The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Mornln?, llarch 6, 1937 PAGE TEN Church at Mbany Will Observe 66th . . I i ' - ' ' - u . ' i - - I - i A 1 i - " Full Program PlannedTpday Congregation Organized in . 1871 at Baber Home; ; 10 on Cliarter ALBANY, . March i 5. Sunday, March 7. will be the 66th anni versary of the founding of the Evangelical church of Albany, and the event:. will be observed with fitting ceremonies by the church congregation. A basket dinner is to be part of the day's program and will be served in the social hall of the church. Ser vices will be held in the churcn during the day in beeping with the occasion. - " The Evangelical church was organized here in 1871 at the home of G. W. Baber, with 10 charter members. At that time it was part of the Indiana con ference and Rev. D. S. Oakes was appointed to this field. Af ter serving until December 1873, Rev. Oakes became discouraged and returned to Indiana, and Rev. J. Bowersox served the field until 1875 when he was" ap pointed resident pastor. In . ad dition to this field. Rev. Bower sox also served the Salem dis trict. : t CiteBuilding History The fist, church building was erected on the present site of the armory. When the ground was desired for the armory building a quarter block was purchased on East First and Pine streets, and the new church edifice was erected there. Later the church was enlarged, a parsonage was built and a few years later a so cial hall where all social affairs of ' the church take place, was erected. Rev, E. C. Hicks is the pres ent pastor. Last Rites Held For C. D. LeFors DALLAS. March 5. C. D. LeFors who passed away at the Dallas hospital Tuesday ; night following a a auto, accident, was born in Benton county, Arkansas, June 19, 1866. In 1901 he moved to Oklahoma where he resided until; 1911s when he came to Pallas and where he has resided Mr. LeFords was a member since that time. " of the Dallas Modern Woodmen of the World. Surviving are the widow, one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Lininger Of Portland, and by six Sons, John i of Portland; Carl of Eu gene; Monte of Portland; and Almos, Robert and Leland of Dallas. There are nine grand children. . Funeral services were held at the Henble and Bollman chapel this .afternoon. Rev. Dean Ver million officiating and interment at the Dallas I. O. O. F. cemetery. Luxury Model" . By MAY CHRISTIE (Continued from page 4) Jimmy badly and wrote him reg ularly. From the School of Architec tural Design she had obtained the address of the Paris taelier where he now worked and stud led. She sent her letters there, and I assured herself that she would receive in return several long .letters from Jimmy. t Bat time passed and there wft&nt , on word from him. She was . amazed. . i. - "Jeemy, he do not write you? But that is ter-r-ible!" Yvonne assumed false sympathy. Luana eould not guess that Yvonne had commandeered his first three letters, read them and tore them I HP i - ,'. 4'0h, there'll be some on the next boat," Luana. said airily, though she was worried." When' the next boat docked, ah was to be gone forever from tfca apartment she shared 'with tha French girl . ; . . Thus did it happen: - Armand had called one eve ning ; for Yvonne. Deliberaely he came : rather early, ; knowing Yvonne was doing some shop ping before she came to the apartment, and hoping to find Luana' alone. He did. He started to make love -to her, verbally, and was snubbed. , " Enormously conceited, and be lieving himself irresistible, the Idea struck him that he tnisht use caveman tactics with the aloof ' one, and grabbed her in : his arms and tried to kiss her. Using her latchkey Yvonne walked In on them at that mo ment. ' . Yvonne's jealousy and sus picions had been simmering for a long time. They blazed into life bow. She lost entire control f herself and made a shocking ' aceae. -: Her nerves still shaky from her illness, Luana answered back with a denunciation of Armand. bone "of contention, that was far from, flattering to the- little Frenchman. . "That worm! As though I'd touch" him with a ten-foot pole!" She was trembling with anger at th injustice of Yvonne's ac cusations. Flinging prudence to tha winds, she made bad worse by adding: "Why, he's auch a sneaky little rat that he makes love to every woman that cross es his path! Are 'you blind? Can't you see how I loathe him?" Thus was a new enemy made. Armand changed camp. His self love was deeply offended. (To be Continued) Massacre Monument Dedicated t 1 r , ft:.. V ' . .;..v: V ,--S.: -.' ;-.,.:;.- -".4 J'..,. -,.t . ." . ? . !; ' A--t V' ;.- i 4 ' " 1 JL . - - , To honor the memory of seven persons who were slain when Indians attacked a stagecoach in the "Wickenbnrg Massacre' of 1871, this picturesque monument was recently completed Jtnd dedicated nt the scene of the tragedy International Illustrated News Photo. Shower Planned For Farm Home AUMSVILLE March 5. The Women's club: spent a delight ful afternoon j at the home of Mrs. William illowd. Thursday. The women are preparing a mis cellaneous shower to oe given the Farm Home at Corvallis at Easter. In the late afternoon lunch was served by; the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ivan Putnam and Mrs. Neal Wolf, i' Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. C. F. Hem. i Mrs. Bland Spear, Mrs. William Forgey, Mrs. Fred Potter, Mrs. George Ciax ton, Mrs. John Ransom, Mrs, T. Y. McClellian, Mrs. Charles Martin.,- Mrs. D. W. ! Lamb, Mrs. Neal "Wolf, Mrs. Ivan Putnam, and 'Mrs. William Howd. ? Five members of "i the county transportation "board were visit ors at the Aumsvllle school Thursday. They conferred with members . of the school board and the school principal regard ing transDortation of students attending the Aumsville school. The board expressed approval oi the efficient manner in which the 12,4 transportation students are being cared for here. This is a record number of outside students attending here. Carnival Slated At 'Heights Hall : O j r SALEM HEIGHTS, March 6. The Salem Heights P. T. A. U giving a program Monday at the Salem Heights I community hall. A one hour program will be given followed by a carnival. Ad mis- sion five cents All people of the urged to attend. community are A . son was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas ! at .the Dea coness hospital ' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland of this community are the proud grand parents, i ! . The Little Garden club met with Mrs. Frank Miller Thurs day afternoon. A dessert lunch eon was served at j 1:30. The program was "Broadleaved Ev ergreens" by Mrs. j Myron Van Eaton. - 1 i Mr. and-Mrs; .Robert L. Elf strom and family have sold their home on route four and are mov ing to Salem. i Statesman Woman's Page Editor Shows Stitchers About Making of Salads KEIZER, March E Tha Keizer Sewing club enjoyed an all-day session Thursday: at the home of Mrs. A. L. Peterson, with quilt ing occupying most ; of the day. A covered-dish luncheon w a a served; at noon." i -;: A special feature jwas a dem onstration of salad making by Miss Maxine Buren, editor of the women's department I of the Ore gon. Statesman. j ; Present were 21 members and these guests: Mrs. Nona Bioad bent of Ordway, Colo., who la visiting at the home of her son H. M. Broadbent. Mrs. Clyde Hammett, a Keizeri newcomer, Mrs. W. L. Grant and Mrs. Gil bert Savage. ; i . Evangelical Aid Group To Hold Social Tuesday; Shower Is Club Feature TJNIONVALfi, March 6- Final plans were made,! at the business session of the Union vale Evangel ical Ladies Aid meeting Tuesday, for the social to be held Tuesday, March 9, at the church. Fifteen women attended the all-day quilt ing. - i Mrs. Raymond Palmer was complimented with a surprise stork shower at the regular meet ing of of the Arrawannah Needle club held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sion: The next meeting will be at the Elwyn Dorsey home. . Manning School Makes High Rate; in Spelling MANNING, March 8. Man ning school is proud -of its score In the Marlon county spelling test held February 11, in which 4 one-room schools took part. The eighth grade and the third grade here each had a. perfect score, both ranking first in the county. The fourth iand sixth . grades ranked third In the : county and the seventh 'grade ranked 'fourth. There are no fifth grade pupils enrolled. ; r 'J i - ti Blanchard Buys Brock Property PIONEER, March. 5 MrsJ Ann Brock and two sons Dale and Vergil moved - to another home Tuesday. It is located near the Dallas water reservoir. They sold their local home to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blanchard, neighbors. The Brock family have lived In the community for many years. The Pioneer Sewing club met at the home of the president, Mrs. Chester Neswald, Thursday afternoon. The time was spent in working on the quilt and so cial converse. The business was in charge of the president. Refreshments were served to 14 members and 9 children by the hostess assisted by Mm. Steve Thiess. Doernbecher Given Donation by Club LIBERTY, March 5. The Lib erty Woman's club met Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. R. Dallas. Contributions were voted to the Doernbecher hospital in Portland and to the scholarship fund of the State Federation of Women a clubs. Miss MacHirron, member of the faculty of music at Willam ette university, was guest speak er and gave an interesting talk on music appreciation, with Pi ano illustrations at several points. An interesting demonstration of "the talking book" was made by Mrs. Anna V. Robbins, show ing the apparatus or machine for reading to the blind. This reading machine was recently given to Mrs. Robbins, who is blind. In keeping with the club's study of Oregon poets Mrs. Har old Lane read poems of Grace E. Hall and told of her life. Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. John Dasch assisted Mrs. Dallas dur ing the tea hour. Twenty-three were present for the afternoon. Railroad Engineers Are Campus Visitors to View Boiler-Water Experiment CORVALLIS, March 5. Three railroad engineers visited Oregon State campus this week to con fer with R. E. Summers, assis tant professor of mechanical en gineering, on tradings In the boiler-water studies being eon ducted by the engineering ex periment station. The group rep resents all but one member of the national research committee of the American Railway associ ation. The visitors were B. W. Geer, engineer of water service of the Great Northern railway, E. M. Grim, engineer of water service for the Northern Pacific rail way and Ray McBrian, engineer of tests for the Denver and Rio Grande Western railway. County. Road Crew Is , Making Improvements In North Howell Area NORTH HOWELL. March B. The county road crew is now working on the road between the Russ corner and the North Howell school house, digging out the ditch and widening the place where the roads Join from the north and east. Mr. and Mrs. D. Southey re turned to their farm Wednesday. They have been spending , the winter in southern California. Robin Days Are Building ' Residence at Hayesville HATESVILLE. March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Day are erect ing a new home east of Mra. Day's mother, Mrs. Rovilla Mc Afu, on property recently pur chased from her. - - Mrs. Elisabeth Siddall returned to her home recently after spend ing . the winter In Yakima with her daughter, Mra. Harry White and family., "armer's Union News LIBERTY, March 5. The Lib erty lcal of the Farmer's Union held a special called meeting Tuesday night to vote on changes in two amendments in the consti tution governing the national or ganization. The application of Harry Shaw for membership received a favor able vote. Lebanon Real Estate Moves Baughman Leases Part of ; New Theatre to Open T Electrical' Shop ! LEBANON, March I. -If. D. Davis and Mrs. Florence - Hut chinson, realtors, report Febru ary sales of tha' Adah Robinson lot on 'Harrison street to Joe Schneider; tha Merrill Smith residence on E. Sherman to Al mon Llndsley; tha Charlea Gris bam home on E. Grant street to C. G, Hardy; tha P. O. Work man property on Harrison street to Eva Owens. i The Sunshine elub with - It members present met Tuesday with Mra. George Billings and greeted their president, Mra. Jane Fltswater, who arrived home Sunday, after a serious illness of several weeks at tha home of her daughter in Eugene. Mra. Nellie Butler presented tha pro gram on tha topic: "Arisona." Refreshmenta were served by the hostess assisted by her daughter, Marjory. . ..... Observe Founders Day Boston baked beana and brown bread were features of the lunch eon served Wednesday by the W. F. M. 8. of the Methodist church at the home of Mra. Ver non Reeves In commemoration of Founders day. ! Mrs. F. Wemett, president. presided over tha business meet' Lug and directed the afternoon program of music, readings and demonstrations. Women repre senting the founders of the so ciety wore costumes of 1869 and demonstrated the beginnings of the work. Other numbers were a medley of song by Violet Gllson and a reading by .Mrs. Llda Fish er. Mrs. Myrtle Hadsall who came last week from Donelly, Ida., for a visit with relatives here, left Thursday for Los Angeles for an indefinite stay. McOoud in Hospital Walden McCIoud, paper mill employe, underwent an operation Thursday for the removal of a piece of steel which, penetrated his chest three years ago. Miss Ruth Wight, well known Leban on teacher, underwent a major operation Thursday. Mrs. Joel C. Booth, who was in the hospital five weeks follow ing an - appendectomy, was dis charged Wednesday; Mrs. E. E. Taylor was also discharged after two weeks' treatment. Dene C. Baughman, dealer In electrical fixtures, has leased the northern division of the new theater . building and has moved his store to the new location. Oscar Davis, barber has the southern division. These rooms are tha last word In modern ar rangement and equipment and attract many callers. Knights of Columbus Will Launch Plans For Drive For Members Next Tuesday STAYTON, March 5. The Knights of Columbus will meet at the Forester hall in Sublim ity Tuesday night, March 16, when plans will be launched for a membership drive, to be culmi nated later by a class Initiation. All members of the organization are asked to meet at the hall In Sublimity next Sunday morning to march in a body to the church where they will receive com munion In a body, as is the an nual custom of tha members. Qhurch services are set - at S a. m. Chris E. Nettling and Edward J. Bell spent several days in Portland this week attending a school under the supervision of the Marshall-Wells hardware firm of that city. Rev. K. K. Clark Gives ; Reading as Feature for Oak Grove Ladies9 Aid ! OAK GROVE, March 6. The Ladies' Aid met Thursday at tha hall with Mrs. Claud Hickerson and Mrs. Frank Farmer as host esses. Mrs. Thomas Brunk, Mrs. Irene Rowland and Mrs. Warren Allen, the committee, reported on purchase of a stove for the hall. Rev. K. K. Clark gave a read ing is a special feature. Special guests were Mrs. H. D. Korte meyer of Salem; Rev. and Mrs. K. K. Clark of West Salem and Mrs. Fred H. Coney of Anchor age, Alaska. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Mae Robinson near Deery Or chards. Legard and Werle Winners In Initial Golf Tournament SILVERTON, March 8. Otto Legard and Jake Werle won the prizes In the first golf tourna ment on the local course this sea son. Golfing la taking hold with the approach of good weather and, according to C. L. Bonney, president of the Sllverton clnb, more interest Is being shown this spring than for sometime past. Antone Englehart and Bride Given Charivari ST. LOUIS, March g. An old fashioned charivari waa given Tuesday, night to Mr. and Mra. Antone Englehart of here by neighbors and friends. Englehart was married last Monday In Sa lem, to. a Mrs. Isadora Englehart (not a relative) of Salem. Undergoes Operation TALBOT, March 5. Mrs. H. H. Hampton underwent a major operation at the Albany general hospital Tuesday morning. She Is reported doing nicely. Manning School Patrons Favorable To Project For New School and Site GERVAIS, March 5. Patrons of ' the Manning school district met Wednesday night to vote on tha proposition of buying a larg er plot of ground near the Pi oneer church and building ia new school building. Both were voted favorably and a committee com posed of Rudolph Henny.l C. T. Brixey and W. E. Barnett was appointed to work with tha school board in working out fur ther plana for building, j The school board of high school district No. 1 has applied for funds with which, to build a ga rage for tha school' bus and lay drainage tile on the school . pro perty. The application . has been approved by the WPA. The cost la estimated at f 1510, the gov-1! Jefferson Croup To Give Program i -i Albert Hoefers Purchase Gus Larson Property; Club Entertains JEFFERSON, March Si The Home- School organization Is sponsoring a program at the Ma sonic ball Wednesday i night, March 10. which will Include five vaudeville acta. : j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoefer have purchased the Gus Larson property in the east part of town, and have moved. The Larson family went to Washington last fall, and the house has been oc cupied by the Meng family, which has moved into the Smith house just across the street from where they lived. Whooping cough has made its appearance in town.. Several small children are afflicted with it. Attend Convention ; Mrs. Ernest Powell, Mrs. Sal lie Tandy, Mrs. M. A. Hutcnlngs, Mrs. Guy Aupperle, Mrs. John Wright, and Mrs. C. C. Hart, members of the local Christian Missionary society attended the missionary convention held at Corvallis Wednesday. j The Mothera club of the! Meth odist church was entertained at the home of, Mrs. Clarence j Thur ston Tuesday afternoon. The subject, "The use of Good Man ners." waa introduced by Mra. Verna Carroll, and carried ion by Mrs. Thurston, after which a general ( discussion followed. An intelligence test for parents was given' following the program. Special guests included Mrs. Sam Adolph of Salem, Miss Margue rite Looney and Miss Eleanor Looney. i Arvilla Kubin of Salem Wins Prize For Selling Copies School Magazine CORVALLIS. March I. ! "By selling 100 copies of the Lamp lighter, O.S.C. literary magazine. Arvilla Kubin, sales captain from Salem, won tha $5 first prize awarded for the month of Feb ruary, Harry Lehrbach. manger of the magazine, announced to day.1 j Elenore Francis, Portland, cap tured the second prize award of IS by aelling 59 copies, j Third place award of $2 was won by Alice Hamilton, Portland. I Sigma Kappa was awarded a $2 mer chandise coupon for selling the moat copies among the s6rorities, the co-eds in this house disposed of 210 copies of the magazine. Kappa Kappa Gamma sale of 155 Lamplighters netted the second place merchandise award of $11. . 1 Aloha Needle Club Has Meet With Mrs. Willard At Pleasantdale Home PLEASANTDALE, March I. Mrs. Wendell Willard delightfully entertained the Aloha club at her home Thursday afternoon. Ten members spent the time visiting and with fancy work. - Tha next meeting will be at the home ef Mm and Mra. A. Dresselhaas. Ed Richards, farmer of this lo cality received top price Monday at the Portland stock yards; for 29 hogs averaging 185 pounds apiece. They were mixed colore. , Sellers Return OAKDALE, March S Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sellers who have spent the winter with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Fair of .Gnstlne. Calif., returned home Tuesday. - SILVERTON HILLS, March I. A pie social and dance will be featured at tha Sllverton, Hills community club Saturday j night under the sponsorship of the home economics - club of j which Mrs. L. O- Hadley la president. Mra. W. Ev- Parish la assisting with arrangements. j A one-act play, "He Liked Them Modern", will be given. Taking part are Ira Loran, Vir gil Tschantx, Victor Hadley, Mra. J. II. Maulding, Mrs. C. J.ITowe, Yvonne Murray. j Carl Specht will serve as auc tioneer. The committee announ ces that pie and coffee will also be served to others. . CENTRAL HOWELL, March 5. A program of skits and! music will be the entertainment at the regular meeting, of the commun ity club March 12. The ( plans tor giving a negro minstrel have been given up. ; " i A pie social will follow the program and women are request ed to bring pies. . : j ernment to ' assume $1023 and the district 1487. ' Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Banick have moved to a five-acre tract they have bought along the high way, near Belle Passl school. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tong have moved from the Harper house opposite the nigh school to the Mangold house vacated by the Banicks. Beginning Sunday the time for holding church services at the Presbyterian church will be changed from an evening ser vice to 11 o'clock. Each year the services are held In tha evening during the months of December. January and February, while the Aurora church has the morning service during this time. Trees Are Planted By Forestry Qub Fifth and Sixth -Graders Present" Play at 4-H, Meeting CENTRAL HOWELL, March S. The 4-H Forestry club and the leader, Roy Rutchman, enjoyed a field trip recently. This group planted trees on the school ground and each - boy took noma treea to plant. Wayne Harding, 4-H club supervisor, supplied the trees. The main feature of the calf club meeting was a tour of In spection of calves belonging to Delbert and . Melvin King, Dan iel Scharer, John Kaufman, Wayne Lovre, Donald Jarmln. Donald Wood. : - Word from, the Elvin Herr family announcea that they will .return home in about a week. Mr. Herr will remain In Arizona for another month. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gower who hare been liv ing on the Herr place, have not decided where they will go. Will Werner who haa been 111 with a weak heart following the flu has gone to stay with his sister, Mrs. Otto Gehring. Return From DUnols Altebar and David Scharer are home again after a three months visit In Illinois with their bro ther, Benjamin, and other 'rel atives. Gadet Band Will Give Concert at O. S. & Sunday CORVALLIS. March. B. The Oregon State college cadet hand, under tha direction of Captain Harry L. Beard, will give ita winter concert Sunday afternoon at S: SO o'clock in tha museum building. The program includes marches, overtures and other numbers. Ralph Senders, Junior in sec retarial science from Albany and manager of the band, will con duct the overture 'The Princess of India." As a special request number, "Bella Mahone" by McNoughton will be played. The number waa arranged by Cap tain Beard and contains a cornet aolo to be played by Alfred C Smith, junior in engineering. Other numbers on tha pro gram .are "Valse irista" by Si belius? "The Courts of Granada" by Chapl, and "Who'a Who in tha Navy Blue." by Sousa. We will gladly dall and help you your printed Statesman Publishing i Lesion's Leaders at Dallas 1! Dinner and Program Given - ifreceding : Separate 1 Business Meets DALLAS, March 5. Depart mentVfncer tne American Le gion And Auxiliary were honored guestsV Wednesday night of the Carl iL Fenton post and of the auxiliary at te meetings and covered-dish dinner held at the K. of P halL During, the j dinner hour a pro gram iwai presented. This Includ ed a solo Vlance by Phyllis Dickey with Mrsj Ray Boydston at the piano;' vojeal solo by Mrs. Ivan Warner accompanied by Daniel Abel; reading. Miss Hazel Hen ry; and ashumorous skit given by Mrs. :R.4?. McKnight and Mrs. Walter Wkitei Also during the dinner hoar short talks were giv en by: Mrs Blanche Jones of Sher wood.' department president, and by Mose Palmateer of Salem, state iTic&jconimander of the Le gion. J . 1 Mrs. DcCrotky Himes, president of the loal feuxiliary, was hon ored at the dinner on the occasion of her birthday and was presented with a birthday cake. Mra. Earle RichardsoA, Mrs. W. V. Adams and Mrs. A. 1. Cleveland were in charge of the idlnner. : f Statft pf fleers Speak " . ' Mrs. Doj-othy Himes presided at the auxiliary) business meeting. Short talkf were given by the vis iting department. Officers includ ed Mrs. planch Jones of Sher wood, department president; Mrs. Mae Waters of Salem, department vice-president i Mrs. Don McLeod of Salem, j department community service chairman; Mrs. Jack Eak ln of Dallas,! department treas urer; Mr. Gladys Turnbull of Portland, "national defense chair man land (Mra. Otella Mardls of Dallas, district president. . - The officers who spoke urged attendance at the national defense conference" to; be held in Salem Wednesday night,' March 10. Mrs. James Turnbull of Portland, state national defease chairman. Hay den , Millej, state Legion Ameri canism chairman, and Mrs. Edith Brown, uilt national defense cbalrtaanj will be in charge of the meeting at Salem. H. i Mather (Smith, commander of the Caf 1 B jFenton post, presld-! ed at the lesion meeting. The state! officers and guests were In troduced fand (talks were given by Mose Palnateer of Salem, depart ment! vice-commander; by Roy Davenpoft of Sllverton, district j commander, and by Carl Moser, state; adjutant. ' , The members of the Dallas post were ufked to attend the legion birthday) party to be held at the I CItIo ; Auditorium in Portland, March JS. Ray Bassett waa pre sented the nary plate. t Dallas; Woman Will Be of 4 Soloists for m ! n - m ipnony in i'ortiand DALLAS, March 8. Mrs. Jo sephine Albert Spaulding of Dal las will be one of the featured soloist Sunday. March 7, "when the. Portland Symphony orchestra and tha Symphony chorus will present Handel'a "Judas Macca baeusj Dr. Van Hoogstraten, em inent jconductpr, will direct the presentation, i Leading solo parts will be taken) by Mm. Leah Leaska, soprano- Josephine Albert Spaul dlng, contralto; Mark Daniels, baritdne; and; Hal Young, tenor. r - - H0 DOES YOUR LETTERHEAD AjVD ENVELOPE LOOK? pieces Just phone ,. o O O FINE SERVICE O O GOOD Grangers' News SH.vtRTON HILLS. March B. The SUferton Hills Home Econ omics cub met at the home of Mrs. Wl E. Parish Thursday for an all-day e.uiltlng party. The next meeting will be April 1 at the hoiae of Mrs. Rose Knauf.. J i in NORTH HOWELL, March 5. Mrs. F.jB. Knrre was home hos tess Tharsday to the local Home Economics group.' A surprise feature was the presentation of a. table lamp to Mrs. A. T. Cline. retiring . chairman, in appreci ation of years of service. Plans! for entertaining Silvf r ton - Hills grange members . the night of March 12. were, com pleted and all committee reports acceptedj .. ! . . Radio Aimoiincer Speaks at 'Green Early ', listory of School Is Recounted, in Paper by Mrs. Wacken HAZEL. GREEN, March 8H The Community club met Wed nesday ight having so large an attendance many had to stand, though the pews from the Jap anese cpurch were brought in. Art Kirkhamjof-KOIN gave the address. I "The Inside of Radio." which was both instructive and amusing! - j , Numbers by the school were: a pageait, "Betsy Ross and The Flag." iy pupils from the ad vanced room; a group-of songs by the primary" room; nun be is by harmonica band; fong, "A Pledge,"! Donald Zielinski, Stan ley FukJi, Raymond Duda, Frank Miles; piano, duet. Mrs. Ross Miles aad Miss Geraldine Fry; song, "School Day" by group from advanced room. Sciiool History Told "The Early History of Hazel Green jSchool," a - paper waa written and read by Mrs. Ru dolph Wacken. The school was organized in f 1865. Fox some years a log building in the woods south of the i Slattam farm was used for ' school house. In. the late 70s the building now a dwelling! north of the . school grounds I waa built on land do nated w Mr, and Mrs. Davis. At that time It was surrounded by timber. Some early pupils tell how deer ranged the woods and came to school. The present two room building waa erected in 19U. r i - - Mrs; Wacken had -arranged a group of pictures of the school and teachers dating1 back .to 1880. Mrs. J V. Lehrman, Mrs. Alex Sharp and Mrs. Ralph Wor den served refreshments. National D.A.R. Chief Lauds Defeat, Plan for Optional War Training CORVALLIS. Ore.. March 5. (P) Defeat . ef the proposal to make university military train ing optional drew praise for Oregon fromi Mrs. William A. Becker pt Summit. N. J., prefi- -dent of j the ! Daughters . of the American Revolution. Here to attend the recent state D. A. R.j convention, -Mrs. Becker said the organization believes "mill tart training in schools and colleges trains boys for strong manhood, and wa never bare foand that It znakea them militaristic" She advocated a national de fense prbgram aa a safeguard for peace. . j modernize 9101, PRINTING Co.