i The OREGON. STATESMAN, Salea. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 3, 1937 PAGE NINE ior Bm jer and. lass S-'-tt lace if O T. Me Meeting Ad Fanners Exchange Livestock and Poultry LEGHORN COCKEREI-S, today 3c Ft. Phone 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. SALK SHORTHORN bulla, year lings, beef type. Price little above beef value. P.-H. Brown, Sublimity, Ore. I Statesman -Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10e Three insertions per tine 20c Six insertions per line .30c One -month per line $1.00 Minimum charge .... 25c Copy for this pace accepted until 6:3$ the evening before publication for classification. Copy received; ifter this time will be run under, the heading. Too Late to CUs- ir" 'The Statesman assume bo finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases, where this paper ts st fault will re-, print that part ef aa advertisement in whlcb the typographical mistake occurs. , The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves ttas right to place all advertising under the roper classification. U Help Wanted Male WANT MAN with. Willamette valley farm Texperience and ' salesmanship training. Call Km. 328, Oregon Bldg. I EXP. WOODCUTTERS for 4 ft 2nd growth, $1.25 per cord on con tract B. Fenwlck, 645 Ferry. WANTED EXPERIENCED elec trical sppltance salesman. Salary guar anteed. 453 Court St Help Wanted Female 1 EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. References, 855 E St Truu-u'juJvi-vrTrvr'-i'v'i- . GIRL FOR housework, 925 N. Sura- Situations Wanted Exp. dressrnak. Mrs. Adsitt. T. 9446. TUTJ"i'll-ii'sJr"Vrs ir RAMSEYER. truck service. 3354. . - EXP. STENOCS. wishes position. Box 135, care Statesman. fcaaWaasaseseta WILL CARE for children by hour, day. evening. 323 N. Front St REPAIR ANT household elec. sp Hiances, small motors or anything else. Reasonable. TeL 5409. WANT trucking; have '87 V-8 gravel dump. Exp. driver. Phone 681 Dallas. Howara ieming. EXP. . PAINTER and kslsonilner. $S.0i) day, 15 yrs. residence. Ref. Bos 155. care Statesman. WANT JOB cutting wood. 10 in. or 4 ft. lSie N. High. GIRL WISHES -hsewrk. 1020 Hunt EXP. DRESSMAKER, TeL 172$. jfj-jjrjirjm'mit,i s""h " a n, . m. m WANTED, JOB by young married man;- experienced in dairying ami gen. f ana. . work. Local ref. TeL T6F13. - For Sale Miscellaneous Pi QM rT rrai tnr niM ftirnttU ranees, heaters, 'radios, machinery. tools, etc. wooary sna vr ouarj, kip Uoneers, pbone 5-1-1-0. lilt N. Bum mer in Hollywood. ADDING MACHINES, essb regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, mode rate prices - Rwn TV rw writer Exert 420 Court. NEARLY NEW Magic Chef gas range. Liberal discount See It at Alien's Hdwe. Store. -r. i-n ,-. imh i ,,nn ii , , ihi, ii,,f" 1 GOLD HILL agricultural lime, state tested. 98 calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. Order at 1070 Broadway or 4! Oregon Bldg. - tppr roses The latest varieties budded on native Oregon wild rose stalks. Specially priced front $1.00 to $5.50 each. - . PURITAN CIDER WORKS Open "Sunday 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. ' , WEST SALEM SHRUBS, .Schreiber's 2 0tf Nebraska. GOOD PIANO, cheap. Or trade for young cow. R. 5, Bx. 254, Salem. FIRST- CLASS trailer house. A. J. Harrison, 110 Division. I Wanted Miscellaneous FREE WE pick op dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4849. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts ta hell, any quantity. State Cafeteria. 4sasaaJssaSss4sWssss,sasses FILBERTS AND meats. State Cafe. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE tocsers. Ra mags' $1 N. Liberty. Pbone 875L , For Rent Rooms ROOMS. 725 COURT ST. WARM SLEEPINUG room; 90S Les lie and Summer Sta. TeL 440L HEATED ROOMS close In. 651$. FRONT BEDROOM, Prtvate entrance. 12S N. Summer bt. essasstjssssaasaSieSaSi ROOM NEAR state house for work ing girt. TeL $358. ROOM IOR rent, 181 N. Church. HTD. SLEEPING rm. 444 8. High. Room and Board R. R. 3 GIRLS. TeL 7108. lVjn-njn.ajTjnj''sr ijr-sT i m -ii -a-aa-aaaa.as RM.-BD. 315 8. Winter. TeL 6317. R. B. CLOSE IN. TeL 9001. Tjr wr Avn ni front room, first floor, fireplace, suitable for z people. 593 S. Coin mere laL TeL . a (Dresontatesiaaa ADVEKTISINQ Western Advertising Representative ranger-Hall Cot. Ltd. aa ftiirnn txs Ssceies Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant, Griffith ft B run son. ttas, Chicago. New Tor. Detroit. Boston Atlanta Oregon, aa gscosal-Clsss 4sXter. r4 iisSsd svery sorstao sscsss sfsstswy Bsssess otlirm Tli tith fsire "treat.-; :- :- - ' -;. SUBSCKJ KTHiN vRATES: Mall Subscript km Rates. In Advasws Within Oregon : Daily and Sunday, I Mo. Be cents: S Mo. $1.35; Mo. $3.3$ 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 80 cents pei Mow Of $5.00 for 1 year ta advance. P Copy t cants. News Stands S seats. By City Carrier j 4$ cents a essm- a year la aa BABY CHICKS.1 IS varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries, pullets now ready. Tel. 113F2. Lee's Hatchery. j i. Itoom and Board MOD. HOMEJ Close In. TeL 6730. r'or lnt Apartments t LOYKLY J R. i f urn. apt, sleeping porch. Private bath. Employed adults. 646 S. Summer. i " : 2 RM&. KITCHENETTE, 8 stoves, unfurnished. 874 S. Com'L , VACANT APT. 639 Center St . 2 R. PARTLY! FIJRN. Adults. Lights, water. $12 month.. 412 N. 21st FURNISHER! APARTMENT, lower flat with garage. Adults. 2155 State.. 2 R.. BATH. I 2005 N. CapitoL - HOMEr, CLBAN, one room kitchen ette, first floor, garage, prefer em ployed man wltSi wife. 1047 S. Com'L TURN. 3 ROOM apt., wood and lights TeL 7444 2261 Hazel St NICE FURN.I spt, 590 Union. UNFURN. APT. Adults, 920 MilL SMALL FURN. apt 250 a Cottage. 2 R. UNFURN, 2164 Maple. For Rent Houses FURN. 3 RM. house, adults. 5010. aassBfeshik"ssM0Bl T R. FURN. HOUSE $30 per mo. Extra nice 4 1 R. mod. house except basement, closet in. Adults only. $18 per mo. I i . I ! P. H. WEIR, iOreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 " : Is AAAAsfWAtfsssssakasalShstsSBarisas S R. FURN. HOUSE. TeL 8840. 4 ' R. FURM.i MOD. house. Lars garden. TeL BS30. FOR RENT , LARGE HOUSE, close to business district Suitable for income. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St I Phone 6708 6 R. HOUSE; 1165 Marion. 6 ROOM HOUSE. $20.00. 6 room house; $35.00. P. H. BELL 429 Ore. Bldg. i j Phone $121 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS for rent 381 State St TeL 3713. i i HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel ehslrs to rent H. L. fiUff Furniture C& FOR LEASE.! for lumber co. or In dustry, 2 A. on railroad, with side trade and bldgsi Tel. sT7. GARAGE FOR rent TeL 3948. FOR RENT, good loco, for real est office in West Salem; small II v. quar, in connection. Box 157, Statesman. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent dairy farm on 60-50 reliable, t -:- - P. E. JONES. Salem. Ore. V R. t. Box 153 AA - vyvv,-M-v)noj-unjxrxj LARGE HOUSE enKable for board ers. Close , la. Box 250 Statesman. WANTED TO lease a good used car lot by responsible firm. Must be cen trally located. Write Box 149 care Statesman. i . - - ! ir-y-M ii nn.i-i.ru'irLn j- WANTED 4 or 8 room unfura. house. 5tale-m or West Salens. Cash rent in ad vance. Box 153 Statesman. I For Sale Real Estate SALE 14 A. WITH bides., also 3 A. without hldgs. TeL 9KZ0. BEST BUY In Salem In furnished apartment house. Can be bought for less than, the original mortgage. Good condition ana orlnglng good income. . If looking for real Investment see me at once. CHAS. IIUDKINS 275 State St j : TeL 9494 GOOD RESIDENCE lot, east front. paved street new concrete sidewalk. Nnrth 51th afreet, half hloek off Ktata Street Only 375.00, terms. Phone S854. owner. ! I SALE 14 A. WITH bldgs., also 3 A. without bldgs TeL 9843. . iSALE OR trade Lot $300. Founda tion for house, i Some trees. 2415 N. Liberty. - ' i - FOR SALE, T choice bldg. lots neac new sr.- high school at concession prices for Immediate sale. Inquire 635 ..... BY OWNER. BBAUTIFUL creek lots with 3 houses. S 4 blocks from court house. TeL 7444. i VERY BEST ef garden soil 3 acre trace one acre Koyai Anne cnernes. Buy this $10 sVown, $10 per month. S . fnt Don't aass this tin. - IS good butldute lots will sell one or mors m easy terms. Consider trad in fet vjMir ee or afrreasft- H. C Shields. Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 3 A. AT LIBERTY on pavement Highest bidder for cash. TeL 079.. T ROOMS. NEW English shake borne. All roeens large, light and airy. HsfSlweed floors. Full basement Piped furnace. Nice grsrage. -Close to school. This home ready to move Into, f 4Z50, terms. i . 1800 burs C room home. Nice liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and 8 bedrooms. Terms. 1 ' "Fwlly fvrofaihed' 6 room- home with basement, S200S. (4I down. - R. A. FORKNER ; ' . -1853 N. Capltot TO CLOSE ESTATE WE OFFER good room house, t large lots, sbunsnsce fruit and nut trees for only sises. xoo win luce it. ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St i Phone 6708 WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL AND WELL. Houses ! north, south, east, 4 5. 6. T, 8 rooms, down payment $160 to $350. Your move. ! Reasoner certainly) 565 N. High MODERN - HOME, furnace, fire place, hardwood . floors. - 5 rooms on main floor and oae apt. to rent Ga rage. $1540 down, baL arms. 1868 N Winter. TeL 6395. CHOICB LOTS ON PAVED stu, $600 win finance new homes op ts 80; of cost on long term payments i ' W, H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty 8t LOVELY COUNTRY home with city conveniences' overlooking Salem. 8 acres tuaiUsg fruit and nut trees. All esCAA si r Bissr 4 V VB W W M TeL 4034 ) 166 N. 31st SOUTH SALEM HOME wpr I. miri.T i & room hiinralow. large attic, choice residential district south, usrner moving 10 tne counui. Offers place tor azu. erms 10 buil. - SEE Mrs. ElUs with" ' r'MiT.r sv MILLER. Realtors 944 Stats-St. 1 r r Phone 670$ a. tv ir. ivrisaTMENT. m win. Mir thin amalL anart- men ttowse with 3 apartments partly furnished. - Present ln ' come $50 per month. Reason- a Me terras. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, 134 S. Liberty 8- Pbone C16S For Sale Real Estate ! LOT BARGAIN ONE OF. the beat lots on Fatrmount Hill, corner 75x100, several nice shade trees Below value at $1500. SEE Mrs. Ellis with i ; CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors . 344 State St Phone 6708 835 S. 2Kb STREET $2500. WILL BUY this modern K room plastered home .with , run ce ment basement furnace, fire . place, garage, paved st near schooL Only $300 down. baL 322 rer month to include Int. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. KKALTOK3 131 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. WE CAN thoroughly recommend this hotise. It has a living room, din ing- room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath, basement, furnace, trays, garage, at tractive yard and is an ideal home. It takes $200 down to handle. P. IL BELL 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121 MODERN 6 R. HOUSE on Center St., $4500, or wilt exchange for Eu gene. 50 acre farm east of Salem, well Improved, pries $7000 or will exchange for Salenw 5 R. house for $1050. good terms. VOSBURGH-GRANT, Masonic Bldg. 1 ; A REAL HOME BARGAIN $20JJO. WILL BUY this 4 room plas tered home with garage, pavea st, located on Norway St near - N. Capitol St $900 down. baL ' terms. You will like this home. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty st NEAT HOME AT A BARGAIN 3 BEDROOMS. FULL basement furnace, laundry trays, hdw. floors. fireplace. Comp. root, well located. north. Garage. Nice lot, well planted. $3400; 300 down, balance easy pay ments - ROBERT T. BUDROW Real Estate 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. 1 A. 4 RM. NOOK ft bath, elec wa ter system, garage, woodshed,' pool. filberts, grapes. $1620. $350 cash. Close in, immediate posa. 3 A. 6 rm., elec. water system, barn. hen houses, close in, $2800. 6 A. 7 rms.. bath, water system, gss. plast.. 4 bedrms.. barn, garage, fruit $5500, $3000 loan, close In. trade. For bargains see, F. Griepentrog, 1940 Mc Coy t?t TeL 4954. Exchange Real Estate I WANT TO trade 9 R. mod. house for smaller house, close in. TeL 82 9 S. Acreage 10 ACRES PRUNE orchard close In. cheap. 729 N. Liberty. SEE THIS! $3850 TRACT OFFERED for $2800 Neat 5 room i cottage, only short dis tance from city limits. Be first to get this bargain. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors " 844 State St Phone 6708. Wanted Real Estate 1 HAVE YOU listed that property for sale, or trade 4 with ForknerT- Better see, phone or write him today. R. A. fuRKNEK 1853 N. Capitol 3031 Pattern BY ANNE ADAMS J Here's a versatile yoang frock whose acquaintance yosi would be wise to make now, for It a a style you'll want to adopt tor wear throughout gpring as a house frock and also want to repeat in pique or shantung for sports wear all summer long. You'll find jrou can put pattern 4 3 28 together 1 a almost no time at all by using your competent Anne Adams in structor as a sewing guide. Simp ler sleeves than these just' 'don't exist, and don't they foretell a new arm and shoulder freedom? There's a collar less "wide neck line, a slim center skirt panel and novelty patch I pockets. Accent your yoke and pockets with the sauciest buttons you can find. Pattern 432S is available ia sites 14. 16, 18, 20. 32. 34. 38, 38, 40 and-4Z. Slxe 18 takes 34 yards 38-inch fabric. j Sea riJTEEX CENTS (lSe) fat eoins stamps (eoia preferred) for this Abb Asanas p tiers. Write plala j HUE. NAME, ADDKESS sad STYLE KUMBEB. . t EVEBY WOMA!f seeds ear NEW AN NE ADAMS PATTERN BOOK I Order if today sad marvel at the giorieas eolleetiea ef Spriag (satires) "bits" cliMBr-(i rise; ero and evesisg - frseks dalightfall super pose styles for kiddies ssd sll-tsipert snt 'Teess" Yeu'h revet la slim ming medals, sxslt ia gsjr sports togs, .sad thrill te the simplicity ot the easiest patterns ever! BOOK FIF TEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN OKDIRED TO OETHEB, , , Send year order te The Statesman, fstters uepsrtmest. Balem. Oregos. For Sale Used CarTl Used Car: 11)4 BUICK small series touring se dan In splendid condition $485 193$ FORD DeLuxe Coupe equipped with- radio snd heater ..$635 1933 HUPMOBILB 6 Sedan, trunk, heater- and . many . other ex tras - , , ,, $525 193S PLYMOUTH Coupe - i $585 1933 BUICK DeLuxe wheel Se dan I $445 1934 FORD Tudor Sedan -, .$445 1933 OLDS DeLuxe Sedan $385 1930 BUICK 6 Sedan $ wheel equip ped ; $338 1933 DeLUXK. 4 door sedan. 6 wire wheels, eqpt hot water heat er ., . $ BOICKsTsport Coupe $316 BUICK Standard 6 Sedan -8245 PACKARD Con vertlble Coupe : , f2 PONTIAC Sedan, reconditioned. repainted t ?s DeSOTO Sedan , , .. 58 1930 1929 1929 193 1930 1930 1929 1929 1929 1926 1928 1926 1928 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 192S 1927 1925 CHEV. Coupe $216 NASH Sedan 6 wheel equip ped " $195 PONTIAC Tudor Sedan $196 Essex Sport Coupe -$ 125 BUICK 6 Sedan $115 PONTIAC Couoe $115 JEWETT Coach t 95 DODGE Pickup $ 86 CHEV. Coupe , 85 CHEV. Roadster PONTIAC Coach PAGE Sedan Ersklne Coupe OI.DS Coach ES-SKX Coach BUICK Coach J$ 5 .$ 65 - 65 $ 66 $ 25 .$ 45 .$85 Otto J. Wilson . BUICK SALES ft SERVICE 388 N.-ComL Ph. S45L j For Sale Farms 7 s 40 ACRES ALL stock and equip ment Beautiful room home, on paved road. Lots of shade, nuts, and fruit trees Nice large barn with con crete foundation. 3 silos, 13 steel stan chions. Surge electric milker. This Is a fine farm. Well located. Illness rea son for selling. $9000, terms. $ acres, all Willamette soil Good 5 room house. On paved road. 7 miles Salem. When you beat this for a buy tell us about' It R. A. FORKNER 1835 N. Capitol " iu-m-rw--ynrv'Vwfjnjjjk '31 CHEV COACH. 3 new tires. Per fect cond. $45.00. 1365 Broadway. LIGHT SEDAN cheap. Prlvste par ty small payment down. Balance monthly. Isq. Ashby Service Sta., Court and Church. Business Opportunities EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales In the northwest, will open permanent auction house In fialetn. Will consider partner. Investment of three to five thousand, dollars required tVrtte bos 67. Salem' Statesman. FOR SALE, ra ram nn tn Ant a. equipment Good- proposition for two mechanics. Some cash. Balance terms Box 152, Statesman. 4 PUMP SERVICE station and sa- rage for lease. Box 158, Statesman. flloney to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property tra der the P. H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments. No com mission. Refinance or build a new bome. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St Phone 6448 Federal noustna toaos title a. build or retina ace homes or business prop. uow rates a Drams a Kilts, alasonle B -- -- -i "y-i-iru-j-trLrxnj- $100,000.00 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loans. 1 to 30 months repaying privilege. Prompt service. - Also unlimited funds for real estate loaaa CHILDS A MILLER. INC - Uc S-204 GET SET FOR SPRING WITH. A Quick Cash Loan BUr NEW clothes and other things you need. With cash you can save when you shop. Notice these festures: SIMPLICITY AU we ask ts that you are able to make small regular' repayments on any loan plan you select PRIVACY. NO DEDUCTIONS. LOANS ON TOUR OWN NOTE. Second Floor New BUgh Bldg. Rm. 119 518 State St at Higb St Pbone 374 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem ' License 8-132. M-145. 1 CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently waatd sad operated Salem company Sf Bere your problems will rscsrvs per sonal consideration both before and after the teas 4s made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees Vjuicx. rosjrteows service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation lei First Marl. Bank Bids. Salem. Or. Pbswe $168 . U& Na. 8-188 astss4aSea4S Auto Loans j ' CONTRACTS REFINANCED I MONEY TO buy new or used ears. Prrrata money at very lew rates. -No red tape l to so months te repay. Roy,H. Simmons 201 First Katt Bank Bldg.. Balem. Or. Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-I63. SOUND INVESTMENTS. . - Make your savings earn more Interest. Buy a first mortgage en real estate, the best security of' alL Loans available $300 to $5000. Net Investors 5M to SK. CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. Loans WP TT AVE- mmbaw . Ih tk. wiiuunu oi fuv.pv, I11VV.W ura eowv. . p. tt nr!T:r. 439 Oregon Bldg. .. . Phone 81f I Loans Wanted - LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins ft Roberts. - For Sale Wood" DRY WOOD. reaa. TeL $858. DRY WOOD, Phone 8703. DRY 2ND growth wood. TeL 367$. 16 IN. OLD fir. $5.60. TeL 5616. DRY WOOD. aU kinds. P. 8088. DRY-4 FT. wood $4.768 cd. lota is- u. $s.T8 two cd. loeuL TCL GUARANTEED ORI WOOD coal. TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and CotUge, CLEAN UNIFORM fir sawdust. TeL 3283. t ;' . : FIR CORDWOOD. $3.76 per. cord. Ball BrosL. Turner. 28 IN. WOOD. $5.50. 9466w DRY WOOD. Phone 4859. ALL KINDS O WOOD. Tel 5418. For Salis Used Cars PRICES SILASHEB We are marking every car down toT a price that know will sell it and we have made arrangements for the easiest and cheapest kind ol terms. This, is the most f extraordinary value-giving Sale o Fine Useid Cars ever offered by this company . . . Sample 1936 1935 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1933 1931 1933 1931 1930 1928 1926 Fond Sedan, trunk Ford 4 -dr. SeL, trunk omd Tudor Ford Tudor, trunk Fond Roadster , Fond Deluxe Coupe Ford Coupe Ford Standard Coupe Packard Sedan Chevrolet 2 -dr. Sedan Chevrolet 2 -dr. Sedan Hupmobtle Coupe . Studebaker Sedan Erskine 2 -dr. Sedan Pontiac 2 -dr. Sedan ASK ABOUT OUR MONET-BACK Valey Motor Co. OP24 SUKiDAXS THREE LOTS Center A Liberty Phone 318$ ' Jim St Clair - Guy Bond Marlon A Liberty Phone 791$ Forest Fulton - Bill Earl - Shorty Mission Hollywood Senlce Station 2121 Fairgrounds Rd. Pbone T4S6 Ford Cole r GOOD values in GOOD cars SPRING JOBS ARE OPENING. UP i i v . Buy a dependable low-priced car now. If you get to the job first 1929 DURANT Sedan .$145.00 .$135.00 1928 PONTIAC Sedan 192$ CHRYSLER Sedan .$195.00 1927 STUDEBAKER Sedan -S 8S.00 1927 NASH Sedan $125.00 1926 CHEVROLET Coach $ 30.00 1927 CHEVROLET Sedan $115.00 Salem Automobile Co HOME OF CHRYSLER ft PLYMOUTH 435 N. Commercial See .Our Lot for DAILY SPECIALS 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coach $275 . 265 - 295 225 . 165 1932 Plymouth Coupe R. & 1919 Pontiaci Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Bulck Coupe 196 1980 Willys Knight Deluxe Bed. - 215 1929 DurantiOO Sedan 175 1928 Hudson! Sedan Z. 176 192$ Studebaker Sedan 325 1931 Ford Spt Rdstr. 245 1930 Ford Spt Rdstr. - 195 1928 Pontiaci Sedan .-, - 145 1919 Chrysler 75 8ed. 6 w. w. 175 19 JT Pontiaci "Coupe : 126 Bonesieele Bros., Inc. Chemeketa A Liberty Ph. 4444 PACKARD FOR SALE. Runs good. $25.00. 910 IS.. 13th street -, - i iri ii imuuul Lrxnnn SELL OR TRADE. 1930 model A Ford panel delivery. Good condition. TeL 9437. Automobiles HEW 1937 WILLYS BACKER SHELL SERVICE WEST SALEM Landscape Class Has First Session LIBERTY. March 2. A . class la .landscape gardening was or ganized here Friday- night under the sponsorship ot the Commun ity1 club. Twelve people enrolled at this initial meeting. Karl Lit wilier, -landscape gardenr of Sa lem, and head of the adult ed ucation program, is instructor. The class voted to, make a working model of the school grounds for experimenting: for.- ef fects in tree and other planting, Experience! gained on the model i Business Cards In. this directory rmm mm m asMmtjUy tmsts only. ttatet $31 pee H per woith. Anto Brakes Mlka Paaek. $7$. South Commercial i Bicycles BICYCLES.! NEW ft recondlttswed. Harry W. Scott I4T & Com'L Ph. 4516. Brashes FULLER BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL 4724.. 3786 Brooks St Eve. appoint ments f I Chimney Sweep I TELEPHONE 4456. a sS. Northnesa .Chiropractors DR. O. L SCtrTT. PSC Chiropractor. 356 N. Hi TeL Bee- 8163 L Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Balem Sand and Gravel Co. Prno 94081 1 Florists Brelthauprskj 447 Court. Ph. $904. I Furs DuBAIN Fw Oa atastev rerrtora deelcnera. Rm 8 A 6 MUter Bidav Laundries THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WEIDCR LAUNDRY 283 & . High r , TeL $12$, CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY FIRST IN Quality asd Servtes Telephone 8448 1364 Broadway j - Mnsic Instrnction MEISINGEn! STUDIOS. 1033 Oak. "ttV 7186. Accordion, saodern piano, gpitsr, ClUa) For Sale Used CarT Values -$4S, . 665 . 600 . 435 . 335 . 345 . 365 . 850 . 685 . 395 . 325 . 235 . 265 . $5 - 4$i GUARANTEE ON USED CARS Wljs4ssssssats it's yours 193$ CHRYSLER Sedan $ 8J.O0 1IUPMOBILE 4 Sedan -$ 75.60 1929 FORD Roadster $145. 1926 CHRYSLER Sedan $ 50. 1929 CHRYSLER Sedan . ... $250. 1929 DeSOTO Sedan .$250. 1930 DODGE Sedan $235. Phone 4671, NOTICE OP FINAL ACOOUJfT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEfJ, That the undersigned John H. Lauterman,, Executor of th-e Last - Will and Testament dl Maria P. Lauterman, deceasefl, has - filed in the County CouH of the State of Oregon for. Marian County his Final Account, aid that said Court has, by an ordr thereof, designated Thursday, the 11th day ot March. 183,7, at the hour of ten (lOrOf) o'clock in the forenoon of $ad day, at the County Courtroom n the Court House at Salem, Ore gon, as the time and place fbr hearing objections to. said Final Account and the settlement f said estate, at which said time and place all persons ao objec ting shall' appear and shorw cause, if any there be, why sa)d Account should not. In all things, be allowed .and approved, tie said estate settled and closed, and the Executor discharged, j JOHN H. LAUTERMAN, Executor of the Last Wjll and Testament of Maria P. Lauterman, deceas RAT L. SMITH, ROSS & FORD. Attorneys for the Estate. F, 17-24-M. 3-10. 1 may be used on the f ive-are school grounds which la to pe planted with 200' more, trees soon ana otnerwise improve Individual garden problems will also be studied. ' I Baiiantyne la chairmaq of the committee tor making the schdol grounds model. - j Anyone else Interested In Join ing the class Is invited to do so as a laree attendance Is ' desired. The class will r meet each Friday at t p. m. at the schoolhouse.1 Directory r Siattresses 11 rAPITOI KtCIMtlNfl 1 HtMHw oft -- S A I.EM rLUPF-RUO snd Mattrlss Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, srs- trg; nuic rug weaving: 8. 1 8th ft VVIV bur. TeL 844L OTTO F.. ZW1CKER. tut 19IL I Music Stores GEO. C WILL Ptanoav radios, aewlna machines, sheet music and plane stad lea Rtpalring radloa phonographs and sewing machmea 483 Slate sti treel Salem. . Photo Engraving SALEM PHOTO engraving. 147 f N. commercial, TeL 6887. r I Printing -r FOR STATIONERY, earda. . pampa lets, programa, books or any kind-ef printing, call 1 he Statesman . Printing utpsnmenL sis b uomnssrctaL T pnone 3itL I Private Detective Newell Williams. Ho 137. TeL Stove and Fence WE REPAIR alaM. nana r im Sell BMW a rwl mIhiII mimm fence posts Salem Peace and Steve woria ss vnemsssta. Tel. .4 IT . a f pi Transfer fOR 1X)CAL or distant transfer star, aga, call $181. Lsrmer Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland dafly. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 124 State fH. TeL TTTA Distributing, for warding and storsgs ear specialty. Get ur rates. . Well Prilling 8. A. WEST. Its, A Bx. 446. X 110F8. For Sale Used Cars j" Better, Used Cars Sli Pontian Cnuna SSI fh.vrftlt Pniin. 1 SOj Chevrolet Sport Coupe -8265 31! Chevrolet Cab. $29S -$550 35: Ford VrS Sedan -- I Liberal Trades ... - " 324! tit; Low G. M. A.-C, Terms . i . Better Cars McKay Chevrolet Co. i . - -j, -.. - . 33 Center - - - Ph-ne OPEN EVENINGS NOTICE OF FINAL , jSETTI.EMENT Notice lis hereby given that the undersigned have tiled in the County Court of the State ot Ore gon, for the County ot Marlon, tbjelr duly verified final account, as the Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Mar lon A. Follett, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, tbe 9th day of March. 1937. at the h6ur of ten o'clock A. M. ot said day, as the time, and tbe County Court Room In the County Court House at! Salem, in Marion Coun ty, Oregon,- as the place for hear ing" said final account and all ob jections (hereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 3rd day of February, 1937. GEORGE W. HENDRY. CHRISTINE HENDRY, Executors ot the last will and testament and estate of Mar lon Ia. Follett, deceased. RONALD, C. GLOVER, , Attorney for. Executors, . Salem, pre. F. 3-10-17-24 M. 3. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF : APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the. County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Adminis trator of the estate of Alice M. Rigby, deceased, and that he baa duly qualified as such Adminis trator; all persons having claims against the estate Of said .dece dent are, notified to present the same,' duly verified, to me at. the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney.! 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 17th day of February. 1937. w. T. RIGBY. Administrator of the Estate ot Alice M. Rigby. Deceased, RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator,' Salem, Oregon. x F. lT-tl. M. S-10-17 Undergoes Operation EVANS VALLEY. March 2 Mrs. Oscar Johnson submitted to a; major operation at the Silver ton hospital Monday. She was reported as getting along very wfell Tuesday morning. j tross World Puzzle !L : WL. ll Llllllljllllll" 27"" "T 25 27"! " ' IIltZIf SO 31 32 I 33 3W 35 35 37 HH iD . 4 HI HQ HH M l 1 1 Wp I 1 1 W By EUGENE SUEFFEU HORIZONTAL 1 wrinldca 41 always , ! It) tranquil 11 number 61 farment of a Hindu. 82 dries with cloth VXKTICAL ; 1 formula for . makiny; a ; preparation 2 pertaininjr to a kidney of three liauid esters 14 female f relatives 15 energy Ueolloq.) apanese t copper coin IB Iniliiiinent tot piercinr bole. If- eornmon t both sexes 23 entreaty 24 rive fresh Gfete - 3 obtain 4 Urdof the cuckoo family V even (Poet.) 28 associate 27 lofty ' ' mountain . 28 place SO death notice 83 vanish ' t ettlrthls I ana nothing Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. AKRi 'AJQR DEI more i beloved - 40 period of I time . , r 41 able 43 small piece 46 color of ! . bright red ' 4drry- 49 trend td that wnkh ifvWPig , 1UI, sr 1 nr t . s i r - ,- For Salt; Used Lars for Less 'Money at -i 28 Chevrolet Sedan . 38 Dodge Sedan 38 Buick Coupe : 39 Chevrolet Sedan: .$145. .8165 .$165 $15 .$195 1 9 Ford Sedan Written Guarantee t -.- 3189 - - 430 N. Com'L AND SUNDAYS NOTICE OF THE VACATION OF I . WILLSON ' AVENUE Notice la hereby given that the common council tor the city of Salem, Oregon, by resolution duly and regularly adopted and filed oni February. 1, 1937, has declared Its! intention to vacate, and has Initiated proceedings to vacate, a portion of that-certain tract of land designated as WUlson Aven ue! on the Recorded Plat ot the city of j Salem, Marion County, Oregon. lyng between State and Court streets,' said portion of Willson Avenue being more particularly described as -follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the South line of Court Street being . he North line of Willson Av- nue, 273.37 feet in a Westerly irection from the Northwest orner of Block 84 of the Re- rded Plat of the City ot Sa- em; thence In a Westerly d- ection 99 feet; thence In a outherly direction parallel to he West line of said Block 84. 30 feet '.to the North line of Ute Street, being the South Jlino of Willson Avenue; thence n a Easterly oirection 99 feet long the said North line ot Ute Street being the South ine of Wfllson .Avenue; thence . n a Northerly lirectien par- llel to the West line of said lock 84, 330 feet to the pUce t beginning: and the 15th day of March.. 193T. at (the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m.. in I the council chambers of the city ball of and In the said city -of ! Sajem, has been fixed as the time and place: for consideration of such vacation and for hearing any objections or remonstrances there to! Objections. If any. to such va cation must be filed. In writing. with the undersigned prior to the - tltpe herein fixed for hearing the same. j ; ' A. WARREN JONES City Recorder. F. 3-10-17-2- Mr 3. Enjoy Swim Party TALBOT. March 2. A group of young folks attended a swim ming party at the Y. M. C. A. In Salem: Saturday night, spon sored, by the senior class of the Jefferson high srhooL Those at tending were Lois Gilmour, Mar jotie Cole, Ilene Bllnstone. Hagel Farmen. Louise Gilmour, Ida Belknap and Dale Turnldga. Zl e!orratad fish 22--back of. the neck 23 one f ... whom -v money Is riven 25 dash 29 conjunction 20 Hebrew measure 21 French cap 22 decrees of Ifohaa. xaedasr ruler 24 one who treats ani mals (eoUoq.) 85 county of East Texas 28 turning; points 27 chemical - compound 41 acidity of the stomach.'. 42 Persian fairy 45 truth fa the Faerie Queene 48 bovine .Sazoa , servant t streak ' ieht before a holiday . tVrernember 11 rescuer Ur post at the foot of a -. stairway - la murder IT aeries of connected objects X box made of wooden slats i - 47 covering; for the apex, of a roof 43 kind ef doth .-I .-. '