro
gram or songs and stunts will be
featured at the annual campers
reunion of Cascade area council,
boy scouts, to be held at the First
Methodist church March 16. The
regular court of honor for March
- will be held In conjunction with
the reunion. T. C. (Ted) Roake
is chairman for the program.
IxVT.e for EastTo attend the
national convention of bakery
engineers. Walter T. Molloy.
manager of the Cherry City Bak
ing company, left Thursday night
for Chicago accompanied "by Lee
Unruh of Unruh-Knapp printing
company. Unruh wfil visit a
brother. Earl, who formerly lived
.' In Salem.- In Chicago. Molloy is
president of the Oregon associa
tion of bakery engineers.
Prompt del. Dry wood. Tel. 50 00.
Chemists to Meet The Oregon
section of the American Chemical
society will meet tonight at 7:30
o'clock in the science building at
Willamette university. Scientific
discussions and sound movies of
some of chemistry's marvels will
be included In the program.
Buy at Middle Grove The Ray
mond Satter family of Salem has
purchased part i of the Andrew
Suhre farm in the Middle Grove
district, including the buildings.
The Suhres plan to build on the
remaining acreage.
Grease Alarm cause Burning
grease on a stove in a house at
730 North Summer street caused
a- run by the Salem fire depart
ment yesterday afternoon.
Formerly en Court St.
Between Front and
Commercial -
Natural remedies
for disorders of liv
er, stomach, stands.
tkJn. and urinary
KTStem of men and
women. Remedies
r o r constipation,
asthma, arthritis,
sugar diabetes and
rheumatism. T. T. ULM
SO years In bosi- N- -ness.
physicians. 393 K Court Ht,
Corner Liberty. Of
fice open Saturdays
and Tuesdays only.
lO A. M. to 1 P. M
V--l O to d. ln-
V-rV suitation - Blood
: i
pressure and urine
tests are free of
44- .kaa
K.. D. charge.
Mt Cresfc
Mausoleum and Crematorium
Lloyd T. Rigdon, Mgr. S
Coming Events
March C W 111am ette
university Freshman Glee,
Willamette gymnasium.
Marrh lO American Le
gion national defense confer
ence. - .. -'.'.
j March 11 Spring open
ing. V ; -i..:' ;
i Mai eh 17-20 State bas
ketball tournament, Willam
ette an i versify gymnasium.
Brant Does Well Lee E.
Brant, son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Brant, route seven, Salem, is do
ing well in the United States
army air corps in . the Hawaiian
Islands, according to word re
ceived by Sergeant Joseph Scarpa,
local recruiting officer. Brant
sailed for the islands early In
February following his enlistment
here. He was known locally for
work in aeronautics and as in
structor in i making model air
planes. 1 .
t i :
Army Positions Open Enlist
ment openings are now available
in this district for young men
Interested in joining the coast
artillery or; medical department
for service in the Philippine is
lands, according to Segeant Joseph
Scarpa, recruiting officer sta
tioned in the postoffice building.
A few vacancies still exist also
in the air corps, Hawaiian islands
and Hamilton Field, California.
: . Minor Arrests Made A. J.
Percell, Jefferson, are on the po
lice blotter on charges of driving
without operator s licenses. L C
Ramseyer, 2 480 South Church,
and jw. C. Thomas, Lyons, were
arrested on charge of having de
fective brakes. Paul Lazana was
arrested on charges of having no
light on his bicycle and riding
on the sidewalk. Ignacio Pan-
chezj was booked on a failing to
stop charge.;
Road Matters Delayed W i t h
no important matters pending, the
county court probably will hold
no regular road meeting this
month. The meeting was post
poned to today from yesterday to
permit court members to go to
Portland to handle matters in
connection with their courthouse
building project. '
Turkey pickers report 10
Sat.,! 450 Hi Front.
i I
Reports Polk Mishap Roscoe
Clark, route three, reported to the
sheriff's office here that his au
tomobile and a vehicle driven by
Gilbert S. Dillon, route three, col
lided on Schindler road 4 miles
west, of. Salem at 1 p. m. yester
day. No Injuries were listed.
Take Ont Permits Building
permits were issued yesterday to
Maurice Klinger to alter a one-
story store b u 1 1 di n g at 2020
North Capitol. $40; to Amy Rat
cliffe to repair a one-story dwell
ing end garage at 188 East Rur
al. 1150. J ; - ;
Magin to - Preach Dr. Louis
Magin. Salem district superinten
dent of Methodist Episcopal
churches, will preach Sunday
night at the Methodist church at
Banks, occupying the pulpit of
Revj F. G. Phillips.
Relief Operator Hired Claude
F. Cross. 920 Mill street, has
been, appointed relief radio op
erator at Salem police headquar
ters James Darby, former relief
operator, recently became a mem
ber jof the state police.
t !
Gets Logging Permit M y e r s
and Young were granted a" permit
by the county court yesterday to
haul logs over the North Santiam
highway between Grey stone and a
point 1000 yards east.
i i -
Linn Pays. Gravel A warrant
for 8672.75 was received by Mar
ion i county yesterday from Linn
county in payment for gravel sup
plied from the S t a y t o n ro(ck
t r. . -
Poem by Carrie Parrish
Judged One of Ten Best
Mrs. Carrie M. , Parrish, of CS0
North Commercial street, was
chosen , as one of the ten best
writers'' of poetry in a contest
held recently by" a Portland firm.
Her original poem, "God's Cruci
ble," was read over a Portland
radio station.
" i Tracy
la this city March 2. James B.
Tracy, aged 80 years. Former resi
dent of Turner. Survived hv vl.
dow, Mrs. Mary A. Tracy of Tur
ner; nieces, Mrs. Ella Fisher and
Mrs. Lovenai Stonedahl of Union;
nephew, Comyh Tracy of Turner.
Funeral services will be held Trom
the : W. T. Rigdon chapel Satur
day. March , at 1:30 p.m.. with
Dr. W. C. Kantner officiating. In
terment Twin Oaks cemetery. Tur
ner. ;
! Brown
Ia this city March 4, Matt
Brown, late of Merrill, Ore., age
50. Remains forwarded to Kla
math Falls for Interment by the
W. T. Rigdon company.;
Grand Jury to
No New Indictments Out;
Arraign Pair Today, j
Robbery Charges.
Circuit and probate court bus
iness neared the standstill point
here yesterday with no trials in
progress and papers filed in con
nection with only four matters
in each of the two divisions. The
grand Jury met again yesterday
but , adjourned until Monday
without returning Indictments. ,
Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan
today will hold hla regular mo
tion day. ,
First court action in connection
with the robbery charges against
William L. Bulkley. also known
as Cottew, and Alvin Boyd, trans
pired In justice court where each
took 24 hours' time In which to
decide on a plea. The two -were
charred Jointly with the Pratum
store robbery and held at Xe500
bail each and Bulkley aiso witn
the Lemmon grocery store rob
bery here with $2500 set as bail.
Neither furnished bail. They will
be arsaigned at 10 o clock this
Circuit Court
. Gabriel Powder & Supply com
pany vs. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rus
sell; order confirming sale oi
real property.
Henry Orsborn vs. Agnes Lou
ise Orsborn; plaintiffs .motion
for default.
State and milk control board
vs. L. R. Oldenberg; cost bill,
Earl Coons and Chester Mc
Cain vs. Viola A. Harrelaon; or
der dismissing suit on stipulation.
Probate Court
Roy Robnett estate: order set
ting hearing April 9 on final ac
count of H. G. White, adminis
trator, showing $35.40 realized
for estate when real property
sold to satisfy a mortgage, as
sets of $113.45 and claims ag
gregating $427.
Wavne Edward' Byers guar
dianshlp; order confirming sale
by Bert J. Byers, guardian, of
Woodbnrn. real property to Chris
Jessen for 1400.
Rebecca K. Cleaver eBtate; ap
praisal, $5000 real and $500
personal property, by Jerome
Jackson. C. M. Crittenden and
Alice Weaver.
Warren C. Jensen estate; order
setting hearing April 6 on final
account of Velna Gilliam, admin
istratrix, showing $1439.48 re
ceived, including advances from
the widow, Carolyn C Jensen of
Los Angeles totaling $539.91,
and $777.34 paid out.
Marriage Licenses -
Delbert B. Hill, legal, banker.
Mill City, and Maxlne Dunivan.
legal, cashier. Marlon hotel, Sa
lem. Justice Court
Floyd Maddy, plea of guilty,
no chauffeur's license; case con
tinued to March S for sentence.
Frank E. Weinert, defective
brakes, $2.50 fine of which $2
paid by going to jail and 'balance
paid - to sheriff.
McGrew Outlines
High Court Issue
The state's rights question Is
the underlying factor In the pres
ent controversy over the United
States supreme court, J. Fred
McGrew, public speaking profes
sor anddebate coach of Fresno
State college, told the Salem
Twenty-Thirty club at the meet
ing Friday night at the Quelle.
How far the federal arm should
reach out over state lines is the
question, McGrew, a Willamette
university graduate, declared.
adding he had encountered no or
who could answer that question
President Roosevelt has some
arguments on his side, McGrew
said, for spread of commerce and
other factors have made state con
trol of many issues Impractical.
The president's failure lies in see
ing the "go" signal and not the
"stop" light In the federal con
stitution, said McGrew, declaring
be could see the president's view
point but could not vote with him
on this issue. Otto K. Paulus in
troduced the speaker, whose de
bate team had appeared earlier In
the day at the Ad club meeting.
Care in Opening
Accounts Advised
Two matters which .have an
Important bearing upon maintain
ing a low percentage of loss due
to bad accounts are a careful
system ot opening accounts and
consistent and systematic follow-
" v " iicu avtuiuiu uotuuia Que,
Paul Ellis, credit manager for 16
Pay'n Save stores, told the Salem
Credit association at its weekly
luncheon meeting yesterday noon
at the Argo. v
- Ellis exhibited forms the stores
he represents use in handling
credit v business. He emphasized
the statement that no accounts
are opened by the stores until the
applicants' credit ratings have
been checked with the nearest
credit bureau.
Whest Others Fail
Chinese Hrrba
Healing virtue :
turn brru tested
liuudreds years.
for chromic all
meat, aose,
throat, alaaaltis,
catarrh, ears.
lunss, asthma, chronic cough,
atomach, gall stonrs, colitis,
const pa tioa. diabetls, kklneys,
bladder, heart, : blood nerves,
eormlgfa. r ben mat Is in, high
blood pressure, gland, skin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
S. B. Fong. 8 years practice
la China, Herb SperlalUt,
123 N. Commercial St Salem,
Ore. Office hours 0 to O p. m.
Sunday and Wed. 9 to lO a.m.
1 '
SV B. rsma
Caere street aetwesa Caevekfta sad
Canter streets. Bar. P. W. Eriksea, pas
tor. Suligr school. 9 :SO a. aa. Dr. A- 8.
J laun, supt Honiai worship. 11 a. aa.
Topic. "Where Hs JTiausta Security of
Soui." Special Basis trrupd by Prof.
W. Hobson. director of music; Rath
Bedford, - orranist. Mais chorus, "Lead
Kindly Liuu" Dudley Back. Lather
learn aevetiouals. Eveaiaf services,
7:30. Sermoa topic, "Christ Facing the
CHiXKT x.UTuaaAjr cuuacH
Eifhteeeta and But. Ber. Asms X.
Minnaman, A. M., pastor v Utrata, 8 ;30
a. m. Subject, "Christ's Vision ot the
Cross." JCalsish, 11 a. at. Subject. "As
the Cross Appears to Christ." Sunday
school, S:S0 a. as. lira. Jacob Pox. supt.
Coraumaioa set dedieatioa service, 7:30
p. as. SubjeeJ. "Keeeive, O Lard, the
Gift ot Oar Usads." Solo by Jt. li
Dahlea. Oenaaa said week Lentea aerrtces
Wedneedar. S:S0 a. a. Easliah aaidareek
Ijeatca services Priday. 7:0 p. au
TIUT xxthodiit EPzacorAi,
Corner of Church and State. Juki .
Millicaa. amiaister; Mildred Bartholo
m. director of reaar people's activ
ities; Robert M. Gstke, supt ot the church
school ; Mrs. Roy ' Ijockenour, lesder of
the junior church. Morning worship, 11
o'clock. Sermon, "Because Christ
Geres." Evening- worship, 7:30 o'clock.
Serasoa, "Because We Care." Church
school st 9:45 a. m. Young people's meet
bags: Young Adults and University Ves
pers saeet at S o'clock. Dr. O. B. Cham
bers of Oreroa State college will speak
ia the Vespers Lenten series oa "Porgive
US Umr Trespasses. Ia termed into aad
high school leagues meet at 6:30.
North Winter, Jefferson, Psirgrounds
road. L,ja A. Wood, minuter. Chares
school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship. 11
a. m. Theme, "Because Christ Cares."
Epworth leagues. 6:80 p. m.. in termed
into, high school aad senior. Kvening serv
ice. 7:30 p. m. Theme. "The Church
fteeds Mi." Happy half hour, 8:30 p, aa.
A social gathering for all those who at
tend the evening service to get ac
South Commercial aad Myers sUeet
Deaa C Poiadexter. minister. Sunday
church school. 9:45 a. m. Meraiag wor
ship, 11 a. as. Sermoa. Because Christ
Uares." This is special enrollment Sun
day for all Methodists. ' interna ediste
senior league, 6:30 p. m. Special speak
er. Mrs. Ruth Toose. Yeans- neoDle'a
senior lesgue, 6:30 ia Leslie hsll. Theme,
r-ersonai Amoitioa or iluman eed
the Temptations of Jesus." Eveaiag serv
ice, 7:30. Messsge, "Sons of God." A
festure of this service will be a men's
Thirteenth aad Center. Leo W. Collar,
pastor. Prsyer meeting, S a. m. Bible
school, 0:45 a. oa. Frank Litwiller. supt.
Worship, 11 a. m. Choir will aing, "1
Hear the Voice of Jesus," directed by
joaa jrnesen. vrenestra prsrtice, 2:15
Chrutisa workers' visitatioa. Young
peopie s society. o:JO. Junior society,
6:30. Hi-N.Y. Pioneers, 6:30. Mildred
and Warren Davis, leaders. Evangelistic,
7:au p. m. uuet. Muses Kthei aad Rahy
lavis, "Take L Thy Cress." Sermon,
jane i-osis to .remit ion.
315 ft N. Commercial street. Bible
school. 3 p. m. Daisy Mae Wilson,- supt.
Devotional service, S p. m. Rev. H. Han
sen preaching. Evangelistic service, T:S0;
Tueadsy, Thursday and Saturday, T:S0.
special au day fellowship meetraa- Men
day at 10:30. 1:80. 7:30, with visiting
ministers ana ineau present, a. J. les
sen, pastor.
, Winter aad Chemekata streets. 6 rover
C. Birtchet, D.D, pastor. Prof. Wan. H.
wrignrt, airector of young people e ae
tiviues and music. Prof. F. . Churchill,
organist. Church school. S:S0 a. m., with
J. J. Fitxsimmona. sapt. Morning wor-
ahip, 11 a. m. Senses, "The Good News
ot Jesus C:iiit, the Soa of God." First
in a series oa "The Sermoa ea the
Mount." Anthem, "La, Voice"
(Bortniansky). C. X. societies at 6:30
p. m. Worship, 7:30 p. as "Moving
Pictures ot tae amancaa Negro."
Wednesday, 7:34 p. an midweek service.
Begular services. Saturday night prsise
service, ouaaay acnooi. v:o a. m. lloli
ness meetinc 11. Toong people's legion,
S p. m. Jeanette Zwicker, leader. Salva
tioa meeting, 7:30. Subject, "The Christ
of Today," Adjutant Allan, spesksr
Moaday, bsad practice. Thursday, "At
the Crossroads. Salvation Army board
members will meet Wedaesdsy night at
tha chamber ef commerce. Major Ronald
a-oernart wiu attens.
Cnemcketa aad Liberty streets. Sua
day school at It a. m. Services at 11
a. m. sad S a. aa. Subisct. "Man.
Testimony meetinc at 8 p. m Wednes
day. Beading room la the Mssonic temple
open 11 a. m. to 0 p. m., except Sundays
aad holidays. On Wednesday from 11
a. as. a i :v p. aa.
Seventeenth and Nebraska streets.
B, C. Mass, miaister. Church school.
:5 a. am. Mrs. Anna Woleott, supt.
Merniac worship. 10:50 o'clock. Social
Christina Endeavor, S p. m. Regular
monthly consecration meeting ot the
Christina Badeavor, 6:30 p. m. Evsngel-
istn service, 7:30 p. m. Ir. Htaaley M
Williams of Kansas City; assistaat aecre
tsry et the board of home missions aad
church erection, will preach at both the
nao ruing aad eveaiag serrice. aad also
preach every aight during the week at
7:30 o'clock, except Saturday. The juaier
church will attend tha moraine worship
Mission between 12th and University.
Bev. A. H. Henderson. 1155 Mission
street. Morning service. 11 a. m. Sunday
school, 10 a. aa. Kenneth Holler, supt.
canitiss Endeavor. 6 :80 p. m. Preach
lag service. 7:30 v. aa. Taesdsy evening.
7:30, lecture Illustrated with slides by
Mrs. Stacy. Wednesday, Bible study, 7:3J
p. as. Thursdsy - evening, choir prsc
Clear Lake BvaaseUcal Herbert
Bennett, miaister. Gospel song service for
Dot n the morning worship service and
the bandsy school at 9:55 a. m. w.
Collard. supt. Sermoa. "Tha Law af Be
rival," at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school
classea at 10:45 o'clock. Bible study
Wednesdsy at 7:30 p. am.
Labis Center Bvmaselical Herbert K.
Bennett, minister. Sunday school at 10
a. m. W. A. Starker, supt. Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock. Goapet song aerviee.
Special music. Sermoa. "The Lew ot Be
vival. Toung people's league, 7 p. m.
Leroy Ishsm, lesder. Choir prsrtice
Thursdsy, 7 p. m. Bible study Thursday,
8 p. m.
Bosedsle Friends Charch S a d s y
school. 10 a. m. Leah Ohse. aupt. Mora
ins worship. 11 a. an. Francis Ohse. mia
ister. Junior, intermediate. - senior En-
dearer, 7 p. as. KveaJa tvsarslistie serv
ices, p. m. Bpeeial sermoa topic, "Tear
Child and the Movies.'
Morning worship. 10 a.m. Prancis Ohse.
minister. Sands y school. Has. Chea
ter Skeldon. aapt. Junior aad inter
mediate Endeavor, 7 pi as.
Liberty Charch 8a da r school at
9:45 a. m. Morning charch service. 11
a. as. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. an. Eve-
suag ervtca, a p. as. j
Mafia Charch Saaday school, 9.45
a. m. i -
Fifth aad Gainaa. L- E. Xiaraaever.
miaister. Services every Saturday. Sab
bath srheoL, fl:4S a.-m. Worship, 11 a. m.
Sersaoa sabject. "The DeeUae ef Re
ligious Liberty." At S . as. Misaismnrv
G. J. AppaL from aerUwest China, will
give aa illustrated lecture aa his amis
sion experiences. The aermoaa aa ta
Prophecies af Daniel' aad the "
Uoa." given by the pastor continue each
Sunday and Wednesday nights.
Ferry end South Hirfc atreeta. R-v
Arno Q. Weniger. pastor. Bible school.
8:4o a. m. Departments and dassea lor
au ages. Morning worship. 11 o'clock.
Sermoa topic, "Feet Washing." Observ
ance ot the ordinance pf communion aad
the hand of fellowship! to new members.
Young people's meetiar. 6:45 n. m Eve
ning worship. 7:44 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "The Work ef the Spirit ia the
World." The vested choir and if, a.
hers sine at both serrieea. Midweek ur,.
ce vtedaesday, T:S0 p. m.
Berth Cottars at Ii street. J V Ot.
hoff. pastor. Bible school. 0:45 a. as.
Samuel Schirman, supt. Worship in Ger
man at 11. Kev. J. Krstt. D. D. af Port-
an will bring the messsge. Evsngelis
tie service at 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer
meeting vt eanesasy, 8 p. m.
TKMPU urrigT cBnieB
North 19th between CnUr CUm.-
meketa streets. Ernest iH. Brown, pastor.
Sunday school at :45 a. m. Morniae
service at 11 a. m. Sermoa. Whr Do
Wa Seek Godt" B.Y.P.TT. at S So B
Iatermediate society, 6:45 p. m Eveaiag
aemce at 7 JO, sermoa.. "Better Than
GeM" Midweek serrieea Thnndav at
:v p. an.
Corner of Center and Hirh atrere
Guy L. Drill, miaiater; Charch school at
v:so. under the direction at C. E. Lac
aaorning- wonnip end communion nt
iu:4. vuartet, Aad. Be Ye Kind One
to Another." BunkeL; from "The Good
oamantun," sung by Gertrude Cherriag
ton. Eleae Douglas. Joha Schmidt aad
rre Bates. Sermon. "Christian Church
Membership" ( second ia the aeries). The
Christian Kndesvor aecfetiea meet at
6:15 p. m. Evaiag serrice at t:0. Solo
by Mrs. A. Vitteae. 8ermen, "Tou Can
Neither Bay. Borrow Ser Steal It." Mid.
week service Wednesday at 7:S0 p.
Court aal 17th streets. D. W. Daniela.
pastor. Bible school at 9:45. with Jean
Hawkins, sunt. Morn tea worahin aad
observsaes ot the Lord's supper at 10:45.
jnesssge. "xne risee lor Sou." Soto by
Abe Friesea. Eveaiag ; service aad Chris
tian r.ndesvor at 7:30. Family feature
Messsge. "Our 8noreme Need." Maerin
of the men's brotherhood Monday sight
at o:u in tne Basement of the Banga
'o"- aii any meeting ot tne enures, wemes
Wednesday. Midweek service at the Well
er home, 165 N. 17th street, Thursday
ii t :av.
North Cottage aad ShiDDiur atrMta.
C. T. Spriars. sainister. Bible atudv -at
lO a. m. Preaching at 11. by Evangelist
V. M. Gilbert af Jefferson. Iowa. Observ
ance of tha Lord's supper. Preachiac at
x:su p. m. ana nt 7-.5 p. m. Meeting
each evening through the week at 7:30.
197 H 8. Commercial. J. Aleaso Saa
dera. paavor. Bondsy. ; Bible school at 3
. m. Devotional, 3tl5. T.P.P, 4:30.
vaageHstie. 7:30. Tuesday. Bible study,
apea forum. Thursday.' prayer aad praise.
ctacurosy, gospel service. 7:44.
W.C.T.TJ. hsll. South Commercial aad
rerry streets. B. W, Bressler, pas tar.
Bible school, 9:45 a.; m. Morning-worship,
11 t. a. Theme, "Participation ia
Christ's Sacrifice" Obaervsace of the
Lord's supper. Touag people's meeting.
6:45 p. m. Tom Thomsa. guest speaker.
Evening service, 7:45 p. m. Theme, "The
Agony ef a Lost 8oul' Wednesday, 7:43
p. m., cettaga prayer meetiag at home
of Mrs. Gilbert White. 1740 Perry street.
Corner Center aad Liberty streets. J.
Bupert Simends. minister. Sunday school,
9:45. Professor Warn. C. Jones, supt.
Morning worship. It o'clock. Sabject.
"Give Us This Dsy Oar Uaily Bread."
The fourth ia a series of talks oa the
Lard's prayer. Sole,; "Hold - Thou My
Hard.' Briggs. by Uoyd Biffe: Mrs.
Kenneth Rich, organist. At 7:80 Sunday
evening. "Sunday evening forum," Tom
Stavely, the exrhaage professor of history
from Oxford. England, at Bead cottage,
will speak oa "What's Happening to Ba
li gion in Europe." Midweek Lenten serv
Nineteenth nnd Parry. H. C. Stover,
minister. Morning- wecshlawt 11. Sermoa.
"The Merciful." Anthem. "O Day of
nest nerser). yssrhs, "rsuoe Me"
Shelley). Evening- aerviee at 7:30. Ser
moa. "The Soft af the Earth." Saaday
school at 10 a. as. Bay Harlaad. supt.
v. e. aa young people s meet In an at
:45. LTharch night supper Westnesday
evening. j
Yew Park . hall, earner 8. 12th aad
Leslie streets, upstairs. D. W. Lyday.
supply pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Mcrning worship at: 11. Evangelistic
aerviee at 7:30 p. mi Midweek services
Wednesdsy. Friday, young people meet
aa p. m. f
Sunday, M arch 7th 11:00 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. at
the following methodist episcopajs
First, State at Church St.
Jason Lee Memorial, Fairgrounda Road, Winter
& Jefferson Sts. J
Leslie Memorial, So. Commercial & Myers Sts.
Ford Memorial, Third SU West Salem 1
i j
Every jMethodist Accounted For?j
Corner Maries aad Sammer atreeta.
Bev. James B. CampbeU. miaister. Sea
day school at :45 a. as. Jehu Behreaa,
supt. Morning warship at 11 'eleek.
Evaagerist WC. Graves wtu snag a
"Bevival Message." Senior high achoel
aad young people's leagues at 6:30 p. an.
EvangelisUe service at 7:30. Bevival
messsge by Ber. W. C Graves. Xraasel
istie services every, night except Sa tur
ds y. .
EVAJraiXISTIO tabibbaclz
Perry sad 13th atreeta. C G. Westoa,
paster. Ssmday achoel at :45 av. as.
C. A. Wtlaem, sapt. Church service at 11
as. Suhiect. "The Chriatian's PUee ta
Christ. Kvaaa-eliatle aeivioa at 7:4
p. as. Suhiect. "What Is Christ to Teat"
Prayer meetisg st p. av, Taesday.
Yeuag people a service at S p. m-, asura-
B. CasiteJ asm Mariaa streets. Edwia
Herstmaa, paster. Saaday acheoL IS
as. Dtvtae warship. 11 a. aa " The
8ileaee af Jesus." fellowship tuacheea
at noeau Missieaary- society oaA-Chureh-
n's brotherhood. I a. a. Lea tern aerv
ieea Wedaesdsy. S p. as.
(SOawasxl Samd)
Blztaeath aad A atreeta. U. W. Gteaa.
autar. audav school. I L a. Osnites
at IS a. aa. Midweek Lea tea services.
7:45 p. as.
S57U Court street Saadav school.
t :5 a. as. Morning worship. 1L. Baatect,
Tha Uaaar Hold." Teems peovle-a snia-
aieaary aerviee. :1. Evaageliatae aerv
iee, 1:45. SpeeUl music Sabject, "Aa
Opea Deer lata Hesvem." Taesday. T
p. as.', orchestra practice. Wedaasday,
7:45. Bible stadv. rrtday. aiviae
heaUng service. Bar. Lloyd aad Esther
Miller, co-pas tors. ,
ran eMumoa or GOD
Head aad Cottage streets. Bar. X. J.
Hooker, paster. Saaday school. S:4 a. m.
Sabiect. "Life Hera aad Hereafter.'
Preach in r at 11 a. am. Sebfeet. "The
Charch That Jeaaa Built.' Touag
neoole's aaoetins. f w. as. Evangslistic
aervica. 7:45 . am. Subject. "Hew ta
Find Gad." Wednesday. 7:45 s.
prayer service. Missionary society, Thurs
Heat Saaday afteraeea ia PraUrnsI
tempm. Ceo tar street near Liberty. First
meetiag at 2:30. a Bible study ef "Joseph
and Sis Brethren.
Corner af Cottage aad Chemeketa. Sun-
dsr scheaL 10 a. am. Evening service,
p. mm. Belief society Wedaesdsy, S p. m.
MJJL Wednesday,
Hawkins, preaideat.
7:30 p. am. A. C
StaVely to Speak
At Sunday Fonini
The Filrst Congregational
church . announces another Sunf
day evening forum for Sunday at
7:30 o'clock. Tom Slavery will
speak on "What's Happening to
t-Sellgion in Europe?- Mr. Stave-
ly is the present Oxford exenange
professor of history at Reed col
lege, j
After graduating from Oxford
he served In the trenches dur
ing the war and then returned o
teaching at his alma mater. Dur
ing recent years Stavely has trav
eled extensively in various Euro
pean countries where he has had
unusual opportunity to observe
what Is going on at close ranaje.
Hla address will be followed
by a period for questions afrd
discussion. The counsellors for
the seminar are Justice George
Rossm&n, Professor E. S. Oliver,
and Professor Wm. C Jones.
Aiken Renamed to
Game Commission
I -
Governor Charles II. Marjtin
yesterdsy reappointed George
Aiken of Ontario as .a member
of the state game commission for
a five-year term. His previous
term expired March 1.
Capitol observers were- ot the
opinion that Aiken's reappoint
ment would mean the retention
of Frank Wire as game super
visor, i
Reports were current herd a
weec ago that wire probably
would lose his job. j
Statesman Policy
Pay Sturgis $53
A dollar Investment In a North
American accident insurance jpol
Icy available to Statesman sub
scriber has just returned I5S.57
to Harry It! Sturgis of Brooks.
The check for S5X.5T represents
allowance for two weeks' total
disability due to Injuries sustained
la aa automobile accident last Oc
tober 1. He was confined in a
Prairie City hospital for j two
Blacksmith Shop
Formerly 2SS Chetveketf
Heads Revivals
Rer. 1. G. Graves of Los Angeles,
I i who vrill epem a aeriesi of
I ! elisUe aneetiaes Semday
j lavg t the First Evangelical
I ! church.
IvaiigeHciil Will
Sponsor Services
.'The First Evangelical church.
;wlth W. C Graves of Los Angeles
as evangelist, is opening two weeks
of special meetings beginning Sun
day morning at 11 o eloefc.
j Services will be held each Bight
at 7:S o'clock except Saturday.
The pastor. Rev. James E. Camp
bell, will be soloist and director of
music. He will be assisted by the
choir and groups from It. Singing
will be a special feature of the
Rev. Graves, who is well known
In thai east as an evangelist, is
genial and friendly with all alike;
his ministry appeals strongly to
young people; his sermons are
challenging and his program is
Egypt lVlissionary
Rer.' Merrill J. Hooker, pastor
of the First Charch of God here,
reports that group has been suc
cessful, in getting Rot. Thadeus
Neff, prominent missionary to
Egypt to stop in Salem to speak
at the local church Thursday eve
ning at 7:45 o'clock. The church
Is: at Hood and Cottage streets.
It Is an unusual experience to
hear a missionary from Egypt and
Rer. Hooker reports that the gen
eral public Is Invited to attend and
hear him.
Rer.: Neff fa touring the north
west speaking on conditions in the
near east and Egypt. He will
speak In Por tland Wednesdsy
night and comes to Salem from
there. - .
Holiness Meeting
iSet Next Tuesday
The I regular monthly meeting
of; the Marion County Holiness
association will be held at the
Free Methodist church in Salem
Tuesday, March 9. At the morn
ing service at 10:39 Rev. Miller
H. Porter, pastor of the South
Salem Friends church, will bring
the message. As this is a rut ism
rally with the Polk county asso
ciation there will be one of their
ministers bring tha afternoon
message at 2:30. .
j"Come and bring your individ
ual lunch." Invites Edgar P. Sims,
president. . :
Coming Thursday
I sa
VWhoVx Happening
Oxford exchange professor at Reed Colleire
First Congafional (3iurcb
Blarch J to 21
. o Jjou Amajelea, Calif.
Music Under Direction of Rer. J. E. Campbell -TiWrg
a Welcome here" for Everybody
1 ib. 15c$ j 2 lbs. 25c
Size 3T x 4" -
Good Bond Paper
Piu b I i shing C ompany
Credit Man Nips
$25 Bunco Effort
- BmawamBnBmtvaanB
ilesorts to Own Business
tor "Aid; Attorney Is
, ! Reported Victim
Francis Smith, manager or
Credit Bureaus. Inc.. almost mot
took" yesterdsT. But bis own
business Bared him.
It all bspxeiied wbea a tall. -
kail-built rati appeared at the
predlt Bureau offices on Court
Street and, claiming be knew
fimltb la Tillamook, told a tale Of
bis mother's deatb yesterday
Corninw at Tillamook.
The tisltor told of the large ea
ts hi mother left and soon ask
d Smith for a 2S loan, sarins
be left Tillamook in sack, a harry
fr-estsrday morninc be failed to
bring money with him. He offered
to gire a chattel mortgage on six
bones. - -
I But before banding orer tn
pnoney. Smitb bethought him to
e the master credit cards in the
redlt bureau setup.
I Told Same Story
The master card showed a chat-
el mortgage- on six horses bad
n given by a man with the
same another local at
torney. Smith called the other at
torney, only to find the same man
bad used the story of bis mother's
eath noma days ago to get
Confronted by the other ease.
be stranger left the office hur-
edly and It is Smith's guess he-
wont try the same story on mors
fealem attorneys.
lind School Job
Is Quit bf Gamble
The state board of-control yes
terday received the resignation
(of OrriHe Gamble, superintendent
lot the -state blind trades school
kn Portland.
Gamble was appointed, during
the Meier administration and had
peen j a storm center for more
jthan i two years. His successor
jwill be selected by a new board
bet up under a measure which
has passed both bouses of the
At 1 a recent meeting of the
board of control It was charged
that Gamble bad refused to co
perate with the school's advisory
board and bad withheld Informa
tion sought by the advisory group.
Persons close, to the Martin
administration surmised that
Gam hie was requested to resign
but this could not be confirm.
Governor Charles H. Martin re
fused to comment on the resigna
tion. : .
( Tur"vacs a wvet wra e ore
srrsoLeTsa tiosauss ssavt
sas sua. tae oav
evvse at! bkt Sat
vt V V sre set
toReligion in Europe?
il Ta ctcUw radiwwa U
N ckaqsssiatg. nahasa,
tssy yaar ana nsi as
oiUaMis. eaas eaisty sj
aatotraai Caasaau.