The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    ti OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 3, 1937
Local News Briefs
Revival Well Attended The
evangelistic service at Englewood
United Brethren church Tuesday
night was : well attended. The
young people presented a song-and
atory program and Rev. Harry
Ryan ef Hopewell spoke on "The
Blessing of a Christ-Filled Lite."
Tonight win be women's night
with members .and friends of the
missionary and ladies' aid so
cieties specially urged to attend
and bring their husbands. Rev. P.
E. Roscoe of Portland, conference
superintendent, will be the guest
preacher. Dr. N. V. Lowery will
sing solo. ReV. O. I Covault.
pastor of the Alberta church In
Portland, will be the guest preach
er Thursdav night. Services will
continue at 7:30 o'clock each night
this week.
Diesel Classes Grow :" Enroll
ment in WPA adult education dle
sel engine classes has reached a
total of ISO at Jefferson. Turner
and Sublimity, according to. Earl
Litwiller, county supervisor, and
another class will be started Fri
day night at Labish Center. At
tendance at the night classes at
Salem high school Is averaging
nearly -200. There are 32 instruc
tors employed by WPA through
out the county.
Horton to Hospital O. H.
"Doc" Horton. who has lain In the
county Jail since last July 23 on a
contempt order for non-payment
of alimony was transferred by am
bulance to a Deaconess hospital
detention room yesterday after
noon. Deputy sheriff B. G. Honey
cutt said Horton had become 111
under the prolonged confinement
In the Jail.
Santiam Road Open The
Santiam highway roadway from
Niagara to Detroit is tree of snow
but in need .of gravel in many
spots. Road Foreman Frank Bew
ley advised the county court yes
terdayl Snow remains banked high
along the, sides of the. road end
lies on the road between Detroit
and Idanha.
. Swiss Program Friday Va
riety will be injected into the
annual Swiss program to be put
on in, the T. M. C. A. lobby at 8
o'clock Friday night, according -to
Mrs. Lloyd T. Reynolds.! who is
making arrangements. The pro
gram will ; include in addition to
the usual vocal and Instrumental
music a play and an ekhibit of
paintings of Swiss landscapes.
Y". Leader Coming - Roy Sor
enson of ChicagoV associate gener
al secretary of the national Y. M.
C. A. council, will stop in Salem
long enough Saturday to address
the local Y. directors at a special
luncheon meeting. - This session
will take the place of the regular
March meeting set for Thursday.
Crash Here - E. J. Bettner.
1750 Oxford street, and Charles
Wlrislow. 1130 Chemeketa. report
ed to the sheriff yesterday after
noon that their automobiles had
collided at 13th and Mission
streets at 4:20 p.m. Neither .man
was injured.
Jones to Speak Professor Wil
liam C. Jones, business adminis
tration instructor at Willamette
university, will speak at the noon
luncheon of the Salem Lions club
at the Quelle Thursday.
Cigarettes Topic Rev. E. F.
Atchley of Eugene, superintendent
of the Anti-Cigarette league of
Oregon will give a special Illus
trated lecture at the .First Church
of the Xazarene, 13th and Center
streets, tonight at 7:15 o'clock.
! Johnson
Elmer ; O. Johnson, at "a local
hospital February 27, at the age
of 21 years. Late resident of 180
South 12th street. Survived by
widow, Beatrice Johnson of Sa
lem; parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. O.
Johnson of Salem; two brothers,
Earl and Frank Johnson, both of
Salem; sister, Mrs. Myrtle Mc
Donald ofjPortland: grandmother.
Mrs. Mary Sim of Salem. Several
aunts and uncles. Funeral services
will be held from the dough-Bai
rick chapel on Wednesday. March
3 at 2 p. in. Interment I. O. O. F.
cemetery. jDr. W. C. Kantner of
ficiating. Davis !
At the residence. 440 North
23rd street, Frank Davis, aged 62
years. Survived .by widow, Mrs.
Marietta ' Davis of Salem; broth
ers, Lee Davis of Springfield and
W. W. Hill of Salem: sister, Mrs.
-Edith Crawford of Tennessee. Fu
neral services will be held at the
Rigdon chapel on Friday. March
5. at 1:30 p. m. Interment in Leb
anon cemetery.
Dovil P. Meliton. age nine
months and 10 days, at a Portland
hospital. Survived by parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Meliton, two bro
thers, Walter and Dale,, and two
sisters, Pauline and Edith all of
Route 1, Brooks. Funeral servi
ces will be held Thursday, March
4t at 2 pj m. at the Walker &
Howell chapel (formerly Salem
Mortuary) 545 North Capitol
street. - r ; - . -
Dr. Chan Ham
Natural remedies
for disorders of Hv- -
er, stomach, glands,
skin and urinary 1 ;
system of men and .-v sc
women. Remedies I
for. constipation. A tf-
asthma, arthritis, XjJL
sugar diabetes and-JL.
rheumatism. T. -T. L4M
SO years la basi- N,
ness. Naturopathic
phy&lciaa. 293 H Cenrt St.
Corner laDerty. m-
aaa xucsuays wui(
10 A. SI. to 1 P. Si
ft' P. 51. to 7. Con-
j pressure and urine
1 - ."CL tests free of
H. . . charge. " .
I Coming Events
i r
i March 11 Spring open.
Mavch 17-20 State bas
ketball tournament, Wlllam.
ette university gymnasium.
Report Accidents V e h 1 cnlar
accidents reported to police yes
terday involved Clifford Harold.
475 Court, and an unidentified
driver on State between Church
and Cottage: Joe M. Kavanaugh.
S25 South 21th and an unidenti
fied driver at, Capitol and Lam
berson; !Hugh:; E. Eaxle, Salem,
and a state . policeman at North
High 'and Court; W. E. Schrunk,
1135 ! North I3th. and an uniden
tified driver at Court and Front
streets, j ;
Big furniture auction Thura. nlte.
8 p.m.. Woodry's Auction Mkt.
I ' !
Building P e r m 1 1 s Building
permits Lesued yesterday were to
Nick i Klein, to alter a one atory
dwelling! at 2347 Breyman. J50 ;
to. Elmer Martin, to alter a one
dwelling at 1647 Waller,
D.A.R. Convention
Hears F.M. Hunter
American Democracy Last
Bulwark, Held ; Annual
. Pilgrimage Lauded
' ' ! ! ' :
CORVALLIS. March 2. The
American brand of democracy is
the final hope and the last stand
against! tyranny and dictatorship,
Chancellor Frederick M, Hunter
of the state board of higher edu
cation. Cold 112 delegates at the
24th annual Daughters of the
American Revolution this after
noon at a luncheon' in the Oregon
State college Memorial union.
Chancellor Hunter in his talk,
entitled "George Washington,"
also pointed out to the group
Washington, was the creator of
the "new brand of democracy,"
founder of the uuion and author
of the American foreign policy of
arbitration, the basis of the pres
ent policy.
The Value of the good citizen
ship, pilgrimage in fostering good
citizenship was explained by Mrs.
Herman Grossman, chairman of
the pilgrimage committee, from
Oregon City. Miss Lillianna Kopp,
Roosevelt high school senior from
rortlan. was formally presented
as the Oregon representative to
the annual pilgrimage at Wash
ington, D. C, in April. Miss Kopp
was selected frpm candidates of
35 different Oregon high schools
becausa 1 of her leadership, good
citizenship and scholastic and de
pendability characteristics.
r Delegates from chapters situ
ated in Marion county or vicinity
attending one or both of the two
day sessions were Mesdames C. C.
Geer. resent, Chemeketa chapter,
and I. M. Scbanep. Salem; and
C. C. Campbell, Dallas. These
three j remained throughout the
session, j
. Other delegates from Salem
were M e b d a m e s- W. L. Frgo,
H. T Love, C. A. Sprague. C. C.
Best. Wj II. Byrd, Seymour Jones,
R. M. Morton, C. E. Roblin and
Miss Ruth Rulifson ;
From ; Dallas ware J Mesdames
C.-L. Crlder. H. C. Eakin. Oscar
Havter and C. B. Sundberg.
Belle iPassl chapter of Wood
burn was represented" by Mrs.
W. J. Wilson and Miss Carrie Wa
terbury. : : . j
The 12 delegates from Albany
included Mesdames Mark Weath
er ford. Alton Coates, Guy Lewel
ling," Eayne Damson, Leon Bas
sett. E. A j Canning and Olin Stal
maker: and Misses Lotta Morgan,
Christine ! Pipe. Zella Burkhart,
Ella Rhodes and Flo Nutting.
ts Assert
Hearing Not Fair
Truck owners who protested to
the county court Monday over
the distribution'; of county haul
ing business yesterday asserted
the court bad not given them a
fair bearing. A 1 formal petition
ai filed over the signatures.
Crowser, ! L. Wilson, Redmond
Boetticher, Sr., and Jr.. and J.
H. Tweedie, asking the court
"for an opportunity to furnish
our trucks in the hauling of
gravel on ;the county roads . . .
whereas ;we . . are owners of
dump trucks, taxpayers and re
siding within this county, feel
that we are equally entitled to a
proportionate share of the above
mentioned : work .-. ."
The petition lists county rec
ords of'i dump truck operators'
earnings under county employ
between January 1, 1936, and
February 1, 1937, as follows: I
King, $4766.43; Case. $5.
150.74; Cleo Keppinger, 340 45 -50;
H. keppinger, 1572.52; Joe
Ringwald $4098.99; L.R. Tweedtfe.
$3730.10; i Davenport. $4651.391
Stay ton, $579.40; C.,H. Rng)
wald., $362.93; Boetticher!,
$67.80; A. B. Wilson. $239. 32
C Crowser." $285.31; R. B. De
Lapp, $315.98; J. N. Tweedie,
$1933.4; Fred .Stewart, $3251.
Nelson To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam &L( Nelson, Sublimity, a
daughter; born February 26 at
Sublimity. ! -
. Grabel To Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Grabel, 11825 North Capitol, a
daughter, Jerrylee Ann, born Feb
ruary 21 at 1825 North Capitol.
To our many friends and ac
quaintances who hare been so
kind and considerate during the
bereavement of our loved and lov
ing daughter. Glory, may we try
to express" with these feeble words
our appreciation of your lovlbg
kindness I
Mr. and Mrs. g. B. Davidson.
Seven Divorce
Decrees Given
One Annulment Is Granted
Also; File of Court;
i 'Activity Heavy j !
Seven divorces and one annul
ment of marriage were granted
by Circuit Judge L. a. Lewelllng
while he was here yesterday for
his regular motion, day. Six of
the seven divorce decrees went to
women. . -
On the grounds that she had
been married within leas than the
six. months statutory period" fol
lowing her divorce last August.
Pauline Hawkins won an annul
ment of hex marriage to Lawrence
C. Slewert which took place at
Vancouver, Wash., last October.
All by the default route.- the di
vorce decrees were issued In , the
following cases with details of
settlement given where filed.
Lucile Hazelwood vs. Ollie E.
Hazel wood; plaintiff permitted
to resume maiden name. Lucile
Blwer. and to recover $200 from
Ruby H. Thacker vs. I. ; H.
Thacker; plaintiff permitted to
resume maiden name. Ruby Hay
den. -
Delia S. SUra vs. Henry Stam.
Ethyl Knutsen vs. Sam Knut
sen. Anna Raynor vs. Harold Ray
nor. Mabel le A. Grant vs. Hustin A.
Grant. ;
Ernest C. Pearson ts. . Bertha
May Pearson: maiden name. Ber
tha May Ratcllffe, restored to de
fendant. While Judge Lewelling's de
partment will not be ; reopened
until next Wednesday, Judge L.
H. McMahan will return to de
partment one for the; expected
conclusion of the f Freeman vs.
Campbell automobile ; accident
damage case, which probably will
take up most of the day.
Circuit Court
Cases dismissed by stipulation:
Kenneth E. Mickey vs. Margaret
Wright et al; E. H. Snyder vs.
O. E. Lee.
Federal Land Bank of Spokane
vs. Carl H. Johnson; order
overruling Johnson defendants'
demurrer to cross-complaint : of
defendant Ladd & Bush with for
mers' consent.
Salem Navigation company et
al vs. N. G. Wallace; demand by
defendant' Wallace for accounting
by Intervenors, Oswald H. MOr
ley and William R. Pfau, of
amount claimed due from defend
ant Burright Motor Transport. .
Eldon J. Newberry vs. Mer
chants City Delivery: defense de
murrer, on ground of Insufficient
Walter B. MInler vs. Albert
and Dorothy George; ' complaint
for possession of real property
and declaring plaintiff owner in
fee simple.
Walter B. MInier vs. V. G. Alex
ander et al; order of voluntary
non-suit. : - : .
Clara E. Moore et al vs. L. C.
Thomas; order confirming sale
of real property for $1000 to
John L. Jones vs. Harry E. and
Effie E. Jones; 'suit to foreclose
on Veal property for $1216.60
Zita SplonskowskI et al vs.
AloisT Wetzel et al; order con
firming mortgage foreclosure sale
of property to plaintiffs for
Martin O. Hatteberg et al vs.
James Johnson et al; order con
firming sale of real property to
plaintiffs for $860.66.
Kate D. Griffith and Lizzie A.
Krausse vs. Celia Sterling; com
plaint reviving foreclosure action
against A. M. Blinston estate and
seeking to correct description.
Probate Court
Dolores Kangiser; application
for change of name to Dorothy
Frances M. Richards estate; or
der approving supplemental ac
count of Ernest C. Richards, ex
ecutor, showing receipts and dis
bursements of $5596.82 each and
closing estate.
Jonathan E. Bourne estate; or
der setting hearing April 10 on
final account of James B. Young,
executor, showing $3263.06 in
come and like sum paid out.
George W. T. Thompson estate;
order setting hearing April 6 on
final account of A. E. Simpson,
administrator, showing $261.57
income and outgo.
-A. C. Simmons estate; order
authorizing Grace Austin .to ac
cept offer of $1900 in payment of
$2000 note executed by Raymond
John Krebs and Kathryne Krbea.
Basil J. and Leona B. Wallace
guardianship; annual report f
Belle Park, guardian, showing
$83,06 new receipts. $83.40 dis
bursements and $35.72 balance on
J. C. Murphy estate; order set
ting hearing April 6 on final ac
count of Peter Murphy, executor,
showing. $1202.16 received,
$3887.62 paid out, and $39,284.60
debit total. , r i
Erlck A. Magnesen guardian
ship; citation by F. E. Sylvester,
guardian, for sale of real prop
erty; hearing In probate court set
March 27.
J. N. Haugen estate; order
naming Dena N. Haugen adminis
tratrix, Robert McClure, O. i M.
Aronby and Robert Ramsey as ap
praisers; estate estimated worth
$2200. .
Andrew G. Steelhammer e3tate;
order admitting will, naming
George W. Steelhammer execu
tor, B. F. t Terry, Glen BrledweU
and C. A. Anderson appraisers;
prior death of the wif e, to whom
the will left all the estate, results
in distribution of one-seventh in
terests to John F. Steelhammer,
Silverton; Hilmar Christine Allen,
Palo Alto, Calif.; Arthur E. Steel
hammer, San Francisco; : George
W. Steelhammer, Silverton; Wil
liam H. Steelhammer, Portland.1
and Arlene Gertrude Samuelson,
Marshfield, all children, and one
seventh dliuded equally to grand
children. Elizabeth Louise and
Joan Steelhammer, Palo Alto,
with Gebrge W. Steelhammer as
trustee; $1 left to son. Louis,
whose share was advanced while
deceased was alive; repayment of
advances' made by George W. and
Sage of Salem
By D. H.
' Paeaa to Rata
Let praiseful songs to rain be
For blessings that the rain has
Hall to the glad new lite that's
. From Impulses the rain has
Ay, let us sing with eager tongues
And all the fervor of oar
longues! , u
Mr. Carlyle says a mauhas to
elbow his way through the -world,
giving and receiving offense. One
thing I like about the writings
of 'Mr. Carlyle he makes it so
plain when he is suffering-from
an attack, of his chronic stomach
I bare known a heap ot young
folks who got married, and I
have, along with the rest of the
community, expressed an opinion
as to the quality of a heap of mar
riages. But that was long ago.
After the "poor matches" had
turned out to be good and the
good ones had : turned out to be
bad over a term of years, I came
to the decision that I knew noth
ing about it and that It would be
better to take up some other sort
of guesswork.
Oughto" and "Cotto"
A correspondent who signs him
self "J. A. B. Sunday," which I
don't find la the directories and
am thinking it is perhaps . what
the French term a nom de guerre
an assumed name, although as
one who has had some training,
self inflicted, in the gentle art of
working out crossword puzsles
I am disposed to think the In
terpretation to be Just After
Breakfast Sunday, and the corre
spondent will confer a favor ' by
letting me know whether or not
I am correct. He says with a
burst of Ink almost satirical that
he admires the "gotto" couplet
In this department of the Sun
day Statesman very!, much, but
thinks he has improved it some
what,' and suggests the following:
"It doesn't matter what our
We .oughto do the things we
Very pretty. The correspond
ent has perhaps put the couplet
upon a higher moral plane than
It occupied in Its other form, but,
with all due apology. I insist that
"we gotto do the things we got
to" has more of the quality
known as "punch" more of es
sential truth than has "we
oughto do the things we oughto."
which possibly possesses a greater
beauty. Ground for argument in
the matter Is extremely slight. We
are not required necessarily to do
the things we "oughto", whereas
we've "gotto" dor the things we've
"gotto," and the sooner we do
'em and the cheerfuller the spirit
In which we go about 'em the
better it Is for us.
Ben Wilkins tried for 50 years
to convince Pod Hawkins that we
"oughto" do certain things for
the sake of God and home and
native land, and, while Pod con
tended he was as greatly Inter
ested in his duty to God and home
and native land as .Ben was, and
likely as much or a mite more
than most folks at Crane Creek
Junction, he didn't hold with no
such notions as Ben's. And the
entire civilized world Is a good
deal like Ben and Pod on the
"onghto" question. "Oughto" is a
matter of opinion. "Gotto" is not.
John F. Steelhammer also pro
vided for.
Marriage .Licenses
El win W. Evans, legal, farmer,
Rlckreall, and Violet . E. Shaw,
legal, housekeeper, 888 North
Commercial street, Salem.
- Justice Court -
C. B. Bouck vs. Mr. and Mrs.
William Huntley; order follow
ing trial before Judge upholding
forcible entry and detainer action
and directing restitution.
Ralph B. Shreve, $2.50, no op
erator's license.
Municipal Court
Guy Ernest Smyres, 558 South
14th,- pleaded guilty to driving
while under the influence of in
toxicating liquor and was fined
$100, given a 30-day suspended
Jail sentence, put on probation for
one year and suffered revocation
Of his operator's license for one
Ernest W. Collar, violation of
basic rule, fined $2.50.
Elmer S. Anderson, 368 North
Fourth, failure to stop, license
suspended for ten days.
Sjal Terrano, Reno, violation of
basic rule. .$7.60 ball forfeited.
John Larson, drunkeness. ten
day jail sentence suspended to
leave town. ,
Terry L. Welch, drunkeness,
ten-day Jail sentence suspended
to leave town.
R. McCracken, drunkeness, ten
day jail sentence suspended to
leave town. . . i
Nora L. Anderson, failure to
stop, fined $2.50. .
When Others Fall
Chinese Herb
Healing virtue
has been tested
hundreds years,
for chronic ail
menta, nose,
throat, sinusitis,
catarrh, ears.
lungs, asthma, chronic congh,
stomach, tall stones, colitis,
constipation, diabetia, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood nerves,
neuralgia, .rheumatism, high
blood pressure, eland, . skin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders. 1 . " '
S. B. Fons, 8 years practice
In China, Herb Specialist,
123 S. Commercial St Salem,
Ore. Office hoars 9 to O p. m.
Sunday aacrWed. 9 to 10 a.m.
V U. ram -
A , writer says In one ot the
late magazines says the sub-con-sclous
aelf Is highly Important to
our welfare and Is entitled to
much more serious- consideration
than the majority ot us accord
It. Everybody, he asserts, has a
sub-coascloua self, which I gather
from the article holds the atti
tude of a tattletale towards the
other self. VThe writer may be
right. It offers at any rate j one
war of accounting for the foolish
things people sometimes do.
Queen Elizabeth ot England, at
a British exhibition of British
made goods one day recently,
bought a nightgown. A sweet
little news item, but somewhat
tame- compared to what -we had
come to expect under the reign
of the immediately preceding
"It is easier .for. a camel to go
through the .eye of a needle than
for a rich man to enter into the
kingdom of God," All in all, I
reckon, this 'statement from the
New Testament has caused a sense
of apprehension In the minds ot
Iwer ; people than any other
scriptural quotation.
It Is related of a boy living
east , of Salem that he reads the
newspapers regularly and gets
Ideas therefrom. ! Last week, hav
ing had an argument with his
father, he Instituted a sitdown
strike for himself. He avers that
he is still on strike. But he is
not sitting down.
Here and there I hear men.
young and not so young, declar
ing that Salem has the prettiest
girls in the world. 'Tie a sign of
A boiling dowp of the 10 best
pictures ot 1936 has thus for" re
sulted In the choice of five which
are declared to be outstanding.
They are "Romeo and Juliet,"
"San Francisco." "Mr. Deeds
Goes to Town." "The Story of
Louis Pasteur" and "The Good
Earth." Norma Shearer and Wil
liam Powell are declared to. be
outstanding as the greatest act
ress and actor of Mo year. Miss
Shearer's four Closest competi
tors are Lulse Rainer, Irene
Dunne, Claudet's Colbert and
Frances Farmer.
Nothing Is normal from an ab
normal vtewpoint.
' StoHpJokes of a quarter-cen-
tnrjnpm, nor heard no more:
Dry rafrPln the Willamette val
ley, sore feet due to the forma
tion of webs, "You go down
nawth to get to Portland "from
Salem, brothah." the Sunday
morning 'letter beginning "Have
just time for a few hasty lines"
and concluding Tuesday afternoon
with "Yours hurriedly," "600
percent on your investment."
Taken as a whole, there's as
much good in. people and things
as there Is. bad. However, care
must be exercised In getting at
the good in certain people, be
cause for some Inexplicable rea
son they seem touchy about It.
But the bad comes out with a
City May Require
Property ; Marjager
The city of Salem is now in the
real estate business to the extent
of having .53 properties "for sale
and may have to hire an agent to
manage them. Alderman ' David
O'Hara, chairman of a special
property and lien coyimlttee, re
ported last night. These are tax
foreclosed properties taken over
from the county to protect inter
est in city , improvement assess
ments. Of the 1 properties bought by
payment of taxes to the county,
approximately 90 per cent are va
cant lots. Eight have been resold
to date.
Exchange of Seeds, Bulbs
To Feature Club Meeting
WOODBURN; March 2. The
Garden club will meet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wil
son, 900 Wilson street. Wednes
day night with Miss Mabel Jack
son assisting hostess. Mrs. WH E.
Anderson of Salem, will he the
speaker. An exchange of seeds,
flowers or bulbs will be a- fea
ture. Starts
L W all
u . . -v.:. ti.iir
Schaefer's Drug Store
135 N. Commercial
Lust Is Reversed
By High est Court
Judgment Obtained hf
Fraud, Contention
The Oregon, supreme eontt
Tuesday reversed Circuit Judge
Lusk of Multnomah county in
suit brought by the Oregoh-
washtngtoa Railroad and Navi
gation company against Horner
C. Raid et al to enjoin enforce
ment of a judgment in a per
sonal injury case.
The railroad company allr $s.
-that the judgment was obtained
through fraud. The circuit coift
dismissed the suit whereupon the
plaintiff ' appealed. The opinion
was written by Justice Belt. J
The defendants were given I0
days in which to file an answ.
Other opinions handed doim
by the supreme court .were: W3
lian. McGilchrist. appellant. . n.
J. R. Feldler et al. Appeal frdm
Multnomah county. Suit for pay
ment for services performed aai a
real estate broker. Opinion v
Justice Rand. Jndge Robert
Tucker reversed.. jl
Frances Robinson, appellant,
vs. Fletcher Linn et al. Anneal
from Multnomah county. Actidn
to recover money on a promis
sory note. - Opinion by Chief Jus
tice Bean. Judge T.- E. J. 'Dofify
affirmed. I)
Harry A. Hersog vs. Harfry
HIttleman and Harry Gevurtx,
appellants. Appeal from Mult
nomah county. Suit to recover
damages. Opinion by Justice
CampbelL Judge James W. Craw
ford reversed.
Norton vs. Jensen, motion
dismiss appeal denied.
Gty Starts lien
Collection Drih
Old Delinquencies Will
First Actecl Against ;
Attorney Hired
A delinquent assessment col
lection program has been under
taken by the city council's spe
cial property and lien committee
and George 'A. .Rhoten, attornejr,
has been retained to carry it out.
Alderman David O'Hara. chair
man, disclosed last night. The
council last fall appropriated
$1000 'to support the projrxani.
O'Hara estimated approximate
ly 300 notices had already been
sent to delinquent property own
ers advising them to place their
liens in good standing. He esti
mated 3000 pieces of property
were subject to assessment cot
lection action.
Leniency Offered
"The committee's main obj
Is to take over property in which
the owner has shown no furthet
interest." O'Hara .explained.
"Where good faith is shown, we
will grant every leniency possi
ble." I
To avert foreclosure by the
tfity, delinquent property owner
may pay back interest and taxes
and rebond under' the Bancroft
act, O'Hara said. His committee
also hopes to outline a plan ot
Installment payments on delinj
quent assessments but Is reservf
ing action pending a decision bv
Rhoten as to the scheme's lei
gality. I
Foreclosure actions will be In
stituted first against property ort
which assessment delinquencies
are oldest, the chairman stated
Fraud Take Huge,
Kiwanis Informed
Fraud In Its various guises cost!
the American people two and one!
half billion dollars a year, whilJ
investment fraud alone costs
$500,000,000. more than the tota
loss- reported in the Ohio vallei
flood. It was declared by Lyle Lj
Janx, secretary ot the Better BusU
ness Bureau of. Portland In; axf
address before the Salem Kiwanig
eiuo at its Tuesday noon luncheon
A general program wherebj
numerous agencies will provide a
"consumer education" enabling
people to protect themselves wil
be the only complete solution!
Janx said after citing several cases
in which Investment frauds, were
traced by his organization. , i
The "better business bureau s
now organized In 53 cities, were
conceived first to promote truth
In advertising, but branched Intel
the investment fraud field, be!
cause numerous investment "rack!
ets" were found to be advertisl
ing, the speaker said. " jl
Penslar Toiletries
and Remedies
Phones 5197-7023
: ,;
Mahoney "Inside?
Tip Doubted H
Spalding "liouuts" tarley
f ftfslrnma SwL' Mm an W
f i e m ii s jvsavoiiiw t"
Losing Candidate
Doobt that Willis Mahoneyi as
one of the tew candidates jn
aing : nnder the -democratic, ban
ner to be defeated in the IS 3
senatorial elections, las the con
fidence of James. Farley, post-.
master-geaeraL to the ertent Ci&t
Mahoney has been chosen t to
make Farley's preliminary (an
nouncement as a presidential can
didate was expressed yesterday
by Harry Spalding, Salem attor
ney1 who has Just returned after
five years spent In Washington,
B.C. - -
Spalding made this -statement
after- reading maws stories ot a
meeting here last Saturday I in
which Mahoney intimated tpat
he had inside information Farley
was considering running for pres
ident. . ; . (
As an attornev attached i to
congress, tor the purpose of ad
vising members on taxation leg
islation and with Important dut
ies , Jn connection with NRA while
thai agency was active, Spalding
waa in close touch with many! of
the! "New Dealers" constantly
until a few weeks ago when the r
resigned to return to Salem
Follow, this Practical Guide
to Better Control of Colds
1. To Help PREVENT Many
2. To RELIEVE a Cold Sooner
poultke-and-vapor action continues hour after hour loosening
phlegm, easing your cough, relieving irritation, helping to break
up local congestion.
Sickness from
The two simple steps ou
ble health rules to build
bests of Vicks Plan for Bet
colds-clinic ever held with
Plan .resulted in fewer colds
from colds more than half!
Yow'II find fuH direction
your packages of ViclctVi
thruiCalifornia Sunsfrlno'
at NO Additional FaheI p
(or say time for that matter, go or return thru California and
ihe sunny Southwest for the same rtil fre as you would py for
cbe usual trip straight East-d-bck to Chicago, New York and -most
other eastern dues. "VCjien you go this way you'll travel .
thru sunshine and add variety and contrast. to your journey.
SVSTNGEMG SOUTH thru California eo route East, you can. -if
you Like, stopover in cosmopolitan San Francisco and see
the world's largest bridges. Del Mpcte Santa Barbara, Los
Angeles, the guest ranches arid desert resorts of the Southwest
all invite you to tarry where
NEW! EXCLUSIVE coach-iourist train, the "Californian-,
between Los-Angeles add Chicago via die scenic Golden Sisi
K.amu. Try this train which 1 hjM a special car for ladies aod
children, deluxe reclining chair cars, improved tourist sleepers.
free pillow service, economy
WINTER ROUNDTRIPS EASTare lower than ever. Examples:
CHICAGO . . . . . . 57.35 680 ESX3
NEW YORK . . . 89.75 1JD128 13650
RETURN LIMITS: Staadarl 30-oays; coach and tourist
aaonrbf. Good la tourist si xpiag cars to Chicago or New
Orleans; thence in coaches to New York. i
Goufllhorn Packer
A, F. NOTH Ticket Agent
Phone 4408
From this vantage point. Spal
ding expressed the personal opin
ion .that Farley has other plans
for his own political future than
the presidency, and that If on
the contrary he -v. did intend to
run. he" would not choose a man
of Mahoney's doubtful status in
the party to make the 'announce
ment for him. Spalding pointed
out that the national ! democratic
organization gave Mahoney
assistances during his i cam pal a
last year. A
Leo Quids Will
Build New House
After building about 30 houses
In the laat three years in the Sa
lem -vicinity without living m any
of them himself, Leo K. Childs U
finally preparing' to' build a resi
dence for bis own family.
Clearing ot the lot on the north
east corner of 14th and Chemeke
ta streets, adjoining Dr. IX. J. Cle
ments gardens. Is under way fa
preparation for construction of a
two-story, seven-room brick hoa
with stucco finish for Mr. CbtSJ.
Herbert Babb will be the builder.
Cost will be between S600O vml
$7000. .
Mr. Cbilds last October sold bis
home at the Four Corners east mt
town, in the district where he "has
built numerous houses and aald
out entirely one subdivision and Is
making a good start on a -second.
. - - I- - i
At the first warning sneeze or sniffle or the"
slightest irritation in the nose quick 1 put
a lew dropf of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nos
tril. This Specialized medication is expressly
"designed fcr the nose and upper throat, when
most colds start. Used in time, Va-tro-nol hdpa
to prevent many colds and to throw off bead
colds in their early stages.
Of coarse, some colds strike without warning,
or get by even the best precautions. Then you
need "your 'dependable Vicks VapoRub. Go
straight to bed and massage it briskly on the
throat, chest, and back for 3 full minutes. Then
spread a thick layer of VapoRub over the chest
and cover with a warmed cloth. Long after
vou relax into restful sleep. VapoRub 's tamous
Ids Cut In Half !
above, together with a few sertsl-
ahd maintain resistance, are the
Control of Colds. In the biggest
17353 people as subjects V jcks
snorter cokjs. ti cw nacvw
for following Vicks Plan In
- rro - nol and Vlck VapoRub
summer spends the winter.
meals, porter service in all cars.