The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning .March 2, 1937 f AGE SEVEN. Speedy Card Lined Up For Amateurs Traglio and Quisenberry, Quamme and Baughman In Headline Bouts Webb Traglio. Salem Y. M. C. A. 160-pounder, will meet Roy Quisenberry, Portland boxing echool fighter, and Bob Quamme, scrappy Salem 120-pound fighter. ill mix with Baughman of the Multnomah club in the two lop events of theY. M. C. A.'s second amateur card o the season at 8 o'clock tonight. . - . Quisenberry, a brother 'of Clyde Quisenberry, P. B. S. instructor, U one of the test Portland ama teurs in his weight and is said to 1ia a hfttoT ff1?htf than Caj1l Boettlcher, who decisioned Trag lio several weeks ago. Traglio will be in better condition for his fight tonight than he was against Boet tfoher as he has been working oat steadily for three weeks. , Battle Royal Again The two main events will be of fire rounds or less duration while all others will be three. Cliff -Nelson, Portland scrapper who was to hare - fought . Bob Quamme, will be matched Instead with Alrin Richardson of , the Sa lem team in one- of the three- rounders. Bobi Richter, 147, of the Portland boxing school will meet Bill Crary. Salem smacker! and Ray Merrill of Portland will I meet Wally Larios. A number of I ' isV other Salem boxers and a fewJT front the Chemawa Indian school will; be provided with 1 Portland opponents. K As a special feature the group orwuiamette grldders who staged a Iaughprovoklng burlesque of a professionatkwrestling "battle roy al", will makeareturn appear ance after severaT4ays of re hearsall They are ledlMr Tots (The Mad Russian) , Yada. Don Lash"Winner In Mile and Half NEWARK, N. J., March 1-flPH Don La at. mighty little foot racer from Indiana, outsprinted Lulgl Becalli of IUly, Olympic ,1500 meter champion in 1932. tonight to win the mile and a half feature of. the annual Seton Hall, college track carnival. The time was- minutes 47.9 seconds. , The Hoosier ace, national out door 5,000 and 10,000 meter. , champion, beat the foreign threat by a scant six feet after a stirring last lap battle. Another invader, Miklas Szabo of Hungary, was third, about twenty yards behind aud Joe McCluskey of the New York A. C' was fourth- Glenn Cunningham, the nation's mile champion, was to have faced Lash in the international contest but he chose to , compete id the 1.000-yard special. He pranced to an easy victory in this, winning' in. a meaiocre z minutes is. 6 seconds and beating Ed Brown of New York A. C. by a substantial margin- .. - Tigers Win First 4. Half, Zoo League Clayton Patterson's Bluebirds, Freddie Bradshaw's Owls and Ray Steinke's Tigers won their games Monday afternoon in the Y.M.C.A. "200" league. The games were ihe first of the second half. I Scores: ' . Bluebirds, 25 Russell 6. Shaf fer' 7. Traglio 11, Bates, Patterson. 1 ; Canaries. 5 Burns 1, Turner .5,' Glllam, Vittone, Nafsinger. -f Owls, 15 McGuire, Mudd 3, Rush, 5, Bradshaw 3, Ireland 4, Sharpnack ; - Wolves, 1 2 Miller. Robinson, Tucker, Duncan 11. Johnson 1. !f Redbirds. . 8 Borelle, Cof frier 2, Robins 2,. Yocum, C I a r k. 4; Tigers, 25 Henery 8. Steir-ke 2, Birchet, Tanaka, Sanford 5, Law 10. . Final first half standings were: Tigers, 5 won; and none lost; Blue birds, 3 and 2; Wolves.--3 and 2; Robins, 2 and 3; Owls, 1 and 4, and .Canaries, '1 and 4. Coiiffregatioual Defeats Liberty Congregational church's bas ketball quint defeated the Lib erty basketball team 14 tn a game played on the Liberty floor .last night. Buck Smith, Congregational forward, led scor ing with 1 appoints. ' Congregational (3&) ( i4) Liberty Humphreys 8. . .F.7 L. Summers Smith 13 . ...F.. B. Summers Newcomh ..... . C .... 4 Rowland French 2 ...... O...... 3 Dasch Hanson 6 ...... O ...... . Lewis Substitutes; for Congregation al. King 9. Referee, DeCater. - Buckaroos Drop Sunday Contest SPOKANE. Wash.. March 1.- (JPr- The Portland Bucksroos were the victims Sunda3rDt-t third straight Pacific Coast nock ev league victory by the Spokane Clippers on the latter's ice. Score was 3 to 2, Hutton and Moffat doine the scoring for the cllp- nirs- Blyth and Bessler netted the puck for the league leading Buckaroos. . : Gleeman I? Winner LOS ANGELES, March WAV Gleeman won the feature $1,500 At Malaikah temple handicap mm fu' jl snecial Santa Anita nrnmm todav which brought an estimated, $40,000 for charity, r Tin win an was second and Fights 7? .: V i Coming from far behind, Rosemont hit the $100,000 Santa Amlta , handicap; "Jackpot" for his owner, William DuPont jr when he de - feated Seabiscuit in an exciting stretch duel. In the above photo Rosemont is No. 1, on the outside, with Seablscuit on the rail and . nearly hidden by the charging Foxcatcher Farms' champion. In- Dallas Wins Over lXJ.rVk ftia?. Inl llClTUCli: VytllliLCL DALLAS. March 1. D wight Adams' Dallas high Orangemen nosed out Newberg high school at Newberg last night to win, by the score of 28 to 27. This "was Dallas' final game in the Willam t Valley. j league and cinched fourth place for the Orangemen u league standings. The game was close throughout and the score was tied several alias led 9 to 7 at the end of the firul. UuartThe teams were tied at the half TSalL and also at the end of the third a ter 16-all. Dallas was without the services of Captain I. Voth. Frank ofNewberg led the scoring with 11 : points. Burelbach was high man for : Dallas with 8 points. In a preliminary game, Dallas B team defeated the Newberg sec onds 20 to 6 to win the B team championship of the Willamette Valley league. They lost only" one game during the season The lineup: Dallas (28) ; (27) Newberg Bennett 2 . . . . .F . . . 3 Green Burelbach 8 ... F ... . Kroeker 2 . J . . C . . . . Dcmbowski $ . . G . . .. . Blanchard 6 ... G ... . Substitutes: For . . . . 3 Tate 8 Haworth . 11 Frank . . . . 1 Boss Dallas. . E. Voth 4; for Newberg, Yackey 1. Referee: Lakefish. s Will Meet Another Contende - WOODBURN. March 1. The Bulldogs j of i Wood burn high will play at Linfield college Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock, when they will meet the "A" representative of Washington county which will be either Beaverton or Tigard. - The' game played .Friday night at Chemawa which ended - a vic tory for the-Woodburn team by a score of 42-39was-4he 15th straight victory for the BuTtdogs It 'was also Woodburn's fourth victory in the Marion county championship race with a clear slate of four wins and no losses. '- Lineups for Friday game were: Wood bum (42) (39) Chemawa Whitmam 10 . . .F. . .14 Big Horn Anon by 5 . . Fvenden 10: Edwards ; . . ; Shawv17-i. .4. J. Anderson ! . F 11 Archambeau .G 4 Red Elk .G. . . .9 Christian .G. . . 2 Track ..S. . 2 Sanderville Tom Drynan. IVIinqr League to Wind Up Tonight Teams' of the city Y minor league will complete their season except for a possible playoff when they meet on the Parrish floor at S: 30 . tonight to make up the slate of games postponed the week of the big snow. - ' The Paper Mill, undefeated in the second half, will meet Safeway in the opening game at' 6:30 o'clock. Should 'the Paper Mill quint win this game and another postponed affair with Liberty it will meet the U. S. Bank . team, first, half! winner, in a two-out-of-three playoff for. the minor divi sion title; ! i The Winiamette Cubs and Com pany B will play at 7:30 and Lib erty and the V. S. Bank at 8:30. Third DiMaggio Signs for Seals SAN FRANCISCO. March 1-(-Domfnc Dl Maggio. third and youngest of the baseball Dl Mag gios. signed a contract with the San . Francisco Seals today , in a ceremony which saw the bespec tacled youth carted into the sta dium -inia-wheelbarrow pushed by his famous brother, Joe of the New Yorfc-Yankees. MODESTO. Calif. March l-(tP) Manager Bill Meyer called the roll on some thirty Oakland base ball players today as spring tjainlnf rot under way. Turner Teams Both Turn In Wins Over Jefferson TURNER; March 1 Turner high school boys defeated Jef ferson boys) 21 to 16 at Jeffer son Friday) night. The Tnrnef. girls team was also winner, de feating Jefferson 16 to 15. Bulldog Rosemont, Favorite, Collects IrtdiaTiBrcom -- -' - v Crowd Turns Out But Financiers Had Failed to Get Simon-Pure Passports So No Game; Rubenstein's in Tourney A FAIRLY good-sized crowd of basketball fans went out to the Parrish gymnasium last riight to see a basketball game between General Finance and Rubinstein's of Eugene for the district A. A. U. title but there wasn't any basketball game and as far as General Finance was concerned there wasn't any title, -i General Finance .was ruled in-o eligible for the state A. A. U. tourney when their application blanks . (and fees, of course) failed to come through on sched ule and Rubinstein's was invited by the Portland A. A. TJ. heads to come to the tournament with out bothering to play General Fi nance. So no game was necessary. Misunderstanding of the A. A. U, arrangements, which Required that all team members! be reg istered with the A. A. U. iby noon yesterday, caused General Fi nance's predicamenClntending to file their registrations it and when they beat Rubinstein's, the General Finance team had the im pression that its fees were ac ceptable any time up to the begin ning of the Portland tournament. Jfo Pointa Stretched Reminded again Saturday night by Commissioner Phil Bell that their applications And 25 cent fees were due, not all the team members could be found and Manager Kenneth Potts decided to wait until today, hoping that the A. A. U. would stretch a point. The A. A. U. would not stretch -r 2 Years or IDLENESS HAS OS Of TO OUR. MEOCS lAt eitcs IT IS obvious to anyone who has even followed the current heavy weight title mixup at a distance that the motives behind the - side tracking of Max Schmeling are strictly mercenary. ? It's elementary, my dear Watson. Give a look: Champion Br addock figures to get no more than 100 crs at the most for risking his bauble against the Dutchman, while he has been guaranteed a cool half million for the doubtful pleasure of a tint tete-a-tete with the Brown Embal ov ... I , t - s i s y jsouummAi PILOT IS TAKtA&A V "5-XZC SK WEiM. we lows rGffrSk t iy: 7f 'K taks FOR. STRICTLY WviJI f ' - MAX BUSINESS REASOAJJ jujT WC CtfsJoe tr M m ! "Vsjfc LOUIg.'' (rTXj BE LUCK TD in Pfomam at Santa Anita "Jackpot' ' Seabiccixifc ! 1 M . dia. Broom finished third, to heat hi. stablemate, SpecUl Agent. Speclal Agent finished fourth after mile and one-quarter distance. Fifty thousand people turned out te witness the classic. International a point ana cnaries u. waiaer, Portland A. A. U. head, phoned Bell at noon yesterday and in formed him that General Finance might as well forget its game with Rubinstein's since the Eugene team would be invited to repre sent the district in the tourna ment. Both General Finance and Bell had gone to considerable expense to make arrangements for district elimination- contests. Three Sett of Brothert On Galea and Mill City Town Basketball Team GATES, March 1 The Gates town team played a fsst game of basketball with the Mill City town' team on the Gates floor Wednesday night defeating their favorite rivals 36-31. An interesting point was that three sets of brothers ! played on the teams and all members are aiumm or tne Gates ana aiiu City high schools. Braddock's Boss Speaks By BURNLEY- er. Pot yourself in James la's place which would you take? . Jo Gould puts tha ease for Brad dock, dearly and succinctly i We ha vent made a dime on the title sines Jim beat Baer," says Tel uble Joseph. "Bad hands and tough breaks hart kept Braddoek idle for two years, and he has to drag down a goodly guarantee to get oat of the red. A champion has a certain standard of living he most keep np, and we're already trp to oar neck in L O. U.'s and bills. "I wouldn't be doing my part as tha champ's - manager, continues ,isst. V 1 --4 ) t . ' " : leaon the race ror most of ine illustrated News photo. Shrock's, Valley Motor Fives Win l Shroek's bowlers took two Irom White's and Valley Motor pin smashsrs two from Wilson's when automotive league keglers took over the Bowl-Mor alleys last night. Shrock rolled high game' with 23 S pins and high series of 687. Rhmrk'i Hartwall Wooarf , W.lck Shrock Cli let ht 16 418 Ii7S 161 144 480 .14 165 17 tss 167 ?s1a5 sos sit 8si 246Sicitr 26. independence 11: Fans Wliitc's " Hkodioa WhiU- Lloyd Barker Aaatia Millar . SI .140 ..153 .12 .158 .156 81 176 161 167 14S 168 Sir 98 185 460 179 498 148 487 158 4SS 108416 764 848 759 188$ Valley Motor Handle 88 88 88 114 148 645 175490 Phillip & E. Poulia Miaaoa -Hifgins. . , ,,, Sharker .- 176 187 1S ais -193 996 168 144 183 188 145485 157 581 125506 898 936 783 8611 Otto J. Wilson Kar Barr Vilk Raea Manaiaf .133 .167 .161 .141 .148 288 178 168 130 188 816 581 155 494 162 607 190451 150 r42i 750 Sll 898 8454 Gould, "if I didn't look oat for his financial, interests and see that ha takes tha best offer. Jim doesn't care who he fights he'd get In there against the Navy and the Marines if I told him to tomorrow.'" The little manager finishes la as optimistic vein: . . i. : . "SchmeUng wont be left oot in the cold. Well take care of tha Dutchman after we polish off Louis. Max will get his chance in Septem ber." ' :-!! ' , ,. J That's Goolr story, nd he's stack on it. ! i I : OwrncM. tllf. Sr KIM Tmtmm gjwAtat, W F.Mo CL Baer Wallioui Nowlndicat Blaxie Slay Go to Europe, Cash in Instead of! Meeting Pastor v. NEW.; YORK, March lAiJP)- Max ' Baer probably will answer Madison Sauare Garden's , threat to lesral action if he doesn't Bob Pastor March 19. by w Was op the gangplank Wednesday! and sailing to London for two f gats and around f 50,000. That's the way the Baer-Gajrden dispute shaped up today, asfng however, only outward signs as a gauge on what's going on inside. John Reed Kllpatrick, president of Madison Square Garden'cpfpbr- atlon. a t a t e d emnhaticallv the Garden Intends to "go the .limit ' to force Baer and his manager, Ancil Hoffman, to live up to their I nart of the contract to flrht the man who staved 10 rounds iwlth Joa Louis. . 1 It may be the Garden is glfcdl of - Z'Z . ---, 1 yP"L a mtw -""13.2" come, perhaps, as a barometer) of what to expect when tne eightniucKy u mere is room ien lor me avenue corporations goes t. the 220 and 100 yard men to work courts to nait Jim uraaaocx irom meetinr Louis in Chicaco. I I For . virtually the same reason Baer's manager contends ha and his heavyweight aren't under! con tract to the Garden. Kllpatrick claims they are. Hopsters Win Six, Y "1 P I ! . Lose . 15 on Lourt INDEPENDENCE" Mar. 3L Statistics of the season's basket-1 ball games for the Independence Hopsters show only six wins Out I of 1 contests played in their) first I year in the Willamette Valldyfla-1 I tj,rPholaatI learue. I The games .played and sbqres of the 137 season follow: iraiisi"1- ihu"miuu Cltr 12. Independence 30:! AI- bShy 34. Independence 24: Philo math 28. Independence 24: Philo math 2, Independence 1; iMol-l alia 19, Independence 22; qahby 8. Independence 26; Dallas! ill. independence 25; west una iz. Independence 14; woodbarfl f32. Independence 20; Monmouth (23 Independence 18; Sllvertonj ;2I. Independence IS; Newberg 2 1, fin dependence 43; West Linnf Independence 17; , Woodburd 3f. ! Independence 29; Silverton! Independence 1 3 r Newberg! 46. 8. 27, Independence 25: Monmouth Independence 13; Molalla 2 si. In- dependence 19; Canby 22. Inde pendence 44, and Dallas 19; tade- pendence 14. 111 Linn and Hartman were! ithel f high scorers for the season's ipiay. Good Trapshootn Marks Are Made Each breaking 98 targets.! Ray Glass of Eugene and Chet IReh field of Portland walked off hrith honors in-the 16-yard event of the Salem Trapshooting . ciab's registered shoot Sunday. tj Closest to Glass and Rehfleld in the 16-yard event were feehn Wain, -C. G. Robertson. Eli E. Troeh and. Q. A. McKay, all break ing 96. i M. C. Hendel and N. V. Semler. both of Portland, and F. W. Bitt ner. Toledo, tied at 4 6 in thalEO. bird handicap. BIttner also broke 141 out of ISO to take the Tad Shelton trophy for high gun. Hen del made a perfect score of 24 out oi zi in tne doubles event. a- . i r-i ff rmtcn suiiennir tZ7 Old Age Ailment! ? l is PULLMAN, March i. -P-"Butch, aged Cougar mascot of I Washington State college atftlet- ic teams, was taaen to a nospitai today, a sufferer from the! ail ments of old age. I Butch." named-after Rfatch Meeker, noted Washington State football quarterback, was bre- sented to the indent bodyi by Gov. Roland H. Hartley. fThe cold winter . is believed to &ave contributed to his illness. I The veterinary prescribed a diet of milk, eggs and cod Brer oil. . Dallas and Yi M. Split Two Games Teams from the Salem Y.M.C A. and Dallas Junior high divid ed games on the local floor Sat urday morning. The ponies Iron Z3-z, wane the' intermediates lost 22-2S. Scores: Ponies ( 23 ) Humphrey 2. . Lit- wilier... Robins , Ireland 6. Brad- shaw 7, Tocum' 2; Dallas 12) Pinkerton, Hlebert. Boy ds ton. Pints. Jones 2. 'f Intermediates (22) Sanford C. Barnlck 5. Hoffman 3. Stelhke 1. Tanaka 3, Law 4; Dallas (15) Kroeker 4. Nlcol 8. Peters jll. KHever, Klassen. Indoor Champ Upset NEW YORK.- March 1-JP-Ray Palmer ' Jr. of New Tork city, tnrned in a sensational 6-3, 9-7 apset victory over Gregory S. Mangin, tha defending champion, la the second round of the Ra tional men's indoor tennis sin gles ehampionahip at the seventh regiment armory 'today. j Perry Beats Vines j i PORTLAND,.. March 1-(5 -Winning in straight sets 6-3. 6-3. Fred Perry, British' net star, took a 13-to-12 lead over Ellsworth Tinea here In their barnstorming professional tennis series. v 1 JIo Set PAUL MAUSE-K ' .Hewer, Beresary ' adjuncts to civilisation though they may be, are unpleasant things at best. and one sewer Is. going" to make things, mighty unpleasant 'for the Saleii high track team within a few weeks. It's the D street storm sewer and the way things are plotted now the. big ditch trill be cut right arrosa the middle of Salem high's brand j new cinder track. Com ing as it does right at the start of track season it will make the Kclemj track practically useless 1 for this season and only a great amount of work will put it in shape for next. There's not much that can be done about it. The sewer has tQ go through. There's not much point In having a sewer just end oecause a cmaer patn nappensso acrosa me ngni oi way. admi would be too expensive to go arouna, ney aent use to nulla lowers in circles, anyway, so. wnat with diggers and trucks and ma worxing, vern Gllmore and hf. tnrv tam win .. .av. fnl i Vr Vk track for this season. They'll be Tr. f, tM- n? iU. h I This will be quite blow to Vena Gil more and Peg White for they've been thinking the sewer would just clip off an end of their track and leave all the rest untouched. But to ru the sewer so it would, jnst touch an end of the track would put it too close to the new high school and the school board has tbIe wter sewer j wandering around too close to their new high school. f O - The sewer will run straight I across i uunger field , at a. point even witn ine mam gate into tne grounds, 'the gate next to the grandstand. That mean's that at least half of the track will be out er crew is at work and for a long time after they are gone. . i To make the prospect eves more sac WUUmette's track Is la a pitiful shape, even more pltifsd shape than nsnaL and there is little hope that aay thiag will be done abont it. Construction work on the new grandstand didn't help the Wil lamette track any. Willamette will fix its cinder path without cinders sip as much as possible and that's all. Just; to add a bright noTTto this gloomy discourse the gymnasium In' the; new high school building looks like it will be a honeyJ There's plenty of room and much seating capacity in the balcony.) For once they found an architect I who realized that the reason gym-j is so that people sitting in them can see the game on the floor be low. You get a- clear view, of ev- ery portion of the playing floor from every seat in the house even if! your feet do dangle from the hignlyj elevated benches. Tourney Entry at j Stake, Silverton? To Play Chemawa Silverton and' Chemawa. even up in their battle for a place in the district basketball tourna ment, will play on the Willamette university floor at 8 o'clock to-i I "tent. it was announced last night. Chemawa tied up the series b defeating Silverton 30 to 23 ati Chemawa. It was a close game! with (Jnemawa leadinr 11. to 7 at the lend of the first quarter bud with fillnrtnn .IiimiI 1C t. 1 ! the half. Chemawa (30) (23) Silvcrtoi Archambeau, 10 F 4,. Cros Red Elk C.6, Pettyjoh BughornlS F 4. Jenkins! TrackJS G i3. Snechti Christian, 2. G. 6, Buschl Referees, Allen and. Weisger Pruning Demonstration At jRIoslier Farm Draws j , Best Crowd of Season l KING WOOD, March 1. The! pruning demonstration by County! Agent jW. C. Leth, long delayed by weather conditions finally mater ialised; in the D." H. Mosher orch ard on Glenn Creek road. Thirty five spectators were - present, a number of whom were from Sa lem high 'school agricultural classes. - ' This Is said to hare been the largest attendance at any of the seven demonstrations held in Polk county, ; . - '! Bearers Co to Idaho :; CORVALLIS. Ore.. March 1-(JP' -Oregon State college Beaversj will take on . the Idaho Vandals; at Moscow Tuesday, with the "eel- lar" championship of the north-l ern division of the Pacific Coast basketball conference at stake. f NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given thst the' onderaigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Marlon County, duly: made And entered on the 30th day of January. 193 7, was appointed administrator of the Estate of Martfnj $chrelber. Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly -verified, as required by law to .the under-; signed! at the residence of Ray L. Smith. 1895 Center Street. Sa-i I em, Oregon,, attorney for said estate.) on or before atz months from the date of the first publi cation ) of this notice.' said first publication being made the 9th day of February, 1937. . WILLIAM SCHREIBER. Ad ministrator., F. 9-16-23. M. 2-9. Tonight- Parent-Teachers Studying Oregon Fpur-H Awards Made at Silver Cliff School Organization . VICTOR POINtT March 1. The regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers association was held at the school' house Friday night . with a : good attendance. This meeting closed the 'membershiy contest, with W. M. Tate's side the winners The losing side, captSined by , Mrs. Myra Fischer, will furnish i an ice cream and cake trea,t lor the winners.- - , The program study of . Oregon was book reviews as follows: Early Oregon; Literature." Miss Jeanne' Oederf; Soul of Amer ica." Marvin i Darby; "Oregon History." Millard Shelton; Ore gon Musicians,'', Mrs. . Eugenia Fisch er; L "Historical Tree i n Oiegon." Wesley Darby. An ad ditional program number was a" tsp dance- by Marjorle Tate. Silver- Cliff Unit Meets Al toe meeiws. rriusy nisnw of the Silver Cliff Parent-Teach- era groap of which Mrs. Floyd Fox - is - president, v plans were made to give a benefit program followed by dancing, at Silverton, in the near future to raise funds for. needed school equipment.' Ar rangements will be In -charge of Mrs. : Lela Murkey, Mrs. Verne Losier and Mrs. Thelma Mulkey. The program presented by Mrs. Lela. Mnlkey included songs and plays by the school; read-' lngs by Mrs. Daphna Hunt. Doro thy Brewer,' Barbara Lais, and Jean Marie Mulkey; music, vio lin and piano. Jim Mulkey and Robert Gothberg; . and a song by Barbara Lais. " 4-H Awards Made - Mrs. Floyd Fox. club lead "re presented certificates of achieW ments and pins to 4-H clubs 'n cooking end -handwork as fol lows: - - : ; . Three -year pins, Alice Char- pilloz, Elaine, Qualey, Laurel Krens; - two. year . certificates. Frances Warnock. Betty Mulkey; one year pins, Frances and Doro thy Brewer, i Margaret Warnock and Kathleen Mulkey. These girls all attended the Victor Point and Silver: Cliff schools last year and all were members of the two Clubs directed by Mrs. Fox: . Failure to Make Report Penalized SILVERTON, March 1 Leon Whitlock of Scotts Mills was fined 311.50 in Justice court here today by Justice Alt O. Nelson on a charge of failing to make a police report oi an automooue accioent. ..- wmtinrc . van ininiTAfi in an accident here Saturday night in which Donald Jones, son of Percy Jones, 619 North Fir street, suf fered a leg' fracture, -cuts and scratches, Donald is in the Silver ton hospital. Whitlock stopped and J gave assistance, it was re ported, but failed to make an of ficial reporter Constable Ed Amo made the arrest. West Stayton Woman - Scalds Foot; McQellan - ; Building on Two Lots WEST STAYTON, March 1 . Mrs. Chesterj Stewart Scalded her foot severely! Saturday bight,-The accident occurred as she wss pre paring to mop the floor' T. Y. McQlellan is building a wood shed and garage on two of his lots with the lumber salvaged from the. old flax building that collapsed in the heavy snow storm In Jannarv. Mr. and Jtrs. T. . Y. McClellan were Sunday dinner guests at the. 1fmA nf thai, TLf vm f . garet Martin at Aumsvllle. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING In the County Court of the State of ' Oregon for the County of Marion, j In the Matter of the Estate of . T. B. JONES. Deceased. NOTICE Is- hereby given that the final account of Ladd & Bush Trust Company, executor of the Estate of T. B. JONES, deceased, has. been filed In the County Court of Marlon County, "Oregon, and that the 15th day of March. 1937. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court House of saM COunty. - has been appointed by tha Court for hearing of objec tions to said Final Account, st which time any persons interested In- said estate .may appear and file. objections thereto in writing and contest same. ' LADD BUSH TRUST COM, PANYby. JOS. H. ALBERT, Trust Officer. Exec h tor. KEYES St PAGE. Attorneys for Executor. 3 OS U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon: ' - F. 9t1C-23 M. 2-9. 1 ' - ' NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT . No. 9132 fa the County, Court of the State ,of Oregon for the County of Marlon. -In the. Matter of the Estate of ' J. B. PARKER. Deceased. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administra tor of the estate of J. B. Parker, deceaeed, has filed .his first and final account la tha matter and court above entitled, and that Friday March 12. 1937.' at the hour of 10:09 o'clock A. M. or said day has been . fixed as the time, 'and the court room of the court above i entitled, in Salem. Oregon, the place of the hearing of objections to said final account, and the settlement thereof. CHAS. T. -PARKER. Adminis trator as Aforesaid. - RIDGWAY. JOHNSON L KEN DALL, 35S U. S. National Bank Bldg.. . Portland." Oregon, Attor neys for Administrator. Date of First Publication: Feb. Date of Last Publication: Mar. 9, 1937.-F. 9-11-23 VL. Bubblesome third.