Buy. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Moral?, March 2, 1931 , -f AGE JHNB er and iriace for 2C A- Farmers Exchange Livestock and Ponltry LKQHORN COCKERELS, today ' 2e eaT'Phon 122F2, Lee's Hatchery. - C V HTtAlH T St T- - llrga, beef type. Frtee little above beet valfte. P. IL Brown, Sublimity, Ore.- Statesman 1 Classified Ads Call 9101 - Clasaflled Advertising. Single Insertion per line lOc Three Insertion per line 20c Six Insertion per-line -30c One month per line S1.00 Minimum charge . .....25c Copy for this pace accepted until :li the evenlne before pukltcatton for- classification. Copy received after this time will be run under the heading. - Teo Late to CUs slfy." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear la advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and la cases where this paper Is at fault will re-, print that part ef an advert leement in which the typographical mistake eccura The Statesman reserves the right to reject Questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the nroper -lssifloatH Help Wanted Male WANT MAN with Willamette valley farm experience and salesmanship training. Call Rm. 126. Oregon Bldg. EXP. WOODCUTTERS for 4 ft. 2nd growth, 21.25 per cord on con tract. B. Fenwick, 45 Ferry. WANTED EXPERIENCED elec trical appliance salesman, ssaiary guar anteed. 453 Court St. , Salesmen Wanted REAL' ESTATE salesman with car wanted. Box 150, Statesman. t Situations Wanted Exp. dressmak. Mrs. Admit. T.' 9446. TRANSFER. ASHCRAFT. TeL 1380. RAMSEYER truck service. 2154.- EXP. STENOG. wishes position. Box 135. . care Statesman. WILL CARE for children by hour. day, evening. 3 23 N. Front St. PFPiin AW ' household elec. sr- pliances. small motors or anything else. KeasonaDie. xe io. - . - WANT trucking, have 'Xl V-8 gravel damp. Exp. driver. Phone 681 Dallas. Howard Fleming. EXP. PAINTER and kalsominer. $3.90 day, IS yra, residence. Ref. Box 155 care statesman. . WANT JOB cuttina- wood. 16 In., or 4 ft. 1810 N. Hign. GIRL.' WISHES hsewrav 102 Hunt. EXP. DRESSMAKER, TeL 5728. For Sale-Miscellaneous CASH OR trade tor used furniture rane-aa. beaters, radios, machinery, tools, etc Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, pnone s-i-i-e. isie . sum mer in Hollywood, . ADDING- MACHINES, cash regis ters, -typewriters nolo, rented, ewappeo. Expert repair service, moderate prices. Koeff Typewriter .xcn zv toun. NEARLY NEW Magic Chef gas range. Liberal discount, sea u at 'Allen's Hdwe.' Store. GOLD HILL agricultural lime, state tested! f8?i calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. Order at 1076 Broadway or 429 Oregon Bldg. TREE ROSES. The latest varieties budded on native Oregon wild rose stalks. Specially priced from 31.00 to SI. 30 each. - V PURITAN CIDER WORKS Open5Tmdy- a. m. till 4 p. m. WEST " SALEAI, - SHRUBS.f'Schrelber's 2060 Nebraska, GOOD PIANO, cheap. Or trade for young coWj R. 5, Bz. 254, baiem. ANTIQUE ORGAN, aaine style as latest Lowboy piano. Can be seen at The Trading Post, N. commercial. LARGE RESTAURANT will con tract to sell good kitchen garbage to hog raiser. Address 156, Statesman. r Wanted Miscellaneous FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4369. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts la ahelL any quantity. State car fieri a. FILBERTS AND meats 'State Cafe. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE loe-er. Ramags, 10 N. Liberty Phone S761. For Rent Rooms ROOMS. 725 COURT 8T. WARM SLEEPLNUO room. 90$ Les lie and Summer fits. Tel. toi. m-iTPn linn, home.- near state house. Will board. TeL 6730, HEATED ROOMS close in. SU. FRONT BEDROOM. Private entrance. 1220 N. Summer St. , ROOM NEAR state bouse for, work ing gtru xi jo. s S ROOM I OR Vent, 681 N. Church. HTD. SLEEPING rm. 444 & High. I Room and Board R. B-. 3 GIRLS, TeL 7100. ALSO TABLE brd. dose In. P. $836. RM. A BOARD, 1149 Union. T- 6976. - RM.-BD. 218 S. Winter. - Tel. C31T. R. B. CLOSE IN. TeL fOOL V ADVERTISING ; Western Adrertislag RepresenutlvM ranger-HaU Co, Ltd, . las rrsaeisaa ei aagelea. SesttU - Eastern AdTertleinf T Represenutlye . BryanC Onfflth Bruaaea, Iaa QUcmfD. New Torfc, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Mnttrt at las rwufrice at alm Oregon. a icd-Clan it after. fa Utked ry iwirtii escepi sfeaday Sus4aaee o'tre tit Xoulk rinirairM SUBdCllllTlN RATES t Mail Subscription Rates, In Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. I Ux 6t cenu: $ Mo. $1.26 ; Ma $3.2$ rear $4.0$. Elsewhere- 10 cents pet Mow ev for 1 year la advance. Pw Copy centa. News Staada casta, - r Clir Carrier t 46 cene a saee ini year w BABT CHICKS.. IS varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capons, fries. .pullets now ready. Tel. 111F.- Lee's Hatchery.- i , . . , Room and Board ROOM AMD board, 669 N. Liberty. BOARD AND nice front room- first floor, fireplaces suitable for 2 people. 593 S. Commercial. .TeL 9330. ror Kent Apartments j LOVELT JR. f urn. ant. sleeping porch. Private bath. Employed adults. C66 S. Summer. 2 OR 4 RM.isnL furn.. and heated. Main floor. Adofts. 1498 N. Church. i RMS. KITCHENETTE. J ator-ei unfurnished. t?4 J5. Com'L - VACANT APT. 639 Center St. 2 R. PARTLY FURN. Adults. Lights. water. $12 month. 412 N, 21st. x . DUPLEX " APT with garage. 1587 No. Winter. Ph. 9454. . " 2 ROOMS TORNISHED apartment. 492 & High. TeL. 6525. FURNISHER APARTMENT, lower flat with garage. Adults. 2455 State. 2 JFL. T'blATH: 2005 L . CapitoL, " " " ' HOMET. CLEAN, one room kitchen ette, first floor, garage, prefer em ployed man with wife. 1047 S. Com'L FTJ R K. 2 ROO M " a'nt .V w ood a n d lights. TeL 76442161 Hazel St. NICE FURN. apU 590 Union. APT. ADULTS. 920 M11L SMALL FURN. apt. 250 S. Cottage. For Rent Houses FURN.3 RM. house, adults. 6010. T R. FURN. HOUSE. 30 per mo. 3 R. modern apt., unfurn. F, It WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 2 R. FURN.! HOUSE. TeL 8840. 4 R. FURN. MOD. house. Large garden. TeL 8630. 6 R. MOD.. $27.50. Adulta. 1843 N. Church. TeL 7840. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 381 State St. TeL 1713. ---------- - -1-1-,-,-,-B-iriru-Lrtruxrvru HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent. . H. L Stiff Furniture Co. FOR LEASE, for lumber co. or In dustry. 2-A. on railroad, with side craca ana oiags. Tel. BS77. - GARAGE FOR rent. TeL 3948. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent da! it farm on SO-6 reliable. r. bL jo.nes. saiem. ore. r i R. T. Box 152 . LARGE HOUSE suiUble for board ers. Close in. Box. 260 Statesman. - - -" - i-i-i-,-v,rMwwvuowx WANTED TO lease a rood used car lot by responsible firm.. Must be cen trally located. Write Box 149 care Statesman. .i ; ---- -- -i-i-i- ivwvmWwwwui WANTED 4 or 6 room unfurn. house. Salem or West Salem. Cash rent ln ad vance. Box 153 Statesman. ! For Sale Real Estate i SALE 1 A. WITH bldga., also 8 A. without bldgs. TeL 9520. . BEST BUT In Salem ln furnished apartment house. Can be bought for less than the original mortgage. Good condition and bringing good Income. . If looking for real investment see me at once. . CHAS. IIUDKINS 276 State St. TeL 9494 aa jjyjyjj GOOD RESIDENCE lot. east front. paved street, new concrete sidewalk. North 24th street, half block off State Street. Only - $375.09, terms. Phone 8854, owner, i SALS 14 A. WITH bldga. also S A. without Wde. TeL 9843. "SALE OR trade Lot $300. Founda tion for bouse. Some trees. 2116 N. Liberty . i i - - -- --"irLrLim FOR SALE. T choice bldg. lots near new sr. high school at concession prices for Immediate sale. Inquire 695 N. 14th. i $2600.00.. tM, A. 4 R. HOUSE. ELEC., gar. and woodshed. 4 bearing walnuts, some fruit. Close to Salem one half cash. $760.00. 10 A. 4 ml. out. 125 young walnuts and : filberts, $150.00 down. bal. monthiy or annual payments. $2650.00. 6 R. house, fine condition. lots all in fruit, paved street, $ 500 eowm. i t $2000.00. 8 R. house, double plumb ing. Near Ore. 8tate college, Corval- lis. Trade tor house ln Salem. Chaa. E. Lebold-L J. Crittenden 172 a Liberty Phone C148 -NEW 7 RM. English type home. hardwood floors, full basement and furn. dose to schooL $4260. North. See this, before you buy. Good 6-rm. hse paved street, norths R, A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol I TeL 3011. ------- i i ii'i-!-.--irtm BT OWNER, BEAUTIFUL creek lots with t house a- S blocks from court aoase. TeL 71ft. . VERT BEST of garden soil 2 acre tract. One acre Royal Anne cherries. Buy this. $10 down. $10 per month. 6 rnt. Don t pass this up. 12 good building lota wtil sell one or more on eaay terms. Consider trad, ing for your car or acreage. H. a Shields,. Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 2 A. AT LIBERTY on pavement. Highest bidder for cash. Tel. 6079, 7 ROOMS, NEW English shake Home. : All reofas large, light and airy. Hardwood floors. Full basement. Piped furnace. Nice garage. Close to .school. This home ready to move Into. $4250, terms. $1846 buys $ room borne. Nice liv ing-room, dining room, kitchen and 8 bedroams. Term. ' Fully furnished S room home with basement, $2ee. 50 down. i R. A. FORKNER , ' 183 N. Capitol 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with fuU basement A furnace.. In good condi tion, cloae to school A bus. $1450, terms. t ' ' - 1 ' -ROBERT F. ' BTTDROW. Real Estate 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965 assiaaaSfcassaasagassaaasaarfasska$saaassasa' S R. HOUSE. WELL-LOCATED ln HoUywood disc Full arlce $1800, $100 down, $16 per mo. . S. house. - S. 14th. $1800, $16$ down, ll.t per mow . Kit Iter :ee of these fa a good boy. ; F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $992. CHOICE : LOTS, pavement pal close la: $450 and $500. 6 R. house. hardwood floors: all modern. 7 blocks from post office: $4750, $1 down. T R. beuae. cleee In. $2500 $500 down, balance like rent. Modern 5 R. hse. in Portland: wetl located: want to trade for Salem property. Newly painted 6 R. hse. srith furnace and fireplace: 3 bedrooms, pared sta.. $2575. $576 don: balance $1$ per ma Listings wanted. Rich I Relmann. 117 .8. Higb. Dial 8632; For Sale Real Estate"! irrrf. xtnrt.r. wi?!T.T. wipt.T. A VT1 V r Sj IMS . v m ww m - WELL. Houses north, south, east. 4, 5, C, 7, t rooms, down payment $140 to $350. Your move. Keasoner (certainly) 6i rt. wgn r t R. HOUSE A 2Vi A. of land E. of town, electricity. Sacrifice price $800. Small payment down, baL by the mo. Also small. 4 R. bouse near Portland Rd. ln mL out. 12 A-of land, elec tricity, well water. 9650, 6160 cash, bal. by the- mo. New unfln. bouse, 2 A. of good land, near 4 Corners east, full price 8184- 8 tracts left, N. of town, all In fruit. $5 down, 1 6 per mo. , F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 902. MODERN HOME, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors. 6 rooms on main floor and one apt. to rent. Ga rage.' 81500 down, baL arms. 1856 N. Winter. TeL 6395. CHOICE LOTS ON PAVED sL, $500 wilt finance new homes up to 86 of cost oa long term payments. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. ; III & Liberty 8C PRICES ARE ADVANCING BUTvNOW and profit by raise ln value. Well located 2 acre tract, good old house, deep well, abundance of fruit and ornamental trees, it ice oniy $2800 with $600 down, bal. easy terms. We have several close In suburban tracts, paved roads, best of soil, easy terms. Buy now and build your home. SEE Mrs. Ellis with t CHILDS Ai MILLER, Realtor 344 State St. I Phone 6708 ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WELL BUILT 6 room house, close In south, basement, furnace, fireplace, place ln A-l condlton. Priced low at $3500. Will accept small, clear prop erty as part payment. Let us show you. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A -MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone $70$. LOVELY COUNTRY home with city conveniences overlooking Salem.- 8 acres bearing fruit and nut trees. All for $3500. owner. TeL 4031 146 N. 21st A REAL STOCK RANCH 320 A. 40 A CULT.. 120 ACRES slashed and seeded to grass, 2 million feet of timber ; 200 A, fenced and cross fenced, fair set of buildings, creek, springs, 2 miles from highway, good county road, $3300. $350 caah. balance easy. - Jesse G. Campbell, 228 Oregon Bldg. ' Exchange Real Estate BUSINESS FOR' VALLEY FARM WILL EXCHANQE going grocery. meat and general merchandise bus iness, established , over 25 years In good valley town on 99E "highway. Buildings and ground Included. Ser vice station also, which Is leased at $30 per month and restaurant ' leased for same amount. All free of debt. Want valley farm, only good soil con sidered. , 4 SEE Mr. Walter at -CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 8708. Acreage 10 ACRES PRUNE orchard close In. cheap. 729 N- Liberty. . Pattern Bj ANNS ADAMS ' . Cut out In one, . .two. . .three Is this breezy little wash frock that's designated with a minimum of pattern parts that may be whipped together in a jiffy, even br a "beginner!" Glance at the small sketch and see If you don't think It's worth your while to spend a few hours time with Pat tern 43 S 2. a pair of snippy shears and some colorful, inexpensive fabric The result is a cheery style that is fashion-right for busy mornings, as well as liesurely af ternoons. Most attractive are the brief, slashed sleeves, and square neckline (with or without eollar). and uprising skirt front. Choose figured percale, gingham, .calico, chambray or dimity. . Pattern 4332 la available ln six es 14. Iff. 18, 20, 32. 34. 36. 35. 40 and 42. Size II takes 14 yards 38 inch fabric. Illustrated, step- by-step sewing Instructions in cluded. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (ISO ta eoins or stamp (eoia preferred) for this Aase Adams patters. Write plain-1 ly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS aed STYLE NUMBER. . EVERT WOMAN dB ear HEW AN NX ADAMS PATTERS BOOK. I, Order It today sad surra! st the $lorios collection ef Bprinc fadues "kits" fUraonr-fiving afternoon and veaiag frocks dcIightfuH all par pose styles for kiddies and all import aat Teaas1'- Yea' 11 rerel ia alias--minf aaodcla. exalt ia gay aporta tosa. aa 4 thrill ta taa aimplieit-r of the easiest patterns ever I BOOK- FIF. TEKJf CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TVFENTT-FIVB CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TO CJ ETHER. . , Read year order, te The 8tateamsa.' Patters Depart teat, a Una. Orcffo. r M I ) ) $ssssssw-F Wa a,i 1 l For Sale Used CartTl TIME MARCHES ON ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT. AND STILL WE MUST SELL EVERY USED CAR WE HAVE HAD IN STOCK 80 DAYS OR OVER BY MARCH 1st. 1914 BUICK small series touring se - dan in splendid condition $686 193$ FORD DeLuxe Coupe equipped with radio and beater $636 192$ HUPMOBILB $ Sedan, trunk, beater and many other ex tras . $526 PLYMOUTH Coupe - -$666 BUICK '. DeLuxe 8 wheel Se dan ... i . $445 FORD Tudor Sedan $445 1935 1932 1934 1933 193$ 1932 OLDS DeLuxe Sedan $335 BUICK Sedan 6 - wheel equip- ped .3335 DeLUXE 4 door , sedan. $ wire wheels. . eqpt. hot water beat er . $385 BUICK 6 Sport Coupe $316 BUICK Standard $ Sedan -$246 PACKARD Convertible Coup 1930 1929 192$ 192$ 193 1930 1931 1929 1929 1928 1929 192$ 192$ 192$ 192$ 1927 1927 192T 1927 1926 1927 1925 .$265 PONTIAC repainted . Sedan, reconditioned. -X34S -: .$216 DeSOTO Sedan CHEV. Coupe MARMON Sport Coup, rumble seat : $196 NASH Sedan $ wheel equla- $196 ped PONTIAC Tudor Sedan $16 BUICK 4 pass. Coupe (new paint) ; :$16$ Essex Sport Coupe $125 BUICK $ Sedan $116 PONTIAC Coupe $116 JEWETT Coach $ 95 DODGE Pickup $5 CHEV. Coupe $ $5 CHEV. Roadster a 86 PONTIAC Coach $ 66 PAGE 45 OLDS Coach - 26 ESSEX Coach t 45 BUICK Coach ,.$) 86 Otto J.Wilson BUICK SALES A SERVICE 388 N. Com'L . Ph. 646L Exchange Real Estate ( EXCHANQE FOR CENTRAL OREGON OWNER OF stocked and equipped river bottom dairy and diversified farm must move east of mountains ac count of health. , Excellent opportun ity. For particulars, see or write MR. WALTER at CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 3 14. State St. Phone 6761. For Sale Farms 40 ACRES ALL stock and equip ment. Beautiful 6 room home, oa paved road. Lots of shade, nuts, and fruit trees. Nice large barn with con crete foundation. 2 silos, 13 steel stan chions. Surge electric milker. This la a fine farm. Well located. Illness rea son for selling. $9000. term a $ acres, all Willamette solL Good 6 room house. On paved road. 7 miles Salem, when you beat this for a buy oui, r tell us about It R. A. FORKNER 1835 N. Capitol Wanted Real Estate' HAVE YOU listed that property for sale or trade with Forkner7 Better see, phone or write htm today. R. A FORKNER ' 1652 N. . Capitol 3031 1 Business Opportunities j EXTRAOROINART OPPORTUNITY reliable, esperlenced auctioneer who has conducted some of the lara-est auc tion sales In the northwest, will open permanent auction house ia Salem. WUI consider partner. Investment of three te live thousand dollars required. Write bos 5T. Salem Statesman, - - -i-r-gviiJwii-()inj'ij"ijnj'ijn FOR SALE, garage up to date equipment: Good proposition for two mechanics. Borne caah. Balance terms Box 15Z, Statesman. niiinrni.i-.n.rLn nr FOR RENT, rood loca. for real est. office In West Salem- small Ilv. quar. la connection. Box 157, Statesman. 8MALX, RESTAURANT ln Salem. Established, trade, low overhead. Box 145, Statesman. , Money to Loan MONET TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un der the F. H. A. plan. Ions term loaaa with low monthly payments. No com mission. Refinance or build a new home. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS 1S1 & Liberty SC Phone 848$ rederal ae-sina soauia title X. bulM or r en nance bomea or ousiness prop. Low ratsa Abraaos A SHI la. atasoolo & $1 80.000.0$ TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loan a 1 to 20 months repaying privilege. Prompt service. Also unlimited funds for real estate Icana CHILDS MILLER. INC. Lie. S-2S GET SET FOR SPRING WITH A Quick Cash Loan BUY NEW clothes and other thlncs yew need. With cash yea can save when you shop. Notice these features: SIMPLICITY All we ask Is -that you are able te make small recular - repayments ow any loan Dlan yon select. PRIVACY. NO DEDUCTIONS LOANS ON YOUR OWN NOTE. Second Floor New Bitch Bldg. Rm, 111 1$ State St. at Htxb St. Phone $T0 Salem Orea-oa Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem -License 8-122. M-115. CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and, operated Salem company where rour oroblems will receive Per sonal consideration both before and after the loan la aaade. Interest oa unpaid balance No fees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance -.. Corporation 201 First Natl. Bank Blda. Salem. Or. Phone $1$$ . Lie. No. 8-1$$ Auto Loans . CONTRACTS REPlBTANCED h ' MONET TO boy aew er used cara. Private money at very low rates. No red up 1 to Z month t repay. Roy H. Simmons $01 First Nat'L Bank Bldg.. Salem. Or Phone !($ Uck No. M-15$ SOUND INVESTMENTS. Make your sarins ears mere Interest. Bay a first mortgage on real estate., the best security of alt Loans avaiiaoi $10$ to $500$. Net Investors $H is svfc. -CHILD'S KILLER. Mice. Leaaa Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing, Inquire at Hawkins St Roberts. . ' . For Sale Wood DRT WOODT re a a TeL 215$. DRT WOOD, Phone $70$. DRY" IND growth wood. TeL Mil 1$ IN. OLD flr. $$.50- TeL Sf IS. 1 For Sale Used Can Boy: "Witlh . .'-'. " . from HeifiralECSweinis Co! The Home of Dependable Used Cars Better Cars - - - - - -Xower Prices;-- -V . ' . - - Easier Terms - FORDS - in 1I Ford Spt Roadster.-Excellent Condition Ford Tudor Sedan 1931 Ford Coupe. Rubber, paint, body, motor A-l Ford Coupe. A Real Car la excellent condition Ford V-8 DeLuxe Tudor. A Real Buy at Ford V-$ Tudor. Low mileage . Ford V-$ Coupe. Low mileage , . . 111 11 135 11 CHEVROLETS - - - 192$ 102$ 12$ 12 1130 130 131 1933 133 Chev. Coupe. Good condition. New paint - ... Chev. Coach. New paint. See this car , ' Chev. Sedan. Original paint A Real Buy at Chev. Coupe. Good rubber. Motor overhauled ; paint Chev. Spt, Cpe. Wire wheels, $ new tires, new paint, hauled Chev.. Sedan. Chev. Coupe. Good Condition Good rubber, new condition Chev. Sedan. Excellent condition Chev. (-wheel. $-dr. Town Sedan overhaul - - r PLYMOUTHS - - 1933 1935 Plymouth Sport Coupe Plymouth DeLuxe 4 -dr. Sedan V- - - - DODGES - - - J Dodge. Coup 1 Dodge Coupe - Dodge Victory Sedan Dodge DA Sedan L Dodge Sedan Dodge Sedan Dodge 4 -dr. Tr. Sedan. Low mileage .. Podge Coupe. Low mileage. Car looks and runs Ilk new - - - mSCELLANEOUS - - - 192T 1925 1927 1927 1927 1927 1929 1929 1929 ESSEX Coach. Runs good REO Sedan j , , BUICK Roadster J NASH Sedan ,, i BUICK Coupe CHRYSLER Sport Rdstr. appreciated , This DURANT Sedan POVTIAf! nnHrinlmt m rlfh nw Car In excellent mechanical condition. Good rubber . $1 NASH Advance $ Sedan. New paint, new rubber. Car looks and runs Ilka new - 1929 1930 CHRYSLER Coupe A HUDSON Sport Coupe -TRUCKS FORD Model T Pickup DODGE tt-toa Panel . DODGE V-ton Panel , FORD U W. B. Duals FAGEOL Truck FORD V-$ I W. B.j Auxiliary FOR BETTER CARS . . L FOR LOWER PRICES ... FOR EASIER TE: Her rail- ci Dependability 1 - - DODGE & PLYMOUTH 235 S. Commercial Phone 3169 Used Car Park Dallas. , , OPEN EVENINGS For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, all kind P. $08$. DRY 4 FT. wood $4.75 2 ed. lots. ltT O. r. $5.75 two cd. load. Tel. 3600. . i GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coal Tel. 500. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. CLEAN UNIFORM fir sawdust. TeL 3283. V FIR CORD WOOD, $3.75 per 'cord. Ball Bros.. Turner. ' 1$ IN. WOOD. $5.60. 9458., DRY WOOD. Phone 4859. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Tel $818. Business Cards la this directory nue oa a nonthly basis only. Rate; f j per Ihao per mositb- Anto Brakes Mlk Paoek, 27$ South Commercial. Bicycles BICTCUCS. NEW t reconditioned. Harry W. 8cotL 147 8, Com'L Ph. 451 - BruAhen FULLER BRUSHES. 8a Sid. TeL f 24. $7$$ Brook St. , Eve. appoint meata Chimney Sweep 1 TKUCPHUNB 445S R. C Northnee. Chiropractors OR. a U SOri-l. PSC Chlrepraetor. 258 N. High TeL Bee $152 Excavating EXCAVATING OFall klnda Base ment dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dtrt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Plo 9401- - -f FlorisU BreltbaupTa, 447 Court. Ph. $904. J Furs DuBAIN Par Co Master furriers and dstgnra Rm. Ill MlUer Bids, , Laundries THS NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRT -212 4V Htgb Tt 1121. CAPITAL 'C1TT LAUNDRt . riRST- IN Quality and Service Talephon ll(t 1344 Broadway Mattresses SAIOSM FLUrF.RUU and Mattress Pactory. MEW - MATTRESS mad ta order, old remad. carpet clwnlnc s4s mg; fturf rua wearing 8. lth tk Wll bur. TeL MIL OTTO F. EWICKER I91L For Sale Used Cara ! i CIoinLfideoc tie ' - ' and Trucks - --Fairer Trades $H5 -$1S5 -$2$5 $:5 4l5 .$475 $5f5 I .$125 11m -iM Motor over- -$25 , - paint. $355 Car la excellent mechanical - j ; i$29$ : I - with trunk ; with a complete motor ' I I .$43$ $iS -$159 $2S5 .$475 -5C5 -$S85 .$(45 - s $ 5 $ Irs f6 $ 5 car should be seen and driven to be I $M5 4145 trni naw na lrt RroInt: unholaterv. -$250 .1250 .a. - ; trans. .$ 3. -$195 -$185 -$259 -$45 wens C . - and DODGE TRUCK DIS T. Oregon, Oak at Main Street AND SUNDAYS PACKARD FOR SALE. Ruas good,: $25.00. i S10 S. llth street. PpNTIAC SEDAN by owner, cheap.: nice condition. 41Z s. High. 31 PONTIAC COACH. A-l condi tion. See owner at Goodrich Silvsr-! town, week days. or . 9(5 Hlghlahd, Ave., Sunday. i . 1 SALE '32 V-8. CTOOD conditldnJ jneap. zzu t. inn. - i SELL OR TRADE. 1930 model Ford panel delivery. Good condition; TeL 9437. - Automobiles HEW 1937 WILLYS BACKER SHELL 8ERVICB WEST SALEM Directory Blattresses CAPITOI HKIMUN'l bon 40 Music Instruction oy MEIS1NOER STUDIOS. 1012 TeL 71 IS. Accordion, ; modera- planoy guitar, ciud. . ----- Mnsie Stores GEO. C WIUL Pianos radio. rwtg machines, sheet must and plan stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs aa$ sewing . machine. 432 Stats f Photo Engravinxr SALEM PHOTO engraving, 141 H commereuL Tl sisi. Printing run " STATIONKRI, earda. pampii leta programa, books or any kind f printing, call 1 he 'Statesman Printing uepartment. Sis & (Jotnmerruu. Telet prion sioi. ii Private Detective ij Kewell Wllllama, Hoa 137. TeL $7 IP. Sewing Machine Repairs; C E. IJCATHERMAN. Ph. 8871. 1181 Waller. - Stoves and Fence I , REPAIR stoves, rangea rircuht tora Sell new and rebuilt stove, ran1 gts and elrculatora wire fence and fence posta Salem Fence and Store Warka. HI CbrauktU. TeL .471 s-.-.B. OTlecntna-. j Transfer : -I FOR LOCAL er dtstanl transfer str aga, call 2121. Larmer Transfer Co) Truck to Portland dally. . , 1 I 1 CAPITAL CITY Transfer C. 21$ State 81 TeL 7772. Distributing, for; warding and storage ur specialty.- Get ur rstea ,', Well Drilling R, A. WEST, at. S. Ba. 44$. X 110r$! Fori Sale Used Cara - j Better Uped Cars 21 Pontlao Coup , ..2245 $1(S -3345 -$295 ..$550 z Chevrolet Coupe . .... 30 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 3 1 Chevrolet Oik. . 35 Ford V-$ Sedan Liberal Trades McKays- Low G. M. A. C. Terms McKjay Chevrolet Co. 222 Center - - - Phone OPEN TVENINGS a-a-asi as. - , -r-,--ljnjnjTjnjxruLn PMGES We are marking every car. know will sell it and we have made arrangements for the easiest and cheapest kind of terms. This is the most extraordinary valae-ivin Sale of Fine Used Cars ever offered by this company ....' Ford. Sedan, trunk Ford 4 -dr. Sed trunk t on Tudor Ford Tudor, trunk Ford' Roadster Ford Deluxe Coupe Hon ooupe Ford Standard Coupe iackar sedan Chevrolet 3 -dr. Sedan Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan Hupmoblle Coupe Studebaker Sedan Erskrtne 2-dr. Sedan Pontlac 2-dr. Sedan " 19S8 190 ASK ABOUT OUR MONEY-BACK Valley Motor Co. i OPEN SUNDAYS - I j THRE LOTS 1- Center Liberty --Phone, 8152 - Jim St. Clalif - Guy Bond " j " Marlon A Liberty- Phone 7910 ' i . I Forest Fulton Bill Earl - Shorty Mission Hollywood Service Station Sin Falrgrminda Rd. Pliona 7455- I . Ford! Cole . . . - EXECUTOR'S nXAIi NOTICE Notice Is hereby given thsthe undersigned executor lias tllfd his final account of the estate of Anna M. Lewis. Deceased, wltn the Clerk of the County Court ol the State of O r e g o n for the County 'of Marlon and an order has been made and entered' by said Court fixing the 13th day of March, 19 S7, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time for hear ing the said final account and ob Cro ss 'A 12 3 id 21 22 37 2& 32 33 36 37 HO HI HO Ml SO SI 35 37 5d I- IXy EUGENE SHEFFEQ t HOJUZONTAL 1-Coamwoeny hair R-)elLUe article SlABv - ' 12-Wkil was tb faasary sm ' . Knrf VUI first wifT . IS Cm tuning form: air 14 Military assistant 15 Feminine name 16 What navigator ( . Pacific OcuaT 18 God 20 Highway 21 Lowest tides 23 What was th the t I Saaaael Clesseaui? . tT TJrga on Z9 Dreg 3 1 Preposition 32 Cans to put on weight 14 One who beta against the t ; hanker in faro Sft Fishing boat with an open wetl 37 Mark remaining from a wound 39 Supply with weapons 40 Church comvc . 42 Genus of reeae 44 Season of the year 45 ArcMikn structure 49 What Frame hero was the view t torfaa tk sUesy Baltle of th I f Pyramids" 7 r 53 Einar who marri- Gndrua - 64 Angle between a leaf and its axis. 4' ' - ! 65 Metric tneaanre of area 66 Color fit Deflect Kft AbbIv mlar tik ' S9 South American wood sorrcla - - VERTICAL 2 Who wrote "Tk Mas Without .1 . Cos-s-ry"? - .--I-" 1 j la what city Is the 14 CeU-ial -i hoae f Cv-1 Robert Leaf ! 4 Utter ln harsh veice 6 Scottish cap 8 Funeral coach "a? rMk a Wk. i th-t PrUa Miat liter of j , . EagUsieir ; . f For SaleUsed Cars for Less Money at 22 Chevrolet Sedan . 28 Dodge Sedan 28 Bulck Coupe 29 Chevrolet Sedan 29 Ford Sedan $14S $l(i i$li -$191 -1195 Written Guarantee Better Car's i 3189 - r - - 410 N. Com'L AND- SUNDAYS SMSHED down to a price that e .$$4$ 545 500 43$ 335 -345 S( 250 CS5 25 3!$ 2J5 2(8 5 4$ GUARANTEE ON USED CARS jections thereto. If any; and that any creditor, heir or other per son Interested in aald estate ray on or before said time. sa cause why said final - accoan' ahould - not be approved - aa4 settled as rendered. Dated this 8th day of February. 1137. i - - : v -. -i - .. -.GEORGE E. LEWIS, Execute, of. the Last Will and Estate o' Anna M. Lewis, Deceased. - JOHN BATXE. Attorney fe Executor. P." 1-16-23 M. t-t. to 17 2Q so 31 3H 33 31 M3 H6 H7 HQ 32 53 Be affected with peia 10 Feminine name . 11 Number 17 Consuzeo 19 Jsssss Aag0l Is presllsal ol .-what largo ataiveraity? 21 Writing; Lmplements 24 U what regie eliel ch Byre xpediUea osUhlUk "LitlU . Aasericerr - 25 Roman road 26 Authoritative standard 27 Newta 2S What I tk first suusi f th actor . who starred ia Tir Dds Coos to Twm"T SO Stretch across 33 Double 35 Either of the Bears ia astroa - oroT - I 33 Thermal unit 41 Yellow split pea ' ' 43 Muse of amatory poetry . 45 Metal 47 Bone of th forearm 48 Poaea for a portrait 49 Seise 50 Chopping tool - - 51 -Pointed and headed piece ef - metal 52 Bora Herewith is th solution to yestex aay'spuzala, rm - ri 1,A i y,- ST 1-, S if-v IT Lie B'S 1n gp", aTtieI too. I Word Puzzle i 23 IP iP 2 mm, 3- IP