The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 02, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ths OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 2, 1937
' 1
l-ocalvNgA;s Briefs
Accidents Reported Reporting
:ninor accidents , to police yester
day were J. H. Shafer, 515 South
2 1st, and W. C. Gritton. .2045 !
Maple at State and 23rd; Clar
ence H. Fairbrother, 395 Colum
bia, and an unidentified driver at
a location not given; Gene:
..Schwab, Gervais, and Marvin
rtitChey- cq), 1666 North fourth,
l Center and . Capitol ; Jessie E.
Smith, 557 Knapp, and Jack
Roach. 857 North 16th, at Com
nercial and Center; Mrs. Walter
Timm and Mrs. Ralph West, 2050
McCoy, at 2050 McCoy; Ambrose
'ehl,.Mt. Angeland Morris Os
born; 266 South Cottage, at State
and Church.
Penalty Waived More than 70
log owners yesterday reaped
benefit of a one-day moratorium
leciared by the county court on
the $1 penalty for late Issuance
of dog licenses. While counter
alea of licenses at the deadline
Saturday afternoon were 13907
s against $4193 last year, ac
ording to a tabulation made by
County Clerk Boyer, more than
100 mail applications remained
V 1 1 . ,
ire nrcu iruiu iae license
"lerk's desk. The mail Is. expected
to send the number of licenses
ssued past the 4000-mark.
The glen's Brotherhood of the
.First5' M. E. church will meet
Wednesday night.. C. B. McCuI
lough. state highway bridge en
gineer, wfll speak on South
American conditions, Dinner at
S: 30- Phone 7642 or 5628 for
Tobacco- Evil, Topic There
w ill be. an Illustrated lecture on
tobacco; particularly the cigar
ette evil. In the W.C.T.U. hall.
Commercial and- Ferry streets, to
night at 7i30 p.m. E. F. AtCn
ley, superintendent of the Anti
Cigarette league of Oregon, will
be the speaker. Admission is
. 1. .. ,r . r l - mm t ...
-ik-s uut emer oiieruiK win oe
taken at the close. The public
i invited to see these pictures
showing the harmful effects of
tobacco on the human body. '
Janz Kiwnni s Speaker Lyle
L. Janz. manager, of the Port
land Better Business bureau, will
address' the Salem Ki wants club
at its luncheon today on . ''How
the Slickers Defraud the Public
Mr. Janz was to speak February
2 but was unable to get to Sa
lem because of the big snow
- Board Meets Tonight Little
important business, but a welter
of odds and ends which have ac
cumulated In the three . weeks
since the last meeting, will -oc
cupy the Salem school board when
it meets In the school administra-.
-ton building at 8 o'clock tonight.
. Johnson
. Elmer O. Johnson, at a local
hospital February 27. at the age
of .21 years.' Late resident of 180
South 12th street. Survived by
widow. Beatrice Johnson of Sa
lem ; parents, , Mr. and Mrs. F. O.
Johnson Of Salem; two brothers.
Earl and Frank Johnson, both of
Salem; ; sister, Mrs. Myrtle Mc
Donald of Portland; grandmother;
Mrs. "Mary Sim pf Salem. Several
aunts and uncles. -Funeral services
will be held from the Clough-Bar-d
rick chapel on. Wednesday, March
3. at 2 p. m. Interment I. O. O. F.
cemetery Dr. W. C. Kantner officiating.-
'- " -. ' Kirk
William Elwood Kirk, aged 68
years, at the residence. 1450 State
street. February 27. Survived by
wido. Iva Howard Kirk, and the
;foIlpTpg sisters, MIsa Viola Kirk
of San "Diego, Mrs. D. W. Lynch
of Delaware and Mrs. Joseph Gif
ford of Maryland. Funeral servi
ces! at 1:30 Tuesday, March 2, In
cjiarge of W. T. Rigdon Co., with
-Dr. James E. Milllgan. Dr. Brace
R. Baxter. Dr. T. J. Matthewa and
Prof. Ernest C. Richards officiat
tng.;The body will lie la state Mon
day j from 4 until 7- o'clock' and
Tuesday from 10 until 13 noon.
Final disposition will be In the
I .Broyles '
At the residence, 478 North
Cottage street, February 28, Laura
Jas Broyles, aged 75 years. Wife
of James R. Broylea; mother of
Mrst; Mabel Newcombe and Miss
Bertha Broyles of Portland, and
Miss Georgia Broyles of Salem;
sister of Mra. Margaret Marthaler
of Fairfield; grandmother or J.
Robert Newcombe of Portland;
Fuparal services Tuesday, March
Z. at 3:15 p.m., in the chapel of
thejiW. T. Rigdon Co., wfrh Dr.
Graver C. Birtchet officiating. In
te rove at City View cemetery.
When Others Fall
Chinese Herbs
f Healing virtue
has been teated
hundreds years.
for chronic aiR
meats, nose,
throat, sinusitis,
catarrh, ears.
a. 8. raa
lungs, .asthma, chronic cough,
'stomach, gall stones, " colitis,
constipation, diabetis, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood aerres,
neuralgia rbnimatUm, Uigt
blood preasure, gland, skin
sores, male, remale and chil
dren disorders.
S. B. Fong. years' practice
In Chi a a. Herb Specialist.
123 N. Commercial 8U, Salem.
Ore. Office hours 9 to a p. m.
Kunday and Wed. 9, to 10 a.m.
Wilcox Honored Vernon Wil
cox of Salem, graduate of the i
Baker- high school, now major
ing in speech at Brlgham Young
university, was accepted as a
member of the Gold ', under
class service fraternity, with six
other students at a recent pledge
meeting of the members. The or
ganization has been invited- to
join the !? Intercolle glate
Knights,", national service fra
ternity for freshmen and sopho
mores. A member of the Mask
club, also of Theta Alph Phi sd
of the Viking: social unit, Mr.
Wilcox has become recognlxed at
B.Y.U. as a most active under
classman, i ! t
V: ' - I
Health Program The Marion
county public health association
will present, a program at Leslie
junior high I school Wednesday
morning at 10:30 o'clock, when
Mrs. George R; K. Moorhead.
secretary of "the association, will
give a talk and will show the
film, "Behind the Shadows."
Showing of this health film and
the .health program sponsored
by the association ure made pos
sible through funds derived from
the Christmas seal sale in this
county. i .
Prompt del.! Dry wood. Tel. 5000.
To Attend Banquet A large
delegation of: Marlon county dem
ocrats is expected to go to Port
land Thursday nightto attend the
party'sritttory banquet to be held
at the Portland hotel, John Mar
shall, county central committee
chairman, said yesterday. The
delegation will include democrat
ic state officials. Sheluff A. C.
Burk plans to take an automobile
load of party members to .the
affair. : y
. . - v
Rain Spoils Skiing Rain in
the Silver Falls district spoiled
skiing conditions Sunday after
noon - although snow remained
alongside roads where it had been
heaped by plows and on sheltered
hill slopes. About a foot of snow
lay on the ; elevation north of
"Drake's crossing.
lo isit Tillamook A num
ber of members of the Salem Ki
warns club are planning to at-
.tend the "birthday anniversary"
party of the Tillamook" club in
that city Wednesday night. The
local club is planning -to provide
a stunt for the program.
Burkhalter Rites Today Mrs
E. G. Gritton of Salem has re
ceived word ' of the death of her
father. 'A. i Burkhalter, Sunday
morning. Mr. Burkhalter was a
resident of Corvallis. Funeral
services wfll be held this after
noon at Eugene.
French to Speak -CrT. French
will be the speaker at the meet
ing of Townsend club No. 3 to
night at the Bungalow Christian
church, 17th and Court streets
His topic will be "The Recovery
Measure. '
Play Slated Tonight The
play "The Promoters," previous
ly, postponed because of the flu,
will be given by the young peo
ple of the Knight Memorial
church tonight at 7:45 o'clock in
the social r,oom of the church
Panhandling Hit Authorities
arrested four men, all giving
Frederick, ' Okla., as their ad
dresses, over the weekend . for
"panhandling" on the streets.
They gave the names of. J. D.
Gray.F. E. Gray, A. G. Baird and
J. E. Johnson. '
, Beer Permit Ok'ehed The
eountycourt yesterday endorsed
the application of C. B. and Claire
Ellsworin for a beer license on
their location at the corner of the
Salem-Champoeg and Wheatland
ferry roads.
Slate Style Revue The Clarion
Easter parade, a style rerne spon
sored by the Salem high student
newspaper, ! will be held in the
high school auditorium during
the activity period Friday after
noon. Constable Reports Constable
Earl. Adams reported yesterday
he had turned over $110.02 to
the - county i treasurer aa receipts
in the form of service, and mile
age fees collected by him during
February. i
Unity CUh to Meet The Uni
ty class will meet at 415 State
street Wednesday night. The top
ic will be "True Trust and False."
Miss Olive ' Stevens Is In charge.
All are welcome.
- Poultry Meet Slated The Ore
gon Poultry Theft Prevention as
sociation will meet Wednesday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the
chamber of commerce here.
Fine Alarm The Salem fire
department sent equipment to ex
tinguish' a chimney fire at 1270
North loth yesterday morning.
Professor in Mining at
College Get Appointment
CORVALLIS, . March 1 Prof.
James T. Batcheller, head of the
mining engineering department,
recently was appointed district
councellor of the American Min
ing Metallurgical society for a
four-year team. The district in
cludes Oregon, Washington. Ida
ho. Montana, British Columbia
and Alaska.
Elliott To Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Claire Elliott. 435 North Winter,
a son, Jeffry Dennis, born Febru
ary 21 at the Salem General hos
-pital. !.,-!.
- Cntsforth To Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Hector Cutsforth, Silver
ton, a daughter, Mary Joan, born
February at the Bungalow ma
ternity home. .
- De l'oe To Mr. and . Mrs. De
Yoe, 437 South Liberty, a son
born February. 25 at Vthe Dea
coness hospital- . )
Nd Net Sf noatalr pais and dcAkr dua to
olda, netvota otrmin, cxpoanire or uatiar cauHa.
Chi-cho-ten Lharaood Bnuid PUta an effective.
reliable ande v Uaick MiM. Dota ay
all dnmvta fov over Uran. AMM
. ji
Births -
McKay Damage
Award Fought
Motion for Disqualifying
Of Counter-Claim Is
Filed Here Monday
The jury Terdict which awarded
Douglas McKay, Inc 222.63
counter-damages in the circuit
court case of Ringwald vs. Mc
Kay and Dean! R. Adams Saturday
was attacked in a motion filed
here yesterday by Lawrence Oster
man as attorney for the plaintiff.
The motion admits the correct
ness of the general verdict for
both defendants but contends that
Adams, driver, of the. McKay auto
mobile Involved in the accident
over which the suit arose.) was
shown to havtr been' negligent
along with the plaintiff and that.
therefore, neither defendant is
eligible to recover damages.
The second accident case on the
law docket. Freeman vs. Camp
bell, was opened before e Jury
yesterday with the prospect it
would continue until Wednesday
noon. " ;
Receiving word that the 310.
460 accident damage suit of Sny
der vs. Lee, third on the docket,
was being settled out of court, the
clerk advised attorneys In the case
of city vs. Doughty to be ready
for trial Wednesday. The case Is
one on appeal from the Salem
municipal court. " ,
Circuit Judge L. G. Le welling
will be here today for his regular
motion day. He is expected' to
hand down several decisions this
morning and to hear default di
vorce cases this afternoon. a
Circuit Court
. Esther G. Patterson vs. Dwight
L. Patterson; default divorce de
cree for plaintiff. : :
Ethna E. Watson vs. Karl G,
Becke and Paul R. Hendricks;
suit for 5000 general and $200
special damages for Injuries al
leged suffered by plaintiff in fall
down stairs In apartment house
owned by defendants.
Travelers Insurance company
vs. Ruby Pierce et al; sheriff's re
turn on foreclosure sale showing
property sold to plaintiff for sat
isfaction of judgment in sum of
Probate Court
Fletcher E. Rape estate; order
admitting will, naming First Na
tional Bank of Portland adminis
trator with will annexed, Fred J.
Miller, H. M. Austin and S. A.
Hoefer appraisers.-
Thomas L. Williams estate; or
der authorising Winston Williams,
administrator, to i sell 125 shares
of stocky
Marie Poulsen guardianship; ap
praisal, S4520.24, by H. V. Comp
ton, Esther Alrlck and Mina Ott.
-Marriage Licenses
Howard Jones, legal, laborer,
Hubbard, and Mary E. Hartzler,
. legal,' housekeeper, Hubbard.
Antone Englehart, legal, farm
er. Gervais. and Isadora Engle
hart, legal, housekeeper, West
Justice Court
Roy E. Smith, found guilty,
reckless driving; fined $25.
T. H. Cook, plea of guilty, un
lawful sale of three beaver pelts;
case continued 30 days for sen
tence; released on own recog
nizance. Jake Roeszler, fined $2.50 each
on charges of driving without op
erator's license and operating car
with defective brakes
C. B. Bouck vs. William Hunt
ley, forcible "entry and detainer
action; trial I to open at 4 p. m
h today. ' i f . 1
-Municipal Court
E. Li. Godrey, fail to stop at a
stop sign, $2.50.
Ed Wilson, drunk, ten day jail
sentence suspended, six months
T. G. Baird, vagrancy, SO day
jail sentence, suspended, to leave
- E. E. Grey, vagrancy, 30 day
jail sentence suspended, to leave-
James D. Grey, vagrancy, $0 day
jail sentence suspended, to leave
James E.
Johnson, vagrancy.
30 day jail
sentence suspended,
to leave town. :
Joe Eaton j drunk, $10 ball for
feited. . ,
E. J. Keller, drunk, $10 bail
J. L. Seigmund. fall to stop.
fined $2.50.
LeRoy Hein, fail to stop, $2.50
ban rorreitea
Harold E. Davis, fall to stop.
$2.50 ball forfeited
Frances D. Phillips, violation
of basic rule. $5 ball forfeited.
Arlo J. pugh, fail to stop.
$2.50 bail forfeited.
Raymond S. Hlatt, fail to stop
$2.50 ball forfeited.
Gny B. Fagg, turning in mid
dle of block, fined $1.
William B. Hurdey, fan to
stop, fined $2.50.
Edward KanwLsher; violation
of basic rule, fined $5
F. O. Hershfelt, violation of;
basic rule, fined $5.
Harry Lar rimer, fail to stop
lined. $2.50
James Williams, drunk. 30 day
jail s e n t e n c e . suspended, six
months probation.
Ted Fox,! drank, 30 day Jah
sentence suspended, one year
Still Coiighing?
Ko matter how many mtviiHnff
yon have tried for your cough, chest
cold or 'bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with, creomulslon.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot-afford to take a rhm
with anything less than Creomul
slon. which goes right .to the seat
of the troubla to aid nature to
soothe and beat the inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm.
Is loosened and expelled. rT
Even Jl other remedies hare
railed, oonT be discouraged, your
druggist Is authorized to guarantee
Creomulslon ' and to refund your
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle.
Get Creomntelon right now, (Advj
Sit Down Pals and Make Yourselves at Home
Employes of the Douglas Aircraft
strike' are shown waving a cheering farewell to those who did.
was ended when the 843 who remained In the plant submitted to
to, enter pleas to the trespass
Basis of Federal
Grant Is Changed
The basis of federal participa
tion on public works projects has
been altered, according to mior
mation received yesterday from
Senator McNary. Inatead , of a
straight grant of 46 per cent as on
former PWA enterprises the new
plan, as outlined by Secretary
Ickes. Is for the federal govern-
Lment to pay all. the wages of la
bor on approved projects, where
the men are taken from the relief
rolls.-plus 15 per cent. The max
imum allotment is 45 per cent of
the total cost. Under this plan ho
contribution is made for mater
ials or other labor.
This ruling would affect pro
jects like new state buildings but
not projects already n under way.
such as the new state capitol. The
Marion county courthouse would
also be affected by the new regu
lation, which ' is general In cnar
Fox Accepts Call
To First Baptist
Rev. Irving A. Fox of Freeport,
111., called early last month as
pastor of the First Baptist church
here, has accepted the call and
will arrive here to assume his
charge May 2, the congregation
was informed in a wire from Rev.
Fox read at the church, services
Sunday morning.
Rev. Fox conducted a series of
special meetings at the local
church from February 12 to 27.
and was greatly pleased with re
sults of the meetings and with his
contact with the members.
Rev Fox resigns pastorate of
the Freeport Baptist, church.
where he has been for nearly 12
years. Prior to going to Freeport
he was for eight years pastor of
the Baptist church at Decatur, 111
Miss Lena Gobely
Reported Missing
No trace had been found last
night of Lena Gobely, 50-year-old
woman who' disappeared from her
home at 645 South 25th street
yesterday morning. '
Miss Gobely's absence was dis
covered by her brother, Charles
Gobely, janitor at Richmond
school, when he became worried
about her I and returned to tne
house during the morning. She
had lately been ill with influenza.
Police searched for her yester
day afternoon. ,
Alice S. Eppley's
Estate Appraised
The estate of the iate Alice S.
Eppley is worth $$2,140.97, ac
cording to an appraisal filed In
probate court yesterday by A. W.
Smlther. W. S. Walton and Esther
Alrlck. The inventory lists an un
divided interest in the C. M. Ep
pley company store at 19th and
State streets at $3500 and
-the site of the store and Eppley
residence at $6000. Personal prop
erty Is appraised at $27,140,97 in
The executors, Charles Eppley
and Hortense Eppley Smith, were
granted an order for the sale of
all personal property for the pur
pose of paying claims and making
distribution as provided for in the
first say
Unnii, Tablets
SmlT. Mom Dro
Try "
Wrl4a Beat
Natural remedies I
for disorders of liv-
skin. and urinary
system of men and
women. Remedies
for constipation,
asthma, arthritis,
sugar diabetes and
rheumatism. T. T. XAlt
SO years In busi- HD
ness. .Naturopathic ' i-
plirsicians. 30314 Court St.
Corner Liberty Of
fice open Saturdays
and Tuesdays only,
10 A. M. to 1 P. Mn
6 P. M. to 7. Con
sultation Blood
pressure and urine
:'di 3ha "
M. D. charge.
company at Santa Monica, who did
cnarges early this week -International Illustrated aews photo.
Comyig Events
March 11 Spring open
ing. Mju-ch 17-20 State bas
ketball tournament. Willam
ette university gymnasium.
Division of Truck
Work Now Sought
Protest that county work was
not being distributed evenly
among truck owners in1 the county
was registered before the county
court yesterday by R.' W. Skopil.
who said he represented seven
truck owners. Operations of a
contractor named Rigdon. who
supplied rock in the north end of
the county from a cfuarry in
Clackamas coanty were especially
objected to.
Court members declared ' they
had attempted to conduct road
operations for the benefit of local
truck owners -and' had even made
work for them during bad times.
Hiring, It was pointed out, was
left to the engineer end foremen
with the expectation the men most
capable and closest to the Jobs
would be employed. In regard to
the Rigdon contract, it was stated
that Rigdon. whose quarry "
the only available rock source
had refused to take the contract
unless he could employ bis own
men, who were understood to lire
in Marion county. J
. . -
Missing Convicts f
Sought, Portland
Penitentiary guards went to
Portland Monday to assist offl
cers there In searching for Jack
Young. 25, and Claude. Twlgger.
30, who escaped from 'tne prison
here yesterday morning.
The truck in which the con
victs made their escape was found
in Portland Sunday night fnd was
returned to the institufon yes
terday. j
Both "men were ''serving terms
from Multnomah county and had
been trusties for two years.
Warden Lewis said Young had
a number of friends in the Alblna
district and probably was in hid
ing there. -
1 'Kv'. ' i :K i .' : "!; i' fill :.-.v. V
not participate In the alt-down
The sit-down feature of the strike
arrest without disorder. They Were
Reimann Gardens
To Be Develop
30-Acre Subdivision Will
Be Opened Saturday
Plan Open House
. Development of Reimann Gar
dens, a 30-acre subdivision locat
ed 2tt miles from the north Sa
lem city limits, will be officially
started Saturday of this ireek,
with first lots available on! that
date. Rich- L. Reimann, realtor
and owner, announced yesterday.
"Open house" at the tracts will
be held Saturday of this ' week
with the public invited to' idrfve
n to
out and view the gardens.
The tracts are located 'In
choice- site a short distance
the Portland highway on the sec
end road to the right past the
Hayesville achoolhouse. 1 !
v With demand for Salem! sab-
urban tracts lively now; Reimann
believes it will not take buyers
long to take up the entire! sub
division. , ; J
Electricity and gas are .avail
able, and some of the tracts! have
fine fruit trees,' he says.
Reimann's salesmen, E. D
ter and E. A. Morrison, are
elated with him in showing the
properties. .
County May Gain
newnock 5upp
. The county court may f btaln
a much-desired source pf crashed
rock for roads in the easterk end
of the county as a result of k con
ference members had ! yesterday
with Louis DeSantis, $traWbe)Ty
grower in the Silver creek sec
tion. County Engineer; Huljbs! is
to examine rock deposits avail
able on the DeSantis jplace.
Charles Hoyt would operate .the
quarry to supply both the County
and commercial users and pdsslbly
the federal government, j j
DeSantis said he had a j lease
from the national park teervfce for
the Silver i Falls recreation area
development but had net yet been
called upon to furnish any! rock.
He has additional deposits; upon
which the county could draw, j
! - - - , - ' ; " ' .
- ' i
Serrieca at Hopewell for
Prominent W. U. Grad,
Publisher's Wife
' MARSHFIELD. Ore., March 1.
(ff) FlnaJL. rites will be held here
tomorrow tor Mrs. Charles T.
Nunn, 34, wife of the publisher
of the Southwestern Oregon News,
who died in a North Bend hos
pital' last night.
Mra.i Nunn was the daughter of
Dr. and! Mrs. Jasper L. Hewitt, Es-
tacadaJ jShe was born in Portland
June 30; 1903. She was active in
civic affairs here and recently was
president of the local unit
American Association of
Ity tWoinen.
of the
V i- II
Funeral services for Mrs. Nunn
will be held at the Hopewell com
munity j church Wednesday, after
noon at. 2 o'clockln addition to
the jMarshfleld services today,
friends j of the Nunn family here
reported'." they had been advised.
Interment will be in the family
plot i at Hopewell. Rev. Fred. C.
Taylor; formerly of Salem, will
-' Mrs j Nunn, whose maiden name
was Ruth Hewitt, .was prominent
in campus activities at Willam
ette ! university, from which she
was graduated in 1926, She was
a member of the Beta Chi sorority.
She : was married in 129 lo Mr.
Nunn, who is a son of Mrs. J. J.
Nunn. of Salem.
Contest Tonight
- v A
r NInej Future Farmer speakers
will compete In the high school
auditorium tonight fot the right
to represent the Salem high chap
ter in! the district Future Farmer
public! speaking contest to be held
at ! Albany Friday.
i Four cash prizes, donated 'by
the three local banks, will be
awarded the top-four speakers in
tonight's contest, which will open
at; 7:45 o'clock. :v
jfjThe nine contestants are the
survivors of a field of 2.1 which
entered a preliminary contest last
Friday Judges tonight , will be
Margaret Bnrroughs and Nor
bourne Berkeley of the high
school; English department and
Maurice Buchanan, assistant state
superintendent of agriculture.
About 28 members of the local
chapter will go to Albany Friday
to take part In crop and poultry
judging contests held In conjunc
tion with the public speaking contest--
VM hi MUi I
ssssssssWi- m ihai sBssaassssBBBSassasssissBBaSkaasaw-
i MDrrsourui biusmless suavx
mttm cttciaity ta piUt tltm iliin
-Imtrtl . THt Mrt MBtiUn r tkia tUc
"o T mat lite tL It mrnt tua ram
Mh if Mt. tm4 rmwty carta tatf tuka
w aanatutaai Cpy. wickfta, Kaaw
house .
doughs .
he got ij
lo BUY,
you can
less cost
j (fcBPEDU
; f Ta wfckly relieve 11 '
j ! chavpisrf aad robjses.
Si coh MeHwJai j
Abrams Chairman,
Gtop Enrollment
annual Vancouver Outin
Quota for County Is
29, Announcement
Col. Carle Abrams of Salem ;
as oeen appointed oj fairica
Bacon; state aide for the Military-
raining Camps association.- as
hairman -of the committee- for
larion county in connection with,
nrollment of applicants for the
M.T.C. camp to be held at Van-
buver barracks. Wash., July 1
o 30.- . -
Dr. J. O. Van Winkle of Jeffer-
on. Dr. B. F. Gelsy or Aurora.
br. "Edward Sahoor of Hubbard,
Dr.. L. A.: Sleeves of Salem.. Dr.
J, McCannell of Silverton and
r. Gerald B. Smith or Woodburn
ve volunteered to assist In the
ampaign by - conducting prelim-
nary physical examinations of the
ys who apply to go to camp.
Marion county has been allotted
m a K T ,1.1-
s not nnea by -iiay zv. tne re-
aining portion will be allotted
o.-countles which have over-sub-
crlbed their quotas. r
Among boys who hare already
nnlied from Marion county are
Edgar R.LHusted of Jefferson.'
jCuentin C. Ruecker and Delbert
McDonough of Salem and
oyd E. Francis of Gervais. '
Information and application
lanks can be obtained f rom the
county chairman, " the examining
physicians. -or by writing direct
to the C.M.T.C. officer, Vancou
ver barracks. Wash. 'J
Kta twiea wita
3 Bajrtr taklata
diantrwl la M St
I water, i '
Quick Relief with
2Bayer Aspirin Tablets
The modern way to esse a cold is
this: Two Bayer Aspirin tablets the
moment you feel a cold coming on..
Repeat, if necessary, in two hours. If
you also have a sore, throat due to
the cold, dissolve 3 Bayer tablets ia
H glass of water and gargle with this
am it r a tr: 11a v a uuu ' w uu
internally will act to combat fever,
aches, pains'which usually accompany
a cold. The gargle will provide almost
instant relief from soreness and raw
ness of your throat. Your doctor, wo
feel sure, i will approve this modern
way. Ask: your druggist for genuine,
Bayer Aspirin by its full name not
by the name "aspirin alone.'
worn .
Virtually lc Tb!t
DoThis I
For a
I . ;X. ! Tbfca 1 Bar
' V ' Aapiria MM
V ft witk a fa ctaa at
vM?7 wattr at ant
If throat is , j I
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